Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 11, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
Girls of City to Enjoy a Swim and Outing Under Auspices of War Camp The big swim for girls scheduled by the War Camp Community Serv ice Is to be run off _ to-morrow, un less old man Bad Weather gets a flying Btart on the throng of fair bathers who are waiting anxiously for the clock to roll around another 24 hours or so. The crowd will leave for the Island at 1 o'clock, under the leadership of Miss Mary Black, the swimming instructor of the city, who has offered her services for the Uf 'Phe° following Saturday an even bigger event is on the cards. This Is the Harrisburg girls' P'cnic, which is under the auspices of the sam Community Service and will be m co-operation with the Daughte the American Revolution. Beser voir Park is to be the scene ° partv, and will consist of four main Feature®. n ttn regiment of women, P' CA "™ ti ac _ and no marching to do g p.v,er" qualnted" games, the cat toK d supper when eve.ygM £$' ° and to bring enough food for ne her man, and Anally a big qua twilight entertainment. to heM^^S^cacb bovy C ,s^xpect ted to^ro*lre in shame Srtv On SSSt g a ir.s h ma a y rr compose a squad* and elect their It has been stated that t C i r o a n tl ha7 B Sv°e f d considera tion from the recruiti"K to be a s— Physician Charged With Sending Drugs to City Charged with illegally shipping weekly supplies of bablt-forming drugs to Wtliram C. Adams, 441 Hum mel street, by express. Dr. B. a. Markley .of Reading was ar the officers of the American Railway Shuler. Markley. was released un der SI,OOO ball, and will a hearing In police court next Wed supplies of narcotics have been received by Adams, addressed to his father. William A. Adam* at the officers of the American ' Express whlch that he was unaware that [he narcotics had been received by the youth, asserting that they had •been shipped to the ' athe . r ° in ill health and needed them. Detective Shuler was accompanied to Heading by Dr. Thomas J• Blalr ' of the State Health Departmcn . I\Sl'lt4M'H MEN MEET At the business session of the In surance Federation of rcnnsNlwina held this morning at 10 <•clock the ballroom of the Penn-Harrls, or were elected for thi vear and the ordinary business was ftansactV Delegates were present from all over the State. This afternoon at -..50 there wl l be a series of speeches In the' ball room. It is hoped that Govrenor Sproul will be able to address the convention, but as he is rather busN with the bills at present it lb not as sured that he will be present Thomas B. Donaldson, Insurance Commissioner for Pennsylvania, w'U speak, as will likewise S. J. Doyle of Chicago, assistant counsel for the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and G. Edgar Turner, of lndianapolis general counsel for the National Council of Insurance Federation. CHANGE EXECUTION* Governor Sproul granted the pe tition for an extension of the time for the execution of William Evans, colored, convicted of murder in the Dauphin county courts. changing the date from the week of July 21 to the week of September 29. A pe tition for commutation of sentence will be presented tc the Board of Pardons. WARN OF FOOD AND MEAT DOMINATION [Continued from l'.rst Page.] ance of full publicity of corporate ownership for all industries. "As to devices for securing con trol, there docs not exist adequate law," the report said. "In its absence unfair competition may run its course to the goal of monopoly and accomplish the ruin of competitors without the secret ownership being suspected and consequently without complaint to the commission or in vestigation of facts. The competi tor is in jeopardy so long as he has not the knowledge of true owneshtp, and the public is entitled to such knowledge." Alleging that the "big live" pack ers —Swift and Company, Armour and Company, Wilson aud Company. Morris and Company, and the Oud ahy Company—jointly or separately wield controlling interest in 574 com panies, minority interest in 95 oth ers and undetermined interest in 93 —a total of 762 companies —and that they produce or deal in some 775 commodities, largely food prod ucts, the report gives this picture of growing packer invasion into re lated and unrelated industries: In addition to meat foods, tliey produce or deal in such divers com modities as fresh tomatoes and banjo strings, leather and cotton seed oil, breakfast foods, vin liz, curled hair, pepsin and washing powder. Their branch houses are not only stations for the distribu tion of meat and poultry but take on the character of wholesale gro cery stores, dealers in various kinds of produce and Jobbers to special lines of trade. "They have interests largo enough to be u dominating influence iu most of the services connected with the production und distribution of ani mal foods and their byproducts and are reaching out for control, not only of substitutes of animal food but of substitutes for other lines into which the integration of their business has led them. They are factors In cattle-loan companies, making the necessary loans to grow ers and feeders of livestock; are in terested In railways and private car lines transporting livestock und manufactured unlnial products; in most of the Important stockyards b companies—the public market for tho bulk of food animals; and in livestock trade pupers on which growers and feeders rely for market news. Factors In Many IJucs "They are Interested in banks from which their competitor pack ing houses borrow money; In com panies supplying machinery. Ice, salt, materials, boxes, etc., to them selves and their competitors; they are principal dealers in tho pro-N vision exchanges whore future prices In stundurd cured animal products „ are determined; they or their sub sidiary companies deul in hidca, oleo, fertiliser, material and other crude animal byproducts; purchase front other packers these crude by- FRIDAY EVENING, TEEBGH3LPH JULY 11, 1919. products, and themselves carry the manufacture thereof to a further stage than most of their competi tors. "They are important factors in the leather industry, in oleomar garine and lard substitutes, in cot ton seed oil, in fertilizer, in soap, in glue. etc. "Their vast distributing system, with the advantages arising from COLORITE JT IT? TWT\T"TV 17"J H STATIONERY ALL COLORS | 1 jJy 24 Sheets—24 Envelopes 19c Old English Lawn, 43c TOILET PAPER DIVIDING PROFIT SALE- I^- 3 LARGE ROLLS " * L4V/1 1 1 VINOL 75C 23c | SATURDAY, JULY 12TH [TANLAC .. 75; TOILET DEPARTMENT CIGAR SPECIALS MEDICINE DEPARTMENT FACTORY SMOKERS ... .7 for 25c; 50 for $1.68 FACE POWDERS DENTAL PREPARATIONS STANDARD PATENTS HAIR TONICS KOLTOOS I TOOTH P pI?TE rnc 50ta2JS9 PINKHAM-S COMPOUND 78c HAY'S HAIR HEALTH 3k, 67c ZSEZJiS.'ZEE. ST! p?=TE £ COUNSELLOR.... 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 FATHER JOHN'S 39c, 75c DANDERINE 19c, 39c, 65c !"* S NEW BACHELOR 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 SCOTT'S EMULSION 45c. 89c PARISIAN SAGE 39c r r OAU MI? ,o SENRECO TOOTH PASTE 2k GENERAL HARTRANFT ..9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 PIERCE'S DISCOVERY 75c WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR.. 69c S S MARY GARDEN FACE POWDER...73c - S-WHITE TOOTH PtoTE 17c 9 for 50c; 50 for $259 NUJOL, 9OZ 37c GOLDMAN HAIR RESTORER 98c co C c ROSE O'CUBA !" . 9 for 50c 50 for $2.59 NUJOL, 20 OZ. 75c GOLDEN RULE HAIR TONIC 79c I™ Pk ,<*' £ Lyon's TOOTHPASTE "44" 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 WUNE 35c P.NAUD'S HAIR TONIC 98c pr.w „ C ' sImTOI TOOTH PASTE S HAVANA RIBBON 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 AMERICAN MINERAL OIL 55c BARKER'S HIRSUTUS 73c L-AME (La May) FACE POW.. ,19c, 39c SANITOI. TOOTH PASTE 23c KN ULL'S AMBRO S IA . 9 for 50c; 50 for $2 59 MILES'NERVINE 75c AVER'S HAIR VIGOR 85c ARMCATOOTHSOAP WHITE STATUE for 50c; 50 for $2.59 MILES'HEART REMEDY 75c MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORER, $1.19 YELASKA FACE POWDER 43c ZAHNOL TOOTH SOAP 17c DON ABILO 9 for 50c; 50 for $2 59 S. S. S. BLOOD TONIC 67c MONTGOMERY HAIR RESTORER. 89c PETALAS FACE POWDER 53c PYORRHOCIDE POWDER 71c LA AFINIDAD 3 for 25c- 50 for $3 95 S - S - S - BLOOD TONIC. . sl.lO MRS. GRAHAM'S HAIR COLOR.. $1.15 FASCINATION FACE POWDER ...53c LYON'S TOOTH POWDER 17c HENRIETTA 3 for 25c-50 for $395 R USSEL'S EMULSION 98c Q-BAN RESTORER. . 45c ES FACE ' >O ™ ER " 1C lmH™oT O ?WTrPOwSER }?c CIRARI) !! i!" !!"! 3te Ste $5 PASTOR KOENIG TONIC 79c HERBICIDE. . . WAT TV DREAM 79° GRAVES ' TOOTH POWDER !. ,17c ADLON 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 MILKS EMULSION 43c, 83c WESTPHAL'S AUXILIATOR... .39c, 79c WALTZ DREAM FACE POWDER...79c KALPHENO TOOTH POWDER 19c WEDDING VEIL 3 for 25c; 50 for $3 95 HOSTETTER'S BITTERS 89c WILD ROOT HAIR TONIC 43c, 79c PUSSYWILLOW FACE POWDER.. 39c COLGATE TOOTH POWDER,.. .15c, 25c AMERICAN EMPIRE 3 for 25c- 50 for $3 95 SLOAN'S LINIMENT 19c, 39c, 79c DAMSCHINSKY DYE 39c, 53c rfm E AriVFA% P ™iSr^™ W }£ SANCHEZ & HAYA .....is for 25c; 50 for s3*s BROMO SELTZER 37c, 73c BROWNETONE 27c, 89c LA BLACHE FACE POWDER 42c LISTERINE TOOTH POWDER 19c ANGIER'S EMULSION 43c, 83c WALNUTTA 39c A CREOTERPIN (Pint) 83c BUCKINGHAM'S DYE !..!..!!.!!^s3c TOILET CREAMS SOAPS CIGARETTES L'AME (La May) CREAM 28c ROGER & GALLETTS 41c FATIMAS 20c GLYCO THYMOLINE 19c, 39c, 79c fllllT% 7NTQ ARA-MARA CREAM 39c WOODBURY SOAP 18c CAMELS 15c LISTERINE 18c, 37c, 67c Ullllml.il 10 POND'S VANISHING CREAM 30c RESINOL SOAP 18c LUCKY STRIKES 15c LYSOL 19c, 38c, 75c ANAinr' RAITMP ai* POND'S COLD CREAM 30c ship LORD SALISBURY Jsc LAVORIS..... 19c, 38c, 75c 3 ' C GERMICIDAL SOAP .....'.'.'.'.'' 17c CHKTERFIELD. 15c GRAY'S GLYCERINE TONIC 95c WORMWOOD BALM 41c STILLMANS FRECKLE CREAM...29c COLGATE BIG BATH SOAP.. .2 for 25c MURAD 16c SAL HEPATICA 19c, 38c, 73c CAPSOLINE 19c OTHENE, DOUBLE STRENGTH... 67c COLGATE ELDER FLOWER NATURAL 18c J AD'S SALTS :50c K Y JEIIY 17<- KINTHO CREAM 49c, 79c SOAP... 2 for 25c MELACHRINOS 18c ATWOOD'S BITTERS 18c ronton VATARRH JPi'i'v ie ELMO CUCUMBER CREAM 38c CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS 37c FO RKOIA - *l9c!'s9c wn C n A nmw C A 43 ° JERGEN'S VIOLET GLYCERINE, Q \ PHFT PHWIIFDQ LIMESTONE PHOSPHATES 32c RESINOL OINTMENT 39c, 75c WOODBURY'S FACE CREAM 17c 3 for2sc 1 U W DUIXVO FELLOWS'SYRUP HYPO $1.05 MUSTE RI NE 32C PALMOLIVE COLD CREAM 33c JERGEN'S GERANIUM BATH, RIGAUITS UN AIR EMBAUME $2 25 VICK'S SALVE 19c, 39c PALMOLIVE VANISHING 33c 3 for 25c RIGAUD'S VIOLETTE $175 MIISTFROIF 19r 3Q RIKERS VIOLET CERATE 43c SOAP 4for2sc RIGAUD'S KITTY GORDON !!"SL2S Dll I Q AMII TARI FTS MFNTHOI ATUM SEMPRE GIOVINE 39c JSE—.' RIGAUD'S MARY GARDEN *,B3c NLLd AMI lADLCId " E N™OLATUM ...,16c, 30c _______. _ _ 4 w PEARS SCENTED SOAP 20c HOI TRIG ANT'S VTOrETTR IDPAI P 9 qq SASSAFOLA 17c POMPEJAN NIGHT CREAM 26c 4711 WHITE ROSE GLYC ...23c HOUBIGANTS IDEAL $2 38 PAPE 'S DIAPEPSIN 30c CUTICURA OINTMENT 19c, 34c SANITOL COLD CREAM 23c PEAR'S SOAP (unscented) 14c HOUBIGANTS QUELQUES FLEURS $2.38 NUXATED IRON 63c POSLAM 43c, $1.65 SANITOL FACE CREAM 23c HOUBIGANTS QUELQUES VIOLETTES.. $2.38 BLISS NATIVE HERBS 65c CREME TAKALON 69c CllAiiDnn CAADC HOUBIGANTS HELIOTROPE $1.19 DE WITTS KIDNEY PILLS ,32c DR. CHARLES' FLESH FOOD 37c OnAmrUU OVMtO PI S R ' S to RLORAMYB 83c BEECHAM'S PILLS 17c UMfIC CIIDDI ICC HUDNUTS MARV. COLD CREAM .39c CANTHROX. 43c VIVAUDOIi'S LADY MARY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 40c lIUmL OUrrLILO HUDNUTS COLD CREAM, Tubes . . .19c MUUSIFIED COCOANUT OIL 39c HUDNUTS VIRGINIA ROSE 45c NATURE'S REMEDY 17c, 34c, 67c „ YCVRmv o n 7 " HUDNUTS ORIGINAL CERATE ...49c LIQUIFIED COCOANOT OIL 39c OAEWOOBB VTOLBT i!!"i"l:BITRO-PHOSPHATES 73c % HUDNUTS CUCUMBER CREAM...4Bc EE VERA COCOANUTOIL 59c COLGATE'S FLORIENT 45c WENDALL'S AMBITION PILLS 36c r.w HUDNUTS VIOLET CERATE 48c OTAMTOS Bo£ga3ll PERUNA TABEETS 39c LIQUID VENEER Ik^Ok v,m A reEAM 3k Koo IN i5,X A d R pr ? COLGATE'S " AR ™ EA J™, * O CEDAR POLISH 0k VIOLA CREAM 37c SHAMPOO POWDER • BROWN'S VIOLET SIMPLICITY 29cand53c OIL KOREIN CAPSULES 79c CARBONA 13c, 19c, 39c - ?? C BROWN'S GARDEN OF ALLAH 29c and 53c PIERCE'S DISCOVERY 39c, 79c PA.CKS 20c TAI nAMinmO SHAMPOO 21c BROWNjS BOOMERANG 39cand89c PIERCE'S PRESCRIPTION 39c, 79c AV .c nicrn^v'''' ,o. TALCUM POWDERS ggowrrs GARDEN OF ROSES 29cand83c PIE RCE'S ANURIC 39c, 79c Zt mS 2U MARY GARDEN TALCUM 43c TOILET WATERS S! SKS'i!!!!!!! 100 5-GR. CASCARA TABLETS 39c SSsS?*i^S£f. MAVIS TALCUM 17c BROWN'S HELIOTROPE GLORY 29c 5-GR. ASAFETIDA 79c PE T E RMAN'S ROACH POW 17c. 34c MENNEN'S TALCUM 19c TOILETTE slls BROWN'S ORIENTAL BODY SACHET !'£ 100 5-GR. BAYER ASPIRIN TAB 80c WES 3 FOR 25c WITCH HAZEL TALCUM 9c BROWS SIRESI LILAC 29c 100 ALOPHEN PILLS 53c FOR !!!!!!!!! BUTTERFLY TALCUM I7c BOOMERANG.. ....... ... . . . .65c, $l!l0 290 100 PEPTONIZED IRON TABLETS. 79c PIJTNAM DYES, 3 FOR 25c BABCOCK CORYLOPSIS TALCUM, 14c FIANCEE $2.05 j.l <• n n , n . . 100 LAPACTIC PILLS 25c nn/rn DISINFFCTANT 17c BABCOCK CUT ROSE TALCUM ... 14c AZUREA VEGETALE $1.19 Mothproof Bags, 24x24 43c PIERCE'S PELLETS 17c STE RN O HE AT 3 FOR 25c HUDNUTS TALCUM (Tin) 17c VECETAIE ll'iq Balls Or Flake, pound 15c EDWARDS' OLIVE TABLETS 17c DUTCH CLEANSER, 2 FOR 15c WHSTE VIOLET TALC 2ic ; )R my£ Ton mr l\'ll Kempure Water Glass, quart 30c BELL-ANS 17c, 4dc KRESO-DISINFECTANT 13c SYKE'S COMFORT POWDER 19c DJER-KISS VEGETALE sll9 Witch Hazel, pint 41c MILES ' PAIN PILLS 21c ' 79c CHLORINATED LIME 7c, 13c LADY MARY TALCUM 39c KITTY GORDEN '.'.!!!!!'.!!$l!l9 IniDOrted Bav Rum nint HARLEM OIL CAPSULES 23c SANLFLUSH. . 19c DJER-KISS TALCUM 29c LILAS DE RIGUAD $2.13 p] J ' P °'* C ENERCINE 21^ TDPVTIVI IPII /IF T>l 0 _ MARY GARDEN $2 98 A llltO Water 34C ENLKGINE 21c TRLNTINI TALCUM 37c Alhnlpnn Pnld rman, 1 - An urn CONKEY'S LICE POWDER 19c HIGH JINKS TALCUM 59c GARDEN $4.19 AlDOlene Cold Cream 15c FnR Mrh SULPHUR CANDLES, 4 FOR 25c SATIN SKIN TALCUM 13c Oh've Oil, pint, 69c; quart $1.34 ivy" PALMOLIVE TALCUM i9c MISHFII ANFfIIK Palmolive Soap 4 for 25c SIOO LESLIE JUNIOR RAZOR 53c DU BARRY TALCUM 79c miooLLLniiLUUO IILITIO Formaldehvde Lamos 19c 37c 73r 6 AUTO-STROP BLADES 39c CHD TUC DADV BATHA SWEET 26c MERCOLIZED WAX 63c p„kk! CI am P S • • iyc > ?800 GILLETr RAZOR $6.79 rUK I tit BABY HUBIGANTS TALCUM 83c DELETONE 63c Rubber Gloves, pair 39c RA7OR L 75 EL RADO 37c, 69c Soap Dyes 4 for 25c 6 GILLMT BLAM . .V.V.V.V.'.V 39c HORLICK'S MALTED MILK, LIQUID AND DRY ROUGES DE R MERIDOR " LIQUID powder. Welches Grape Juice,pint 35C; qt. 65C SI.OO GEM RAZOR 79c BORDEN'S MALTED MILK? 8 ' ' s2 ' 7 ° ORIENTAL CREAM $1.05 Absorbent Cotton, pound 48c 7 GEM BLADES 39c 39c, 77c, $2.75 AUBREY SISTERS' TINT 24c EPTOI 39c Peroxide Dint 19r SI.OO EVER-READY RAZOR 79c ESKArS FOOD 43c, 73c, $2.69 DORIN LIQUID ROUGE 19c ZINTONE 39c T -i u,' *n V. ' ' V*'.iV '* or in 6 FVFR READY BLADES 27c IMPERIAL GRANIUM 55c, 85c DORIN 1249 39c BETA QUINOL. 39c Libby sor Carnation Milk 3 for 40c E J ER V REA J ; BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK, CALLSTA ROUGE 45c NEUROXINE. . 39c EpSOm Salts, pound 8c f m o* 4 CANS, SOc VENDOME ROUGE 43c EGGOL 19c rrftee Plo e W ia„ 5 DURHAM BLADES 39c mbluen'S FOOD, 2 75c JARS $1.05 MARY GARDEN ROUGE 43c HENNA SAN 39c KeG ross *Uuney t laster IDC LATHER BRUSHES 25c to $2.48 NESTLE'S FOOD 49c and $2.49 MAVIS ROUGE 39c USIT WRINKLE CHASER 35c Armours Grape Juice, pt., 35c; qt 65c JOHNSON'S SHAVING CREAM 21c CASTORIA 23c Razor Blade Sharpeners PINAUD'S t E-KON-I-M KENNEDY SELLS IT CHEAPER Ll , L s f,™ L (for Gillette Blades) or STAG SHARPENER 321 MARKET STREET HAIR TONIC (all blades) 8-oz., 98c; 15i-oz., $1.68 the control of private care, cold storage and a network of branch houseo, has enabled them to extend their activities on a large scale into poultry, eggs, cheese, butter, rice, breakfast foods, canned vegetables, soda fountain supplies and other lines. "Individuals of the Armour fam ily arc owners of grain and elevator companies, and J. Ogden Armour is a prominent factor In the American International Corporation, with Its shipping and shipbuilding interests. Its import and export companies and various lines, Its Interest in a company organized to develop cattle raising, meat packing, Quebrach ex tract and allied businesses In Para guay, its control of a large tea Im porting company and a sugar ma chinery corporation, and Its minor ity stock In the United Fruit Com pany. "Some of Swift & Company's sub sidiaries are growing tropical fruits in Hawaii; a subsidiary of Wilson & Company, incorporated, has reached into the salmon fisheries or Alaska, and a Morris concern cans shrimp taken in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. "In England, France. Italy, Hoi land and other Kuropean countries large meat distributing companies have been organized by the pack ers to sell the meats from their plants in the United States, Argen tine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Australia." Immense Financial Powers As to financial power, the report said in part: "The packer has drawn to a marked degree upon the banks of the country for liquid funds. To assure himself loans ample to his purpose the big packer has secured afflliatlon through stock ownership representation on directorates, and in other ways, with numerous banks and trust companies. Mr. Armour, Mr. Swift. Mr. Morris and Mr. Wil son are directors in banks affiliated closely with those who are strong at the sources of credit in the Unit ed States. Being thus allied with the powerful interests at the source* ! of credit, the packers' power is great, not only for financing their own national and international oper ations, but for effecting, for good or for ill, the credit of cattle pro ducers and of competitors or cus tomers In any line." 7