Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 07, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Too Much Human Butchery,
Says Chairman of
Ohio Board
By Associated Press.
Wwiannnm 0., July 7.—The Willard-
Dempsey fight motion pictures, taken
"t the ringside of the championship
bout in Toledo Friday, was complete
ly rejected by Maurice S. Hauge,
chairman of the Ohio Board of Mov
ing Picture Censors. Mr. Hague was
the only member of the board of
three to review the picture and it is
possible that the other two members
of the board will vote to permit it
.being shown in Ohio. However, this
in doubt as Mrs. Murray Miller, a
member of the board, declared that
it was "bntlrely possible that she will
reject the picture. The other mem
ber of the board, C. G. Williams,
would not say how he would act.
Mr. Hague declared that "aueh hu
man butchery should not be shown
where our boys and girls may see it."
He stated that as the film had been
rejected persons or firms showing the
picture in Ohio would be prosecuted,
liable to fines from SIOO to S3OO and
r. year's imprisonment.
Though it appears almost certain
Uiat the Willard-Dempsey pictures
win not be shown in Ohio, it is prob
able that they may be seen in other
states, if passed by the respective
state boards. This is possible be
cause tho Mayor of Toledo in grant- 1
V important is j
Y "Just enough ,/
\ Turkish"? jf -
See Thursday's Papers
—-/t may even make you like
your present cigarette better
Wednesday Evening
Dancing Every Evening
From 8.30 to 11.30
Syncopated Orchestra Will Furnish Music on
Wednesday. Sourbier's Dance Orchestra
on Thursday.
< ■ =3 !
|] Refreshments
Ices, Soft Drinks and Light Lunches
A Recreation Center That Will Meet With the Approval of the
Discriminating Public
U atch Newspapers For Further Announcements.
By Associated tress*
Berlin, July 7.—Prince Eitel Frederick, of Prussia, sec
ond son of the former German emperor, has sent the follow
j ing telegram to King George:
"To His Majesty the King of Great Britain and
"In fulfillment of the natural duty of son and of
ficer, I, with my four younger brothers, place myself
at your majesty's disposal, in place of my imperial father,
in the event of his extradition, in order by our sacri
fice to spare him such degradation.
"In the name of Princes Adalbert, August William,
Oscar and Joachim. •
Amsterdam, July 7.—"The Allies can only have my dead
| body. I will myself decide on my life or death." the former-
German crown prince is quoted as having said in discussing
a possible demand for his extradition.
i ;
; Ins the permit for the fight termed it
j a "boxing contest." A Federal law
j permits the interstate shipment of
1 "boxing contests." but not "prize
j fights."
J-ancaster, Pa., July 7.—Reports
j from many sections of the county
state that the wheat crop which is
now being harvested will not equal
previous harvest predictions. There
is a heavy growth of the stalk, but
the heads are not well filled and
sertous damage has been done by the
Hessian fly and the rust. The opin
ion prevails that the crop has suf
fered from too early sowing and
a lack of potash, which has been
scarce since the outbreak of the
Reserve Militia Encampment
Will Start on Sat
W (thi n a day or
so the canvas will be ready for the
advance details which are to report
Thursday morning. The commissary
Vid quartermaster officers will also
assume their duties on Thursday
morning. Major John Coolbaugh,
of Allentown, will be the commander
of the advance details.
Most of the organizations of the
Militia will start for camp Thurs
day night as the camp will be opened
at 6 a. m. on Saturday morning. The
brigade headquarters will be es
tablished at Reservoir Hill, the of
ficers and men reporting by 4 p. m.
on Friday. The three regiments of
infantry, the cavalry squadron and
the motor transport company with
I other auxiliiary organizations being
assigned to places in the eanip
reservation which has undergone an
extensive improvement in the last
Practically all of the stores and
equipment have been moved to the
camp by motor truck and much
company property will go that way. I
The orders Issued forbid use of
liquors in nny form, require that
"particular attention" be paid to ob
servance of military courtesy and
that disorders will be suppressed.
During the camp the new Spring
field rifles furnished by the War De
partment will be issued to the Militia
and members of the Militia will be
listed for the service ribbon.
Major General W. G. Price, Jr..
who will command the new Militia
Guard, and other officers named for
the organization will visit the camp
to discuss the formation of the new
militia force. Governor Sproul will
also visit the camp.
Change in Orders—The State Live
Stock Sanitary Board has issped a
modification of the quarantine es
tablished some six months ago
against the shipment/into Pennsyl
vania of horses, mules, etc. The
j restrictions were placed because of
fear of spread of cattle diseases ow
ing to army shipments. The modi
fication permits shipment into Penn
sylvania without restrictions, no
test chart or permit being required.
Provision is made that no animal
affected with or exposed to glanders
may enter Pennsylvania.
The hog cholera quarantine has
been raised in six of se.yerfteen
counties, including Philadelphia,
Lebanon and Berks counties.
Brown Rot About—State Agrcul
tural officials have called attention
to appearance of the fungus disease
known as brown rot in many peach
orchards. Because of the weather
conditions the rot is said to be more
prevalent than usual and also to
have seriously affected cherry crops
in some sections. Owing to the
big investments in peach orchards
and the fact that thousands of young
trees are just commencing to bear
the Department' is urging that the
peaches be sprayed or dusted with
out delay.
Object to State—Objections filed
by a depositor and a stockholder of
the Park Bank, of Pittsburgh, to
the proposed sale of the former site
of the bank have been ordered heard
by the Dauphin county court on
July 14. The application for the
approval of the sale was made a few
days ago.
Aaked to Speak. —Dr. Thomas E.
Ftnegan. State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, has been invited
to deliver the address at the dedica
tion of Carbondale's new high school.
Road nought.—The State Highway
Department has bought for $24,000
the Clay and Hlnkletown turnpike in
Lancaster county, and it will soon be
Philadelphia'* Report. —The report
in the Philadelphia Rapid Transit
system made by the city and to be
sent to the Public Service Commis
sion, shows an outlay made of $48,-
768,607.38, and a value of $60,000,000
with $17,000,000 book value.
Contract* Mated —The Public Ser
vice Commission has listed tor hear
ing contracts of the York Haven Wa
ter and Power Company with Lon
donderry, Derry and Lower Swatara
townships and North and South Ann
vllle and Londonderry townships in
Lebanon county. They are for run
ning lines and will be heard next
Increased Capitol. The Raiflf and
Nestor Company, of this city, has
filed notice of increase of stock from
$140,000 to $300,000. Storb, Snader
and Company, Lancaster, filed notice
of increase to from SIOO,OOO $30,0,-
Wart Cheeked. —State Department
of Agriculture officials believe that
they have halted the potato wart,
which did so much damage in the
lower anthracite field. In the last
few days agents of the bureau of
plant industry have been going
through the Luzerne and Carbon
country district with Federal ex
perts and it is thought that the rig
orous quarantine has checked the
spread, while valuable materfal re
garding the disease has been ob
Big Case* tip. —The Public Service
Commission has scheduled for hear
ing on Wednesday the contracts be
tween the Philadelphia and Reading
railway and Montgomery county for
the bridge and crossing abolition im
provements at Conshohockeq. The
work will include a bridge over the
Schuylkill river.
Gmtrt Road Work. Bids for
the construction of over one hundred
miles of State highway will be opened
at the State Highway department to
morrow, this being the largest offer
ing of road work ever made by any
State In the union if not by any coun
try. State Highway department of
ficials say that there has been great
interest shown by contracting firms
and that many bids are looked top.
Fire Destroys Heart
of Farming Village
By Associated Press.
Haaletan, Pa., July 7. —Fire of un
known origin which started in a gar
age early yesterday morning de
stroyed the, general store of William
Bicking, the garage of A. T. Dymond,
harness store and dwelling of George
Osborne and the blacksmith shop of
Harry Heckroth. at Conyngham. a
farming village nine miles from this
city. The loss is placed at $43,000.
Bicking suffering heaviest with a
loss of $26,000. He carried no insur
Fire apparatus was sent from this
city, Conyngham having no Are de
Consults With Dr. Kricgc
Over His Castles and
. Other Estates
Anicrongcn, July 7.—The former'
German emperor has been discussing
his financial problems for more than
a week with Dr. J. Krlcge, who has
been in charge of of the imperial;
estates and funds in Germany since
the Hohcnzollcrn abdication.
Dr. Krieße, one of the former j
German functionaries of the Ger
man foreign office, has been here in
conference with Herr Hohenzollern
when the latter was not engaged in
wood sawing. The marshal of the
German emperor's court. Von Gon
tard, also participated in the dis
Has Plenty of Money
The former emperor is not short
of money, as he possessed a consid
erable amount on deposit in Holland
before war began. This was added
to appreciably while hostilities were
in progress. During the few stirring
weeks preceding his abdication. Wil
liam and his followers transferred
further large sums in ready cash.
Rut William is troubled as to the
fate of his real estate. He possessed
no fewer than fifty-five castles, hunt
ing boxes and country seats scattered
over the empire. The revenues of
these properties are for the present
at least in the hands of the new gov
ernment, which hitherto has paid
from their proceeds all Herr Ho
henzoliern's hills, forwarded to Ber
lin for settlement. These accounts
have been quite formidable, as the
imperial refugee is called upon to
pay for everything he consumes, as
well as for his accommodation and
the upkeep of his suite, besides pay
ing the wages of the gardeners and
domestics of the Rentinck estate
who render him services while wood
cutting or in the hou-ehold.
The expenses of the Dutch guard
of gendarmes on duty around the
castle also fall on the Hohcnnllern
Pntnre of Property tnlmowil
The German government's inten
tions concerning the former emper
or's private fortune cannot he
gleaned here. Germans recently from
the Fatherland declare there is a
great deal nf purely personal sym
pathy for William among all classes
and that it is likely he will receive
a large portion of the value of what
be owned. They sav it is probable
that most of the castles and country
houses will ho sold and the cash re
sult paid to William's account, but a
number of them may he retained as
government property to be used for
the purposes of local government
"The Live Store" 'Mtog-ys Reliable"
See the SIO,OOO I
"Silk Shirt" Window I
at Doutrichs I
"Big" Shirt Sale I
Every Shirt In The Entire Stock j
Is Reduced Except Manhattan I
Saturday and Saturday night were record I
breakers at this "Live Store" 1
' /^S
Crowds, crowds every hour. Be sure and
come to Doutrichs Shirt Sale.
Try This Dependable Doutrich Service
That Everybody Is Talking About
304 Market St. Harrishurg, Pa.
headquarters. This they consider an
equitable arrangement which will not
deprive the ex-monarch of his right
as a private cltien as, they believe,
would be the case if his property
were confiscated.
Speeding Withdrawal
of Old Third Army
From Along Rhine
By Associated Press.
Coblcnz. Sunday, July 6.—lndivid
uals and the smaller units of the old
Third Army are losing no time in
getting out of Germany. All trains
are provided with casuals, and sleep
ing car reservations from Coblenz to
Paris are'booked a week ahend.
The Fifth divsilon began moving
frcm Luxembourg Friday, and, the
Fourth division is scheduled to leave
the Khine sector Tuesday. Next
scheduled to move homeward is the
Second division, due to leave the
east bank of the Rhine, July 15.
The officers' club which played an
intresting part in the history of the
American occupation, was closed
Saturday night. The club quarters
were in the casino of a private Ger
man club, one of the finest on the
Rhine. In the six months it was
used by the Americans many notable
persons were entertained, including
the Prince of Wales, and General
[Pershing, who danced with welfare
i workers, nurses and telephone girls
[in the spacious ballroom. Despite
efforts not to make money, the club
| has 200.000 marks on hand which
(will be divided between the Salva
ition Army and army relief associa
/r ■' ' ==^v
For Skin Tortures
Don't worry about eczema or other
\ skin troubles. Ycc can have a clear,
healthy skin by using Zemo, obtained
at any drug store for 35c, or extra large
bottle at SI.OO.
Zemo generally removes pimples,
blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring-
Worm and makes the skin clear and
healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor
greasy and stains nothing. It is easily
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It is always dependable.
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O.
' JULY 7, 1919.
ttons handling funds for the families
of enlisted men.
The Ameroc News, the army's
daily, will cease publication July 15,
after an existence of three months.
The newspaper made money from
the beginning anil will quit with a
surplus of more than 250,000 marks,
which also will be contributed to'
some charitable organization inter
ested in army work.
Austrian Treaty Ready
For Delegates Tomorrow
Ry Associated Press.
Paris, July 7*—The proposed Aus
trian Peaoe Treaty will be ready
for presentation to the Austrian del
egation on Tuesday. The full text
of the document is now in the hands
of the printer.
The presentation of the terms to
the Austrians probably will not be
accompanied by impressive cere
monies such as were held for the
signing of the German treaty and as
the first meeting with the Austrians.
Ten days or two weeks are ex-
Fred Westendorf, 2121 North Sec
ond street, a retired business man,
speaking for his wife, says: "She
suffered from nervousness and diz
ziness and all run down. She had
several operations, her head being
cut in three places and was in the
hospital four weeks. She didn't
seem to gain strength. She heard
about Tanlac and began taking it.
She is convinced that Tanlac is a
good tonic. She is now about
The genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac
is sold here by Kramer's and Steev
er's and other leading druggists.
* >
pected to be given the Austrian
delegation to study the new articles
on financial, economic and repara
tion questions, and also certainj
boundary terms, which were not
covered in the first draft given,
Clear your skin -
a business asset'
That skin-trouble may be more than)
a source of suffering and embarrassment 1
—it may be holding yon beck m the I
business world, keeping yon eat of *J
better job for which a good appearancei
is required. Why "take a chance"when I
Ointment heals skin-eraptionsso easily ?
S*mpl* Ire*. Dept. 4-K, Rtiiwl, SaiHapn, MA/<
r ..
In Memoriam ?*
of the depa-ted we make and
erect monuments of all descrip
tions. We shall be pleased to
submit plans and estimates guar
anteeing that both workmanship
and charges will be found satis
I. B. Dickinson
Granite, Marble, Tile and Braoie
Harrlaburg, l'a.