Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 09, 1919, Page 9, Image 9
BANISH MILITARY |i RULE FROM KOREA Only Hope of Restoring Peace there, Japanese Believe Tokio, July 9.—That all aspects i of military rule should be completely I banished from Korea is the opinion I of representative Japanese. Thus | only, they say, can Japan hope to re-establish peace and order among , the Korean people. It is generally admitted here that | the disaffection is not removed, but j merely quiescent, ready to burst forth anew once the existing mill- 1 tary pressure is removed. Institution of a civilian govern- : ment and removal of the present I gendarme police system are bellev- j ed here to be necessary. The gen- j darms are held responsible for cases , of brutality and mistreatment, the > soldiers being only responsible, it is I declared, for the killing of Koreans in the Christian church at Cheam- | pi. In this case, says the Herald of j Asia, a Japanese policeman had been murdered, and his body muti lated. The gendarmes told the ar- j riving soldiers an exaggerated story, | says the newspaper, and the young j troops joined the gendarmes in a i massacre of the people. Once the gendarmerie method ofj policing the peninsula is removed, | and the people given more local j autonomy, such as the villages of Japan enjoy, the newspaper thinks the Koreans may see that their best interests lie in the peaceful accept ation of things as they are. Responsible organs of opinion here favor making Korea an integral part of the Japanese empire politic ally, as it already is territorially. Korea, they conceive, might be made a province of Japan, with a civil governor nad proper representation in the Japanese Diet. But before this is possible, the newspapers think, the Koreans must pass through the necessary education and show them selves prepared for selfgovernmcnt. U. S. Navy Officer Who Will be Aboard the R-34 on Flight Across the Ocean Uncle Sam's Navy is to have a reprsentatlve on board the giant British dirigible R-3 4 when the first attempt is made to fly across the At lantic in a lighter than air machine, lieutenant Zachary Lansdowne will be on the R-3 4 when it leaves Lon don for Roosevelt Field, Mineola, Long Island. The big airship is ready I to start, London dispatches state, as soon as weather conditions are fav orable. Local Militia Ready For Annual Encampment Officers and 'men of Company T, Pennsylvania Reserve Militia, are busy making preparations to attend the annual encampment of the Mili tia, at Camp Henderson, Mt. Gretna, commencing next Saturday. Three officers and 60 men from this city are included in the Company, which has been recruited to full strength. Captain Paul Harm is the com manding officer with First Lieuten ant Frank Fahnestock, Jr., and Sec ond Lieutenant S. F. Bruker as the other commissioned officers. Tents and other camp equipment are already being shipped from the State Arsenal here, that it might be placed in sufficient time for the ar rival of the troops on Friday. An advance detail will be sent to assist in placing the materials in position. Major John Coolbaugh, of Allen, town, will be in charge of this work which will start on Thursday morn ing. Company I will leave this city about 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, < reporting at brigade headquarter' ' late in the afternoon. The men wilt • take with them only such articles as L will be needed in field service, over coats being left behind. New Springfield rifles were recently is sued to the men. Pershing Awards 21 Service Crosses Washington, July 9.—General Per shing notified the War Department to-day that, acting for President Wilson, he had awarded Distinguish ed Service Crosses to 21 officers and men. They tncluded: Sergeants Al bert C. Meyer, (deceased), Jean nette. Pa.; Lan D. McVicar,.Norfolk, f'onn., and Tracy S. White. Long Branch, N. J., and Private William B. Main, Rouseville, Pa. AGRA IS WORLD FAMOUS London lf it did not contain the Taj Mahal, the most beautiful building in the world, Agra would still be famous because of the Pearl mosque. No nation but India could have produced Shah Jahan, the con noisseur and dreamer, with power and resources to command the serv ices of world-famous artists. The combination produced the Pearl mosque and the other treasurers of Agra. The glistening white monuments of Shah Jahan appear more beautiful by contrast with India's swarnting, reeking, dust-laden cities. The Pearl mosque is a palace of mosques. Its pointed gilt domes are lined with shining white marble, and below are delicately fashioned arches and cloister walls. White marble pillars meet overhead in scalloped arches, which lead the eye up to the vaulted ceiling. Tho effect is unimpaired by furni ture or decoration. Everything is simple and shell-like, as if a dreamer had evolved the misty outlines of a temple and the dream had suddenly materialized in white marble. A long slab of black marble bears the In scription title of the mosque. Shah Jahan likened the finished temple to a pearl without price. So It became "the Pearl mosque of Agra." The temple has the smooth whiteness and iridescence of a pearl, but the lines suggest rather a great white flower with curving petals, adapted into a dream temple by a master dreamer. I Comfort I Gart^^) WEDNESDAY EVENING, "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I Come Here "Thursday Morning" 1 you want to see how the people are responding to our "Shirt Sale"—We told you this would be a record-breaking || llSSiweek, and we are glad to say there's no doubt about it. There's never been a "Shirt §| I.—l Sale" in Harrisburg compared to DOUTMCHS "BIG" SHIRT SALE jATurjuuru j More people have been here buying shirts during the past few i- nj ~ ,iri ~ n - r * r ~ rL T I I All $1.50 1 days than have ever attended any previous "Shirt Sale." Of course we expected large crowds 1 All $2.50 1 J Shirts t the y keep coming every hour to get the wonderful values we are offering. But that's what we wanted — I i. . 1 J ) that's why we have these Big "Shirt Sales," so we can do a greater volume of business and give you and your I utllTtS f 1 {I JO | friend* the benefit of the big savings that are represented. J A•% nn % B I Every Shirt Reduced (Except Manhattans) | r xrr _ \ I I This magnificent collection of shirts displayed Then look at the other window filled with I at Doutrichs are the handsomest and most pleasing styles that madras, percale and mercerized shirts —still farther, a window | designers and weavers have ever created. The silks especially are patterns of work shirts in which is the most liberal display of "Signal" Shirts you that are far above the ordinary plain effects usually shown. They command have ever looked at. We have hundreds of dozens of them and our low attention because of their unsurpassed beauty and rich color tones. The price is making everybody sit up and take notice that we are determined to fabrics are substantial made for service as well as looks—Men like to buy give good quality work shirts to the wage earner at very reasonable prices— their Shirts here and when they can't get here themselves they send the In the fourth window are great heaps of Boys' "Kaynee" Shirts and Blouses women folks because we have the styles and patterns that please them—lf / —the kind the boys want —the only kind mothers are especially interested in, you want to get an idea what human intelligence and skill can produce, look and then to think that our prices are less than mother can make them. This at our mammoth Silk Shirt window. is a real shirt sale in which nobody has been left out. SIO,OOO "SILK SHIRT" DISPLAY I All $1.50 Shirts $1.19 AU $5.85 Shirts $4 RQ All $8,85 Silk Shirto s7,ftQ 1 I All $2.50 Shirts $1 KQ All $6.85 Silk Shirts All SIO.OO Silk Shirts Sft.ftQ J | All $3.50 Shirts All $7.85 Silk Shirts All $12.00 Silk Shirts $9.89 1 IP£F]| All $5.00 Shirts $3.89 ]j j I 1 sir t" What about these five dollar shirts—well they are without I I Chambray 9 i ir S i question the easiest selling and best looking shirts that have been offered this season I ) Shirts 99c ; I —Talk about rich silk stripes! You should see these shirts we are selling so many of at the Big Shirt r I 99c JULY CLOTHING REDUCTIONS j July will be our big clothing month—look at these prices for high grade r —^ clothes, they tell the story why our clothing department is always busy—All Hart Schaff ner & Marx, V— imJ I Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes are included in our July Reductions. We don't pick the good looking suits out of I sight—they are here for you to choose at the lowest prices you have seen this season. Mfijf Jjs/. All $25.00 Suits RQ All $40.00 Suit* I All $30.00 Suits s24.fifl All $45.00 Suits 537.50 \ 1 All $35.00 Suits All $50.00 Suite s4l \ I All $38.00 Suits s3l .SO All $60.00 Suits ftAftlsO 1 ALL STRAW HATS REDUCED I 304 . Harrisburg, - • 1 Market St. p. ' Pa. i J § 1 Reliable ; ■ . [ mjRJRXSBTTRG TEUEC^XPH JULY 9, 1919. 9