Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 09, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Entered at the Post Office in Harris
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year In advance.
The best preparation for the future
is the present tccll seen to. George
NEWS that plans for the annual
Kipona are under way will be
good tidings to thousands who
previous to the war enjoyed tho
wonderful river festivities that
marked the close of the vacation
season in Harrisburg. It is proper
that this year's celebration should
be larger and more gorgeous than
any of those in the past, for this
is victory year and the men who
will man the canoes and boats for
the most part were in the service
last year and are rejoicing in their
return home.
There is no prettier spot on a
late summer day in all Pennsyl
vania, or in any other State for that
matter, than the Susquehanna basin
opposite Harrisburg, and the "front
steps" provide an ideal seating ar
rangement for the thousands who
go out to witness the spectacle.
These neighborhood gatherings are
good for us ail. They provide fun
and frolic for those who cannot, for
one reason or another, spend theii
vacations away from home and they
bring us all together on a common
ground that makes better citizens
of us.
The nation's public debt on the first
•>f June was $26,000,1100,000, an in
crease of $1,096,640,750 during May
resulting from new issues of certi
ficates of indebtedness and payments
on victory loan subscriptions.
on our program will come the Inef
ficiency Loan."
A GENERATION ago it would
not have been possible to
secure the co-operation be
tween the State and the city which
now characterizes every step in the
development of comprehensive and
artistic plans for the improvement
of the Capitol grounds and the out
side environment for which the city
is responsible. For years there has
been intelligent co-ordination of all
efforts having for their purpose the
development of a city worthy tho
seat of government of a great com
As a result of this neighborly co
operation there has been a steady
and consistent improvement along
constructive and artistic lines. One
after another the unsightly features
of the original Capitol Park treat
ment have disappeared and there
has come a comprehensive plan
which is being followed in the mak
ing of beautiful surroundings for the
imposing State House.
The recent Legislature provided
for the further treatment of the
park and its most impressive fea
ture will be the great memorial
viaduct which will extend from the
eastern edge of the park across the
Paxton Creek Valley and the Penn
sylvania Railroad to a point near
Thirteenth street. This will consti
tute the formal entrance to the city
from the east and is certain to provo
an enduring and practical memorial
of the Pennsylvania boys who rep
resented the State In the great war
for justice and humanity. At the
park entrance to the viaduct will
be the artistic pylons which will
contain on bronze tablets the names
of the soldiers of the State in the
recent world struggle. All of Penn
sylvania will be interested in this
memorial and it Is proper that It
should be a feature of the Capitol
And now comes the Chamber of
Commerce committee, which was
charged with the study of a proper
memorial for Marrisburg's soldiers
and tailors, with a suggestion thut
must at once commend itself as an
admirable solution of the memoriul
problem. On another page this eve
ning the Telegraph presents a
sketch of the proposed Harrisburg
memorial which will be located ut
the Intersection of State und Thir
teenth streets. Again I luiTisburg
co- operates with the State, inasmuch
as the Harrisburg memorial will be
a dignified and component feature
of the memorial viaduct. It is the
inspiration of Arnold W. Bruner, the
great civic architect, who is develop
ing the plans of tho State. This me
morial will occupy a conspicuous
site at the eastern approach of the
memorial structure and is certain to
attract the admiration of all who
appreciate dignity and appropriate
ness in the choosing of permanent
While the marble bench and the
bronze pedestal of the flag pole
will at once hold the attention
of all who enter and depart from
the city, in fact that here has boon
co-operation between the State and
the city in producing this dual me
! morial will be the subject of gen
' eral commendation and approval.
The Chamber of Commerce, as a
! leader in civic affairs, has earned the
praise of the entire community in
i thus promptly arranging for a suit
! aide memorial to those who rallied
I to the colors in the greatest war of
all history.
"Watchful waiting" has been dis
carded for "watchful preparedness" in
the Administration's attitude toward
Mexico. Any attitude will suit the
Administration so long as it spells
FROM certain not disinterested
quarters comes the advice to
Americans to resume the pur
chase of German-made goods. NVe
are told that the only way Germany
j can pay her debts and make good
her treaty obligations is by a re
sumption of trade with the world,
and that the United States should
set an example to the allies in this
respect by leading the way.
Not for us! A bite of German I
food would choke the man who, try- ,
ing to swallow it, chanced to think
what the hand that packed it or
grew it might have done during the
war. A German toy made by one
of the brutes who murdered the
children of Belgium and France
and ravished their mothers would
be an insult to the sacred precincts
of any American home.
No, we in America can get along
very well without German-made
goods. We did during the war and
nobody suffered, and now that we
are trying to find work for our re
turning soldiers and endeavoring to
get business back on a peace basis,
let us spend our money for Ameri
can-made goods. American work
men were not guilty of what the
Germans did during the war. Their
hands are clean. Let us respect
them and patronize them and keep
our money at home.
Germany's debts must be Ger
many's worry. We have enough of
our own.
Twelve old American battleships
are to be Junked at once, but Bos'n
Jo Daniels and his obsolete ideas
will not go to the scrap heap until
March 5, 1921. Anyhow, there will
be no salvage on him.
FOR years Harrisburg has been
"swatting the fly." Now it is
turning its attention to the
mosquito. The mosquito is a pest
that can be banished more easily
than the fly and at less expense. The
City Health Department can get rid
of the insects in Harrisburg in one
season, if the people are willing to
spend the money, and anybody who
has nursed a bite or two or who has
tried to shoo one of the little buzzing
devils out of his bedroom between
fitful moments of slumber on a hot
summer's night would be willing to
see the city treasury bankrupt itself
in anti-mosquito campaign.
We used to have yellow fever in
many American ports, and once it
got as far north as Philadelphia.
The scourge was a mystery then,
but now we know it was due to
mosquito bites. And it is the same
with malaria. Fortunately for us,
the dam in Wildwood, the Paxton
creek sewer system and the' sani
tary dam in the river which covers
most of the flats have relieved us
of the malaria mosquitos, but we
still have the menace with us, as
the Health Department points out.
end we ought to drain away or
otherwise neutralize the swampy
zones that now furnish such excel
lent breeding places. A step in this
direction will be taken when the city
transforms the Italian Park swamp
into a fresh, flowing lake.
Familiarity with the mosquito has
led us to look upon it as a necessary
evil, which it is not. The malaria
mosquito is likewise, if not a friend,
at all events a companion of man.
It cannot be called semi-domesti
cated, but it is not ordinarily found
far from human dwellings. Flying
only at night, it makes sleeping per
sons its special prey; whence the
importance, as a safeguard against
its attack, of well screened doors and
windows, and even of net bed can
opies when there is much malaria
in the neighborhood.
Malaria causes thousands of
deaths in this country every year,
and is the cause of a very great deal
of sickness. But it is being grad
ually eradicated by draining of
mosquito-breeding areas.
A reasonable expectation is that
a century from now ntaluria in this
country will be a relatively rare dis
ease. As for yellow fever, it will
be surely stamped out in those trop
ical places which to-day are "foci"
for the distribution of that dread
plague over the world.
The Postoffice Department haR re
moved its restrictions on the ship
ment to Italy of foodstuffs by parcel
post. The P. O. D. should now equip
this service with a sanitary corps, or
the regulations should permit the
mailing only of such foods as improve
with ago. An American cheese would
quadruple In value on the way over,
which should be a valuable sugges
tion to Congressman Bert Hncll, of
Now York. He makes them.
' i ii j
By the Ex-Commit tee man
j Ind.cations are that the Republic
i can State organization will get be
| hind the candidacy of Superior
i Court "Judge William L. Keller, of
Lancaster for election for the full
I term of ten years. Judge Keller
I was appointed early in the year to
serve until the first Monday of next
January. Nominating petitions in
his interest are being circulated in
various counties.
While no announcement has been
made concerning him no one has
entered the Held against him or has
been talked of who is likely to se
cure much backing and many in
fluential Republicans are openly sup
porting him.
One of the surprises of the nomi
nating petition circulation is the
number of aspirunts who have asked
for papers to become candidates for
nominations for associate judges.
These judges are to be elected in
eight or nine counties and the con
tests bid fair to lie as interesting as
in the days when the liquor issue
made them stirring affairs.
—lt is regarded here as probable
that Chief of Mines Seward E. But
ton will be retained under the Sproul
administration. No one else has
been mentioned and no opposition
to the chief has appeared. The
salary of the office was recently
—Reorganization of the State
Agricultural Department will prob
ably be undertaken at an early day
as the outline has been prepared
for the Governor. Under recent
j legislation the commissioner of for
estry also has to be reappointed.
Some charges will also take place
in the Department of Labor and
Industry within a short time, author
ity to make them being now vested
in the acting commissioner under
a recent act.
—The election of 19'19 is not a
general election and therefore no
proposed amendments to the con
stitution can be submitted to the
people of Pennsylvania this year and
furthermore the proposed amend
ment establishing the graded tax
falls because the resolution offering
it to the voters specifically provided
that it must be submitted in No
vember, 1919, according to a deci
sion sent to Secretary of the Com
monwealth Cyrus E. Woods by First
Deputy Attorney General Robert S.
Gawthrop to-day. It is held that
the decision is in accord with a de
cision by Superior Court Judge Wil
liam H. Keller when First Deputy
on "a somewhat similar question un
der date of July 10, 1917."
-—The decision disposes of the
question whether the constitutional
amendments passed by the Legisla
tures of 1917 and 1919 should be
voted upon this year and knocks
out the graded tax amendment en
tirely. The graded tax amendment
was passed two years ago and aguin
this year, but unlike other proposed
amendments it contained a provision
that it should go to the voters this
fall, being advertised three months
in advance of the election. • Judge
Gawthrop holds that the duty of the
secretary of the Commonwealth is
to advertise such amendments be
fore a general election and that gen
eral elections are held only in even
numbered years. "It follows, there
fore, that the publication required
by the constitution cannot be made
before the date fixed in the resolu
tion for submission to the electors
and that the amendment cannot be
submitted upon the day named
therein," says the judge.
—Philadelphia municipal politics
which kept the Legislature all stir
red up have taken on a spurt us a
result of meetings of the independ
ents and of the Republican city com
mittee. The independent element
held a conference with the Town
Meeting party and the Republican
Alliance to discuss the mayoralty
and the Philadelphia Record, Demo
cratic organ, says that they met
with the "secrecy of bombthrowers"
and deferred action on a slate until
August. Other newspapers are not
so severe and indicate that there
will be a winnowing Qf the list of
possible candidates.
—The city committee which is a
Vare organization held its summer
meeting yesterday at which Senator
Edwin H. Vare called the people
uniting to fight him "mongrels" and
assailed their efforts as those of
"outs trying to get in." The city
committee met for the first time
without the presence of the veteran
David H. Lane and discussed the
registration after several members
had echoed Senator Vare's declara
tion that the other side was en
deavoring to go back to the old
convention system without authority
of law.
—Selection of Philadelphia coun
cilmen is the subject of some earn
est editorials in Philadelphia news
papers. the Kvening Rulletin saying
that It should* be a matter for "spe
cial exertion and vigilance" on the
part of citizens.
—The Scranton Republican is tak
ing a big interest in the ballot leg
islation and says editorially: "One
of the final acts of the Pennsylvania
Legislature, and one which will meet
with the approval of the people of
the Commonwealth, was to pass the
bill requiring election officers to fol
low the intent of the voter in count
ing ballots on election days. It is
understood that the local courts in
reviewing elections have established
a rule similar to that outlined by
this new law. Some election boards
have followed it and others have not.
The purpose of the court in this mat
ter, and the idea of the law as re
flected in the new act is that where
the Intent of the voter is clear it
must l>e followed and the vote count
ed. No ballot should be decided In
valid where the purpose of the man
casting the vote is obvious, for It is
unjust and unreasonable disfran
—Reading is going to have one
of the most strenuous mayoralty
campaigns in the State no matter
whether the nonpartisan election
feature of the third class city act is
repealed or not. The candidates
include Samuel E. Bertolet, Ex-
Mayor W. F. Shanaman, Ren H.
Zerr. George H. Boyer, William
Abbot Whitman, and Frank Miller.
There is a great shortage of scales
of all kinds in South Africa, partic
ularly counter and outside scuies.
The 1919 rice crop is a failure In
Coehln-Ohinu, and will probably not
exceed 60 to 70 per cent, of a nor
mal year on account of an exces
sively dry season.
During 1918 7.021 ships with ton
nage of 1,308,984 entored the harbor
of Ohrtstiania. Norway, against 7.-
768 ships of 1,669.194 tons in 1917
und 10,174 ships of 2.782.596 tons In
I KNOW IT Camc ( I sofsi .You PICKED! weu -Voeu- HERe's f pio You jusT FIMC^
HG R<* HGLW HGReS is IT A COLOMOL ? \ IS(J . T M|(JS . |T ||vl HeRB last
A BALL ANYWAY V Yep "rtAT'i MlisJG - I wecK- MY WAmC lS
. > —THANKS - / ,1 _ MV/CM 'BUGED j
AH- HERE 'TIS —- ) SAY - THAT'S THCRE'S another - " , v
anyway \ Tee— Vup ThaTS j— BodY'LL Claim it
Prohibition and Wilson
[Philadelphia North American.]
With President Wilson openly
hostile to the law and proclaiming
his purpose to cancel it at the first
opportunity, and with his Attorney
General adding to the confusion, it
could hardly be expected that the
runisellers would take the law seri
ously. The head of the Anti-Saloon
League in New York state has clear
ly shown where responsibility lies:
By throwing a monkey wrench
into the enforcement machinery,
President Wilson is running true
to form on the liquor question.
In 11117 it was the prohibition
forces and not the brewers that
he asked to quit. In 1918 he sug
gested that the operation of war
prohibition be postponed a year.
Last month he tried to prevent
its going into efTect at all, even
though he had signed it. and he
now gives the liquor traffic to
understand that he will come to
its rescue if it can hold on irt the
meantime His assurance that he
will do away with the law en
tirely at the earliest possible mo
ment will be taken by the brew
ers as an implied invitation to
violate the law in the interim. His
suggestion will tend to paralyze
the enforcement machinery; no
official can have any heart in en
forcing a law which he knows
may be wiped out at any minute.
Responsibility for any disorder or
confusion due to violation of war
prohibition is now. located with
the President.
Congress was overwhelmingly for
having war prohibition begin with
the first of the present year. Presi
dent Wilson pleaded for postpone
ment to January 1, 1920. July 1
was named as a comprofnise, so that
the liquor interests actually gained
a six months' respite: and it was
perfectly understood that that was
all they could expect
It is quite possible, however, that
there will be a resumption of liquor
selling for a brief period, in states
which have not adopted state pro
hibition, The war prohibition act
automatically ceases to operate upon
the conclusion of demobilization, the
date of which is to be determined
and proclaimed by President Wil
son. The President's proclamation
will mean that from that date until
January 16 next liquor will have the
same status throughout the country
as it had before July I—the dry
states will remain dry and the few
wet states will enjoy the felicity of
| a month or so of rum selling.
Many persons are shocked and
| incensed bv the mere fact that the
liquor traffic continues. But a far
more rerious aspect of the case is
that this Involves widespread and
flagrant defiance of law. The situa
tion produced by the President and
♦Jinse under his direction has im
paired the authority of the Govern-'
ment and brought the institution of
the law itself Into contempt. Noth
ing could do more to encourage the
lawless elements of society than this
demonstration of official counte
nance for wholesale defiance of a
statute of the United States.
When W. W. Gets Back
[Phila. Press]
Our Democratic contemporaries j
are not likely to make as much |
noise over the result of the special I
Congressional election in the Fourth j
Minnesota District the other day as I
they made over a recent election in j
the Butler-Westmoreland district of I
I this State. In the Minnesota district
the Democrats formerly had big
majorities, ranging up to more than
twenty thousand. Last Tuesday the
Democrats lost the district in a
three-cornered fight, in which the
Republican vote divided, but
both the regular Republicans and
the Independent Republicans ran
ahead of the Democrats. It is quite
time that President Wilson got back
to look after the party of which he
is the self-proclaimed leader, but If
he doesn't hurry there may not be
much left for him, or anybody else,
to look after.
"No Beer, No Tips?"
[The Pittsburgh Dispatch.]
A. C. Stephens, president of the
Ohio Hotel Association, discloses an
other angle to the prohibition prob
lem. With the going out of liquor,
he predicts, the country will likely
go on a tipless basis. Yes, you have
guessed part of It. People do give up
more easily, he says, and more gen
erously when they have swallowed u
few drinks. But thut is not all. With
the passing of tips the waiters will
want more wages und Ihe hotel men,
pondering the vanishing liar profits,
are figuring on waiterless as well as
tipless duys to come. The war cut
off the European supply of waiters
anyway, and thoso that wore here
jumped into more lucrative jobs, he
says, a statement that will ustonlsh
those who have heurd those stories
of waiters, buying apartment houses
und stocks and bonds with the
princely tips they received.
Kaiser Bill and Napoleon
WHATEVER may be the deel- 1
sion of the Interallied Coun- j
cil regarding William Hohen- j
zollern, there Is much in his present
situation which suggests the disposi
tion ,which the Allies of another
century made of Napoleon Bona
parte. The late Emperor of Ger
many also may have his Saint
Helena and end his days in exile on I
some far distant isle.
Although the proceedings against j
the Kaiser are without precedent
and represent a new effort to. pre
vent the recurrence of future wars,
he, like Napoleon, is arraigned at
the bar of the Nations as an arch
disturber of the peace of the world.
More exactly the situation of the
War Lord suggests that of Napo
leon just before his exile to the
Island of Elba. The Allies had made
good their invasion of France in
1814. Two million men were at
hand to crush the remnants of that
Grand Army which Napoleon had
led into Russia. The Man of Des
tiny, betrayed by many of those
whom he had advanced to riches and
power, was on April 6 constrained TO
"The allied sovereigns," to quote
from the document penned by Bona
parte's own hand, "having declared j
that the Emperor Napoleon is the •
sole obstacle to the re-establishment j
of a general peace in Europe, the ;
Emperor Napoleon, faithful to his |
ot.th, declares that he renounces for
himself and his heirs the throne
of France and Italy, and that there
is no personal sacrifice, not even that
of life itself, which he is not will
ing to make for the interests of
1 France."
The Allies meanwhile had taken
possession of Paris and there they
held a council as to what should
be done with Napoleon. The treaty
which they finally drew up provided
that he and the Empress Maria
Louisa should retain their titles dur
ing their lives. To him the sover
eignty and the right of ownership
of the Island of Elba was assigned
with an annual income of $500,000,
to be paid by France. The private
property of Napoleon, however,
whether as extraordinary or as pri
vate domain was to revert to the j
Mock Sovereign of Elba
. The Allies of that day believed !
that they had settled the affairs of |
Europe for good and all in the con
ferring of this mock sovereignty.
Although for twenty years the mili
tary operations of Napoleon had kept
| France in a mad whirl of glory, and
had terrorized the continent, wise i
ones believed that the star of the I
Man of Destiny had set forever. The j
affection which many of the French '
people had for him, the dislike |
which they felt for the Bourbons, I
and misunderstandings among the I
Allies themselves made it possible |
for Napoleon to return and to con- I
duct that brilliant yet unsuccessful
Gne Hundred Days' Campaign which
ended in his overwhelming defeat
at Waterloo,
i When the time came to decide j
upon the fate of Napoleon after he
I had broken his Elba purole, much
j harsher conditions were imposed.
Only a slight change in affairs would
have resulted in his being landed
on the coast of England and taken
to London for trial, as is now pro
posed in the case of the whilon
Emperor of Germany.
Napoleon became the prisoner of
England by surrendering himself
to her. The Kaiser in the first
gloom of defeat when he fled from
Germany had intended, according
to all accounts, to surrender himself
to the British. The reputation of the
dwellers on John Bull's island for
justice and fair play Is worldwide.
This is evidenced not only by the
original plan of William Hohenzol
lern but also in the correspondence
between Napoleon and the repre
sentatives of Great Britain.
The Kaiser took refuge in Hol
land; the deposed Emperor of the
French upon the Island of Alx. In
the offing were warships of Great
Britain. Before the break of day
on the I*l th of July, 1815. the Duke
of ltovigo went with' a flag of truce
to inquire if a French or neutral
vessel conveying the Emperor and
bound for the United States could
pass unmolested. As this request
was not granted and he feared cap
ture by the troops of the restored
regime of the Bourbons, Napoleon
decided to give himself up to the
There was no triul In the sense
of that which is now contemplated
for the head of the Hohenzollerns
Napoleon was rcgurded us the com
mon enemy of Europe, and every
country had been so embroiled thut
there was none which could be
culled neutral. The Allies were con
tent to let Englund dlopose of Bo
naparte us she wiled.
The result of the deliberations of
the Privy Council was made known
on the evening of July 30, 1815,
when Sir Henry Banbury, under
secretary of state, came on board
and read it to the Emperor. It was
as follows:
Napoleon's Sentence
"It would be inconsistent with our
duty toward our country and the
Allies of his Majesty if General Bo
naparte possessed the means of again
disturbing the repose of Europe. It
is on this account that it becomes
absolutely necessary that he should
be retained in his personal liberty,
so far as this may lie required by
the foregoing important object. The
Island of Saint Helena has been
chosen as his future residence. Its
climate is healthy, and its local po
sition will allow of his being treated
with more indulgence than could be
permitted in any spot, owing to the
indispensable precaution which
would be necessary to employ for the
security of his person."
Sir George Cockburn, to whom
was delegated the task of conveying
Napoleon to the isle of exile, was
instructed to recognize him not as
an Emperor but simply as a General.
The deposed ruler's baggage was
searched and $25,000 in gold and all
his valuable personal effects were
removed. He was permitted to re
tain $2,500 with which to pay his
personal servants. From the time
of his departure until his death Na
poleon may be considered as a poli
tical offender condemned to impris
onment for life.
Dean Wears Knickers
IDes Moines Register]
Years ago Dean Holmes Cowper,
of Drake University, after carefully
studying portraits of men of Revolu
tionary time and after having been
presented with a frilly black satin
evening coat by his grandmother,
property of his grandfather, decided
the clothes that men of modern
times wore were highly unbecom
ing, also uncomfortable.
Dean Cowper firmly believed they
had it all "over us" when it came to
stylish, becoming, and well-fitted
He tried airing his opinions and
even, in some instances, advocated
reform. He met with little enthu
siasm. He abandoned active work
on the idea, but he never gave up
wondering if something couldn't be
i done about it.
Then the war came along and
Dean Cowper got into a uniform.
Not the least of the joys that Dean
Cowper got out of the khaki, was
the wearing of leather leggins and
knee breeches.
In March the dean was "demob
ilized." He bitterly resented the long
trousers which came with "ctt"
clothes. He bided his rime. Waited
until he found just what he wanted
and came out yesterday morning
with knee breeches, woolen stock
ings. a stick, a natty sport hat, and
a belted coat.
And he refuses to listen to any
thing but admiring comments. He is
perfectly comfortable, and he says
ho won't wear long trousers.
"What will you do about evening
clothes?" he was asked.
"Well, I suppose I'll have to wear
those long," then, suddenly getting
an idea. "It wouldn't be half bad,
though, would it—with black silk
stockings and buckles?"
Dean Cowper says .a gentleman is
well dressed when his boots arc per
fectly pol'shed and bis linen is
clean. "And why shouldn't he dress
"I look for lots of men to wear
them now, after having been in the
army," he declared.
Convict Road Work
The use of convict labor in the
building of State roads results in the
stjving of money and it has a bene
ficial effect on the prisoners engaged
In It, in the judgment of officials,
mostly engineers, in charge of road
work in twelve States that have tried
the system thoroughly.
The States are Arizona, Oklahoma,
Florida. Maryland. Illinois, T.ouisi
nna. Rhode island. New Jersey,
Wyoming. Utah, Idaho, and Neb
raska. They include practically
every k'nd of country to be found
In the United States the rolling
country of the Atlnnt'c seabonrd,
the swamps nnd sand olains of the
South Atlantic and Onlf coasts, the
Vnlley prairies, the Oreat
Plains, the canyons nnd desert of
the Southwest, and the eastern slope
of the Rockv Mountains. Any rule
that has been found to hold In nil
tbrs- pieces would. It 's believed, be
I'kely to apply unywhere in the
United States. The reports have
been, collected by the Department of
Agriculture, which has supervision
of all Federal highway activities.
JULY 9, 1919.
No Wonder Germany Quit
"Who evfrr heard of silk burlap"
said Colonel J. B. Kemper of the
Army Recruiting station, 325 Mar
ket street, Harrisburg, "and yet that
is one of the things that helped win
the war. The powder used to fire
big guns has always been packed
in cloth bags for convenience in
handling. These bags in the past
have been of canvass or similar
material, but that wasn't good
enough for this war. Probably half
of the big gun firing during the
war has been at night and it was
discovered that the old fashioned
powder bags burned during the
powder explosion with quite a bright
flash and that also they left consid
erable ash in the barrel of the gun
which scratched the gun when it
was fired again. It was found that
silk burned with much less flash,
consequently making the location of
the gun harder to detect, and fur
ther it left practically no ash in
the barrel. Still another considera
tion favored the use of silk, its
tensile strength is very great and
the bags therefore hold their shape
better. Now if the Boche located
a gun by the flash they would
promply shell it, killing or wound
ing the crew and destroying the gun
itself, also anything that would tend
to prevent deterioration of the bar
rel was so much saved. Thus it was
good economy to substitute silk bags
for cheaper textiles. The different
sized guns used powder bags of dif
ferent weights so for the smaller
type guns it was not necessary to
use as heavy silk as in the larger
guns so silk of five different grades
was used.
"Tlie cocoons were brought from
the Mulberry groves of Japan, China
and India, the cocoons were bathed
in hot water and the larger threads
were unwound .and sent to the
spindles with the native gum with
which the worm holds its treasure
intact still coating the threads. Now
this gum would clog the machinery
so it was found necessary to soak
the thread in oil to prevent this
clogging. The combination of heavy
threads, gum and oil gave the so
called cartridge cloth the appear
ance of grey burlap. Most careful
tests and chemical analyses, how
ever, proved this material to be
really pure silk. Gradually during
the war the production of this ma
terial increased until it reached some
six million yar.ds per month and the
signing of the armistice caught the
War Department with seventeen
million yards on hand. The question
promptly arose as to what could be
done with this vast amount of ma
terial. So far as anyone could sec
there was nothing to do with it but
sell it for burlap and if this had
been done you might have bought a
sack of potatoes in a pure silk gun
ny sack and never known it, but
that seemed such an awful waste
the silk experts of the Ordnance
Department got busy and started
experimenting. They finally evolved
a cheap commercial 'process for re
moving the gum and oil, dyeing the
silk burlap into any desired shade
or printing it with friezes or other
figures popular in tapestries. The
lighter grades are about the texture
of pongee or silk Palm Beach cloth.
Now this seventeen million yards
are to be sold, not as burlap, but
as high quality silk, and the next
thing you know you will be wear
ing a silk suit made out of cloth
originally woven to contain the pow
der that was to send a nice little
shell over to visit the Boche; or
perhaps you will buy a beautiful
stamped tapestry for the parlor
which was woven for the same good
cause. And who knows but what
the American silk powder bags will
bring about a change in styles and
make heavy coarsely woven silks all
the rage next year instead of the
present line qualities. Stranger
things have happened."
Tried the Two Extremes
[From Ed Howe's Monthly]
The wortd dislikes those men and
women who talk a greut deal about
their Ills. This is wrong, of course;
a man with a bad stomach or a wo
man with a weak heart should re
ceive the tenderest consideration;
but the fact remains that they do
not. So I say very briefly that the
"monthly" for June is as bum as
my stomach, with which I have
lately been having a siege. I have
received advice ranging from that of
an eminent professor at John . Hop
kins University to that of a nigger
man who says he knows a weed
which, boiled In rain-water three
hours, and a spoonful of the Jiilce
taken three times a day. will afford
complete relief, but so far neither
the nigger nor the professor has
done me any good. If I do not get
better soon I shall send back the
mopey of my subscribers, and de
vote my time hereafter to grumbling
at Adelaide,
Stoning (fttgtt
"Harvesting is in full swing prac
tically all over Pennsylvania and
much threshing is being done in the
fields, probably more than ever
before" said Secretary of Agricul
ture Itasmussen to-day in discussing
the crop conditions in Pennsylvania.
"There is a shortage of labor in some
sections, but I have covered a num
ber of counties and have found
farmers hard at work getting in the
grain. There has been a tremendous
acreage in wheat and rye this year
in the southern and central coun
ties and while there have been re
ports of damage done by rust and
pests it will be impossible to tell
Just what has happened. Often pre
dictions of loss made when the grain
is in the Held are not borne out when
the threshing is done. It looks odd
in some sections to see the fields
cleared of wheat without it being
shocked. It is threshed right out
in the field. "Secretary Hasmussen
said that the "wheat belt" counties,
which include Lancaster, York,
Berks, Dauphin and the Cumber
land Valley counties have a very
large amount of land in wheat and
that their harvest is well advanced
and much wheat threshed.
"I must say from what I have
seen that some of the oats does not
look very well, but it may turn out
better than hoped," said the Sec
retary, who also said that while
some reports of an alarming char
acter had come about the fruit crop
in the southern counties he prefer
red to wait a while before saying
much about them.
• • •
More actual road construction is
under way in Pennsylvania now than
probably ever known before in opin
ion of men connected with the Stato
Highway Department. Contracts
have been let for over 330 miles
with some operations hanging over
from last year and contractors are
at work in a third of the counties of
the State. By the end of this month
it is expected to have between 400
and 500 miles under contract and
the greater part of it started.
• • •
Philadelphia has no monopoly on
private bathing parties, newspaper
accounts from that city notwith
standing. Any afternoon during the
hot weather one may seo them along
the creeks in this vicinity. Parties
don bathing suits at home, put rain
coats over then and drive away in
automobiles to some secluded spot
where the water is deep enough and
there is a good beach and enjoy an
hour or two swimming. Motor
cyclists in particular favor this
form of diversion and while it is
not so exhilarating as a splash in
the surf it is a fine substitute. The
other evening two parties, one a
couple who arrived in an automo
bile and a delegation of motorcycl
ists of both sexes arrived at Good
Hope mills and enjoyed an hour in
the waters of the dam. But Good
Hope is not the only favored point.
There are many others.
One of the most beautiful drives
in Central Pennsylvania will be
along that section of the road be
tween Amity Hall, above Clark's
Ferry bridge, and Newport, a sec
tion of the William Penn Highway
which will be rebuilt next summer.
This piece of road was formerly a
part of the through highway from
, east to west along the Juniata but
was ruined by the heavy flood of
i 1889 and was never repaired. Since
that time traffic has been diverted
: by a long roundabout way to New
port which misses most of the pic
turesque scenery of the river. The
new highway will traverse the shoro
of the river most of the distance
I at a place where the stream looks
. more like a lake than a river and
i where the mountains come almost
i down to the shore on either side
t The new road will cut off a big
slice of roadway for people driving
. between Newport and Harrisburg
National Guardsmen and men
who have been following the mili
tary end of things lately will be
interested to know that Captain
Clarence J. Smith, a former Allen
town newspaperman, is the officer
in charge of some of the parties
of officers who have been visiting the
battle front in France and Belgium.
He is well known here as for years
he was active in newspaper work
and when the guard went to the
Mexican border he was supply offi
cer of the Fourth Infantry. He
went over with the Keystone Divi
sion and has been up and down the
front several times since he was
there when things were doing.
—Representative James A. Walk
er, chairman of the banks commit
tee in the last House, was here for
a visit.
—Ex-Auditor General A. E. Sis
son, of Erie, who is a member of
the State Historical Commission, is
much interested in marking of his
toric sites.
—John 8. Wurtz, who is in charge
of the religious work at Philadel
phia, has 1118 vacation Bible schools
—A. A. Cochran, the Chester city
solicitor who ruled that near beer
cannot be sold, is well known here
as he had often attended meetings
of the Third Class city league.
—The Rev. Dr. John Wagner has
been pastor of Trinity Lutheran
church at Hazleton, for forty-five
—The Rev. J. W. Klein, a Reading
minister, is a member of the city
planning commission in that city.
—That automobile travel to Har.
risburg tills summer seems to bo
greater than ever?
—Some of the supplies for Forbes'
expedition which cut through por
tions of the early highway through
the southern tier were assembled
Don't Blame Goldenrod
[From the Scientific American.]
A protest has recently been raised
ugainst the time-honored project of
adopting the goldenrod as the na
tional flower of the United States,
on the ground that this plant is a
cause of hay fever and hence noth
ing ought to be done that would en
courage its prevalence. A state
ment hus now been issued by Dr.
W. Scheppegrell, on behalf of the
American Hay Fever Prevention As
sociation, In defense of the golden
rod. It Is asserted that while the
pollen of the goldenrod may cause
trouble when applied directly to the
nostrils or used In large quantities
for room decorations, as a cause of
hay fever out of doors it Is abso
lutely negligible. "It is one of our
most beautiful flowers," says Doctor
Scheppegrell, "and well merits its
selection us the national flower ol]
<h* United Statea"