Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 08, 1919, Page 18, Image 18
18 |fou Can Get Work, an the Line ForWMchYoß Arc: Htlel, lirengl a classic! M | IN' MKMORIAM IN MEMORIAM In sail. bui loving remembrance or our dear son and brother. Walter D. .spire, who departed this lite July mi 7. Gone, but not forgotten Oh, dear brother, how we miss thee. Sleeping yonder neath the green; Oft we wander to the graveyard To place flowers with gentle care On the grave of our dear Walter Who is resting sweetly there. By. his parents, sisters and brother. LOST AND FOUND LOST Will the person who found a small gold class pin, with letters H. H. 5.—1918 on It and initials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at the Tech High commencement dance at Willa-Villa. please turn to the Telegraph offlce and receive reward? LOST —A pocketbook at the Key stone Bank, between 12 and I Tues day contents of no value to any one but owner. Kinder will please return to 1626 N. Third St. LOST —Juiy 2, gold wrist watch, at tached to black band, engraved It. A. B either at I'. K. it. station or be tween said salion and Fourth and Market streets Reward if returned to Telegraph ottiee. _____ LOST —Tortoise rim glasses. _ be tween Boas and Cumberland, or_<-ow ,l, n streets, on Saturday evening, KG nirn to Warren Fuller. Ilia Marion si. FOUND —suit case with two bath ing suns. Apply at 223 Kmc ra Id st. INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION B. Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Buoklii cping. Penmanship. Ailthme 'BLCKLLV S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 Market St. Unas. K. BccKie> lIFLP WANTED —MALK CARPENTERS ALU AROUND MACHINISTS GENERAL REPAIRMEN PIPEFITTERS AND SHEETMETAL WORKERS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to earn rates in accordance with your ability. Steady work assured. No labor trou ble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. Apply in person or communi cate " with Factory Employ ment Ottiee, THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, SSO. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET, Or TRAINING QUARTERS, 26u South F'ront Street, Sleelton, Pa. WANTED Acetylene torch opera tor-. .vpp.y Silberman Bros., 145 South ,-i cond St". INSURANCE men to solicit for in dustrial lire insurance in Harrisburg and Steel ion: tirst class contract. Ap ply manager's office, room 5, 29 N. . e'voncl It WANTED—F'ifty men, white or col on d, load construction work; 35c per hour. 10 hours per day; camp facili ties Apply at State Employment Bu -1 eau. Third and North streets, Wea nesauy morning, July 9. meet repre sentative of firm. K.MTTKR, logger or footer, on full tu.iimr. hosiery; tirst class salary ,u-1 unlet d and position of respon sibility to thoroughly experienced, re iianli inuii desiring to advance him soll: position out of city. Answer in uetaii in own handwriting, stating ago. experience and production. Ad (uess A-8526. WIRE DRAWER. familiar with bcth alloc and earbon steel; permanent position in large steel mill out ot cilv: highest pay to man meeting re quirements. Give, tull particulars for interview. K-5528. THE SIMPLEX starts your Ford from the seat; each one guaranteed: the onlv successful starter made, sls or $17.50 installed; agents with a F'ord car wanted. Come and see me. it will pay >ou. Always home Saturdays. C. A. Ostrander, Avocu, N. Y. WANTED—Young man to learn cashier work with Arm whose branch ottiee is out of city. State age, experi ence and salary expected. Address Box X-X.-.25 care Telegraph. W ANTED—Baruer, at once. Apply Ti:e Barber Shop, 15 North Market Square. LABORERS wanted. Apply Wednes day morning at 7 a. m. to Paxtang quarries, Paxtang. PA PKRHAN GlO R S—Must be first class. Steady work. H. A Bodmer, 526 N Th'rcl st. WANTED —At once blacksmith. Ap plv B. C. Murray Tool Works, lllh near Market sts. REPAIRMAN and adjuster wanted for all kinds sewing machines used in work shirt tuctory. Only those experi enced need apply. State salary. 1. Gordon. Moundsville, W. Va. WANTED —Several men for quarry und lime kiln work. Apply Ruther find Bros.. Paxtang .Pa. WANTED—Two salesmen for a re liable firm, good opportunity for right men: men between ages of 21 and 25 with High school education preferred. Must be able to operate F'ord car. Sal ary and expenses. Address Box X 8522 care Telegraph. (Continued In Nest Column) ' FOR SALE No. 708 S. 24th Street 244-* tory brick house: 6 rooms and bath; gas and electric light; fur nace heat; front and back porches; bay windows: cemented cellar; lot 18.4 x 9U ft.; 15 ft. rear alley. Pos session 30 days. No. 109 S. 14th Street 3-story brick and frame house; 9 rooms and bath; gus light; fur nace heat. Possession 30 days. Miller Brothers & Co. UOITSi AM) I OUICT STB. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE HUKETY BONUS Members libit- Itcul Eslnte Board 1 TUESDAY EVENING, HABBISBtmO TELEGKXPH JULY 8, 1919. HFLI* WAN'TKD—MALIB | WANTED Flxpert automobile repairman, none but experienced need apply. FREDERICKS GARAGE, 1807-09 N. Seventh S : CENSUS CLFIRKS—4,OOO needed; $92 month; age. IS upward; experi ence unnecessary. F'or tree particulars of 1 xumlnations, write Raymond. Terry (former government examiner).! • 51S Continental Bldg.. Washington. 1 WANTED Experienced loomflxer ] „ on box and plain looms: one accus- . tomed to crepes and plaids preferred; permanent position for man of steady habits, who can obtain results and I handle help successfully; state age. | experience and wages expected. Man- | hattan Silk Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. I WANTED—Lunch bar man. Apply; Dauphin Hotel, 309 Market st. HELP W ANTED—FEMALE WANTED , SEVERAL A-l SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS • F'OR I 1 SAMPLE WORK f ' | The work is pleasant, and good wages "| BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Inc.. Reily and Fulton Streets ■i WANTED FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ION POWER SEWING MACHINES 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY BONUS ON ALL EARNINGS 'I 10 PER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON "i EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS IDEAL WORK UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS IN AN IDEAL PLANT 1 JENNINGS MANUF'ACTURIN'3 CO. 2012 N. 4TH ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. WANTED Operators wanted on plain sewing machines; also a few union special and over-lock op eratora. Bonus paid every week and learners paid time work. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO, Sixth and Herr Streeta City Star Laundry Building, Third F'loor. GIRLS wanted from 16 years up tj! 'learn cigar making. Pay $6 per week] while learning; good opportunity to ; earn big money after learning. Ap- j ply General Cigar Co., Inc.. 500 Racer street. SOLICITORS for industrial fire in- j surance; first class contract. Apply manager's office, room 5, 29 N. Second 1 I street. KNITTER on hosiery, prefersfbly on Banner machines, but one experienced ■ on others such as Maya Standard, etc. will do; excellent permanent position and good wages to steady and depen dable woman, 25 to 30 years of age. Answer in detail, stating age and ex perience. Address C-8527. WANTED —F'our waitresses, white, for hotel at seashore. Address, Post Office Box 823, Harrisburg. WANTED—MiddIe aged white worn- ! . an as housekeeper; family of three;' . must stay nights. Mrs. R. L. French, t 2146 N. FTfth street. WANTED—White girl or woman | for general housework; no washing; ' good wages; apply about 7.30 p. m, , 12250 North Third street. WANTED An experienced white second maid to assist with children. Wages SB.OO per week. MRS. J. H. HARTMAN, 334 East Orange St., LANCASTER, PA. I PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY ' Knit urgently needed socks for us on Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars. 3c stamp. Department 146. Auto Knitter Co, 621 | Jefferson street. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Experienced millinery-! | maker for the cominng season. Apply j at once; steady position. Eleauora I II Gove, 226 N. Third. t; l WANTED—Flxperienced diningroom ! • girls with clean habits. Apply in per- I r son Manhattan Restaurant, 317 Mar-i ke, street. 1 WANTED—MiddIe aged white worn-' : an or girl to wash dishes at White's 1 Hotel. 313 Verbeke street, afternoon I trick 12 m. to 3 p. m. 1; HOUSEKEEPER Elderly lady wanted for housekeeping in pleasant - place in country, one who desires a 1 grand home in preference to high 1 wages, light work; one middle aged - man ill family. Address Box 'K-4867 a. , ] HELP \VANTED—MaIe and Female • i tl WANTED—MiddIe aged man and wife to take charge of a small place, . I man must have knowledge of farming. . | Wife to take charge of the house, fam , ily of three adults. A permanent place ' ! Bnd good home to right party. Apply . j to F'rank Bowman. P. O. Box 348, Har . risburg. Pa. AGENTS WANTED " j AGENT—To sell portable fireproof ' steel garages, cottages, factory and I farm buildings, moving picture halls: Many size: give references. Manufactor -1 ing Stone Repair Co., Inc., Hoges -1 1 town. Pa. AGENTS wanted for Dauphin, Cumberland. Perry and Lebanon coun " ties, to sell an article everybody uses. f P. O. Box 32. Highspjre Pa. SALESMEN WANTED t Wanted—A/saleman who can qualify for position as Dis trict Manager. Also a few po sitions open for salesmen v with red blood. Men of the right caliber can earn Big j money. Our proposition is one of the most attractive any I buyer can have and finds I r( ady response from the small as well as large investor. For tunes are being made In Tex as Oil Leases and it is the safe end and the big money end of the oil business. Write for full particulars of the lib eral contract we offer HBICS- I men. You can qualify as Dis trict Manager or salesman. J Stnlelnnd Dense Association, 602 Marliridge, Building, New Y'ork City. ( Continued ui Next Column) | SALESMEN WANTED . I SALESMAN WANTED—SIOO per | [ month and expenses und bonus. To] represent the Globe Refining Co.. of j Cleveland Ohio. Call at 102 Paxtang I avenue, Paxtang, Fu., on the 10th or 11th from 1 to 5 p. m. SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE j WANTED—Position by married i man as grocery clerk, have had over ill years' experience. Capable of man i aging. Address P. O. Box 24, Reeds-, ville, Pa. ! | POSITION on road or in office want- 1 ed by u young man with technical; I training and experience. Plenty of in- I illative and "pep." Willing to tackle. I big tilings and go anywhere to meet; opportuuty. Very best local refer-; fences. Address Box S-SS24 care Tele-, ] graph ! | SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe | WANTED—White woman wants day's work in private. Address Box; G-8529, care Telegraph. 1 NEAT colored girl would like post-! tion as nurse girl. Apply 120" Apple avenue. HOUSEKEEPER—Experienced re liable middle aged widow desires po sition, leferences. Address B-5523 Care Telegraph. YOUNG High school girl wishes! position; clerical work preferred. Ad dress Box Z-8924 care Telegraph. ItOOMS FPU KENT FOR RENT—Large, well furnished room; use of Bell phone, address 719 N. .Sixth st. F'OR KENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping: all improve ments; 110 children, inquire 1549 Wal nut street. FOR RENT—F'urnished room on | second floor; all conveniences; hot! water. Bell phone 466-R. ; F'OR RENT Two unfurnished J rooms, suitable for light housekeep- [ ing. Adults only; rent reasonable. 532 1 Curtin st. I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Large j single or communicating rooms with | kiiclienet. stove furnished free; bath, 1 phone and laundry priviliges; all out- j side, independent and private. Apply j Broad street. | TWO second floor furnished front rooms for rent. All conveniences, at | 1253 Del ry. F'OR RENT —Two furnished rooms j 1 for light housekeeping; all conven-1 icnces; hot and cold water and gas j range upstairs. Apply 1614 Wallace street. Hell phone 4684 M. F'URNISHED room for rent; use of i bath: gentleman preferred; rent. $3.50 i a week. Inquire Mrs. Owens, third j floor. Potts' Apartment. Third and | Herr streets. 1549 STATE STREET. pleasant | ! front rooms; furnished; all conveni ' ences; breakfast served if desired. | Bell 5246-M. j F'OR RENT —Two nicely furnished I front rooms for light housekeeping; ] bath, gas. heat, laundry; all con | veniences; nice location. Inquire I 2148 Penn street. Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms, $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. NICELY-FURNISHFID BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 913 North Third street. ROOMS WANTED Y'OU'NG lady desires room in private ; family with or without board. Prefer I central location. Address Box H-5296, j care Telegraph. BOARDING WANTED Two men boarders; | large newly furnished corner front room. Inquire 622 Maclay street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT F'OR RENT —Several apartments; all conveniences; immediate posses sion; call or see C. Vernon Rettew, 1311 Derry st. Both phones. APARTMENTS for rent; furnished and unfurnished; all modern conven iences. Apply Louis. 414 N. Third St. between 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. APARTMENT F'OR RENT— 110 N. Second street; 4 rooms and private bath; third story front; unfurnished first class condition; hot running water all the year; city steam heat; ; $45 per month. Apply L. Alinter, first ! rtoor same building. Both phones. ! FOR RENT—Apartment in good IJI cation; rent reasonable; immediate 1 possession. Apply to Air. Cooper 14 N. Third St. j F'OUK well-furnished rooms, light I airy, bay windows, second floor, cor- I ner, hot water, heat, gas. electricity bath, laundry. References exchanged No children. 342 South Sixteenth SL AT 100 South Thirteenth street; first floor, 7 rooms and laundry ele gantly furnished, equipped with hard wood floors, gas and electricity, pri vate porch and entrance. Apply 100 South Thirteenth street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE F'OR SALE—3-story brick dwell ing containing 8 rooms and bath lo cated on Lexington street; all mod ern improvements, including steam heat; price $3,700. F'or Sale —2-story frame dwelling, located on Bosler avenue, Lemoyne, containing 6 rooms and attlck; water; gas; front porch; price. $1,600. F'or Sale —2-story brick dwelling containing 6 rooms, bath and recep tion hall, located on Hummel avenue. Lemoyne. Improvements consisting of water, gas, electric lights, gas range, steam heat, front and rear porch, storm windows, hardwood floors, blinds and awnings; price si,loo. F'or Sale—244-story double frame dwelling, located on Bosler avenue, Lemoyne; 5 rooms each; electric light and water; front and rear porch; lot 43x150; corner of two streets; price $2,500 for both. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. Harris Street 630 Three-story brick, 9 rooms, all improvements, small amount down; balance same as rent: no questions as to race or nationality. D A. Sanderlin. 36 N. Third street, room 1. Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. FOR SALE —Coal yard and ware house of building supplies and ferti lizers Established thirty years ago A good opening for business. Located at New Cumberland. Pa. N. F. Reed, owner. F'OR SALE —In Hlghsptre. If y„u ere looking for a business that will net VOU $3,000 to $5,000 a year at a real down bargain, see me at once; property Including residence, store room, Ice cream parlor, large pool room. only pool In town; reason for selling, would retire business, w j- Reeves. 224 Alarket St.. High spire. Dial 9801 (Continued In Neat Column) I WHAT IS A GOOD POSITION || 1 WORTH TO YOU? A good position WJ means one in which your ability counts yy for your employer and yields the best p(jj possible returns to you in thj way of salary or wages. It's hard to com pute the VALUE to you of this sort ijjs of a position—but the cost of secur- ing it, through using the classified in a 59 | persistent way, will scarcely draw jujj j 103 upon your bank account at all. It may Oj !ffl * not even cut very deeply into your TO |- spending money. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE F'OR SALE POSSESSION SOON If you are looking for a nice, sub stantially built suburban home, wilii plenty of ground, truit and garden, in spect the Bixler property, located en the northeast corner of Dickinson and Princeton avenue, Earligton, Camp] Hill, Pa., two blocks from ear lin..; 'Single car fare from Harrisburg; 2 44-' j story frame detached dwelling, size 131x31; stone foundation;; Shingle | roof; cemented cellar under entire i j house; all improvements; 3 large I I rooms and reception hall on first | | lloor; (large kttcnen); open stairway; 4 I rooms and bath on seeond lloor; un- I finished attic; good yellow pine floor ling; cypress finish; hot water heating I system; front porch 9x31; plot of j ground 120x120; granolithic walks; /shade trees, garage for one car; two chicken houses which wil accommo- I date 500 chickens; 17 fruit trees (13 bearing the finest kind of fruit); va riety of grapes; 1,50u strawberry I plants; good reason for selling; in spection by appointment only./ PRICE \ FRY REASONABLE at $5,150. ! Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS, Beil 700 AGENT, 3077J HARRISBURG, PA. I F'OR SALE—BIB N. 16th St.. desir lable stucco home; eight rooms; tile bath und luundry; southern exposure; ! drive alley in rear. Apply within. FOR SALE —112-114 Washington St., 8 rooms ana bath; frame; tin roof; ail conveniences; bargain. Apply 814 N. Third street. 1 HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and cuburban properties. My large clientage -enables uie to secure ready buyers for any kind of Real Estate you may have to offer. A. P. DOKAKZ, 1225 North Sixth St. Bell 271 J. Dial 3943 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Houses of every description in all parts of city and suburban. Some on easy payment plan. Will take ligbt touring car in UAUE ' C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J. ~ " F'OR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY. 222 Market Street FOR SALE 823 S. F'ront street, frame dwelling. 1614 N. Fifth street, 3-story frame dwelling with im provements. ten rooms and bath. West Fairview property, located on third street, twu and - one - half-story frame dwelling. Inquire of HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, 16 S. Second Street. Harrisburg, Peuna. VACANT HOUSES Two 2% and 3-story brick houses; all improvements; porches, drive alley. Also cor ner bouses on Hill and up town. Will take auto In trade. I have several fine suburban homes for sale; brick, all im provements, 44 acre each; steam beau electric lights, hardwood floors, lots of fruit on State Road. Will take city property in trade. 1 C. H. CORDER. $722 Green Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 660-J. ' FOR SALE —162 Cumberland Road, lOnola, 2 44-story frame house, slate 1 roof; all improvements, including ! steam heat; newly papered and paint ed inside. Price $2,650 Terms to suit purchaser; now vacant. Inquire su3 ' N. 16th street. Bell phone 3327-J. ] POSSESSION at once, Enola house; electric lights; hot and cold water; terms reasonable; $1,600. Durand & F'erbcr, 107 Chestnut st. F'OR SALE On easy terms. 2012 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. p Doranz. 1225 North Sixth. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance I as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P- Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. i $- 050 WILL PURCHASE 529 Wood bine' street; 7-rooms and bath. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. THRF:F:-STORY BRICK HOUSF; FOR sale - 8 rooms and bath; gas; electric light: steam heat; slate roof; 2104 ! Swalara street. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner M<lg- SCHUYLKILL St.. 682—F'or sale, six rooms and bath; gas; electric light; steam heat. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE F'our-story brick bldg. suitable for service station or garage; elevator; rentrally located, near Second st. D. A Calcy. 707 Kunkel Bldg. (Continued In Next Column) HEAL ESTATE FOR SAIJS "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERHN." JEFFERSON ST., 2130 i Three-story brick, nine j rooms, all Improvements, ce ment cellar, driveway in the I rear. Can be bought same as j rent ' ! ! DERBY ST., 2311 NEW, ] VACANT; three-story brick, I I six rooms, bath and attic, nice j front and back porches, steam I I heat, gas and electricity, j harawooti floors, right up-to the minute. SWATARA ST., IS56—-POS SESSION SOUN; three-story frame, eight rooms, bath, gas, Iront porch, driveway in the rear; same as rent. , I.EMOYNK; Herman Ave., 280-201—Double frame; im provements. nice front porch, lot 15u leel deep back to a driveway; can sell as a whole or 'one-half, on our easy pay ment plan. STEEETON; S. Second St.. 32u—Three-story frame, im provements, one-half of a pair, nice roomy house; right price to quick buyer; same as rent. I>. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1", SECURITY TRUST BLDG.. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. REEL 10 0U DIAL 3573 I I j MOUSES ON EASY TERMS j Vacant 2-story brick on Mill, imp. Vacant 244-story brick on llill, all' imp Vacunt 2Vs -story frame on Hill, all j imp. Vacant 3-story brick, uptown, all! imp. 5-story frame near Hill market, all ! imp. Two 244-story frames, S. 21st St., 1 all imp. Storeroom property on Market st. | Storeroom, corner brick, on Hill. j 3-story brick, corner on Derry st. 2-story brick, on Crescent st., easy I terms. 3-story brick on Swatara st. 2-story bricks on 15th and 16th sts. 2-stcry bricks on Catharine st. 3-story brick on Walnut St., Hill. 3-story frame and garage Park st. 244-story single frame, in Eemoyne, all imp. Fine corner house in Enola, all i imp. 9-toom house in New Cumberland, imp. Cottage in Camp Hill, all imp. Fine home, 1 acre, near Camp Hill. | Single corner, at Washington Hts. I Fine, corner home in Penbrook. , Corner 2%-story frame, in Pleasant View. One acre and double house at Pen brook . Apartments on Hill and uptown. Corner new brick, uptown, all imp. Investment, three small houses in Steelton. investment, three frame houses on, corner Forrest st. Row of six 3-story bricks on Briggs | street. Business place on Derry street near j 19th St. 2-story brick, on Green street imp. j Apartment house, uptown, one of the linest in the city; large lot to street in rear. 214 -story brick and 1-story frame I at West Fairview in business section I along State Highway. Suitable fori store or business place; very cheap. C. H. CORD MR. 1722 Green St. FOR SALE AN IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME ON 16TH ST. NEW CUMBERLAND, (OUTRIDE BO HO. LI Ml TV I. NEAR TROLLEY; LESS THAN 3 MILES FROM 11ARRISBURG . LARGE BRICK j 215-STORY. SLATE ROOl' HOUSE, 1 Id ROOMS AND BATH; IDEAL, PORCHES AND COVERED DRIVE-, WAY; 5 ACRES OF LAND IN HOOD! STATE OF CULTIVATION: 200 | FRUIT TREES, BARN, GARAGE,] CHICKEN HOUSE AND ALL NECES-, SARY OUTBUILDINGS. GOOD ALL-1 YEAR AUTOMOBILE ROAD TOj 1-TA RRISBURG, WHiTE inLL OR ; NEW CUMBERLAND. HOUSE HAS j ALL IMPROVEMENTS. INCLUDING MODERN PLUMBING. LAUNDRY TUBS ETC AN IDEAL SUBURBAN'! i HOME OR TRUCK FARM. PRICE ! AND TERMS ON APPLICATION TO j OT " E "™iNK „. DOWNKY, 51 " S ' !C °„ N i2SSi. PA. HOMES FOR SALE . 1912 N. 6th. brick N.jjOO . 1512 Walnut st.. brick 3.600 ! Penn st., briek 6-60® ! Hummel st., Lemoyne -.800, ' Cloverly Heights, stucco 3,700 ! Small amount ofjcash required. D A. Cftley, 70i Kutikel Bldg. Bell phone 589. i ■! vrtn uaLE—House No. 1524 North I 1 Fifth street and house No. 1537 Ful ! on street 'Estate of John W. Hoover, ■ owner APPI y Walter RSohn attorney rtom 205, Commonwealth Tiust Co., Bldg. Bell phone 334-J. I IjOTS for sale In Camp Hill on east 1 side of Cumberland street, 170 feel I from car line. Elegant location. Lots 1155 feet deep to a 20 foot alley. Can ■sell any frontage desired. There are I two corner lots. I. P. Bowman, 36 N. • Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. - 1 FOR SALE—3-story brick dwelling;! 9 looms; electric, gas; lot 80xl0u;j 1 rents for $25; property in tlrst class! shape; price, SI,BOO. 2% -story brick dwelling; all im- > provcnients; large lot; room for gur- 1 . age; price $2,400. Two frame dwellings: gas; rent for sl2 each; price SI,OOO each. If you are looking for an Investment, see Leh mun & Kllngeman, Patriot Bldg. (Continued In Next Column HEAL ESTATE FOR SAI.B j AN exceptional bargain in a tine I home. This property is located 454 1 Elizabeth street, Highsplre; single house, plot 150 foot front by 125 feet ! deep; improvements; most all kinds g of fruit; chicken house and garage, : <- 114x5u. Will sell, for SI,OUO less thani" ! what it worth; reason for selling I other business. W. W. Reeves, 224 11 Market street, Highspire. Dial 9801. 9 ! BEAUTIFUL country home for sale, asiOe car line; electric light. C steam heat; lot 140x160; easy terms, $3,200. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chest nut street. 2 i Rr.ul Estate For Sale—Suburban ! FOR SALE—292-294 Second street, Highspire. A line double bouse, all im provements, will sell single or double. ,lf you are looking for e. bargain see ; this property before you buy. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market street, Highspire. •Dial 9SOI. My car is at your service. j FOR SALE—Large suburban home [near Camp Hill, 44 acre land; all im- . I provements; fruit, chicken house, I etc., will take city property in ex- t change; easy terms. • 2 C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ! FOR RENT—A large stone house, ill rooms, foot of 15th st. New Cum berland. close to railroad. A tine place for summer Home. Chas. H. Miller, 1828, State st. j FOR RENT— 7 roomed house; mod ]ern conveniences; large lot on Church street. Camp Hill. Apply M. H. John |son, corner Church and Market, Camp j Hill. ■ I FOR RENT —Furnished for the sea- ( I son at Perdix, Outlook Lodge, four 1 1 room Bungalow on the Mountain Side, . 1300 feet from State road; immediate . I possession. Will sell at a decided 1 bargain or will exchange and pay j difference on city property. Apply to , IA. C. Young, 34 North Second street, i | Bell 767. Dial 5439. j I FOR RENT— Second story of Kel ker Street Markethouse. Fourth and I Kelker streets, suitable for manufac- ( turing purposes or general storage. I—Room 34x34. I—Room 40x30. 2—Office rooms. I—Hall. 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. I Apply Harrisburg Auto Co., Fourth j and Kelker streets. j REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED I TO LEASE SEPT. IST NICELY 1 FURNISHED HOME OR APRT- i MENT; 6 ROOMS AND UPWARD, I BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY WITH PROPER REFERENCES. AD DRESS BELL TELEPHONE 2995-M. DIAL 304 1. [j I | (READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY • | WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? 1 BELL AND DIAL PHONES, j CHAS. ADLKR, 1002 N. THIRD St. , COTTAG"ES FOR RENT i j FOR RENT—After August 15, fur nished cottage along Swatara creek jin II ummelstown; bath room; electric j< lights; two blocks from trolley. Ap- ! I ply C. D. Walmer, Hummelstown. Belli 'phone 23. I I FARMS i FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! ' 28 acres, all implements $2,700 30 acres, stock crop and imple ments 2,300 39 acres, best kind of soil 4,600 65 acres, stock, crop and imple ments 5,000 DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut Street. j WANTED TO PURCHASE I WANTED—To buy Trust Company IBank stock. Address S-8521, care Tele- I graph. Offices and Store Rooms for Rent FOR RENT— Desk room and office. ' Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 31 ] North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. j FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS j | MOTORS FOR SALE j We have mo iixiownig motors we ] are offering lor sale. We guarantee j mese motors to be In hrst-elass cou idition and can make immediate Ue ! livery. 1 One 44 H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. j One 4* H. P. 220 V. 380 It. P. M. I One 4i H. P. 220 V. 800 R. I'. M. | One 4t H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One V; H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One '/* H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One 44 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SAIJE—One 10-horse power | (upright Orr & Sembower steam en-j gine. cc.mpleto with governor. E. H. j ! Shell, 400 S Second St. ; | MASSAGE yourself at home by the I ! best and cheapest method. A vacuum' loutflt that will last three years and! [runs by water in any home. Send I j $2 for complete outfit. Money refunded I if not satisfactory. Send for free cir- Icular. C H. Tomes, 523 Thomas street, ] York, Pa FOR SALE | 1 refrigerator in good condition. 1 ! kitchen range in good condition. ! 1 5-burner gas stove in good condi . tot 11. I 1 oak mantel with glass. 2031 Green St. j FOR SALE —One six-horse interna- I tlonal gasoline engine, as good as new. Address 8-4286. care Telegraph. FOR SALE—S-horse-power upright boiler and engine. Apply Ell Bru huker, Rheefs, Pa. FOR SALE Channels, beams, angle, pipe all denominations, and rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & ■ Freedman. Tenth below Mulberry ! street, or Sixth above Division street. I' ELECTRIC motors, 1 to 15 H. P.; ! stone crushers with elevators; thew ! shovel 6-8-yard; lathes, drill presses; ! gear cutter 24-in; emery grinders: ■ I motors and tnachlnne tools bought for j cash. F, H. Eaverty. Bell phone 1857. BARGAIN ONE OAK CHIFFIONER ONE OAK DRESSER. Iron bed spring; combination mattress, rocker chair, val tied at $107; sale price s7t. FORN WALT'S, 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE—Globe-Wernicke sec- ' tion&l book cases, in quartered oak, ! idurk ilnieh, $3.00. ! Two Monarch typewriters and , ' desk, tiling cases, etc. All in excel- 1 I lent grade and condition. Bankrupt 1 Estate of Harry M. Bretz, Thomas C. 1 McCarrell. Jr., Trustee, 22 Market '• ; street, Harrisburg. Penna. • MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. ' High prices paid for furniture. Morrla < BchmerU. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. (Continued In Nazi Column) j FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS | KOI; SALE—Airedale dog. Inquire ; 1253 Derry St. j KOXt SALE—One single wagon, in ! good condition. Kingan Provision ( Co., 421 South Second street. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand s, c 025 North Third. Circulars tree. ' TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR * CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED c GEO. P. TILLOTSON, t 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE I ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES RIFLE ; Stevens 14-hot repeater. In good condition. Origiual cost $22. Will sell at a bargain AAddress Box F-226, care of Telegraph. I | FOR SALE —Upright piano in good condition: price reasonable. Inquire 3103 N. Second St. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph, stating price, wlieu it can be seen. JUNK—We are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen & Co., York street and Ash avenue. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz 1016 Market street. Will call. City or country. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 10T BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-Hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4526, Bell 4705-R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE —Good proposition for active man; rent very reasonable: complete information to persons interested. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. j MR. INVESTOR Would an in vestment of one hundred dollurs or more, with a chance to make one I thousand dollars or more, in the next few months interest you? If so, write for particulars. Address M, 22, care Telegraph office, Hurrisburg. FOR SALE Confectionery store and soda fountain in excellent loca tion; tourist center; good proposition; address Box X-9873, care Telegraph. LIVE business for a live man, 1n nearby town. Restaurant, confection jery, cigars. Doing business of $42,000 la year or more. Apply A. P. Dorunz, 1225 North Sixth st. I FOR SALE—Restaurant and lunch | room, complete and up-to-date, near , Market street; price reasonable; in j quire A. P. Doranz, 1225 N. Sixth sL i WOULD YOU RISK $2 PER WEEK FOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MANS COMPANY. 1 By paying $2 per week for 50 weeks |we will offer you something great Most people spend more for drink, toDacco, etc., but object to spending |a few dollars for their future wel fare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade I Pittsburgh. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS I FURNITURE, china packing and re pairing, carefully done by R. J. ltoy ster, tit West st. Bell IS'Bl-R. STEAM feather renovating; ull ticks emptied; new ticks furnished; B. J. Campbell, 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First-class work. Chilcoat Bros., 1622 N. Fourth St. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 122 Market street. Bell 4730-J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. QUININE —Loqk out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPIIO-QUININE will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED I Single edge. 25c doz„ double edge, 35c jdoz., razors. 35c. Gorgas Drug Store. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FOR NECESSITIES If employed and housekeeping, our legal rate money service on loans [rom sls to S3OO, payable In weekly or monthly installments is worth in vestigating, if you are In need of funds and without bank credit CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4. 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO, 132 Walnut Street MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE No. 1 South Front Street STEELTCN, Pa. SATURDAY, July 11, 1919. AT 1.30 P. M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Al't'T HITK—Mrs. L W. Bowers. HAULING AND MOVING FOR HIRE—Two-ton auto truck. Apply. 1008 S. 9th st. Bell phone, 2435-R. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reiiy. Both phones LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln, 65$ Calder street. Both phones. Be'l 3636-J. Dlul 3688. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped fc- furniture, freight and piano mov ii g. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproot body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. lrwiuj Aungst. Manager, licrshey. Pa. Boll; phone 16R6. HAULING AND MOVING —t HAULING—LocaI or long distance, pianos and safes a specialty. Beck Bros., successors to O. H. Beck. Call ' at 1419 Vernon street 801 l 2811-J., or Ober's Livery. „ AUTO HAULING—LocaI and long '* distance live ton truck. Sunshine Gar-i age. South Eleventh street. Bell phone i 1710. Dial 3U60. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or longi distance. Furnituro and piano moving a specialty. Bluo Line Transfer. 917 Capitol street. Both phones. WE' Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. DiiJ 49J0. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 Noriltr Third street j MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a, specialty General hauling. 1501 $ North Fifth Street Dial 4166. Bell 1144W ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS, 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. MUSICAL ' AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, ' 15 SOUTH MARKET BQUARE. THIS WEEK $350 Haynee Piano, mahog any, almost new; price..s2lo Winters Piano, mahogany, like new; price $240 - StielT Piano, walnut, good as , new; at a bargain price. Cadillac 88-note Player, fine i condition; price $425 $650 Marshal & Wendell 88- / t note Player, nearly new, $575 ( r t J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. YOU have made the vfsit to musi(V houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it.,,' Spangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only, j OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth Street. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. . LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. , J. K. GREENAWALT, JR.. 130 Walnut St, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J. ROOFING KITE'S ELASTIC COATING WILL CURE THE MOST OBSTINATE CASE OF ROOF TROUBLE IN THE COUNTRY AND KEEP IT CURED FOR YEARS. BEFORE WASTING MONEY Qj: CHEAP COAL TAR PAINTS, TRY HITE'S ELASTIC COATING. AUCTIONEER 1-11TE —Beil 1575-J. STORAGE STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD. Highspire, Pa. Phones . W Bell: Steelton 169Y , Dial: Steelton 9439 STORAGE —419 Broad street house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Hoth phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in tireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street STORAGE —In brick building, red 408 Market. Household goods In cleA< private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G Diener, 408 Market street f WHERE TO DINE ALVY HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St BELL 1056- PIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICUR Funei'al Director and Embalmer. d 511 North Second Street BELL 252 DIAL 2145 CEMETERY LOTS FOB SALE i PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street •ast of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents CLEANERS AND DYERS We clean old clothes, make theiE new. All kind of repairing guaran teed. Goodman's. 1306*4 North Sixth. Both phones: call and delivered. t REMOVAL NOTICE MAX SMELTZ Removal from 1016 Market to 1020 Market We have special removal prices. Additional Classified Ads I on Opposite Pago 1 .