Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 07, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 8 If Yonr Immediate Problem Is to Find a Pesitlw, Aivertisc in tlcCtelcdl S)eatbs SI.IK Kit—Died July 5. 1919. Augus tus H. Sliker, in his 84th year at lus liiune 506 Calder street. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, will be private. Burial will bt made in Harrisburg ceme tery. Omit (lowers. LOST AND FOUND LOST Will the person who found a small gold class pin, with letters H. H. 5.—1918 on it and initials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at the Tech High commencement aance at Willa-Villa, please turn to the Telegraph Office and receive reward? LOST—July 2, gold wrist watch, at tached to black band, engraved R. A. ,> (<Ur at P. R. R. station or be tween said sation and Fourth and Market streets Reward if returned to Telegraph office. LOST —Tortoise rim be tween Boas and Cumberland, or Cow den streets, on Saturday evening. Re turn to Warren Puller, 141J Marion st. LOST —-Silver mesh bag containing small silver bag and money on Satur day )corning on Walnut near Ihud, marked A. M. A. Reward it returned to Telegraph office LOST—At circus grounds. gold Rockfer<J watch. Reward if Ruined to room 410, Bergner bldg. Harris burg. Pa INSTRUCTIONS IN STRICT IONS SWSSr'SSrSa* &:; OPEi; j T-l- YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125 Dial 4016. BEC KLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE | 121 Market St. cnas. R- BecKU> HELP WANTED—MALE CARPENTERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS GENERAL REPAIRMEN PIPEFITTERS AND SHEETMETAL WORKERS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to earn rates in acco ?"d an ?s with your ability. Steady work assured. No labor trou ble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. Apply in person or communi cate with Factory Employ ment Office, THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON. OHIO UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 46 Weight 140 lbs. or more IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Living Wages Paid While Learning teady Work Assured Apply in Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Office THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Akroa. Ohio WANTED Men to learn to repair auto nomies and aeroplanes. Make Implication at once. Full jurse, SSO. Call, or write. 25 N. CAMERON STREET, Or TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED—Barber, at once. Apply I Tile Barber Shop, 15 North Market | Square LABORERS wanted. Apply Tuesday I morning at 7 a. m. to Paxtang quae- j lies. Paxtang. PAPEItHANGERS— Must be first- I class. Steady work. H. A Bodmer, 828 ; N Third st. WANTED Knights of Columbus \ Employment Service, North and Church streets, wants 300 laborers for I cut-of-town job. 38c per hour. Two! years' work. Open this evening WANTED —At once blacksmith. Ap- j ply B. C. Murray Tool Works, 11th! near Market sts. REPAIRMAN and adjuster wanted; for all kinds sewing machines used in ! work shirt factory. Only those experi- ! enced need apply. State salary. I. j Gordon, Moundsville, W. Va. WANTED —Several men for quarry and lime kiln work. Apply Ruther foid Bros.. Paxtang .Pa. WANTED—Two salesmen for a re liable firm i good opportunity for right men; men between ages of 21 and 25 with High school education preferred. Must be able to operate Ford car. sal ary and expenses. Address Box X 8522 cart Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE No. 1166 Mulberry St. 3-story brlek house l A rooms, both, pantry, nnd outkltehrni pur lor has hardwood floori oak fin ish | laundry In cellar) front porch) gas light) steam hrnt. Lot lhxOO ft. No. 1531 Berryhill St. 3-atory brick house) 0 rooms, bath, nnd puntry) front porcli) all Improvements) lot 14,3x103.4 ft.) 10 ft. pnved rear ulleyi possession I 34) days. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONUS Members Hhg. Hriil Estate Board . ■ v MONDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE j WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. shops, Harrlsburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE, Harriaburg, OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Lucknow and Enola. WANTED Expert automobile repairman, none but experienced need apply. F-EDERICKS GARAGE. 1 1807-09 N. Seventh S'. WANTED—Experienced truck driv . c-r; must be able to do own repairing. Apply Gardner & Baptist!, Third and . Chestnut sts. i WANTED—Lunch bar man. Apply I Dauphin Hotel. 309 Market St. } WANTED IMMEDIATELY—By U. S. , Government. Hundreds clerks. 18 or ; 1 over, at Washington, D. C. Harrisburg I examinations July 19th. $l,lOO year. ; Pleasant clerical work. Short hours. 1 Common education sufficient. Try l I these July 19th examination. Specimen i questions free. Franklin Institute, | Dept. 414 R.. Rochester, N. Y. j August 23, Railway Mail Clerk Ex laminations in Harrisburg. Hundreds ; wanted. $l,lOO-$1,600 year. Every .second week, or equivalent, off at full , pay. Common education sufficient. , \\ rite immediately for free list of po sitions open and sample questions. | Franklin Institute, Dep't 414 R. Ro j Chester, N. Y*. i CENSUS CLERKS—4,OOO needed; ! $92 month; age, 18 upward; experi ence unnecessary. For tree particulars of examinations. write Raymond Terry (former government examiner). 518 Continental Bldg., Washington. WANTED Experienced loomlixer | on box and plain looms; one aecus tomed to crepes and plaids preferred, j i permanent position for man of steady ; I habits, who can obtain results and | handle help successfully; state age. I l experience and wages expected. Man- j j hattan Silk Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. HELP WANTED—FEMALE ! ! BELL SERVICE Telephone operating has an I unusual attraction for Har- I risburg young women who are I looking for steady, profitable, and agreeable employment, under the management of women trained In the care of girls. "AN IDEAL OCCUPATION FOR YOUNG WOMEN" We need a limited number of young women of 18 years or over, to complete a class to start training. Apply to Miss' Kline. Opera tors' Employment Depart ment. 208 Walnut street. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. WANTED SEVERAL A-l SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SAMPLE WORK The work is pleasant, and good wages BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Inc., Reily and Fulton Streets, WANTED FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY I BONUS ON ALL EARNINGS 10 PER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS j IDEAL WORK UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS IN AN IDEAL PLANT I JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO. ! ] 2012 N. 4TH ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. j j , WANTED Operators wanted on plain j sewing machines; also a few union special and over-lock op erators. Bonus paid every week and learners paid time work. ! Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO, Sixth and Herr Streets. i City Star Laundry Building, Third Floor. | ; WANTED—A woman who can wash 1 land iron. Apply 1150 Mulberry st. ! WANTED —Four waitresses, white, I | for hotel at seashore. Address, Post (office Box 823, Harrisburg. j WANTED—MiddIe aged white wom ;an as housekeeper; family of three; must sta> nights. Mrs. R. L. French. 2146 N. Fifth street. WANTED —White girl or woman for general housework; no washing; good wages: apply about 7.30 p. m.. j 2250 North Third street. WANTED An experienced white second maid to assist with children. Wages SB.OO per week. MRS. J. H. HARTMAN, 334 Eaßt Orange St., LANCASTER, PA. | WANTED Experienced millinery - ! maker for the cominng season. Apply at once; steady position. Eleanora Gove. 226 N. Third. WANTED—Experienced diningroom I girls with clean habits. Apply in per- I son Manhattan Restaurant. 317 Mar- Ike.. street. ] WANTED—MiddIe aged white wool len or girl to wash dishes at White's I Hotel. 313 Verbeke street, afternoon 1 | trick 12 m. to 3 p. m. WANTED—Experienced girls fori plain sewing machine work. Appiy (Modern Textile Co.. 1823 Penn. j HOUSEKEEPER Elderly ladv wanted |for housekeeping in pleasant place in country, one who desires a grand home in preference to hlßh wages; light work, one middle uged 1 i man in family. Address Box E-4667. ' I HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED—MiddIe aged man and wife to take charge of a small place, man must have knowledge of farming. Wife to take charge of the house, fam ily of three adults. A peimanent place and good home to right party. Appiy to Frank Bowman. P. O. Box 348. Har risburg. Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENT—To sell portable fireproof steel g;-rages, cottages, factory and farm buildings, moving picture halls; ' any size: give references. AGENTS wanted for Dauphin, Cumberland. Perry and Lebanon coun ties, to sell an article everybody uses. P. O. Box 32, Highspire Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Wanted—A saleman who can qualify for position as Dis l trict Manager. Also a few po sitions open for salesmen with red blood. Men of the right caliber can earn Big money. Cur proposition is one of the most attractive any buyer can have and finds ready response from the small as well as large investor. For tunes are being made in Tex as Oil Leases and it is the safe end and the big money i end of the oil business. Write for full particulars of the lib eral contract we offer sales men. You can qualify as Dis trict Manager or salesman Stateiand Lease Association, 602 Marbridge, Building. New York City. SALESMAN WANTED—SIOO per month and expenses and bonus. To I represent the Globe Refining Co.. of I Cleveland Ohio. Call at 102 Paxtang avenue, Taxtang, Pa., on the 10th or ( 11th from 1 to 5 p. m. ; SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ; YOUNG man desires job of any kind, dairy experience or machine hand W. S. Keisling. Harrisburg. Pa, it D. No. 2. | SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe ! HOUSEKEEPER—Experienced re- I liable middle aged widow desivs po sition. inferences. Address B-8523 I care Telegraph. ! YOUNG High school girl wishes position: clerical work preferred. Ad dress Box Z-8924 care Telegraph. WANTED —Washing and ironing to do at home by \Vhite woman. Call 316 Harris street. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO second floor furnished front rooms for rent. All conveniences, at 1253 Perry. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms; cen trally located. Apply at 9 North Front street. ____ FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conven iences; hot and cold water and gas range upstairs. Apply 1614 Wallace street. Bell phone 4684 M. FOR RENT—Two communicating furnished rooms, on second floor, with balcony; use of bath and phone; suitable for man ana wife or busi ness people. Apply 210 South Thir teenth street. Bell 4390-M. j FURNISHED room for rent; use of ' bath; gentleman preferred; rent, $3.50 a week. Inquire Mrs. Owens, third floor, Potts' Apartment, Third and Herr streets. . 1549 STATE STREET. pleasant front rooms; furnished; all conveni- | ences; breakfast served if desired. : Bell 5246-M. I FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished j front rooms for light housekeeping; ( j bath, gas heat, laundry; all con- I veniences; nice location. Inquire ! ! 2148 Penn street. | Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms, j $2.50 per week and up. 142 South Third street. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 913 North Third street. ROOMS WANTED Y'OUNG lady desires room in private | family with or without board. Prefer central location. Address Box H-8296, I care Telegraph. BOARDING WANTED Two men boarders: large newly furnished corner front I room. Inquire 622 Maclay street. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED ! ROOMS and board for two gentle ' men, located on Hill; all conveniences. Address 80x'58743. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Several apartments; all conveniences; immediate posses sion; call or see C. Vernon Rettew. 1911 Derry st. Both phones. i FOR RENT —A small apartment at j No. 4 S. Fourth street, Harrisburg. Pa.' j FURNISHED apartment for rent; 3 i rooms and bath; all modern improve imcnts; use of both phones; for par i ticulure call Bell 434&-M or Dial 3286, ]or call 2340 Ellerslie St. APARTMENTS for rent; furnished and unfurnished; all modem conven iences. Apply Louis. 414 N. Third St. between 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. APARTMENT FOR RENT—no N . Second street; 4 rooms and private bath; third story front; unfurnished; first class condition: hot running I water all the year; city steam heat; $45 per month. Apply L. Minter. first floor same building. Both phones. FOR RENT—Apartment In good lo cation; rent reasonable; immediate possession. Apply to Mr. Cooper. 14 N. Third St. FOUR well-furnished rooms, light, ! airy, bay windows, second floor, cor ner, hot water, heat, gas. electricity, bath, laundry. Referenles exchanged No children. 342 South Sixteenth St AT 100 South Thirteenth street; first floor, 7 rooms and laundry, ele gantly furnished, equipped with hard wood floors, gas and electricity, pri vate porch and entrance. Apply at 100 South Thirteenth street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DESIRABLE DERRY STREET j PROPERTY FOR SALE Brlek ■! house 7 rooms bath gas I electric light steam heat No. 12012 Dtrry. Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building FOR SALE No. 409 South Thir teenth street —three-story brick 9 rooms and bath—steam heat. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ' (Continued In Next Column) ———- HARRISBURG ttiKhfc TELEGRAPH 1 1 ;- £OME PROPERTY IS SO EASY fflj' 1 QL this applies to hardly more than one ';||e time through a classified advertising Oj . i campaign—the channel through which pj i most tenants secure their information || as to offerings. m | | 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HABRISBURO'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 831 MARKET STREET. •| l-OR SALE POSSESSION SOON j If you are looking for a nice, sub stantially built suburban home, with I plenty of ground, fruit and garden, in • spcct the Bixler property, located on j the northeast corner of Dickinson and i Princeton avenue. Earligton, Camp , | Hill, Pa., two blocks from car lino; single car fare from Harrisburg; 214- storv frame detached dwelling, size 121x31; stone foundation;; Shingle | roof ; cemented cellar under entire ■ | house; all improvements; 3 large i looms and reception hall on first floor; (large kitchen); open stairway; t ; ! rooms and bath on second lloor; un i finished attic; good yellow pine floor ing; cypress finish; hot water heating 'system; front porch 9x31; plot of 'i ground 120x120; granolithic walks; irhade trees, garage for one car; two I chicken houses which wil accommo date 500 chickens; 17 fruit trees (13 I bearing the finest kind of fruit) ; va iriety of grapes; 1,500 strawberry I plants; good reason for selling; in- Ispection by appointment only. PRICE \ ERY REASONABLE at $5,150. Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bell 700 AGENT, 3077J HARRISBURG. PA. j • ! FOR SALE—BIB N. 16th St.. deslr ! able stucco home; eight rooms; tile ibath and laundry; southern exposure; l drive alley in rear. Apply within. FOR SALE—II 2-114 Washington St., 8 rooms ana bath; frame; tin roof; all conveniences; bargain. Apply 814 N. Third street. X HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and cuburban properties. My ! large clientage enables me to secure i ready buyers for any kind of Real i Estate you may have to offer. A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth St. Bell 271 J. Dial 3943 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Houses of every description in all parts of city and suburban. Some on easy payment plan. Will take light touring car in trade. ! C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J. FOR SALE THF.EE-STORY BRICK HOUSE. No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY. 222 Market Street FOR SALE 823 S. Front street, frame dwelling. 1614 N. Fifth street, 3-story frame dwelling with im provements, ten rooms and West Fairview property, located on third street, two and - one - half-story frame dwelling. Inquire of HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, 16 S. Second Street, Harrisburg, Penna. 2)4 -story stucco bungalow on Sec ond street, Riverside; will be com pleted in a few weeks; all latest conveniences, including fireplace; ".I large lot view to river; close to Har . j risburg Academy. ! | 2)4-story stone and stucco on . | Green street; large living room; hard- I Wood finish; fireplace and other con -11 veniences. i| Fine house on corner of Third and Lewis streets; 8 rooms and bath; wa ter heat; all latest improvements; tine lawn; lots of fruit trees. 2)4-story frame, Fourth street, 7 rooms and bath, for sale cheap to quick buyer. Will sell on monthly 1 payment plan if desired. D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis Street. FOR SALE —$2,250 will purchase a small bungalow with five rooms lot i 80x125. Bell Realty Co., Bergner > Building. FOR SALE No. 207 Harris street —brick house 9 rooms bath other Improvements. Bell Really Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE — 162 Cumberland Road Enola. 2)4 -story frame house, slate roof; all improvements, including steam heat; newly papered and paint ed inside. Price $2,650 Terms to suit purchaser; now vacant. Inquire 803 1 N. 16th street. Bell phone 3327-J. POSSESSION at once. Enola house; electric lights; hot and cold water; ■ terms reasonable; $1,6u0. Durand & ' Fferbcr, 107 Chestnut st. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2012 to 201S Susquehanna street. Apply \ ■ P. Doraftz. 1225 North Sixth. BEAUTIFUL country home f or sale, aside car line; electric light i steam heat; lot 140x160; easy terms' I $3,200. Durand & Ferber. 107 Clfest nut street. (Continued In Neat Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF ITS RF3AL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." JEFFERSON ST.. 2130 Three-story brick, nine rooms, all Improvements, ce ment cellar, driveway in the rear. Can be bought same as rent DhRRY ST., 2341 NEW. VACANT; three-story brick, six rooms, bath and attic, nice front and back porches, steam heat, gas and electricity, hardwood floors; right up-to the' minute. SWATARA ST., 1856—POS SESSION SOON; three-story frame, eight rooms, bath, gas, front porch, driveway in the rear; same as rent. LEMOYNE; Herman Ave., | > 289-291—Double frame; im- I provements, nice front porch, > lot 150 feet deep back to a driveway; can sell as a whole or one-half, on our easy pay- ( ' ment plan. STEELTON; S. Second St.. 320—Three-story frame, lm : provepients, one-half of a ' pair, nice roomy house; right price to quick buyer; same as I rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, ' Room 1, ; SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390 DIAL 3573 ' HOUSES ON EASY TERMS Vacant 2-story brick on Hill, imp. I Vacant 2)4-story brick on Hill, all imp Vacant 244-story frame on Hill, all imp. Vacant 3-story brick, uptown, all imp. S-story frame near Hill market, all imp. . Two 2 44-story frames, S. 21st St., all imp. Stoic room property on Market st. Storeroom, coiner briclt, on Hill. j 3-siory brick, corner on Derry st. 2-story brick, on Crescent St., easy i terms. S-story brick on Swatara st. 2-story bricks on 15th and 16th sts. 2-stcry bricks on Catharine st. 3-story brick on Walnut St., Hill. 3-story frame and garage Park st. 2 44-story single frame, in Lemoyne, j all imp. F'ine corner house in Enola,- all imp. 9-room house in New Cumberland, imp. Cottage in Camp Hill, all imp. F'ine home, 1 acre, near Camp Hill, j Single corner, at Washington Hts. j Fine corner home in Penbrook. Corner 2 44-story frame, in Pleasant I View. One acre and double house at Pen brook. Apartments on Hill and uptown. Corner new brick, uptown, all imp. Investment, three small houses in | Steelton. Investment, three frame houses on | corner F'orrest st. Row of six 3-story bricks on Briggs j street. Business place on Derry street near j 19th st. 3-story l.rick, on Green street imp. ! Apartment house, uptown, one of yie finest in the city; large lot to street in rear. LV.-storv brick and 1-story frame I at West l-'atrvlew in business section, along State Highway. Suitable fori store or business place; very cheap. , C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. VACANT HOUSES I Two 2)4 and 3-story brick houses; all improvements; porches, drive alley. Also cor ner houses on Hill and up town. Will take auto In trade. | 1 have several fine suburban homes for sale; brick, all im- i provements, 44 acre each; j steam heat, electric lights, hardwood floors, lots of fruit on State Road. Will take city property In trade. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GreeD Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 660-J. F'OR SALE —Coal yard and ware house of building supplies and fertl ' lizers lOstabllshed thirty years ago. A good opening for business. Located at New Cumberland, Pa. N. F. Reed, owner. 1 HARRIS STREET 630 —Three-story brick, nine rooms, all improvements; small amount down; balance same as rent. No questions as to race or nationality. D A. SANDERLIN, 36 N. Third Street, Room 1 SFICUKITY TRUST BLDG. I Bell 1390 Dial 3573 — . 1 AN exceptional bargain In a fino ' home. This property is located 454 , Elizabeth street, Highspire; single ■ house, plot 150 foot front by 125 feet j 1 , deep; improvements; most all kinds ! ; of fruit; chicken house and garage, 14x50. Will sell for SI,OOO less than " what it is worth; reason for selling other business. W. W. Reeves, 224 Market street. Highspire. Dial 9801. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental < payment plan Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply , A. P. Dorapz. 1225 North Sixth street. , I Continued In Next Column) |" REAL ESTATB FOR SAI.K | F'OR SALE—CoaI, sand, brick and i rough lumber yard; excellent busi ness. If interested please inquire of H. M. ilartz, Real Flstate Broker Pal myra, Pa Send bill for remittance i V ours truly H. M. Hartz. IXiTS for sale in Camp Hill on east l side of Cumberland street 170 feet from car line. Elegant location Lots I 155 feet deep to a 20 foot alley Can sell any frontage desired. There are I two coiner lots. I. P. Bowman. 36 N Third St.. Harrisburg, Pa. ! F'OR SALE—In Highspire. If you !?re looking for a business that will I net you $3,000 to $5,000 a year at a | real down bargain, see me at once; | property including residence, store room. ice cream parlor, large pool (room, only pool In town; reason for | selling, would retire from business. W. J. Reeves. 224 Market St., liigh- I spire. Dial 9801 ! Real Estate For Saic—Suburban j F'OR SALE— 329-394 Second street, Highspire. A fine double house, all im provements, will sell single or double. !1 f you ate looking for a bargain see this property before you buy. W. J. • Reeves, 224 Market street, Highspire. j Dial 9801. My car Is at your service. F'OR SALE—Largo suburban home near Camp Hill, 44 acre land; all im provements; fruit, chicken house, etc., will take city property in ex change; easy terms. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J REAL ESTATE FOR RENT F'OR RENT —A large stone house, 11 rooms, foot of 15th st. New Cum berland. close to railroad. A fine place for summer Home. Chas. H. Miller, 133S State st. F'OR RENT—After August 15, fur nished cottage along Swatara creek in llumnielstown; bath room; electric lights: two blocks from trolley. Ap ply C. D. Walmer, Hummelstown. Bell phone 23. l-'Olt RENT—7 roomed house; mod ern conveniences; large lot on Church street, Camp Hill. Apply M. H. John- I son, corner Church and Market, Camp j Hill. | F'OR RF.NT—F'urnished for the sea i son at Perdix, Outlook Lodge, four ! room Bungalow on the Mountain Side, 30U feet lrom State road; immediate I possession. Will sell at a decided I bargain or will exchange and pay • difference on city property. Apply to A. C. Young, 34 North Second street. Bell 767. Dial 5439. F'OR RENT — Second story of Kel lcer Street Markethouse. Fourth and Kelker streets, suitable for manufac turing purposes or general storage. I—Room 34x34. I—Room 40x30. 2—Office- rooms. I—Hall. 60x10. Alterations made to suit tenant, i Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth j and Kelker streets. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO LEASI-: Sl'lPT. IST NICELY FURNISHFID HOME OR APRT MENT; 6 ROOMS AND UPWARD. BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY WITH PROPER REFERENCES. AD DRESS BFILL TELEPHONE I 2993-M. DIAL 3044. 1 | I READY CASH F'OR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVFI YOU TO OF'F'ER? BFILL AND DIAL PHONES, CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. TFIIRD St. TO RENT—Up-to-date dwelling in j the vicinity of North Second street. | any time before September 29th. Geo. L. Cullen, Com'l. Agent, Harrisburg ; Gas Co. FARMS ' FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! | 26 acres, all implements $2,700 j 30 acres, stock crop and imple j ments 2,300 39 acres, best kind of soil 4,600 65 aeres, stock, crop and imple ments 5,000 DURAND & F'FIRBER, 107 Chestnut Street. FARM FOR SALE 72 acres; 6 room house; summer ! house: barn; garage; other farm I buildings, all in No. 1 condition. The Hand Is even and very productive. This : farm has had the very best attention I the last ten years: limed all over : twice, in this time. F'enc-es all good; a I variety of fruit, water the best; price, j $2,450; we can help finance it. C. B. fare. Care's Grocery, Linglestown; L tear from the Square. Harrisburg. i F'OR SALE —One of the largest and ! best gruin. dairy or stock farms, con taining 252 44 acres, all in a high state 'of cultivation, situated in the cele jbratcd Buffalo Valley, Union County 2)i miles S. W. of Lewisburg, p a ' with two (2) railroads, schools and university. All necessary buildings, exceptionally heavy frame and ma tonary. buildings centrally located, an [abundance of excellent water, three 1(3) large springs and well, all never : failing, running spring water at barn ' j Turtle creek through the farm, good' neighborhood, good roads, all kinds of I fruit. For price and terms, call on or | address. A. W. Wolfe, Lewisburg. p a . WANTED TO PURCHASE I WANTED —To buy Trust Company j Bank stock. Address care Tele | graph. | Offices and Store Rooms for Rent ! F'OR RENT— Desk room and office. Inquire F'red C. Miller, Attorney, 31 North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS F'OR SALE We have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee tnese motors to be In first-class con dition and can make immediate de livery. One 44 H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One 44 H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. One y 4 H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One 44 H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. Ono 44 H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One 44 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One 44 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. F'OR SADE—One 10-horse power upright Orr & Sembower steam en gine, complete with governor. E. H. Shell. 400 S Second st. M.ASSAGF3 yourself at home by the best and cheapest method. A vacuum outfit that will last three years and runs by water In any home. Sbnd $2 for complete outfit. Money refunded If not satisfactory. Send for free cir cular. C H. Tomes, 523 Thomas street, York. Pa >, .—. FOn SALE 1 refrigerator in good condition. 1 kitchen range Tn good condition. 1 5-burner gas stove in good condl toln. 1 oak mantel with glass. 2031 Green St. FOR SALE—White round reed baby coach: price $lB. Call at 1419 Vernon street, or Bell 2811 J. tContinued in Next Column) JULY 7, 1919. FPU SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR BADE—Ford roadster, in good condition; demountable rims and new all-weather tread tires all around, with spare and tire carrier; tires have gone less than thousand miles; mo tor and running gears Just overhauled completely. Selling because larger car is needed. Apply 1610 Derry st., from 6 to 8 p. m. FOR SALE—Airedale dog. Inquire 1253 Perry St. FOR SALE—One six-horse interna tional gasoline engine, as good as new. Address S-4256, care Telegraph. FOR SALE—s-horse-power upright boiler and engine. Apply Eli Bru huker, Rheefs, Pa. FOR SALE Channels, beams, angle, pipe all denominations, and rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & Freedman. Tenth below Mulberry street, or Sixth above Division street. HALF PRICE!! Rag carpet, 35c; in grain, 40c.; host. 90c: Brussel, $1,10; best, $1.50; velvet, $2; organs, antique mahogany pianos. $10: furniture, lino leum, rugs. Yingst, Front and Cum berland. FOR SALE—Sewing machines; new and used machines; some used ma chines at a bargain; four at $lO each. Joseph Earhart, 2122 N. Sixth street. ELECTRIC motors. 1 to 15 H. P.; stone crushers with elevators; thew shovel 0-S-yard; lathes, drill presses; gear cutter 24-in; emery grinders; motors and machinne tools bought for cash. F. R. Laverty. Bell phone 1857. BARGAIN ONE OAK CHIFFIONER ONE OAK DRESSER. Iron bed spring: combination mattress, rocker chair, val ued at $107; sale price $79. FORNWALT'S, 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE —Globe-Wernicke sec tional book cases, in quartered oak, dark finish, $3.00. Two Monarch typewriters and desk, filing cases, etc. All in excel lent grade and condition. Bankrupt Estate of Harry M. Bretz, Thomas C. McCarrell. Jr., Trustee, 222 Market street, Harrtsburg. Penna. FOR SALE—One single wagon, in good condition. Kingan Provision Co.. 421 South Second street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 101S Market. Bell 4494. BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20,000 new, old, rare, in ctock. Aurand s, 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES RIFLE Stevens 14-shot repeater. In good condition. Original cost $22. Will sell at a bargain AAddress Box F-226, care of Telegraph. f FOR SALE —Upright piano in good condition; price reasonable. Inquire 3103 N. Second st. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph, stating price, when it can be seen. JUNK—We are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen & Co., York street and Ash avenue. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Eell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz 1016 Market street Will call. City or country. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-Hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4826. Bell 4705-R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Confectionery store and soda fountain in excellent loca tion; tourist center; good proposition; address Box X-9873, care Telegraph. FOR SALE —Restaurant and lunch room, complete and up-to-date, near Market street: price reasonable; in quire A. P. Doranz. 1325 N. Sixth St. WOULD YOU RISK $2 PER WEEK FOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MAN'S COMPANY. By paying $2 per week for 50 weeks we will offer you something great Most people spend more for drink, toDacco, etc., but object to spending a few dollars for their future wel fare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade. Pittsburgh. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS STEAM feather renovating: all ticks emptied; new ticks furnished; B. J. Campbell, 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDiNG Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street Bell 4396-J. DIAMONDS bought for cash—p. H CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First-class work. Chllcoat Bros 1622 N. Fburth St. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street Bell 4730-J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. QUININE—Look out for-that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE* PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz., double edge. 35c doz-. razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FOR NECESSITIES If employed and housekeeping, our legal rale money service on loans from sls to S3OO. payable In weekly or monthly Installments is worth In vestigating. If you are In need of funds and without bank credit CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut St (Continned In Next Column! i MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4. 1919, to individu-l als in need of ready cash, small loans i a specialty, business confidential, pay- ' 4 ments to suit borrower's convenience.! positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO—, * 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED—Employes' lx>ani Society, Room 206 Bergner Bids... Third and Market streets. and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING HAULING—LocaI or long distance* pianos and safes a specialty. Beclc Bros., successors to O. H. Beck. CalL at 1419 Vernon street. Bell 2811-J., or Ober's Livery. HICKS Local and long-distancqj hauling and storage. 424 Relly. Botli] phones LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCET HAULING Furniture moving.,. Prompt service. Ernest Covbin, Calder street. Both phones. Belli 3636-J. Dial 3688. "4 AUTO HAI LlNG—Local and long! distance five-ton truck. Sunshine QarJ age, South Eleventh street Bell phonsi 1710. Dial 3060. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or longrt distance. Furniture and piano movinsr a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917,1 Capitol street. Both phones. WE' Move Anything. Anywhere., Any time. Price reasonable. Diall 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 Norths! Third street 1 , MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a. specialty General hauling. 1501. North Fifth Street Dial 4166. BelL 1144W ALL KINDS OF HAULINQ, AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS, 341 KELKER ST. ! BELL PHONE 623 W. >' DIAL PHONE 3518. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov icfe. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. r E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin- Aungst. Manager, Hershey. Pa. Bell phone 15R6. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. THIS WEEK $360 Haynes Piano, mahog any, almost new; price..s2lo Winters Piano, mahogany, like new; price ..$240 Stieff Piano, walnut good as new; at a bargain price. Cadillac 88-note Player, fine ' condition; price $425 \ $650 Marshal & Wendell 88- note Player, nearly new. $57% J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building, 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. YOU have made the vfsit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it We have it Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru- , ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired, by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth Street FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR., 130 Walnut St, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J. s STORAGE ' STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates, THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD. Highspire, Pa. Phonea Bell: Steelton 169Y Dial: Steelton 9439 t' STORAGE—4I9 Broad street house hold goods, merchandise. Private, rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co., Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower' storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437-< 445 South Second street STORAGE —In brick building, rear' 408 Market Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, G Dlener, 408 Market street WHERE TO DINK ' ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT.#',* THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS ' '! "" SAMUEL S. FACKLER! FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St BELL 1956. DIAL 2138. ~ RUDOLPH K. SPICER ' Funeral Director and Krobalmer. 511 North Second Street BELL 252 DIAL 211$ * IKMETKKY LOTS FOR SALK 4>| PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth. and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lota are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents Additional Classified Ads ob Opposite Page J