Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 07, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    Build Monuments to
Commemorate Work of
Yanks in Argonne
By Associated Press.
Verdon July 7.—Monuments to com
memorate the achievements of the
AyLr/JZA%A/V f & %
Sale Starts Tomorrow Morning v Ovv O Sale Starts Tomorrow Morning 1 I
Store Closed All Day Today To Prepare A(3 QjTV OQ Zq D° ors Open Tomorrow Morning at 9® 1
Wonderful Clean Sweep Specials in the Big Bargain Basement!
"rt-irls. Set, ™ # Copper Tea Kettles, wj
\jgg O'Cedar M°p a nd Thousands of Yds. White Goods in the Clean Sweep Sale If|sSSil Extra Values
VM Oil at Cut-Rate Tir , . , . . Mjjrfl In Soaps 1
W Prices White Dress Goods I Hrt.. p_ h Long Cloths & Nainsook E 7 P ST.S so. P , , 1 f
vr I A wv.it on , _ _ illlC A uUriLo Good grade, 30 Inches Long d IQB 8 cakes OJrC IL SS V
dm7sc O'Cedar Mop ...59c 39c whlt . vw „. Cl .„. Bww So 34 S.fs Pride L.u„dr, Soap, CA
r" 1 Good grade White Pajama Checks.OO r 36-ln. White Pajama Checks c ®- yard piece; 36 inches wide, for If e ** es '; ... s& A *95 gj #'
nr If * $1.25 O Cedar Mop (Battle- 36 Inches wide, yard Z9C yard, English Long Cloth, 36 inches wide; ex- White Floating Soap, f* _ f|||| f*
U \ QQ- 38 " ln - Whlt ® plaln Lawns tra good quality; *0 dQ Carpet Sveepers, IS ij
garaa ship) 98c J* 8 "*"-*'de fine grade White Pique In £2c 36-ln. White India Llnons 1- 10 yards for $2.09 ... c r"n ih [J
, 9<V OTpdar Polish - 19c remnant lenth - Yar <* , vin. nn ir fF /P Extra Fine Soft Finish English Long Wool Soap, for Bath,
y J „ U in !7-ln. wide White Pique Remnants, oe_ 36-ln. White Nainsook ■ cloth. 10 yards to a piece. $2 95 6 for cSifC H '
U -/ doc 0 Cedar Polish 39c all width cords, yard *JSC 27-ln. White Dimity Checks Hal" f0r.......... ........... P*.9D c . • ri ., n ,. p <, ifl
*>c |sl.oo O'Cedar Polish 89c | 39c *"'*= J j 52.95 H c.ns " I9c[ § g
SiSgj§ I Thousands of Yards of Wash Goods at Clean Sweep Prices I " 52 39 — Ijj
—v^derfuf' value, Colored Wash Fabrics—3Bl4 yards 1054 yards of Dress Ginghams; 27 917 yards Pink Nainsook for un- 611% yards of Fine Colored Vene- [hing'for & the bov'or 1 ' ''"so" || ' Hi 'i
nil t&'TX'l ''V : "i?a Clean Sweeo Price wDtOSf —4O-inch Dark Colored Voiles, neat inches wide; fancy plaid de- 10. derwear; 36 inches wide; good rem- tians for linings and Underskirts, all . , „ . , ' 59C I fTT( ( TTw | )Tfi?"i Sfll
i|s j Clean bMeep unce Georgette Patterns. Special >ftr BigrnS ' Clean Sweep Prlce ' yd " lengtb ' 25C 0 / 3 ' h ' shly merc ®rized. r K ,rl - Special | lil
$1.98 r—~— yard ~— >ard _
gj : 1154 yards of fine grade Light Per- 611 yards Striped Colored OB r M / !|
Tin Dish Pans, I Miiclinc Xickllltf 1837 yards of fancy plaid and stripe cales - 36 inches wide In good rem- Shirting, fine quality, yard .. JU Ginrham for Shirt^ I fiIJVPIQ OT '1
IS j=2=rrl ginghams, 32 inches wide. OQ\. nant lengths; Clean Sweep 1Q- Swf 7iJn 32mches iUWUO 1 ,
Si SMS Special, yard Price, yard 1C Remnants of fine grade Silk Pop- Llean Sweep Price. 24C „ b , r , 3' 3§ -
nrt/1 " ns: 36 inches wide; all colors, in J , Huck Towels, plain, wide. ||jjj ij
<lllll kjUCCllllg& good lengths. Clean Sweep CQ„ Clean Sweep Sale 15r '
fVj , 10 1° yar oi! ,°u hal ?£ s ? m , Plald 1264 yards of good grade Dark Per- Price, yard OI7C Price, each Si ,'j|
Id 2 f;} tSSpS&kI 36-inch Brown 1 Ginghams, 32 inches wide, wonderful cales, 36 inches wide, good remnant COO yards Striped and Plain Col- Good grade Huck Towels.
sft wßWri Muslin, yard i° r morning dresses. Clean OQ-, lengths. Clean Sweep Price, OA** 803 yards of Blue Bird Batiste, in ored Galatea for children's wear. Bed borders. Clean 1 7f* -- 5§S **"•
36-inch Unbleached 00. # Sweep Trice, yard yard .• A®tC delicate shades of blue and Clean Sweep Price, Sweep Price, each .. jj|l
|gl oe. M„.iin 22C pink. Clean Sweep Price, yd.. 057 C yard JJ7C Fine quality rod border Huck j_ I ">
K]l * 2243 yards of Fancy Dress Ging- Towels; size 18x36 ins. 22C yi
|[U Galvanized Tubs. 36-lnch Bleached 18r hams, in beautiful plaid and plain 649 yards Plisse Crepe for under- 400 yards of Black Sateen, 36 inches 754 yards Fine grade Figure Shal- Clcan Sweep Price .. j Hiil 1
Ct __! Muslin, yard patterns. Clean Sweep Price, 04 . wear, 27 inches wide; white, OQ_ wide; extra good quality. 49„ ii s , 36 inches wide in Plain \v hits Heavy Huck '*
iltfTi i 36-lnch Bleached OO- yard blue and pink, yard Clean Sweep Price, yard yard ' lI7C Towels; damask borders. 25c V-7
liM xr.,.tin 22C ______ ___ M.wT.v.n,/. Clean Sweep I'rice, each *' lA| 1
S Sh r^r" n, r 72x 90 Seamed Bleached Sheets 95c 42x36 Muslin Pillow Cases 29c STSETS. , 25c co,„-f .•
|U | remnants lengths, 25c Seamless Bleached Sheets $1.48 45x36 Muslin Pillow Cases 35c Towels. Pink only. 22c !
i 98c ya unbieached canton Fiannei 71x90 Seamless Bleached Sheets $1.59 45x36 Heavy Grade Pillow Cases 48c cle G Go a o n od W G°ra p de Pr Fa e ncy Turkish I] r
wj pottv irons, good heavy grade, 29c 81x90 Seamless Heavy Bleached Sheets ... $1.79 42x72 Bolster Cases 59c path Towels (lean 25c cITT'ThLS '
m - 81x90 Seamless Unbleached Sheets $1.69 42x72 Heavy Bolster Cases gQ " ImwJ It '
!$i Dish Pans Casseroles Aluminum Tea Kettle Galvanized Pails Bath Stools Water Sets Window Awnings h iLM i
1 Di fh Pan S Granite Rim 48c Nlckel-DUted. Good sl # 39 Aluminum Tea $2 .48 39c White enameled. SII Q Pitcher and six QO Good piain white duck window ffl f
£S D ' sh Fans B<z<) K'ttie quart alze Special JA.AJ glassea OC awnlngs . All Bizcs up *. Ag 148
1 $1.48 Windsor Kettles Cooking Set ClothesPins Cups and Saucers Clothes Drvers Wr ..i FiKr „ to 48 >n ! ®
h) . A,umtnum ' Good $ 1.69 Gurnsey ware, brown and 0 1 Cups and Saucers, white ryei*S \i 00l Fibre IvUg Double Si *
y|| Mexican Baskets, size v * whlfe; H pieces Clothes Pins, 100 24c p ° t rce,a,n ' 19c t E ' Eht " arm 25c 9x12 size. Extra $9 95 Child's Swing Aluminum,
ji Combinets for ............... —— - L! 11! 1! Fumed oak child's swing; , SfiJ !
il * ayiillfe White enameled. (i no Washßoiler Stepping Stools Wash Basin Toilet Paper Grass Rug compete to hang, 69c KM
v| Good size •l.sfo Copper Bottom Wash Boiler stepping Stools, ex- 1Q Sn^, h Baß ' n ' hCaVy 15c 8 big-rolls of good toilet OC_ 9x12 feet. Good pat- QC F' 11 \ %
® WSSB ftrong .. *2.95 tra strong, each 9i.lV Specla t paper for terns. Special 59.95 ~ ~ ( liM I
ISy Feather Pillows Water Glasses —— Rag Rug j nil *
CO - Good soft pillows, covered Dryer Water Glasses Water Glasses—heat'y water Cobbler Sets DOOr Mats Good heavy Hit-and-Miss v -J
with linen finish tick. JO Q6 Eight-arm and Qfin Water Glasses—thin Ofi r glasses—for general use. OQ- Shoe-making outfit Cocoa door no. Rag Rug, 27x54 CQ. Si
I) - Pair 2.95 elevatlng blown. < for 3gC 6 for 23C for ~ ? 98C mat , 98c lnche9 59C II
' KITCHEN B——m |§j
1 Table Linens At Sale Prices .AThi: Beds and Bedding in the Big Sale BedSnreads '
Table Damask. 58 inch Bleach- fl I ira strong and CtlilO j^"T Jsl 1
IS 1 ed Table Damask; good ACke* ~ * .. . . . II I well md White Enamel Beds' fTT, Brass Beds, handsome de- K/// WW
l|l patterns, yard 4i,C °° r °J? "If de Napklnß L for I " I ttneclaL all slzea tfll 111 118 BiSnS and qualitlcs ' Hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads /y/ f|J
Extra fine grade Table Damask dozen C 9fiO SII9S tO 519.95 tO Price . ~ Qg c '■[
111 highly mercerized, 64 6Qr 18x18 Inch Llnfield Mercer- 92.09 tJIAAs/*/ lIJ iUAAjriA _. J f\\ --- - _ I^4
Electric Irons, inches wide, yard "ized Napkins; hem- djl <JQ tS l\ S/.V 9S Eine grade Crochet Bed Si
j# med, dozen 09 4 j f~~i SIQ w ' Spreads, hemmed ready for use. lp °- Ics d®.
l 8 Fine Mercerized Table Damask Bureau and Drestfer Scarfs. ~ 017.75 | \\VJT' ijWJ Rpd Sprlng - Clcan Sweep $2 39 PL nJ) P
iS 64 inches wlde: beau " 7Q/ heavy mercerized; CQ- \//f Bcd s P r,n B s Price OA.O IggESS^lßjjy
■ %sdL i ~n" j// r^p*r7 , $6.95, $8.50 H „™c™,..,l :
P 70-inch wide Table Damask— Plain 48c 100 full size 30x74 Inch* Cots Special for Wednesday 7 full size and good quality. Clean
1 .'TO.sS $10.95 sy | :
I Men's Furnishings at Clean Sweep Prices Men's Suits at Clean Sweep Sale Prices 1
SS Men's Union Suits Men's Shirts Men's Dress Shirts A #
1 and Drawers Jg-,. ££ A Klfl* I tVAIIHC! A+ WlllTC! KOQ/IXT' i •
1 =' - 79 '; Dig ulUUph ill OUlto IVtJdUy
1 M ; ~ '" a
i] Men's Silk Hose ?wee P sale 70 Price "Sir • • _ _ ' ||3 j
S^ k s Suits Men s Suits Men's Suits Men's Suits /Ogk
>1 Sweep Sale Price .. Mfn'o AtVllofiz* Shirts, all new stripes and very - . _ /x V yP/^H I \ 4
nil ————— lVien S ivinieuc classy, all sizes 14 to 17. Clean /h $H A P it* f%r d* M AP d nr f A W/ImI I 4
Shirts and Drawers ST." $2.79 $.95 $41.95 $J A .95 $ 41.95 MM | j
b|j all sizes. 34 to 46. Clean Nainsook Shirt/ and were;
Men's Work Shirts AT M AT AT I §mL= iAT I // A\ )/ [
||l| Sweep Sale fljl 6Q great bargain. Clcan 66. Men's Blue and Khaki Work ni AM 111 H H I*l H W // t \\\ f 7fH
lg Price iP1.017 Sweep Sale Price ... . OOC Shirts, all sizes, 14 to 17. Extra JH Jk dH Jk tf J\V £&. Jvil •?
Kl # good quality. Clean 79c I -M ' >
[s Men S Athletic . Sweep Sale Price .... Every Men's and Toung Men's Su f t v *7 "*'^' Band n *.^, e !V Every Men's and Young Men's Tour choice of Men's and ,/ // //—,\ A\\ bl
1 Union Suits Boys' Union Suits Men's and Boys' SaS-Tii "JTi—SSt Pa "n b.X w^ds'anVca. 5 : suit m stock marked to 120.00. J' U " B M /r 8 T Markad tO ./,' / lk\ \\ i
V. Men's Athletic Union Suits v, . xiru-. DlkkJ . 0 ./ including real Palm Beacn suits. simeres. Clean Sweep Price, 835.00. Clean Sweep Pnce," /i f , R \ \\, §S {
|| .leeveless and knee lengthf ali airLize'sl Bathing SUItS Clean Sweep Sale Price, 87.95. 89.96. Clean Sweep Price. 814.95. 819.95. lUj fi\\ \ll H
sizes, 34 to 46. Clean fiQ r Clean Sweep Sale Men's and Boys' one or two- _ i I 4 \ \ V. " ?
Kl Sweep Sale Price Price °* C P| e f e Batbi , nK a " 81 4 e "' EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL • / *\i\ \ \\ jilji|
IU HM i ni • i plain and trimmed. Clean Qg c Trn „„. EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL ,(U'A/ V Is
Mens Shirts Sweep Sale Price .... ■ gx Mens Odd PanU; 32 to 42 waist measure; „ . , USPi -J* IA, KM
j Tl.oiiTni.c it* ) rv.n£,n CjL' X. ~ • rj worsted and khi-kl, belt belt loops, cuffs; Mens summer Coats. Mens Toyo Panama * V A 111 HI
j|j and Drawers Men s Dress Shirts Men s Bathing Suits loops . cuffß Clean French waist bands; pongee shade . AU Biieß Hata All sizea Clean \\ [ n Ji,
HU Men's Balbriggan and Mesh Men's new Summer Dress Men's good weight Bathing „ „ , - eHll!mr ri./n \\ 111' ("I '
Sw 3hirts and Drawers, short or Shirts, made of Percale and soft Suits, plain or trimmed, one or Sweep Sale djt /*/* a " a cass mere. Lleim to i 2. Clean d | f|f* Sweep Qfi \\ f M 1 Lin' gN
rfl long sleeve shirts, ankle length material; turn back cuff; full two-piece. all sizes. Clean !J N #vl * 1 ,UU Sweep Sale CJ # 95 Sweeo Sale ,I,UU p ri „„ 51.95 \\\ \\ W riCSI
H| Irawers. All sizes. Clean 45c ilze. Clean Sweep Sale 97c Sweep Saie $1.95 Ht \ W I I ' ' 1 1 1 I \\\ ,\ ' VI i
1 '£l.' £"%rTr;|s'£ p £i'- ur Boys ' Norfolk Suits at Clean Sweep Prices \'Ml i' 1 J
Sj iweep sale price, sweep sale price sweep sale price sale price, sale price. [ JUV Boys' Norfolk Suits . - Boys* Norfolk Suits n Boys' Norfolk Suits \ \ V Aft ft.' Kl
H ssc 24c 10c -9c 4*4 12ft
Hi —__( 1/ V 1 Price .77.?. ..T • ( ■ *' •£ Clea " Sweep f || 814.95 Clean Sweep ( J \\ \ rTJ
s|hb *34 VHHHii JH iai* ' it.™. / 18 Yeerm. - ' ' ! if)
Js MM BP® Bj H I Boys ' Bllp a {fc er Covcp - Brownie OTcralla Boys' Wash Salt* Boys' Khl-Kl Pants Si
K Q ■ B M TO I Made ° f Blue Cham * 6 years. Five dozen In The colors are blue, 75 pairs in this lot. A /' TOl
Bam ,r„.rj,.7nS rrrrs c„.n • 1 |
M m >l4;ld JI BKMBMkIaTTar 1.... 1, 39c 1 rr. : sl -°° I i:::: S9c
Americans in the battle of the
Argonne are being built, details of
the work being attended to by dif
ferent army units.
A series of copcrete monuments
adorned with German machine guns
and in some instances with German
helmets and rifles has been put up to
mark the front line of a division
advance or to tell of the capture of a
certain village by some regiment.
Most of the monuments are being
placed In prominent places near the
main roads, when possible, so that
they will serve as guide posts for
tourists visiting the scenes where the
Americans fought their greatest
battle on French soli.
To Open School For
Training of Waiters
London, July 7.—The dearth of good
English waiters has prompted the
Loyal British Walters' and Chefs So
ciety to open a school for the train
ing of boys in the trade. Applicants
will be admitted to classes where they
will hear lectures by famous cooks,
and where they will be educated in
languages and deportment. During
the war, waiters were largely 'dis
played by women who, through their
attractiveness and strict attention to
their work, bid fair to retain their
positions, making a higher Btandard
for the male attendant necessity.
To Exchange Bolsheivk
Admiral For British
Sailors in Russia
London, July 7.—British naval au
thorities are holdinf at Helslngfors
the Bolshevik "Admiral Raskellnkoff.
JULY 7, 1919.
to exchange him and his side aide
de- camp for twenty-two British sail- '
ora who have been prisoners in Rus- I
sia for some time. Raskellnkoff was |
captured when a Russian destroyer
was taken by the British awhile en
gaged In laying mines In the Baltic.
When the British first proposed his
exchange for twenty-two sailors, the
Bolshevik! demurred on the ground
that the exchange was not fair ba
the "Admiral's" wife interferred an
persuaded them to make the ej
I Avoid Imitations A Substitutes