.HUGE CROWDS AT HILL GAME AND WEST END; RIVER SPORTS STARTED LAST NIGHT RIVER SERENADE BRINGS BIG CROWD OF WATER PATRONS TO RIEST'S The resistless city drive for a great Susquehanna basin to be used by the general public in the cause of recreation and health, as suggested vividly in an editorial in the Tele graph recently, was started in full swihig last night at "Admiral" George Riest's boathouse, at the foot of. Locust street, where several hundred Harrisburgers of both sexes gathered to give the drive a run ning start. Before the entertain ment had long proceeded far, part of the city woke up to what was go * ing on and a big concourse quickly J gathered. They were drawn partly by an exceedingly delightful vocal program put on by the courtesy of Manager Hopkins of the Majestic, four singers of the weekly bill ren dering some ripping melody as they were moored in canoes out in the center of the stream. The medley of trained voices carried far and wide so that trolley cars crossing the bridge halted to hear the un usual concert. By 8 o'clock nearly two hundred canoeists who keep their craft at the Riest boathouse were getting together. The Park Department, under V. Grant Forrer, was ably represented and this city actively co-operated in every way to make I the night attractive for the Park Department is keen to bring about up-to-date water facilities. Hun dreds of Chinese lanterns were rig ged up on the canoes, for and aft, and with war candle illumination the huge basin looked like fairy land. Electric lights from the city plant had been adjusted several days ago and passers by along Front street quickly responded to the novelty of enjoying an impromptu river fete. Five All-Star Bouts Arranged For Open-Air < Show in Shibe Paark > An all-star program of Ave bouts ' "between ten of the leading men in their classes will be staged at the Shibe Park open air arena in Phila delphia, on Monday evening, July 14. Phil Glassman is promoting tho Show. The following bouts will make up Ehil Glassman's all-star program: Harry Pearce, Brooklyn, vs. Eddie Moy, Allentown; Joe Tiplitz, Phila delphia, vs. George (K. O.) Chaney, Baltimore; Ted (Kid) Lewis, ex - welterweight champion, vs. Stove Latso, Hazleton; Harry Greb, Pitts burgh,- vs. Battling Levinsky, light champion; Lew Tendler, Philadelphia, vs. Joe Welling, Chicago. Pearce has always given a credit able showing of himself in all of 3iis ring battles here. His bouts with C'haney, Irish Patsy Cline, Leonard Matt Brock will long be re anembered. Moy gave Irish Patsy Cline one of his hardest battles in Jiis career last month. Tiplitz will have his long wish rewarded. He has always wanted a crack at George Chaney, feeling confident that he can defeat the Baltlmorean. Be Is anxious to get another crack at Lew Tendler, claim ing that Tendler's one round victory •was a fluke. The battler gave a good showing of himself in his last bout against Johnny Dundee, the dancing master. The third contest which brings r Rubber V Process Gillette Tires Now * Guaranteed Fabric 6,000' miles. Cord 8,000 miles. Solid 10,000 miles. YOU'VE probably often thought that somebody some time would produce Tires and Tubes that would leave no complaint as to costs. You were right. That time has arrived. The discovery of how to produce greater Tire and Tube resistance and strength has been n\ade. It is the Gillette Chilled Rubber Process the perfected method. Toughens rubber as iron is toughened by , changing to steel building up endur ance and bringing down costs to the ' | lowest figures of economy. I Absolutely the biggest worth—in service % —in mileage—ever offered Tire and yr : v - - . •. WEDNESDAY EVENING, The top deck of one of Riest's big boats was converted into a tempo rary soft drink emporium and here flocked a large number who werd so captivated with the whole affair, with the moon very bright and a soft cool air sweeping the broad river, that it was midnight before any left for home. Mr. Forrer was more than pleased at the intense en thusiasm and he said it signifies that the Kipona on next Labor Day will be the gainer by this preliminary demonstration. Nearly every noted swimmer, man and woman, came to the jubilee and tales of achievement in water sports were the topic of the night. Con spicuous in the groups was Ed. Rauch, the veteran sculler, who with the late Charley Etter, put Harrlsburg on the national map in years ago with winning of cham pionships. Tho proposition to found a life saving corps made up of volunteers was heartily recommended and steps to this end will be taken imme diately. Women were oven more enthusiastic than the sterner sex over this new enterprise; several parties arranged to hold club meet ings on the boat deck and this spot is destined now to become a source of lively entertainments of all kinds. Having an up-to-date headquar ters for all the water experts such at the Riest houses is the best sort of thing for working up the bigger establishment. I.ast night all hands were discussing what tho city would do eventually and a concensus seem ed to be .that huge swimming pools of concrete at Hardscrabble, filled with filtered city water would be the I ideal project for that feature of the water recreation plans. together ex-welterweight champion, Ted (Kid) Lewis, and Steve Latso of Hazleton, should be a thriller throughout the entire six rounds. Battling Levinsky, the light heavy weight champion of the world, will have as his opponent Harry Greb, of Pittsburgh. Levinsky's recent victory over Billy Miske in Toledo, pro\cs that he can more than hold his own against the best. Greb re cently surprised the boxing public by trouncing Mike Gibbons, of St. Paul in a ton round battle. Lew Tendler, the legitimate light weight champion of the world, is slated to appear in the final bout. Tendler's recent K. O. victory over K. O. George Chaney deems him as one of the most dangerous men in his division. Joe Welling, of Chicago, has drawn the assignment to oppose the local southpaw. Welling is the boy that gave Tendler his hardest bout in his career, and it was the Wind City fighter that gave the Philadelphian a black eye for his wedding present. Welling has defeated such boys as Johnny Ray, Johnny Dundee, Irish Patsy Cline and held Benny Leonard to a sensational ten round draw. Boy Scout Troops to Battle For City Title on Thursday Next Troop 11, Boy Scout champions of the city, will play Troop 15 on Thursday, July 19 at 2 o'clock on the Paxtang Park diamond. This I will be an exhibition game and | Troop 11 is out for blood. Troop j 15 lost to Troop 11 several weeks; ago by the score of 5 to 4, and will j be out for revenge. R. Walker will j be on the mound for Troop 11, while I Simmons will very likely twirl for j Troop 15. Seeglman for Troop 11 and Sload for Troop 15 will prob ably act behind the bat. The fol lowing players are expected to be present at the Paxtang diamond at 1.30 for Troop 11 A. Taylor, R. Walker, Free, Stoner, Nye, Murray, McKay, E. Taylor, P. Walker, L. Looker, Seiglman and Thompsoh. Any fast scout team living within a radius of twenty-five miles of Har risburg desiring games, should get in touch with Manager Rodgers, 129 State street, Troop 11. Unofficial Fight Receipts Are Placed at $452,000 Toledo, July 9. —Gate receipts of the heavyweight championship con test between Jack Dempsey and Jess Willard here July 4, were unofficial ly announced to-night at approxi mately $452,000. The attendance, Promoter Tex Rickurd said, was between 20,000 and 21,000. , These approximate figures were authorized by Uickard because of the delay in arriving at the official attendance and receipts. Revenue agents are checking up the figures i to determine the amount of war tax j due the Government and they pro ably will not finish the task until late to-morrow. Promoter Rickard left for New York to-night without 1 knowing exactly how much money the contest drew. The Government will receive near | ly $41,000 in war tax. BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York, 8; St. Louis, 1. Chicago, 5; Philadelphia, 4. Brooklyn, 2; Pittsburgh, 1. Boston, 9; Cincinnati, 2 (first game). Cincinnati, 4; Boston. 3 (second game). Standing of the Club* W. L. Pet. New York 43 21 .671 Cincinnati 45 24 .652 Chicago 38 31 .550 Brooklyn 35 32 .522 Pittsburgh 35 34 .507 St. Louis 27 41 .397 Boston 25 39 .390 Philadelphia 18 44 .290 Schedule For To-day Cincinnati at Boston. Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. Chicago at Philadelphia. St. Louis at New York. AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Cleveland, 4; St. Louis, 2. Only one game scheduled. Standing of the Clnbs W. L. Pet. New York 40 22 .643 Chicago 41 25 .622 Cleveland 37 29 .660 St. l/ouls 32 32 .500 Detroit 32 32 .500 Boston 30 34 .468 Washington 28 38 .423 Philadelphia 17 45 .274 Schedule For To-day Washington at Detroit. Boston at St. Ixiuis. Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at Cleveland. SNOODLES By Hungerfora DID yov, 1 " , >- ——. ' i I uITTCfc riAN-, 1 x_ n*k. r_ r)( ,—. \ \ ill I HID VOU HAVE I an\ OLD RED 111 \1 : HI V A PATRIOTIC. J ■ Vwmre AND HI /KINMT V, yr :jp|r ( P *°^ olK Y _ * ■ ' ' ...J-,"-'—i WEST END BEATS GORDON FORD FAmous Athlete Pitching For Engineers and Firemen Meets His Waterloo LEAGUE STANDING W. L. Pet. West End 12 7 .631 Motive Power 11 8 .578 Commonwealth 9 10 .473 E. and F 6 13 .315 Gordon Ford and "Ed" Strieker clenched in a pitcher's battle last evening at the Wgst End park be fore a huge crowd which saw West End triumph over to the Engineers and Firemen, 4-1. It was another step in the ladder toward winning of title for West End which put up a consecutive brilliant game so that the foe could tally only once near the end of the game. Strieker was at his best which means that he anointed the pill in his usual manner and gauged tho opposing hitters so shrewdly that the six hits were scattered like leaves by the autumn wind. Gordon Ford, ail-around athlete, made a noble ef fort to stem the tide, and like "Dewey" Eisenberger, he foupd rocky support at times. Ford was there at all times, contributing the sole run. Not until the fifth could his team connect with the home plate. After Atticks flicd out the basketball star was given a pass and advanced on clean hits by Waltz and Boss. He raced to the plate on Rote's sacrifice fly. The league leaders began their scoring in the first Inning. Guttshall fanned. Shaffer singled and began playing oft first base. Ro'o made a quick throw to first to catch Shaffer but his throw was bad and the run ner went to second. Levan went out, second to first and on a riple by Embick Shaffer crossed the plate. Embick 'tried to stretch his triple into a home run, but was caught at the plate, thus ending the Inning. Tn the fifth three more runs were scored by the West Enders. Knight flied out to Hoover who made a nice catch, and Strieker followed with a slow infield hit to third. On a dou ble to left by Guthsall the West End pitcher was advanced to third and scored on an infield single to short by Shaffer. Shaffer stole sec ond and a minute later Ford left go a wild pitch and Guttshall crossed the plate. Shaffer stole third and Levan walked, but was caught steal ing. Embick hit to Boss who fum bled, permitting Shaffer to score and placing Embick safely on first. A minute later the inning ended when Embick was caught stealing. The score: WEST END R. H. O. A. E. Gutshall, s.s 1 1 1 1 1 ShafTer, 3b 2 2 0 2 0 LeVan, c.f 0 1 1 0 9 Embick, r.f 0 1 0 0 0 Palmer, lb 9 1 7 0 0 McKeever, l.f 0 0 3 0 0 Bell. 2b 0 0 1 2 '® Knight. 0 1 " 0 ® Cochlin, c 0 0 1 0 0 Strlckler, p 1 1 1 3 0 xKussell 9 0 9 9 0 Totals * 8 21 8 1 E. AND F. O. Waltz, r.f 9 2 1 9 9 Boss, 2b 0 1 2 3 1 Rote, 3b 9 9 2 2 1 Bennett, lb 9 9 9 0 0 Hoover, c.f. 9 9 1 .1 9 Wagner, l.f 9 1 1 9 0 Wingard, s.s 9 9 2 1 9 Atticks, 9 2 2 1 9 G. Ford, p " Totals 1 6 21 2 xßatted for Knight in seventh. West End 1 0 0 2 ? 2 2~~i E. and F i 9 0 0 0 1 0 o—l Two-base hit. Guttshall; three base hit, Embick; sacrifice hits, Strieker, Hoover; sacrifice fly. Rote, struck out, by Strieker, 7; by G. Ford. 1; base on balls, off stricker, 3; G. Ford, 1; left on bases, West End, 3; E. and F., 9; stolen bases, Atticks. 2: G. Ford, Shaffer, Rote: passed ball. Cochl'n; wild pitches, Stricker, G. Ford. Time. 1.25. Umpires. Mc- Tnerney and Henry. Scorr, McCa han. Dempsey Declines $30,000 Offer From Atlantic City Atlantic City, July 9. —Local pro moters have practically abandoned hope of Inducing Jack Dempsey, new heavyweight champion, to box Willie Meehan here at the Inlet Ball Park. Dempsey was offered $30,000 to box eight rounds, which Is more than he got for whipping Jess Wll lard. The Atlantic City promoters wanted Dempsey to box Labor Day. Dempsey is being deluged with vaudeville contracts and moving picture offers and feels he should be entitled to collect all the perquisites of a new champion. Leon Rains, of Philadelphia, and Jimmy Dougherty, of Lelperville, are said to have Dempsey's promise to box in Philadelphia the first time he dons the gloves. Dougherty is an intimate friend of Dempsey. The bout probably would be held at the PhllileH' Ball Park on the evening of Day. Meehan is the man the public would Ilko to see Dempsey go against. Meehan Is more of a clown than a fighter, but ho has received a decision over Dempsey, which all the "explaining" of the latter's manager does not alter. The next time they meet Dempsey will put everything he has behind a wallop to Meehan's law to even tbe score. SLOUEUSBURO TELEGRXPB BIG LEAGUE BALL AT ALLISON HILL WHEN KLEIN CONQUERS STARS Before a crowd that was conser vatively placed at 6,000 fans, the celebrated Klein Chocolate Com pany, of Elizabethtown. won last night from the pick of the Allison Hill League by a score of 8 to 2. Tho spacious Reading Railway grounds at Seventeenth and Chest nut streets were crowded to their capachy, and standing room was at a premium. It semed as though th, entire city had turned out to iee its native son "Jack" Brcckenndgu, win his six cylinder cracker-jack aggregation, that has been winning from all comers. First Baseman Walsh pulled a dirty trick on the Chocolate man agement by deserting, but he was never missed. "Jack" presented the old reliable "Bill" Kay to the fans of this city and "Bill" made good. Kay has led the New York State League as leading batter more tunes than has "Ty" Cobb in the Ameri can League. And just to show the fans that he had not lost his eye, "Big Bill" drove out a triple the first time at bat, and followed with a single on his second trip. The grounds had all the appear ance of a big league park. Permis sion was secured from the police department to rope off the grounds, and the entire playing field was en circled half a dozen deep. Fans were on tiptoe yelling their heads off fcr the Hill team, while they were free with their applause and ap preciation for the good work of the Chocolate tossers. Seventeenth and Chestnut streets, adjoining the grounds, were parked with automobiles, owned by persons who had come from all parts of this and adjoining counties to see the contest. Center of attraction was "Jack" Breckenridge himself, who kept the crowd in good humor by his coaching antics at first base. The gental manager recalled to the older spectators, former days when "Jack" was the hero of many an athletic contest over on the Island. The way "Jack" pulled off his shadow boxing, and took the knock out suggested the fact that Jess Willard must have taken several les sons from the local star In how to hit the canvas for a fade-a-away. When Umpire Nebinger called for the start of the game, the grand stand opened up with all kinds of support. It was neither Galahad, Rosewood, Reading or St. Mary's. It was the Hill league. "Hit it out 'Rabbit,' we're with you to-night," or strike him out "Mell," you can do it again," is the way-the bleach era felt about it throughout the en tire game. That the fans considered it a big league game was further evidenced in the seventh inning when the entire grandstand rose in a body and took the seventh inning stretch. The Klein tossers went out in or der in the first round. "Rabbit" Zerance hit one through Catcher Brennen, who was filling in at first base. He stole second and when the ball went to center field, he raced to third. But his efforts were in vain, for the necessary hit was not forthcoming. In the second the Chocolate tossers got their first run when "Big Bill" Kay drove out a triple to deep left field. Hunter sent a sacrifice fly to center field and Kay scored. The Hill team lost the game in the third round when stage fright took hold of the nine, and before the side was retired six runs had scored. But for this inning the Hill team ji How ij | much is | v. just enough ./ \ "Turkish"? / See Thursday's Papers —NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT . - FOR ANY PARTICULAR CIGARETTE —7s may even make you like your present cigarette better would have had a chance. Five hits, a base on balls and an error did the damage. "Kinney" Swartz and Ellenberger were the hitters for the losing team, getting a pair each. While the en tire Hill team played well, the out standing star was Mellinger. The Urslnus lad pitched a great game, striking out eleven of the big leaguers. Kay whiffed the last two times at bat, after getting two hits on his first two trips to-the plate. It was a great game, and the better team won. All things considered, the local aggregation made a credit able showing. But baseball was not all that was in store for the fans. In the third Inning a liberal supply of Klein choclates was distributed among the crowd, being sold at whatever sum the buyer desired to give. The entire amount was turned over to the president of the league in the fifth inning by Mayor Keister. The sum will be used to liquidate the debt on the grandstand. In present ing the money to the president of tbe league. Mayor Keister said: "At tne solicitation of one of the best athletes the city ever produced, and Harrisburg's best contribution to the big leagues, I take pleasure in turn ing over this liberal contribution to the league in behalf of the Klein Chocolate Company. It is a liberal contribution, and I thank you for it." That Elizabethtown is back of Iho team was in evidence last night ly the great crowd that made up an auto party to this city. They were headed by William and Fred Klein, who were among the specta tors. The crowd was pleased with the game played by the visitors, and when Connie Mack brings his team to this city the latter part of the month, everybody will be rooting for the Chocolate tossers. Clad in white suits with choco late trimming, the entire outfit looked nifty, and played big league ball from start to finish. The Hill League was fortunate in securing (his attraction, and the fact that the Klein Brothers brought the team to this city and gave the candy gratis, —is indicative of the good sportsmanship on the part of the irvpnagers of the team. The score: KLEIN CHOCOLATE CO. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Wrighstone, 3b 3 12 110 Brennen, lb .. 4 1 1 4 0 1 Cranston, 2b . . 4 1110 0 Kay, rf 4 2 2 1 0 0 Hunter, cf ... 3 12 10 0 Killinger, ss .., 2 1 0 0 2 1 Brown, If ... . 4 0 1 1 0 0 Trout, c 2 1 012 1 0 Harned, p..,. 3 0 0 0 0 1 Total 29 8 9 21 4 3 HILL ALL-STARS AB. R. H. O. A. E. Zerance. 3b ... 3 0 0 1 0 2 C. Swartz, 2b .. 3 1 2 2 1 0 Ellenberger, ss . 3 1 2 9 1 0 Fetrow, cf .. . 3 0 0 2 1 0 G. Swartz, c.,. 3 0 010 2 1 Bender, 1b,.. 3 0 1 4 0 0 Hoerner, rf ... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Cobaugh, if ... 1 0 0 0 o 0 Mellinger, p . . 3 0 0 1 1 0 Hawley, If .... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Total 26 2 5 21 6 3 Klein Choc. Co 016000 I—B Hill All-Stars 000200 o—2 Earned runs—Klein. 5; All-Stars, 2 Three base hit —Kay. Sacrifice hits—Killinger. Sacrifice fly—Hun ter. Struck out —Harned, 12: MeL linger, 11. Base on balls—Mellinger, 4. Left on base—Ail-Stars, 4; Klein, 5. Stolen bases—Hunter, Harned. Zerance, Ellenberger. Passed balls -—Trout, Swartz, 2. Umpire— "DickV Nebinger. Middletown Ball Players 'Panned' by Hummelstown The peaceful and ancient c4ty of Hummelstown, once noted for its tranquillity and harmony, has been shaken to the foundations recently by eccentric conduct on the part of the Middletown ball players, who do all sorts of queer things until Hum melstown fairly rises as one to tell the whole world about It. Now, here is the most recent eruption, as narrated by the Hummelstown Fire Department executive committee, Messrs. J. Landis Strickler, U. L. Baisbaugh, William Habbishaw and H. E. Bomberger: Middletown walked off tl- Held at Hummelstown last evening at one of the most critical moments that an opposing team ever stageij, after leading by a score of 2 to 9. Moore, left fielder for Middletown, was on third base, with two men down and two strikes on the batter, when a player from the bench rushed out on the third base foul line and asked the pitcher for the ball. The pitcher tossed it to him, and the runner on third was coached home by the batter. The rules of Reach's rule book of 1919 say that all play ers except those in play must be seated on the bench and not be on the Held. The umpire ruled the batter out and Middletown left the field. The umpire also stated that the player had no right to come out from the bench and ask for the ball. This caused the Midd'.otown play ers to blow up and walk off the field after having a lead of two runs on the fire company. Middletown has given Hummels town the worst deals in the past games ever staged before a crowd of rooters, at Middletown. The best citizens of that borough told Man ager Strickler he was a foolish man for playing such a team as they were representing; but he had made arrangements for the crowd at Hummelstown and had perfect or der —something Middletown would not do, for fear they would lose a game. There were about 600 people at the game, including a number from Herßhey and surrounding towns who came to see two teams very nearly evenly matched; but had Middletown played the remaining part of the game they would have gone down to defeat at the hands of the fire company's team. Manager Strickler gave Middletown a chal lenge to piay at Hershey with a good guarantee and the winners take all the gate receipts, but Man ager Wharton said he would play at Hummelstown. Ho also stated he would leave the newspapers pick the umpires. Hummelstown has had little trouble in the past with visiting teams, but Middletown Is the same old story wherever it goes. Thursday evening Hummelstown will play the All Stars, of the Alli son Hill League, at Hummelstown, and Saturday afternoon go to York and play the strong American Chain Works team, of York. Manager Strikler has a good schedule of games, including Sheri dan, Kaufman's furniture team, of Reading, and a few from Allen town. The attendance is fine and Hummelstown represents one of the best teams in Dauphin county. JULY 9, 1919. • I ATLANTIC 9 9 IPOLAR.XMEI r I "HE oldest and largest manufacturer * of lubricating oils in the world has formulated a group of four motor oils that answers every motor-oil problem. Ask for them by name—Atlantic Polarine, Atlantic Light, Medium or I Heavy. Your dealer will recommend the one best suited to your needs. ATLANTIC © M ? T ?P ?"- s g Keep Upkeep Down WhJi WILD WOOD. N. J. BY THE. SEA 1 s|||j\jMlJ)WooD CRESr\ 7 Always cool and delightful. Fresh. JK3psi&j9ijV invigorating salt ~ sea breezes. Its [2; famous five-mile bathing bea oh offers the beat and safest surf bathing on the coast. , . Splendid boardwalk lined with high-grade amusements, theaters, piers and novelty shops. Walter Pfelffer's Orchestra gives daily concerts. Excellent hotels at moderate rates. Fine motor roads. Good garage accommoda tions. For illustrated folder and further Information, write today to W. Ceurtright Smith Beard at Trade Secretary TVtldwood, K. J. Wildwood Manor front; fresh and salt water in baths; run. water; hot and cold, in bedrooms, elec. eiev.; tennis courts, etc. Open* June 27. Mrs. WE R. Lester. Mgr. Hotel Sheldon. Atnr. plan. Daily rates Rooms, with run. water, $3 to $3.50. Pvt. baths, $4 to $6. Kiev. Booklet. D. J. WOODS, Umnerahlp-ManiiKem't. [mLERgii^AN^X 1 Scrupulously clean, electric lighted throughout. White service. Hot and cold water baths. $2.00 up daily. sl2 up weekly. Estab. .40 years. Emerson Crouthamel. Mgr. gS.fiO op Dally. $14.0" on Wkly. Am. Plan ELBERON & Fireproof A line*. Tennessee Av. nr. tj"h. M- i RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Excellent table ; fresh vegetables. Windows I screened. White aerrlca. Booklet R.B.IUDY.N. D. j THE WILTSHIRE, Virginia ave. and Beach. Ocean view. Capacity 360. Private baths, running water In rooms, elevator, etc. Aroer. plan, special weekly rates. Booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. CHESTER HOUSE, IS 4b 17 S. Georgia Ave., nr. Beach. I Two sqs. from Heading Sta. $1.60 to 2 dly; $9 to 10 wky. Mrs. T. Dlckeraon | COURTESY, QUALITY, SERVICE. HOTEL KENTUCKY, KENTUCKY AV„ NEAR' BEACH. Euro. Plan —Rates, $1 to $3.60 dally. American Plan —$3 to $5 daily; lit to $25 weekly. Elev.; eiec. lights; tel. every room; run. water In rooms; private hatha Phone $lO5, N. B. KENNADY. THE SAN JOSE 133 St. James Place. Fifth house from beach. European Plan. Terms attrac tive. 16th season. McNamara & ' Hughes Owners. HOTEL CLEARVIEW 2217 Pacific Ava 16th season. Ameri can Plan. Bathing from hptel. MRS. S. MEG AW. HOTEL BISCAYNE Kentucky Ave., Fourth hotel from j Beach. Amer. plan $2.50 up daily; sl4 ' up wkly. HARRISON HIPPLE, Prop. MOST AMIABLE HOSTESS IN TOWN ! THE HAVERHILL IT S. Illinois Avenue Near beach. $3 daily; $lB up weekly Mrs. Letltia Mathews ~ THE MAYNARD 10 So. Mlchlgnn Ave. Convenient to plera Excellent, table. Pleas, surroundings. Terms mod. MRS. 'f. PORTER. HOTEL BREVOORT It South Carolina Ave. Near Beach •ind Penna. R. R. Large airy rooms. Umer. Plan s2.so up dally. $16.00 up weekly Under new management. FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA. n the Ajps qT Amertco" —7I —TJY A strictly modern hotel with excellent table vnd service. Altitude 2000 feet. Spienaid roads ; Rolf, tennis, etc. Open June 20th to October Ist Address until June 10th. John J. Gibbons, Manager Hotel Rennert. Baltimore. Md. I AT MT. GRETNA. PA. HOTEL CONEWAGO Mount Gretna, Penna. This Hotel become a very popular resort jtor Harrisburgers. We have everything other summer resorts have and many attractions they do not have. Leslie's Orchestra, Dancing, Boating, Bathing and Large Amusement Park Something New Visit Our Pink Tea Room Phone, Write or Come. \ M. E. Patterson, Mgr. RESORTS AT ASBURY PARK, N. J. THEHOTILn r HITTADEIHORE DINNERS FAMOUS Plaza Hotel and Grill On Ocean Front j Asbury Park, New Jersey Headquarters For Auto Tourists European Plan Garage in Connection j SUND^^^^^Sl^ SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY, OCEAN CITT, SEA ISLE CITY, WILDWOOD or CAPE MAY JULY 13 & 27 SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN From Fare Lv. A.M. Harrlsburg $2.75 4.40 Hummelstown 2.75 4 6g Swataia 2.70 6.02 Hershey 2.70 6.05 Palmyra 2.60 6.12 Annvllle 2.50 5.22 Cleona 2.60 5.26 Lebanon 2.60 6.33 | Rending Termin. (ar rive) $.15 j War Tax 8 Per Cent. Additional. RETURNING Special Train | will leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, 10.00 P. M., same date I for above atatlona. These special excursion tickets will be good only on dote of ex cursion on above special train In each direction; they will bo ac cepted on any train, date of ex cursion, from Philadelphia to destination and return to Phila delphia. Children between 6 and 12 years of age, half fare. * " Philadelphia & Reading Railroad * 13