Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 09, 1919, Image 1

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    pppr- 1 ■■
f '/then Declares Jt " A JitsiPeace Which Will Safeguard the World
LXXXVIII— No! 158 16 PAGES Di tt p it HARRISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 9, 1919. . "gffiSßS ifS3£SBJ3r m ' 33Sd c <£SS. HOME EDITION
Granite and Steel to .Honor
Men Who Served in
Great War
Chamber of Commerce and
City Council Arc Work
ing Together
City Council yesterday afternoon
unanimously approved a plan sug
gested by Arnold W. Brunner. the
noted architect in charge of the
Capitol Park developments, and rec
ommended by a committee of the
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce
for a memorial to Harrisburg and
Dauphin county soldiers, sailors and
marines to be erected at the eastern
approach of the proposed memorial
bridge at State and Thirteenth
The memorial plaza and park
treatment will extend from Thir
teenth in State, almost to Fifteenth
street, and will cost a minimum
of $50,000, which the Chamber pro
poses to finance by means of public
subscriptions. The committee has
been at work on suggestions for a
memorial for many months and at
last put the matter up to Mr. Brun
ner, who suggested the type which :
the committee and council have ap
Of Enduring Granite
The base of the memorial will be j
of granite, as being more lasting j
than marble, and will be circular in !
form with a seat running around the
back to accommodate those who
may desire to rest after a trip over
the proposed bridge or to view the j
Capitol Park extension development,
which will lie in panoramic form
before the eye of the observer from j
that altitude. Around the rear of
this seat will be carved the names j
of famous battles in the war with i
Germany in which Pennsylvania
troops participated.
In the center will be a huge
bronze base, of dignified ornamental j
design, on which will be the proper j
inscriptions. This base will be sur- j
mounted by a steel flagpole, sixty
eight feet high, from which will I
constantly fly a huge American flag.
In the rear the present grassplot
will be transformed into a beauti
ful little formal park with stone
benches, attractive shrubbery ar
tistically arranged, ending in a stone
pillar in the rear. This will be near
ly two blocks in length.
Designed by Brunner
The whole idea was developed by
Mr. Brunner and is his suggestion
as the most appropriate way in
which the city can Join with the
State in adding a local memorial in
conjunction with the great memorial
bridge to be erected by the State.
He pointed out that it would be par
ticularly fitting in view of the fact
that the granite shaft to Jhe mem
ory of Civil War veterans is erected
at the western extremity of the' Ca
pitol development in State street, giv
ing the Commonwealth's bridge and
pylons the center and the city and
county World War memorial the
eastern end. The proposed design,
it is also noted by the architect,
will add a finishing touch to the j
Capitol Park improvements and
give the Allison Hill district a de
velopment in keeping with the fine*
residential district developed there.
Governor Approves
Governor Sproul and the members
of the State Board of Public
Grounds and Buildings were first
shown the sketches and details of
the plan and they most heartily ap- I
proved. The Governor intimated I
that he felt it only proper that the !
city and county memo.rial should be |
located near the State memorial and I
in conjunction with the wonderful
Civic Center which the Common
wealth is spending so much to ere- |
ate for Harrisburg.
Members of the City Planning
Commission to whom the plan was
submitted to-day heartily approved
The Chamber's committee in mak-'
ing public the sketches and outlin
ing the plan, desired to make clear
that it has been acting merely as a
clearing house for suggestions and
that the recommendation which it
makes to the city is not its own
thought but the result of careful
study by Mr. Brunner, who is one
of the noted architects of the coun
try. The committee feels that it
has been fortunate in procuring his
services in view of the importance
of making anything the city may do
along the line of beautificat'on to
harmonize with the State's Capitol
Park plans. Paul Johnston, chair
man; David E. Tracy, J. William
Bowman and Spencer C. Gilbert
constituting the Chamber's commit
tee, have held many meetings and
htave considered many plans but be
lieve by far the hest Is that here
with presented. The beauty of the
designed cannot be gathered from
a small picture and in order that the
people of the city may form a fair
and unbiased opinion of what is
proposed a large sketch of the de
sign In water color and detailed
drawnings of the various parts will
be placed on display In a downtown
window within the next few days.
Hnrrixhtirg and Vicinity! Pnrtlr
With rising temperature. |., H .
est to-night about HM degrees.
Knstern Pennsylvania. Partly
cloudy to-night nnd Thursday
somen hut nurmer. Moderate
"""'h nd southwest ntn<ls.
Hireri The Kasi|uchannn river and
■II Its lirnnehes nIII full slowly
or rrmsln nrarly stationary. |
stfage of about .Id feet Is Indi
cated for Harrisburg Thursday
View of Splendid' Memorial to Be
Erected at 13th and State
Four Quarts of Unreplaceablc
Liquors Also Are
Silverware, highly prized and of
considerable value, as well as a
number of other articles, were
taken from the home of H. J. Wil
liams, 1717 State street, by rob
bers last evening, it was reported to
the Harrisburg police department
to-day. The exact value of the arti
cles taken from the Williams resi
dence could not be stated.
Included among the silverware
taken were one-half dozen knives
and forks in a folder; two dozen
tea spoons, one-half dozen large
table spoons, one-half dozen soup
spoons, four dozen bouillon spoons,
one-half dozen forks, four dozeh af
ter-dinner spoons, two dozen odd
spoons, bearing the names of dif
ferent towns and dates together with
one dozen fruit knives. Some of
the spoons bear initials.
A large basket was taken from the
pantry in which the silverware was
found, presumably to carry it and
the other articles taken away. In
addition were four quarte of vari
ous liquors, including sloe gin, port
wine and blackberry brandy, and one
dozen bananas were taken.
Entrance to the Williams resi
dence was gained through an un
locked pantry window on the first
floor. The window is "never lock
ed," it was reported to the police
In practically every robbery in the
long string reported to police offi
cials within the past several weeks,
entrance has been gained through
unlocked windows of the first floor.
Little if any noise is made in this
manner and the intruders are able
to work entirely undisturbed, police
authorities say. Articles of minor
value have been taken by intruders
in the other cases, and this is the
first time that the booty has been
of any considerable value.
Ten dollars in cash, two $5 bills,
were stolen from the rooms of Mrs.
Ella Haupt, 430 South Thirteenth
street, early this morning. En
trance to the rooms of Mrs. Haupt,
located on the second floor, was
gained through an unlocked window
after climbing a pair of steps lead
ing from the rear yard. The money
was in a pocket of one of Mrs.
Haupt's dresses in a clothes closet.
Efforts were made during the
night to batter open the safe of
B. Abrams & Son, Junk dealers, 824
North Seventh street. After break
ing into the warehouse of the es
tablishment, the intruders passed
into the office and broke off the
combination knob" of the safe by
means of a huge sledge hammer.
Nothing was taken.
Tailor Disappears as
Does $135 in Cash Taken
From Store's Cash Drawer
Overconfidence in human nature
■cost Louis Haum, tailor, of 5 North
Fourth street, >135 when Will Jer
vlek, alias Will Harris, an employe
of but several weeks, disappeared
with that amount In cash. A Greek,
who has been in Harrlsburg two
weeks and known only as "Mike,"
is missing and is believed to have
gone with Jervlck.
Jervick, whose home is in Dallas,
Tex., cume to this city several weeks
ago from Baltimore and secured
employment with Baum. Since then
he had so worked himself into the
confidence of Baum that he had
been given the key to open the
store and had been taken to Baum's
home to board. This morning when
Baum wqjit to the store he found
the cash register rifled and the en
tire contents tuken.
Jervick was known In Harrisburg
as Will Hnrrls, under which name
he had been employed. Mr. Baum
had discovered that Harris was an
assumed name several days ago, but
made no investigation
By Associated Press,
Pittsburgh, July 9.—The Gov
ernment's 'drive against the sale
of beer containing 2% per cent,
alcohol was launched here to
day, when United States Attorney
R. L. Crawford filed a suit
against the Pittsburgh Brewing
Company, one of the city's larg
est breweries, in the United
States District Court this noon,
charging violation of the war
time prohibition law. Twelve of
ficials of the company were
named in the information.
Work on Plant to Go Up in
South Cameron Street to
Start Next Week
The Packard Motor Car Company
of Philadelphia, announced to-day
through the manager of their local
branch, Robert Harrington, that
work would be started in about a
week on the big new building to be
erected by them in Cameron street
below Mulberry.
According to Mr. Harrington, who
gave out the statement this morning,
the new building will be the largest
in Harrisburg given over exclusively
to the sale and service of one car.
The construction will be of stone,
concrete and tapestry brick, with a
front of 185 feet and a depth of 145
feet. This will allow approximately
30,000 feet of floor space. The in
terior of the show room, which will
take up the entire front half of the
structure, will be In white with dark
The show room itself will be one
of the largest and most complete
of its kind in Harrisburg. With a
capacity of nine cars and trucks,
[Continued on Page Bk]
Charged Second Time
With Selling Narcotics
Charged with peddling liahit
forming drugs, William Claybourne,
colored, long suspected by the Har
risburg police authorities, was ar
rested last night by Patrolmen Ro
mich and Keys in Court street. Clay
bourne is said to have a large
amount of narcotics when taken in
to custody and still more of it was
found in the yard of 40 South Court
Claybourne was arrested several
weeks ago, charged with peddling
narcotics, but at that time he was
released for want of evidenoe. Sev
eral witnesses testified that they had
bought what had been supposed to
he narcotics from him, hut one testi
fied that what he had purchased
did not produce the feeling ordinar
ily produced by narcotics.
And Woman Decides She Wants to Walk When Polite Po
lice Offer to Carry Her on •Stretcher
"What you got me on heah to'?"
demanded a "dying" colored woman
this morning when Captain Thomp
son and several members of the
Hurrtsburg police force endeavored
to place her on a stretcher in a
Denbrook street car.
"I s gon' to market an' l's gon'
to walk," she argued with the Cap
tain, as he vainly endeavored to per-
Regulation of Containers For
Farm Products Approved
by Sproul
Authority for the bureau of mar
kets of the State Department of Ag
riculture to fix standards for con
tainers of fruits and vegetables and
other farm products and to prescribe
rules lor grading of produce is con
ferred by the bill reorganizing the
bureau which was announced to-day
as approved by Governor Sproul. The
standards are to be set in conjunc
tion with the bureau of standards of
the Department of Internal Affairs
and power to enforce the regulations
is given. A number of the powers
conferred by the act of 1917 are
again conferred, including power to
gather statistics, investigation of
market costs, delays, charges and
practices and to assist in organiza
tion of public markets and co-oper
ative associations. The new law
also makes a number of definitions.
The Governor also announced the
approval of the bill providing for the
regulation of bakeries under direc
tion of the Department of Labor and
Industry, which will have a wide ef
fect. . One of the provisions is that
t least 200 cubic feet of fresh
air per minute will be admitted to
that part of the bakery where per
sons are employed with certain regu
lations according to number of em
ployed. Bakeries, where changes
are required will have until July 1,
1920, to complete alterations. The de
partment is to make regulations and
to require all baking establishments
to take out certificates. Notice of
change of ownership > of an estab
lishment must be given within ten
days to the Department. Authority
for investigations and for revocation
of certificates for violations of regu
lation's or failure to comply is given.
The Governor has also approved
the bill permitting fox hunting in
Chester and Montgomery counties
This is done by an act which amends
the Delaware county law of 1913 so
as to extend it to the two counties.
Other bills announced as approved
Enabling County Commissioners to
abolish election districts in which
less than 10 qualified electors reside,
after giving notice and holding a
hearing. Right of appeal to cour is
Recreation Centers
Three Senate bills affecting cities
were approved by Governor Sproul
to-day, becoming effective imme
One empowers second and third
class cities, boroughs and counties to
acquire and operate playgrounds
gymnasiums, public baths, swimming
pools and indoor recreation centers
authority being given for school
districts to join with them. Pro-j
vision is made for bond issues for
such purposes or to levy taxes not
to exceed two mills. Cities or bor
oughs may unite in such enterprises
and share the costs. Control may be
vested in any existing body or in a
[Continued on Page B.]
Buade her that she was "dying'' and
that she ought go to the hospital.
Captain Thompson nnd several
members of the police force had
answered a hurry call in the am
bulance, when a phone call cunie
that a woman was dying In the
Penbrook car, in Market Square.
"I was just sleeping, but I thanks
you all the same," she told the po
licemen as she clambered off the car
and started for the Chestnut Street
Buys $20,000,000 Worth of
Linen Over Heads of Bel
fast Manufacturers
His Deal Will Affect Markets
of Entire World; Bought
at Government Sale
ily Associated Press.
Ijoihloii, July 9.—Leonard J. Mar
tin, a young English business man
who deals in agricultural machinery,
has bougnt tor iu,uvu,uuu nom tnu
Brit lsli govoriuiiejlt about 4U,UUU,-
uuu yarns ot linen winch was in
tended lor liiuiviug unpianea. lie
knew nothing uoout linen, but
bought lor speculation.
To-day his name and picture are!
featured in every Brit.sh paper and
editorial writers are pointing out
that the enterprising young man
doesn't have to go to new countries
to find golden business opportunities.
Martin is 37 years oid unu began his
career, he says, with a capital of
i about SSOO.
| "1 bought over the heads of every
, body else," he said in discussing tiie
big deal, "simply by offering a
higher price than anybody else would
pay. This is a one-man deal. 1 am
fascinated by the possibilities of the
thing. I have never seen a propo
sition with so much scope in the
markets of the world."
Will Make Five Million
The stock of material Martin now
controls represents three years' nor
mal supply. He is reckoning on a |
j profit of about $5,000,000. Of that j
'amount $2,000',000 would go to the I
| British Treasury in excess profits >
and another $_1,250,000 in super;
j tax.
| The linen hasbeen for sale by thej
i government since January, under an
offer to sell to the general public
in 80-yard lengths and 100-yard
bales, but only SI,OOO worth of it
had been purchased.
"Belfast people," said Martin,
"imagined they had the stuff be
tween their two fingers. A large
part of this linen was actually manu
factured after the armistice, be
cause the Belfast mill owners re
fused to allow their contracts to
be canceled.
"They went on making linen by
millions of yards at 40 to 75 cents
a yard. Then they offered the gov
ernment seven cents a yard to take
it back. Their price later went up
to about 25 cents a yard, and it was
still hoped in view of the monopoly
to sell it to the public at three shill
ings. They could have re-equipped all
| the mills in Ulster out of the prof
its. t have got the linen at about
double the final Belfast offer.'
Tree Census to Be Taken
Up Again by City After a
Lapse of Several Years
Work on the completion of the
! tree census in the city, started a
j few years ago and discontinued
I during the time that to forester
! was employed, will he atarted in a
j few days by City Forester Louis G.
| Baltimore. About half the work
I has been done. Districts which are
to be surveyed include the Four-
I teenth ward, the section east of
North Seventh street and the Alli
son Hill district.
Mr. Baltimore during the last, few
weeks has been busy directing the
trimming and care of elm trees in
North Front street from Calder to
Division street. Together with V.
Grant Forrer, Assistant Superintend
ent. of Parks, he is working out a
tree-planting plan for the entire
city, according to streets.
Efforts will be made, it is under
stood, to have a tree-planting cam
paign in the fall. Many Inquiries
about the care of trees are being
received, and some complaints have
been investigated also. Upon in
specting a number of trees in the
city, Mr. Baltimore said that he
found them to be suffering from
scale, hut so far it has caused no
great damage. Trees in the city
j parks probably will be sprayed next
I spring to prevent any damage to
them from scale.
| City Officials to Confer
on Italian Park Plans
Monday, Mayor Decides
Mayor Keister said to-day he will
call a meeting of the City Planning
Commission. City Engineer M. B.
Cowden and Commissioner E. Z.
Gross for next Monday to discuss the
proposed development of Italian
Park provided that date will be con
venient for the various officials who
are to be present at the conference.
Mayor Keister said that he under
stood the members of City Council
preferred to have a definite estimate
of the cost of the improvement in
the park section, the time which
would be allowed to complete the
w'ork, and Just what the Planning
Commission desires to have done.
Proposed pluns for the Itulian
Park Improvement provide for
widening Green street through that
district. extending North Third
street to connect with Third street
in the Riverside section and laying
out new streets. It is proposed also
to remove much of the growth in the
swamp In the woodland and convert
it into a large lake.
Absolom Hetsey, of Hummolstown,
a concrete mixer employed by the
ilershey Chocolate Vonipuny. Her.
hcy, is in the Harrisburg llospitul
with u broken left hip. The uccl
dent occurred about a new building
which is being erected by the Her
shey company. Hetsey wus thrown
into a concrete pit when a board
on which he was standing broke, ,
Official Business Piled Up :
After an Absence of Four
Months, and Speaking Tour
Must Be Delayed For Week
By Associated Press.
Washintgon, July 9.—President
Wilson returned to his desk to-day
after an absence of four months at
the Peace Conference, to find such
a mass of official business that it
probably will he two weeks before
he can start on his tour of the coun
try, speaking for the Peace Treaty
and the Dengue of Nations.
Plans for the trip have not yet
been completed, but it was said at
the White House that the Fresidoiit
would so time his schedule a* t*
reach the Pacific coast at the time
of the arrival there of the newly
created Pacific fleet.
Three big Army trucks loaded j
with trunks and boxes arrived at j
the White House before the offices
were opened. The boxes contained I
official papers and documents relat- |
ing to the peace negotiations. A |
large staff of clerks Immediately set |
to work to put the documents in ;
Heady to Speak
President Wilson was represented
as being ready to place himself at
the disposal of the Senate Foreign
I Relations Committee or other com
mittees of Congress to answer any
1 questions concerning the Peace
| Treaty and the League of Nations,
! which he will present to the Senate
] to-morrow in person.
The President remained in bed
late to-day, resting after his trip
t home. Rear Admiral Cary T. Gray-
I son, his'personal physician, said the
President is in splendid health.
Going to his office shortly before
11 o'clock, the President summoned
Secretary Tumulty and they spent
some time mapping out a program
of work. Most pressing of the many
matters before the President were
the annual appropriation bills re
cently passed by Congress. In con
sidering the agricultural bill, the
Executive had before him many
requests that he veto the measure
because of the order repealing the
davlight saving law.
The President remained steadily
at work for several hours and was
not interrupted. At noon it was said
that none of the bills before him had
i been signed. It was expected, how-
I ever, thai his signature would he at
tached to a number of them before
the end of the day.
Penrose Talks on
the Legislation
United States Senator Boies Pen
rose, who spent last evening discuss-
I Ing legislation with Governor Sproul
i at the Executive mansion looks for
I the prompt approval of the Datx-
I Brady bills and the naming of a new
j registration commission for Phila-
I deiphia within a day or so.
The Senator, who remained at the
I Executive Mansion until very late
last night, said that he had gone
I over legislative matters with the
Governor and that he was going to
| Washington later in the day to take
I up his senatorial duties.
While here Senator Penrose saw
most of the heads of departments
of the State government and spent
considerable time talking with Au
ditor General Charles A. Snyder, who
will have many appointments to
| make under the bills which it is
i expected the Governor will approve
| as part of the revenue raising pro
gram. The Senator also saw a num
ber of visitors this morning and
reiterated his satisfaction with the
work of the Legislature.
Commissioners from Dauphin
county with Lancaster county offi
cials inspected inter-county bridges
in Conewago and Londonderry town
ships, meeting this afternoon at Fal
mouth for the tour along the line
between the two counties. The Dau
phin county officials also referred
plans for building a bridge near
Millersburg on the road to Berrys
burg, to C. M. Hershey, county' en
gineer, for approval.
By A ssociated Press.
Paris, July 9.—(Havas)—Dis
patches from Rome report a con
tinued improvement In the situa
tion ill most of the Italian cities
where disorders incident to the
high cost of living have been oc
curring. An exception is noted in
the case of Pari, on the Adriatic,
where a general strike has been
Girls from the Reservoir, Emerald,
Maclay and Reily playgrounds who
will go to the camp at McCormtck's
island, which will open to-morrow
morning, will meet, at the various
playgrounds at 9 o'clock, to be trans
ported to the camp, J. K. Staples, su
pervisor, unnounced to-day.
Examinations of teachers for
county schools will be held on Fri
day and Saturday at the office of
County Superintendent F. E. Sham
baugh In the courthouse and in the
Lykehs High School.
Registrars appointed by the coun
ty commissioners to-day were: John
A. Snyder, for Ninth ward,- Fourth
precinct; George P. Tillotson, Fourth
ward, First precinct.
Chicago, July 9.—Hog pries to
day reached another new top record,
122.70 a hundredweight, an Increase
of ten cents over yeaterday'B rec
~| |
By Associated Press,
Paris, July 9.—The German j
National Assembly in Weimar has [
passed the resolution ratifying ]
the Peace Treaty, according to I
advices received here to-day.
The resolution reads:
"The Peace Treaty signed on J
June 2S, 1919, us well sis the j
protocol annexed and special I
agreements on military occupa- j
tion of the Rhineland are hereby |
ratified. This law becomes effec- J
tive from the date of its promul- j
Patriot Company Departs
From Combination Rate
Policy For Advertising
City commissioners and merchants
throughtout the city were somewhat
surprised at the bids submitted yes
terday by the Patriot Company for
city advertising at the councilmanic
meeting. Separate bids were sub
mitted for the morning and evening
publications permitting the choice
of either paper at half the combin
ation rate charged for publication
in both papers.
This is a radical departure from
the Patriot Company's generally un
derstood rule of requiring adver
tisers to pay a combination rate cov
ering publication in both morning
and evening editions, and refusing to
give them the option of using either
one or the other edition at a single
THAW i;?'tradition hearing
4 Harrisburg—-On the ground that they had inf 4
4, * : *r
4 4
>l* *f
■ ' Si
* 4
< i assault upon Fred Gump, a Kansas City schoolboy, t - 3 ,;
* J day asked Attorney Genera! Schaffer for a hearin 4
prove that he is sane and ought to stand trial. Jamc
* J Gordon appeared for Thaw and said he is confined 4
* * Philadelphia institution from which he has been T
e , n court order. 4
4 * Weimar—The resolution ratifying the Peace T £.
was adopted by the German National Asser .bh • 4
e , a f 'tf of 208 to 115 • A
Hazleton—John Duguits was instantly killed 4
1 fall of rock, at the Bcaverbropk Mines of the C. T
eb chi „ > X
4 i
* I
* * crnoon by Major G X
* • her commander. He experts to get away, he said, J
Washington •*- Fank L. Polk, under Secretary 'X'
* * State,' will succeed Secretary Lansing as head p? 1 .4
1 Ameri in peace delegation at Paris, it was said to-day 4
;; 2
* * v ■. 4
* * lington—The President of the United Stab .4
during his term of 4
* to perform the duties of hie the ,4'
except at Washington, under a bill Introduced to-d X
g I
1 , Campbell, of Kansas, chairman 0 J
* * House Rules Committee. 4
JL Itulnh E. At-krr, Mllleratnwn, anil Delia I. Hurler. McCreai Wll. 3*
* llam J. Adair, Orvlllr, nnil Helen 10. brri, l.nnenateri Harry Clouarr, ™
•S* llurrlahuru. R. D. 2, and Sylvln H. Mi.nr, HorkvHlet Henry H. Kim- Mr
f? mermnn anil Vloln R. Krey, l.nnennteri llayea W. Brar, Harrlabury, T
T und Florence M. Wnrfleld, Middletown.
Member of Nobility Is Found
in Her Home Dead From
Effects of Bullet
Mixed Up in Several Breach of
Promise and Slander Suits
During Life
Ry Associated Press.
London, July 9. Mrs. Arthur
Kliot, better known as Mrs. Mabel
Louise Atherton, divorced wife of
I Colonel Thomas Atherton, was
I found shot this morning in her home
in London, according to the Evening
I Standard this afternoon.
Mrs. Eliot, who was a sister ot
| Sir Aubrey Dean-Paul, some years
| ago sued Raron C'hurstone, then
John Reginald Yarde-Buller, for
I breach of promise. The case creat
jed considerable sensation at the
time. Last April she married Cap
tain Arthur Eliot, a dramatist,
grandson of the late Earl of St.
Mrs. Eliot was Mabel Louise, the
third daughter of Sir Edward Dean-
Paul. She was married to Colonel
Thomas Atherton in 1892. Her hus
band divorced her in 1907, naming
John Reginald Yarde-Buller, now
Baron Churstone as co-respondent.
Mrs. Atherton then sued Mr. Yarde-
Buller for breach of promise and
won her case.
In 1909 Mrs. Atherton, who was a
noted beauty in English society, war
one of the four principals in th'i
sensational Stirling divorce case ir
I Edinburgh. John A. Stirling, laird
I of Kippendaire, sued his wife, for
j merly Miss Clara E. Taylor, an
I American actress and known in so
ciety in New Jersey and Washing
ton. Mr. Stirling named Ix>rd North
land as co-respondent. Mrs. Stirlint
filed a cross suit naming Mrs. Ather
ton. The case, which occupied th
Scottish court for several months
was decided in favor of the hus
Mrs. Atherton in 1911 brought
suit for Blunder against her sister
in-law, Lady Aubrey Dean-Paul
and was granted damages in the sum
of one farthing.