Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 03, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    jllf 1 Readiivf oil the fjombg IPf^pj
"WTren a Girl Marries'"
By ANN 1.151.E
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl -Wife
Copyright, 1919, King Features Syn
dicate, Inc.
So you waited up for your wand
ering boy, Nice person!" cried Jim
approvingly when he came back from
seeing Phoebe home that evening
he'd served his partnership with Dick
"And I made you some sandwiches
and hot chocolate." I appended. "Come
to the party. It's all ready in the
"Nicer —nicest person," said Jim,
flinging his arm across my shoulders
and drawing me to him. "I couldn't
eat dinner —with West opposite me
at table, and I'll bet you guessed it,"
he added.
I nestled close, giving myself over
to the joy of Jim's need of me. For
a second we stood in silence, his
hand on my hair.
I forced myself to be practical:
"Come on, laddie, you know now
you hate chocolate when the milk
curd comes on top."
Jim gulped down two cups of
scalding chocolate before he spoke
again, and then he burst out with
what had been milling around back
of his tense eyes.
"Does Phoebe really look so— deli
"Not a bit, Jim. She's been wor
ried. but you banished her fears
to-night, didn't you?" I asked sooth
"Yes. But it didn't make her happy.
.1 knew that in spite of all she said,
tweet, grateful baby that she is. My
mother went—of pernicious anaemia.
And to-night I noticed what a little
ghost Phoebe is. Her lips haven't a
bit of color any more."
"They never did," I broke in bit
terly, "not till Evvy taught her to
use a lip-stick. They were great
friends —while Evvy was educating
Phoebe in the things she wanted the
child to know."
Jim studied me for a moment.
"See much of- your brother these
days?" he demanded suddenly, giv
ing all his attention to the selection
of a sandwich.
"He's coming to dinner Saturday
night, with Evvy," I answered.
"Oh, that reminds me she tele
phoned and I was to call her. May
be they aren't coming. I'll ring her
up first thing in the morning."
Try a Package of
Krumbles at Our Risk
We want you and your family to
know Krumbles know their delic
ious flavor know their unusually
good taste know their remarkable
health value. During the war we
learned how to make Krumbles better
than ever by creating a new blepd
of choice cereals. This is o,u* prop
osition. Buy a package of Krumbles
from your grocer for 15 cents. Use
the whole package, and if you are
not thoroughly satisfied if Krum
bles do not more than please you,
your grocer is authorized to refund
your money. Remember that
Krumbles is made by the same com
pany which produces Kellogg's
Toasted Corn Flakes. Buy your trial
package today. Kellogg Toasted
Corn Flake Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
, Fully Accredited
Troup Building 15 S. Market Square
Bell 485 Dial 4393
(Clip thin nnd afnd It at once for full Information)
Gentlemen s— -Pleaaae send me complete Information about the
subjects I linve checked.
Typew riling .... Shorthand .... Stenotypj ••••
Bookkeeping; .... Secretarial .... Civil Service....
Name Address
The Only Twin Washer Known
Washes two tubs at one time and each tub can be
operated separately. Wringer swings any direc
tion and wrings from bluing tub, while 2 tubs of
clothes are being washed.
The best and most economical W ashing Machine
ever devised.
Let Us Demonstrate It
Easy Terms Other Kinds in Stock
Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co.
. Jolm s. Muascr, President
434 Market Street
During June, July and August Store Closes 6 P. M. Saturdays
"Don't forget," said Jim with
amazing persistence, all things con
sidered. "Tell her not to call it off.
I've tickets for the opening of the
newest new show. We really ought
to be seen about with then! more."
"The Harrison social sense," I
thought to myself Impatiently. But
1 didn't say it. Certainly 1 wasn't
going to set up my Judgment against
Jim's again in a hurry. To-night I
saw how promptly and directly he
can act. And I observed how his
actions met with the approval and
respect of Lane Cosby. That taught
me something 1 need to know.
But the thing that sounds the key
note to Jim's nature is his rejection
of Lane Cosby's help. Jim likes to
do things on his own. So a wife
who has his love and longs as 1 do
to keep it mustn't trample down his
"No Trespassing" signs.
This flashed through my mind, and
so I didn't question Jim's desire to
make sure of Evvy and Neal for Sat
urday evening, but promised to call
Evvy right after breakfast next
morning. Which 1 did only to dis
cover that Evvy had merely tele
phoned to ask me to meet her at
her dressmaker's to see the model
and the satin she had selected for
me to wear at her engagement tea.
"It's the most luscious thing
orange and silver," she gushed.
"But Evvy, I like to get my things
at Wickham's, and truly I can't wear
orange," I protested. "It makes my
skin yellow and takes all the life
out of my hair."
"My dear," purred Evvy in her
sweetest and most pleading tone,
"don't you realize that I want my
reception to be a success? So nat
urally I'm going to have my assis
tants look charming. They'll give
you particularly good prices, at my
place. And this color is wonderful. I
can't let Mrs. Cosby wear it—she'd
look like an oriental princess. So
I'm putting her in flesh color to tone
her down. I'll call for you at twelve."
There was nothing for me to do
but to acquiesce and bid Evvy an
amicable au revoir. I was ready to
be led like the lamb to the slaughter.
Of course it was fairly evident that
Evvy in the blue that would bring
out her eyes and the orchids that
would mask the hollows of her
slightly scrawny figure was going to
look her best. Val in flesh pink
would be absurd and in orange I
would be at my worst.
The reception meant so little to
me that 1 wouldn't quarrel about
clothes. And I guessed that the
social recognition of pouring at Miss
Mason's bridal tea meant so much
to Val that she'd go on any terms.
I shrugged it all away, 'phoned
Phoebe, got Virginia and the mes
sage that Phoebe was in bed with
a sick headache, and then, arrang
ing to meet Virginia for lunch at
her favorite restaurant. I made ready
for my appointment with Evvy.
She came at twelve, kissed me.
purred over me and clawed me all
in a breath, and then hurried me
down to a waiting taxi and whirled
me to her dressmaker.
"Now, Madame, show Mrs. Harri
son the wonderful model I've selected
for her," ordered Evvy when the
Bringing Up Father - t '- Copyright, 1918, International News Service By McManus
OE>E OF L A CHANCE TO v. ,_J | VJONDERFOL-? > ' V' . 4^7^*
R j^ AR .4' - ■ "" '"" "
(Men Directing Cumberland's Big Patriotic Demonstration]
These are some of the men who are co-operating to make Carlisle's patriotic celebration a big success. They are: top row, left to
right, the Rev. H. B. Stock, chairman, service flag demobilization comittee; E. S. Kronenberg, chairman, general committee: Major E. R.
Plank, commander in charge of military division; bottom row, left to right, Merkel Landis, treasurer, general committee. Fisk Goodyear,
chairman, W. S. S. committee and marshal of war workers; Lieutenant R. T. Shearer, chairman, military committee; H. A. Ewing, chair
man finance committee and marshal second division.
head of the establishment came tn
the room the satin-clad maid had
assigned us.
"It will suit you—parfaitment."
gushed Madame, shrugging her
shoulders and spreading her hands
in a gesture of enthusiasm which
evoked a patronizing smile from
Of course the color and the model
were all wrong for me. But Evvy
cajoled and Madame insisted, and
since my heart wasn't in the busi
ness anyway I ordered an outrage
ously expensive dress which I didn't
"And now," purred Evvy with husky
sweetness, "be a dear and run get
the little silver gray I've chosen for
Miss Harrison."
Madame trotted off obediently,
and 1' turned to Evvy, repeating
"Miss Harrison? Who is that?"
"Who is that?" mimicked Evvy
with her blue eyes wide as a kitten's
turned toward a saucer of cream.
"Phoebe, of course. We were always
great friends. Just because I haven't
seen much of her recently I wouldn't
offend her by leaving her out. I
'phoned this morning, but she was
lying down. But, of course, Mrs. Hal
ton accepted for her."
To Be Continued.
Hit on Head by
Baseball and Dies
Altoona. Pa., July 3.—Herbert
Ryan, aged 19 years, was hit on the
head by a baseball pitched by Jacob
White yesterday afternoon and as a
result died at 11 o'clock last night
He leaves a widow and one child.
A Ready Made Coffee
Pure and Delicious
This is the story of a coffee that
does not have to be made! And the
way of it Is this:
• It was necessary for our boys in
the trenches to have real coffee, and
yet they did not have the means to
make it So Hires Instant Soluble
Coffee was made.
And as proof that Hires Instant
Soluble Coffee met every government
requirement, 66 2-3 per cent, of all
the trench coffee contracted for by
the American Army was this same
Hires Instant Soluble Coffee. We
couldn't agree to supply more than
this because our facilities would not
Carefully chosen coffee beans from
a choice selection of Java and
Mocha coffee are used in making
Hires Instant Soluble Coffee. And the
pure delicious Juice of these beans is
dried and converted into a powdered
soluble form. Immediately water is
added, the coffee powder dissolves and
becomes as originally made.
Having Hires Instant Soluble
Coffee, means no more trouble over
the coffee pot and no more empty
ihg coffee grounds. It means that
elimination of waste. You make cof
fee Just as you want it—whenever
you want It, too and you don't
have two or three cups left over in
the pot.
And Hires Instant Soluble Coffee
can now be secured ir\ small or large
tins, for use right in your home. A
small can of Hires Instant Soluble
Coffee is equivalent to a pound of
the best Mocha and Java coffee. The
low price Is due to the fact that
with our exclusive process we ex
tract 100 per cent, more Juice from
the bean than you can In making
coffee in the old way. Get It In all
By Virginia Terhune Van de Water
Desiree Leighton was very honest
with herself, so honest that she
would not have disputed her maid's
comment on the state of her temper
could she have overheard it.
For she was in a bad temper.
She knew that. And she was at a
loss to account for it. She almost
wished that his new chauffeur had
never come into her father's em
ploy. His aura and hers must be
entirely different, she reflected, if
an ordinary chauffeur had any
aura! At all events, he was affect
ing Norah in an unfortunate way.
And Norah's mistress was in no
mood to stand that kind of thing.
She had informed her father last
night that he must talk to Smith
about his rude behavior, and the
parent had done this. But he had
evidently not remonstrated to any
effect. Otherwise Smith would not
have come into the house and re
mained chatting with Norah.
All these thoughts rushed through
Desiree's mind as she went slowly
down her front steps and crossed
the sidewalk to where David stood,
holding open the door of the run
She nodded as he touched his cap;
then she glanced critically at the
"1 am sorry you had to bring
this car for me," she commented.
"I dislike it."
He made no reply. When he had
seen her seated he went around to
the other side, took his seat beside
her and closed the door. Then he
started his engine and waited, his
hands on the steering-wheel, for
her orders.
"I am ready," she said absent
mindedly. "Drive on."
"Yes, miss," doubtfully. "But
She flushed, "I thought I had told
you," she said. "Drive out to Fifth
avenue, then down as far as Forty
eighth street. I had a call to make
But when she reached the ave
nue, she changed her mind. "Go
down to Hilton's —the florists's," she
said. "I want to take some flowers
to the sick friend."
He did not reply, only bowed
mutely. „ .
"Did you hear me. Smith? she
asked tartly.
"'I beg your pardon!" he ex
claimed. "Yes. miss, I heard you."
"Then you should have answered
me," she reproved.
••I—i—was not aware that I did
not," he apologized. "I meant to.
I must have been thinking"
She interrupted htm. "Thinking
seems to be one of your failings
just now, Smith. At least thinking
of other things besides your duties.
You told me over the phone this
morning that you 'thinking'
when you ran into a cab."
"Pardon me," he corrected, "when
the cab ran into me."
"That makes no difference," she
said "Had your mind been on your
work you would have been on the
lookout for the mistakes of other
He did not repb-. His silence ir
ritated fcer.
"Is that not so, Smith?" she de
"Perhaps so, miss," he admitted.
"I regret that my carelessness
caused the accident." Then, with a
sudden rising of the spirit that was
his by birth—"l will pay the penalty
I mean I shall not have the item of
repairs put on Mr. Leighton's bill."
A Real Rebuke
The girl's face flushed crimson.
"Smith!" she exclaimed. "1 am sur
prised at you! You are very im
pertinent! First, you have an ac
cident, and then when I ware sug
gest that it was your fault, you so
far forget yourself as to speak in
an unwarranted manner."
There was a long silence before
Smith said in a low, tense voice.
"If I have been guilty of dis
courtesy, Miss Leighton, I apolo
gize. For the moment I forgot my
"I accept your apology," she said
stiffly. "Yes, you did forget your
place. I believe that Mr. Leighton
has spoken to you also about the
way in which you forgot last even
"Yes, miss."
"I fancy," in a voice she tried to
make generous, but which was so
patronizing that her companion
writhed inwardly, "that we all have
times when our minds are so full
of other matters that the details
of our work seem of small im
"I do not mean to be severe,
Smith, but I have been disappointed
in you for the past day or two.
Mr. Leighton and I like you, and
want to keep you in our employ.
That is why we take the pains to
teach you and to tell you of your
mistakes. And we are sure you
want to learn our ways. Have
you ever had a position like this
"No, miss," he replied, his voice
somewhat strained, "never just like
this before."
"But you were a chauffeur, of
"Yes, miss—l was a chauffeur.
But not"—with a slight twitching
of the corners of his lipe—"of. a
lady's car."
"Oh. you drove only for men?"
Hair la bound to grew wt
eonroer and ttlfler when merely
removed from the anrface of the
■kin. The only eommen-nenee way
to remove hair In to attack It li
ter the ahla. DeMlracle, the erlg
laal unitary llnl. *<*• tkl
Only sennlne DeMlracle haa a
money-back gaaraatee la each
package. At toilet coaaten la
Me. hi and (3 nines, or by mall
from as la plain wrapper ea re
ceipt of prtee. . .
FREE book mailed In plain
sealed envelope on roanent. D-
Mlracle. 120 th St. and Park Am*
New York.
"Yes, miss—l drove for a gentle
"Well, then," she said, feeling
suddenly very foolish, although she i
could not have explained the rea- |
son—"perhaps that is why you have |
not considered certain trifles of im- i
portance. But even that would
not account for your wandering
thoughts. You have something on
your mind that absorbs you, per
haps. I would suggest that you do
not let yourself think of it during
Again he was silent. But this
time she did not reprove him.
Something in his face embar
rassed her. She wished they were
not sitting side by side. Her anger
had died down. She felt as if she |
had made some ridiculous mistake.
To Bo Continued
Unsightly pimples and j
fciemishes on the face are |
sure signs that the skin and 1
blood need the purifying j
and strengthening action of |
tiriail Sale of Any Medicine in the World
Sold everywhere. In Born, 10c.. 25c.
I Emerson Records j:
Large Size Gold Seal 7C n " Save Ten Cents 1
Records, Double Face • on Each Record |
July Mid-Month Releases 9184 f^ body Wants a Kcy to My |
oill French y- Comc to Yankee Land - [Golden Wedding Jubilee.
I Everywhere That Wilson Goes. , . 1 4
3 _ _ f Mammy's Lullaby, Waltz. \>
9182-f ® Moon. - \ Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight.
I Arabian Nights. , My Ca iro Love. '|| .
[The Call of the Cosy Little 918b \ The Vamp. I!
9183 J Home. __ f Shadows. !!
I [On the Bay of Biscay. 818 \ wild Honey. I| ;
Come In to Hear These Records at Our New Location \ \
13 North Fourth Street _!! j
JULY 3, 1919.
Old Free Trade Talk
Not Heard in Washington
Washington, July 3.—Conspicuous
by its absence in these days is the
talk in Washington in favor of the
doctrine of tree trade.
One might almost ask, in the lan
guage of that well-known Hoosier
poet, "who remembers the old-time
politician who used to orate on the
merits of free trade?" %
Even the President in his message
recognized the idea that competi
tion with the foreign producer was a
thing to be considered.
The hearings before the House
ways and means committee on pro
tection for the dye industry are
bringing out some interesting things.
For instance, one of the witnesses
was Grinnell Jones, chemical expert
of the tariff commission. He told
the committee that while the indus
try had grown greatly he regarded
Wanted at Once
Extra Salesladies
Apply Saturday
10 to 12 A. M.
2nd Floor
Absolutely No
Mr Intent Improved nppll
nncea. Including an oxygen-
XWIWWH lacil air nppnrntun, makea ,\ T #
jrjrrflSClr rxtrnetlng and nil dental
rmEUKSm work positively V
and I* perfectly V
Iria (Age no objeetlm^^^^
FREE ✓••V X '•"•S
- rn. Gold ennni and
bridge work, 93, $4. $3
Registered JSK gold crovrn, VS.OO
Grndunte a mr (Hllce open dnlly BJV
Assistants "P- ni -l Monday, Wed
r ncsdny and Saturday, till
HELL, PHONB 3322-It,
Market SL^V
(Over the Hub)
* HARRISBURG, PA. ( didn't hurt a bit
government protection as essential
for its development. He said 77
firms were making dyes in 1918 and
more factories would be started if
the industry were given protection.
It has never been charged that
the tariff commission was a high
tariff body.
How Many Women Do You
Who say there are perfectly well?
"I am tired all the time," "I am so
nervous it seeins as though I should
fly," "I can hardly drag around to
day," and all such expressions art
characteristic of women who have
overtaxed their strength until head
aches, backache, nervousness, drag
ging-down pains, irregularities and
the blues, symptoms of a female
weakness, have developed. Women
who are in this condition may rely
upon Lydia K, Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to restore them to
health and strength.