Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 07, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
Um\ all the M\) PPj ; "When a Girl Marries" By ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife j CHAPTER CCXXJ Copyright. -1919. King Features Syn dicate. Inc. For a minute Virginia remained perfectly silent. It seemed to me that I could hear my own words echoing on the air: ••Seal's in a sort of a partnersh p with Pat Dalton and Carlotta Sturges." Believing as I did that Vlrtf nla still loved Pat. my heart ached with the recoil of the blow I had dealt acr. This alliance of my brother with Virginia's husband must as suredly embitter her —but not a tenth as much as would Pat s asso ciation with Carlotta Sturges. But whatever the struggle that went on she gave me no trace of it when she turned her pale face and im penetrable eyes to me and said in a flat, colorless voice: , "My dear Anna, your brothers arrangements are nothing vn me. I promise you I shall not stay away from his reception on that account —and subject you or Jim to surmise and gossip. At a great crush like that will be it s very easy to avoid people one doesn't want to see." In my heart I knew that Virginia wouldn't spare herself. It was use less to ask her to spare Phoebe, but I couldn't resist one last effort: "With all our —family complica tions don't you think phoebe might refuse?" "Please. Anne," interrupted Vir ginia in a tone of finality, "leave this to me. I want Phoebe to meet the Mason set It was our set when Jim and I were young. If Jim's success continues it ought to be yours soon." There was nothing more to be said. The rest of our time together was given to surface discussions that elaborately skirted everything real. After luncheon we went our sep arate ways with a return of the old feeling of estrangement. Later, when I went to keep my appoint ment with Phoebe, Amanda, the maid, told me Miss Phoebe had been compelled to go out on a most (im portant matter. I wondered what it could be. It wasn't so very long ago that she had bemoaned her lock of friends. I went away feel ing snubbed and had to call my sense of humor to aid me. It looked as if I couldn't contrive to be on good terms with Jim and his sisters at the same time. For the next few days Phoebe seemed bent on avoiding me. And as Jim changed the subject when ever I mentioned his sisters I con quered my longing to manage and help and forced myself to wait. So M]L| I HEALTH IS SO CHEAP $ ) If you only know Row | £ to attain, it and keep it. jj ' \ Cut out Keavy meats g and potatoes and eat 111 Shredded Wheat jj |J Biscuit witk fruits ' and green vegetables K and see Row muck better S |f| you feel. TwoSßredded [ j ||| Wkeat Biscuits whR ber- j| M ries or sbced bananas |l| make a nourisbing, satis- Ij jj lying meal at asmall cost. I J A boon to the bouse We J in Summer because it & is ready-cooked and $ | WANTED-BAKERS \' t Oven Men and Helpers 1 Steady Work ;■ uunzenhauser Bakery 18th & Mulberry Sts. * wwi-~ MONDAY EVENING, we came to Saturday night and our dinner to Kvvy and Nea.l. The rain fell in a drenching downpour that looked like shining gray sheets. Out of this darkness Kvvy blew in like a tlame. She wore a cape of rose velvet mantling a clinging dress of metal cloth in turiiuoise blue and gold. Drops of rain misted her yellow hair and dabbled her gold slippers. "Oh, Kvvy, those clothes—in this rain!" burst from me after we had exchanged greetings. "Don't preach like little old man Neal," Kvvy protested, opening her blue eyes very wide. "We had a taxi, and a drop of rain doesn't hurt me. As for these clothes—they're old things from last winter. They might as well give a little more service. They don't belong in a trousseau." "Won't you let me give you dry slippers to wear while we're at din ner?" I asked. "Bertha can dry yours a bit, and I'll give you some rubbers when we start." "Threes?" purred Evvy, looking down at my feet mockingly as she seated herself with a tiny plump foot thrust challengingly out at me. My five A's seemed enormous. The satin dinner dress and dark slippers I had worn appeared cautious and middle-aged. Jim saved me from the confusion Evvy was making me feel: "Those little feet always carried you into plenty of mischief, Evvy," he bantered. Evvy flung back her head and looked at him steadily with wide, quizzical eyes. "You ought to know," she said. "I do," returned Jim, stooping over her with a return of his old flirtatious manner. He straightened back abruptly, but even before he did that, I con quered the old surge of jealousy that threatened to sweep over me. For days I have been given every proof of Jim's love and devotion. He has my heart and I do not pur pose to make that a worthless gift because my faith and trust don't go with it. Dinner went off without a hitch. Jim was as charming to Neal as to Evvy. Evvy clawed at me less than was her won't,, and even when she scratched I managed to smile it away. But when I looked at Neal —thin, pale and rather grave, I couldn't smile at all. The new play was very clever, so even if I didn't enjoy it, I suppose the party was a success. However, when Jim produced tickets for the newest Dance Club and escorted.us there after the theater. I was al most as pleased as Evvy was—but for very different reasons. Ewy Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service * • - jßy McManus H BYCOLLX-I-M CLAD I IF""oJ 'oalki ""S II WHAT"S JUVT A LITTLE fp HAVE A. CO-D SAVE SOME 1} &X <OLLX- IF I ' T ■ HAtiCONt 1 - , C AN J I M " L HAT TOUR. WIFE PACKAGE SILVER. MR ft IN THE HOObE - . ■ TAKCA<OOOKAP^ N rf |ou R t,T N A\??pT R T^V L - - I'D b£ 1 gurgled that Jim was a perfect host and the new club was the smartest place in town and a fox-trot with her Neal and a waltz with Jimmie would make her evening perfect! Neal doesn't waltz, but I didn't be grudge Evvy the waltz with Jim that gave me p. chance to talk to my brother. "Happy, lad?" I asked, eager to surprise the truth from 'Neal. "It's been a wonderful evening," he countered. "Oh, Neal —tell Babbsie," I per sisted. "I want to help you. I know you're not % happy and I want to help you to be^ Neal turned to me with young dignity that was amazing. I knew that he was going to bar me out from his heart, perhaps even to re proach me for trying to force my way where I had never before been refused admittance. But on the verge of speech, he controlled him self and leaped to his feet. At that moment, I felt a plump, cushiony hand slide down my arm to take my hand and I looked up to | see a little pouter-pigeon of a wo ; man hung in jewels. Mechanically 1 I smiled and spoke a word of greet- I ing trying vainly to place my visitor. "Why Mrs. Harrison," she ex claimed. "Don't you know me?" To be continued Five Persons Killed When Milk Train Strikes Auto Party By Associated Press. Hnsleton, Pa., Tuly 7.—Five per | sons were killed and one perhaps . fatally Injured yesterday when a Le high Valley milk train struck an au tomobile party from Freeland at a crossing near here. Salvadore Laporto, husband of one i of the victims, the only person in the automobile not killed, was badly hurt, and is reported to be in a dy ing condition. The machine was dragged about 100 yards and the occupants were horribly mangled. Will Use Private Fund to Provide Public Education By Associated Press. New York, July 7—An experiment in providing public education under joint management of public author ity and the trustees of a private en dowment will be tried in the public schools of Winchester, Va., the Gen eral Education Board announced here to-day. An estate allowed to accumulate for twenty years by the will of Judge John Handley, of Scranton, Pa., who died in 1895, will be used for the purpose. Condition of Affairs Gloomy in Hamburg Treves, July 7.—Mall from Hamburg passing through the American cen- j sorship indicates a gloomy condition of affairs there socially and economi cally. According to letters from in dividuals writing to relatives or friends in the American occupied area, since all the navigation companies had to surrender their ships to the Entente there have been 50,000 to 70,000 men walking the streets in search of work. Daily Dot Puzzle " ! . s I 23* W> *2l ' • S4 .27 •55 h 28 21 • • 3k 20 37 • 29 - ' • , 6 ••v • • • 7 3* *33 3o I 4 4. *4o S . ? * '4. \ ; • \ x Vv 1 Draw from one to two and to nn to tbc cad. HARWHBURG QESgNgy. TELEGRAPH BOLSHEVIKS WORK IN AFGHANISTAN British Officials Believe Them Responsible For Up rising There London, July 7. British govern ment officials are convinced that the uprising In Afghanistan, is being forstered by the Russian Bolsheviki. It is stated that the government has positive information that the Amir is in close touch with the Bolsheviki in Turkestan and Moscow and that Rus sian emissaries have been sent to Afghanistan. It is believed here that the Amir is delaying answering armistice terms which he requested until he can fur ther concentrate his forces, stir up I more trouble among frontier tribes and get assistance either in the form of propaganda or money from Rus sia. Recent successes of the Bolsheviki in Trans-Caucasia are regarded with apprehension and as likely to impress the Afghans. The Bolshevik aspirations un doubtedly are two-fold. Official opinion here is that they hope through this method to spread their doctrine among the people of the near East thereby widening their influence and embarrassing the United Kingdom. Awarded the Cross of St George Medal New York, July 7.—Ralph Albert son, of New York for many months a Y. M. C. A. worker In the Archangel area of northwestern European Rus sia, has been awarded the Cross of St. George medal by the command : ant of the Russian forces there upon recommendation of the British mili tary staff, for remaining behind to aid hospital patients when the allied forces evacuated Shenkursk and the Bolsheviks captured the town. He is fifty-three years of age. At the time Shenkursk was evac uated, Albertson aided doctors and others In getting ninety-six wounded men to places of safety even prepar ing a meal for them during the hur ried exodus necessitated by the bombardment of the Bolsheviks. The wounded in Shenkursk had given up al! hope of being taken out of the attacked city alive, and ac cording to report, regarded Albertson as organizer of the party which saved their lives. DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS A SIMPLE APRON 2850 Many women prefer these "bib style" aprons. They are easy to adjust and economical of material. This pattern is good for gingham, lawn, seersucker, percale, drill, est eem or alpaca. It is cut in four sizes: Small, medi um. large, and extra large. Size me dium requires 3% yards of 36-inch material. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department For the 10 cents Inclosed please send pattern to the following address: Size Pattern No Name Address City and State M iddtetown Big Oil Tanks Being Built at Aviation Depot Work on erecting several large | oil tanks at the Aviation Depot has been started and several hundred more men will be employed. The tanks will take care of 100,000 gal lons of oil and will range in size from 10,000 to 500 gallon capacity. They will be built at the north western point of the reservation and will be entirely separate and 1 some distance from the present buildings. The oil will be stored in fireproof concrete tanks. A shed will be erected near the tanks to store the steel drums so that they can be taken to the tanks and enip j tied by gTavity from high ground to j the lower edge of the tanks. A per | manent aeroplane repair shop will | also be erected on the grounds. The funeral of William David Gray was held from his home in Susquehanna street this afternoon with services at 2.30 o'clock. The Rev. James Cunningham, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiated. The pallbearers were six members of Poketa Tribe No. 315, X. O. R. M., of which the deceased was a member. Burial was made in the Middletown Cemetery, both services I being strictly private. B. F. Henry, of South Wood street, left to-day for Chambers burg, where he-will spend some time with relatives. Mrs. Harriet Shoop, aged 45 years, died at the Harrisburg Hos pital Friday night where she had been operated upon for gallstones. She had stood the operation fairly well, but due to a weak heart passed away. She was the wife of L. B. Shoop, who resides in East Water street- She is survived by her husband and one eon, Samuel Shoop, of Youngstown, Ohio; three daughters, Catherine and Marion, at home, and Mrs. William Cain, of town. Six brothers and sisters also survive. Her funeral was held from her late home. East Water street, this afternoon, with eervices at 3 o'clock and 3.15 in the First United Brethren Church. The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier, assisted by the Rev. H. F. Hoover, and the Rev. Joseph Wei rich officiated. Burial was made in the Middletown Cemetery. Mrs. Wesley Raymond and daugh ter, of Philadelphia, are visiting relatives in town. Sptcial services were held in the Presbyterian Church Sunday morn ing when the service flag was de mobilized in honor of the boys of the church who were in service overseas. Jacob Embick will move from the Heagy property in Swatara street to the Embick property in Royalton. Mr. and Mrs Frank Condran and daughter. Pearl Condran, have re turned home from a week's visit to relatives at Royersford. Milo Muto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Muto, of Lawrence street, was severely bitten on the left thigh by a dog owned by Joseph Pence, also of Lawrence street. Miss Delta Sutton, of New York City, is spending some time in town as the guest of M'ss Elia Young, North Union street. Mr. and Mrs J. P. Cranston and two children, who spent the week end in town as the guests of the lat ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brenner, North Union street, return ed to their home at Philadelphia. The Liberty Band rendered a con cert in the borough park yesterday afternoon. David Zorger has returned home IN MISERY FOR YEARS Mrs. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Oskaloosa. lowa.—"For years I was simply in misery from a weak and awful ' men who suffer, for it has done such good work for me and 1 know it will help others If they will give it a fair trial.": — Mrs. Lizzie Courtney. 108 Bth Ave.. West Oskaloosa, lowa. Why will women drag along from day to day. year in and year out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this are continually being pubished. Every woman who suffers from dis placements. irregularities, inflamma tion, ulceration, backache, nervous ness, or who is passing through the Change of Life should gl"e this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass. The result of its long experience is at your servic*. from a weekend visit to his son, Charles Zorger, at Altoona. John Weirich, of Cleveland, Ohio, is spending some time in town as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weirich, Pike street. Albert Durbendorf, who spent the weekend in town, returned to his '■ home at Wilmington, Del. John Hippie, of Chester, returned to his home after spending the weekend in town with relatives. D. H. Palmer, wife and son, Dan iel, and daughter, Martha, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mansberger and son, i have returned home front a several ! "days' automobile trip to Waynes- ! boro, York and Winchester, Va. Claude Laubenstein has returned J home from a weekend visit to rel- I atives at Shamokin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bark, who spent j the past week in town with rela- j tives, returned to their home at 1 Elyria, Ohio. Miss Beulah Bailey has returned | home from a two weeks' visit to rel- ; atives at New York City. The Missionary Society of St. i Peter's Lutheran Church will picnic ' in Hoffer's Park, Thursday, July 15. j The preparatory service of St. Peter's Lutheran Churcli will be ' held on Wednesday evening and ; Holy Communion next Sunday j morning and evening. The Beginners' department of the i St. Peter Lutheran Church will play games in the borough park Satur day afternoon, July 12. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. John Grove, West Main street, Thursday evening. The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Brethren Church will meet at the home of Mrs. John Beck, Tuesday evening. The leaders will be Mrs. William Wagner and Mrs. B. E. Ulmer. The School Board will meet in special session this evening for re- 3&k .. US Doctors Prescribe fjfl Clows-dale Jt GINGER ALfc jPJjija it's beneficial for the sick, fine for con- ■///////■/I lllillmnlH valescents and healthful for those hearty and well. It's considered more than a good ginger ale because it has actual rood J " - J A | value and tonic properties for the stomach lAVfirfla 1 —it will "agree" with you at any hour. u CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE is made • BOTTU , with pure undiluted mineral water from STUIUKO the famous Cloverdale Springs at New ville, Pa., Genuine Jamaica Ginger lf.yflf (not red pepper), limes and lemons, and cane sugar syrup. Best of all -CLOVER- HIGHLY' CARBONATED J I DALE has "snap and fizz," but || 2i2!H£ "Hl* (ENUINE JAMAICA HMI I -' || _ I**"'"*. AND PUNA TRUE EMIT ~ _ . * A ■ WEETENEO WITH PUNEET CANE WSAN ITNVE •( fx fl - ---- 'M. o.' ""•m* EWE CUNERDAIE MINERAL WATER It Doesn t Bite Order a Case Sen t Home Today—Serve Cold BALTVMHE'MCUSXV The way to set the utmost benefit out of this superior, | really-beneficial beverage is to drink a bottle every day. Always serve COLD but DO NOT PUT ICE IN THE CLASS if you want to retain the original flavor. B I Each Bottle Contains 2 Full-Sized Glasses \ B _ Copyrighted 1019. by Cloverdale Bering Co. JULY 7, 1919. organization. The retiring secretary | will be N. C. Fuhrman and retiring treasurer will be W. Scott Sides. Walter Conrad, who spent eleven months overseas and recently re turned was mustered out of serv ice at Camp Dix, N. J., and returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Conrad, of Royalton. W. J. Roop has returned home from Keyser, W. Va., whera. he at tended the annual convention of the i Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fire i men's Association, he being vlce i president of the association. [ Mrs. C. Wardough, of Baltimore, | Md., is spending the week end in i town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. j Philip Ettele, Ann street. Leonard Hippie and son, of Phil j adelphia, are epending some time in i town with relatives. ! Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hogenbach land three children, of Indianapolis, j lnd., are spending some time in town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry j Miller, North Union street, making ] the trip by automobile. I The Middletown Praying Band will meet at the home of Mr. and , Mrs. Thomas Williams, Keystone j avenue, this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Walter Fisher, ' Thomas Jordan ; and C. K. Schiefer are camping on Hill Island for a week. Edward Sheets, a patient at the General Army Hospital, Carlisle, is spending several days in Royalton, with relatives. Several members of the Star of Bethlehem Lodge, No. 45, Shep herds of Bethlehem, will pay a visit to a sister lodge at Lebanon, on Monday evening, and will be taken over in the trucks of A. L. Cobaugh and A. H. Luckenbill. James Russell, who spent the past year overseas, has been muster- Ed out of service at Camp Dix, N. J. and returned to town. Make Your Own Coffee at the Table You Need Not Bother With a Coffee Pot How muoh more convenient It would be if you could make coffee right at the table. Think of the time Rained, the steps saved, the ex tra bother and fuss eliminated! All this is possible —• if you use Hires Instant Soluble Coffee. This was iirst made for our soldiers in France, who required good coffee that could be easily made. And so thoroughly did Hires Instant Soluble Coffee meet every requirement, 66 2-3 per cent, of all the coffee contracted for by the American Army, in the trenches, was Hires. We could not supply more because our facilities would not permit. Hires Instant Soluble Coffee is the dried pure juice of carefully selected coffee beans of Java and Mocha blend. This clear, aromatic juice is merely converted into a powdered soluble form. The minute you add hot water you have your coffee as origin ally made, and if you prefer your coffee iced you can have it, for Hires Instant Soluble Coffee dissolves in- , stantly in ice water. And Hires Instant Soluble Coffee is the corfcentrated Juice of the coffee bean, for by an exclusive process twice as much juice is taken from the coffee bean as is secured by the use of the coffee pot or percolator. Because Hires Instant Soluble Cof- . fee is so easy to make you can make it right at the table, or can have a clear, fragrant cup any hour of the day or night. A small can of Hires Instant Soluble Coffee is equivalent to a pound of the best Mocha and Java coffee. The low price is due to the fact that with our exclusive pro cess we extract 100 per cent, more juice from the bean than you can in making coffee in the old way. Get I it at all stores. 7