4 BIG COLLIERY CHANGES HANDS Hudson Coal Company Dis poses of Leggett Creek Mines Soranton, Pa., July 15.—A trans action involving four million dollars, one of the largest deals in the an thracite fields in recent years, was the purchase by an out-of-town syndicate of the Leggett Creek col liery, for years one of the best hold ings of the Hudson Coal Company here. The members of the syndicate pur chasing the colliery are all men of years' experience as coal operators and are: J. P. Burton, of Cleveland, Ohio, president of the Treverton Colliery Company; Swan Hartwell, president of the H. N. Hartwell Sons Company, ui of the leading firms in the coal business in New England, and Phillip Salonstall, financier and banker of Boston and New York. PIGS EAT CORNCOB OUT OF LIQUOR BOTTLE Birmingham, Ala. John Ander son, negro, carried two little pigs and a bottle of liquor in the same sack. The pigs ate the corncob top from the bottle while John was en route home on the same car with Deputy Sam Cunningham. "Pigs will be pigs," remarked Cunningham, as he shut the cell door on John. Next Time —Buy TIRES A remarkable Product. Every tire worth more fr'jP , than it costs. HIV J The Over-size Non-Skid MV\Y Fabric; The Big Fisk Cord; The Red Top, T '"r.7f?£V r * t Extra Ply, Heavy Tread. GOOD LOOKING, GOOD VALUE TIRES I For Sale by Dealers Be Just to Your Buildings Cover a good building with a good roofing,—a roofing that is weather-proof, leak-proof, fire-proof,—that will look well, wear well, is easy to lay and easy to keep in repair. Cover your buildings with RU-BER-OID ROOFING The name Ru-ber-oid stands for have used it will tell you that it is more than a ready-roofing—it stands worth more; that it will last longer, for roofing service. The materials and that, actually—figuring its cost that go to make it have been care- per years' service— it is the most fully selected and tested by men who economical roofing investment that have had more than twenty-five you could make, years experience in the manufacture Forget about the first cost and think of prepared roofings, It has been, of service ! Your buildings are and still is, their ambition to make worthy „{ the best carc that Ru-ber-oid the best roojrng that can can give thcm _ so roof them with be bought at any pnee. Ru-ber-oid. CJ It is true that Ru-ber-oid costs a The dealer whose name is printed o M| little more than other ready-roof- below will tell you more about the jkga ings but thousands of men who sturdy qualities of Ru-ber-oid. jflß JJ| THE STANDARD PAINT COMPANY • Chicago New York Boston IMI H Hri S GiVbn A Son MAKANOV CIfY NRWVII.I.E rH*Mk.fpr Hardware Co. S. E. Shenk A So. C Zu A dH B .S. U C R o G M J E W H MHI'. < ; SBURG P I L C^Oh A E J L W ARR To TOWN MIDDLETOWN POTTSVHIE rPTTvcniiur C. Ober Wot. Buechley & Son ' A dima Couon H.rdw.r. Co n rSi 1 "! , SHAMOKIN Hardware Co. D. dinger a Son. Seoncr Hardware Co. C MoXfSco MINERSVILLE SHIPPENSBURG iiMUUBi.TowK, S """ M,rdwsr * °°- '■ W. MoPh.r.o. h So.. HUMMBLSTOWN MT. CARMEL BUNBURY H INTINrnnN S *" M " H,rdw,r * Sunbury H.rdw.r. Co. HUNTINGDON MT UNION TncumuT , p,A,^" r H,rdW - °* rySW T 552,0 NT rf w.r. c „ 0 H.rdw.r. Co M £ W ? L £.ra.o WAYNESBORO a u G, ° A - Wolf A Back A Baaadiol LEWISTOWN NEWPORT The rraaciacua Co. C. T. Rica TUESDAY EVENING, HABBISBURG TELEGRTAPH JULY IS, 1919. PROHIBITION CONTROLS HOUSE Amendments Providing For Sale of 2 3-4 Beer Are Voted Down Washington, July 15.—Prohibition forces took full control in the House yesterday, refused to permit a vote on a straight-out motion to repeal the war-time act, defeated over whelmingly an amendment provid ing for the sale of two and three quarters per cent beer and stood solidly against all uttacks on the general enforcement measure. Just as fast as one "liberal" amendment was offered by oppon ents of prohibition, it was voted down, always by a triple vote, for the minority, fighting every inch of ground, demanded a division after the ayes and nays were called, and then asked for tellers. Before the House got through with the first section of the first part of the three part bill there was more disorder on the floor than at any time this sea son. The disturbance arose first during an attempt by Representative Blan ton, Democrat, Texas, to speak a seeoni time against an amendment which .1 Ttid have given a jury the right to define intoxicants. The real battle of the day, how ever, was over the amendment to j define an as a beverage containing more than two and three quarters per cent alcohol, instead of more than one-half of one per cent as written in the bill. Representa tive Dyer, Republican, Missouri, author of the amendment, did not ask for this definition in the consti tutional prohibition amendment, but simply in the war-time law. There was an hour of speech-mak ing with the "wets" asserting that the motion merely would permit the very thing the President, as com mander in chief of the army, had said was best for the country for the next six months. Typist in Dual Role Arrested on Theft Charge Chicago, July 15. —Miss Anna M. Rutten, pretty and 22 years old. led the dual existence of typist by day and scion of wealth by night, according to the police and the broker who employed her until yes terday. She has been arrested in connection with the disappearance of $lO,OOO In Liberty bonds. Detectives who searched her apartment here found a richly at tired, languid beauty surrounder by beautiful tapestries and funniture in stead of the rather shabbily dressed, Address Rochester . PrrrMncs Newark HE DID'NT UNDERSTAND "In Havana wo all take a siesta about this hour." Ifgk Absolutely No Pain / Mr Improved sppll- A Slices, Inoludlnp an M7S- \%) w THpO Ued air spporatns, makes JV HHf extracting and all dental .VP work positively sad I. perfectly V" (Ape no objeetlo^^^ EXAMINATION FREE EuiiSi'iSra^ SsSfyrS •- met jr * A VX v*-7sIJH: N # and Satarday. 1U EKLI. PHOJTE ssza-n. T EASY TERMS O# PAYMENTS Market (Over tke Hsb) HARRISBURG, PA. i t didn't hurt a Mt "A good idea, too. Make mind with a little vermouth in it."—Louis J ville Courier-Journal.