"IF/ien a Girl " By ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CCXXXIX NOopyrighL 1919. King Feature syndicate, Inc.) dare you ask Phoebe to re ceive with you at your engagement tea? Don't you know she was en gaged to Neal only a few months ago and that they still love each other? Is there nothing at which your cruelty and selfishness will stop? You shan't humiliate her by forcing her to come to your triumph in that hideous shade of gray Vuit will spoil all her sweetness. I can see that you are counting on Neal's chivalry to carry him through his marriage to you, but don't goad me too far or I'll" — i?his was what I wanted to say no Ewy when she showed me the hideous shade of gTay in which she proposed to deck Phoebe and march Aer to Miss Evelyn Mason's triumph. But I didn't utter a syllable of fcL "What good would it have done to throw down the gauntlet like that? For if I had, Ewy would probably have maneuvered Neal mto a position where his boyish *ishness and chivalry might have caused him to elope with her to morrow. After a minute spent in conquer ing my longing for the satisfaction of speaking out, I said this in stead: "Silver gray—that might do for me. Well, I haven't time to stand discussing color effects. I have a luncheon engagement and must run along." "A luncheon engagement?" purred Ewy huskily. "Oh, 1 wanted you to come with me! 1 thought we'd 'phone Neal and Jimmic —or Tom, if you prefer. Now don't try to persuade Madame to give you the gray and switch the orange to Val Cosby and the flesh to Phoebe. She takes her orders from me, and I hate the obvious. Later you'll see how clever I was in my choice of colors." "I don't question your clever ness," I replied, enjoying the force of my truthful reply. "See you Saturday at seven, Ewy. So long." Then I dashed off, thanking the kind fates that had inspired me to make a luncheon engagement with Virginia when I telephoned in my vain effort to speak to Phoebe sev eral hours before. For weeks I have been avoiding a tete-a-tete with Virginia. Ever since the day when I heard of the forming of the Dalton-Sturges Realty Corporation and Neal's con nection with it, I've been mentally sidestepping a discussion of it with Virginia. It would hurt her. It must. Besides, it would be the one bit of fuel needed to make her dis like of Neal leap into an active blaze. I wanted to keep it from Virginia. I didn't even want to get into a position where she might read incriminating knowl edge in my eyes. But now, as I set out eagerly for my appointment, I realized what a relief Virginia would he after my hour with Ewy. When I arrived at the smart restaurant Virginia had designated as our meeting place, I found her already there. No (. OvS n g \ Nutritious Diet for All Age 3 Buick Lunch at Home or Office kvoid Imitations and Substitutes This School Teacher Says: "I Can Judge the Merit of Natonex, it is Wonderful" "It a pleasure to recommend such a splendid preparation as Natonex has proved itself to be." said Miss Edith Laity, teacher, of 16 Timpson street, Ashley, Pa. "I was in that run down condition that comes to almost every one at this time of the year. "I was bothered with gas and bloating, which showed my diges tion was impaired and my liver sluggish. I noticed an eruption ap pearing on my skin which I feared was eczema. My nerves were get ling on edge because of my condi tion. I always believed in the old saying that 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,' and I have always taken something to cleanse my system in the spring. "Who would think of neglecting bouse cleaning any year, but how many neglect the cleansing and purifying of their bodies, which is the ~.ost important of all. "I was attracted to Natonex by reading so many endorsements, and When I learned about its Nature in gredients and that it contained no %;*tonex is especially explained in Ilarrisbtirg at the Gorgas Drug Store, 16 North Third Street. To meet the great demand, Natoncx is now sold by these leading Druggists: Everett—J. R. Fulton Srooneastlc—Charles B. Carl Hanover—ll. C. Haiiglinian Ly 4 . ? J- |/5 \ . !5 K, J' 4 .24 ) SO a, / ° & " .2 >O t - •V. .2, > 12. . lb i 8 20. Bi 13 .• . '4 ,5 "5 . S 62 ! -/ ; ' " jA • V - 57 . 5b • 5a Draw from one to two nntl so on to the end. FREETO ASTHMA SUFFERERS I A Jifw Home Method That Anyone fun tur Without Discomfort or l.oxN of Tltue We have a new method that con trols Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case is of lons stand ing or recent development, whether it Is present as Hay Fever or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to I those apparently hopeless cases, whore all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, 'patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense, that this new method is dqsigned to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once. Tliis free offer is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do it Today. KRKK TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room 518 X, Niagara and Hudson Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: British Silver Makers Seek to Stop Use of Marks by U. S. Firms London, July s.—British silver man ufacturers are seeking means of stopping the use of their hall marks by electro plating firms in the United States, says the American Chamber of Commerce here. it is also understood that the ad visory committee of the City of Shef field is taking up the question of the use of the word "Sheffield" in con nection with American manufactures. An anticipated difficulty is pointed out in the fact that there are at least nine Shcffields in the United States from which many of the American firms may derive their name. It is suggested, however, that they should add the letters, "U. S. A." to the na me. Export Duties on Mexican Tobacco Cut Mexico City, July s.—Exports duties on Mexican tobacco, accord ing to Excelsior, will be reduced about 50 per cent., under a decree signed by the president, which will be issued shortly. SURE! MINES WILL FIX IT . . "I like the place," said Mr. Newy wed, "but the railroad fare is too high." "But surely," said the bride, "the railroad will fix that for *you when they know." "When they know what?" "That you're the man who bought five shares of their stock."—Boston Transcript. ®|fl Some women are never allowed to show their faces r | 'HE Turks keep their women shot ftmli JL up. Naturally, no American -woman Wflk JShy wants to be a Turk. They demand freedom of action. lU® Then some American women proceed MM Vu| to B^ut themselves up in a hot kitchen, MS'ft A : \ over a hot stove, baking bread. l#i They think they are slaves to duty, when they are merely slaves to a bad habit wasting health and money* ((HORJJEM J Women who bake bread are making Turks of themselves The modern woman keeps house on a busi ness basis. She does the thing* that are essential or economical. She buys bread and saves time and money. The modern woman buys L GUNZENH AUSER'S Usa§4[ AMERICAN-MAID >- . . BREAD because it is better than she can bake and costs less; because the children thrive on and Vj the older people love it; because itisgood, clean, "^\\v^ crisp and appetizing; because it is made right. The GU S BHHHS Bakery 'B, JULY 5, 1919. Forecasts Population of Paris Will Be Six Million in Fifty Years Paris, July 5.—A statistician who had made a study of the growth of the population of Paris estimates that the city, within its present lim its, will have 6,000,000 inhabitants in another half century and that the population of the Department of the Seine, Which he thinks will then be a part of the capital, will have increased to 14,300,000. He bases his figures on the actual development of the city since 1800 and on the progressive density of the population which went from 85 to the acre in 1861 to 146 to the acre in 1911. In '1961, ho antici pates Paris will cover 432,500 acres, practically the entire territory of the Department of the Seine and some communes of the Department of Seine et Oisc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Fully Accredited Troup Building 15 S. Market Square Bell 485 J Dial 4393 (Clip thin find **nd It nt once for fnll Informntlon) ! Gentlemen i—l'lcnse send me complete Information about tbe ■ übjecti I liuve checked. Typewriting .... Shorthand .... Stenotypy .... \ llookkeeplng .... Secretarial .... Civil Service..•• Name Address 7 Cigarets Are Becoming Scarce in Berlin Berlin, July 5. The illicit trad* in cigarets has grown to such pro portions in Berlin that the authorities are considering a campaign against profiteers who sell them for donbl* and treble their value. Cigarets now have become so scarce that on* of ordinary quality readily commands fifteen cents and, while the price is plainly marked on each sigaret, they are daily sold in the streets by peddlers for much higher pricea BITES-STINGS Wash the affected wo surface with house hold ammonia or ißh& warm salt water; then apply— VICK'S VAPORuiir "YOUR. BODYCU ARD"-30f. 60MUO