Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 07, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
6 State Street Classes in First Union Picnic Classes Nos. 22 and 2 3 of the State Stret United Brethren Church held their first annual union picnic at Hershey Park on July 4 with great success. The day, spent in various amusements, was much en joyed by every one even though the thermometer yras soaring. Those present were: The Misses Mary Vandyke, Mae Rowe, Marie Gerhart. Helen Parkins, Helen Det tling. Ruth Potteiger. Ruth Kepler. Emily Miller. Ruth Goudy. Cath erine Freeburn. Araminta Seidler, Kathryn Lingle, Sarah Lingle, Mabel Davies, Gwynn Davies. Wil liam Blott, George Cain, George Lynn. Albert Parfet. Charles Cessna, Harry Shultz, Lester Allison. John Lingle. Mr. and Mrs D. H. Lingle, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Edmond son. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Reel, 119 North Third street, have returned from a three weeks' visit with their son. George Kunkel Reel, in De troit. , „. Miss Marvland Gourley and Miss Nellie Gourley, of Washington, are spending their vacation with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gour ley, 224 North street. t- —*•: Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If it has to do with Flowers or anything the" "grows," consult us— THE BERRYHILL Locust Street at Second j j Come On In the Water j Is Fine I' Shower and a Swim in the Pool | For the Summer Months. 50c i WOMEN'S DAY—Mondays, i 10 A. M. to 9P. M. j Open All Night For Men j jPENN-HARRIS TURKISH BATHS j Russ Building I ' ' ' ' ******* 11th Annual Summer Session Harrisburg Academy July 7-Aug. 15 Open to Boys and Girls For students planning to enter High School or College in September who need additional courses. Individual Instruction (No big classes) In charge of Masters with years of experience. Call Harrisburg Academy Bell 1371-J. or HOWARD R. OMWAKE Bell 2325-W. Which is Cheaper— - • : To Buy or to Make? q A Not long ago a friend of mine fell into • |j conversation with a manufacturer of 0 () dress forms. ! A 'A "How is business?" inquired my acquaint- '• .y ance. 0 0 "\ ery poor, was the reply. "It has been A • steadily dwindling for the past ten years. , , v Jhe reason is that pretty apparel is sold 0 q so cheaply nowadays that women find it a A • better investment "to buy than to make." ; 0 Most women have awakened to this fact. 0 A The manufacturer of women's apparel i , possesses several advantages over the 0 woman who buys her material and makes Q : her own clothes. He buys in larger I y quantities hence at a much lower price. ; n He manufactures in quantity utilizing 0 • power machinery hence saves time. , X 0 Doesn't it stand to reason that he can de- 1 ; A liver a more satisfactory garment at a 0 • lower price? • 0 Fifty years ago all women had their shoes 5 A custom made. Today they buy ready- 0 • made footwear. They secure a better : 0 article at a lower price. The same applies A to apparel. But not all women have yet 0 ; realized it. If your own time is worth • 0 anything to you, it's a poor investment to y A make rather than to buy. Whether or Q X not you buy here—buy anyway. It's the • 0 modern —the better—way. [0 j 1 I •I " foorlljfo/JM q f Thi store is open all day Thurs- I / A day. Closes Saturdays at one f I J J \ I o'dlock during summer months, f V J MONDAY EVENING, Former Central Teacher Weds Millersburg Girl The marriage of Mise Mary E. Polk, of 24 9 Moore street. Millers burg, to Dr. Warren L. Kauffman. of Yonkers, N. Y„ was solemnized at the home of the bride Friday morning, July 4. The Rev. Dr. W. C. Skeath, of the Saloam Methodist Church, West Philadelphia, offici ated. Following the wedding break fast, Dr. und Mrs. Kauffman left for a wedding journey to Niagara Falls, Toronto and I-ake Chautau qua. They will spend the rost of the summer at Millersburg till tile time for the opening of the Yonkers schools. Dr. Kauffman, who wus formerly an instructor in the Central High school of this city, has for the past twenty pears been principal of one of the Yonkers schools. Lieut Witman to Marry a State College Girl Miss May McMann. of State College, Pa., entertained at a luncheon in honor of Miss Margaret Howland, of Altoona. Twelve cupids marked the places of Miss McMann's guests. In the course of the luncheon the en gagement of Miss McMann to Lieut. F. N. Witman. of Steelton. was an nounced. Miss McMann is a graduate of In diana State formal School, and a teacher in the public schools of State College. Lieutenant Witman is a graduate of State College, now sta tioned at Camp Meade, Md., with a construction division. No date has been set for the wed ding. POWERS-I,<)\YREY BRIDAL PottsviUe. July 7.—The Rev. Dr. James F. Powers, rector emeritus, presided at the marriage of his son,. James F. Powers, a State forester, to Miss Lulu F. Lowrey, of Harris burg. The ceremony was performed at the rectory. Captain Frank E. Powers, brother of the groom, was the best man. and Miss Loraine Richards, daughter of President W. J. Richards, of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, was bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Pow ers will make their residence at Promised Land Lake. Paradise Val ley. in the Poconos, where Mr. Pow ers has charge for the State of an 11.000-acre tract, including a beau tiful lake. The nearest station is Cresco, fifteen miles away. SniMKRS IX COIXTRARO Albert Rinkenbach. of 216 Fors ter street, a sophomore of tSate Col lege. has gone to Rocky Ford. Colo rado. to spend the summer with his brother, Edw. rd L. Rinkenbach, .Tr. Edward Rinkenbach is manager for H. J. Heinz Co., for the southern district of Colorado, which is given over entirely to the producing and cultivating of the famous Heinz pickles. Mr. and Mrs. John Heathcote, of Bellevue Road, are home after an automobile trip to Cape May and other resorts of the Jersey coast. Walter Haverhill, of Pittsburg?!, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Thomas, of Green street. Mr. and Mrs. John Fox Weiss, Front an<j Liberty streets, and Dr. and Mrs. William E. Wright. 204 State street, motored to Bedford Springs for the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. John DeGray with their sons. Julian DeGray and Rich arv DeGray, 2325 North Third street, are spending a few days in Mt. Gretna. /■ ■■ <"'■ ■ ' ■ Dinner Monday Evening. July 7 St ouf f er's Restaurant 4 X. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50c Vfßftnble Soup Beef Steak—Home Gravy—Cold Tonciif Beef Croquette*—Ron* t Beef >!anhed or Browned Potatoes Lima Benn*—Stewed Corn—Snlad lee Cream, Pie or Faridinjg Col Tee, Tea or Coeoa ■■ l ■ ■ n INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS INVALIDED MEN GIVEN A PICNIC Brought From Carlisle Gen eral Hospital For Outing in Reservoir Park I One of the most delightful ways [of entertaining men from the Gen- 1 eral Army Hospital at Carlisle was! | the picnic given Saturday in Reser-1 : voir Park by the following people: | Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Martin. Miss; j Sara Martin, Miss Hazel Martin. | i Miss Kathryn Haselet, Mechanics-; | burg: Miss Rosa Santee. Miss Villa !R. Zerbe, Miss Mary C. Cressman, I Miss Elizabeth L. Swilkey, Miss V. , Opal McCuns, Miss Fannie C. Mul len, Miss Edith Mullen and Miss | Gertrude Adams, Mrs. J. A. Adams and Mrs. J. D. Dubs. : The hours were happily spent with ithe park amusements, augmented by , a peanut contest and a needle game, j Supper was served under the trees | and afterwar da box was made up for the so'.diers in the hospital, con taining eighteen boxes of candy, two large cakes, three dozen bananas, jellies and preserves. A 1 K. Thomas kindly loaned his automobile to help in the transpor tation and the following people made special contributions to the picnic: Miss Emma Sunday. Miss Frances Spong. Greek-American Company, Sweetland Shop, the Palace, the Sweet Shop. J. I,.'Lampas, C. T. j Lampas. Mrs. Levan, Mrs. Mullen, .j Among the Guests Among the guests were Lieutenant ! Chester O. Ensign. Defiance. Ohio: j L'eyd Hummcll, Morrtsdale: Am-1 mon Peyslier. Carlisle: J. Ray I Smith. Spring Mills: William Stauf fer. Willow Grove: Emil Relhl, Waterbury, Conn.: Michael Kall-| felz. Reynoldsville: Fred Reading: Joseph Hortsee, Marshall-' town, Iowa; I-awrence Meeker. Troy, I Pa.: David Foulke. Louisville, Ky.:| Walter Muller, Milwaukee, Wis.; I John Reilly, Cleveland, Ohio; Elmer Majors. Charleroi: James H. Chris-1 tiah. Newark. N. J.: Milfred B. Ben-; nehoaf, Clearfield; William L. Alex-j ander. Derby: Bay E. Trton. Mount! Carmel: Clyde F. StaufTer. Willow! Grove: William G. Meyers. Philadel-1 phia; Claude L. Zwiehell. Philadel-1 phia: B. W. Hart. York; Joseph j Wliitnieyer, Reading, Pa.; John! Hoover. Allentown: John Zaborow-! ski. Carnegie: Felix Shinks. Coal-j dale: Ray W. Persun, Allenwood:! James Hay Dußois; John M. Mc- Laughlin. Munhall; Rufus Shellen berger. York: Leonard 1... Wettrid. | Cleveland: Mike Lorano. Vanderbilt. | Pa.; Samuel Laur, Willow Grove:) George Driestda, Pittsburgh: Nor-| man H. Kuneman, Cincinnati; Peteri Riefer. Houtzdale: Ray Eakius, Al ; lemans: Ray Bunke. Catasauqua; Walter Mullin, Cleve'and: R. E. Ma-1 thias. Marion. Ohio, and William! Hilston. Akron. Ohio. Birthday Anniversary Is Merrily Celebrated Mrs. J. B. Lutz entertained in honor! of her husband on his 58th birthday f anniversary, at the home of Mrs. K. j C. Sturtevant. 3107 North Fourth' street. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. j J. Morris, Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs J. Warren Stalley, Liverpool; and i Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sturtevant, Luck now; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gutshall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and daughter Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reasor and Mrs. William Lutz and sons Edward daughter Elizabeth Ann; Mr. and j and Marford; Mrs. Selma Klaiss and! daughters Margaret and Thelma; Mrs. j Margaret Corpman, Mrs. Emma ! Crook, Mrs. Tressa Fitzgerald. Mrs. W. J. Long and Russel Lutz. TOTRED NEW ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kellogg, ! I 900 North Sixteenth street, have re turned after a two weeks' motor trip' through New England. Mr. Kellogg attended a fertilizer convention at ( the Griswold Hotel. New London, and j from there they journeyed to Am herst. Mass., where they visited Mr. j Kellogg's mother. Mrs. Harriet Kel logg. Returning they stopped at; Springfield, Mass., visiting other rela tives. Mrs. Charles Todd and Mrs." W. i B. Steinmetz, Washington Heights, ! spent several days at Alabama cot- I tage, Tuscarora. Richard Elbridge went home to Chicago this morning after a ten ! days' stay among relaives in this 1 vicinity. Miss Grace Jaeoby, of Altoona. is | visiting Miss Ruth Marks, at the .Commercial Apartments, North Third street. Miss Mary Kling. of 1429 Swatara street, is spending the summer with Miss Klummer in Philadelphia. George W. Follensbee. of Roches ter, N. Y„ is stopping for a few days with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward James, of Green street. Miss Ruth Young and Miss Mari etta Young went home to Catskill. ; N. Y., this morning aper a brief visit among relatives in this vicinity. Having recently returned from the j Army, I will resume practice at I 321 Market Street, over Kennedy's j Medicine Store, about July 1. H. C. SPRAGG. Dentist. El Ever.y 1 Married 9 Man gfq .Should Help With ■ The Was bin# You would tlirn know what a hard worker your wife has been. SET HER FREE | The Voss Electric Will do it and save money. TEN KINDS i EASY PAYMENTS Neidig Bros. 21 South Second Street V ' f < KJIXUUdBURG TELEGRAPH | The Berkley-Judson Wedding in Georgia Announcements have been re ceived here of the marriage of Miss Edith Judson, of Atlanta, Ga., to Howard Lcroux Berkley, of this city, Saturday, June 28, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John C. Baldwin, Jr., Boulevard Park, At lanta, Ga. In the wedding party were John C. Baldwin, who gave the bride in marriage; Mrs. Baldwin as ma. 1 tron of honor for her sister; Miss j Dorothy Dillon as maid of honor, i Hudson Mcintosh, of Pensacola, | Florida, ring bearer; the Misses Mary James and Catherine Humphries as keepers of the wedding book, and I Allen Floyd, of New York City, a former Hurr'sburger. the best man. Mr. and Mrs. Berkley came by boat from Charleston, S. C„ to New York, and are now residing in South Bowman avenue. Camp Hill. Mrs. Berkley is a graduate of the Atlanta High school and of Elizabeth Mather College, Atlanta. Mr. Berk ley. who was commissioned captain, U. S. A„ during the late war, is a graduate or Central High school and of Pennsylvania State College.' He is connected with the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company. Old Musician Celebrates His Birthday Tomorrow j Herman Neumeyer, 320 Peffer street, one of Harrisburg's oldest citizens, will celebrate his seventy l eighth birthday anniversary to ; morrow. Mr. Neumeyer came to j Harrisburgr in 1865, taking up mu sic as a profession, and in 1 875 or gantzed the State Capital Rand No. 12. Mr. Neumeyer is now in failing health, hut he will he pleased to ! have his friends come to see him to ' morrow. Miss Vaughn's Guests Give Informal Dance I Miss Marguerite Mitchell, Freder- | | ick, Md., and Miss Rose Daugh- ' erty, Chester, Pa., who are guests ' ; of Miss Margaret Vaughn and Miss i Mary Carroll, were 'guests of honor ; 'at an informal dance given at ; | "Vaughn Villa," Thursday evening. : Those present with Miss Mitchell ] and Miss Daugherty were Miss j i fa rail Maloney. Miss Mary Carroll,; j Miss Mary Herbert, Miss Antoinette ! Sariano, Miss Margaret Vaughn, j i Mrs. A. C. Delone, James Sweeney, j : Joseph Maher, Edward Daugherty, | Leo Delone, J. Brown, Eugene Mc ! Donald. Lieutenant Geiger, C. A. De i lone, C. Albert. | Paul B. Fredericks, of Cincinnati. • Ohio, has returned home after a visit of a few days at the home of Miss I Anna Cooper, "Hillside," New Cnm- I berland. i The Misses Anna ano Beatrice Ba ! con and Miss Dorothy Bennett, of j Philadelphia, were guests of the "Pilgrim" cottage, Mt. Gretna, for j several days. Miss Mary Kinzer, 2127 North Sec j ond street, is home after a visit with I her sister, Mrs. George Butterworth. j in Minatola. | Miss Kate Becker, who was visiting ! her niece. Mrs. F. W. Green, 624 j North Seventeenth street, has re | turned to her home In Wilkes-Barre. i The Misses Esther and Emily Jean : are spending the summer months at i a girls' camp near the northern bord ' er of the State. j Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Green and son. | Fritz, Jr., Teave to-morrow for At i lantic City. They will register at | the Blaekstone. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. P. Hoover and family are to be in Atlantic City ' for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Specht, of Roa noke. Va., are spending two weeks ! with Mrs. Speeht's niece. Mrs. W. L. Fritz. 2701 North Sixth street. Mrs. Mary Carpenter, of Geneva, X. Y., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Carmody, at 1706 North Third street. Mrs. Donald Book, of Newport. | and Miss Catherine Tressler, of New i Bloomfield, are guests of Mr. and j Mrs. W. L. Fritz, North Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Musser, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stevens, |of Washington Heights, spent -the i weekend on an automobile trip to ■ State College. Miss Esther Rogers went home to | Philadelphia this morning after a | brief visit with her aunt, Mrs. Martin I W, lusher, of Penn street. Allen B. Jackson, of Kensington, I spent the past several days among relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Linton, | °f 1005 North Second street, came ! home to-day after a pleasure trip to j Cape May, by automobile. : Mr. and Mrs. James Hartwick and children. Mary, Emma and Grace Hartwick, of Chicago, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Elsie Dunn and Miss Mary F. Dunn went home to Chattanooga, | Tenn., last evening after a fornight's visit among relatives in this vicin ity. Miss Clara V. Mehaney, of the Donaldson, and Miss Clara A. Me haney. of 223 South Thirteenth street, are visiting relatives on the ! Eastern Shore of Maryland. Miss Alice Marie Decevee is home | after visiting Miss Thompson, in p Williamstown. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Menger, of Pittsburgh are guests of their broth er. Charles V. Menger and family, of Market street. Mrs. Cora Ewlng Harr and Miss Sara Harr. 1 738 North Sixth street, are visiting in Altoona. Miss Rose Marie Dougherty, of Chester, is visiting Miss Mary Carroll, at 1709 North Third street. Attorney Horace G. Durbin and i family, of Chester, motored here from New Kensington to spend the weekend with his mother, Mrs. James C. Durbin, of North Sixth street, who returned home with them for a little visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bent L. Weaver and Conrad Orth, of Wilkes-Barre, who |motored here for the Fourth are now : taking a trip through the Cumber j land Valley. LAn announcement under title heading mutt be accompanied bp name to ate aecuracy. ] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spoonor, of 3219 North Front street, announce the birth of a son, Friday. July 4 t 1919. at the Harrisburg Hospital! Mrs. Spooner was formerly Miss Hel en Oenslager of this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eugene Rehkugler, of Penbrook, announce the birth of a son. Lloyd Warren Rehkugler, i Thursday, June 26, 1919. Mrs. Reh j kugler was formerly Miss Elsie Mae I Ross, of Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. George Howard Thompson, of Pittsburgh, announce the birth of a daughter. Helen Eliza beth Thompson, Saturday, July 5, 1919. Mr and Mrs. Thompson were former Harrisburgera. removing to the Smoky City a year ago. PORCH PARTY AT COUNTRY PLACE Miss Miriam Cocklin Enter tains Young ilirls in Honor of Maryland Visitor Some of the younger girls of the city who are friends of Miss Miriam Cocklin had the pleasure of meeting Miss Frances Smith, of Walkers ville, Md., who is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cocklin, Heckton. Saturday afternoon's event was most informal, the girls enjoying various out-of-door diversions and refreshments on the porch. The party included: Miss Smith, Miss Judith Lee Dismukes, Miss Annette Steele, Miss Edith Thomp son, Miss Dorothy Hurlock, Miss | Elizabeth Zeiglqr, Miss Mary Hawes, Miss Louise Plank, Miss Elizabeth Leib and Miss Florence Cocklin. The School of Spanish Has Summer Lectures The first of a series of summer lectures will be held this evening at the School of Spanish, Second and State streets, with Mrs. Mclvin Menges, the principal, speaking on "The Art of Learning" as a sub topic of the general theme, "The Psychology of the Mastery of Mod ern Languages." Every Monday evening this subject will be con tinued and Thursday evening a lec ture will be given in Spanish. Miss Katharine Mundorf, of -York, is visiting Mrs. Miles Neidig, at West Fairview. Miss Dorothy Black of the State Library, is spending a vacation at Wildwood, N. J. Mrs. John C. Stine. of the Reynard Apartments, has returned after a trip to New Hope, Pa. Mrs. B. J. Plance and Miss Serror Plance, who were visiting Mrs. L. Dougherty, 1812 Susquehanna street, have returned to their homes in Ma gan, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. .A. V. MeCauley, 17 South Nineteenth street have opened their cottage at Mt. Gretna for the summer. Miss Elizabeth Lloyd 692 North Seventeenth street, has returned af ter a short visit in Ebensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H, Suitings, 2141 Penn street, spent the weekend at Mt. Gretna, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shriner, of Lancaster. Miss Marie Melville was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Shrtner, of Lan caster, over the Fourth. Many Attractive GINGHAM DRESSES Trimmed in Various Styles Sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 Specially Priced for the week Dainty, beautiful, cool Voile and Organdie Summer Dresses ; Mary Elizabeth Shop 109 N. Second St. ! — : f= . ~a Visiting the Shops With Adeie BY ADEI.K In the early part of the last cen tury a complete set of beautiful girandole graced the mantel of a certain Front street mansion. There, from their point of vantage, they looked down on many a gorgeous scene and stately gathering. To day the same unbroken set stands in Saltzgiver's, 223 North Second street, waiting to be purchased by some appreciative lover of the an tique. An air of romance and of by-gone days hovers around it. And, as one gazes at the brass standards cast in the shape of Romeo and Juliet; the marble bases and the sparkling prisms, one can not help but feel the force of the statement that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever." Do you know where you can buy frocks, for small folks, designed to whisk through ajl the impulsive whims and moods of an active day? And do you know where you can purchase dainty dresses calculated to transform little girls into be witching fairies? Well. I do, and I'm going to tell you. The Art and Gift Shop. 105 North Second street, is showing a line of attractive gar ments of lawn, pique, rep and dim ity, all designed with utmost care. One model of white pique is partic ularly fetching. An embroidered design of blue suggests a belt, while the pockets, neck and armholes are outlined in the same shade. It has a daintv guimpe of lawn and the whole effect Is most satisfactory, to say the least. . A fashion as lovely as It Is neces sary is the separate skirt of silver ette, tricolette, fnntasi or Georgette crepe. During the summer weather one may look cool and feel cool, too, when wearing a sheer waist with a skirt of lustrous fabric. And such lovely models as are on dis play at the Cloos shop! A variety of styles and materials, each pos sessing some originality that makes it most desirable, hang upon the racks. . One skirt of particularly striking design fairly cries out for admiration. The body Is of white tricolette, but a cuff of black trico tine c'lngs to the hem without rhyme or reason, striking a distinc tive npte. Nfcrrow pipings of black outline the pockets, adding Just the touch necessary to make it "dif ferent." Surely, milady could not go wrong in adding it to her v#. tlon wardrobe. , Entertain Local Folks at Perry County Cottage Among the Harrisburg people who j were happily entertained over the I r ourth at the Flls de Reste cot- | tago, Crow's handing. Perry county, ! were the following: Mr. and Mrs. I Harry L. Weirlck and sons. Max and Park Weirlck. Mr. and Mrs. j George W. Shultz and sonß, Newton i and Calvin Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. B. ! F. Sunday und Albert Sunday, Mrs. j H. H. ewis, Paul Lewis, Mrs. Har- | riet Ensmtnger, Frank Ensmingcr, | Mrs. William Rickert, Miss Jean Hardy. Miss Kathryn Bolton and | Miss Etta Mengle. GOVERNOR AT WHITE SULPHUR Many prominent people of the 1 country are enjoying the season at j the White Sulphur Springs. West Virginia. The Governor and Mrs. | William Oimeron Sproul, with their ; daughter, Mrs. Jane Sproul Klaer, i have taken a cottage in Second Vlr- I ginia Row for the month of July : and will entertain many friends ' durng their stay. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoll and fam- ' lly, of Wilmington, Del., are visiting ! Mr. and Mrs. John Traver, at 356 j Crescent street. Frank Payne, of Front and ' Muench streets, enjoyed the past week at the Greenbrier. White Sul phur Springs. Va. Miss Louise B. Steinmetz, of Washington Heights ,is attending a missionary conference at Wilson College this week. Miss Kathryn Haselet has return ed home to Mcchanicsburg after spending the weekend with Miss Hazel Martin, at 2 7 Evergreen street. Miss Emma Reel, of 143 5 Berry hill street, and Miss Helen Stroh, of 806 South Cameron street, are spending a week with friends in Bal timore. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harding, Mr. and Mrs. James Finn and daughter, of Geneva, N. Y„ were re cent guests of Mrs. J. F. Carpenter at 2124 North Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Claybaugh Todd, of 1007 North Front street, are home after an automobile trip to Pittsburgh, where they visited old friends. Charles Israel, of Scranton, is spending a few days among old friends in the city. Miss Helen Rauch, a United States student nurse of Camp Taylor, is spending a furlough with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Rauch, 120 South street. Mrs. W, G. Hean. 1717 North Sec ond street, is spending several weeks in Pittsburgh with her daughter, Mrs. Walter A Dearth. W. G. Heans was with them over the Fourth. >~< Still Better Service Appointments at your convenience. We've found many people from time to time who can not get into our office during our regular hours. Therefore, we announce, that we will make an appointment to be in attendance at such times as you desire us to be. A phone call or post card will be sufficient. We are open daily from 9 A. M. until 5.30 P. M. and on Wednesday and Saturday eve nings until 9 P. M. There will be no charge as * usual for, an examination made any time you desire. Eyes Examined Free No Drops Used, RUBIN & RUBIN 320 Market St. Over the Hub. Hell Phone 426-J Established IS Years Open Wed. and Snt. Evenings Between the Globe and Hub Have you seen the Doutrich win dows? You simply can't afford to miss them. A display of silk shirts, most unusual in character, is there for you to witness. Ten thousand dollars' worth are being displayed in one window alone, all marvels of style and quality, each bearing a genuine reduction. This event, to continue for two weeks, affords a rare opportunity for men in every walk of life to procure silk shirts of the highest grade at a nominal fig ure. No one has been forgotten. There are shirts of every descrip tion and sort—shirts for the work ing man, shirts for the professional man. shirts for every man. Don't let another day elapse without join ing the great throng of eager shop pers who are visiting the Doutrich store. I paid my dressmaker a visit re cently and one little frock on which she was working attracted my at tention. The material was beauti ful and on inquiry I learned that it had been purchased at Miss Swope's French Shop, 208 North Third street, where, I was told, many at tractive wash materials are on dis play. Since "seeing Is believing," I determined to make a personal In vestigation. And such lovely fab rics as I found! Zephyr ginghams, voiles and organdies are there, all of dainty pattern and alluring shade. And for those of us who believe in sensible spending the prices are Just right, ranging from sity-five cents to a dollar. Miss Swope also carries colored handker chiefs to harmonize. Have you tried purchasing your cakes and various other little dain ties at Weaver's Confectionery Store. 29 North Second street? It's the best plan ever. Particularly these hot summer dajfs, when one has the right to blanche at the mere thSught of baking. It Is rather a foregone conclusion that the less time spent In an overheated kitchen during this wilting weather, the bet ter. And why should any house wife sentence herself to such a fate, when Weaver's are ready to relieve her of the task? A large variety of delicious cakes and pastries, includ ing jellydrops, ladylocks. kisses, cup cakes. French pastry and lemon squares, fills their cases. "A word to the wise is sufficient." JULY 7, 1919. DO YOU ICE YOUR REFRIGERATOR MORE THAN TWICE A WEEK Our customers who have bought BELDING HALL "NOTASEME" STONE REFRIGERATORS marvel at the ECONOMY of these wonderful Ice-Savers. Keep Your Food Ice-Cold—Cut Your Ice Bills \ Tr c . a JV r K _ P. ace - Enameled Refrigeratqr, 31x18; - ivvr ca . , . 42 inches high. 6 walls including 5 7?. OODEN the inner wooden wall peculiar to W ALL. the Belding-Hall fIJO 7 C A 6—Seamless Stone. Refrigerator / •Ovl (Note the smooth Same model with seamless stone round corners). lining 7^ Every Belding-Hall "Notasemc" <PO I • I U Refrigerator is guaran- Belding-Hall Ice Chests; all sizes teed to give SATIS- in stock fI!Q QQ U P FACTORY Service. t/.t/O Detroit Vapor Oil Ranges "Burns Like Gas" Operate on Kerosene Oil at a cost of about 85 cents per month NO WICKS OR WICK SUBSTITUTE Burners are made of Cast Iron and are Guaranteed for 5 Years WHEN YOU SEE A VAPOR STOVE YOU WILL THINK IT IS A GAS STOVE On Demonstration Daily in Our Harrisburg or Carlisle Store or at any Authorized Vapor Stove Dealers. OVER 500 SOLD TO SATISFIED USERS SINCE JANUARY 10TH "STERLING" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE & REVERSIBLE, SWINGING WRINGER "The only machine that rubs the clothes like hand" Revolving Tub RUBS clothes weighted wooden disc. It actually RUBS clothes until they are clean. Large collapsible steel bench accommodates the THREE TUBS AND FINAL CLOTHES BASKET. NO STOOPING NO LIFTING NO LABOR THE MACHINE DOES THE WORK AND DOES IT RIGHT Authorized Sales and Service Dept. i HOOVER FURNITURE CO. JL% Harrisburg Carlisle 1415-19 N. 2nd St. 23 W. Main St. \