Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 11, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
IS Talking About" "Always Reliable" I Silk Shirt Window j OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT I | BwWM%MWWWIVmWWW%WWW>WVt%MIWW%WWWWII 1 | Only 2 to a Customer | [TRICHS Big July Shirt Sale I This is the second Saturday of our Big "Shirt Sale" and if we can judge from the results of the first week—Tomorrow will see thousands of I people here, not alone from this city, but from all the surrounding territory, for there's been a great deal ° f personal work ne for us b y tbe great numbers of people who have been here to this ■> ir ktr "Shirt Sale," and after buying liberally were so pleased that they wanted everybody else to enjoy the big savings that are to be Had at this "Live Store's" big "Shirt Sale." I No matter what you've heard about this sale you can't grasp the Jiff 111 |i IMMMM full significance of what a "Big Thing" it is unless you've been here and looked at the eager and I / JIM j 1 hlk }§ IT I enthusiastic buyers who come Here for their full share of these magnificent shirts. You'll find some customers buying It 11 1 ;1 them by the Half Dozen, others nine and ten shirts each, but very few who are buying less than two. You can't resist MB I when you see the splendid fabrics, the rich colorings and beautiful blends. Don't miss the XJ SIO,OOO Silk Shirt Display Page after page could be written about this big Shirt „ ft' Sale, but you alone will be the loser if you fail to take the advantage offered —Car- I / loads of shirts, stacked in every available space. Every day we count the enormous amount of f J Jvjr jy pfeip * dozens sold. It's really marvelous that a store in Harrisburg could sell so many Silk, Percale, Mad k m ir Hg i A ras and Mercerized Shirts, but just to prove it come Here and see for yourself. Ijfm fI Every Shirt in Our Entire Stock Reduced f ljj! fir — (Except Manhattans) t W All $1.50 Shirts .......... /| 9 All $5.85 Silk Shirts ...... • j! All $2.50 Shirts $1.89 All $7.85 Silk Shirts ...... $6,89 -Ttt • |l All $3.50 Shirts $2.89 All $8.85 Silk Shirts $7.89 | wT WL All $5.00 Shirts $3.89 All SIO.OO Silk Shirts $8.89 Copyright 191S Hart Schaffner & Marx All SI.OO Boys' 1 | All $1.25 Black j I All $1.25 Blue j Kay nee Shirts Sateen Shirts Chambray Shirts T | Rf>HiirtirknQ 79c 99c |;|| 99c jj J J X S jL Y \JL v_ Sb X XX W iMWWMWWWtWWMWWWWWMm a • the next ten days; we know for a cer- j! TAtHAirntir Tho "RlO* "HfITT the store that is daddy's store appeals to the young lads as jj X UillUl Xv/ W JL XXV Jjiw UCLj sell more men's suits than "all" the other stores put together in Har __________ / i * All $15.00 Boys' Suits sl2 SO Ca2^SS32SjS2m2SSFSSSSSSESSS23 All $16.50 Boys' Suits ft j Market Harrisburg, ft I ■— "* FRIDAY EVENING, w JULY 11, 1919. 13