Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 03, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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The International Sunday School Lesson for July 0 Is "The
Church: Its Life and Work."—Acts 2:37-47; I. Tlicss. 5:11-15.
Full Circle swing the wheel. All
the world is agog over the new mood
of Socialism that is expressing itself
in violent forms in certain centers
which hold public attention. Mil
lions of people sincerely believe that
this whole basic idea of a recon
structed social order is entirely new.
They assume that Socialism if so
indefinite word be permissible is a
discovery of recent years.
Yet hene we come upon a picture
of the first company of Christian be
lievers, bent upon realizing complete
, communism— selling their individual
J possesions and having all things n
' common, and moving a toge her-in
a mood of high spiritual exaltation.
We might almost say that the C
* tian church began as an experiment
ln To C <iay * the church is the world's
best "bulwark
be right?
right and the
Bolshevist theories wrong . an _
We look to the story tor
swer. Th° c t . on 0 f the friends
and is the o^° g ' t^bUshc(l it to carry
of Jesus. i m ission. He pro
on his message an p ap tism. and
vided an y func 'tlon. or sacra
* a commemorative Lo rd s Sup
mcnt, the eucharist. {o i, o wers
pcr . m addition, all n of
were characterized by tn an<l
prayer: and they
by commandment hip and to
together t Jpsus his
hear remninscences ords from
llfe . bis work "d h j 7; him
those who had
in the flesh. A mysterious
Of the church was the my
and supernational decent tQ
Holy Spirit re h t jesus himself
the disciples all in
bad been when alive
spirer, present !• r en . Tried
"hi w 1 is 6 measTred' and
dated I" *" ch an Hv
Pentecostal Visitation, th * real-
Jerusalem church came to
dominant. Men and women
that thev were Christians touched
bv the divine fire, aware of their
acceptance by Christ, made evcry;
thing else seem relativelyunimp
ant Bv the accession of 3.000 re
cruits, under the stimulus of Peter
great sermon, they were suddenly
confronted with a new sense of their
solidarity as Christians. Jhey
came, as it were, a special commun
itv within the city—and the happiest
sweetest-spirited. cleanest living
section of the population.
Under the impulsion of the new
emotion, they decide to pool thelr
possesions. It was unthinkable to
them that there should he social de- ,
grees or classes among the brethren.
As members of one great family-,
the young Christian church, they
decided to hold all things in com
mon. The poor shared the property
of the rich; the rich had the volun
tary help of the poor. It was a
case of emulation in self sacrifice
and in affectionate service. In eat
ing and drinking, in work and in
worship there was a simpHcty of
thankfulness and mutuality such as .
the self-seeking world had never i
I seen before.
Significantly, we hear little more
about the economic aspect of this
experiment in socialism. Had the
zeal of the disciples carried them to
impracticable lengths? Soon we
read of Paul's taking up a collec
tion for the help of the mother
church at Jerusalem: the commu
nity had evidently gone on to the
rocks economically. Communism
has revived in various ways in the
church throughout the succeeding
centuries, as in the monastic orders
and in certain groups of live-minded
Christians, but communism is not a .
teaching of any considerable section j
of the church to-day.
Something Better Than Socialism |
This is an arresting situation, and |
it will this week receive widespread i
study by millions of alert persons
" who follow the International Les
sons, keep to discern the present ap- |
plications of Scripture. Either the
first group of Jerusalem Christians
overstressed the social and economic
side of their discipleship. or else ex
pressed it in a mistaken form, or the j
Christian Church as a whole has j
been guilty of a profound error and j
apostasy. Let us see.
Forms are incidental and transi
tory: the spirit is essential and j
abiding. Jesus himself laid down I
that principle. The world needed a I
scheme of communism less than it j
needed a new disposition of genuine
brotherhood. Christ did not come
to establish any special form of so
cial order, communism or aristoc
racy, any more than he came to set
up a distinctive form of government,
as the republican or the monarchial.
Instead, he put into the hearts of
his people a new fire of divine love
for their kind. His followers have
always been known for their good i
will toward men. They do good to i
all men, and especially to such as \
are of the household of the faith, j
Jesus rrratfs ;md ts ,tt>
r create society.
Because becoming a Christian is!
an individual, rather than a mass |
matter, and because the world ever '
. has greater need of a vitalized per
\ sonalities than of new institutions, !
the stamp of Scriptural approval is ;
1 not given to that first impulsive ef- j
fort at Communism, other than to I
record the fact. The church is a j
living organism, and not a static !
construction. Her members have
shaped and reshaped the world, and
are still doing so. Nevertheless,
the Christian interest is primarily
in the individual man or woman.
' Institutions only incidentally
mould people; people shape institu
tions. We find that into the early
church, even during the first blush j
of Its experiment in communism,
there crept into the fellowship those,
like Ananias and Sapphira. who ]
really did not belong within the |
church. They prefigured the doom i
of any society which could be em
ployed for purposes of self explolta- I
tlon by designing persons. In Itus
¥ tr sia, it is the designing self-seekers,
the crafty politicians after power
and privilege and wealth, who have
capitalized and perverted the sim
ple and generous instincts of the
Russian masses, whose Christian im
pulses m&de them ready for any
thing that called itself brotherhood
or democracy.
"Russia, like the rest of the world,
as it comes under the sway of in
telligent Christianity, will find itself
developing a noble and altruistic in
dividualism. wherein each is his best
self in order that he may best serve
others. That is better than Social
Good Will of tlic Good
Sometimes the church has become
so institutionalized that she has rep
resented classes, rather than the- en
tire mass of mankind. Therein she
has fallen short of her true mission
as Christ's Church. Whenever the
church fails to be instantly sensi
tive to every cry of human need .she
thereby shows that she has ceased
to be sensitive to the impulsion of
her Master's Spirit. If at any time
she fails to be in the forefront of
movements for the amelioration or
reconstruction of the social order,
she thereby comes short of the di
vine office. The church is not the
handmaiden of Things As They Are:
she is the herald of Things As They
Ought To Be.
To great social and economic
functions the church is constantly
fulfilling though these, it must
ever be remembered, are subordinate
to her divine mission of leading men
to personal salvation through
Christ. One is to create within'her
self a fraternity of friends of God.
who shall be a refuge and an incen
tive to all people everywhere. There
is no mistaking the teaching that
the Bible designs the Christian tie
to be the strongest tie. It should
mean more to a man to be a Chris
tion than to be a Mason or an Elk
or a Democrat or a Granger. The
goodly fellowship of Christians
should be the greatest social bond—
as it really is to-day. Thank God for
the billions of people who have their
social relations almost wholly with
in their churches, for that ' society
is wholesome, simple, mutually help
ful. To belong to church should
mean, in all practical ways, more
than to belong to any other body in
In the second place, the church
permeates and leavens the world
with people of good will. This has
been the greatest indirect service of
Christianity to the race. Who have
dreamed the great dreams of world
peace and of world fraternity? The
t. hristian nations, and -the men in
them who have been avowedly
Christian disciples. Consider the
K Fa F Ce PowderS Wh c: ff "° use STANDARD PATENTS Gl^ ne Talcum Powders
Djer-Kiss Face Powder 49c J Ulycerine
Mavis Face Powder 39c Lb., California Syrup of Figs 38c Peruna 79c y 2 Pint Brighton Talcum 9c
Garden Fragrance Face Powder .... 79c 3 Lbs., $1.30 Hood's Sarsaparilla 83c Nujol Mineral Oil ... 75c ' 3S<£ Mary Garden Talcum 45c
Fiancee Face Powder ..89c !!.'!.&g Miner.. Oi. 75c '
Boomerang Face Powder 79c Pierce's Discovery 79c Wampole's Phospo Lecithin 85c et * c Tal cum 26c
La Blache Face Powder 41c Water Pierce's Prescription 79c Wampole's Creo-Turpin Comp 85c Peroxide 3tZ eam 28c
Pussywillow Face Powder ;... 38c Glass Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) 67c, sl.lO Green's August Flower ...63c jg Garden of Allah Talcum 19c
Elmo Face Powder 19c 39c 1 Quart Father John's Medicine 79c Fletcher's Castoria .23c Jess Talcum 12c, 18c
L'Ame Face Powder'." 18c,' 36c 29? : ' Vfi' ' Listerine . 38c, 71c Ounce Riveris Talcum ...19c
Pompeian Face Powder 39c ' p,°°7 iii*'''' 36c ' " c £ ussel s ?muhxon 98c 21< Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum 14c
Waltz Dream Face Powder 79c ' Wampole's C. H. Extract''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 63c Cre'oHn" ".. 7..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'!.'! 71c Babcock's Cut Rose Talcum 15c
Swwdown Face Powder 13c Bora X T ? n LaC 79c Glycothymoline 79c *c 00 Babcock's Butterfly Talcum 19c
Petalis Face Powder en 1 Th Limestone Phosphate 34c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 49c, 73c ' Violet Simplicity Talcum 21c 1
Fa2!Lton Fnc" pUd' 59c °' s2' P '"T" *■ ••• •< Gl " ette S o" ibb ' s 18=
Valeska Suratt Face Powder 43c S rHn 39c gandenne 39c, 69c R azo r White Violet Talcum l 9c
Lady Mary Face Powder . 39c Palm Atwood's Bitters 19c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 37c Toilet SoDDS
Olive i 7
Soan ' r,em Life Buoy Soa P 2 for 15n
Toilet Creams 4 for 25c CIGAR SPECIALS * I Blades I D i9c I |
ls^Cr,fr kle C " ara • • ••••• 45c Thomas Willing .. 6 for 25c; 50 for $2.00 Even Steven 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 ' 3 ®* Tar Soap'"ii 17c
Palmolive Cold Cream 7777 77 77 38c Diamond First Quality 6 for 25c 50 for $2.00 Cinco 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Woodbury s Soap 19c
Palmolive Vanishing Cream 38c or • Rose-o'Cuba 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Don Abilo 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Pinaud's esino Soap 19c
Creme DeMeridor 32c Dvola Dves " 44 " 9 for 50c ;50 for $2.59 Havana Ribbon ... 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Quinine Cosmeo Buttermilk 3 for 25c
Pompeian Night Cream . 28c y Roi 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 La Trinidad 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 49tf_W Glycerine Soa P 3 for 25c
Daiggtttt Band 8 and RamsdeU's & Cold Cream' 34c 3 f ° r "ot 9 for sc; 50 tor ,2.59 Oitatd 3 for 25c =SO for $3.95
Ken-Klay Freckle Cream 79c ° wl 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 American Empire ..3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 . ( Pear s Unscented Soap 2 for 28c
Lady Betty Cream 45c Boric New Bachelor .... 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Adlon 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Pinaud S Synol Soap, Cake 19c
Othine Freckle Cream 75c Arid Gen'l Hartranft ... 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Henrietta 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Lilac Olivilo Soap, 2 for 23c
Charles Flesh Food 39c Germicidal Soap 2 for 37c V
Elmo Greaseless Cream 41c 1 Lb. 1 - . f J o<n Palmer's Skin Soap 19c
Hudnut Vio. Sec. Cream 43c iq.4 _ , 3 for $2.19 rwma nan on
Ammonized cocoa ... 49c Dental Preparations Pills and Tablets
LAubury Sisters Cold Cream 24c ——-——... ______
Kintho Cream 55c m Pebeco 34c Nuxated Iron 69c $1.50 __
Creme Tokalon 69c Lux Pepsodent Tooth Paste 37c 100 Compound Cathartics 39c Fountain ijkin LOUODS
Sanitol Message Cream 23c 2 Lyon's Tooth Paste 17c Irtn ... _ .
WRST Cucumber Cream 19c f Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c _ f on Pills 19c Syringe Elmo Cucumber Cream 39c
for Euthymol Tooth Paste 18c 100 Ba y ers As P irin Table *s 89c . Frostilla 18c
23tf Pyrodenia Tooth Paste 26c 100 Alophen Pills 59c Hind's Honey and Al. Cream ... 39c, 79c
Odor Destroyers £l£hcno T6o,'h Powder ! 9 c NltumßemedyT.ble.,, :; 17c, ITc, Mc $l5O Benzoin >nd Al. Lotion 28c
-m .jc pram's lit Ho f4 o at „ I
Amolin Tow'der !E Pyo rrohcide 75c Hill . Cascara Quinine 19c Bottlc B en Hazel Cream 59c
Odor-Gone 28c C 63 ° Violet Cucumber Cream 45c
Odo Ro No 7nr Inr lOO Calomel Tablets 19c Orchard White 28c
HvdroHd Talcum 'tt Oxicn Tablets '. 39c DeWitt's Toilet Cream 23c ■
Flora Sweet Deodorant 29c Ivory Baby F Oods StU3rt S CalClUm Wafers *•••• 33c Dutch
Soap i ri ■ -
_____ Horlick's Malted Milk 73c, $2.70 Hair ShdlTlDOn^
w / i\ Borden's Malted Milk ... $2.79, 39c, 75c ClfiaillflF PrftnflTfltlHllQ 2 for llllir JIIdIDpOOS
Insect Destroyers Mellin's Food 39c, 53c 6 Eiver a Shampoo 69c
, „ , T . , „ Eskays Food 45c, 75c, $2.69 Energine 19c „ , , Palmolive Shampoo 39c
Peterman s Roach hood 19c, 39c ported Sugaf of Milk 76c Putnam Dry Cleaner 20c 1 Lb. Liquid Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 39c
HoonTr's n L^ch C °Fo, r ,d Or • V Rum Nesle's Food .... 4uc, $2.59 All-in-one 17c Napthalene Liquid Pine Tar Shampoo 39c
Hooper s Roach Food 19c j p . Robinson Barley, Ilb 55c Carbona 13c, 19c, 39c T> al ii7 r Fluff Shampoo 29c I
1 ? f ° 3C p Sa ] t l C 2 o! Johnsons Barley 13c, 23c Liquid Veneer l 7c , 34c, 67c Balls or Flake Canthrox S P hampoo ....7.77 38c ■
pj Itsa Powder 9c 63$ Denno's Food 59c, $1.98 O'Cedar Polish 17c, 34c, 67c 15^
part that those eminent Christian
laymen—known as such before ever
they came to political position—
President Wilson. Lloyd George and
Arthur Balfour, are playing in the
reconstruction of the world. They
are only typical of an uncounted
company of men and women serv
ants of our time who could say, in
their innermost hearts, "Thy love of
Christ constraineth us." Inventors,
merchants, scientists, writers, pub
licists. educators, all would acknowl
edge that force in their public serv
ice. Turning aside from the emi
nent and distinguished, we have
only to remember that the public
school teachers of the land are
splendidly Christian in their motive
and in their influence. It would
take many volumes to trace the in
fluence of the church as a force for
good will in contemporary life.
Behind the Better Day
Beyond question, the tides of our
times have set in strongly toward
social changes of a radical nature.
Riding on those tides are sinister
pirate craft. Nevertheless the move
ment is good and of God. No honest
person, with a drop of blood of sac
rifice and unselfishness in his veins,
will do other than cheer the pro
gress of improvement in human re
lationship. Let all changes for the
better come, and be accelerated. But
let them be changes born of good
will, and of a sincere desire for the
welfare of all men everywhere. So
long as change brings us closer to
genuine brotherhood, it is to be wel
comed and aided, whatever the cost.
There is no price we are not pre
pared to pay for the realization of a
reign of love among all people.
In a time like the present, the
church, which is the greatest force
in the world, should throw herself
wholeheartedly into a realization of
whatever is Christian in the day's
social movement. • Likewise, she
should fearlessly oppose whatsoever
is spurious and hurtful." As she
should be the preponent of Chris
tian democracy, and of justice and
liberty to the limit, so she should
also be the opponent of Bolshevism
and of class hatred and of social
spoliation. Let no well-meaning
sentimentalist make the mistake of
welcoming anarchy and ill-will, for
these are un-Christian. A fresh pur
suit of the high ethical standards of
the church will save the world from
the horrors of a reign of destructive
license and intolerance. When we
strengthen the Christian Church ln
her purity, we are strengthening the
causes of man's social welfare and
of universal progress; as well as of
the glory of God.
Poles Began Counter
Attack On Big Front
Boris, July 3.—The Polish forces
on Saturday started a counteroffen
sive along the whole Sallclan-Vol
hynian front, according to advices
from Warsaw. The Poles claim that
they have everywhere broken the
Ukrainian resistance, and that the
Lemberg-Halicz-Stanlslau railway
line Is again in Polish hands.
Pioneer Suffrage Leader Suc
cumbs to Pneumonia
By Associated Press.
Phindelphia. July 3. Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw, honorary president of
the National American Woman's Suf
frage Association, died at her home
In Moylan, Pa., near here, at 7 o'clock
last evening. She was 71 years old.
Dr. Shaw also was chairman of the
Woman's committee of the Council
of National Defense and recently, was
awarded the Distinguished Service
Medal for her work during the war.
She was taken ill in Springfield,
lit, about a month ago while on a
lecture tour with former President
Taft and President Lowell, of Har
vard University, in the Interest of the
League of Nations. Pneumonia
developed and for two weeks she was
confined to her room in a Springfield
Next Time —Buy
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hospital. She returned to her home
about the middle of June ant' ap
parently had entirely recovered. Last
Saturday she drove to Philadelphia
In her automobile and upon hei re
turn said she was feeling "line." She
was taken suddenly 111 again yester
day with a recurrence of the disease
and grew rapidly worse until Vhe
Her Miss Lucy K. Anth
ony. a niece of Susan B. Anthony,
who has been with Dr. Shaw for
thirty years, and two nieces, the
Misses Lulu and Grace Greene, wele
at her bedstdc when she died.
Dr. Shaw long had been prominently
identified with the woman suffrag*
movement and was president of tho
National American Woman Suffrage
Association consecutively for eleven
years. In 1915 she declined a renoml
nation and was then elected honorary
president. She had spoken in every
State in the Union, before many State
legislatures and committees of both
houses of Congress in the Interest
of suffrage. She was a member of the
International Woman Suffrage Alli
ance. International Council of Wo
men. League to Enforce Peace and
National Society for Broader Educa
Dr. Shaw was born in New Castle
on-Tyne, England, and was brought
to America by her parents when four
years of age.
Federal Land Banks
Violate Law, Declares
McFadden, of Penna.
By Antedated Press.
Wnahlngton. July S.—Violation of
the law regarding farm loan* *ai
charged against the Federal land
banks "as guided and conlroH-i by
the Federal farm loan board.'* ly
Kepreee ntatlvc McFadden. Republi
can. Pennsylvania, under an exten
sion of remarks printed in the Con
gresslonal Record He asserted that
the requirement that loans be mad
only to resident land owners wa
dlsregerded and that "dummy deals"
permit evasion of the maximum
amount of a loan on one farm. He
urged that Congress make Federal
land bank bonds taxable, whleh he
asserted would enhance the value of
Liberty Bonds.
"Did you '.*• diplomacy when you
discharged your cook?"
"I presume you might call it that,"
answered .dr. Clipping. "I fired her
over the te'ephone and hung up the
re elver before the wire got hot."—
Birmingham Age-Herald.
Uae McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
JULY 3. 1919.
You Need not
Suffer from Catarrh
But You Must Drive It Out ufi
Your Blood to Get Rid of It I
You have probably been In the .
habit of applying external treat • j
ments, trying to curt your Catarrh. ;
You have used sprays w-hca and j
lotions and possibly been tamporar- i
:!i relieved. Hut after a abort time!
you hud another attack and won- j
dcrcd why, you must realize that
catarrh la an infection of the Mood
and to get permanent relief the
••Rtß-rrh Infection must he driven out
of the blood. The quicker you come
to understand thia, the quicker you
Will get it out of your system. S.
S. S., which has been In constant
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WEINGARTEN BROS., New York - Chicago
I die for over flf'y years, will drlv*>
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