Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 11, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
r STORE CLOSES STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX lg|,l, Syracuse Merchants Vote to Close Stores Saturdays at Six On May 30th, we published a letter on our adver tising page from the Retail Saleswomen's Associa tion of Syracuse, N. Y., requesting information re garding Saturday evening closing. July Ist the merchants of Syracuse put into effect the Saturday evening closing. The resolution fix ing the new hours state: "It is the desire of the merchants of the city to make the hours of labor of their em ployes as light as possible in the interest of health and from every human consideration. This is a far more commendable attitude, of hav ing the employers take the initiative in progressive movements of this character than to invite other possibilities later. Saturday Specials in Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods Silks—36 and 40-inch Foulard, beautiful designs on medium and dark grounds, these fabrics are most desirable for all season's wear; Saturday only, $1.89 yard. 36-inch Fancy Silks in an elaborate display of plaids and stripes in fine color combination; Satur day only, $1.69 yard. 36-inch Crepe Damask in white only, specially suitable for smart dresses of skirts; Saturday only, $2.50 yard. Dress Goods —10-inch Silk and Wool Crepes; good line of colors including black and white; $1.59 yard. 54-inch Mohairs; plain and fancy in gray, navy, black and tan; Saturday only, $1.95 yard. 48-inch Embroidered Serges; cream only, with beautiful border designs in white and black; Satur day only, $4.95 yard. Wash Goods —38 and 40-inch Printed Voiles; light and dark colorings; also a good range of plain shades of fine sheer quality; Saturday only, 48c yard. 32-inch Finest Ginghams of Foreign and Domestic makes; good line of smart plaids and stripes; Sat urday only, 59c yard. 32 and 36-inch Repcords; plain and fancy'weaves, A silk and cotton fabric with excellent wearing quali ties; good line of colors; Saturday only, 89c yard. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Dainty Styles in Silk Underwear Silk underwear has claimed the heart of every woman who realizes true econ omy in underclothes. These silken garments can be easily washed and will out wear in almost every instance cotton lingerie. Silk Vests, Bloomers, Gowns, Petticoats, Chemise and Camisoles. Featuring Silk Vests in bodice or shoulder top, in white and flesh, plain tailored or cmocoiqcfCU. to $2.98. Silk Bloomers, in flesh or white, finished with plain band or ruffles, in Kayser silk, crepe de chine and satin, $2.98 to $6.98. Crepe de chine and satin Gowns in , flesh and white, daintily trimmed with lace and georgette, in a variety of pretty styles in sleeveless gowns, $5.98 to $17.98. Petticoats made up in crepe de chine and satin, in flesh mid white, plain tai lored skirts with double-panel front and aoW MAN'S—I FRIDAY EVENING, " ' gAUHISBPRG TELEGRAPH JULY 11, 1919 back; sonic very pretty styles with georgette and lace-trimmed ruffles, $4.50 to $13.50. Envelope Chemise in crepe de chine and georgette, also wash satin; a va riety of styles to match the gowns; bod ice top with ribbon straps or shoulder models; a fine selection of garments, $2.98 to $12.98. Camisoles made of crepe de chine and wash satin, lace-trimmed or tailored models in flesh and white, $1.25 to $3.98. Millie Burkes in crepe de chine and satins, $9.98, $10.98 and $16.98. 'tiecof.d Flu I Fashionable Summer Hats 1 Seldom Sold For So Little 1 $5.95 i§j The hats at this price represent all mBbBMi new summer styles. A purchase of a •;' I large sample line and other assortments V" of the newest hats marked specially low // _Vi || for quick disposal. / These hats are made of georgette, /rSy taffeta, moire silks, khaki-kool sport hats, georgette combined with leghorn crowns, Tagal hemp and georgette and ;;§ a number of unusual styles in ribbon || g hats in the new summer shades. j§j H : The shapes are mostly medium || g and large brims which make an H ideal summer hat. In fact, the p If \ hest offering of hats we have made || ( * n a time. And they will live p i U P t° Bowman's reputation for M VLx / ik Jk / selling millinery that is new in M s tyle and high in quality. Very || BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. jz3 I 20% Off I Women's Low Shoes All black, brown and colored Pumps and Oxfords included in our July Clearance Sale of women's shoes. Patent Leather 5-evelet Oxford, with light welt soles and Louis XV heels. Sale price, SB.OO. Patent Leather Colonial Pumps, turn soles and Louis XV heels. Sale price, SB.OO. Pumps with pointed tongue in black kid, black suede, pearl and field mouse gray, sale price, SB.OO Black suede oxford: hand turn sole and Louis XV heel, sale price, $9.20. Black calf and tan calf pumps, leather military heels, sale price, $5.16. Black calf oxfords: welt soles and leather mili tary heel, sale price, $5.56. Black kid oxfords; and tan calfskin oxford; welt soles and leather military heel, sale price, $5.96. Black and brown calf pumps with small tongue welt soles and leather Cuban heel, sale price, $6.00. Black and brown kid oxfords; turn soles and leather Louis heels, sale price, $6.36. Black and brown calf oxford; turn sole and Louis XV heel, sale price, $7.16. No C. O. D.'s No exchanges All sales final. BOWMAN'S—Third Kloor. Vacation Time Is Luggage Time Our trunk and bag section is one of the most complete in Har- W) risburg. We are showing all the latest models in traveling bags, suit cases, trunks and accessories. Trunks that will withstand the -"3 hard knocks of the baggage man. Y? A Bags that are light and grace u' >' et sturdy and will hold a lot. ~ Traveling bags; $6.75 to $27.50 Matting Suit Cases; $2.50 to $8.75 Fiber Suit Cases; 98c to $12.25 Leather Suit Cases; $5.00 to $30.00. Steamer Trunks; $10.50 to $27.50 Dress Trunks; $13.00 to $27.50 Wardrobe Trunks; $40.00 to $55.00 Fiber Laundry Cases; $3.25 and $3.50. eoWMAN'B— Clearance Sale of Capes, Coats, Dolmans and Sport Coats INTJVO LOTS Not copies of better wraps or special lots purchased for this sale but the clearance of our new, this season's goods. They rep resent the most popular models; are of splendid quality materials, all finely made. You will be proud to own and wear any one of these garments. Lot No. I—Serges,l—Serges, satins and silvertones. These wraps are lined throughout with plain or figured satin; short and long lengths; colors of navy, Copen„ tan and rose; $14.75. Lot No. 2 —Velours, silk faille, serge and trieotine for street, sport and motor wear in navy, black, tan and Pekin; all lined throughout, about 50 in the lot; $29.75. V Closing Out of a Small Lot of Dresses in taffeta, foulard, georgette, crepe de chine, La Jerz and fig ured georgette combinations. These are all smart stylish models suitable for street, afternoon and sport wear. Sizes 14 to 44 in all the new shades; Sale Price, $23.00. SOWIUM 8-Third Floor. . A Summer Materials For Curtains And Slip Covers Summer Door Curtains made of Madras in striped with fringe and figured Madras with valance in rose, blue, green and, brown; $2.00 to $6.00 pair. Washable Linen Couch Covers; plain centers with borders; also striped with fringe; $1.45 to $2.25. Scrim, Madras and Marquisette in white and Ecru 36 to 50 inches wide; figured and plain; 29c to 95c yd. Cretonnes for all purposes in set and all over pat terns; special designs for willow chairs and uphol stery purposes; 36 to 50 inches wide; 50c to $6.50 yd. Cedar Chests And Utility Boxes v In a large range of sizes and styles; 45 to 52 inches long; some plain, some brass bound; $6.50 to $47.00. Stop Winding Bobbins Ask to See Our Two Spool Sewing Machine You Can See This Two-Spool Machine Only At BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. A Special Lot of Top and Back Strap Purses Much Less Than Regular Prices Bought from a large New York leather house. A fine assortment in black and colors, various sizes and shapes of Indian goat leather with pin seal finish, Morocco vachette and eckrasa. AH nicely lined and fitted with mirror while a few have coin purse and mirror. Some of these have an extra compartment. Also some silk and mocha bags fitted with coin purse and mirror. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. " i "" " 1 • ' - •i"-" a 3