16 YOB Can Find the Honsc_or Apartment You Wan^Srjs^c°qassifl£7^' DOST AND FOUND $5.00 REWARD For the small gold pin with letters H. H. S.-1S on and in tials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at Tech Com mencement dance at \\ ilia Villa on June 13, if returned to the office of HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LOST—On July 1" or 18. small, black, hard rubber tatting shutUe. with small sample of tatting attached Valued for association omj. Kewara if returned. Communicate with box A-5440. .. LOST—A gold fraternity pin with P. B. Banks, State '22, engraved on back. Reward if returned to this oitice. INSTRUCTIONS Private Instruction by Expert In Bookkeeping Higher A'c'cg and C. P, L^- Ex Modern American Law- Traffic Regulations and Managemen Salesmanship- Distinctly individual ln s*r"cUon at a j minimum of time ana expense. Post tions secured for graduates and ad , vanced students. Yl rite " . j in i free booklet on training intereted in. , rt. A. WARNER. M- S.. e *' Bt h ' Bell 4940-W 2b N 18th .t. j IVSTIII CTIOXS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Shorthand, Typewriting. DnsUah. Bookkeeping, Y p -manshiP. T OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4U16. t ir<T BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. lhas. R. bcckie. FOR Instruction in elementary or , advanced mathematics or , ?Srmerly see Miller, 306 Chestnut st.. formerly Instructor at U. a. Naval Academy HELP WANTED —MALE I SPECLVL OPPORTUNITIES FOR I MEN OF PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 45. Weight 140 pounds or more. MUST BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. No Experience Necessary. No Labor Trouble. Apply In person or communl- ' rate at once with Factoory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRF. AND RUB BER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. PRINTING SALESMAN WANTED Young man for position in sales end of well establish ed and complete printing plant, one with experience preferred. Big chances for future career. Write, stating experience, if any. and give full details. All communica tions will be held in strict est confidence. Address Box M-8492, Care Harrisburg Telegraph WANTED Men 'o learn to repair auto , mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, SSO. Call, or write. 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS, 260 South Front Street. Steelton. Pa. . MECHANIC Wanted, must be expert. Apply M. Brenner & Sons Motor Company. Third and Hamilton Streets. WANTED At once competent stock and shipping clerk; experience necessary; A 1 references and bond ie-j rtquired. Apply, W. AND H WALKER, 114 SOUTH SECOND STREET. MAN w anted to work on a truck I farm; must have experience on a; farm or truck farm, good pay and l steady work year around. Apply W.; J. Schubauer, Front and Reel's Lane, Harrisburg. BLACKSMITH All-round man wanted, good wag's to risht party. 227 South Cameron street, opposite Bell Telephone building. WANTED—Day laborers. Apply to j El. B Mitchell, Beaufort Farms, near! Rockville Bell phone 9965-R2. i POSITION wanted. Gentleman law; student desires to enter law office in | Harrisbuig Have just returned from Franco: two years' training previous! to going overseas; graduate business, col.oge. can do any kind of clerical work. Address B-X. care Telegraph WANTED—First class barber. Apply Bclton House Barber Shop. (Continued in Next Column) < \ FOR SALE 4 Modern Low-Priced Brick Houses No* 2213. 2215, 2241 and 2243 Logan Street 2 46-story dwellings; 8 rooms and bath each; furnace heat, gas light front and back porches; slate ! roof; paved street; grass plots very desirable. Lota 14x90 ft. each running to a 10 ft. alley. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COL'ItT STS. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Member. llbg. Reul Estate Board THURSDA'Y EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE * WANTED AT ONCE Five Layers-out. 80c per hour on Structural Work Must understand drawings. Apply ! STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ! THIRD AND NORTH STS. j .. CARPENTERS BORING MILL MEN GENERAL REPAIRMEN SHEET METAL WORKERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS Permanent work assured. No labor trouble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. Phy sical examination required, j Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factorv 1 Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB BER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. BRICKLAYERS UNION REQUIRED ON BUILDING OPERATION MILTON, PA. RATE $7.00 PER DAY. TRANSPORTATION ALLOWED. TURNER CONSTRUCTION CO., MILTON. PENNA I . WANTED \ Freight truckers and freight handlers at P R R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg. I Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division streets. WANTED . Car repairmen at P. R R shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Luck now and Enola. WANTED—Two tinners. Apply 37 1 North 13th street. Harrisburg, Pa. PLUMBERS' laborer wanted. Ap- I ply 1001 Capital street. Fisher Bros : McClure. SHOEMAKER wanted at once; good ! steady job; will pay highest wages in ' city. Apply J. Gordon. 1820 N. Third | street. THE SIMPLEX starts your Ford! from the seat: each one guaranteed; l the only successful starter made, sl3 or $17.50 installed; agents with a Ford |car wanted. Come and see me. it will ! pay you Always home Saturdays. C ! ; A. Ostrander. Avoca, N. Y. WANTED—DROP FORGE HAM MBR.M'KN AND DIE SINKERS WITH; EXPERIENCE. BEST WAGES. AD-i DRESS GENERAL DROP FORGE CO.. INC.. BUFFALO. N. Y. ; WANTED—County managers, men who have A 1 reference, must have; bond, permanent position, not a soft' snap, l eal salary and expenses, no! coin., contract. Address, Pen-Del Sales Company. Northumberland. Pa. WANTED—Experienced serving ma-i chine adjusters, one who has had ex perience on different make machines. Apply Shearer Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton street. I' (Continued in Next Column) I HELP WANTED—S>IALE I SALES manager wanted by an Erie. Pa., manufacturer. A man of ability: 1 financially responsible to appoint I subagents on a new, guaranteed i household specialty. Position will pay ! so.ooo to SIO,OOO the first year, de pending on ability. Call Mr. Marz at I once at the Metropolitan Hotel. I LABORERS wanted. Apply Paxtang ! Quarries. Paxtang, Pa. TINNER wanted at once. Apply ICOI Capital st. Fisher Bros. & Mc- Clure. RAILWAY mail clerks. Hundreds wanted. $l,lOO-81.500. Age 18-35. Ex . perionee unnecessary. Examinations j everywhere. August 23. For free par ticulars. write Raymond Terry, (Corm ier government examiner). 51s Contin jontal lfldg.. Washington. 11EL1' WANTED—IKMAI.c WANTED Operators on plain sewing machines; also a few on union special felling and sleeving machines; learners paid while under instruction; also a bonus paid every week. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO. City Star Laundry Bldgi. j Sixth and Herr Sts. I _J KNITTERS and crocheters. Women proficient In both branches to teach yarn work in department stores. Must bo aggressive, able to talk well and willing to travel. Good salary and expenses. Address Box F-5494 care Cz 1 WANTED—GirI or woman for gen eral housework In small private family, living near Second and Reiiy, sts. Bell phone 125 or Dial 4016. WANTED—Experienced bookkeeo- ' er and stenographer; A 1 references required. Apply W. and H. Walker ; Co.. 114 South Second st. V ANTED—A young ladv to clerk in confectionery store. Apply Lampzs, 414 Maiket st. WANTED—GirI for general house work. Apply 917 N. 17th st. WANTED—Housekeeper. Apply Mrs j Samuel Fishman, 28 X. 19th street. WANTED Experienced waitress no others need apply. Apply 013! Market St. TWO bright, attractive girls be tween the ages of 12 and 20 to pose 101 photographs to be used in kodak • advertising:. Apply by letter only. . state height, weight, age and enc.ose pinto. All photos will be returned promptly Addre.-s The Photo Art Jrhop, p.ox 13, Hill Station. i OPERATORS OX UNION SPECIAL 1 Felhns and Sleeving: Machines. July 3rd we paid 10 per cent, extra bonu* on six months' earnings, making 4t) per cent, bonus paid • this year. JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO.. 2012 N. Fourth Street. WE have a few positions open for ; women. $8 to start. Sanitary Family [Washing Co.. ltith and Elm sts. WANTED—Lady canvassers to han- ! die our line of sanitary twisted wire 1 ; brushes, mops and dusters. Apply 1 Francis Mfg. Co.. 2 N. loth st. i ; : WANTED—MiddIe aged white worn- ' an for general housework. Apply IS2.': North Second street. I WANTED —Opeiaiors on sewing ' machine. Steady work: good wage. | Apply Shearer Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton i street. I -l HELP W ANTED—MaIe and Female ! STORIES, articles, poems wanteu j for publication in new magazine. We; ' pay cash on acceptance. Submit mss. ; Ito National Magazine, Desk 315,: Washington, D. C. AGENTS WANTED AGENT—To sell portable fireproof; steel garages, cottages, factory and .farm buildings, moving picture halls: ! any size; give references. Manufactur ing Stove Repair Co.. Inc.. Hagers ] town, Md. AGENTS wanted for Dauphin Cumberland, Perry and Lebanon coun ties. to sell an article everybody uses, p. O Box 32. Highspire, Pa. • —————————- j SALESMEN WANTED j- GOOD salesman who owns an auto- i mobile and is familiar with garage and filling station trade to sell GUAR ANTEE VISIBLE GASOLINE PUMPS The only power driven "Visible" ap proved by National Fire Underwriters „m 1 having means of accurate me ichanical measurement. Exclusive rignt! territory. Guarantee Visible Measure Sales Company, 557 Munsey Building, Washington. D. C. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED —Position as truck driver! by a young man who has had two vears' experience, can do own repair- i ins: furn.sh best of reference. Apply at 15h9 Vernon st. OFFICE WORK—Married man aged 1 33. experienced, desires permanent position in general office work; good penman, well educated and can readilv \ adapt himself to new conditions. Ad dress G-100 care Telegraph. YOUNG colored man would like a j place as house man. Address 4 Sher man Row. City. COLORED man desires work as I chauffeur. Can do minor repairing. Ap- i ply 109% Adams St.. Steelton. MAN 50 years old desires work as ! shipping clerk, especially good on parcel pest. Apply 27 West Keller st.. I [ Mecliar.i'-sburg, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMA'LE WANTED Bundle washing or; small washes to do at home; do not call for or deliver. Dial 6964. MIDDLE aged woman desires up- ! stairs wcrk or housekeeping; can give' reference. Address L-8447 care Tele-1 graph. | COLORED woman wants washing i and ironing to do at home. Call or j write 348 S. Cameron st. i_—:— WANTED —Position as bookkeeper ! with knowledge of typewriting by I < lady Call Bell 1342-J. 6 " y j WOMAN wishes day's work or! washing and ironing to take home. ' Apply 1204 N. Cameron street. j REFINED colored girl, light com plexion wishes work in doctor's or dentist's office or other public work. A-8444 care Telegraph. WOMAN desires genera! housework I can furnish reference. Apply A-8436. 'j YOUNG girl would like to assist! In house work. Apply 706 N. 7th st. J: (Continued In Next Column) j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH i H MANY WORTH-WHILE PEO- [J:. PLE live in furnished rooms. If you Hj can offer a desirable one you can find a pjsj tenant who will be glad to pay well Uso for it. Such added income may be Ly very welcome, too, in these days of high prices. Tell what you have to rent in a classified ad. The rest should be easv. For there's an active de ,g ' mand -' m B Hi 1 I m ' jS; f a| ij nil ii 111 'S' SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe | | REFINED middle aged lady desires' position as housekeeper or matron in I small family, or as nurse for aged I llady or invalid. Would board in fam- i ily or at home, as desired. Best of references. Address. H-5441 care Telegraph. COLORED woman wants work of any kind. 146 Adams st.. Steelton. M OMAN wishes washing and iron- j iug to do at home. Inuqire 1813 Briggs : street. , YOUNG woman wants day work; no' washing. Address 21 South Thirteenth 1 street. DAY'S work by reliablJ and experi- j enced lady. Dial 4090. WOMAN would like to have wash ing and ironing at home. Plain or; fancy ironing Bell phone 4556. EXPERIENCED nurse desires posl- 1 tion: best of references. Call Bell ! phone 841-W. ROOMS roll RENT FOR RENT—Rooms for light house- | keeping, and roomers; all conven tiences. Inquire 335 Pine st.. Steelton.! FOR RENT—Light airy second fioor front room, well furnished; all eon-1 veniences. Call Bell 90-R or 117 Pine; street. FOR RENT—Desirable front an.! j back rooms; all conveniences; city! steam heat; very desirably located. Call Bell phone 1321-W. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment l for light housekeeping on first floor,' gas and use of bath. Inquire 327 S.| Front street. j ENTIRE third floor, consisting of | ■ two r.ict large furnished rooms and j bath with private family; most beauti- | jful section; all conveniences; use or telephone, or would rent single room, j j 515 N. 17th street. j FOR RENT —Three rooms for liht housekeeping. Inquire 1605 Susque ! hanna St. Dial phone 5143. ' e NiC ELY-FURNISH Ef ELDKOOM— i For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 91: I North Third street FOR RENT—Furnished room on l second fioor; all conveniences; not! water. Bell phone 466-R. Nicely furnished, clean, cool room.- S::.SU per week and up. 143 South Third street ROOMS WANTED ! WANTED Three unfurnished! rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing. with reasonable rent, in a quiet family, by two women. Adddess Box : B-5445 care Telegraph. WANTED—Three or four pleasant junfumsbed light housekeeping rooms or apartment. Three in family. Ad-i dress. 155 N. Market street. Eliza-1 ! bethtown. Pa. ROOM AND BOARD—FOR RENT : PLEASANT front rooms; furnished ! all conveniences; breakfast served If I desired. 1549 State street. Bell 5246 W. j FURNISHED room and board: three! j gentle men preferred: Hill section; a!! ! conveniences. Address D-8493 care ; Telegraph. i ——_____ ; APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' | ! FOR RENT —Furnished apartment during the month of August; four rooms and bath; all modern conven iences. Call betweem lu and 11 a. m.' or 7 to 8 p. m. G. Willard Hall, 312 N. ' Second st. FOR RENT—Apartment of two I large unfurnished communicating! rooms, one front, with three windows, also large hall; fine location; no chil- 1 dren. Call at 1506 State st. j FOR KENT —Three room apartment' ion second fioor with private bath. I ! Apply 73 N. 16th st. COMPLETELY furnished house- ! keeping apartment on first floor, use of phone. Address 719 N. Sixth st. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished ! rooms on the third floor for light! housekeeping, hot and cold water electric lights; use of bath; tine loca-! ;tion. inquire 22 N. 18th st. , | APARTMENTS WANTED : WANTED—Unfurnished apartment ! 3 or 4 rooms, with private bath, for a young couple with no children. A-8437. ! FURNISHED apartment wanted about August 15 or September I. Mutt be thoioughly up-to-date and in best ; neighboi hood, to consist of 4 or a i rooms, kitchen and bath, best of rcf-'. erences furnished. Write to Box 247 | Wayrdssboro, Pa. BOARD WANTED REFINED young couple desires' board on farm within street car dis-j ' tance of Harrisburg. A-5442 care To!-| [Cgraph. j | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—On Fifth St.. 2Vj-story; i brick, 7 rooms and bath, electric, gas, all conveniences, large lot. fruit trees. ; Possession soon as owner can vacate, j | On Third street. 2 44-story brick, 9j i rooms bath, steam heat, gas and elec- | Itric, fruit cellar, large lot. fruit trees; and garden. Possession soon after I | sale thereof. Price reasonable. I I ! On Green street. 2 44-story, stone and j ! stucco, 8 rooms and bath, hardwood! i finish, fireplace, water heat. ! Lewis street, new 2 44-story brick. 7 I i rooms and bath, steam heat, finished | in chesthut. up-to-date in every par- , ticular. will be completed In a few weeks, will sell on terms If desired. D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis street Bell phone 5065 R. ! (4 oil till tied In Next Column) | REAL ESTATE TOR SAJ.E 1 . "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SAN'DERLIN." lth?JA T ,?rv. T '~ ll3l, V ACANT; NEW;! Steam nillfc Jf 00ms and bath;' ! na lei; ; and e front; niaanine r, a 81 cel,le,u ceßar; a! 1,,," ho, ? e: Possession August .1. can be nought with ssuu cash. j !storv A IT, E .e ST ~'- 336 ' VACANT; two-; ivirfi > cottage, six rooms and lano . p,ONc ' ments; mce 'font I la f ' JUsl one-iourth ot i m., A"" 1 * lxth street trolley; no! .money down; v2o per month. j ST -—lß3l. VACANT; two-' ! b'ick cottage; six rooms and! bath, steam heat; gas and electricity;) iii...'' i t'e 1 1ar; nice front porch; cozy | iittic home; l'iynt price to quick buyer. ' i A PAHA ST.—ISSG; VACANT; two- j a hU-u-hu.U-tory traiue, seven looins! ana oatii; all improvements*, nice iron*, j porch: large yard with driveway in; I the rear; small amount down; bai i unce tame us rein. I | DERHY 5T.—2341, NEW; VACANT; I two-and-a-nult-atury uiick; *>i.\ rounio ana bath; hardwood doors; cement; j cellar; steam heat; gas and electric-i |lty; must be seen to be appreciated; can be bought with SSOO cash. I J.'NTEENTH AND PAXTON ■ ? NEW , VACANT; two-and-a*i il ali-stoiy stucco; six rooms and bath; | steam neat, gas and electricity; j : everything that goes to make up an up-to-date house; can be bought with l *oou cash. ' FULTON ST 1324, three-story frame, eight rooms; some im j pro Yemeni*, 111 the nicest block uu' I Fulton street; no money down; SJS i (per month. _ . D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1. security Trust Bldg.. 36 North Thild St. Bell 1390. Dial. 3573. FOR SALE POSSESSION SOON j ■ *lf you are looking for a nice, sub- ! I stantially built suburban home, with 1 plenty of ground, lruit and garden, in- ! | spect the Bixler property, located en j tiie northeast corner of Dickinson and Pr nceton avenue, Earligton, Camp Hill, Pa., two blocks from car lint, I single car fare from Harrisburg; 2 44- Isiory frame detached dwelling, size 131x31; stone foundation;; Shingle! roof; cemented cellar under entire! , house; all improvements; 3 large, I looms and reception hall on firsL j floor; (large kitchen); open stairway; 4 rooms and bath on second floor, an finished attic; good yellow pine floor- ; ing; cypress finish; hot water heating system; front porch 9x31; plot of! ground 120x120; granolithic walks; ! shade trees, garage for one car; two] [ chicken houses which wil accommo i date 500 chickens; 17 fruit trees (13 1 ] bearing the finest kind of fruit); vu-' riety of grapes; 1,500 strawberry j ■ plants; good reason for selling; in-! i spection by appointment only. 1 PRICE \ ERY REASONABLE at $5,150. I ! 'Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Belli 1700 AGENT. 3077J I HARRISBURG. PA. j BELLEVUE PARK "RESIDENCE FOR SALE PRICE SIO,OOO For interview address, RESIDENT. 526 Woodward Street, Reading, Pa. FOR SALE At attractive price to close estate, property No. 1922 Boas ; . street, two and I story, seven room, frame house, with electricity and gas; lot 94 feet more or less, by 110 feet, with well of ] water, fruit trees, ets. FOX & GEYER, Attorneys, Kunkel Building, , PRIVATE owner wRI dispose of I tract of land containing largest lime- I stone deposits in the State, situated \ on two large main line railroads di , rect route to Baltimore and tidewater! and Philadelphia and the Atlantic coast; 40 acres of solid bed of stone | front 2 to 4 feet from the surface;! crushed stone front premises approv-1 ed by Penna. State Highway Depart- • ment. Desire to sell, but will lease and manage operation for lessees if so desii fd. Address H. W.. care Tel-| egraph. j Harris Street 630 Three-story j i brick. 9 rooms, all Improvements, small ] I amount down; balance same as rent,, ' no questions as to race or nationality, j ■L> A- Sanderlin. 36 N. Third street iroom 1. Security Trust Bldg. Beii I; 1390. Dial 3573. ! an exceptional bargain in a ) ' home This property ia located • Elizabeth street, Highspire; sinizi,. i house, plot 100 foot front by i 25 | deep; improvements; most all k jn ot fruit; chicken house and garaai ! 14x50 Will sell for SI,OOO les*s tn in | what 11 1? worth; reason for filing i other business. . W. Reeves. <-ji 1 Market street. Highspire. Dial 9801. ' FOR SALE —112-114 Washington st. I 8 rooms ana bath; name; tin roof; aii ! conveniences; bargain. Apply iS( . , j Third street. ; FOR SALE —un easy terms. 2012 i to 2Ulo Susquehanna street. Apply A' | P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth. IMMEDIATE possession. 3-storv brick, 236 Hamilton St.. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1925 N. Sixth st. j SIXTEENTH near 'Boas, fine resi- ! dence. all improvements, price reason- ] able for such a property, lawns, i porches and drive allej'. D. A. Caley, ] 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. ] (Continued In Next Column) RICAL ESTATE FOR SALE | I ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS : o Violet St.. Nos. 533-34-35-36. Four ?T flames in fine condition. income S6O. Price around s>n,ooo. Kensington St. Nos. 2014-16. Two! 254-story frames with rear driveway. Rents $26. Quick price $2,500. Crescent St. Nos. 34 7 . 347 44 . 3 4 9.! line 3-story pressed bricks. Rental! income $96. Price around SIO,OOOI mark. South Ninth St. Nos. 1023 and Two 244-story frafnes with rental in'i come of s2l. Purchaser can assume I morteges of $1,500, give note for! S2OO. and take title for S2OO cash! down Price $1,900. Rear driveways. Exceptional bargain and arrange- j ment. ATTRACTIVE HOMES North Third St.. No. 2216. North Fifteenth St., No. 909. Whitehall st., No. ISSI. (Intersec tion of Regina). ! Zarker st.. No. 1423 . ' Muench st.. No. 630. Forrest st., No. 569. Emerald St., No. 626. Atlas St.. No. 2245. ' N. Nineteenth st.. No. 723. i N. Sixth st.. No.. 3358. ! N. Sixth st.. No. 1945. Fine business! j corner. SUBURBAN I Enola. Handsome 2 46-story frame ] dwelling with slate roof; steam heat; electricity; hot and cold water in cemented cellar; plot size, 62V4x250; ! fertile garden soil. Price low. Must ibe sold SOON. I Highspire and White Hill. We have several homes which should appeal i to the conservative liomeseeker. i BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. : (Harrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. I FOR SALE NEAR PENBROOK Nine-room brick house, new, slate ! roof, furnace, electric lighting, art.-- I isian well water, chicken house good] garden and fruit, with plot of ground | 150x170 feet. Easy terms. Price, $3,500. Look at this property if you want a i nice suburban home. 30 acres rt choice productive land' ; (240 building lots), scenic location, i close to Penbrook and trolley, will sell any number of acres at S4OO per acre. ! ! Also nine acres with 8-room frame] house, running water, best of soil for trucking, poultry, etc., price $3,500. | A 17-acre truck farm, 6-room house.' jbarn, chicken and hog house, 4,000] asparagus, 200 fruit trees. 146 acres strawberries, spring water, 2 miles west Enola. Price $2,750. A bargain 115-acre farm; black loam soil; 8-! room hc-use. new summer kitchen, bank barn, chicken house, hog house, garage, lots of fruit, location one mile west of West Fairview. Price SIOO per i acre. See ! I CHARLES DAVIES REAL ESTATE. FARMS. ETC., 154S State st., Harrisburg. Bell 5246 W. j 1 FOR SALE FEXBROOK-28THI STREET, One Block From Trolley. 2 46-story frame dwelling, lot 2Sx j ISO feet, barn and garage, chicken] house, good garden, fruit and shrub bery. Possession September 1. Bargain! ; price, $2,500. ,On Columbia Road. Enola, 2-story! frame house, improvements, lot 27x' 150. good garden, fruit. A bargain. ; Price $2,000. i ! Two corner properties on 16th st.. i city, all improvements and garage,; j $5,000 and $5,500. I Two double properties at Steelton ] 'on Pino and Locust st. all improve-] ments. Present rental S4O monthly. ■Price $5,000 each. I Double frame house State street, i 'Enola, ail improvements, large lot,. | price $1,600 . ] sec Charles Davies, Real Estate and ! Rents Collected. 1549 State street. I Bell 5216-W FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUS'E. I No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot 15 ft. 3 in by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM- | PANY. 222 Mrket Street. ' FACTORY SITE FOR SALE * With large building which can be remodeled; lot 100x150 feet; located on 11th street near Jluiberry. Price $16,000. For particulars see DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut Street. FOR SALE—2 46-story frame house; all improvements; paved street; lot 28x100; 2-story house on rear; good ! investment and paying over 25 per; ic> nt. Apply 2007 Swatara st. VERY DESIRABLE corner property I 'for sale, on State street; large brick I i house, with all most modern im- j i provements; brick garage on prop erty. Bell Realty Co., Bergner. Bidg. | HUMMEL ST.. 331 Three-story! ; brick house, with eight rooms and! bath, all other improvements, for sale. I Bell Realty Co. Bergner Bldg. | FOR SALE 1935 and 1937 State ! street, each with seven rooms; gas;' j electric light; long lot running to > 'Walnut street; price reduced. Belli !Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. DWELLING —$1,600 will purchase! I No. 114 Mary street; 8 rooms and! 'bath; gas; furnace; now vacant. Bell !Realty Co.. Bergner Bidg. ! FOR sale — 111 Hignspire. if you ere looking for a business that will net vou $3,000 to $5,000 a year at a real down bargain, see me at once; property including residence, store room. ice cream parlor, large pool room, only pool In town; reason for selling, would retire from business, w. J. Reeves, 224 Market St., High spire. Dial 9801 BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—292-294 Second street, I Highspire. A fine double house, all im- ' provements, will sell single or double. 1 If you are looking tor e. bargain see: this property before you buy. W. J. i Reeves. 224 Market street. Highspire. ] Dial 9801. My car Is at your service, i (Continued In Next Column) 1 JULY 24, 1919. j Real Estate For Sale—Suburban | FOR SALE—Large suburban home! ; near Camp Hill. V 4 acre land; all im provements; fruit chicken house,! etc.. will take city property in ex- ' change; easy terms. C. H. CORDKR, 1 <22 Green Street Bell Phone 560-J — | REAL ESTATE FOli RENT i FOR RENT—Open date at River- j | view cottage, Saturday. July 26 to l August 2. Only 20 minutes' ride from | city. Well furnished elegant River-! , ' t ' as °nable rent; cottage never idle; only date left open before Sep tember. Address Box H-5446, care ! I Telegraph. '|_ REAL ESTATE WANTED I I HAVE READY BUYERS for farm. ; ! pity and suburban properties. My | large clientage enables me to secure! ready buyers for any kind of Real j Estate you may have to offer. A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth St. 1 Beli 2"IJ Dial 3943 ; MINE timber and lumber wanted. 1 j would like to buy several hundred! cars of posts, ties, mine caps and j lumber. State prices delivered on a! j Pittsburgh rate of freight, point of i shipment and full particulars. Ralph j A. Smith. Sandy Ridge, Pa. i WANTED—Country home with one ior two acres of ground, must be i 'pleasant location on good road. Ad- I dress with full particulars. George W. I ! Bach, 526 Willow street, Lebanon, 1 1 I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es- ' ! tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third! | Street. i 1 Offices mid Store Rooms for Rent ' FOR RENT—Nice light office, 19x25 | feet: city steam and electricity; lo .cated at 331 Market st. FARMS ' FARM FOR SALE WITH STOCK. CROP AND IMPLEMENTS 163 acres, 30 acres of wood land, S-roont house, large bank barn, ail outbuildings. Also 4-room bungalow; run ning water in every Held; six horses; one mule; 19 head of cattle; 9 milch cows; 11 hogs; 25 shoats; 20 sheep and lot of poultry. 12 acres of oats. I 4 acres of cow feed. 25 acres of wheat. 16 acres of corn. j 2 acres of potatoes. and all farming Implements, Including Moline tractor. Price $14,000. DURAND & FERRER. 107 Chestnut St. II FARMS FOR SALE | FARM—29-acre in Dauphin county, good buildings, lots of fruit, running i water, crops and stock $2,200 | FARM—IO3 acres, Perry county; 22 | acres woodland; all new buildings; | running water $3,509 | FARM—I 2.7 acres. Lebanon county; J good house; large/bank barn and ail I outbuildings; good apple orchard; |level soil; running water $6,200 DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut St. FARM FOR SADE ! Situated about 3 miles south of New ! Cumberland, in York county; 33 acres i farm land and 7 acres splendid tim ber land; good buildings and fences; spring of running water at the door; orchard and fruit of all kinds. Apply ; to C. M. Shenck, agt., Bellavista, P. ■O. New Cumberland. ' FARM for sale; 93 acres; 3 miles ' from Elizabethville; buildings de jstroyed by fire; good running water; [enough wood to pay for farm Inquire I Mrs. L. L Snyder. 214 S. 15th st., Har j risburg. ' HERE is a double house. 5 rooms on j each side, in Linglestown, at a bargain i price of $1,400 —5 per cent, off for leash—even for instalments or monthly i payments. Ground enough to raise i vegetables and chickens for two me dium sized families. Care's Grocery, j Linglestown. L car from Square, Ilar ! risburg. FARMS WANTED | WANTED —A good farm with or j without stock, not too far from jity Address A-5477 care Telegraph. FOlt SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR BOAT Beautiful automobile type; 25x5; 40-horsepower; electric starter, lights, reverse gear, f tc. Cost $1,600; only run about ou miles. Am leaving town. Y'ours for $l,lOO. Will consider late model automo bile in part payment. Write for photographs and specitt eations. Address, CHARLES RESCH, Marietta, Pa. ' - - MOTORS FOR SALE I We hate the ijiiowiug motors we ; are offering for sale. We guarantee ! ' tnese motois to be in flrst-clasa con- j ! dltion and can make immediate de- \ j livery. I One 14 H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. ! One 'A H. P. 220 V. 350 It. P. M. I One Vi H. P. 220 V. SOO R. I'. M. I One Vi H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. [ One VA H. P. 23C V. 370 R. P. M. One V 4 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One >4 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. I Printing Binding Designing : i Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. | FOR SALE Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, ' hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe,' etc. dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., ! Both phones. Highspire, Pa. FOR SALE Full size bed, mattress and spring, $13.50, if sold this , week. Inquire. FORNALT'S, 1321 North Sixth Street FOR SALE—Very large mirror. Ap j ply 50 N. 13th st. FOR SALE —Two pool tables. 414x9. one wall case, 6 ft.; 1 floor case. 4 ft.; 10 chairs; full outfit in A 1 shape. Bell 296-R. R. Ettinger, 122 Calder st. I (Continued in Next Column) j — J. -'■YA/VW*! I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOP. SALE | „ RIVER SAND Beet in quality and price. At the river. Motor street, t j Highspire. Pa. j I Martin Construction & Supply Co. ! | FOR SALE—Complete popcorn crifi jpette outfit, good as new, also sales , stand for hucksters, campers or fails. iCall ot 1405 N. Sixth St. | I'OR SALE—Quick to cheap buyer, iron cot. good springs and mattress. Apply 1032 N. Third st. i BABY carriage; reversible; feed batiy carriage for sale; a bargain. Call 1' OR SALE—A number of household v ;articles. Call between 7 and 9 p. m. at j 2410 N. Second st. IOR SALE—White reed coach with . wind shield in good condition. Apply 316 Herr street. ; . ' FOR SALE—New and used sewing (machines, drop heads, two at $lO each. iJoe Earhart, 2122 N. Sixth street. Dial 3928. FOR SALE—A coal digger composed |of a high grade 6-inch pump, eleva tors. boats etc. Operated entirely elec trically. One ten and one 15 horsepow er Westinghouse motors. Entire plant I,lust completed and entirely new and ; ready to operate Epuipment the latest and very best. Long lease at 10c a ton i royalty; doing business on Shamokin creek near Sunbury, Pa. A good In j vestment at a bargain to buyer for cash. Address D. & H. Coal Co.. 200 Catawissa ave., Sunbury. Pa. C FOR SALE—AII kinds of building i material, including beams, channels, I rails, pipe, one hoisting engine and | motors. Apply Williams & Freedman, | Sixth, below Hoffman's Woods. i BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20,000 j new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand s, ! 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR • CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES MORRIS SAYS save money buying ' : new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris j Sehmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. S BABY carriage for sale: natural col- ' lor reed, reversible; excellent condition. ! Call 59 N. 13th st. j FOR SALE--One hot air furnaea ! with pipes; in good condition. Apply |C. F. Gchl, 1003 N. Second street. Bell i phono 89SM. I WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTE£> j A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. I j Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph, stating price, when it can be seen. I ; i *■ WANTED To purchase an old bureau or chest of drawers without mir ror. Mahogany preferred. Wish to secure this for utility not as an antique. Stote what you have, price and where it can bo seen. Address L-5923 *1 care Telegraph. ! S. I JUNK —We are In the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen &. Co., York street ami i Ash avenue. WANTED Storage for boxed pianos; lirst floor; must be dry. Yoha [Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. BELL PHONE 3370-.I S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. : 407 BROAD ST., HARRISBURG, PA. MAX SMELTZ ; Second hand furniture bought and sola. Highest cash prices paid. Call. Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz. 1020 Market street. Will call, * |City or country. Bell pnone 3239-RI. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES _ . FOR SALE On account of expansions in building and other business which is unabling us to give proper attention to our repair shop, employing 12 to 14 men , regularly, we will sell same * which includes complete auto repair equipment. We will also lease building for any length of time to a desirable 4 party; an abundance of work available. This is a real prop osition for a live wire and will stand close inspection. For further particulars call or address, SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. 1017-25 Market Street WOULD SBS PER WEEK IN- '••■ TEREST YOU? I have for sale a news agency in a city of 30.000. Sales 2.000 dailies and 4 'OO Sundays. No competition and no I carrier trouble. Full investigation al ! lowed to responsible persons. Address | Box T-5448 care Telegraph. I WOULD YOU RISK $2 PER WEEK FOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MAN'S COM-* By "paying $2 per week for 50 weeks iwe will offer you something great, j Most people spend more for drink, i tobacco, etc.. but object to spending it few dollars for their future 'wel iftre. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade, ! Pittsburgh, Pa. i YOUNG businessman. 26 years old, wishes to invest SSOO or SI,OOO with service, with a going concern in Har ! risburg, Mechanicsburg or Carlisle. ! Address Box C. P. care Telegraph. I SEND for free copy "Oil Critic." land information regarding safest in vestments if interested in Texas Oil Fields. H. D. Ballenger. Box 1406. I Ft. Worth. Tex. FOR SALE —Restaurant and lunch ! room, complete and up-to-date, neap i Market street; price reasonable; In j quire A. P. Doranz. 1225. N. Sixth st. FOR SALE—MiIk route in Lebanon county doing good business; ill Ileal'h reason for selling. Address Box K-8457 car Telegraph. LIVE business tor a live man. 'n nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery. cigars. Doing business of $42,010 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth st. — 1 Additional Classified Aeb ' on Opposite Page *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers