Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 02, 1919, Image 1

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    Pi*Ment V'brb on Message to Congress as Transport Bears Him Home From Paris Peace
\__ * * .
■ ftt )BUt-I>qgatfal.
I \\\\ IN v.. I.i i.iivvii . \xr*,-r,.r:£&r* IIAKKISUURG. PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 2, t£ "FMSSM F"5?a AT .SSBI*" .JAM HOMEEDITION
Scott Wires
All's Well"
on Hoard
ti rea t Ship St a rts
'Uisiv on Journey
iU I At l 4,Af
Hk W*v*\
\ PRttoßi \W\ e Thf WviM h
Uiufi Mf K Ml \xUieh teit It'
KiXipiufb NvoltdiLti iM V4f
nYlivL i ;iriM\\vii li tow* thU
\>\i ni\ hoi MteotiM iii II
,i.i" rt' VtUtlM'i l'i I Iv iv hi .1
VI ih 'i *vi uwiwur* i\i"mih U'
1111.1, I ilt Ml iuitii||o \xf*t
Ivi'lt 111 ll' <t * ll\ I it I t MOPO
wivS tut r thi* nlinitivm Of*
vYW* Nexx \iik ti\ttr v V
Ottl titttf the v(v\v-e if (h# ah
uSu v\ \tt *t tltll *tv Hf |Hi
g,o* nil} M t *|iv lit .V: Vi\i i
iMi ink v UN tn<i t ntimo
bin (tin l|ii| VM ilia !Si at *
tOibwk II 11 I iMi v till! IM* IV
|ni'\iHl i \ |t nuivi. i.iv .n > (
I'lnMv m ll\v iivavl Hi I Mill vIV t 111
Brian ntilliHtitiiit that Ih* itnUibl
1,1.1 IAWII l I'lllllllol. l. IWXWI'Xi,
ami hat ii'imit at I•> h i lni k itraiHi
i\Hti ltn. what -ill I ,| IVIVIUHI
m ilv .a f wit titv* inn tb Intuit In
't .|i .>i it \nmiiiii> wvJti Kx> gi
t till' i|MniM\ii\in i\ f\ii ini|v i'ho
ni v tttti tntft|i|M ti on tb ii worth
<4**l*. >1 i'n4*t >! 11*1 A III! H* v |l
all' in at t vl w-k \\ i awpewxtw atcD
jikii in!'. • ■in vi t-1 i-Vi'tmii, tiHi'
at*'•! tn 'Hint.
I t |\,l'\ Will 1e llin I ftillll \ illl 1011
t'X.l *ll I'll tb* |'i iltlOll nl H i H It
a* \ll ill", VI" IHtnilli . Hill tI I Itl
t'litv It .lv.i'v '|l HUHIliv VM"*t
bittaitii ii it 11| a i in- '• HI 11 nit i>'b
tun. H tin bi* , ih*i tit i" t'i im
bn'i b
tnt'toa li'ttvi 4Mmiii Kttttf
W ii * hi aii ni' tbv i mil hi in
it. .i-|iiivtv''l at ti i K tui aiit
thai tb a ,tti itibti' i i timtitbis
tin tv tiiii kniit* a bin. hi "it \
fcif it* nibivit tbitt i ii i" in ''
t' b' .|init at i i i .ivl VtsiHir
k-mtt -I'li tbv Mtt #in it i 'l*
A i v. -i|i nittliit*i* no tti talitintii ritit
til .tl *' - t.l InlllHli'* Wi-.t tin lit'
tii.i* \t i hi tin b tb" b u 'ti
ll i H' lb ■ M|t\ itllltn in tl.llli lull
III! . , I lit 'nil 111 v Mli'b <lll
bain i.i tv that tmiv
t HI t ..ill l*it i" tv tt ,t 111
ot'lll. 1 tv 'it tlillll ts I I 111 111-V t 1
t'l t\ It .. II
>i .. i \m .-t*.t- bAixiii* bat. t'i it
tb* . lit. 11 tt !' I.ti I' 11 I 4i.k
lIHI Mtt'ilH I'll I I'M ' " *lti.l **
II i,t < • I t .... \t 1 -It tt 'lt I'f
vb* .<t v Vi". i ..i i ii it*
| i\ i iiv -ii . .-111 1 t'HI ii. <1 % Ills' K
fll* Ii I I HI VlliXHl'll "Mt H V*
(t MtitHitbM mt k\vb tl.|
Not Vm(ht
M* He hy Ttvwwyw
tv* t\ 11 a ni. m tiinvbin v 4 , biMbut
ti i I'tW't i'l tt * ttnni in aitll *
A*|" niiv-iil AH' tilllll* b i'l ill
.tin. i ii tb AH a ii" • ■ - ii tt
tib. Hl ibv tb tt t'tH'HiAH, . i-n iba
, tl I vi t ti' HI H I 'l' i|!|.l"t
Vb.'HH' HI, 111 b* t v 'I * i i'tHil't
ttt*"l .. t 111 lt*l
t'l . 11l At tl I|* ll* b* >l4lll
*t t ii tt tbv-i tin HI .* ttti
I V II 1 !'b,i|. 1'1H1 til .1.1 tb*l
t(i 'it \ \\ I liSVt' b 11
V iMi* ti Vt I
\\A -M Mt VM iVk OW !
'Mt >M It\ \W \i>
K>*wt K Mat H#*>4Wtp
With CifmiiHy
Vn*t*i - iii * "■* t v *l' 'I babbitt
tti* • * *iin*tit*iHtH ib i h ■ ttiia *1
y \%i iii'w vy - \\ O
\tlll, .1 b* V \i*Ut ' >!.!* t. u
tlWvt IV bHlbi'illHt II ItHA t* it'll
tb*i i t a tbAt tb* Hmni* A *f
Kit ma I**!'* bt'it lAtttttt*. i ■ H* ta
*tt*. t - i AI . .Httaiii *t t'bvitii
t.l* tli 1 111 ft AHHtt\A tn|l Hl't
Kti'ttf't \|MH ttti WAlktfi i
SbU* in WnH Mrwt
it* \*llbl llVt V b 'l'll* blvl
fa* , i*i v 'it "tt tb *!•' S t-\
1 b AH' bl* til i'A 1 tl t** tbtt t blHl*
am. Mi*a > *t ni.m w*i.
m tv *nt a Vi-* .* tii'i t **|i
fb!' Vti* ibt'ilt *Vv I A'b i b nitv
| Vl*'l*l ''4 tb HHb II 11 tt M
**4 bHtaivt, Vwf,
l**llHHvA \\*lt*t m Hl*bb H*i
I* v *bt ttbwab ** ia w
bay * b \t\ tv
atbi *** ibiavAJv v. v%Vi m *
iiAHvi. iM'itb i*ib iVV iiMvx
| The R-34 Crew Before the Atlantic Flight
i'ln u w ..1 Uu Initial*. iii' on Hi maiden tran Uluntlc cruise, from left In tight, HIP; Major I'tlMh
till, I. in imK i i i\ikiiini >, M.iJin Scolt i' t pta In t, ami i .iptalh McDonald. Insert nlmivn Lieutenant Horn
in ill. vi ami. low tie, I h V, the \mf I ban who will bo onn of thl orew,
Dmlcrtvond it Underwood
Nin i\ ont Plttcca in llnrris-
I 111(1 (Out Should lldve
Vti i ni I U\ i' None
Hit t* Health Itepaitmeiit tospc.'
tin* ni*tin; u tour of tlarrt-hum
dun g \ isieuin found l places
I Vwb should hue been scveened
ig itng! lie - hut ivio .ln exposed The
map H'ti u uitt tw t oiopleted In i
d*\ or two Indiiallfins are that
vi* at iiiHd'iit sio h places, tiirtud
mh t uii iev lands eiii s. tinker
tes est nii'HiUs and the like
'lt v i i\o i'| o, liai in. taken up
erp usli t'i.i Miitui s lecommenda
tiiuv Hi d llatvishurt he made a
VBII'TT T L i* N F rum TIH* -land point of
pu'4 c tilth uid sanitation reudlli
viilu'ed thi Si H' Hi ilth tiepart
pieh in 'he cio.ote ll was at the
IVIPIS-d d HIE . lull that the depart
LIU-ttt :nl I- lii.ovidors into the
iitv am when Hi* report has t.een
i vindeud the llati tshurg Health
TMW etw m will he asked to take
a. iii tit mkinv toward tho removal
u tl e HI MEN ice
'PI V •- it. iitthortttes hold that the
lan i- mfh ti'id to com pell the
Sl'. I *, NIN IN IH PTA, CS wlivre food
MW# iav -old AS wetl a* all place
that are tikili to twcomii rti hrent
t,i ■ nc*
Throw,h the work of ttie Civic
I'tuh ttie tti nnhs itive tin been yroat
ti h v id to the city and an effort
v lit tw made to m ike Hie i lls a
H'sit v \li s town "
SSU,ODO l.an For Sewer
E)iteiiiii Work Proposed
by Commissioner I.ynch
IB WHO '"inner \\ H I inch wilt
tbbtf 'dun .ti ordinance tit t'ounell
ti \t |St slit pfltdtny for a vole
ip ) to to .a $ .tt *OO tor newer ex
ten* tut wot It in the Thivboenth
war i, tt* id to dm
IT IfttVi ttm la L fen week I elit-
PM> * tt the 1.1h.-C of I'tt> P;N
iUi.A'T it It I'owdcti have heen
*in KING on ihe length ami cost of
Hie pin I'-VD SI-IIVI AND haio est!
MAT t t mt ll*,#*® will tw needed
to IN T e work
tt A doniii'd to HAIE the seiver
ixtf lit • mil Twenty itr*t nod lienv
TI'V V 'XL. ptohthli to tho -IT,!
tine ANI ttivn SOUTH AND west, con-
TII'V in* NO ittx with the sewer near
\IS lvvith trivl \t PRESENT there
I> > I DINE >.■ xislriii in HUM part
of -ho \a L ilthougli many new
IWLTHUG. IRE heUtg erected atony
TVNI A rvet
i'nivk Drivor Finod
s2l For Noisy Driving
v , \ Vb Miner, ttti North Front
.. tt**t, -tt automotdte dt'tier of the
Hat ftsfel ig ttroceiv t'ontpani, \\ ik a
VI tl <A hi ii i tine losteiilai after
Vi op a in toll,, i out't for notation of
tfat Siyi o ilio imes, to the campaign
et ike t(ai ishitiv police depaitment
lo oea up mine, es*rx noisex on
the viti trecta Wayoer was or
vtei *d v wax a hoe of S2O or to
aP tix iiitx dais in tall for opera!
tug an iUtonnddte truck with the
HA WA Uough Undergoes
OptNration on His Jaw
I'linatv i\iiAti,dki Henry w Hnuyh
tu lent* im km# an operatlun which
* vud „ui at Aiiaatto I'ltv wstrr
vkvl bi.A won* to i tetegraiu tveMved
in i'a\ U IM'PutV i laud, \1 KetHcr
Vtk h,ay)b had twen suff, una for weeks
~Hi pat iu the ttahl silk of In, j uw
aad I. anally .hided hi (Mr. \\ ii
h4h h, i kivk a t'Hlhotvlptila surgeun,
ihat 4U > pxraviwn nvuid he xrrry.
lly In ■ mil l Push
t nhleii*, .lull The , bulge |
i.lio. le department Ht Army i
hemlipi,trier* here was kept |
hiixy t<< dm with Inquiries from
various part* of Ihe occupied i
art a as to whelhri marring,^'B he*
'v • n oldlsrs and 1 lifMR girls
iioultl 1,,- nllnwvd, now thai the
Peace Tri 11> has heen signed. ]
VI the > nd of tlie day It ivas rs
linial.'d that more tlmn lin In- I
•tulrlt a had 1,.. n made hy vnri
ou individuals, Including savsral i
OUti crs.
These cinic from the division I
h, idquarti rs of U\e of the dlvl
-ions of the Third Artnv and ]
11 eg . iritua ~ t -., unHik a itum*
I-- of lii.llvlduaia inquiring per- I
anally it headquarters.
\ ruling on Ihe question • 111 j
n • handed down ill a few dnvs. ]
The order U HUM fraternising I
Willi tlortpnivi '-till holds, noml
tiallv at least, and will continue '
to ,io so prohahii until Oormany >
i itlftea the Treat!.
Dnunhili/ntlnn of Srrvicc
I lugs Will Open Drmon
strnUon Tonight
1 arllxlo, .fulv " Plans are com
plete for ihe Cumberland County
\ u tori and I', aoo I'elebrailon,
which begins tonight and continues
tomorrow and tho next day. In
dications during the day point to It
being one of ttie biggest demonstra
tions over stared In the borough.
Tho celebration wllj Include the de
mnhlll*alien of , rvlcs #ass of Car
lisle, a parade in honor of tho ser
vice men and a grand historical
In its early conception, tho Cali
bration was Intended to he nit ex
prssxion on the part of the eltlaens
of Cumberland county of tho np
pr,elation and r.atttudo which the>
felt tor the men of the county who
|('outline on I'lige IN.|
lUMmttkiihlf Apparition Soon in Sky Whon Itrigbl Moon Ap
p tronlly Is Consorting Willi Three Stars
\ renin ih a I a it ppa I'll to It VM aeon
in the shy lui evening. Neat' the
moon worn three HIIIII. ONE O*-
teedtnglt hrinht. Th othor two
were moiteittiviy bright nnd
eßtlv about ftnifti in i*o it nil nil
Ihret ware ii|i|>roxlmatelv in lino,
ihe nptuurnnv" *IIH quite atrlKin*.
W hat the phenomenon portends,
aliiitiuava lull to dim lone, nmt
latton run lnqh laat night when
hundred* of people \ lowed iliP
lute tuiiil it h*tt to do with the
n.iHfcinti on oi Kinw Hnrlevcom A
not' oi tlin i |0W(I linntrit tit th'
ntiu, lui tho tttal matt, in otinohinK
the argument, failed attention to tho
evident foot that the moon WW"
"Bpilliug watui" ami nialutwluvd
R.ilr Fixrrl For Exrctillnn of
William Evnua, Convicted
iu Dauphin Court
William tfivans, eolnred, iwlei eon-
I vlt led of first tleaiee murder in tha
I Dauphin county courts on a charaa
| of stabbing Unfiis Qlllant, also col
i nrcd, Is lo he ele^iriM'utod (luring
| ihe week of duly 21, The death war
1 rant was signed to-day hy the tint
The murder occurred on tha night
j of February 111, 1919, at 77k Smith
Fourth street, Bteelton. .Indite A
1 XV. Johnson/specially presiding, eon
i ducted both trials, granting a see
1 and one on legal technicalities raised
jby counsel for khans. An attempt
was mndi to establish a defense thai
Kvans was too drunk ai the time of
the murder to form the intent to
kill, hut juries at both trials con.
vloted him,
Man Arrested on Charges
Made by Child Is Given
Hearing in Police Court
Partially Identified srcrral data sifn
by * year old Maraarel Merit,lei, ilanrli
let- or Mr and Mrs. William ttarlM,
1294 Market sllrel, as tlie man whll
Inrad her Into Reservoir Mark, IJdii-irtl
K a liter, Christian sireei, win t.,. gnen
n hearing In police cmirl ilnrlhg ih*
Knbler was arrested en fttindav, tl*
Is said lo hale hastened away when
the girl noticed htm. but was afier
wants located In Christian slrerl
With I lie exeeplion Dial battler has
no beanl an.l Ih* man who lured tier
away had a an.ivth of srneral iieeks,
the girl sais thai lialtlrr looks rxa.ily
like the other man. The tieslit of
Knbler ho* heen prrmllled In grow
slnee he has been laken Into custody
that It may aid In hletttllloaMon, bah
Irr itrnlop rbnynix
Telegraph Operators'
Strike Is Declared Off
lift A Marin fed Press
New Ywk duly ? The strike of
ibe Commercial Telcgraphcra' Ppion
mains! Die Western I'ntnn and IS,*ial
Teletrel'll Companies was declared off
this afternoon, ll was announced here
by Percy Thomas, deputy international
president of the oraahloalhui
ttijxt It wan n|itlt|ntf .Mil nil
Another thought it * cmiivftx
of Mot'lul lrt\ln ImKlmr lo T.tirt.in
f'"v m hr, " 4v - 1 s nm„;
the hPttvru* oottPernlnß xx „r|, h M ,.„
A .tifforrnt rou|i xx„, ounniiH UN
to xvtn\l Will lie tho thl"
rvr.il.iß I'l rill.'lloiin ,£m the
t.iißtit nt..r nn.t on,. „t
nUrn xvlll hnvo i>liim..,| |,|,,,. rfl |,x
thl* rviMim*. tinvinn whirled nnnin.'t
on,, nnnthoi llhr two xvnttdpiM niiico
ymtrnlnx, unit tin -nil,, , (U
Bollin*, xviili tho moon nonir .iiM„n...
off 10 tho loft.
If tho nky In olenr, Ink,. H nook
nhout t> lit to in tliln rxntilnM, nn.t
lin\ on fuu boom on to xxhnl u ~1l
Tliiovp* (inin Kany Entrance
Through Unlocked and
Screened Windows
I'honogriiphic HecorcU, Ruil
roiul PMHUCH, Clothing and
Money Are Missing
rturelHt'lva tlirnughout the otty on
0 Iwrijor (K'HIO than imythlns ut
trin|itofl to aevei'Hl years wore re
pnrted to-<ly by lb* poltve. Plnln
-1 I/IMIPB nipii urn working new
i BPB (iiifj a number of others which
occurred earlier In the week,
New t'otiherleH reported to.day
liev. 11. A. Pjrlea, (79# North Sixth
It. bb'clls, sns south Sevenleenfh
bV. l-khontierger, IMS N'oitlt
second street.
I'. l<oper, 172# North Third
<l. A. Hamilton, (#2# 1-2 North
Third street.
\. I-:, blunley, 27 Houth Sixteenth
Take Pound of Butter
At the home of Dr, Pyles the thief
entered hy removing a window
sereen, Klve dollars in cash, two
baby rings, curtains, clothing nnd
tt pound of butler were taken.
The south Seventeenth robberies
ivere rather unsuccessful. At the
home of t\ U Wells the only loss
was a gunmelnl watch valued as
a relic of the war ua it, was taken
from a dead Oermnn soldier.
f\ \V. Kisenhower lost $lO in cash,
Kntry was gained to this home hy
means of an open door that was left
unlocked in admit a physlolan who
had been called a short time pre
vious because of Illness In the fam
Take Phonograph Ileisirdw
The t.opers lost 20 phonograph
records, l'-n trance was gained
through an open window.
The only thing of value lost In the
Hamilton home were two railroad
pusses In Ihe name of Mrs, Eva S.
The Manley home was robbed
earlier In llie day, Mrs, Manley left
a window open when she left. When
she returned the house was ran
sacked, drawers pulled out und $7
In hills missing.
Police t'hief Welgel Issued a
warning raying that honaeholders
ate aid lo leave windows and doors
open during the warm weather,
In Nolc to Allies Teutons F.x
prcss Hope Prisoners Will
Be (liven Freedom
hy Axxaelnfrif Pre##
fence wlili Hi* entailer allien if Q#r
many moves slowly at 111* farts hoard,
ll IB expected Dial the Hermans will
I'allfl 111* treaty the h'tlnnine of next
w**U, according In a noli mm In the
A Win Tin noli wan oni acknowledg
ing lln AHInl stipulation Dial the
blockade will In raised when the treaty
la rail hid, In the note the Hermann
alan expressed the hope thai Herman
war prisoners WOUhl lie releaaeil at the
aame lime,
The proposed anliillon of Hie Italian
Pfohleni lulnu discussed In peace cir
cle# 111 the rrenull capital, ll la under
lined, conieniplalen giving Italy cer
tain cnlmilal possessions, prnhahly In
Africa, In relurn for her support of the
fence t'inference declalona In the
Adriatic aetllenient,
A illapaleli from Heme aay* that
vlrln.allv all of Montenegro la In re-
Itelllnt! against the Herhlan military oo
cllimtlon, according hi private advloea
received here, llloody emauinlera, It
la aald, have occurred at many place#
and guerilla warfare la reviving In the
Ileoanal Herman otltcera have Inter
fered an peralalenlly with American re
lief work in the llalllc provinces, a
Herman nitlcer haa been appointed to
llaaoti limy With Colonel Itroonie, the
American commander In thai region,
under a guarantee llial he will he pre
lected I lieutenant# Harrington nnd
Sl*nn, of the American Army, tt I# re
ported In aili icea received here, were
arteaied h> the Herman# on dune at
pel ween I,than and Ulna and held for
aeveral day# hy Herman ofttcer# who
aald the Vinertcans were trouhlemaker#
and had heen trying to undermine Her
man Influence!
Severn! niher American officer#, It I*
added, alan were detained hy the Her
man# It I# helleved that a Herman
officer at t'clonal Uroonie'# hendouarters
can avert uch incident# and speed up
find del I \ erica
Ci>#*- In (he office of City Treasurer
t\ K Wilier will receive tiayntenl# of |
l(H* oeeupalhin achnol tax** In th
evening nest Monday, Tuo#day and i
Wednesday, n wa# announced to-da,v, I
litany peiein# have not paid thta tax >
and In order to accommodate men who 1
are Working during the da.v tt waa d- j
elded to have the office cpvti la the
awning, J
Superintendent Downcs En
dorses Project Without Res
ervation, and Board Mem
bers Sec an End to Vexing
There was very general ap
proval throughout the city to
day of the comprehensive and
attractive proposition submit
ted to the City Council and the
School Board by the City Plan
ning Commission. It is uni
versally considered as another
big step forw-ard in the develop
ment of Harrisburg. In the pub
lic mind not only does it con
template an available and prop-
I < r site for the modern university
1 high school project, but pro
j vides for another fresh-air resort
; in the Italian Park and lake plan
| for the rapidly-increasing popu
! lation of the western section of
[ the city.
"This Is an opportunity which
comes to a city once in a hundred
years, perhaps," said a prominent
j citizen to-day, "and it would be most
I unfortunate should anything occur
I to prevent the consummation of a
1 development at once constructive
j and attractive."
A Generous Offer
Among those who are able to
judge of real estate values the offer
! of the McKee-Oraham estate is look-
I ed upon as an unusually generous
i one which ought to be accepted
without the slightest hesitation,
j "M.v opinion is that there is a good
i deal of sentiment represented in this
I generous offer of the Pittsburgh
I owners," said one familiar with the
] estate. "This is an expression of a
' long-time interest in Harrisburg and
| is a bit of "auld lang syne" injected
I into a real estate transaction."
j The original owners of the Mo
i Kee-Graham property were resi
! dents of Harrisburg and they have
j maintained right along an interest
In the development of the city. It
is said that the offer of |2,250 an
acre to the school district would
never have been made to a private
purchaser. Persons familiar with
real estate values declare that the
opportunity to purchase 40 acres for
the present and future use of the
university high school at a price ap
proximating J85.000 ought not to be
Inst. No other site In Harrisburg
is so available from every standpoint
inasmuch as the heavy growth of
trees in the Hoffman's Woods sec
tion of the tract provides immedi
ately a superior campus for the girls
Innd hoys who will attend the high
school. This of itself is an import
(Continue*] on Page 15)
Hundreds of Lives in Peril
Are Saved by Work of
New York Firemen
Wv Associated Press.
New York, July 2. Fire at the
south ferry terminal of the city's
elevated structure to-day destroyed
one train and part of another. Both
trains were carrying passengers.
Many of them on hoard, a large
number of whom were women, had
narrow escapes.
They were rescued by firemen
who raised ladders to the top of the
elevated structure and carried them
to the ground. Reports that several
persons had been killed had not been
verified a half hour after the Arc
The flames are believed to have
started when an electric spark
Ignited grease which had accumu
lated under one of the curs, spread
to the building which serves as the
terminal for the municipal ferries I
from Siaten Island and South |
Brooklyn. Firemen feared this j
structure would he destroyed.
Within Ave minutes after the Are !
started tip* flames hud run along |
the elevated structure for the full
length of both trains and three
aturms were turned in.
Passengers leaped from the plat
forms of tho burning curs onto the
J biasing trestle and run madly along
(the tracks in an effort to outdis
j tunce the flumes. But for the speed
, with which the llrmen raised their
j ladders and took them down it is
I believed many would have jumped
I Into the street below.
At the terminus of the elevated
structure Is an ofttoe of the Inter
borough Rapid Transit Company.
Th's also caught tire, and the clerks
and Stenographers sprung from tho
windows onto the roof of u train
shed and thence climbed down lad
ders into the street.
i Palmer Orders Quick
Prosecution of Atlantic
City Violators of Law
Ity .4 it Press.
Wuxlt.ngtnn, Julv 2. Attorney
i General Palmer to.|ay ordered In vest l°-
1 gat ion of i Inner at Atlantic City ,
. and immediate Federal prosecutions If I
conditions srs as reported In Uie news
paper* \ I
lite .salient points in the do- j
vclopnients of the tiny concerning
the gift and sale to tile city of
tho acres lo Is" used as a park
ami high school plot:
The location will ivorniit great- j
or capacity and more healthful
The Chamber of Commerce,
through its president, George S. |
Kcinochl, is keenly interested in i
the project.
Superintendent of Schools F. 1
K. Doivttes heartily endorses tlie |
The executive secretary of the !
Slate Board of lalucation speaks
very favorahly of tlie plan.
Robert A. Knclers, president of
flte School Board, s|teaks most
enthusiastically of the plan, j
which he expects to lead to
great things for Ifarrisburg
school children.
Cost of Developing Upper i
End of City Is Small, Con-'
sidering Amount of Benefit,;
and Appropriations May Be
Spread Over Many Years
From interviews secured this
morning with several prominent
men of the city who are thoroughly
familiar with the needs of the school
department, it would seem that the
new plan which was submitted yes
terday by the City Planning Com
mission is being received with the
greatest enthusiasm On every side
expressions of approval are heard
and the hope everywhere expressed
that the question which has been
troubling the city for years now is
about to be settled finally.
While it was thought that there
might ho some objection to the site,
which is not a central one. yet con
sidered in a broad minded and far
sighted way the location will be bet
ter from every point of view. The
city is growing steadily in that di
[Continucd on Page 17.]
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1 * V*. "•'< •>•' street* failed to identify him in police t®
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i x
London—The capture of tha city of Perm from the 4
] J forces af the Kolchak government is claimed by the ®
<' Bolsheviks in a Hapatch from Russia receive 4
0 ML
ii here to day It is declared-the occupation of Perm took 3?
* * p! • 4
I ♦
Harrisburg—Wagner Hoffman, -vhe conducts a at a
* • t and Market streat?, was fined S.V X
, , in police court this afternoon on a charge of selling fire- 4
* • works in violation of citv ordinances. This is the first ar- 4
I re tof the •• u • fits
J 4 Camphel'. Belleville? urn!
*. 'ttj.t'' Mtllfribiir*. nntl Ilutb I. Warner, tifrTl T. Doylf.W
T® JlllHib(oiiii, nnil l.oMIe <J. I.eltrleh, Wleonlneoi lieuben Wllnon and
•b Mttrjf M. <tnarleh. Mlddletomm Iturvev 1,. Bowrm and Jrannrttr SI.T
r Slpe.Nen (uniberliin.li Robert \%. rnmplx ll and < J rare K. Weaver. 4
ej Uurrlnburßi l.nmbert H. Klneh and Alice M. Kby, Hurrlabur S . X
I *f* *f* *s* *s'..*s*
Prices Rising. With Enormous
Demand For Goods of
Every Description
Mills and Factories Booming
With Heavy Orders and
New Business
Optimism as to the business out
! look, reporter) to-day In the Federal
Reserve Board's monthly statement of
j conditions recorded by local members
was tempered with renewed warning
against undue speculation.
"In nearly all the districts." the
! Board's statement said, "the opinion
j is entertained that the prospects for
! a successful and prosperous year.
| with very large outputs of goods and
almost unprecedented financial re
j turns both to manufacturers, agri-
I culturists and laborers, now are pos
! itive. The possibility that specula
| tion may be carried too far and may
J exert an injurious influence, aided
I and furthered by the existence of
| free credit and speculative tenden
cies, appears as the principal oltset
| ting influence in the situation."
Prices .Mounting
j Prices continued to rise throughout
j June, the Board's statement showed,
) and enormously heavy demand for
I goods for export had rendered pro
ducts in many lines scarce. In nearly
1 all districts it was reported business
men had decided they could rely up
on heavy demand and continuously
[Continued on Pago 11.]
Church notices Intended for
publication in the Telegraph
! Saturday evening must be in this
1 office not later than 4 o'clock
• Thursday afternoon. If not in at
I the time specified, they will not
j be published. This office will be
| closed all day Friday.