Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 07, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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President Will Address Open
Session on League of
By Associated Press.
Washington. July 7.—President
Wilson wtll address the Senate on
the Peace Treaty abd the League of
Nations at 12.15 p. m. Thursday, it
was announced to-day at the White
Because a treaty would be under
discussion some doubt had been ex
pressed as to whether _the Senate
would be in open session, but it was
understood that Mr. Wilson desired j
that the session be open.
When the President reaches
Washington late to-morrow night he ,
will find an accumulation of official 1
business awaiting Ms attention.
Bills awaiting his signature include ,
the sundry civil measure, with the
shipping board and other huge ap- j
propriations, the Army measure, the 1
Navy bill, the agricultural bill with
its rider repealing the daylight sav- |
ing law. the deficiency bill, the vo
cational educational measure and a j
number of others.
Six members of the President's
cabinet will greet him at New York j
and accompany him to Washington.
They will leave Washington this aft- |
ernoon and will go to sea to-nior- !
row morning on the battleship
Pennsylvania to meet the George I
Washington. In the party will be i
Secretaries Baker. Daniels. Glass, I
1-ane an<f Wilson and Attorney Gen- I
eral Palmer.
"Pardon me," he said. "I bought '
this shirt here yesterday. However. T i
don't like it and T wondered if I j
could change it at this counter?"
"Oh, dear no!" she answered. "Y'ou
hade better go into a private room."—
Yale Record.
Those who suffer from this nervous I
disease, accompanied by its sudden '
attacks of unconsciousness and con- i
vulsions, will be glad to know of j
Kosine. We want the most skeptical !
to try the Kosine treatment, for the
success of this treatment in the past j
has proved it to have unusaal merit.
Large bottle 32. If not satisfied,
after using, /our money will be re- j
funded. Write for free treatise.
Kosine Co.. Washington, D. C.
Sold in Harrisburg by Geo. A. !
Gorgas. j
■ I
To Banish Wrinkles and !
Freshen Up Quickly
After a strenuous day outdoors, j
when winds, heat and exhaustion j
have combined to take away one's j
freshness and caused the skin to j
wrinkle and sag—or after a tedious j
or fretful day indoors—one often I
has urgent need for some quick re- j
juvenator. Maybe there's a dance;
on for the evening, er some other j
social event. How in the world can ;
one make herself presentable, look- i
ing as she does? It's quite easy. !
Just get an ounce of powdered j
saxolite and a half pint witch hazel !
at the nearest drug store, mix the ;
two and bathe the face in the solu- :
tion for two or three minutes. Then
look into your mirror and behold ;
the wonderful transformation! '
Wrinkles have vanished, loose, tired
muscles have been rested and
"firmed up." marks of fatigue have
flown, and ' you look so much
brighter and younger you can hard
ly believe your eyes. No one need
hesitate to try this, the witch hazel
and saxolite being so perfectly
An E,xtra Large
Bottle of Famo
for One Dollar
For a dollar you can buy at any
toilet goods counter a full 12-ounce
bottle of Famo.
Many hair' tonics charge more
for a bottle that is one-third
This means that you can use
Famo e\cry day for little more
than half of what it would cost for
some preparations.
And Famo actually does what no
other hair treatment will do.
It attacks Seborrhea, the cause
of dandruff, and stops the sebor
rhean flow that causes the dandruff
Famo ends falling hair and itch
ing scalp. It makes the head as
sweet and clean as a baby's.
Famo contains no alcohol to
cause scalp and hair dryness. It
postpones grayness by making and
keeping the hair healthy.
The regular daily use of Famo
makes the hair soft and luxuriant
and gives it a beautiful gloss and
Every one in the family should
use Famo every day.
Sold at all toilet goods counters
in two sizes 35 cents and sl.
Seborrhea is a morbidly increased flow
from the sebaceous glands of the scalp. The
eeborrhean excretion forms '■ scales and
Wakes and is commonly knovon as dandruf,
Mfd.by The Famo Co., Detroit, Mich.
C'roll Keller, C, M, Forney
S'p ecial Famo Agents
Now Is a Good
It May Not Be Troubling You
During the Warm Weather,
But It Is Still In Your Blood
Catarrh is not only a disgusting
disease but is a dangerous one, and
you should never let up In your
efforts to get it out of your system
until you have done It thoroughly.
Get rid oif It, whatever it costs you
In trouble and money.
, Mild weather will aid the treat
ment and this is an excellent time
to thoroughly cleanse the blood of
the germs of Catarrh and be for
ever rid of the troublesome sprays
and douches that can only relieve
you for the time. •
8. 8. £>'. is a purely vegetable
blood remedy, made from roots and
feerbs direct from the forest, which
• Augustus H. Slifcer Begins as a i
Barefoot Boy on Pennsv; j
Later a Trainman
Augustus Henry Sliker. in his 84th
year, a pioneer boatman and rail- ;
roader, died Saturday at his home !
506 (.'aider street. He had been in 1
poor health for sometime. The sur
vivors are, a widow, Catherine Slik
er: and the following children. Ar
thur G., chief clerk for the Penn- !
s.vlvania ruilroad at DE: Mrs. j
Charles Ensminger, Clarence W.
Pennsylvania railroad employe; Miss j
Mary C., at home; Miss Mabel 1., j
nurse with the American Expedi- |
tionery Forces, in France and Ger- |
many, recently returned from ;
France; and Mrs. Harry Flick, this j
city; also three grandchildren, Kath- i
erine, Mary and Augustus.
The funeral will lie held Tuesday j
afternoon ut 4 o'clock. Services will j
be private and will be in charge of 1
the Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pas- ]
tor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. ;
Burial will be made in Harrisburg
cemetery. Friends may call at the
home this evening.
Came Here When u Boy
"Gus" Sliker as he was known to
railroad men was born in Germany
in 1836. When eleven years of age
his parents moved to the United
States and located at Hollidayshurg.
The son. Augustus, started as a driv
er on the Pennsylvania canal and
his trips took him east and west.
He later became a boatman and was
prominent on the Pennsylvania ;
canal, being one of the early boat- j
men who traveled over the old Port- ;
age railroad, to and from Hollldays- j
burg. His trips took him to Balti- j
more, Philadelphia. New York. Wil- \
mington, Pittsburgh, and other l
In 1859 he accepted a position as
brakeman on lhe Middle division
of the Pennsy, and six months later
was made a conductor, which posi
tion he held until his retirement <l6 I
years ago. His stories of early rail- ;
road life in Pennsylvania were quite '
interesting. He was one of the |
pioneers who had charge of the first j
freight trains running between Har- j
risburg and Altoona.
Long in Harrisburg
He married Catherine Sclireadley,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian
Schreadley of Hummelstown, and
soon after his marriage located in
Harrisburg. He was among the first j
to build a home in West Harrisburg ,
and has resided in Calder street for
over 4 0 years. He was active up to I
a year ago when his health failed, j
Since that time he has remained j
close to his home, where he was ;
visited by his many friends and fel- J
low veterans.
Augustus H. Sliker was a member
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Relief j
Department, the Veteran Employes ,
Association of the Middle division ,
of the Pennsylvania railroad, the ■
Retired Veterans Association or the |
Pennsylvania railroad': 'and one of |
the oldest members of Bayard Lodge j
No. 150 Knights of Pythias, and
Dauphin Lodge No. 160, Independent (
Order of Odd Fellows of this ctt>. |
He was an interesting character and ,
being of the old school "
vania railroad employes his knol
--edge ni early history has mam times
proved valuable in the collection of
important data.
Railroad Notes
Captain J. H. Daily of the Motive
Power Athletic Association Gun Club
will pick a strong team for the big
State shoot next year. In the ™ e "-
time there will be some exciting
and interesting shoots at Lucknow
: for championship honors.
The next shoot of the Motive
; Power Athletic Association Gun Club
I will be held Wednesday, July 9, at
i Lucknow, in the evening.
! Daniel Otto, a Reading engineer,
i lias been placed on the pension roll.
S He began his career as a boatman
1 on the Schuylkill canal, and started
with the Reading 47 years ago.
William J. Epler, freight flagman,
of the Reading, who resides at Read
-1 ing. has been placed on the retired
' list. He was in service 4 3 years.
! During the week ending June 28,
| there were fifty-four freight cars
damaged in the road service on the
; Middle division, causing a loss in la
i lior and material of $1,411.70. In
the Altoona yards there were twen
' tv-one cars damaged ' and the loss
| was $787.75. In the Huntingdon yard
there was one car damaged, at a loss
of $2.00.
The deficit Incurred in operation
of railroads under government con
trol during the month of May
amounted to approximately $39,000,-
I 000, net operating income totaling
, $38,530,000 compared with the ren
tal obligation of the government to
: the railroads for May of $77,426,000,
according to unofficial figures of rail
■ road earnings for the month made
! public by the Bureau of Railway
| Economics.
Apply Vapoßub
lightly—it soot has
the tortured skin.
Time to
ve Out Catarrh
combat promptly disease germs or
impurities in the blood. This great
remedy has been used for more
than flfty years, with most satis
factory results. It has been suc
cessfully used by those afflicted
with even the severest cases of
Catarrh. It relieves catarrh, for it
treats the disease at ita source. S.
S. S. is sold by druggists every
For the benefit of those afflicted
with catarrh, we maintain a medical
department in charge of a specialist
skilled In these diseases. If you
will write us fully, he will give your
case careful study, and write you
just what your own Individual case
requires. No charge is made for this
service. Address Swift Specific Co.,
262 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Soldier Trainmen Receive !
Handsome Gold Watchfobs
At Sunbury, Sunbury Lodge No. 43,
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen,
presented gold watch fobs to the
soldiers who are members of the ;
order and recently returned from
France. George B. Rowand, chair
man of the State legislative com
mittee of the B. of R. T., of this
city made the presentation speech.
The fobs are cross shaped, in the
center of the cross being the insig- |
nia of the oj-der. This consists of a j
red enamel circle bearing in gold .
words, "Brotherhood of Railway t
Trainmen." and within it, on a white j
enamel background, is a T in green
enamel, while the spokes of a brake ,
wheel are engraved from the center. .
There is a link by which it can be
fastened to a watch charm and used
as a fob.
The back is of polished gold, and ,
bears the following inscription: j
"Presented to (name of recipient) j
for services to his country by Sun
bury Lodge. No. 43, B. R. T., July 2,
Coal Tests Show Good
Results on Pittsburgh Div.!
Tests are being made on the Pitts- '
burgh division of the number of
shovelfuls of coal required in haul
ing trains both east and west over
the division and the report of the
passenger engines shows the follow
ing results:
Eastbound, train No. 2, 355; No. .
1818 331; No. 26, 355; No. 64. 453:
No. 4. 426; No. 8, 389. No. 18 made ;
up eighteen minutes on the test j
trip, No.. 26 fourteen minutes and
No. 64. twenty-five minutes.
Westbound trains show the fol- \
lowing results; No. 13, 331; No. 21,
337; No. 511, 229; No. 601, 311: No. I
31, 302. and No. 51. 322. Most of!
these trains made up time ranging j
from ten to seventeen minutes.
Retired Yardmaster Visiting
Friends in Massachusetts
W. W. Davidson, retired yardmas- |
ter of the Pennsylvania Railroad, is j
on a visit to Boston and Cambridge, j
Mass. He was accompanied 'by his j
granddaughter, Miss H. R. Faster,
whose home is in Cambridge, and
her sister, Esther Sheaffer; who will
spend sometime in Cambridge.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 117
crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 116,
103. 123, 122, 127, 113.
Engineers -for 127, 113.
Firemen for 117.
Flagmen for 103, 116. 117, 122.
Brakemen for 122 (2) 127, (2) 175.
Engineers up: Kope, Evans. Wilier,
Lefever, Brown, Manning. Houseal.
Firemen up: Barclay, Dallmyer,
Ramsey, Kase, C.' W. Fry. Webb.
Brakemen up: Moyer, Silks. Poff.
Murphy, Burger. Hoyer, Scbriver,
Middle Division. —The 35 crew to
go first after 12.50 o'clock: 229, 216,
220 and 242.
Conductors wanted for 35.
Flagmen wanted for 35.
Brakemen for 35.
Engineers up: Leiter, Early, Kline.
Nissley, Brink, Corder, Sweigart.
Firemen up: Gant, Ponda, Parker,
Brakemen up: Leithouser. Banner.
McNaight. Fenical, Foltz, Manning,
Ynrd Board. Engineers wanted
for SC, 3. 15C, 28C, 32C.
Firemen wanted for IC. 2, 15C, 35C.
Engineers up: Barling, Say ford.
Beckwith. Machauer. Cless, Ewing,
Yinger, Starner, Beatty.
Firemen up: Gilbert. Laurer. Gorm
ley, Klineyoung. J. E. Lauver, Bart
i less, Shaver, Diehl, Swab, Hoover,
Holtman. Rice, Roberts, Burns, Hou
deshel, Gardner, Rupley.
Philadelphia Division. —r- The 233
I crew to go first after 1.45 o'clock:
I 218, 112. 238, 216, 203. 226. 239. 201,
i 245, 213. 208.
I engineers for 203, 208. 211, 236,
i 238 and 234.
Firemen for 211, 236, 238, 239.
j Conductors for 225, 233. 245, 213.
j Brakemen for 218, 212, 226, 201, 213,
i and 208.
Conductors up: Miller.
Brakemen up: Haines, Spense.
Shank, Shelly. Mabius, Smith, Home,
j Middle Division, The 123 crew to
, go first after 3.30 o'clock: 115, 101,
120, 241. 222. 249, 244. 253.
Firemen for 101, 120.
Conductors for 115, 101.
Yard Crew.—Engineers up: Myers,
i Shuey, Geib, Curtis, D. K. Hinkle,
i Holland. J. K. Hinkle, Sheaffer, Kapp.
Firemen up: Meek, Coldren, Metz,
McConnell, Hutchison. Milliken, Cash
j man, Sadler, Taylor, Y'etter. Lightner,
| Swigart, O, J. Wagner, Boyer, Hu
j baker.
Engineers for 147.
Firemen for 140, Ist 102, 3rd 129.
Middle Division. —Engineers up: J.
R. Brinser. A'. C. Allen, A. J. Wagner,
! J. H. Ditmer, W. C. Black, H. F. Gron
inger, J. W. Smith, J. W. Bard, H.
Johnson, C. D. Hollenbaugh, S. K.
Alexander, J. Crimmel, F. F. Schreck,
W. E. Turbett.
Engineers wanted for 23, 13, 41.
Firemen up: S. H. Zeiders, G. L.
Huggins, E. M. Cramer, A. H. Hunts.
H. W. Fletcher, R. E. Look, S. H.
Wright, E. J. Sheesley, C. F. Fouet,
: H. Naylor, J. N. Ramsey, R. A, Ar
nold, Roy Herr, G. W. Musser, W. W.
; Beacham, R. F. Mohler, J. R. Weib
; ley. H. A. Sehrauder, P. E. Gross.
J Firemen wanted for 5. 19, 11, 13.
Philadelphia Divisions Engineers
' up: C. B. First, W. O. Buck, R. B.
| Welsh, J. C. Davis.
Engineers wanted for 44, P-38.
Firemen up: A. L. Floyd, J. N.
Shindler, W. E. Aulthouse, J. S.
Frankford, B. B. Hustqn, M. C. Shaff
j ner., J. M. Piatt.
The 61 crew to go first arter 9.15
o'clock: 18. 68, 72, 14, 67, 60. 62, 53,
: L 55. 76. 66. 5, 64.
* Engineers for 55, 68.
Firemen for 14, 64.
I Conductors for 3.
Flagmen for 14.
j Brakemen for 5, 14, 60, 62.
Engineers up: Wyre, Schubauer,
: Morrison, Middaugh.
Firemen up: Kuntz, Xoggle, Dear
| dorff. Bohner, Heckman.
j Conductors up: Meek, Hilton, Don
| Flagmen up: Nlckle, Ely. Lucas,
| Pottelger, Kichman, Shultz, Keefer.
I Brakemen up: Bufflngton, Lees,
, Fry, Swartz. ,
; The regular monthly meeting of the
■ Borough Council will be held this
. evening. No special business has
j been announced.
(Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Newspaper Canvass Shows
Sammy Schiff Won From
Tiplitz in Six Rounds
In detailing the recent defeat of
Eddie Welsh, of Bristol, by Joe Tip
litz, of Philadelphia, certain news
papers made the statement that Tip
litz had beaten Sammy Schiff when
they met at the National Club a
couple month ago. The mistake was
takep up by the Police Gazette and
a canvass made shows that every
sporting writer who saw the battle
gave it to Schiff, and the Harrisburg
south-paw boxer is now officially
credited with victory over Tiplitz.
Some of the comments were: "In
the semiwindup Eddie McAndrews
had the better of young Joe Borrell
In six rounds; in the other bouts,
Sammy Schiff beat Joe Tiplitz." An
other newspaper account said:
"Sammy Schiff, Harrisburg's leading
representative in the featherweight
list, gained a popular decision over
Joe Tiplitz, of Brooklyn, in a six
round bout at the National Athletic
Association in Philadelphia." In all,
Sammy Schiff has ten or twelve
clippings to prove that he won this
decision without any question. Schiff
is training at present with a view to
taking on some hard bouts in Sep
tember and October.
Pitcher Challenger Star
• in West End Victory |
West End smothered East End In
Saturday's game at Fourth and Sen
eca streets, 11-4, Pitcher Challenger
being dynamo par excellence during ,
most of the battle. West End be- I
gan scoring in the first with con- <
secutive hitting by H. Bell, Levan, i
Embick and a double off Challen- j
ger's trusty club. In the fourth j
Challenger again figured when he
reached first on an error and scored I
later on by taking chances. In the i
eighth he arose to the occasion once
more. Palmer was hit with pitched ]
ball; McKeever safe on Harle's
error; L. Bell on first through an in
field hit. With bases jammed. Chal
lenger tripled and then came home
himself. The score;
R. H. O. A. E.
H, Bell, 2b 2 3 2 2 1
Shafer, 3b 1 1 2 2 1
Levan, cf 1 2 0 0 0
Embick, rf 0 1 2 1 0
Palmer, lb 1 0 8 0 1
McKeever, If 0 1 3 0 0
L. Bell, ss 2 2 1 4 2
Knight, c 2 0 9 0 0
Challenger, p 2 3 0 5 0
Totals 11 13 27 14 5
R. H. O. A. E.
Bender, lb 1 110 1 0
Dunkle. cf 0 0 1 0 0
McCurdy, ss 0 0 2 2 0
Campbell, 3b 1 0 2 0 1
Shickley, c....... 0 0 2 0 0
Johnson. 2b 1 1 3 0 0
Harle, 2b 0 1 1 5 0
Shaffer, If 0 1 3 0 1
Mountain, p 1 1 0 4 0
Staley, rf 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 4 5 24 12 2
East End.. 00000121 0— 4
West End.. 2 1011015 x—l 3
Two-base hit, Levan. Three-base
hits, Challenger. Shaffer. Home run,
Shaffer. Sacrifice hits, Shaffer, 2;
Knight. Sacrifice fly, Palmer, Le
van. Struck out. by Challenger, 8;
Mountain, 1. Loft on base. West
End, 5; East End, 3. Hit bv pitcher
Palmer. Stolen bases, Embick, H.
Bell. Passed ball, Shickley.
Lancaster Tennis Sharps
Outplay Reservoir Men
The Lancaster Country Club took
a fall out of the Harrisburg Park
Tennis players on Saturday, winning
6-3 at the Lancaster courts. Best
1 out of three was the rule for single
matches, many of which were very
j close, notably that between Brinton
and Bob Shreiner. Following were
the results;
George, Lancaster, defeated J. C.
Kunkel, Harrisburg, 6-0, 6-1.
Wtndolph, Lancaster, defeated
Clark Koons, Harrisburg, 6-3, 6-1.
A. S. Black Harrisburg. defeated
Derr, Lancaster, 2-6, 6-2, 6-4.
Brinton, Lancaster, defeated Robert
Shreiner, Harrisburg, 7-5, 12-10.
Miller, Lancaster, defeated Joshua
Swartz, Harrisburg, 8-6, 6-1.
Handshaw, Harrisburg, defeated
Long, Lancaster, 6-2, 6-1.
George and Windolph. Lancaster,
defeated Black and Koons, Harris
burg, 3-6, 6-2, 6-1.
Swartz and Shreiner. Harrisburg
defeated Bare and Kerr. Lancaster
4-6, 6-3, 6-4.
Derr and Brinton. Harrisburg, de
feated Handshaw and Kunkel. Har
risburg, 6-1, 9-7.
Saturday's Results
New York, 10; Philadelphia, 8
Brooklyn, 4; Boston, 2, (first
Brooklyn, 15; Boston. 3, (second
Chicago, 10; Pittsburgh, 2.
Cincinnati, 8; St. Louis, 4.
Yesterday's Results
Boston, 6; Brooklyn, 4.
Cincinnati, 8; Pittsburgh, 4, (first
Cincinnati, 2; Pittsburgh, 0, (sec
cond game).
Chicago, 4; St. Louis. 3.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
Cincinnati 44 23 .657
New York 40 2'l .656
Chicago 37 31 .544
Brooklyn 34 32 .515
Pittsburgh 34 33 .508
St. Louis 27 39 .409
Boston 24 38 .387
Philadelphia 18 41 .305
Schedule For To-day
Boston at Brooklyn.
New York at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at Pittsburgh.
Only three games scheduled
Saturday's Results
Philadelphia, 6; Boston, 3 (first
Philadelphia, 8. Boston, 6 (sec
ond game).
New York. 6; Washington, 4 (first
Washington, 11. New York, 5,
(second game).
Detroit. 6; Chicago, 3.
St. Louis. 6; Cleveland, 2.
Yesterday's Results
Washington, 3; New York, 1.
Chicago, 4; 'Detroit, 1.
St. Louis, 6; Cleveland, 3.
Only three games scheduled.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
New York 39 22 .639
Chicago 40 25 .615
Cleveland 36 28 .562
Detroit 32 31 .509
St. Louis 31 31 .600
Boston 28 34 .452
Washington 28 37 .431
Athletics 17 43 .283
Schedule For To-day
Philadelphia at Boston.
Washington at New York. |
Only two games scheduled.
June Sales Within Five Per
Cent, of Record Month
of May
Twenty-four members of Elliott-
Fisher Company's field force were
sent telegrams to-day notifying them
that they had won their choice of
ninety different "articles of jewelry,
sterllngware, luggage, furniture and
sporting goods. The prizes are ex
tra rewards for selling records in
excess of 105 per cent, of • each
salesman's particular quota for six
months fixed by the sales manager.
Photographs of the prizes were
sent to the salesmen and their wives
sometime ugo. The following let
ter from Sales Manager G. W. Spahr
accompanied the photographs of the
prizes which were sent to the sales
men's wives:
"Did It ever occur to you that El
liott-Fisher Company considers you
an active member of its sales or
ganization? Yes, it does. 1 think
about you a great deal because wives
can help salesmen Increase their
"Just to show you that' I mean
that, I am sending you the enclosed
special 9 to 5 contest edition of the
sales record. These prizes will be
won by early morning starts and
hard, all-day plugging. The more
time a salesman spends in the pres
ence of prospective customers the
more commissions he will make.
"Perhaps you will be interested in
| "The wives were particularly in
terested in the contest becuuse the
' prizes included mahogany tables and
I beds, talking machines, overstuffed
. tapestry davenports and chairs, dia
mond necklaces, brooches, gold
bracelets, watches, hall clocks, floor
! lamps, sterling tableware, dinner
sets, refrigerators, Persian rugs and
other articles dear to the hearts of
One of the prize winners was a
woman, Mrs. F, M. Nafus. She is the
only woman field representative on
the Elliott-Fisher force. Since she
was employed and assigned to a ter
ritory, she has sold and installed
more bookkeeping and accounting
machines than many of the male
members of the force.
The prizes are classified into four
groups—los per cent, of quota, 125
per cent., 150 per cent., and 175 per
cent; and over. Several of the sales
men exceeded the 175 per cent,
mark. A Flint, Mich., representa
tive made 2,Tx>7 per cent, of his May
quota with one sale of bookkeep
ing machines to the Buick Motor
Car Company. A Chicago salesman
earned 262 per cent, of his quota on
a single sale to a large public serv
ice company.
On June 30th, the last day of
the prize contest, a Washington rep
resentative sent in an order for
forty-five bookkeeping machines for
keeping stock records in govern
ment navy yards. This order reach
ed the factory just in time to put
this salesman among the prizewin
ners. Another order from the gov
ernment for one hundred machines
| for writing income tax bills and tax
payers' ledger accounts helped sev
eral salesmen to qualify for prizes.
C. E. Weber, tax collector for the
city school district, announced that
the office on the second floor of the
Courthouse will be open to-night,
and Tuesday and Wednesday even
ings, so that delinquents who have
not paid the 1918' occupation and
property taxes, can do so at that time
in case they are working during the
day. School tax statements for 1919
will be sent out soon.
By Associated Press.
Prague, Saturday, July 5 (Havas. —
The Czecho-Slovak cabinet, headed
by Dr. Karl Kramanz, has resigned.
President Masaryk hhs asked the
Social Democrat leader, Vlastimil
Tusar, to form a new cabinet.
Be tare to ask your dealer for GEORGIA PEACHES
<W hudlt in Carload Lott only)
j • The Celebrated Thor Electric Washer'
cylinder type machine, regular price $125.00; to make roomj >
will sell for $115.00. Th sis the best type of washer made.T
Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co.
* * 436 Market St. (
' This Store Closes 6 P. M. Saturdays.
High Class Vaudeville—"The Four of
bs ; male quartet; Smith and Aus
tin In a singing, dancing and com
edy offering; three other comedy
To-day, To-morrow and Wednesday—
Pauline Frederick In "The Fear
Thursday, Friday and Saturday ;
Harold Lockwood In "The Man of |
Honor." He is America's matinee I
To-day, To-morrow and Wednesday i
—"Woman," a wonderful photoplu> i
showing the various types of wo- .
man from the time of Eve.
Thursday, Friduy and Saturday
Theda Bara in "A Woman There ,
To-day, To-morrow and Wednesday
—"Fatty" Arbuckle in "A Desert i
To-day and To-morrow Bryant I
Washburn in "Something To Do." <
Thursday, Friday ana Saturday
Charlie Chaplin in "Sunnyside."
Wednesday and Thursday—lCnid Ben
nett in "The Law of Men."
V audeville—Two shows every even
During the hot weather there Is no
cooler place in town than the Ma
jestic Theater. The
At the Majestic, bill there the first
half of the week in
cludes an excellent quartet of male
singers; a novel comedy sketch pre
sented by three clever people en
titled "We, Is and Company ; John
son and Crane, young couple offering
their .breezy song and patter skit;
Smith and Austin, who introduce a
number of original song and dance
specialties, and inject some comedy,
i and Norman Thelma in an cquilibris
tlc offering.
Harrisburg movie patrons have a
treat this week at the Colonial The
ater. To-day, to-
At the Colonial, morrow and Wed
nesday versatile
Tauline Frederick, star of "One
i Week of Life," and many other not
] able productions, is being featured in
I "The Fear Woman," a picture that Is
entirely different from the ordinary
run of pictures. Miss Frederick al
ways draws large crowds, therefore
the Colonial management suggests
that you attend the matinees in or
der to obtain a gool seat and be cool
at the same time. You know by ex
perience that the Colonial Theater is
the coolest theater in Harrisburg.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday the
last Harold Lockwood production
will be shown entitled "The Man of
Honor." This is considered one of the
greatest screen masterpieces of this/
noted artist. Owing to his pleasing
personality he has long been known
| as America's matinee idol.
"Woman," the picture playing to
day, to-morrow and Wednesday at
the Victoria Theater
At the Victoria, is considered one of
the greatest motion
pictures along this line that has ever
been offered on the motion picture
screen. Many critics believe this is a
greater production than "The Birth
of a Nation." Despite this fact the
picture is playing at Stanley's Vic
toria at the regular admission prices.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Theda Bara will be shown in "A Wo
man There Was," a wonderful picture
starring this versatile actress.
All next week the Mack Sennett
bathing girls will be here in their
greatest production, "Yankee Doodle
in Berlin." From 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
the picture will be shown at 22 cents,
but from 1 P. M. to n P. M. the Mack
Sennett girls will appear on the
stage which Is being erected in per
son. The admission price to see them
and the picture will be 35 cents.
To-day and to-morrow and Wed
nesday the Regent Theater presents
"Fatty" Arbuckle
"Fatty" Arbuckle in his latest com
nnd Bryant Wash- edy. "A Desert
burn at Regent. Hero." Fatty ar
rives in Carbolic
Canyon where sheriffs are slain
i every day, and is elected to fill that
extra hazardous office after he has
demonstrated his skill with a six
shooter by .saving the life of the
prettiest of the dance-hall girls in a
unique way. She is an unwilling
inmate of the resort, and Fatty un
dertakes to terminate the proprie
tor's undesired attentions to her. The
uproarious scenes which follow make
JULY 7, 1919.
this the funniest comedy in which
"Fatty" haa ever appeared.
On the same program to-day and
to-morrow Is Bryant Washburn in
"Something To Do." Audiences have
gotten so. used to seeing Bryant
Washburn in roles depicting the
"easy guy" that they are going to be
considerably surprised when they
see him In this production in which
he isn't a soft guy at all. but a lively
active young fellow who manages to
mix into and clean up u lot of com
plicated scraps.
The bill at the Paxtang Park The
ater for this week offers many fea
tures that sug-
The Show at Paxtang gest an excel
lent show for
the park playhouse. Glllett's monkeys
will be the feature attraction In
what is probably, one of the funniest
Simian acts on the stage. Mr. Glllett
calls his act Monkey Shines in a
Bowling Alley, in which he intro
duces Adam and Eve, the only mon
key bowlers In the show business.
These two star monkeys are as
sisted by a troupe of four handed
comedians that are putting over
some new stunt every minute they
are on the stage. K1 Uota, America's
foremost xylophone artist, will play
a return engagement at the park this
week. El Cota has played Harris- 1
burg many times, is always a wel- |
I come visitor among those who en
joy good music.
Mason and Gwynne, two exception-!
ally clever black-face comedians,
will be seen in a most laughable
comedy sketch entitled "As in the
South Lady." This is an act that
will surely please those who ap
preciate real negro humor.
Others that will be seen on the
park bill this week are Belle Costel
1° in character songs and Green and
Adams, comedy acrobats.
On Thursday evening there will be
another big free fireworks display at
Paxtang. During the past few sea
sons fireworks shows have been a
regular attraction at the park, and
one that seems to be highly appreci
ated by the public. The displays in
the past have been first class ex
amples of the pyrotechnic art and al
ways draw large crowds.
Mrs. Harvey Walters, of Rose
Villa, near this city, invited ten
guests to luncheon Saturday after
noon at her pretty country home.
The meal was served on the broad
porch where sewing and cards were
enjoyed afterwards.
Peter G. Baptisti, of 100 South
Thirteenth street, with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Martin, of the Hotel
Martin, Market street, expects to
sail from New York July 15 for an
extended trip to Europe. They will
visit France, Italy and Switzer
An ice cream festival and street
dance will be held on Wednesday
evening in South Cameron street,
near Hemlock, for the benefit of the
Sacred Heart Church. The evening
will be postponed in case of incle
ment weather.
,r 1 %
Have you mot the
It is one of the clever harmony
.singing acts now playing at
A Comedy Sketch
ff i I The cooleat place to Kprnd n
II 1/ II 111 I A aummcr afternoon or evenlnK, 1*
V JL " "l \I AA I lit a theater. If you haven't tried
I It, aak your neiKhbor who baa.
Can Woman Be Satisfied Without Masculine Ad
The greatest play of this nature ever offered on the
screen is now being shown at this theater, at reg
ular motion-picture prices. Shows women of all
Showing Daily From 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday
1111 l ||Cn i t nlLCfllT Tbc eooleat place to upend n
Hfll II /Jeilrthl■ V, TNI aumnirr afternoon or eveninfc, la
nil PL ■\y l r, .ftirl ll I ■ theater. If you haven't tried
iltlfcl IfclT / I inWblK. |tf „ Mk yoHr nr | K hbor who haa.
Harrisburg's favorite screen actress in a photoplay of
in her latest release
America's matinee idol, in
, GILLETT'S MONKEYS Irt An scene i-:,nrt^ dy
"Monkey Shines in a Bowling Alley"
Belle Costello I Green and Adams
• Character Songs | Comedy Acrobats
at . 4 ' .. ' .
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 7.—Acting Sec
retary Phillips, of the State Depart
ment, announced to-day that the
American embassy at Mexico City had
been informed that orders had been
issued to the Tampaico military au
thorities to make every effort to cap
ture the men who killed John W. Cor
rell. an American citizen, and mal
treated Mrs. Correll near Tampico on
June 16.
nm fl ClaarYour SkirT
I P Your Hair
US ' \ With Cuticura
■ 111
The Greatest Attraction Ever
Will Appear in Person at
Monday, Thursday and
Saturday Evenings
Admission: Ladies, 40c
Tax Paid Gents, 60c
Regent Theater
The Coolest Spot in Town
"Fatty" Arbuckla AND
Extra Wednesday "Fatty"
| Arbuckle In "A Desert Hero"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
In III* Latent Coracdjr,
First Time In Hnrrlshnrg I
X. , . .i