Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 08, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
ANNUAL STORE PICNIC AJ _ na - 9j> ANNUAL STORE PICNIC THURSDAY, JULY 10TH. THURSDAY, JULY lOTH. """ " HAnRISBIIRU, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1910. " ————— —————————7- - FOUNDED 1871 Specials For Tomorrow—Store Closed All Day Thursday Eight-Hour Day Fixed By Shamokin Merchants Shamokin, Pa., July s.—Blazing the trail for local industries and other employers of woman labor, the merchants of Shamokin to-day announced their unanimous decision to adopt an eight-hour day in all stores and offices effective July 14. With 3.000 local silk workers on strike for an eight-hour day, the movement on the part of the merchant establishes an unusual precedent and is believed to lay basis for a similar work day in all local industries. Heretofore clerks in stores were on a fifty-four hour week basis and will receive the same wages under the fortv-eight-hour week. This news item speaks for itself. When the leading merchants of a city put their moral force back of a worthy movement, such as this, they are taking a broad view of economic reforms. The eight-hour day is becoming universal. A shorter workday for the employed decreases the number of unemployed. This store closes at six on Saturdays, so its employes are not obliged to work over eight hours on any of the six days. Specials In White Goods Towels And Bedspreads Mercerized Table Damask; 58 inches wide. A varied assortment of attractive patterns; 39c yd. Mercerized damask napkins, Linfeel, hemmed and ready for use; $1.25 per dozen. Hemmed crochet bedspreads, suitable for bunga low and summer cottages, $1.69 each. Hemmed crochet bedspreads; good weight, double bed size; $2.50 each. White lawn, assorted grades, all of superior qual ity, 15c yd. White Nainsook, 36 inches wide, 19c yd. White Skirtings in striped pique and~gabardines; 39c yd. Turkish towels, bleached and hemmed; 10c each. Bleached twilled toweling; 4 yds., 50c. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Special Sale of Women's White Silk Hosiery White hosiery for women leads in hosiery demands for the present season. Our stocks are prepared to supply the great demand brought on through the popular vogue of white shoes. We are placing on sale tomorrow morn ing three choice lots of women's white silk hosiery. All full fashioned, pure thread silk with firm lisle top and reinforced heel and toe. These are seconds of a rare quality; bet ter than some firsts and the irregularities are hard to detect. These stockings are made by one of Amer icas largest hosiery manufacturers, whose product is of a high standard, therefore we are offering three extraordinary lots of white fashioned silk hosiery. Lot No. 1, Light Weight, $1.29. Lot No. 2, Medium Weight, $1.39. Lot No. 3, Medium Heavy, $1.65. All white in all sizes. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. HALL CANNER Every Jar TV hen You Use The HALL COLD-PACK CANNER device for cold pack can ning and preserving as ; | urged and demonstrated ju- Agriculture and State t Institution. It is made a time which are held by patent jar holders in such a manner as to make it impossible to scald or burn the hands; $5.50. We are displaying a most complete line of Fruit jars, canners, driers, jar rings, strainers, etc. BOWMAN'S—Basemen' • • " '■ " ' TUESDAY EVENING, HAHEUBBtTRO TELEGRAPH JULY 8, 1919. July Clearance Sale Of s Low Shoes Continues Tomorrow 20% Off Regular Prices When you consider the present rising shoe market with increase in cost since these shoes were purchased, you can readily see what remarkable values you are receiving when we sell these shoes to you at 20 per cent, off usual prices and as every pair of shoes were purchased during the spring and summer of this year, then you know that every pair is of this season's stock. Our object is simply to get everyone thoroughly familiar with Bowman's Shoe Department. We want you to see the stylish shoes we sell and know the quality that is in them. We make it worth your while to come here by making these reductions in the height of the summer season when you can get months of good service out of then. All black, brown and colored Pumps and Oxfords. Not all sizes in every'style, but every size in a variety of styles. No. C. O. D.s —No Exchanges—All Sales Final. Black and brown kid oxfords; strictly bench made, ' ' hand turn and Louis XV heel, sale price, $10.40. '/nx Black kid and brown calf Colonial pump, hand turn \ [ sole and Louis XV heel, sale price, $9.60. J Black suede oxford; hand turn sole and Louis XV K ](T\ \3y heel, sale price, $9.20. F- f jjj Patent leather 5-eyelet oxford with light welt soles yZ and Louis XV heels, sale price SB.OO. L /\ Patent leather Colonial pumps; turn soles and J \ Louis XV 7 heels, sale price SB.OO. 4U \ Pumps with pointed tongue in black kid, black suede, pearl and field mouse gray, sale price, SB.OO. f Black and brown calf oxford; turn sole and Louir ( nv XV heel, sale price, $7.16. Black and brown kid oxfords; turn soles and l\s leather Louis heels, sale price, $6.36. f vLJ Black and brown calf pumps with small tongue welt soles and leather Cuban heel, sale price, $6.00. J *\ Black kid oxford and tan calfskin oxfords; welt \ soles and leather military heel, sale price, $5.96. ZJ* \ (|\ >sA Black calf oxfords; welt soles and leather military £!!& \ I V \. heel, sale price, $5*56. Black calf and tan calf pumps, leather military heels, sale price, $5.16. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Women's Summer Vests 35c Women's Union Suits 65c 3 For SI.OO Women's fine cotton rib union suits. A summer offering today a choice lot of women's light weight S armen '. I™ "k, hand top, sleeveless tight knee; summer vests. Cut low neck, sleeveless, also with a well fitting garment specially priced; regular and bodice tops. These vests are exceptional bargains; t • v-ir regular and extra size; 35c or 3 for SI.OO. * ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. jpfc One Of These Crisp, Fresh jjfi Organdies Or Cool and Hand- ISt some Gingham Dresses Should mm Interest You At These Special Prices W . It is a special purchase bought so advantageously that we take pleasure in ' offering them to you much below the price they were intended to selLat. t Fashionable ginghams in delight- Handsome dark and light piqued indited v a ols d t7h^fbet S - -''"P" l tiful lines in spite of their humble c " es val lace, trimmed with wide prices. Straight lines and crush ribbon belts, $13.95. , • belt, with tunic or ruffled effects. Dresses in voile, organdie and Other cotton dresses in a splendid gingham, with lace edge ruffles, but- assortment of pretty fabrics and ton and ribbon trimmed. Also the st )es sjz „ 14 to s j , smart two-piece shirtwaist dresses .... wf that are very desirable for summer values, ranging in price from $15.00 Wb wear. Special, $8.75. to $25.00. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 1 In A Heap Of Colors Displayed ](' I In The Art Department j y Just heap upon heap of bright shining S 1 strings, glistening brightly. Any kind of a i H bead that one can think of is to be found h H there. Pearl, glass, coral, chalk, crystal, 1 § iridescent, etc. " bv v Pearl beads of three sizes, 59c string. e Glass beads in yellow, green, red and any if Hi other colors desired, 15c to 25c. Red coral beads in two sizes, 19c string. § Chalk beads in small and large white, red, § 111 yellow, blue, lavender, purple, etc., 15c and g I) Crystal beads in white, 25c string. M Satin beads in white, 39c. Iridescent in black, 39c. fe Large beads suitable for necklaces, or any § jj other purpose; all shades, 3 for sc; 2 for sc, § g 5c and 10c. Portiere .beads in green, rose, gold and h(j HI blue, 19c and 25c. if Wooden beads for trimmings, 30c to 69c. SI Bottled beads of assorted colors. These a I are the beads the younger folks like to while g i away the hours, 10c bottle. s i Bag patterns, 50c Bead Needles, lc 1 j to SI.OO. """Bead Thread, 12c I I Bead Looms, 79c. spool. j§| Models of beaded bags and necklaces on display in the department J§z' NXflfck BOWMAN'S— Js/ -Second Floor. Novelty Handerchiefs Something Entirely New And Different^ Absolutely the classiest handkerchief of the day shown in the most exclusive Fifth Avenue shop, as well as the largest. The shades are gray, blue, pink, orchid, maize and apple green with hand embroidered Oriental designs, rolled edge in contrasting shades. Pure linens, solid colors. Any shade that will ex actly match your summer costume. 75c each. Plain solid colors in linen in all desired shades of pink, blue, lavender, etc. 35c each. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. • GLOVES for the New Flowing Sleeves Whatever length the flowing sleeves may be, they create new demand for gloves longer than estab lished wrist length styles. For the costume with which a cape or dolman is worn there is no glove more suitable than the Centemeri Fielder, fine French kid, beautifully soft and wonderfully fashioned. Full pique crochet embroidered back, strap wrist in self and contrast stitching of every shade of tan, mode, black, white and gray; $4.95. Tomorrow's Special Fine French Kid gloves, two clasp, 5 row embroid ered backs, over seam, bandalette tops in every shade of brown; $2.50. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Values In Domestics Dress Gingham 28c Yard 32 inches wide in plaids of three colors. Bleached Sheeting 75c Square Yard 81 inches wide. Dwight Anchor brand one of the best makes. Percales 25c and 35c Yard 36 inches wide in light and dark pattern, good styles. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 3