Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 09, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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The "Peace Hat" Now
Offered to London Men
London, July 9.—The "Peace Hat"
1 is a new kind of headgear about to
be offered to London men. Mystery
veils its shape and material and
| hatters thus far have managed to
i keep the secret strictly guarded, but
they have hinted enough about a
, revolution in men's head covering
! to stir up a lot of curiosity.
"Men are tired of the old time
honored bowlers (derbies), toppers,
• straws and Homburgs," said one
1 haberdasher, "and they want some
• thing new. The need Is urgent for
- a new hat—the 'Peace Hat'."
A London milliner said she favor
ed an innovation.
"It's quite time," said she. "Men's
hats at present are undoubtedly the
dullest things in life."
Say Tennis Robs Pretty
Girl of Her Good Looks
London, July 9. Tennis tourna
s ments rob a pretty girl of her good
looks in the opinion of close ob
! servers of the game here.
"I have known, pretty girls who
i after a season or two of tournaments
; have become so completely changed
: in appearance and manners that old
friends have failed to recognize
them," said a well-known player.
"Their faces become hard and lined,
their youthful bloom entirely dis-
Whatever You Do Don't Neglect
Your Eyes, Says Dr. Lewis, Who
Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in
Many Instances
A Free Prescription You Can Have
Filled and l ac at Home
Philadelphia, Pa. Do you wear
glasses? Are you a victim of eye
strain or other eye weaknesses? If
so, you will be glad to know that
according to Dr. Lewis there is real
hope for you. He says neglect causes
more eye troubles and poor sight
than any other one thing. Many
whose eyes were failing say they had
their eyes restored through the prin
ciple of this wonderful free prescrip
tion. One man says after trying it:
"I was almost blind; could not see
to read at all. Now I can read
everything without any glasses and
my eyes do not water any more. At
night they would pain dreadfully;
now they feel line all the time. It
was like a miracle to me." A lady
who used it says: "The atmosphere
seemed hazy with or without glasses,
but after using this prescription for
fifteen days everything seems clear.
I can even read fine print without
glasses." It is believed that thou
sands who wear glasses can now dis
card them in a reasonable time and
multitudes more will be able to
strengthen their eyes so as to be
spared the trouble and expense of
ever getting glasses. Eye troubles
of many descriptions may be won
Here Is One Thing That
Is Absolutely Impossible
Rheumatism Has Never Been
Cured by Liniments or Lo
tions, and Never Will Be
You never knew of Rheumatism
—that most painful source of suf
fering—being cured by liniments,
lotions or other external applica
tions. And you will never see any
thing but temporary relief afford
ed by such makeshifts.
But why be satisfied with tem
porary relief from the pangs of
pain which are sure to return with
•Increased severity, when there is
permanent relief within your reach?
Science has proven that Rheuma
tism is a disordered condition of
the blood. How then, can satisfac-
BROADWAY. 32d 4,53 d STS ' 7
| One Block from Pains. Sutioa QQQ I
Bin||i Transferred Free _ -* *
w ROQMs |
| Equally Convenient for Amusements. sneVp a njo "
Shopping or Business 400 ' BATHS |
! * Dime! Entrance to B'way Sub- A _
I HuAo ° > Rites: —From $2 Per Uiy
f £ 2) ISS PLEASANT ROOMS With Private Bath ■
\ HH of $3 Per Pay |
V Martinique Restaurants Am Wefl Known for |
Food and Reasonable Prices
You need not pay high prices for cars or trucks to
Power Performance
Install Our
.16-Valve Cylinder Head
on your Ford motor
and enjoy at a low price, the power thrill for which
users of other cars and trucks have paid thousands
of dollars to experience.
Let us give you a denn
810 N. Third Street Harrisburg,
Live agents wanted in Eastern and Central Penn
sylvania. Exclusive rights given.
appears. and they lose much of their
feminine charm. I have told my
daughter that she can play In no
more than two tournaments a sea
son. That means she cannot hope
to become first-class, but I would
prefer her to remain an attractive
Lancashire Cotton
Trade in Good Health
London, July 9.—lt has come to
the attention of the American
Chamber of Commerce in London
that an impression may exist in the
United States that due to wartime
diversion of mills, the Lancashire
cotton industry will have all it can
do now to "supply British and Do
minion markets and that the trade
Lancashire formerly enjoyed in
other overseas countries will now
fall to the United States.
Lancashire is not seriously handi
capped in any way, says thq Cham
ber of Commerce. As one reliable
authority states, so far there has
been no demand which Great Bri
tain has not been able to supply..
Free Trade Campaign
Is Urged in England
London, July 9.—A big free trade
campaign is being waged in Eng
land by Liberal party leaders.
Among the speakers are H. H. As
quith, former Prime Minister, Lord
Crewe, Lord Beauchamp and Sir
Donald Mac Lean.
derfully benefitted by following the
simple rules. Here is the prescrip
tion: Go to any active drug store and
get a bottle of Bon-Oppto tablets.
Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth
of a glass of water and allow to dis
solve. With this liquid bathe the
eyes two or four times daily. You
should notice your eyes clear up
perceptibly right from the start and
inflammation will quickly disappear.
If your eyes are bothering you. even
a little, take steps to save them
now before it is too late. Many
hopelessly blind might have been
saved if they had cared for their
eyes in time.
NOTE: Another prominent Phys
ician to whom the above article was
submitted said: "Bon-Opto is a very
remarkable remedy. Its constituent
ingredients are well known to emin
ent eye specialists and widely pre
scribed by them. The manufac
turers guarantee it to strengthen
eyesight 50 per cent in one week's
time in many instances or refund the
money. It can be obtained from any
good druggist and is one of the very
few preparations I feel should be
kept on hand for regular use in al
most every family." It is sold in
this city by the Kennedy, the Croll
Keller and J. Nelson Clark stores.
Tory results be expected from any
treatment that does not reach the
blood, the seat of the trouble, and
rid the system of the cause of the
disease? S. S. S. has for more than
fifty years been giving relief to even
the most aggravated and stubborn
cases of Rheumatism. It cleanses
the blood by routing the disease
germs. The experience of others
who have taken S. S. S. will qonr
vince you that it will promptly
reach your case. You can obtain
S. S. S. at any drug store.
A valuable hook on Rheumatism
and its treatment, together with ex
pert medical advice about your own
individual case, will be sent abso
lutely free. Write today to Medical
Department, Swift Specific Co., 250
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Loijdon Plan Is to Replace It
With the Print
London, July 9.—To abolish script
writing and replace It by print
writing is the purpose of an influ
entially supported movement begun
in this country. Advocates of the
change contend that the present sys
tem fails to stand the test of com
mercial life in England and causes
a great loss of time and labor.
Tho characters used in the pro
posed system are tho ordinary
printed letters, known as Roman
block letters, with the exception of
the "a" and "g" which are simpli
fied into their script forms. The
print characters were employed by
monks long before scriptwriting
came into fashion and can still be
seen in ancient manuscripts from
which, in fact, they were first copied
by the printer.
Advocates of printwriting claim
It possesses many advantages over
ordinary handwriting, especially to
the teacher that, the same charac
ters being employed both for writing
and reading, the child learns much
more quickly, and it is further as
serted that his spelling and his edu
cation as a whole are correspond
ingly benefited.
Many British educational author
ities favor printwriting and It is
taught in numerous British schools.
No time is wasted in the new system
on innumerable Joinings. Superflu
ous loops and flourishings are abol
One big London firm has adopted
the system and other concerns are
said to be considering its use.
Car Works Brakeman
Loses Both His Legs
William Leonard, a resident of
Highspire, employed as a brake
man on a shifter at the local car
works had both legs cut oft by
falling off of the train on which he
was working. Dr. W. P. Evans and
Dr. H. H. Rhodes were summoned
and removed him to the Harrisburg
hospital. He is reported to be In a
serious condition. The accident oc
curred yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Catharine Nauss, who moved
to Falmouth several months ago,
will return to town again as soon as
sh# can secure a home.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stites, and
two children, who spent the past
several weeks in town as the guests
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Elijah McCreary, Ann Street, re
turned to their home at Grinnell,
lowa, making the trip by automo
Samuel N. Nay, aged 63 years,
and a well-known resident of Royal
ton, died at his home in Burd
street, Royalton, yesterday morning
from a complication of diseases. He
was a member of the Royalton
United Brethren Church, and was
one of the founders of the church,
serving as a trustee for forty years,
and was the leader of the church
choir for many years. He was agent
for the State Capital Building and
Loan Association for a number of
years. He is survived by his wife,
two sons, David Ney. Philadelphia;
John C. Ney, of Royalton, and
daughter, Mrs. Willis Bergstresser,
at home; two brothers, George Ney,
Philadelphia; John W. Ney, Harris
burg; four sisters, Mrs. Emma
Thrush; Mrs. Ella Livezy, of Harris
burg; Mrs. Joseph Long, Royalton,
and Mrs. Joseph Wolfe, Steelton.
The funeral service will be held on
Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock at
his late home in Burd street. Roy
alton. The Rev. C. R. Beittel, pas
tor of the Royalton United Brethren
Church will officiate, assisted by the
Rev. William Beach, a former pas
tor. Burial will be made in the Mid
dletown cemetery.
The local school board met in
special session on Monday evening
in the High School building for re
organization, and John P. Ackerman
was elected secretary, and M. H.
Gingrich, treasurer. The board then
adjourned and met for special busi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hendricks,
of Royalton, left this morning for
Adams county, where they will visit
relatives for a week.
Paul Hippie, who was a member
of the U. S. Hospital Train, No. 52,
and who spent eighteen months
overseas, traveled 85,000 miles from
the time he arrived at Liverpool,
England. He left the United States
from New York on September 9,
arriving at Liverpool, England, two
weeks later and in his travels was
in Switzerland, Germany and France
This does not include the mileage
from New York to Liverpool, Eng
W. J. Roop, who recently returned
from Keyser, W. Va., where he at
tended the Cumberland Valley Vol
unteer Firemen's Association Con
vention, was ' re-elected vice-presi*
dent of the association.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shroy have
received word from their son, Priv
ate Adam Shroy, that he arrived in
New York. He was a member of the
61st Infantry M. G. Co., of the sth
Division, a part of the Army of Qc
cupation. He spent one year on
foreign soil. Shroy expects to ar
rive home the latter part of the
An automobile driven by a Mr.
Long of Havrisburg, collided with a
truck owned by the Fink Brewing
Company, at Union and Water
Streets, yesterday afternoon. The
truck came down Union Street hill
and the auto came in Water Street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kendig, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Rakestraw and son,
Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fackler,
Mr. and Mrs. John Rewalt, Dr. Rob
ert Rewalt, H. O. Keener and son.
Joseph, have returned to their homes
after a reunion at the home of Mrs.
J. W. Rewalt.
Miss Slbina Fletcher, of Philadel
phia, is spending some time in town
as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas.
Nagle, of Ann Street.
The Central Cigar Company, Wil
son and Wood Streets will start
operation Monday morning with a
force of about fifty hands.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bopp, of Sus
quehanna Street have returned to
their home after spending a few
days at New York City the gUests
of the former's parents.
Miss Blanche Thompson, of Pine
Street, a clerk in Solder's Grocery
Store Is off duty for several days
being confined to her home with a
sprained ankle.
Mrs. Ward Keever and sons, Clar
ence and Ward, of Philadelphia, are
visiting the Misses Keever; of Spring
and High Streets for several days.
Emergency Fleet to Dispose of Surplus War Material as Se
quel to Restricted Vessel-Building Program
Do your big business shopping
If you want to buy a bargain lb
the form of a complete manufactur
ing plant or an entire shipyard or
a drydock or a ship or a half-built
ship, or anything ranging from
monster cranes down to scrap metal,
get in touch with the United States
Board Emergency .Fleet Corporation.
The material which will be sold
at stations throughout the country
at some future dute, comprises an
accumulation resulting from the ex
tensive war activities, and is avail
able now because of the adoption of
the restricted shipbuilding program.
Industries especially interested In
the sales are chiefly the shipbuild
ing, steel railroad, structural and
general manufacturing concerns.
Upon the sales list are marine rail
ways, housing and transportation
projects, numerous allotments of
machinery, equipment, and supplies,
including woodworking machinery,
machine tools and fixtures, electrical
machinery, boiler and forgo shop
equipment, marine equipment and
accessories, air-compressor equip
► I J
► | Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better A
: Only Three Hours of Business Tomorrow—But They Will
Be Made Doubly important to You by These
Extraordinary Thursday Specials,
i Store Closes At Noon.
. !l
* 15c value, Lingerie Tape. Special Thursday, bolt, Extra Special Men's Dark Blue Work Shirts, |"1
► 9# rj sizes 14 y 2 to 17. Special Thursday 65* A
► 3c value, Hooks and Eyes. Special Thursday, - . 98c value, Men's Otis made genuine combed yarn A
y card 1* balbriggan shirts and drawers, sizes 32 to 46. H
► 10c value, Pearl Buttons. Special Thursday, card, Special Thursday 85* ,j
y \ 5* i 39c value, Boys' Hats. Special Thursday .. 25* ,j
y 25c value, Hair Nets, cap shape. Special Thursday, q va^ue > Sandals. Special Thursday 15* i]
y \ A - m
y 5c value, Shoe Laces. Special Thursday, pair, 3* (f \ \ if / cial Thursday 29* ,1
J 25c value, Fancy Combs.. Special Thursday, 15* \ VVX J 39c and 50c va ' ue White Aprons, slightly soiled. ( 1
■ 69c value, 7-inch Plain Taffeta Ribbons,; 11 colors. Special Thursday 29* A
Special Thursday, yard 45* Hlr $2.00 value, large galvanized Wash Tubs, size 3. 4
[ ■ 12 l / 2 c value, Narrow Ribbons. Special Thursday, Av j a . o S P ecia . l Th H reday $1.19 4
► 5* r C ' Copper Tea Kettle - Special Thurs- 'J
k 50c value, Short Ends of Embroidery Flouncing. /\ Vy / „, day ~ 51.89 J
► Special Thursday 25* /\ \ / j\\ ' ' d UC ' P h Pans * Special Thurs- '1
► 25c value, Colored Swiss Embroidery. Special 1 \ \I I \ r„ 3y ,' V-T v ''' * 'J
► Thursday .10* \ /\ \V \l JJ H value, Wax Finish Wood Tabourettes. Spe- ,1
' IS^u ValU l' Narr ° W VeniSC Inse s tion ' Spec i al X \\V\ iv' 60c l value,"wlter Glasses."' Speciai Thursday .liaff A
y Thursday 3? A
► 25c value, Shadow Lace Flouncing. Special 88c value, Galvanized Foot Tub. Special Thurs- 'J
► Thursday 10* WW Cut* Pw-ao nn day 59* 'J
y 15c value, Stickerei Edges. Special Thursday, 5* IHUXVy Vslflo 111 ITICCo 011 39c and 50c value, 8, 10 and 12-qt. Sprinkling
y 50c value, Ladies' Black and White Striped Hose. 111 HyT'll* Cans ' Special Thursday 29* A
Special Thursday 19* All lflllllllCYy sl ' 39 value > Lar g e Bread Boxes. Special Thurs- A
39c value, Children's Black Ribbed Hose. Special day , t ... 98* 4
' Thursday 23* $2.50 value Ladies' Untrimmed va ' ue Gray Granite Combinets. Special J
► Palm Olive Soap. Special Thursday, cake 8* Hats, black and colors, reduced to, vTmT '.w ••; J ?l c 39 i
t 35c value, Patriotic Stationery. Special Thurs- ' -|q 39c value, Ladies Vests, slightly damaged. Spe
*■ day 17* . , $1.19 cial Thursday
► I 2y 2 c value, Men's Red, Blue and Khaki Handker- $3.50 value Ladies' Untrimmed 59c value, Ladies' Union Suits. Special Thursday, <
► chiefs. Special Thursday s Hats, large assortment of shapes and . 48<> <
► 5c value, Children's Handkerchiefs. Special colors, reduced to $1.48 value, Misses' Union Suits. Special Thurs- <
; 12™ U valS, Ladies' Coiored Silk 'Handkerchief Ladies ' Untr ir n I m „ ed ZSeTalu.', Infants' Vests.' Th'ursdaV, %
Special Thursday W^, tS ' redu "a to ........ .. . . $1.9 19c valuCi Ladies' Vests. Special Thursday, 15< A
35c value, Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs. Special and $6 value Ladies Trimmed 15c and 35c value, 'Linen Lace. Special Thurs- A
► Thursday, 6 for 23£ Hats, reduced to '. . $2.48 day BfJ <
► 39c value, Ladies' Madeira Handkerchiefs. Spe- $5.00 value Ladies' Trimmed Milan 45c valuc > 20-inch Stamped Linen Center Pieces. <
y cial Thursday Hats reduced to 2 Qft Special Thursday 35£ <
y 39c value, Ladies' Corset Covers. Special Thurs- <tc no i t j ; o u 9-inch Hand Crocheted Doilies. Special 8>
day *
y 15c value, Ladies' Bust Forms. Special Thursday, in white, pink and light blue taffeta, Special Thursday 98? 4
reduced to $2.48 25c value, Hoover Shopping Bags. Special Thurs- M
► 25c value, Ladies' Black Gloves. Special Thursday, $6.00 vklue Ladies' Summer Hats in . day .'' -a; :V • "ji" i- V' } ■
► „:u. j .• , , 15c value. Stamped Linen Handkerchiefs. Special <
y 50c value, Ladies' Corsets, small szes. Special | creoe, silk and maline, light colors, re- | Thursday ...V. "... 10* 3
y Thursday auced to 59 C value, 36-inch Stamped Center Pieces. Spe- i
29c value, Ladies' Soiled Collars. Special Thurs- $3.50 value Navy Blue Taffeta Trim- cial Thursday 50* .
day 7* med Hats, reduced to $1.98 50c value, Made Up "Flag" Cushion Slips. Spe- A
► 25c value, Ladies' Soiled Collars. Special Thurs- $4 00 value Navv Blue Taffeta Trim- c * al Thursd ay 35* A
► day 5* r,4i,n.)4 >/! ISc valuc > Curtain Rods. Special Thursday, 3* i
y SI.OO and $1.25 value, Colored Pocketbooks, all , L . 75c and SI.OO value, Wool Dress Goods, light <
y leather. Special Thursday 79* T value Navy Blue Taffeta colors. Special Thursday, yard 39* i
y 50c value, Bar Pii:s. Special Thursday 35* Trimmed Hats, reduced to .... $3.48 Lot of 69c value, Plain color Voiles, 44 .
k sl-00 and $1.25 value, all leather Bags. Special $6.00 value Ladies' Pineapple Straw inches wide. Special Thursday, yard .... 29*
y Thursday 49A Sailors reduced to S2 4ft 7c value, Ends of Huck Towels. Special Thurs- 4
, 39c value, Silk Four-in-hand Tics. Special Thurs- „£ 'IV T r f„ ".u day. each
day 29* „ $5.00 value Rough Straw Trimmed 79c value> 32-inch Fancy Dress Plaid Ginghams. *
17c value, Men's Cotton Hose, black and colors. Sport Hats, reduced to $3.48 Special Thursday, yard 59* A
► Special Thursday, 2 pairs for 25* $5.00 Milan Trimmed Hats, black Khaki Color Turkish Towels, 59c value. Special
' 17 £,^ alu *' Men s Open End Wash Ties. Special and navy blue, reduced to .... $1.98 ' Thursday 39* i
y Thursday 12 J /2* <6? so Do„, mn u, tc 59c value, Linen Finish Pongee. Special Thurs- 4
y 50c value, Boys' Balbriggan Union Suits, 4. 6 and * 2 ' s ° VaIUC Panama Hats ' r ducd day> yard p 39* '
8 years. Special Thursday 98* $1.19 79c value, Sport Stripe Mohair Skirting, 32 inches '
$1.35 value, Men's Balbriggan Union Suits, sizes $3.50 value Panama Hats, reduced wide. Special Thursday 29* 1
36 to 46. Special Thursday ' 98* to $1.48 Remnants of 45c value, Cotton Poplins. Special A
► 98c value Men's Athletic Union Suits, nainsook Trimmings reduced to 15*. 29* Thursday, yard 15* <
► and balbriggan, sizes 34 to 46. Special Thurs- and Remnants of Wash Materials. Special Thursday, 4
► day *. 83< ana HALF PRICE '<
(( 2 sn) 25 Cent Department Store (
► WAerc Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse
\ - a - - - - AA A
ment, contractors' equipment and
supplies, bridge and gantry cranes,
steel plates, shapes and bars, pump
ing, machinery, scrap metals, lum
ber, deck equipment, galley equip
ment, hospital and commissary sup
plies and the like.
, To Limit Sales
Close co-operation with the gov
ernment departments and the United
States Chamber of Commerce and
the collateral business firms of the
country will enable a scheduling of
sales at a time when they will least
conflict with the regular trade chan
nels or react unfairly upon partis
ular industries. Steps also will be
taken to limit sales and to distri
bute them over such periods as will
satisfactorily permit of the absorp
tion or surplus stocks and material
on hand without embarrassment to
any interests concerned.
District managers of the supply
and sales division of the shipping
board have been appointed to devote
their attention to the problems aris
ing out of the warehousing and
sales program in their districts.
These representatives will be
located in Philadelphia, New York,
New Orleans. Chicago and Portland
Oregon. Subofllces and warehouses
are to be established In Boston,
Jacksonville., San Francisco, and
Solvage, or used material, will
sold subject to any deterioration
and subject to inspection by the
buyer on the ground. Surplus
or unused material will be
sold carrying the original manufac
turer's guarantee and the double
United States inspection required
before acceptance by the corpora
tion from the manufacturer. All
surplus or unused material has been
produced and marketed since April,
Cash on Delivery
All property, materials and sup
plies not assigned to the foregoing
will be disposed of by the supply
and sales division through its offices
in Philadelphia or through the dis
trict supply and sales ofl)ces in New
Vork, Philadelphia, New Orleans,
Chicago and Portland.
All sales will be'for cash on deli
very, unless they are of such nature
that guaruntee of payment can be
secured by mortgage, or unless the
conditions affecting the sale are
such as to make it advisable to ex
tend short time credit in cases
where loss to the corporation
through failure to make a sale
might be greater than the risk in
volved in the credit transaction.
Creditor Ought to Soak Him
"Do you think Beatum will ever
wipe out his debt?"
"No, even though he is a big
sponge."—Boston Transcript.
JULY 9, 1919.
Private Austin Have you any
elastic blankets?
Corporal Arnold —What do you
want elastic blankets for?
peaches ■without equals for canning
Bo sure to ask your dealor for GEORGIA PEACHES
(We handle in Carload Lota only)
Private Austin—So they'll itrtch
when I do.—Oversees Camp Dodger.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.