Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 02, 1919, Image 11
GOOD ROADS FOR MOTOR CONVOY State Highway Department Will Have Representatives With Army Train :nto Pennsylvania ; i""' huge convoy will stay over night at Gettysburg, resuming its westward trj,o Tuesday morning over the Lin coln Higlrtvay. It will probably spend Tuesday night near the Red ford-F"ulton county line. The com- With Low Shoes The appearance of your ankles is even more important than usuaL To insure faultlessly smooth hose — Boston Garter THE GLOBE THE GLOBE On account of the store being closed all day, Friday, July 4th, THE GLOBE will be open all day Thursday. A l ' ' of July Is Predicted There will be booms and bangs Wg VI \ hurrahing parading picnics W \ outings campings dances Wj J II everything to make the glorious • Fourth more glorious. Your apparel will have much to do with your enjoying the day. You'll need Cool Clothes —Outing Clothes—Sport Clothes. You'll find the biggest assortment of the best clothes at THE GLOBE. Genuine Palm Beach Suits, j White Flannel Trousers, $lO • sls to $lB White and Striped Serge Trousers, Zefirette Suits, $25 and $28.50 $7.50 and $8.50 Silk Pongee Suits, S2O Knit Fabric Golf and Sport Coats, Panama Cloth Suits, S3O sls Blue Serge Coats and Pants, $28.50 Motorcycle Suits, $8.50 to sll Cool Cloth and Breeziveve Suits, Khaki Trousers, $1.50 to $2.50 $lO to sls White Duck Trousers, $2.50 Then You'll Need Such Things As Silk Shirts Bathing Suits Handkerchiefs White Oxford Shirts Auto Dust Coats Straw Hats Athletic Underwear Silk Hose Panama Hats Belts Wash Ties Caps Let THE GLOBE Outfit Your Boy For The Fourth In our separate Boys' Natural Daylight Department, where pothers can shop with ease and comfort, you'll find anything and everything your boy will need to make his Fourth the greatest ever. Dress Suits of every description, including the snappy-styled Palm Beach and Crash Suits, Play Suits for the little chaps, Wash Suits in the cleverest styles we've ever shown, Wash Pants, Straw Hats, Naval Reserve Hats, Stockings —everything he needs is here, and at modest prices. We've Gathered All Our Women's Sweaters Together For a Timely Sale at $5.00 Smart models, pull-over and belted Sweaters in the popular shades of the sea son; originally priced to $12.50. Shetland Wool, Alpaca Yarn and Fiber Silks, some with Angora collar and cuffs; all sizes now, but you must act quickly. THE GLOBE plete Itinerary of the trip through Pennsylvania will be announced by the State Highway Department within a day or so. This convoy will consist of two war-strength truck companies, with passenger care and nearly hal' a hundred trucks of various kinds. The pcreonnel will comprise 209 officers and men. From Washington to Salt Lake City the convoy will be under command of Colonel A. Owen Seaman, of the General Staff. At Salt Lake City, Brigadier General Charles B. Drake, chief of the Motor Transport Corps, will assume command. From the Maryland line through Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Bedford, Greensburg into Pittsburgh the Lincoln High way is in the pink of condition. The big convoy will be detoured around Fayettevllle, just east of Chambers burg, because of concrete construc tion now under way in Fayetteville. There will be no other detour be tween Gettysburg and Pittsburgh, excepting one within the borough limits of Ligonier. The Lincoln Highway has been undergoing ex tensive resurfacing and oiling, but the convoy will not be hindered by these treatments. "This convoy," said State Highway Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler to-day, "will illus trate the possibilities of truck trans portation—as yet comparatively in its infancy. The passage of this big train will not, however, be a new thing on the Lincoln Highway in : Pennsylvania. During war days hun dreds of truck trains passed through ! this State—not perhaps as complete as that which will use the Lincoln way next week, but comprising thousands of heavy cars. The com pletion of the primary road sys tem suggested by Governor Sprou! will permit similar trains to pene trate every portion of Pennsylva nia and will be of untold advantage to farmers and manufacturers and the consumers." Representatives of the State Highway Department will accompany the big convoy through Pennsylvania. Join State Police—Military rec ords figured largely in the selection of candidates for the increased force of the State Police in a record giv en out to-day by Acting Superin tendent George F. Lumb. In ad dition to passing the required men tal and physical examinations these men, every' one of them, saw serv ice, many winning distinction in in fantry, artillery, engineer corps and aviation corps. In Troop A. with Greensburg its location, are Clyde Appleman, | Rohrsburg; Carl Black, Rohreburg; I John Ford. Pittston; Robert Hazen, Wyomissing; Charles H. Huber, Pittston; David K. Hughes, Wyom ing; Guy E. Moyer, Orwigsburg; William C. McDonough, Philadel phia; Stephen M. Tellep, Maytield; Harrv W. Toewe, Ashland; Zeke B. Walker, Philadelphia. Troop B. stationed at .Wyoming, includes Charles M. Brooks, Mt. Pleasant; Lester C. Carson, Clear field; Norman Godshalk, Norrts lown Aloysius W. Hinnenkamp, Harrisburg; John A. Kline, Leba non; RavAiond A. Knorr, Philadel phia; Philip J. Miller, Lebanon; Ray M. Price, Hanover; Henry C. Row, Harrisburg; Charles C. Sparks, Everett; Joseph A. Shires, Tyrone; Hain F. Tobias. Lebanon; Theodore W'. Volz. Philadelphia. Troop C, at Pottsville. has this roster: Benjamin K. Fickes, Le moyne: John Gallie. Philadelphia; John J. Geelosky, ML Pleasant; Vincent K. Keller. Mt. Pleasant; Norman E. Manning, Indiana; Thomas J. Mullen, Philadelphia; Ar thur M. Raphael, Wilkes-Barre: John J. Ruder. Harrisburg; George H Savior, Somerset; Howard Sut ton Kingston; Ralph Vose. West moor; Robert C. Wallace, Parsons; Willard Wilcox, Parsons. Troop D, Butler. Pa.: John A. Rover. Reading: William Brennan. Philadelphia; Kvan Jones, Ply mouth; Andrew JCoch, Philadelphia; Joseph Koch. Shenandoah; Edward J. Kohn. Factoryville, and Albert W. Miller, Hazleton. WFT>S MiniVLETOWN GIRL Columbia, Pa., July 2.—Charles E Hook discharged recently from the air service, in which he served a year and a half, signalized his return home by bringing with him a Dauphin county bride, having been married at Harrisburg, last week with Miss Fanny Gross, a resident of Middletown, and formerly a resi dent of Columbia. The groom will remain in the service of Uncle Sam but not as a soldier, having just been appointed parcel postman in Columbia. He has entered upon his new position and. with his bride will live in Columbia. \TT>ITION TO FACTORY Coiumhin. Pa., July 2.—Prelimin ary work has been started on an addition to the plant of the Susque hanna Cut Glass Company, which will be 30 by 125 feet in dimensions. The same contractor will start to morrow on extensive alterations in a building at Third and Union streets which will be remodeled as a branch umbrella factory. WHO IS WHO IN BASEBALL GAME AMONG VETERANS Lancaster to Join With Leba non in Challenge to Play Team From This City The date of the annual picnic of the Veteran Employes of the Phila delphia Division of the Pennsylva nia Railroad is Tuesday, August 29. Some time before this date a chal lenge is expected to reach H. J. Babb, secretary of the associatioh. It will come from either Lancaster or Lebanon county. Both counties are interested. The challenge will say there are nine better baseball players on the veteran roll in these two counties than in Dauphin county, and- the challenge will be for • a game of baseball at Mount Gretna as one feature of the big outing. This ' game is to be for blood. A short time ago during a visit of the com mittee of arrangements to Mount Gretna, some one mentioned base hall. It was remarked that most good basball players came from Dauphin county, and that numbered among the veteran employes in Har risburg and vicinity were former baseball stars who could "lick" any team of "hasbeens" in the State. A Different Opinion This remark in plain words "got the goat" of the Lancaster and Leb anon vets and they are scouring the various departments of the Pennsy for a team to meet the Dauphin couitty aggregation. As eoon as a team is picked Secretary Babb will be notified. Plans for this big outing are as suming a very satisfactory shape. The general chairman, Charles T. Jones, has been a busy man and he promises a program that will sur pass any ever offered. His announce ment yesterday that Lieutenant Nel son, of the Aviation Depot at Mid dletown, would give a flying ex hibition. brought much commenda tion. Congressman A. S. Kreider played a big part in getting this attraction. Lieutenant Nelson vis ited Mount Gretna yesterday and arranged for a place to land on July 29. He will give aij interesting ex hibition. including many difficult maneuvers. The Perseverance Band will fur nish music for all sports and will give a concert at the opening of the afternoon program. The business meeting starts at 2 o'clock. At this meetfng William • Elmer, superin tendent of the Philadelphia Division, will be elected president of the as sociation, to succeed F. W. Smith, Jr., former superintendent. Standing of the Crews HARRISBIRG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 123 crew to 'go first after 1.15 o'clock: 120. 122, 117. 113, 127, 105, 126, 114, 115, 121, 119, 101. Engineers for 105, 113, 119. Firemen for 119, 117, 115, 114, 113, 176. Conductors for 123. Flagmen for 105, 120. Brakemen for 101 105, 119, '2) 114, (2) 121, (2) 122, 123. (2) 126. 127. Engineers up: Gable, Houseal, How ard, Ream, Dolby, Evans, Ryan, Shoaff. Firemen up: A. Rider, Webb, Bar clay. C. J. Kimmich. Stitzel, Vogel song, Blum, Brown, Kirchoff, C, W. Fry. Conductors up: Delaney, Reed. Flagmen up: None. Brakmen up: Neidinger, Anderson, Belford, Etzwiler, Dare, Corbin. Lelghtner, Kassemer, Reigel, Clous er, Singleton, Eichelbergar. Hughes, Hackman, Boughter, Lutz, Killian, j Hager, Horne, MeCarty. Swartz. Middle Division. —The 23 crew to • go first after 2.45 o'clock: 17, 28, 25, I 16, 15, 21, 20, 27. Engineers wanted for 23, 17, 25, 15, 21, 20, 27. Firemen for 17, 25, 15, 21, 20, 27. Conductors for 23, 28. Flagmen for 25, 17. Brakemen for 25, 16 (2), 27. Engineers up: Klein. Titler, Hawk, Bomberger, Peightal, Bowers, Rathe fon, Fisher. Firemen up: Haskins, Mellinger, Punda, Peterman, Myers Schofts tall, Schmidt, Kent. Conductors up: Leonard, Rhine, Dotrow, Bennett. Brakemen up: Leonard, Danner Manning, Potter, Dennis, Forbes, Jlc- Naight, Zimmerman. Shearer, Bitner, Bell, Leithouser, O. B. Beers. Yard Hoard. —Engineers wanted for SC, 3, 15C, 18C. 28C. 32C. Firemen wanted for 6C, 1, 15C, 3, 15C, 18C, 26. 29C. Engineers up: Shade, MeCord, Wise, Watts. Firemen up: Bartless, Shaver, Dlehl, Swab Hoover, Holtzman, Rice, Roberts, Burns. ENOI.A SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 239 crew to go first after 2.15 o'clock: 221, 227, 224, 220, 247, 213, 246, 201. 211. Engineers for 211, 213, 220, 224. 247. Firemen for 210, 247. Conductors for 227, 213. Flagmen for none. Brakemen for 247, 213, 246, 201. Brakemen up: Davis, Audisill, Der rick, Mabius, Skiles, Horne, Vogel song, Eshlcman, Lee, Brunner. Middle Division. —The 245 crew to go after 1 o'clock: 103. 106, lio, 105, 112, 122, 107, 104, 121, 108. Engineers for 103, 112, 107. Firemen for 103, 112, 107, 108. Conductors for 122. Flagmen for 112. Brakemen for 103, 110, 107. Yard Board. —Engineers up: Hol land, Hinkle, Bretz, Kauffman, Shuey. Firemen up: Swigart, Kennedy, Cashman, Milliken. White, Taylor, Shuey, Holmes, A. W. Wagner, Meek, Sanders, Cramer, Morris, Llghtner, Kensler. Engineers for eastbound helper. Firemen for 140, 137, change crew, Ist 102. Ist 104, 2nd 104. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division.— Engineers up: C. D. Hollenbaugh, S. H. Alexander, W G. Jumison, J. Crimmel, F. F. Schreck," J. H. Ditmer, J. R. Brinser. A. C. Al len, A. J. Wagner| Engineers wanted for 663. Firemen up: Jay Herr, J. R. Welb ley, R. A. Arnold, D. F. Hudson. H. A. Schrauder, R. F. Mohler, E. J. Shees ley, S. H. Zeiders, H. B. Thomas, C. F. Foust. A. H. Kuntz, G. B. Huss, W. W. Beacham. Firemen wanted for 665, 23, 6293 19. 37, 601. Philadelphia Division — Engineers i up: V. C. Gibbons, C. B. First, C. H. Seltz, R. B. Welsh, J. C. Davis, B. A.'! Kennedy. Engineers wanted for none. Firemen up: J- S. Frankford, J, m I White. M. G. Shaffner, B. W. Johnson 1 B. P. Huston, J. S. Lenig, F. L. Floyd i Firemen wanted for 626, 20. j Railroad Notes I Arthur German, of Lebanon, hn|l been placed in charge of all r ®P work for 5 the Reading in that dis trict as chief clerk. The reclamation committee vis ited Reading yesterday and will mako a report recommending the disposition of all material not waßt cd ut Reading and which is needed elsewhere. Division superintendents visited Reading yesterday and were in con ference with General Superintend- j ent W. H. KefTer on the fuel con- i servution question. Harry Foreman has been appoint-1 ed a special officer for the Reading, at Lebanon. He entered upon his duties yesterday. Adam .Vogel. yardmaster for the Reading at Lebanon, with Mrs. , Vogel. has returned from a vacation I spent at Atlantic City and Points east. Passenger crews on the Lebanon Division of the Pennsy have donned their new summer uniforms. H. A. Schrauder, 646 Boyd street,] a fireman on the Middle Division of the Pennsy. was badly burned yes-w "The Live Store" ' - "Always Reliable" / | Important Announcement N About Doutrichs JULY SHIRT SALE Which is scheduled to begin on Sat urday, but owing to the Fourth of July coming on Friday, which is so near the end of the week we realize many of our customers will take a week end holiday trip, there fore we have decided to allow our customers to come here "Thursday," tomorrow, and select as many "shirts" as they care to buy at our ex tremely low prices. Every Shirt Reduced Except Manhattans I Doutrichs Shirt Sales are talked about every where but this bit of courtesy extended to our patrons and ' their friends will be an advantage worth while for those who might de sire to make their purchase at this "Live Store" before going away We are going to turn Thursday into a "very" busy day When you see the wonderful "Silk Shirts," Mercerized, Madras, Percale, Soisette, Silk Bosoms, Negligees, with collar attached, Work Shirts in Blue Chambray and Black Sateens, you'll agree that at our prices we are entitled to very generous purchases from those who will attend this Shirt Sale. "Silk Shirts" "Mercerized" "Madras" "Percale" "Soisette" "Silk Bosoms" Negligees With Collar Attached, Work Shirts in Blue Chambray and Black Sateens All Straw Hats Reduced Tomorrow liir "ili- IwjiMl i "fiiTiiTi'liHil'fii ipjUHIIi IBMi THi . ' p t T he movement over the L "?f ys Middle Division for the ■ ' " o f June amounted to 173,919 ! ca>o" it's is an Increase of 5,000 i fin i °\ er ,b,e month of May. Traf- I „ If s'owly but steadily improving, ov? showing a slight gain ; C| the preceding week. EXPENSIVE PET There's an ntmosphero of wealth j ab °ut this home." °o you judge from 'the size of the oousc, ample garage in the rear, the ; maid sweeping down the front stepg j a „ a fiardner busy on the lawn!" | No. ] judge by the size of the dog I°o the veranda. Anybody who can I aford to feed a Great Dane theso j "fl's must have plenty of money."— fhrmingham Age-Herald. Bridge and Tunnel Commission Organized New York. July 2.—Organization or the New York State Bridge ajid Tunnel Commission and the New I Jersey Interstate Bridge and Tunnel , Commission, appointed to build a ve ; hicular tunnel between New York I and Jersey City, was completed here yesterday at a meeting in the office jof the joint commission. The pre vious appointment of the following vas made effective: Clifford M. Holland, chief engi-1 neer: Jesse H Show, principal as slstant engineer; Milton M. FreeH "I WAS JUST ABOUT DOWN IN 1 BED WITH STOMACH AND KIDNEY 1 TROUBLE" MRS. KENNDEY TOil "I was Just about down in bed with stomach and kidney trouble when I heard about Natonex. The relief it lias given me has been a blessing." This was the splendid endorsement that Natonex received from Mrs. Alice Kennedy, of Marysville, Pa. "A friend of mine had been taking Natonex and she was feeling so much better that she told me all about this nature medicine," Mrs. Kennedy explained while she told how relief has come to her. "Anything that I ate would distress me so because it caused gas to form and this would bring on a shortness of breath and a tight, suffocating feeling. I had such pains in my back that it seemed as if 1 could not stand even the weight of my clothes. I used to be quite stout, but my trouble has made me quite thin be cause I could get no nourishment from my food, "I first began to notice the relief. Natonex was giving mo about the third day after 1 began to take it. Since that time I have improved right along. My meals no longer distress me and because 1 know food does not hurt me I eat like 1 should. My ' 1 ' ■ stan. resident engineer: Ole J st&dt. designing engineer; Ronald J (Beck, assistant engineer. kidneys have been regulated so 1 the pains in my back have gonej "1 want to help some one else my friend helped me by recommi ing Natonex, so I am glad to what Natonex has done for me. can't expect to be cured in a of a long standing trouble, bti gave Natonex time and now I ki how it will build up the system. It built mine up and I was certa run down." "With your system clogged I poisons, toxins, waste matter sour bile." you can not be built said the Natonex representative. " tonex, with its Nature remedies every vital organ, is designed purify the whole system so that"! ture can create bettor digest purer blood, real nerve vigor i bodily strength." How the Natonex Nature remei are designed to act is fully explai by the Natonex representative at Gorgas Drug Store, 16 N. T1 street. Natonex is sold by lead druggists in every town. Be s you get the genuine. Do not acc pills, tablets or a liquid. The ge ine Natonex is prepared only In famous Natonex prescription pov.'d