Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 11, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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No Food or Mail Could be
Handled Without
Without the dogs all traveling in
Alaska for seven or eight months of
the year, except on the government
railroad to Fairbanks and two or
s three other very short lines, would be
impossible and neither food nor maii
could be taken into the Interior of the
country. The territory is dependent
upon its dogs.
The rivers freeze early in October,
as n rule, and the ice does not break
until May. While many of the dog
trails follow the courses of the rivers.
irm |iiiiniia^ra
ILjr The finishing touch after^Kfl
IVfl/ the bath—a shower of Hi
■ 1/ dainty, violet-scented
keeps the skin soft, cool, healthy, and I
fragrant with the breath of Neapolitan W
p violets. Talcolette, the distinctive violet
E powder for every toilet use, comes in y
Large jar 35c Small jar 25c
N*SrS 1
Grandfather and the Children
Know How Good
Jersey Corn Flakes Are
THE little folks are excellent judges of good things.
Their taste is a natural one and not cultivated. That
is the reason they are so fond of crisp, brown Jersey
Corn Flakes.
And you can't fool grandfather. He chooses food which
is both appetizing and nourishing. He likes his dish heaped
high as do the other grownups of the family.
Jersey Corn Flakes retain their crisp- ip"
ness in milk and do not get soggy and "?
unappetizing. Our process of manufact- Zfiflßsjfc, >
uring develops the sweet, natural flavor of ?
Packed in triple-seal packages to keep
them fresh. Ready to serve in a minute. CORN
Jersey Cereal Food Company, Cereal, Penna. y
Learn the Jersey Difference—Ask Your Grocer for
Corn Hakes
The Original Thick Corn Flakes
cross country travel Is quite common
throughout the winter.
The common way of "mushing," or
traveling by dog sled, Is the single
file, seven animals usually being em
ployed. The head dog Is the leader and
Is trained to keep the animals strung
out so that they do not become en
tangled In their harness and traces
and so that they are all pulling in the
one direction. Tandem driving has be
come much more common than it was
during the early rush of goldseekers
to Alaska. This is done with either
five or seven dogs, the leader being In
advance by himself.
Fifty pounds per dog, or 350 pounds
a seven-day team. Is considered
by experienced Alaskan drivers as the
proper amount if one wishes to get
speed out of his dogs or is making a
long .iourney. Often the load is 100
pounds per dog and occasionally, tor
short journeys, 200 pounds.
The malamutc, the native Alaskan
Eskimo dog, and the "husky," ob
tained by interbreeding "outside"
strains with the "Siwash," the native
Indian dog. are the best sied animals
to be obtained.
Cross breeding has led to many
strains in dogs employed in Alaskan
travel, but none has been found to
surpass the malamute and the husKy,
mainly because their toes are close to
gether with no hair growing between
them thus preventing them from get
ting sere feet from the snow balling
up. The collie has been found to be
the most intelligent dog for a leader,
but the collie's desire to dp all the
work himself (",-hereas the leader
should do nothing but lead) causes
him to use up his strength. Crosses
Iwtth the setters and pointers stand
the cold and the strenuous work ex
cept that their toes are hairy and they
easily get sore feet.
The ordinary value of a dog in
Alaska is $25. In the time of a "stam
pede" of gold seekers this may jump
to SIOO and $l5O.
Dogs are employed by the Christian
missionaries in the Interior of Alaska
to visit, members of their scattered
flocks and to bring patients into their
hospitals. Along the Yukon, where the
Protestant Episcopal church is tn
charge of all protestant work among
both Indians and Eskimos, the dis
tances are great and the missions few
and these- dogs are found of inesti
mable value. More of them will be
used in the work of Christianizing the
natives as a result of the nation-wide
campaign of the Episcopal Church to
expand all its activities at home and
abroad, as more funds and mot®
workers will be made available for
Alaska. _____
Catholics Plan For
Second Annual Picnic
The annual Catholic picnic will be
held at Hershey Thursday. August 21,
it. was announced to-day. The pic
nic will be under the auspices of the
Harrlsburg Council Knights of Co
lumbus, and invitations will be is
sued to all Catholics of Central Penn
The first Catholic picnic was held
at Hershey in 1017, and the affair
proved so popular that it was decid
ed to make it. an annual event. How
ever, the necessities of war caused
the postponement of the picnic last
year. It is planned to make this one
of the most successful picnics of the
kind ever held* in this part of the
State, and a committee has been
working on the details for some time.
Among the attractions will be a
dress parade and drill of the Knights
of St. George Cadets of Harrisburg,
Steelton, Lancaster and Lebanon; a
baseball game, races and dancing.
The committee in charge of the af
fair includes the following: Joseph
P. Durborow, chairman; Milton J.
Yetter, E. B. McCulla, George Mor
rlssey, F. J. Yestadt and J. L. McCor
A good game of baseball is prom
ised for Saturday afternoon on the
West End ground at 5 o'clock be
tween the Commonwealth team of
West End League and the Harrisburg
Giants, colored champions of this
city. The Giants have not lost a
came thus far this season, and will
have their best pitcher, Smokey Joe
Jordon, in the box, who defeate_d the
strong Sheridan team of Lebanon
county on Sunday afternoon by the
score of 1 to 0. A large delegation
of colored rooters will accompany
the team, who will keep things lively
during the game.
Knights of Columbus
Leader Is Honored
"Vittiaw <J. MuttcgArv.
A singular honor was recently paid
to Chairman William J. Mulligan, of
the Knights of Columbus committee
on war activities, when two famous
schools, Fordham University, of Now
York, and Holy Cross College, of
Worcester, Mass., bestowed the de
gree of doctor of laws upon him in
recognition of his services in the
war work of the Knights of Colum
bus. Chairman Mulligan is now in
France supervising the final work
for the A. E. F. and intensifying K.
of C. activities for the Army of Oc
cupation. The degrees bestowed by
tho schools were in each case con
ferred in absentia.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 108
crew to go first after 4 o'clock: 119,
120, 101, 118, 111, 112, 104, 107.
Engineers for 104.
Firemen for 101.
Conductors for 119, 120, 118.
Flagmen for 118.
Brakemen for 108, 119, 120, 101(2),
112, 104.
Engineers up: Hoffman, Frlckman,
Kope, Gable, Bickle.
Firemen up: Blckel, Klrchall,
Northcut, Clark, Kimmich, Folk,
Good, Rider, Mace, Bestline, Shank,
Leach, Myers, Abel, Shiskoff.
Conductors up: Wilson.
Brakemen up: Zimmerman, Mon
gan, Belford, Silks, Cook, Anderson,
Fernston, Minichan, Singleton, Light
Middle Division. The 244 crew to
go first after 1.15 o'clock: 248, 252,
246, 229.
Laid oft—l 6.
Engineers up: E. R. Snyder, Kreps,
Cook, Hawk, Kline, Nissley, Swei
gart, Sarley, Brink, Rowe, Kreiger,
Leppard, Bowers, Leib, Sweger, As
per, O. W. Snyder, Corder, Tltler,
Firemen up: Bickert, Keiter,
Schmidt, Gant, Gilbert, Haskins,
Woomer, Holsinger, Elinger, Kurtz.
Conductors up: Bennett.
Brakemen up: Roushe, Bitner, Bell,
Hemmlnger, B'enical, Kipp, Furlow,
Reynolds, Gross, Clouser, Shelley,
Fisher, Eley, Leonard, Dare.
Yard Board.— Engineers wanted
for 6C, 1, 15C, 23C.
Firemen wanted for 12C, 2, 15C,
and 35C.
Engineers up: Sayford, Beckwlth,
Machamer, Cless, Ewing, Yinger,
Starner, Monroe.
Firemen up: Burns, Houdeshel,
Gardner, J. A. Rupley, Speese, Miller,
Biever, Troup, Dissinger, Young,
Plank, G. K. Smith, Rothe, Stine,
Dearoff, Whlchello, Paul, Ross.
Philadelphia Division. The 2f06
crew to go first after 3 o'clock: 220,
246, 215, 223, 207, 250, 237, 242, 204,
231, 248, 230, 210, 244, 229, 252, 217,
235, 232, 208.
Engineers for 220, 244.
Firemen for 223, 252, 217.
Conductors for 216, 250, 2101.
Flagmen for 206, 246, 201.
Brakemen for 250, 237, 244, 252, 217.
Conductors, up: Ebner, Barnhart,
Brakemen up: Haines, Shank,
Bentz, Shelley, Lennan, Beers, Home,
Davis, Kurl, Trostle, Vogelsong, Dor
Middle Division. —The 216 crew to
go first after 1.30 o'clock: 241, 220,
240, 242, 230.
Laid off—ll7, 106, 104, 103, 112.
Engineers for 117, 104.
Firemen for 106.
Brakemen for 117, 106, 104, 112.
Yard Board. —Engineers up: Gelb,
Curtis, D. K. Hlnkle, Holland.
Firemen up: Holmes, White, Sand
ers, Crammer. Kennedy. Albright,
Bensen, Morris, Meek, Metz, Hutch
ison, Taylor, Cashman, Sadler, Light
ner, Mllllken, Yetter.
Firemen for Ist 102, 137, 118.
Middle Division. —Engineers up: J.
W. Smith, J. W. Burd, H. Johnson,
C. D. Hollenbaugh. W. G. Jamison, S.
H. Alexander, J. Crimmel, F. F.
Schreck, W. E. Turbett, J. R. Brinser,
A. C. Allen. A. J. Wagner.
Engineers wanted for 13, 15 and
four extras west this p. m.
Firemen up: P. E. Gross, A. H.
Kunts, H. W. Fletcher, R. E. Look,
G, B. HUBS, S. H. Wright, R. A. Arn
old, Roy Herr, C. F. Foust, G. W.
Firemen wanted for 29, 19, M-27.
Philadelphia Division. —Engineers
up: E. C.' Snow, C. B. First. R. B.
Engineers wanted for Cpld 26, 32.
Firemen up: H. Myers, B, W. John
son, J. S. Lenlg, J. S. Frankford, A.
L. Floyd, J. N. Hhlndler, M. G. Shaff-
Ftremen wanted for M-22, 98, I J -38
ner, J. M. Piatt.
The 61 crew first to go after 6 30
o'clock: 72. 14, 88. 60. 18. 67. 53, 62.
3 and 6,_
Engineers for 68.
Firemen for 14, 60.
Conductors for 14.
Conductors for 14.
Flagmen for none.
Brakemen for 61, 62, 68, 72.
Engineers up: Merkle, Wood. Bow
man, Douple.
Firemen up| Kunts, Noggia, Myers,
OrndorfT, Hoover,
Conductors upl Hlpna, Fleagle,
Flagmen upi O, H. Wller, Htahl,
Gochenour, Dutery, Kdmonrisun, Haln!
Brakemen up: Lees, Buffing ton
JTrj* *
I Steelton News 1
State to Pave Treacherous
Roadway Long a Burden
to the Borough
At the special session of the Borough
Council held last evening the propo
sition of the State to pave the lower
end of Front street, was accepted.
The borough will pay as its share of
the cost 32,000. The entire cost is esti
mated at about 320,000. The street to
be paved Is the stretch of South Front
street, from the overhead bridge to
the borough limits, a distance ot
some thing over two miles. This road
has been a burden on the borough for
the past twelve years. Time after time
the Boiough Council has been peti
tioned to have the street thoroughly
paved. IGnanees, however, did not al
low this, and year after year the
street has been repaired, never how
ever, to the satisfaction of the many
motorists who use the road. Because
of its narrow width and its curves it
is known as a dangerous roadway, and
has bee nthe scene of a number of ac
The street will be paved with maca
dam surfaced with an asphalt pre
paration. Work will be started as soon
us the State workmen complete the
road below Middlotown on which they
are now working.
Red Cross Will Secure
Photos of Soldiers' Graves
Relatives of soldiers who died in
Europe may secure photos of the
grave by applying to the Home
Service Section of the local chapter
of Red Cross, according to an an
nouncement made by Miss Hese, of
the Home Servfice Section, this
morning. The office of the Home
Service Section is open Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. Relatives
desiring such photographs should
make the request as soon as pos
sible, giving all known details of
the deceased soldier's rank, branch
of service and division, and when
and where reported killed or died.
Correspondence with civilians in
enemy countries and in territory
with which correspondence is now
restricted, may be had through the
Red Cross.
The executive committee of the
local chapter will be held on July
21 instead of July 14 as previously
Weil-Known Young Nurse
Dies After Long Illness
Esther Ruth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. D. Ruth, of Hlghsplre. died
yesterday afternoon at the Harrisburg
Hospital. She suffered for the past
three years, having been taken ill
with typhoid fever in 1916. Left in a
weakened condition she was taken ill
with influenza last fall, and died yes
terday with tubercular pneumonia.
She was a graduate of the Harrisburg
Hospital Training School for Nurses
and of the Philadelphia Maternity
Hospital. Later she served as super
i visor at the Harrisburg Hospital. She
leaves her parents, four brothers.
Irvin C.. Edward D.. Elwood S. and
Harold E. and two sisters. Miss Nina
and Mrs. Edwin Knisely.
Funeral services will be held on
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
residence of her parents, and burial
will be in the Highspire cemetery.
The Rev. .T. C. Forncrook, pastor of
the Church of God, will conduct the
Union Picnic a Success
in Spite of Weather
The union picnic of four of the
borough Sunday schools held yester
day at Hershey was voted a success
in spite of the rain at several periods
of the day. Nine truckloads of
people were taken to Hershey in the
morning, in* addition to a large num
ber of private cars and the many
who went by trolley. The sports
were held according to schedule with
the exception of the baseball game
scheduled to be held between teams
of the various Sunday schools. The
rain did not Interfere with the pic
nic until about six o'clock.
Home Nursing Classes
Plan For Big Dance
Units one and four of the Home
Nursing Classes are planning for a
big dance at Willa-Villa on Wed
nesday evening, July 16. Invitations
are now being issued. Sourbeer s
orchestra will furnish the music
Thecommittee in charge iscomposed
of Mrs. Edward J. Imhof, chairman;
Miss Freeda C. Stees, secretary; Mrs.
Helen M. Mohler, R. N., and Mrs. C.
Ross Willis.
Reformed Sunday School
to Picnic at Reservoir
The picnic of the Reformed Con
gregation and Sunday school will be
held at Reservoir Park to-morrow
afternoon. Tho picnic party will
meet at the church at two o'clock,
and will leave for the park In auto
mobiles and trucks. A good pro
gram of sports and entertainment
has been arranged, and a large
crowd is expected to attend.
Trinity Sunday School to
Picnic at Boiling Springs
The picnic of Trinity Episcopal
Sundav school will be held on Thurs
day Julv 31, at Boiling Springs
park Tho children of the Sun-day
school will be taken to the park in
automobiles. A progrum of sports
is being arranged. A committee will
arrange for lunch to be served in
Council last evening rejected all
bids for the supply of cement for
the use of the borough. New bids
for this material will be asked for
Five Dead, Dozen Missing
in Fierce Western Storm
I'lllsltu rgh. PH.. July 11.—Flv* per
*ona were dead to-diiy, a dozen oth
ers missing and more than two score
fntured as the result of a severe etec
trlcal storm, accompanied bv high
wind and a cloudburst, which swept
this section of the State lute yester
day. Lightning killed two campers
near Clinton and a farmer t Greene
burg. Property damage will run Into
many thouMgda of dollar*.
Kinney's Real Summer Reductions
in the average shoe store today? Not much, you will no doubt answer. But a look at our
windows will assure you that even 98c will put you in possession of any one of a variety
of Summer styles that we mean to give you an opportunity to select from. The specials
listed below should be convincing to any one, and mean a saving of fifty per cent, on many
What 98c will buy What $1.98 will buy What $2.98 will buy
Women's White Canvas Ladies' White Canvas Ox- Women's White Nu-Buck
Sport Oxfords, leather fords, Essex sole and Pumps, Louis d* O ft Q
trimmed; 2to 98c rubber $1.98 iicel I
\\TUU~ r ,„„, . Women's White Canvas Lace Women's Havana Brown Kid
Boots Louis g. 1 QQ Strap Pumps, A 9 QQ
yStabfe *QQ ■" $1.98 Cuban heels, &Z. 98
' a Women's Brown Kid Pumps, .
Louis £\ Q Women s White Canvas Mili-
Growing Girls' White Can- heels gJ>l.yO tary Heel ° xf " r ii' Good
vas Button Boots; Q Q ea QQ
sizes 2Yi to 7, at i/OC Misses' Tan Kid and Russia ue s
Calf English Oxfords, 11 /■
Misses' and Children's Play 98 Women s Comfort Oxfords,
Oxfords; 6to2,t\ O _ V rubber hee i S) qq no
at a/oC ... , u d rr* i cushion soles,
dl w Misses' Havana Brown Kid
Strap Pumps, d 1 AO -
White Canvas Mary Jane 11 y 2 to 2, at .. V 1 • *7O Men's Mahogany Brown
Pumps; 6to 2, QO English (hn qq
at J7OC Misses' Patent or Dull Mary Oxfords ...
Jane Pumps, d* 1 Oft -
Misses' Canvas Boots, button to 2 ... V A • */0 ,
or lace • Ito 2 O AU stylcs ,n Men s Gun
~t 9q(* Children's Jligh Button Scuf- Metal QQ
fers; 6to 8, $1.98 Oxfords .... Pui/0 I
Little Gents' Solid Leather Qt
Scout Shoes; 11 QO Every pair of Boys' Button Men's Gun Metal High Shoes,
to 13, at VOC Shoes; sizes <f 1 Q Goodyear welts, broad or
lto 5/,.... $ 1 .y O E "f l,sh $9 QK
Odds and ends of QQ sy es V *5/0
Boys' Oxfords .. %/OC Women's Juliets, tip or plain
toe, 4to 8, d* 1 QQ Men's Solid Leather
Broken lots of Children's at *PX.%/0 Work QQ
Mary Jane QO Men's Brown Canvas Rubber Sh ° eS 'PA.fO
Pum P s ZOL solc „ Wurk _ QQ
Shu", at ... aP X a/0 Misses' Brown Kid English
Women's White Canvas Oxfords, Good-
Pumps ;2y 2 to 7, QQ Men's Gun d *1 QQ year d0 QQ
at • • vOC Metal Oxfords,V X •i/O | welts
We still have all sizes in Tennis Sneaks at the pair
G. R. KINNEY CO., Inc.
19 and 21 North Fourth Street