Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 03, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Revolver t* Discharged Acci
dentally WhiU She Stoop*
tu Kis Her Daughter
by Associated Press.
Atlantic City.. N. J„ July S.—The
accidental discharge of a revolver In
the hands of Mrs. Hannah Ootthal
sent a bullet through the brain of
her IS-yenr-old daughter Mildred, at
a hotel here last night as the moth
er. who according to the police. w as
planning suicide, knelt beside the
bed and leaned over to kiss her good
bye. The girl died Instantly Mrs.
Ootthal gave herself ui> and is in a
critical condition at the county san
atorium. After an examination the
police announced she was suffering
from chronic melancholia.
In a letter addressed to her daught
er and found beside the girl's bed.
lira Ootthal! said she had "tried
hard to keep up the flght alone, but
it Is too dreary *nd I am too 111. 1
have not slept for weeks. No one
knows or cares. I am literally dying
on my feet."
The police said Mrs. Gotthal. who
Is the widow of George Gotthal. man
ager of a large Philadelphia furniture
concern, told ihem she had been con
templating taking her life for six ■
weeks. I
York, Pa.. July 3.—Dover has '
gone dry. not figuratively, but actu
ally. The Dover Hotel closed at
midnight before last, and Charles i
Motter. dairyman, of Conewago
township, who has been supplying
the town with milk, quit his route
yesterday morning.
He notified his customers yester- |
day that this was his last delivery ;
of milk. He will devote his time to
farming. 1
The doors and windows of the old
hostelry are shut up tight.
By Associated Press.
Baltimore, July 3.—Turnkey John
J. Lanahan. of the Central police :
station, was shot and killed as he i
was about to search a prisoner in ;
front of the desk to-day. A second i
shot narrowly missed Police Lieu- \
tenant Klinefelter. Lanahan's slay
er, Frank Wozniak, a resident of
East Baltimore, was beaten into j
unconsciousness by other police- j
At present ash collections are be
ing made in the city by a force of
men hired by the municipal bureau,
but using wagons and horses which
are secured by the day. This is too
costly, according to Dr. Hassler, and j
by the city owning its equipment j
much money could be saved, he said.
Don't Spoil a Good Meal
With a Bad Stomach
If a physician, a specialist in stom
ach diseases, came to you and said: "I
will fix up that miserable, worn out
stomach for you or money back
"I will make it as good as new so
you will not suffer from any distress !
and can eat what you want without
f-ar or suffering, or money back
would you turn down his offer?"
And when you are offered Mi-o-na
stomach tablets, made from a pre
scription better than many of the
stomach specialists know how to
write, are you going to be narrow
minded and continue to suffer from i
indigestion, or are you going to be
fair to yourself and try Mi-o-na on I
the money back agreement.
Mi-o-na stomach tablets are offered '
to you on this basis, that if they do
not put your stomach into such good I
shape that there is no dizziness, sour !
stomach, biliousness, sick headache. I
and stomach distress, your money i
will he returned. For sale by H. C. !
Kennedy and all leading druggists.
mmmm keeps
"By using Wild root regularly, I keep mv
scalp entirely free from the itching crust
of dandruff, the cause of most hair trouble.
I owe my luxuriant hair-the enw of
my friends—to this guaranteed dandruff
SFor Sale here under a
money-back guarantee
H, C. Kennedy
Shampoo B°ap, urr ] j n connection
with wildroot, will hasten tlio treatment. I i
r 6w Af• J "DARLING" HOLD-TICHT ROUGE, 35c a box k
I V = A S P H KLAR ,
Forlnfante,lnvtHdiuidGrowtnjCl lldren I R!:h tnilk, malted rratn extract in Powder
The Original Food-Drink for Alt Ages'No Cooking Nourishing Digestible
Hedge Clippers—Grass Shears—Sides and Edge Tools
All Kinds of Machinery Repaired
Court and Cranberry Streets
Field Forces of State Health Department Getting Instructions at Mont Alto Convention
- mil- ...IL - ' 1
—Photo by Roshon.
Cripple Paints Wilson's
Picture; Teeth Holdßrush
S ineteen-Y ear-Old Girl Spends Hours Daily Developing Art;
Writes Letter to President, Presenting Portrait
Philadelphia, July 3.—Long years
of illness have left her tongue twist
ed so she has difficulty in articulat
ing; her limbs have been afTected by
rheumatism, so that walking is not
an easy matter; the long, slender
fingers have been knotted and mis
shapen and within the last year they
have become utterly useless. But
the years of suffering have not
dauted the spirit of Kosalie Freed
man nor dimmed her ambition to
become an artist.
In a dingy corner of an upstairs
cafe that forms the most spacious
part of the Freedman home, at 132'1
Race street, nineteen-year-old Itosie
has worked for more than two
months painting a portrait of Presi
dent Wilson, holding the paint brush
in her teeth.
Members of the family each after
noon placed the paint box, the cup
of water, brushes and the water
color pad on the table before the
girl, and she has done the rest.
With the material flat on the table
before her she sketched the face of
the President, mixed her water col
ors and painted a remarkable por
trait. without touching her hands
to the material. Tediously, labori
ously, but altogether joyously, the
girl "worked with the pencil or brush
between her teeth, her head bent
close above the paper.
Send Portrait to President
The portrait now is completed. It
has been framed and will be sent
this week to President Wilson with
a letter which the girl herself has
written as she held the pencil in her
[Continued from First Cage.]
other meeting to be held in the
near future.
Proposed plans reported by a com
mittee last night call for an im
proved church auditorium, improved
Sunday school facilities and im
proved equipment for women and
girls' work.
An enlarged auditorium will be
one of the improvements to be
planned by the building committee
together with architects. At present
about 25 per cent, of the attendance
at the Pine Street Sunday School
meets in the Boyd Memorial build
ing in South street. A number of
men's Bible classes having large at
tendances cannot be accopimodated
in the main room now. With the
approval of plans for this part of the
development all the classes can meet
Better facilities are necessary also
for the women and girls' work and
it is proposed to provide gymnasium
equipment for them, also to arrange
for teaching sewing, cooking and
other household arts on an enlarged
Committees of five members each
are to be appointed soon to make
a preliminary report on the building
program and method of financing it.
The committee announced to-day
no estimate could be given of the
cost of the proposed improvements.
By Associated Press.
Berlin, July 3.—Emil Von Slauss,
director of the Deutsche Bank and
one of the German financial dele
gates at Versailles, declared to-day
that financial circles in Berlin were
gravely apprehensive that Vienna
might soon fall into the hands of the
Bolsheviki, reports from there in
dicating that the city is politically
in imminent danger.
Xcw Cumberland, Pa., July 3.—A
meeting of the school board will be
held next Monday evening, July 7,
when they will reorganize.
"Dear President Wilson," reads
the letter, "It gives me great pleas
ure to present this portrait of you
as an expression of my appreciation
of the wonderful things you have
done for this country and your work
as a great educator.
"#t has given me happiness and
strength to paint your strong face.
1 am teaching myself to be an ar
ist in the near future. I have great
ambition and hope to make some
thing of my work. lam not a nor
mal girl. That is my handicap in
life. 1 am nervous and paralyzed.
I paint and write with my teeth. My
fingers lire useless. Before 1 start
ed to paint I was melancholy and
wanted to end my useless rife. But
now I have an aim in life, and I am
happy to live. •
"I went to school five years, then
had to stop on account of illness.
Artist friends say 1 paint very well
with my teeth. I am so helpless I
need a maid to help me dress and
eat, and I want to earn my own
living to pay my expenses and save
my family.
"I hope you will like this portrait.
It took me about two months, work
ing only two hofirs a day, to paint
it. Your sincere friend and ad
Nerve Keeps Iler Going
Louis Freedman, father of the
girl, says only her sheer nerve and
determination have kept her going
through all these years when parents
and friends thought she could not
i [Continued from First Page.]
O i .
now own a large three-story build
ing adjoining the' lot are the new
owners and the building to be erect
ed will be used for their business.
Facing in Market street, there will
be three storerooms and a large
I center archway and drive as an en
trance to the garage that will be in
I the rear. The lot on this side has
i a width of sixty-five feet. Front
j ing in Cameron street will be two
I more storerooms and an archway
! and drive from the Cameron street
I side. The storeroom will be rented
| and, no doubt, will be used as ac
j cessory stores and automobile sales
i rooms.
The upper floors will be large
storage rooms and it is the inten
tion of the owners to fit these two
floors in such a manner that they
can be used for conventions, auto
mobile shows, etc. Instead of ele
vators there will be a twelve-foot
concrete driveway with an eight-per
cent grade going to the upper ffoors
I This driveway will be wide enough
for two cars to pass.
, The frontage in Cameron street
! will be fifty feet six inches and the
I depth of the lot from Market street
lis 136 feet. The depth from Cara
j eron street to the building line is
j 108 feet. The small building di-
I rectly on the corner of Cameron
! and Market streets will remain as
they are now. This piece of ground,
I it seems, cannot be bought.
Materials are now being hauled
| and work will start at once. Mark
j ely & Starr are the architects and
, Harold Hippie is the contractor.
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
Mrs. Renz and granddaughter,
Clara Snyder, of Middletown, spent
yesterday with Mrs. George Wat
kins, at New Cumberland.
Leonard Rosenberger, of New
Cumberland, has returned from Mif
flin, where he spent the past two
Miss Grayce, who is in the em
ployment of the government at
Washington, D. C., is spending sev
eral days at her home at New Cum
Miss Elizabeth Hobart, of New
Cumberland, went to Williamsport
to spend the Fourth.
Miss Mildred Keester, of Lake
Helen, Florida, is visiting friends at
New Cumberland.
Vera Lenhart, of New Cumber
land, is visiting relatives at York
and Emigsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bowers, of
New Cumberland, who were married
i on Tuesday evening, were givdn a
| lively serenade by the calithumpian
;Boys Have Battle
in Real Trenches
Last week workmen in the lot of
j the Fothergill school building dug
; two deep trenches about twenty feet
| apart for the laying of pipes. Un
able to complete the Job imme
) diatel.v, the trenches were left open
j several days. Tuesday evening the
trenches came to the notice of a
crowd of boys who saw in it an ex
cellent place to reproduce part of
the World War. There was a pitch
jed battle on Tuesday evening. None
of the participants was severely
■ wounded, although a number bore
' marks caused by missiles of stone,
i mud, and wood. No Man's Land
I between the trenches was littered
i with stones and mud. The armistice
was signed after a number of school
directors came to the scene of bat
Now Cumberland, Pa.. July 3.—A
campaign for funds for a home
coming celebration for returned sol
diers will be held from July 10 to
the 16th. The reception will be
hairt here September 6.
tnmiiiifuim HIIMTPW
By Assoc'jted Press.
Washington, July 3.—President
Wilson is expected to land at
Hoboken at 3.30 o'clock next
Tuesday afternoon.
Under present plans, he will
cross to Manhattan on the
Twenty-third street ferry and
lotor up Fifth avenue to Car
egic Hall, where a reception
ill be held.
After delivering a brief ad
rcss, he will leave for Washing-,
on. .
[Continued from First Page.]
feature. Last evening the activities
opened with a service for the de
mobilization of the service flags held
on the Dickinson College campus.
To-morrow the great historical pa
geant will be staged in the special
arena on Biddle Field.
The service last evening was
unique. There was a preliminary
procession with the service flags of
some 35 churches, lodges and in
dustries in line each escorted by a
guard of honor of 10 men. They
marched formally to the Dickinson
Campus which was specially decor
ated for the occasion. The services
were held in front of the Old West
Building, from which Carlisle and
Cumberland County men have gone
out to wars for a century.
Rev. E. L. Coblentz presided. The
address to the men was delivered
by -Dr. Leon Gushing Prince, of
Dickinson College, Cumberland
County \v*r historian. His address
paid a tribute to the men and ex
pressed the sentiment of the affair.
"We are proud of you collectively
and proud of you individually; proud
of the high repute you gained in the
performance of difficult and danger
ous duty, proud of the splendid pa
triotism you so consistently dis
played. Mother Cumberland who
sent you forth with her benediction
and her prayers, hails your safe and
honorable return with glad thanks
giving and welcome back again to
the fold of her citizenship, you who
have never been absent from her
heart." It was singularly fitting
that Dr. Prince should make this ad
dress as he delivered the farewell
to Carlisle men when they left for
service on the border in the present
war. Lieutenant Rippey T. Shear
er presided.
The service for the demobiliza
tion of the service flags was then
carried out. the rolls of the various
flags being called while one repre
sentative flag was formally demob
ilized in its entirety. Following the
service there was a band concert on
the public square and formally
illumination of the decorations.
To-day was the great parade which
assembled shortly after noon. Major
E. R. Plank was commandant. There
was a detachment of commissioned
county officers, followed by the men
of Company G, 112 th, Co. F, 103 rd
Ammunition Train, 28th and 79th
Divisions and other soldiers
by units with men who served in
various commands in one group. In
all about 1,000 of the 1,800 men
whom Carlisle sent into service were
in line.
In addition to this division of
honor was a division composed of
Carlisle Fire companies with visitors
from Enola, Mechanicsburg, Ship
pensburg and Newvllle. The final
division was made up of Liberty
Loan, Red Cross, Navy League, War
Savings Committee, various war
work and other organizations.
To-morrow is Pageant Day. Great
interest centers in this event. A
monster stage has been erected on
Biddle Field with whole pine trees
as a background. In addition 5.000
seats have been provided with spe
cial, old wagons, and settings of
various kinds.
London, July 3.—The forces of
General Denekine, the anti-Bolshe
vik leader in Southern Russia have
occupied th 5 city of Tzarltzin, on the
% olga river, south of Saratov, ac
cording to a Russian wireless report
to-day. The city previously had
been abandoned by the Bolsheviki.
John S. Miller, 162 South Second
street, has as his guest his brother
Harry Miller, of Middle Ridge Ohio'
Miss Martha Boyd, York is
spending the week at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. William Bossier of
Miss Rebecca Miller, 126 Lincoln
street, attended the commencement
exercises of the Crane Normal school
at Potsdam, New York. She is now
visiting friends in Rochester
In Colony of a Hundred, Eighty-Six Died in a Week; Dogs
1 hen Ate Some of the Bodies
St. John*. N. F., July 3.—Details of
the Inroads itiade by influenza among
inhabitants of Eskimo settlements in
Labrador last winter and the difficult
ly of disposing of the dead are fur
nished in reports from northern mis
sions] ies received by the colonial
Bishop Martin, of the Moravian
missions, writing from Heb-on, said
that all of the 100 Hskirtios In that
settlement became ill and in a week
SB died, leaving only eight children,
five women and one man.
"At the beginning of the epidemic
the bodies were put into our small
dead house," lie wrote, "but that was
soon fljed up and as there was nobody
strong enough to remove the dead
Last Shipments of Supplies From America to Europe Are
Now Being Made; Child-Feeding Bureaus Continued
New York, July 3.—The general
relief program of the American Re
lief Administration which began last
November the great work of caring
for starving Europe, is approaching
its end. Last shipments of supplies
from America are being made and
food at present in transit and that
provided for in connection with the
terminating of the work is believed
to be sufficient to carry Europe
through until the next harvest.
Despite this approaching official
termination of its activities the
American Relief Administration will
continue to remain in Europe for
some time to continue the supervis
ion of the child-feeding bureaus now
furnishing daily supplementary
meals to 4,000,000 children until in
dividual nations are themselves able
ta take over active charge.
The total number of supplies dis
tributed by the administration from
December tirst to May thirtieth was
2,480,230 tons, comprising 512 ship
loads worth $635,175,000.
Much of the success of the Amer
ican Relief Administration in Eu
rope is attributed to the strict code
to which its field workers were
pledged and which demanded that
each and every member of the ad
ministration "should abstain abso
lutely and entirely from any com
mercial business in his territory and
sh'ould in no way represent private
commercial houses." The American
representatives were not permitted
to engage in any local political dis
putes and were in honor bound to
refrain from public criticism of In
dividuals in the pountry where they
Commander Read Declares
Regular Traffic Will .
Become Reality
By Associated Press.
New York, July 3.—Regular trans-
Atlantic aerial travel would become
a reality within three years, if in
terest in jfviation evident in time
of war were continued in time of
peace, declared Lieutenant Command
er Albert C. Read, "skipper" of the
NC-4, at a dinner given here lust
night by the American Flying Club
in honor of the airmen who won
for the American Navy the honor of
being first to fly across the Atlan
"Any one who sa:.'3 that we will
never attain an altitude of 60,000
feet, that we will never be able to
cross to Europe in the forenoon and
return in the afternoon, that we will
never be able to accomplish the
things that appear impossible now,
is a most outrageous person, with a
courage simila- to those in the
olden days who said that iron ships
would never work," asserted Com
mander Read.
Describing his experiences on his
flight from Newfoundland to Lisbon,
Commander Read predicted that in
the future long distance planes
would be much larger than the NC
Answering his own question as to
"whether the results obtained from
the flight were worth the expense."
by asserting that "an immense
amount of information concerning
seaplanes and operating over the sea
for a long distance," had been se
cured. Commander Read added that
he would not "try to estimate the
more intangible results of the in
creasing prestige to the Navy and to
the country."
Entertains in Honor
of Guest From Reading
Miss Sarah Kades entertained at
her home. 433 Pine street. Tuesday
evening in honor of her guest. Miss
Julia Levine, of Reading. Among
the guests were Miss Heien Rosen
berg, Miss Ooldic Rosenberg, Miss
Anna Wagenheim, Miss Minnie Le
vine. Miss Lillian Marcus, Louis
Sharofsky, Samuel Kline, Harry
Kline, Samuel Sherman, George Co
han Abraliamson. Walter Wagen
heim, and Jack Reuben.
from the houses, most of the Eskimo
huts were filled with bodies.
"After all the Inhabitants of some
houses died, the dogs broke Into the
huts and ate some of the bodies. When
they had done so they got very vicious
and dangerous We killed the dogs at
the station (about 100) but could not
destroy them all. Therefore the dogs
and the graves had to be watched day
and night.
"After much deliberation we decid
ed to bury the bodies in the sea."
Deporting that 70 of the 320 inhab
itants of the district of Sandwich Bay
were vieitims of the plague, the Rev.
Henry Gordon gave a similar account
of sufferings He said the orphans had
been distributed among the different
settlements. 1
were working or surrounding coun
Independent telegraph and wire
less service between all of the prin
cipal capitals under direct control
of the operators employed by the
Relief Administration recently ar
ranged for involved the exclusive
use of over 5,000 miles of telegraph
wires in Europe. This was necessi
tated by the tomplete disintegra
tion of communications of all de
scriptions throughout Europe dur
ing the war.
• Courier service is now running
regularly all over Europe necessitat
ed by the breakdown of postal ser
vice abroad.
Added to these relief measures,
America during the months between
December tlrst and June thirtieth
has had the burden of supplying
food to the Allies. Supplies admin
istered for this purpose about equal
ed In volume the direct relief meas
ures to other parts of Europe. Kn
emv shipping to the amount of a
million and a half tons obtained irt
exchange for food was used for this
purpose as well as American ships
Only one example of the magni
tude of the work of the American
Relief Administration in Europe is
contained in a review of its
communication systems. Yi lien the
American relief pioneers went into
Europe they found transportation
and all forms of communication
completely demoralized.
A recent administration bulletin
just made public describes the great
communication system which they
worked out in the face of seemingly
insurmountable obstacles. (
Wholesale Murders Occur
During Occupation of
Few Months
By Associated Press.
Bielebei, European Russia, July 3.
—The reign of the Bolsheviki
passed over the people of Bielebei
like a scourge. The Bolsheviki oc
cupied Bielebei for several months.
The correspondent of The Asso
ciated Press visited the town within
a fortnight after their evacuation.
The people were just beginning to
readjust their domestic and govern
mental affairs. Refugees were re
turning to view the wreck of their
homes. They were veritable wrecks
for the Bolsheviki had occupied all
vacated houses and had carried away
or destroyed most of their contents.
An elderly judge of the district
court. Professor Paul Blumenthal,
long a resident of the United States,
who left upon approach of the Bol
sheviki, was so overcome with grief
over the fate of his native town that
he wept.
Many persons had disappeared and
it was well known that many had
been murdered. The corpses of vic
tims are being discovered. The cor
respondent followed a stream of
men, women and children which
flowed out across the fields toward
the edge of a scraggly wood. There
under the overhanging bank on the
edge of a gravel pit they were ly
ing. a tangled heap of bodies, ap
parently as they fell or had been
thrown, with no attempt at. burial.
Do,ml Are Robbed
The bodies were mostly those of
young or middle-aged workmen.
From each the boots and most of
the outer clothing had been removed.
Of some the skulls were crushed, of
others the faces were disfigured as
though by gunshot at close range.
The crowd on the bank above the
grewsome pile appeared fascinated.
They silently made way for a group
of Americans, including Consul Em
bry, from Omsk, and two correspon
dents, and watched with Interest
while they photographed the victims.
A nicely dressed woman and little
girl walked into the pit to get a
better look at the figure of a blond
young girl which lav partly un
covered c'ose under the bank.
The body was perfectly preserved
by the cold and lay with arms bare
and crossed as though the girl might
have been sleeping. The face, which
was not disfigured, was that of an
intelligent, pretty girl. Toward dusk
the body was removed by relatives
who had come from Ufa. She was a
high school girl from that town who
had been abducted by the Bolshevik
commissar when Ufa was evacuated.
Close by was the body of another
When the Bolshvlki entered Bie
lebei the government of the town
was taken over by a "Revolutionary
Committee, of Communists." There
was formed a "Committee of Inves
tigation" under the presidency of
one Velt, a Lett. One of the first,
acts of this committee was to shoot
the president of the former local
county zemstvo as a counter-revo
lutionary. The latter was ill at the
time and had to be' carried out to
his death in a chair. Twenty men
were shot and in addition many
Mohammedan priests. A member
of the Investigating Committee
boasted that he shot one priest be
cause he was too long over his
prayers, while the committeemen
waited to take him.
J* * T Y 3. 1919.
Councilmen Confer on
Purchase of Wagons For
Collection of City Ashes
City Commissioners conferred yes
terday afternoon on the proposed
plan to purchase equipment to be
used by employes of the Bureau of
Ash and Garbage Inspection for mu
nicipal ash collections.
Commissioner S. F. Hassler at the
last few regular meetings of Coun
cil has been submitting .figures on
the cost of wagons, horsefe and har
ness, and stables, and yesterday
these weVe discussed. It was said
that about $4,000 would be needed
for part of the equipment. A suffl
! dent number of wagons and horses
1 could be purchased with that amount
I Dr. Hassler said, to do the work
I during the remainder of the sum -
j mer and early fall. More teams
I would be needed, however, probably
j by November.
I To-day the councilmen inspected
I some second-hand wagons and
| stables which may be used. Action
I will likely be taken at the meeting
i of Council next Tuesday.
Missouri Legislature
Has Passed Suffrage
Jefferson City, Mo., July 3. The
Missouri Legislature to-day ratified
i the Federal suffrage amendment
j when the Senate, concurring in the
i action of the House yesterday, passed
! the adopting resolution by a vote of
j 28 to 3.
11 u Associatt <! Press.
Bethlehem, Pa., July 3. General
William E. Doster, a prominent bank
er, soldier and corporation lawyer,
died at St. Luke's Hospital here "to
day. aged 82 years. He was graduat
ed from Harvard University, class of
1857, Harvard Law School and the
University of Heidelberg in Germany.
Carried in Stock By
Builders' Modern Materials
9th St. Cumberland St. P. R. R. Tracks
Alpha Portland Cement Plaster Paris
Drain Tile u .
Flue Lining Hydr t te s ?
Wall Coping Plaster Boards
Hollow Block * Wall Boards
Pyrobar Partitions Roofing and
Ivory 'Piaster Sheathing Papers
u.s. o. Twin Shingles
For Fords
i Roof 16-Valve Head For Fords Has Arrived ' *
50% More Horsepower^
Live Agents Wanted
W. R. Mohney & Son]
. Exclusive"Rights 810 N. Third St. <!
Harrisburg, Pa.
(Distributors For Central and Eastern Pennsylvania 1 *
Hair Made Beautifully
Wavy While You Sleep! j
Just think, girls! Tou apply a little
liquid silmerine at bedtime and in
the morning your hair has a piettier
wave und curl than probably it has
ever had. The wuviness looks per
fectly natural and the hair is sleek
and glossy like plush. It will re
main in curl the longest time, regard
less of heat, wind or moisture, and
you won't have to be continually
fussing with loose strands or flying
Liquid silmerine is of course en
tirely harmless. It leaves no stickv,
greasy or streaky trace. It has the
peculiar quality of drying in beauti
ful waves, creases and swirls. It is
also an excellent dressing for the
hair, keeping it delightfully soft and
silky. ,\ few ounces from your druß
gist will last for weeks. It is best
applied with a clean tooth brush,
111 awing this down the full length of
j the hair.
To Have Perfect Skin
! Throughout the Summer
This is the season when she who
would have a lily-white complexion
should turn her thoughts to mercol
, ized wax, the lirm friend of the sun
j mer grl. Nothing so effectually ov-
I ercomcs the soiling effects of sun,
: wind, dust and dirt. The wax lit
! orally absorbs the scorched, diseol
| ored, withered or coarsened scarf
skin, bringing forth a brand new
skin, clear, soft and girlishly beau
| tiful. It also unclogs the pores, re
l moving blackheads and increasing
i the skin's breathing capacity.
An ounce of mercolized wax, ob-
I tainable at any drug store, applied
I nightly like cold cream, and washed
! off mornings, will gradually lm
j prove even the worst complexion
j There is nothing better for the re
l niovul of tan, freckles or blotches.