Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 03, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
6 FIVE DIVORCE DECREES GRANTED George \V. Vint Named Tax Collector of Eighth Ward Five divorce JLI ), 111 decrees were //JL /L—UL, granted to-day by & the Court The M.' Gully. *Paul Atticks named co-respondent; Car rie vs. Leroy Tlfomas, desertion; Anna M. vs. Isaac Hershey, cruel treatment. About thirty-five cases continued from the last session of • divorce will be heard next week. Tax Collector A|>l>oiiitod —George W. Vint, 1614 Liberty street, was • appointed tax collector in the Eighth ward by the County Commissioners in place of Frank 11. Seidler, 1501 State street, who said he could not accept the appointment because of other business duties. Auditors Appointed—Auditors for the Hurrisburg and Jltddletown school districts were appointed by the county court as follows: For Harrisburg, Harvey O. Burtnett and John W. German: Middletown, I. E. Bowman and W. F. Keever. Building Permits—Building per mits issued to-day follow. Abra • • ham Gerber, remodeling 1509-11 Green strefet. $100; Solomon Kreid er, M G. Sollenberger, contractor, one-story brick garage, rear 23 34 North Sixth street, $440. New Semaphores Put in Place and H. Buch Burst Forth Into Song Five of the six new traffic sema phores made their appearance in the city street? for the first time to-day. The honor of first operating one of the semaphores fell to Patrolman Oscar Duff, who is substituting at Second and Market streets. To Henry Buch, complaint clerk at police headquarters, the placing of the semaphores meant much. Thous ands of traffic complaints have been handled by the amiable Buch during his regime, and so gladdened was his heart to-day that he burst into the following song: Let the traffic lights be burning, Send the gleam out everywhere. Some poor, struggling, haughty tour ist May be trying to get "there." Cho: — Let the traffic lights be burning With a bright and radiant glow. Showing wild and reckless runners When to "stop" and when to "go." Let the traffic lights be burning Send the gleam out on the "Square." "Safety first" that good old motto Seems to be forgotten there. Cho:— Let the traffic lights be burning Send the gleam o'er rain and snow, For good of all, let us remember When to "stop" and when to "go." Chinese Delegates Expect to Sign the Treaty With Austria Paris, July 3. —The Chinese dele gates to the Peace Conference expect to sign the Treaty with Austria, C. T. Wang, a member of the dele gation told The Associated Press cor respondent to-day. He said the Austrian treaty contains nothing ob jectionable to his government and as it includes the League of Nations covenant, the Chineses would gain membership in the League in that manner. Trp tbivTybr one day^ atou ha\>e/rnisbed a ci£ar.put au "Triangle Pepperminf in mouth, and let* it di/yonte) >lo\\>s. It vWll relieve the nerOour tenyion beHOeen vmoKgy" and j?ou a , greater appreciation. ih& ngvf oi^an That delght/til ta/te linden/* UffilK \Vpten£reen Clotfe J THURSDAY EVENING, Motive Power Shooters in Weekly Target Contest The Motive Power A. A. Gun Club is showing summer activities. An other interesting weekly shoot was held last evening. This twilight contest was held on the club grounds at Lucknow. There were singles and doubles. Honors went to J.. Quigley, C. C. Emory, R. C. Decker and M. -Stewart, each breaking 48 out of 50 targets. There were other good scores. The resuts follow: Singles. • Shot at. broke. J. Quigley 50 48 A. Neidhaminer 50 42 J. Hepperle r ... 50 42 C. C. Emory 50 4 8 Alleman 50 38 H. Heagy 50 23 J. Welsh 50 2 8 H. Seaehrist 50 26 J. H. Daily 25 20 R. C. Decker 50 20 M. Steward 50 48 R. Cassett 25 10 Dissinger 25 14 Yost 25 9 Doubles. Pairs. Pairs. A. Neidhamer 24 16 M. Stewart 24 15 J. Hepperle 12 3 J. H. Daily 12 4 C. C. Emory 24 15 Black diamond targets were used. The next shoot will be held Wed nesday evening, July 9. X. A. A. C. P. MASS MEETING POSTPONED The mass meeting scheduled to be held this evening at Bethel A. M. E. Church by the local branch of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People has been postponed until next Thursday evening, July 10, at which time the secretary, Robert J. Nelson, will pre sent a report of the Cleveland con ference. The result of the recent membership drive will also be an nounced at that time and all workers are urged to continue their activities up to an<f including Tuesday, July 8, when report should be made to district leaders, who, in turn, will report to the officers of the branch that evening at the executive com mittee meeting to be held at the residence of the president, C. Sylves ter Jackson. Standing of the Crews HARRISDIRG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 119 crew to go first after 1.15 o'clock: 101, 102, 110, 104, 125, 118. 108. 109, 111, 112, 124 and 107. Engineers for 104, 110, 119, 124, and 125. Firemen for 102, 710, 117, 119, 124, and 180. Conductors for 101, 110, 124. Flagmen for 108. Brakemen for (2) 101. 102. 104; (2) 10", 109, HI. 112, 118, 119. , - Engineers up: Bickel, Smnth." Firemen up: Varner. P. Good, Best line, Strickler, Abel. Conductors up: Boyle. Brakemen up: Gariin, Boughter, Schriver, Cross, Lark, Schuffler, Lesh er, Craver, Harmon. Middle Division. —The 233 crew to go first after 12.40 o'clock: 254, 224 218, 225, 251. 240, 227. Front End—3l, 18. Firemen wanted for 31, 18. Conductors for 18. Engineers up: Sweger, Leppard, Nickles, Buckwalter, Rowe. Firemen up: Keiter, Parker, Peters, Campbell. Brakemen up: Fisher, McNaight. Kipp, Dare, Potter, Strininger, Gross, C. F. Beers. Yard Hoard. —Engineers for SC. 3 15C, 18C, 2SC, 32C. Firemen for 6C, 1, 15C, 3, 15C, 26C, and 29C. Engineer up: Feass, Kautz, Wag eer. Shade, McCord, Snyder, Myers, Heffleman, Buffington. Firemen up: Henderson, Gilbert, N. Lauver, Gormlcy, Kline.voung, J." e! Lauver, Shearer, Swab, Hoover.Holtz man. BNOI.A SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 210 crew to go first after 2.15 o'clock: 232. 209, 317, 252, 237, 241. Engineers for 217. firemen for 210. Conductors for 210, 217, 262. flagmen, for none. Brakemen for 217, 241, 291. Brakemen up: McKee, Shelley, Shank, Geltz. Middle Division. —The 451 crew to ; go first after 1.15 o'clock: 226, 219, j 221, 217, 252. front End—ll4. 111, 116, 119. 118. j and 117. Slow freight will close down at 6 o'clock ton-ight. Engineers for 111, 116, 118, 117. firemen for 114. 118. Conductors for 116. Brakemen for 114, 116, 119, 118, and 117 (2). Yard Crewa —Engineers up: Kaff. Bretz, Kauffman, Shuey, Flickenger. Firemen up: Sadler, O. J. Wagner, Swlgart, Cashmon, Taylor, Shuey, Holmes, White, A. W. Warner, Meek, Sanders, Cramer. Engineers for eastbound helper. Firemen for Ist 102, 2nd 102, 137, change crew eastbound helper, 2nd 104. PA9BESGBR SERVICE Middle Division. —Engineers up: H. F. Groninger. J. W. Smith, H. John son, J. W. Burd, C. V- Hollenbaugh, S. H. Alexander. W. G. Jamison, J. Crimmeh F. F. Schreck, J. H. Ditmer. Engineers wanted for 665, 41, M-27. Firemen up: H. Naylor, R. A. Arn old; D.BF. Hudson. G. L. Huggins, Roy Herr, H. R. Weibley, R. F. Mohler, E. J. Sheesley, S. H. Zeiders. Firemen wanted for 25, 5. 23, 13. Philadelphia Division. —Engineers up: e. H. Seitz, R. B. Welsh, 'J. C. Davis, B. A. Kennedy. H. Smeltzer, V. C. Gibbons, M. Pleam. Engineers wanted for F-38. Firemen up: J. S. Lcnig, F. L. Floyd, W. E. Aulthouse. J. S. Frankford, H. Myers. Firemen wanted for 98, 94, 32, 34. THE READING The 5 crew to go after 6.15 o'clock: 68 14, 53, 3, 72, 55, 67, 71, 60. Engineers for none. Firemen for 68. Conductors for none. Flagmen for 14. Brakemen for 14. Engineers up: Hoffman, Gruver, Kauffman, Ditlow, Keener, Merkle. Firemen up: Kochenour, Myers, Bohmer, Fitzgerald, Bine, Ornhoff. Conductors up: Keifer, Landis. Flagmen up: Peters, Doil, Shultz, Miller, Ploindrat, Line, Weaver, Sour beer, Gardner. Brakemen up: Swartz, Lees. Find Brakes Were Good Just Before N.Y.C.Wreck Erie, Pa., July 3.—A secret inves tigation of the wreck of trains Nos. 41 and 7 on the New York Central Railroad at Dunkirk Tuesday morn ing, was held yesterday. General Manager A. S. Ingalls, of the New lor Central lines conducted the in vestigation. After ten hours of questioning, it was officially stated that the airbrakes of tran 7 were in- perfect order, having been tested before- approaching Dunkirk. The angle cock on the train on the rear of the tender was found closed after the accident. The body of a man, who is believed to have closed the angle cock, was found back of the tank after the wreck. His Hard Hack An American Red Cross nurse serving in a French hospital, where American wounded had been sent, was approached by a couple of French nurses, much excited. "Come quickly! An American boy has something the matter with his leg. Every time we move it he says something and we cannot under stand." When the nurse arrived at the bedside of the American, there were a couple of orderlies, several more French nurses and a conyel escent patient or two, all trying to do something to his leg, which was in a cast. "What's the matter with it?" asked the nurse. "Nothing," he said. "For the love of Mike, call them off! I'm trying to tell them it's comfortable."—Kansas City Star. harrisbtljrq telegraph; OLLX 'peace Ow<tf>ve*l America's great day of days dawns free Of war's bedraggled spectre. /There must be Beyond the patriotic thrill, the love of flag, The pride of victory and all lesser things, The wondrous knowledge of the mighty gift Of righteous peace sent by the King of Kings Upon mankind. And we, the youngest nation, whose Crusade Through faith, left cringing enemies afraid, Reward shall find! As oar forefathers burst their binding yoke And climbed to freedom, their example spoke Again in those young hearts who raised the torch In sister-nations' trembling hands unsure. And with it blazed the trail to this glad hour Destroying what was brutal and impure In men's ideals. Each khaki figure finding homeward way Is a Sir Galahad of yesterday, For truth reveals! —Anna Hamilton Wood. Written for the Telegraph BUTTER FAT IS , .FOUND IN CREAM [Continued from First Page.] The reports of tests for June fol low; Milk Report Vendor Bacteria Colon C. E. Cooper and Son 1,000,000 0 Certified 9,500 0 C. B. Hassler 571,500 0 Herman's Rest 6,000,000 0 H. B. Holtzman 155,000 6000 Chas. A. Hoak 1,750,000 0 Chas. A. Hoak 43,500 2000 Chas. A. Hoak 600.000 0 Chas. A. Hoak 250,000 0 W. A. Jeflteries 137,500 0 Jno. S. Kramer 187,500 0 C. P. LeVan 125,000 0 J. H. Miller 30,000 3200 J K. Mumma 45,000 0 C. M. Nissley 125,000 0 C. Ott 400,000 0 Penna. M. P. Co 3,000 0 Penna. M. P. Co 1,500 0 Penna. M. P. Co 200,000 0 J. A. Rudy 140,000 1400 J. A. Rudy 37,500 1600 Ryder Bros 5,000 0 Ryder Bros. . 80,000 300 M. A. Sacks ....* 375,000 0 C. K. Sheesley 650,00 0 J. P. Smeltzer, ...... 137,500 0 Samuel Smeltzer .... 275,000 7400 C. W. Smith 182,500 0 L. B. Smith 115,000 0 L. A. Sterrick 60,00 0 A. R. Stine 250,000 0 D. T. Taylor 57,500 0 Cream Report Vendor . Fat xAlva Restaurant 19.50 Abramson and Wolfe 18.50 xßusy Bee Rest .; 20.00 xCourt Dairy Lunch 7.50 Crystal Restaurant 21.00 C. H. Eford 29.00 C. B. Elder 23.00 Fountain Market Co 18.50 xHbg. Quick Lunch 21.00 Hershey Creamery 13.00 C. A. Hoak 19.00 C. A. Hoak 21.00 J. M. Jones 16.00 Jno. S. Kramer 23.00 xManhattan Rest 14.00 J. H. Miller 14.50 xPenn-Harris Rest. 23.00 P. M. Products Co 22.00 P. M. Products Co 20.50 Penna. Products Co 23.00 xPenna. R. R. Rest 24.00 xPhila. Quick Lunch 18.00 xPlasa Hotel 12.00 S. S. Pomeroy 19.50 S. S. Pomeroy 19.00 Jos. A. Rudy 19.00 xßustic Dairy Lunch 16.50 Ryder Bros. 21.00 Ryder Bros 20.50 xSenate Hotel 18.00 C. E. Sheesley 22.00 xStouffer Rest ?... 19.50 B. H. Taylor 18.50 B. H. Taylor 26.00 xWeaver Conf 22.00 J. C. Wolf , 11.00 xßy request. Ice Cream Report Vendor Bacteria Colon Mrs. Anna Aumiller . 1,100,000 0 E. S. Brennaman ..,,. 80,000 0 W. D. Carey 1,850,000 0 W. A. Cartwright ... 80,000 0 Geo. Collins 5,000.000 0 Geo. W. Connor 675,000 0 C. Dettling 687,000 0 "TROUBLE" TAKES TO THE BOTTLE "Trouble" Isn't that a funny name for a bear? But that's the name the lit tle cub. Just eight weeks old, at Paxtang Park has been christened and all because the name suggested by both Mrs. H. M. Garman, 1784 Wal lace street, and Miss Jean Newman, 617 Race street, was considered appropriate. Five park theater tickets had been ofTered for the best name, but Inasmuch as both suggested the name selected, five tick ets will be sent to each of the persons, together with tickets for the "flying horses." While "Joe," the 12-year-old bear, known to every person who has ever visited the park, is enoylng himself throughout each day eating peanuts, "Trouble" is finding life worth while in the big park by play ing with wooden balls which some person gave her and drinking milk— and between the two she rather prefers the milk. ' Joseph Beidleman, who is looking after the cub, has taught the youngster to drink out of a bottle and this she seems to thoroughly enjoy, maybe the more so because the ban has been placed on considerable bottle drlniy.ng', i Samuel Fcraro 250,000 1700; I Golden Seal Drug St. . 32,500 0 Greek American 2, 0 | Hershey Creamery Co. 20,000 0 jD. S. Matter 650,000 0 I Palace Confec 87,500 0 Puritan 180,000 0 John A. Ross 800.000 0 Russ Bros 15.000 0 Joe Spagnoll 1,750,000 4700 j and Craver .. 760,000 0 ' <E. C. Wlngard 112,500 0 C. R. Wolf 150,000 0 Railroad Deficit in May Was $39,000,000 i Washington. July 3.—The deficit incurred in operation of railroads un der government control during the month of May amounted to approxi mately $39,000,000. net operating in come totalling $28,530,000 compared with rental obligations of the Govern ment to the, railroads for May of $77,426,000, according to unofficial figures of railroad earnings for the j month made public by the Bureau of ! Railway Economics. The May deficit however, showed a decrease from the average monthly deficit of $43,500,- 000 incurred during the first four i months of 1919. American Army Begins to Evacuate Rhineland By Associated Press. j Paris, July 3. The American Army of Occupation technically | ceased to exist to-day when the re- I moval of the units still in the Rhine -1 land began. It is expected that ; within a comparatively short time I there will remain on the Rhine only j one regiment with certain auxili j ary troops, totalling approximately 5,000 men. j The Fourth and Fifth divisions, entraining for Brest to-day, will be followed eventually by the Second, Third and First divisions, in the or der named. The exact time of de parture of these latter divisions de ; pefids upon the manner in which ! Germany carries out the military j terms of the treaty. ! CASTLE BCILT IX lOCf. ADVERTISED FOR SALE London. —If anybody wants to buy I a ruined castle, described as "of j great historical and romantic his- I tory," now is their chance, accord- I ing to advertisements inserted in the I local papers. I It is not exactly modern, dating jet it does, from 1066, and the ad- I vertiser states that "considerable outlay will be required to recon struct it." The purchaser is as sured, however, that if • recon structed "a unique and charming home would result." Nothing is said about ghosts, hut t it stands to reason that a castle of this age must have a large and lively flock of such insects. So here's a chance of some America's munition millionaires to acquire at small cost a castle—and all that goes with it. An added inducement is that there is good trout fishing nearby. ' Academy of Medicine Endorses Rotary Club's Anti-Noise Campaign Dr? Paul A. Deckard, secretary of j the Harrisburg Academy of Music, to-day made public resolutions adopted by the Academy endorsing | the Rotary Club's efforts to sup ; press needless noise in Harrisburg ' and supporting Mayor Keister in his efforts to make the city a quiet ' place in which to live. The reso ! lutions follow: "In recent months our city has ! become intolerably noisy from the unnecessarily noisy running of au tomobiles and motorcycles and pos sibly much preventable noises by street cars, together with groups of men and boys in the streets at all Sterling <§: Tires The fact that so many large and well-known firms, including The Atlantic Refining Co. The Bell Telephone Co. The Fleischmann Yeast Co. The American Tobacco Co. The Ingersoll Watch Co. Leggitt&MyersTobaccoCo. H. O. Wilber Chocolate Co. have used Sterling Tires as standard equipment for two and three years speaks well for the low cost mile of Sterling Tires They operate on actual figures alone You, too, can cut your cost of operation by equipping your car with Sterling Tires Our offer of a Famous Sterling Rod Inner Tube free with every pur chase of a Sterling Tire stands good for the balance of the week. Keystonefiry Sales Co. 108 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. What Kind of Blood Have You? Thin, Pale and Watery—Keeping You Weak, Nervous and Run - Down Or Rich, Red, Healthy Blood With Plenty of Iron In It To Give You Strength, Energy, Power and Endurance Physician Says Iron is Red Blood Food Explains How Nuxated Iron Master Strength- Builder of The Blood ' — Helps Give Renewed Vim and Energy to Men and Puts Roses Into The Cheeks of Women. If you tire easily. If you look pale, haggard and worn, if you feel generally weak, nervous and run-down it would probably ustonish you to look at a drop of your own blood under a powerful microscope and compare It with a drop of pure, healthy blood—rich In Iron. Actual HfsKj blood tests show that a dously large number of people who are weak and 111 lack Iron In their blood and that they are ill for no other reason than lack of Iron. Iron detlcieney paralyzes heathly, ener getic action, pulls down the whole orftanism and weakens the entire' system. There are thousands whose bodies are ageing and breaking down at a time when they should be enjoying that perfect bodily health which cries deflance to disease simply because they are not awake to the condition of their blood. By allowing it to remain thin, pale and watery they are not Riving the natural life forces of the body a chance to do their work. Yet others go through life apparently possessing, year after year, the elasticity, the strength and the energy of earlier days through their bodies courses the energy and power that comes from plenty of red hlood —filled with strength-giving iron. Iron is red blood food and physicians explain below why they prescribe organic iron—Nuxated Iron to build up the red blood corpuscles and give increased power and endurance. Commenting on the use of Nuxated Iron as y. tonic, strength and blood builder by over three million people annually. Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hos- * pltal (Outdoor Dept.), New' York and the Westchester County Hospital, said: "Modern methods of cooking and the rapid pace at which people of this century live has made such/ an alarming increase in iron defici ency In the blood of American men and women that I have often marvel ed at the large number of people who lack iron in the blood —and who never suspect *he cause of their weak, nervous, run-down state. of Iron in the hlood not only makes a man a physical weakling, nervous. Irritable, easily fatigued, but It utterly robs him of that virile force, ithat stamina and strength of will 'which are so necessary to success JULY 3, 1919. hours of the night, boisterous to the | disregard of people sleeping. "We, as a medical profession, can testify that it is detrimental to the heulth of our people, both'sick and well, to have their sleep and rest continually disturbed; that to make our city most desiruble to live in our authorities should take the nec essary means to correct this abuse. "Resolved, That the Harrisburg Academy of Medicine does com mend the Mayor in his efforts to break up this practice, and we sup port the Rotary Club in its agita tion for the suppression of this nui sance." TRUTH Visitor—You will be sure to tell ,\ our mistress I called while she was 1 out. I Maid—On, yes; she'll be delighted ! to hear it. —Pearson's Weekly. and power in every walk of life. It ■ may also transform a beautiful, sweet-tempered woman into one who is cross, nervous and irritable. I have strongly emphasized the (treat necessity of physicians ma king blood examinations of their weak, anaemic, run-down patients. Thousands of persons go on year after year suffer ing from physical weakness and a highly nervous condition due to lack of sufficient Iron in their blood cor puscles without ever realizing the real cause of the trouble. But in my opinion you can't make these strong, vigorous, successful, sturdy iron men hv feeding them on metallic iron. The old forms of metallic Iron must go through a digestive process to transform them into organic iron— Nuxated Iron —before they are ready to be taken up and assimilated by the human system. Notwithstanding all that has been#said and written on this subject by well-known phy sicians, thousands of people still in sist in dosing themselves with metal lic Iron simply, 1 suppose, because it costs a few cents less. 1 strongly advise readers in all cases to get a •physician's prescription for organic iron—Nuxuted Iron —or if you don't want to go to this trouble then pur chase only Nuxated Iron in Its or iginal packages and see that? this ' particular name ' (Nuxated Iron) appears on the package. If you have taken preparations such as Nux and Iron and other similar iron products and failed to get results, remember that such products are an entirely different thing from Nuxated Iron. Dr. H. B. Vail, formerly Physician in the Baltimore Hospital, and a Medical Examiner says; "Through out my experience on Hospital Staffs and as a Medical Examiner, I have been astonished at the number of patients who have vainly, doctored Local Charters Issued at Capitol Today Governor Sproul has approved these Harrisburg charters: Purkway Apurtments Company, capital stock of SIOO,OOO, John C. Motter is treasurer and one of the incorporators and the others are J. H. Troup, B. F. Burns, C. L. Long and C. B. Miller. Tlie Dauphin Tiro Service Com pany, of which A. J. Mehring is treasurer and one of the incorpora tors. The capital is SIO,OOO. Other incorporators are E. E. Rinn, Har old Hamilton- and J. H. Fertig, of this city. The Cotterel-Ebner Company, of this city, engaged in the stationary and ofliec furniture business, for merly conducted by David W. Cot terel. W. J. Evert, Jr., is treasurer and the capital stock is $50,000. for various diseases, when in realitf their delicate, run-down state was simply the result of lack of iron in the hlood. Time and again I have prescribed organic iron—Nuxated Iron — and surprised patients at the rapidity with which the weakness and general debility was replaced by •• a nenewed feeling of strength and vitality. 1 took Nuxated Iron myself to build me up after a serious case of nervous exhaustion. The effects were apparent after a few days and within ( three weeks it had virtually revital ized my whole system and put me in a superb physical condition." 1 Dr. T. Alphonsus Wallace, a phy sician of many years' experience in this country and abroad, says: "I do not make a practice of recommend ing advertised medicinal products, but 1 have found Nuxated Iron so potent in nervous, run-down condi tions. that I believe all should know It. The men and women of today need more iron in their blood than was the ease twenty or thirty years g ago. This because of the demlner- ™" alized diet which now is served daily in thousands of homes and also because of the demand for greater resistance necessary to offset the greater number of health hazards to be met at every turn." Manufacturer's Note. Nuxated Iron which is prescribed and. recom mended above by physicians is not a secret remedy but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Un like the older inorganic iron pro ducts It is easily assimilated and does not Injure the teeth, make them — ► black, nor upset the stomach. The *■ manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dispensed in this city by Croll Keller, Q. A. Gorges, J. Nelson Clark,,gad all other druggists J