22 Yoa Cai Sell Hat Property Throngh the Classic!--! It Is Good Value • Deaths BOGGS —At St. Luke's Hospital. Chi cago. en route from California to Pennsylvania. Mrs. Saia E. Bogs-, of paialysis, aged 75 years. 7 months and 39 days. Interment at San Diego, CaE GIIAEFF—On Friday, July Is. 1919, Carrie Lucy, wite of Wavne S. Graeff. died at her late residence. SoS X. 16th street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Monday after noon at 3.30 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. BA It It—At San Diego. California. May 20. 1919. Samuel F. Barr, of paraly sis, aged $9 years. 11 months. 16 dav s. Interment at San Diego. BKINTON—Mrs. H. A. Brinton, form erly a resident of Harrisburg. died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. James H. Sourbier. Tarentum, Pa . Wednesday mcrmng, July 16. 1919, aged 66 years. Funeral services on Saturday a.ur noon at 3.30. at the home of Mr. George W. Brinton. Bowman avenue. Camp Hill. Ta. Interment private at East Harrisburg cemetery. MEDENWAI.D —Wednesday. July 16. j 1919. William H Medenwald. aged l 30 years, died at the Harrisburg t Hospital. • . , ; Funeral services will be held at .is late home, White Hill. Pa., on r rida> evening at 7 o'clock. Body wi.l be taken to Bedford. Fa., satunla j morning at 11.40 o'clock, where fur ther services and burial will take place on Sunday . OBEnMAN—Edith Oberman on Thurs day. July 17. 1919. at 3 a .m . oaug..- ter o: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ouer man. aged 6 years. ... Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from her late residence, 10. 4 Swatara street, the Rev. J. A officiating. Burial in laxtang cemt tery. CARD OF THANKS The daughters of the late 1h0m..-- Numbers sincerely thank their trie-mis. relatives and members >■; G. A. E anu P. O. S of A. for their expression of sympathy and many kindnesses dol ing their recent bereavement. i LOST AND FOUND $3.00 REWARD For the small gold pin with letters H. H. S.-l on and. in- , tials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at Tech com mencement dance at vs iua Villa on June 13. if returned to the office of HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH r ivct Man's umbrella, black .th three*sale ei Plates, below I Finder p'.ease return to e- Primrose street. LOST —Wallet containing S3O and SSO. valuable paper* and fhie lodge receipts. Elks. Consistory and Shrine. Liberal reward if returned , 1413 N. Second Street. T o5T— A bunch of keys in a leather pocket! Reward if returned to Perm- : Harris Taxi Service Co.. Hotel. 1 Blag. —I LOST-Large blaek pocketbook con- ! Return to Telegraph dff.ee Ke ■ a- LOST—Bunch of keys Sunday morn ing in post office, .f found please call ( 801 l pi. one 43-4. INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION j Shorthand. Typewriting, English., Bcokkeep'ng.y SCHOOL, OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time, J ST&SS COLLEGE I 121 Market St. Chas. K. bevwie^. LESSONS given on violin, mandolin | and ukuele. by two >'° Ul l™ e u n 'irtSl uuire 36 Curtin street. Penbrook. Mod erate prices. Bell 47833% ■ I FOR instruction in elementary or advanced mathematics or mechanics. | see Miller. 3U6 Chestnut St.. • instructor at U. S Naval Academy . , HELP WANTED —MALE — : i SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN OF PRODUCTION WORK ; Ages 18 to 45. Weight 140 pounds or more. MUST BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. No Experience Necessary. No Labor Trouble. Apply in person or enmmuni iate at once w-ith Factoory Employment Office. (HP GOOD YF. AH TIRF. AND RUB BER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO ./• WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, SSO. Call, or write. 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or * TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street. Steelton. Pa. MEN WANTED;—TiIust be well ac juainted in town. Inquire at office, -oom 4. Spooner Bldg.. 9 N. Market square. (Continued in Next Column) f \ Moderate Priced Houses at Bargain Prices Eight, 254 -story frame dwel lings. built in pairs, on Schuyl kill street, containing 8 rooms and bath each; front and back porches; gas light; furnace heat. Can be bought separately, or together. See us about the price. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SU RETV BONDS Member. Hug. Heul Estate Hoard V FRIDAY EVENING, _ HABHISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 18. 1919. HELP WAA'IKD—SLYLK CARPENTERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS GENERAL REPAIRMEN PIPEFITTERS AND SHEETMETAL WORKERS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to earn rates tn accordance with your ability. Steady work assured. No lahor trou ble. Bonus paid on second and third shitts. Apply in person or communi cate with Factory Employ ment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON. OHIO I w.ANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division street Transfer. Harrisburg. Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockrille car to Sixth and Division streets. WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. i shops. Harrisburg. Inquire | MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg, iOR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Lucknow and Enola. e I WOODWORKERS, machine and bench, on cc-dar chests. Federal Equipment Co.. Carlisle. Pa. • WANTED—Y'oung man to work in meat market. Apply Cut Meat Market. 1 '3Ol t. 14th street. MAN 5v years old desires work as sh i>i>ing c:erk. especially good on pa I eel pest. Apply 27 West Keller st . Meehar.i sbuig. Pa. EXPERIENCED storage battery ! man wanted. One who understands ; the business thoroughly. Opportun i itv for right party. Address stating i experience. Box V-5431. care Tele- i \ graph. j IV ANTED—By a large financial in- I i stitution a young man proficient on i the typewriter, need not be stenog rapher. and who writes a good hand. ] Permanency, promotion; letters con l tidential Address Box K-849J cats i Telegraph. ** MEN". IS and over, of Harrisburg : and vicinity, desiring to prepare for i government examinations for posi-. • tions as post office clerks, field clerks, I departmental clerks, railway mall I clerks, government farmers, revenue ;officeis. customs officers, etc.. call and • interview Henry Laurens at Bolton ( Hotel. Monday. July 31. Permanent! position.-, at good salaries. Minors un-' ; der 31. must be accompanied by par- j i ents. Hours. Ip. m. until 9p. m. Onel [day only. , RAILWAY mail clerks. Hundreds! (wanted. $l.lOO-$1,500. Age 18-35. Ex- i ptrience unnecessary. Examinations everywhere. August 23. For free par-, ticulars. write Raymond Terry, (.form- : !er gcvernment examiner), 518 Contin- , jental Bldg., Washington. j WANTED—Drugs, qualified assist ant; A 1 experience and reference. Ap i ply W. B Goodyear. 19th and Derry: ,sts.. Harrisburg. Pa. ! WANTED—Several neat appearing [young single men over 20 to travel > with crew and solicit; leave town at one*. Apply to T. Culbertson, Metro politan Hotel. 10 to 13 a. m. to-mop -1 loW. | WANTED—Man to help to clean windows. Apply Empire Window 'cleaner Co., 1614 Wallace, or Bell : phone 4684 M. ( WANTED at once, two good tinners. ' Appy 37 N. 13th street. Lincoln Par i themore. —— HELP WANTED—FEMALE . WANTED FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY BONUS ON ALL EARNINGS 10 PER CENT EXTRA BONUS ON EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS j ! IDEAL WORK UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS IN" AN IDEAL PLANT JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO. 2012 N". 4TH ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. . WANTED Operators on plain sewing machines, also a few on union special felling and sleeving machines; learners paid while under instruction; also a bonus paid every week. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO.. City Star Laundry Bldg.. Sixth and Herr Sts. Wa7*7ED —Middle aged woman as housekeeper for widower residing luj Philadelphia, must be capable of tak- ! •ling care of two children aged 3 and 5' I years. No laundry work. Willing to: I pay good salary. Write stating experi- ( c-nce. salary expected and reference. | i Address K-5943 care Telegraph. | WOMEN. 18 and over, of Harrisbdrg I and vicinity, who desire to prepare; for government examinations for posi-j tions as post office clerks field clerks, i departmental clerks, matrons, etc.. call and interview HeiTry Laurens at Boi-| (ton Hotel. Monday. July 21. Permanent positions at good salaries. Minors un- ; ider 21, must be accompanied by par lenf. Hours, 1 p. m. until 9 p. m. One .day only. I WANTED Woman for general housework. Address A-5427 care Tele graph. ' ! WANTED Experienced waitress;! good wages. Apply Alva Restaurant 19 S. Fourth Street. J lUunllnucd in Next Column) ' 1 HELP WANTED —I'EMALE WANTED Woman for general housework. Apply 531 N. Cameron st. WANTED Housekeeper, white woman for home of clergyman; good home and reasonable pay. Apply lo N. Second street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED—Operators on sewing maehin. Steady wink: good wages Apply Shearer Mfg. Co.. 308 Hamilton street. WANTED—Two women to sort -tag*. Apply 1109 X. Tth st. ' WANTED—A competent lad> book ; keeper, accurate at figures, good pen man. some knowledge of typewriting j preferred. A good, permanent and well paying position. Give reference, ex ipcrience and salary required, .-.ddress P. O. Box 111, Harrisburg. Pa 1 WOMEN ATTENDANTS—Wanted in department for women. Norristown State Hospital. Pa.; minimum monthly .wage S3O. steadily increased, includes ! full maintenance, comlortable nurses ihonte; vacation employment for stu i dents ana teachers. Write, Dr. Jessie M. Peterson. ■ j WANTED Experienced waitress; 'no others need apply. Apply 612 ; Market St. i V\ ANTED—Mangle girls and a good (hand iioner. Apply Palace Laundry. (2103 Logan street. | AGENTS W ANTED AGENTS wanted ior Dauphin ; Cumberland. Perry and l.*ebamn coun ties. to sell an article everybody uses, jP. O Box 3-, Highspire, Pa. SITU ATION S WAN TED—MADE ! Clerk und stenographer; young mr.n. (37; married, desires clerical or stenog raphic position; seven years' experi ence along financial lines; good refer ences. Address vj 0 x T-5424 care Tele ; graph. YOI'NC colored boy desires work of •iiiv k id; can drive a car. Address IH7 N. Fourth street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe DAY'S work by reliable and experi enced lady. Dial 4090. COLORED woman wishes day's work, can furnish reference. Apply 1217 Wallace st. STENOGRAPHER of eight years ex perience. desires position, can furnish I best nlt reiices. Address Box A-5423 arc Telegraph. WOMAN would like to have wash ling and ironing at home. Plain or I fancy ironing Bell phtne 4556. WOMAN wishes position as house keeper in small apartment or house. Address Box H-8426 eare Telegraph. YoUNU colored woman wishes work ■ public or private, out of town. Ad -1 dress, lll'l)- N. Seventh st. WOMAN wants general housework; no washing nor ironing Appiy P. O. Box 35. Bressler, or Mrs. Jennie Un ill: WANTED Experienced saleslady desires position in shoe store or will ; considct anything else. Address Box | G-8423 care Telegraph. ( EXPERIENCED nurse desires posi jtion; best of references. Call Bell [phone S4l-W. ROOMS FOR RENT •-FOR RENT—One furnished front room foi rent; all conveniences, use of phone: private family. Apply 361 Cumberland st. Dial 5344. FURNISHED room, all conven iences. centrally located. Apply 9 X. Front street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms; first floor; all conveniences, (gas, heat, bath; laundry; front and [ back porch; concrete yard; nice lo ication, rent very reasonable, 2146 I Fenn street. FOR RENT—Two furnished or un furnished rooms for light housekeep ing: use of phone and bath. Appiy 926 |N. Third street. FOR RENT —Well furnished .cool room, with running water and all modern conveniences, in private fam ily. Get < man only. 324 N. Second St. FOE Rl.NT—Furnished rooms; all j conveniences; centrally located, use of bath and phone. Inquire 328 North street or Dial phone 4416. FOR KENT —Three rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 1605 Susque hanna st. Dial phone 5143. j LARGE, nicely furnished front room with private bath in beautiful resi dential section, with private family; all conveniences; use of telephone. 815 I N 17th street. TWO rooms furnished: light house ' keeping 113 Locust st. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished front room with all modern conveniences, | with board. Apply 700 N. Sixth street. I WELL furnished rooms; electric light, phone. 113 Locust street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping on third floor; use of phone. Call Bell phono, i 3241-J. or inquire 1430 N'audain street. FOR RENT —One large third floor front room; iurnished or unfurnished. ; Apply 39 X. 17th street. TWO furnished rooms, quiet neign ■ borhocd; ten minutes from Market i square. Apply 109 Evergreen st. FOR RENT —Two pleasant, unfur nished rooms on Third floor. All con jveni'ences. Apply 1507 State street. i MULBERRY St.. 1168—Two furnish !ed front corner rooms; large, light and I pleasant, second and third floors, elec tricity; gas; bath and phone. Apply i 1168 Mulberry St., or Bell 1369-M. j FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, (including use of phone/light and bath. Call Bell phone 1318-M. SICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM for gentlemen only. Dial 4990, or si* North Third street. FOR RENT—Furnished room on second floor; all conveniences; n.,, water Bell phone 466-R. ' Qjl KOU RENT— Large, well furnished room, twin beds; single or ensuite; use of Bell phone. Address. 719 North ibixth street. Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms ! $2.50 per week and up. 142 South | Third street. ' -LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING." Three rooms on third floor furnished; light, heat, etc.. use of phone; no children. ( 1814 Green street. i FOR RENT —Nice light furnished room on second floor, with bay win- I dovv. suitable for two; also an un furnUhea room on third floor; electric liirhts. use of bath and phone. Apply jni Evergreen St. Bell 4900 R. * i FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms lon second floor for light housekeep ing with use of bath; no children: possession at once. Apply 1704 Green | street. ROOM AND BOARD—FOR RENT PLEASANT front rooms; furnished, ball conveniences, breakfast served if desired. 1549 State street. Bell 524(W. WHAT IS IT WORTH TO YOU to find a buyer for your property? There's usually a certain "selling ex pense" necessary in disposing of real estate. When the classified columns are used this expense is often but trifling. It means SERVICE AT A * BARGAIN. ROOMS WANTED | '' "ID Two or three completely , furnished room* with conveniences . I for light housekeeping, by young mar-', nod couple, state rates and lofauon 1 uptown preferred. Address. Box J."g\9 . I cure Telegraph. OX J--6u9 | APARTMJxXTS FOR RENT j H)R RENT—An apartment of four' rooms and bath on corner of Sixth and j Broad streets; all modern improve irnents; possession Julj Z'2, call at 1120' North Sixth street. Bell phone 2899 K. HBN 1 Apartments four rooms ' and oath, ali modern convenient: •&, > city steam heat, hot running water,! at lll'l N. Sixth street, apply between; ;s a. m. and 4 p. m. at Louis. 414 N Third st. j — j FOR RENT—Apartment of four' ■ rooms and bath; unfurnished; poises- ( 1 Sic.n August 1. Inquire 233 Hamilton, street, or Bell phone 560-W. FOR KENT—Elegantly furnished i apartment at 100 S. 13th street hist 1 floor; 7 rooms and laundry; private ' porch and entrance; price $75 \pUl -1308 Chestnut street, or Hell phone' | i*- 4 - | 1 EOK RENT—Furnished apartment' ion rtrst floor, also three unturnisned • rooms on second floor; electric light' and steam heat; use of bath auu phone. Inquire 1321 State street. 1 FOR KENT—Apartment of two large unfurnished communicating 'rooms, cue trout w .th three windows; also large hall; tine location. Call Beli ph' in- 2701 K. APARTMENTS WANTED FURNISHED apartment wanted about August 15 or September 1. Mutt be thomughly up-to-date and in best ' neighborhood, to consist of 4 or 5 ■ rooms, kitchen and bath, best of ref erences furnished. Write to Box 247, j Waynesboro, Pa. ' WANTED—A furnished apartment, •.consisting of 3 or 4 rooms; must be thoroughly up-to-date, located near Capitol or within short walking dis tancc, by young married couple. Ad ) dress F. O. Box 181. WANTED—SmaII furnished apart ment of 3 or 4 rooms; centrally located or near car line. Address Box B-8429 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' > ' FOR SALE POSSESSION SOON .1 ' If you are looking for a nice, sub • stantially built suburban home, with > plenty of ground, truit and garden, in spect the Bixler property, located cn ■ the northeast corner of Dickinson and 1 Princeton avenue. Earligton, Camp I-Hill, .Fa., two blocks from car lino; - single car fare Ironr Harrisburg; 2Vs stoiy frame detached dwelling, size - 31x31; stone foundation;; Shingle 1 roof, cemented cellar under entire [ house; all improvements: 3 large ! 100 ms and reception hall on first floor; (largo kitchen); open stairway; 4 . rooms and bath on second floor; un t finished attic; good yellow pine floor ing, cypress finish; hot vvate-r heating system; front porch 9x31; plot of ground 120x120; granolithic walks: ' thade trees, garage for one car; two (chicken houses which wil accommo " date s')o chickens; 17 fruit trees (13 .'(hearing the finest kind ot fruit); va -1 . riety of grapes; 1,500 strawberry : plants; good reason for selling; in "lspection by appointment only. ' PRICE \ ERY REASONABLE at $5,150. t Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bell . 700 AGENT, 3077J HARRISBURG. PA. :| 1 ' , ; FOR SAL'F? NEAR PENBROOK r Nine-room brick house, new, slate : roof, furnace, electric lighting, arte ■ sign well water, chicken house good ■ garden end fruit, with plot of ground 1 180x170 feet. Easy terms. Price. $3,500. I I.ook at this property if you want a nice suburban home. I 30 acres of choice productive land (240 building lots), scenic location, | close to Penbrook and trolley, will sell any number of acres at S4OO per acre. Also nine acres with 8-room frame j house, running water, best of soil fcr trucking, poultry, etc., price $3,500. I A 17-acre truck farm, 6-room house. I barn, chicken and hog house, 4,000 | asparagus. 200 fruit trees. 1 acres 1 straw berries, spring water, 2 miles jwest Enola. Price $2,750. A bargain I 115-acre farm; black loam soil; 8- room house, new summer kitchen, : bank barn, chicken house, hog house. , ' garage, loxs of fruit, location one mile west of West Falrview. Price SIOO per . acre. See CHARLES DAVIES 1 • REAL ESTATE. FARMS, ETC.. 1549 State st.. Harrisburg. Bell 5246 W. ) • FOR SALE 1418 X. Second street, brick dwell - ing, 9 rooms and bath. 823 S. Front street, frame dwelling = 1614 N. Fifth street, three-story f \ frame dwelling, with improvements, •ten rooms and bath. ' ' West Fairview property, located on T I Third street, two and one-half-story j! frame dwelling. Inquire of " 1 HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, r | 16 s. Second Street. Harrisburg. Pa. 1.1 f I. . 4 (CuutluucU La Next Coiajaa) j REAL XLSIATIS FOR BALK , "IF IT S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." FULTON ST—IS 26; VACANT; threo , story frarne; eight rooms; some im jProyements; in the nicest block on 1- ulton street; small amount down; balance same as rent. ( FULTON 5T.—1931; VACANT; two , ftory brick cottage; six rooms and | hath; steam heat; all improvements;; i 1 small amount down; balance same as i , . rent. j , I AGATE 5T.—2536; VACANT; two- 1 .story brick; six rooms and bath; all j ln.provements; small amount down; . i balance same as rent. j SWATARA 5T.—1856; VACANT; two and-a-half-story frame; seven rooms land bath; all improvements; nice front porch; driveway in the rear; small [amount down; balance same as rent. 11 j I'EKRY" 5T.—2341; NEW; vacant; ; two-and-a-half-story brick; six rooms and bath, hardwood floors; cement cellar; steam heat; gas and electric ity; A 1 in every respect; right price ' to quick buyer. i : JEFFERSON 5T.—2130; three-story i brick; nine rooms; all improvements; i cement cellar; driveway in the rear; , small adnount down; balance same as ' j rent. i D. ASA SANDERLJN. Room 1. security Trust Bldg , 36 North Third St. Bell 1390. Dial, 3573. I ,j VACANT HOUSES J Two 2 H and 3-story brick ;! houses; all improvements; . j porches, drive alley. Also cor ner houses on Hill and up j town. Will take auto in trade. . j 1 have several fine suburban homes for sale; brick, all im ,j provements, >4 acre each; 1 steam heat, electric lights, , hardwood floors, lots of fruit on State Road. Will take city j property in trade. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Eell Phone 560-J. ; j ; 'j HOMES FOR SALE ! > 1912 N. 6th. brick $4,500' .(1512 Walnut st.. brick 3,600 ■ Penn St.. brick 3,0u0 ■ J Hummel St.. Lemoyne z.soo . - Small amount of cash required. I D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Plug. - ] Bell phone 589. .. : ■ - FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE ■ j Houses of every description in ' ; all parts of city and suburban. Some on easy payment plan Will take light touring car in trade. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 660-J. i; .:— I Harris Street 630 Three-sto'v brick, 9 rooms, all improvements, smail I amount down; balance same as rent I no questions as to race or nationality' ' i D A. Sanderlin. 36 N. Third stree* room 1. Security Trust Bldg. Bell j 1380. Dial 3573. I FOR SALE —2 V4-story house, Fourth I and Eulaw sts., city and well water- I out buildings; fruit trees; price rea sonable. Inquire E. E. Feip, 313 Fourth ' st., New Cumberland, Pa. . 'j 17TH ST.. S.. 500 BLOCK—Corner . brick house, with all impru .cments.' for salt; will be sold on easy terms. J i E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. $3,800 WILL BUY a pair of 214- i! story frame dwellings with all |m prevtments, on paved street, conveni ent to central part of city; monthly [ i rental $34. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market . (street. 1 MARKET ST., NEAR !3TH— Corner i' brick business building, with two s story garage in rear, for sale; a money ? maker; price and terms upon applica tion. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. ' VERY desirable corner property " ! for sale, on State street—large brick ' house with all most modern improve. ' I ments; brick garage on property. Bell r Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. I FOR SALE—No. 83 N. Eighteenth St.; brick house; eight rooms; bath gas; electric light; furnace. Beli j Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. ' FOR SALE —No. 409 South Thir- Ueonth street— three-story brick 9 rooms and bath —steam heat. Bell I Realty Co.. Bergner Building. "1 . I PRICE REDUCED on 652 Schuylkill 'street; 6 rooms and bath; gas; electric 'light; steam heat; this semi-bungalow "! should interest you. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. •! HUMMEL ST., '331 Three-story brick house, with eight rooms and [bath, all other improvements, for sale. ••Bell Realty Co. Bergner Bldg. I AN exceptional bargain In a fine ! home. This property is located 451 Elizabeth street. Highspire; single house, plot 150 foot front by 125 feet dedp; improvements; most all kfnds of fruit; chicken house and garage. 14x50. Will sell for SI,OOO less than what II is worth; reason for selling othA- business. W. W. Reeves, 224 Market street. Highspire. Dial 9801. 1 iCoatiaucd la Next Coiiuaaj J KKAL E§TAiE I'OK BALK HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. HOUSES ON EASY TERMS Vacant 3-story rrlclt on Hill. Imp. Vacant 31s-story brick on Hill, all imp \acant 2Vs-story frame on Hill, all imp. vacant 3-story brick, uptown, all imp. 3-story frame near Hill market, all imp. Two 2H-story frames, S. 21st St., all imp. Storeroom property on Market st. storeroom, corner brick, on Hill. 3-siory brick, corner on Derry st. 2-story brick, on Crescent st., easy terms. 3-story brick on Swatara si. 2-slory bricks on lath and 16th sts. 2-stcry bricks on Catharine st. 3-story brick on Walnut st.. Hill. 3-story frame and garage Park st. 2 44-story single frame, m Leinoyne,' all imp. Fine corner house in Enola, all imp. . „ . . ! i>-toon; house in New Cumberland, Cottage In Camp /[lll. all imp. Fine home, 1 acre, near Canlp Hill. Single corner, at Washington Hts. Fine corner home in Penbrook. Corner 2 V4 -story frame, in Pleasant View. One acre and double house at Pen brook . Apartments on Hill and uptown. Corner new brick, uptown, all imp. Investment, three small houses In Steelton. Investment, three frame houses or. corner Forrest st. j Row of six 3-story bricks on Briggs ; St Business place on Derry street near 113 th st. I 3-story brick, on Green street imp. ! Apartment house, uptown, one of i the tinest in the city; large lot to street in rear. 2 Is-story brick and 1-story frame ! at West Fairview In business section I along State Highway. Suitable for I store or business place; very cheap. C. H. COKDER. 1722 Green St. l : ; THF.KE-storv brick, front porch, iside entrance, steam heat. gas. elec tric. all night trolley. possession August j 6acres, good well, plenty fruit, stable. 7 rooms, bungalow, steam heat, ! three miles from city $5,000 i Suburban. 100x170 feet, with brick ' steam heat, house along trolley, also j one in Progress and New Cumber j land. 1 I New houses and building sites. KOUCIH. RRIGHTBILL& KLINE, 307 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 3902 Dial 4oC ' 9 Free fly swatters and fans. FOR BALE —On Fifth St.. 2 *4 -story brick. 7 rooms and bath, electric, gas, jail conveniences, large lot. fruit trees. [Possession soon as owner can vacate. i On Third street, 2%-story brick. 9 [rooms bath, steam heat, gas and elec 'tric, fruit cellar, large lot. fruit trees [and garden. Possession soon after isole thereof. Price reasonable. | On Green street, 2E-story, stone and stucco. S rooms and bath, hardwood ! finish, fireplace, water heat. • Lewis street, new 2% -story brick, i rooms and bath, steam heat, finished in chestnut, up-to-date in every par ticular. will be completed in a few weeks, will sell on terms if desired. D. E. LUCAS, j Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis street. ;Bell phone 5065 R. - FOR SALE Whitehall and P.egina streets, at intersection overlooking Reservoir Park, fine 12-room • home, lawn: hardwood floors; ! a'l improvements; completely furnished. Owner will leave 7-, pel- cent, mortage stand at 5 and 6 per cent. Quick sale price. $16,(100. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., 331 MARKET STREET. F VCTORY SITE FOR SALE With large building which can Ym remodeled. lot 100x150 feet; located on 11th street near Mufberry. Price $16,000. For particulars see DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut Street. " " " FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUS'E, No 1512 WALNUT STREET. * Lot 15 ft. 3 in by 90 ft. ; CCMVONWEALTH TRUST COM- I tuxjw PANY. 222 Mrket Street. i FOR SALE —112-114 Washington St.. c rooms ana bath; frame; tin roofpall 1 conveniences; bargain. Apply 814 N. I Third street. f BUY YOUR HOME on the rental ! payment plan Small cash or Liberty I Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every 'part of the city and suburbs. Apply j i p, Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. | FOR SALE— 2%-story frame house, , located at Mt. Holly, 11 rooms and 1 summer house; large stable; chicken house, etc.: fine well and cistern; lot 145x180. Address Mrs. Rose Koons. 227 jArch street. Carlisle. COTTAGE FOR SALE—Eight rooms. bath, extra lavatory, hot and cold 'water, electric light, log fire place, sleeping porch. Five minutes walk ! from station. Inspection invited. Price reasonable, i S. P. HESSEL, ! Second Cottage from Post Office. Chautauqua Grounds, Mt. Gfetna, Pa. FOR SALE —Dwelling on Derry street, between 25th and 26th streets; all improvements; electric lights and : gas; city steam heat. Call Bell phone I 4C.fl. j FOR SALE—No. 26_ South Chestnut at, Penbrook. Lot 25x150; 6 rooms; finished attick. furnace heat; cement ed cellar; electricity; double garage; chicken house. Apply on premises. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2012 !to 201s Susquehanna street. Apply a* I P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth. $2,000 will purchase a frame house with seven rooms, located at n 6W Market. Price is right as estate must ioe closed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner 1 Building ! FOP. SALE —House No. 638. Harris street; 8 rooms, including bath and all j improvements. Inquire at 1710 North 1 Fifth street. ituaUuiwii la Next Coluaiaj ' REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E j FOR SALE —In Hlghspire. If you | ere looking for a business that will ! net you $3,000 to $3,000 a year at a real down bargain, see me at once; property Including residence, store- j room, ice cream parlor, large puol • room, only pool In town; reason for I selling, would retire from business. I W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.. High- I spire. Dial 9801 FOR SALE—North 19th street. No I 16 3-story brick corner property, y I rooms, bath, gas. electric: room lor j garage, un Ideal home; good reason tor selling, not for speculation. Real Estate Eur Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—292-294 Second street, ; Highspire. A fine double house, all lm- ; pruvenients, will sell single or double. : If you are looking for r. bargain see i this property before you buy. W. J. I (Reeves, 221 Market street, Highspire. j Dial USOI. My car is at your service. FOR SALE—Large suburban homo near Camp Hill, 54 acre land; all im provements; fruit, chicken house, etc., will take city property In ex change; easy terms. C. H. CORDKR, 1722' Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J REAL ESTATE WANTED ; I SMALL country place or furnished cottage for balance of 1919. Will con- j sivler purchase. Prefer near trolley. P. O. Box 1099. j WANT to purchase on rental pay ment rian, house suitable for room ing house. Must be reasonable in price. P. O Box 1099. MINE timber and lumber wanted. 1 would like to buy several hundred cars of posts, ties, mine caps and lumber, prices delivered on a Pittsburgh rate of freight, point of shipment and full particulars. Ralph A. Smith. Sandy Ridge, Pa. WANTED to buy 254 -story brick house, with all conveniences and front poich wanted; state price and all par ticulars; no agents. Address Box J-6927, care Telegraph. WANTED —Suburban house, west j side of city preferred. Address D 8478 I care Telegraph. j I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es j tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third I Street. j FARMS FARMS FOR SALE Price a 4-aere near Harrisburg $2,305 t sacres. Dauphin co 1,600 s 8 acre 3. Lebanon co 850 lis acres. Dauphin co 2,400 (30 acres\Dauphin co 2,600 38 acres. Dauphin co 1,650 1 39 acres. Lebano co 4,600 ! 43 acres, York co 3,u90 1 ■!& acres, Lebanon co 2,000 ,65 acres, Perry co 5.000 102 acres. Perry co 3,809 120 acres. Perry co 6,500 128 acres, Lebanon co 6.200 26e acres, Dauphin co 14,590 433 acres, Perry co 16,900 DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut Street. FARMS FOR SALE 103 acres; good buildings; fences; i fruit; 5 miles northeast Linglestovvn. I This farm is worth a "whole lot" more 'money then we ask for it, $3,500. [ 60-acre farm bordering on the above (farm. A REAL bargin for $2,500. Please look these farms over. C. B. 'Care, Care's Grocery, Linglestown. Pa. ! l car from Square, Harrisburg. | FOR SALE 43-acre limestone ifaim; 154 miles south of Mechanics (burg. Pa.; 8-roomed brick house; lank : tarn; summer kitchen; all in fine (shape; two orchards; good silo. Ap , ply F. F. Mumma, Mechanicsburg, Pa. | FOR SALE—IOO-acre farm; also (stock, if desired; possession Novem ber 1, two miles northeast of Harris jburg; further information, apply 1700 |N. Second street. FARMS WANTED WANTED—A good tarm with or without stock, not too far from city. Address A-8477 care Telegraph. Offices and Store Rooms for Rent FOR RENT For any business, three upper floors. 219 Market street. Ap ply. S. FRIEDMAN, Real Estate, Kunkel Building, Third and Market Streets. FOR RENT Room No. 2, on third floor ot No. 5 N. Second Street. v Inquire ot HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY. 16 South Second Street. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT—Two large rooms, 20x50 | feet. Can be remodeled to suit renter. At 211-213 N. Second st. See owner at 1 213 N. Second or call Bell 2328-R. j FOR RENT— Desk room and office. Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 31 I North Second street. Bell phone 307J | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make Immediate de livery. One 54 H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One 5* H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. One 5i H. P. 22u V. 800 R. P. M. One 54 H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. NL One 5 H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One 54 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Full size bed. mattress and spring, $18.50, if sold this week. Inquire, FORNALT'S, 1321 North Sixth Street j FOR SALE—Reed baby carriage, in good condition, cost $45. Sale price sl2. I Inquire 121 Royal Terrace. I FOR SALE —Monitor heat plant; I fireplace mantels; chandeliers; shut- Iters: A 1 condition. Can be seen at 312 'Chestnut st. C. R. Robins Co., 502 • Market st. Phones. j FOR SALE—Make offer for ten shares of Mechanics Bank stock. I Address B-8425 care Telegraph. |_ ( FOR SALE—The furniture of a ten -1 room house It pays all Its own expen ses. Call 575.1 Beil. ' (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOF S FOR SALE—One pair pedigreed Bel gian hares and one pair Flemish giants, with seven young, 2 months old. H. W. Snodgrass, 413 Park ave.. V Camp Hill. KOI! SALK—One hot air furnace with pipes; in good condition. Apply C. F. tli hi. 1003 N. Second street. Bell' phono S9CM. FOB SALE—Four pool tables; two bowling alleys; barber shop and res tuurnnt. building can be rented or bought. F. Mixell, Linglestown. FOR SALE—Iron fence, 40 feet; 3 feet high; in good condition; price s;OS LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES MORRIS SAYS save money buying 'new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris jschmortz. 101S Market. Bell 4404. WANTED —MISCELLAN EOL'S WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. $ Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429. care Telegraph. stating price, when it can be seen. 1 ROLL top desk, floor cases, wall 'cases, shelving. P. O. Box 1099. WANTED—A four or six-inch swing used metal working lathe. S. G. O'Neil, ■ 1430 Green street. WANTED Storage for boxed pianos; Hist floor; must be dry. Yohn v' Bros., 15 N. Fourtli Street. i JUNK —We are in the market for i all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974. or write L. Cohen & Co., York street and I Ash avenue. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN. ; CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD ! HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. , 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA, MAX SMELTZ I Second hand furniture bought and i sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call ! Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max ! Smoltz. 1020 Market street. Will call, m City or country. Bell phone 3239-RI. ; HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for ! Second-Hand Furniture. Prompt at ! tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4826, Bell 4705-R. 1 WANTED —Late copy Dun's cr Bradstreet's report. A. S.R., care Tele graph. BUSINESS PERSONALIS STEAM feather renovating; all ticks emptied; new ticks furnished; B. J. Campbell, 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDiNG - Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. I DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. ICAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. I PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING j First-class work. Chllcoat Bros., 11622 N. Fourth St. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. I FURNITURE CRATED for shipping I J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. j QUININE —Look out for that grippe ' feeling, likely to catch you this I changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE ! PHOSPHO-QUININE will slave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, w 1119 Market street | RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz., double edge. 35c | doz.. razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. | FURNITURE, china packing and re j pairing, carefully done by R. J. Roy- I ster. Sls West st. Bell 818-R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i FOR SALE—Restaurant and lunch- I room, complete and up-to-date, near 'Market street; price reasonable; in- ! guiie A. P. Doranz. 1225 N. Sixth st I A going coal mine 100 acres, 60 'acres under lease, 40 acres in fee, new i siding alone cost $8,000; new tipple, I scales, mine cars, over 60 ton steel in ! and out of mine, shop outfit, mules, engine, bciler. mine props, ties, just developed far enough to place 40 men, • 35 men now working. Coal 42 in high, jno parting tbc (B) or Milller v n. Analysis of one pound of dry coal as follows: Moisture .67 per cent. Volatile matter, 28.43 per cent. Fixed carbon, 65.38 per cent. Ash, 5.52 per cent. Sulphur, 1.67 per cent. B. T. U., 14,855. Mine in Indiana county. ) This property will be sold for $60.- 000 if sold within the next twenty * j days. Phone or call F. B. Moudy, Por | tage. Pa. ] FOR SALE —The well known and | long established plumbing, heating. V ; sheet metal and stove business, known 4v as Apple Plumbing and Heating Co., West Chester. Pa. Business was established in 1824, is in successful operation, enjoys good trade and patronage and is put on the market only on account of recent physical injury to the manager. For further information call on or address, Michael J. Murphy, manager. agcr. WOULD YOU"RISK $2 PER WEEK 1 * FOR oO WEEKS TO MAKE THOU- . SANDS? A WORKING MANS V, COMPANY. By paying $2 per week for 50 weeks Iwe will offer you something great. Most people-spend more for drink, ' tobacco, etc.. but object to spending a few dollars for their future wel ifare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade. I Pittsburgh, Pa. Additional Classified Ads] ob Opposite Page y <