Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 01, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
" When a Girl Marries" By ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CCXXXVI. Copyright, 1919, King Features Syn dicate. Inc. "Evelyn Mason," repeated Phoebe through stiff lips. 1 turned to Hevtl'.a briskly ana gave my orders. "Please tell Mi3s Evelyn That I u.u engaged now nnd will call her in half an hour." "Please go now, Anne. Please," urged Phoebe jerkily. "It's too late. Bertha carries out orders promptly," I replied, going over to make a minute and un necessary adjustment of the win dow draperies. That gave me an excuse to turn away from Phoebe and gave her a chance to adjust herself. Even with my back to her I could visualize her eyes—fixed far-away and propped wide so the tears shouldn't brim over. And her quiv ering chin —1 could imagine that, too. When I turned to Phoebe she had risen and stood facing me. Kittle as she is. she looked stately. "You knew?" she demanded ac cusingly. "Yes," I gasped. "And as soon as we had Dick West disposed of " "You knew," she went on. "The day I couldn't even drink my lemonade because we always took it. You knew and you let me make a fool of myself!" There was a note of the Harri son pride in Phoebe's voice. Poor little girl, she also was bitterly proud. That would make things harder for both of us. For the mo ment 1 felt as if I were~again fac ing the aloof Phoebe of the painted lips and hard eyes who had shut me coldly out of her heart the day Neal returned from soldiering. And T almost let it hold me off — almost let it force me to stand discussing the matter academically when what Phoebe needed was some one to take her In kind arms anil mother her. In a rush of pity and affection I ran across the room, caught Phoebe to me and pulled her down on the couch with her head nestled against me. "Dear little sister. I wanted to tell you this—decently. And now you've heard it all in an ugly flash. licM g Rashes 1 Soothed With Cuticura AH drotnrfntiij Soap %, Ointment 2> ft 50. Talcum *. each free of "Cwtlror*. Dept. 1. BcuWa " TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS FOR CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE • II _ WHOLESALE r reidberg s DISTRIBUTORS Bell 2:14:1 Second & Cherry Sts. Dial 3519 Prompt Deliveries Both Phones Garments of Quality WMMBBWIAIiiMMMI Tuesday and Wednesday Specials in Ladies' Wearing Apparel Just the Things You Will Want for the Fourth QO r\r\ New Waists-- Just Received.--Economically Priced G tl FrenchWoileWaists BPljltHß Ti -yoc CO O roll 11(1 and V necks, entbroid- I xUr i.// voot/U cry trimmed, pin tucks anil J nrj /~ii Variety of plain and novelty AJ / IhLß| I I Wednesday Unly effects in assorted shades. I A new shipment of neat aistS jl jjif | street drosses in it variety Several smart models, plain // j j You Will SURELY WANT One of These Skirts $3.00 White $3.93 Silk Poplin SEtSllii Gabardine Skirts Skirts Wl aUgM Tuesday & Wednesday Only Tuesday & Wednesday Only \ Belt, patch pockets, pearl >ajy and black, belt, pockets ' \ | _ ' 1 and cuff at bottom. |, ,| j (1 button trimmings. 1 i j LJ-J $5.00 Wash Skirts $7.00 White 1 j Tuesday & Wednesday Messaline Silk Only Skirts sr. —. cs Tuesday & Wednesday ■-I JIE3 $2,95 (eTor JUL-.—\\ X^j t 0 f „ cw model gabar- tp4ct/0 i (L dine and tricotlne skirts „ , , ... . , , ... . Smart new models, with plain white, stripes and holt, pockets with buckles, plaids. pearl buttons. "TT ladies Bazaar' B, v" W ° ly 8-10-12 S. FOURTH ST. For Less TUESDAY EVENING, | I'm sorry dear. Oh. Phoebe, I'm | sorry enough for us." .1 cried, "but J I'm twice as sorry for poor Neal." Oh. how I wished that Phoebe would lift her head and reply with | a twinkle in her eyes that it surely i was hardest on Neal since he had jto marry Evvy. But she didn't ; She did nothing to help me. so I j went on and told her about the | day at Mason Towers when Neal ! had saved Evvy after she upset : | their canoe, how that very night I he packed his things and started hack to the city—to her I was sure, j | Then I told how Val had seen Evvy i intercept Neal and how when I ! ' went to circumvent Evvy she out witted us by flinging herself into Neat's arms and bursting out with i an announcement of her engage j ment. I "I know Neal doesn't care for her," I concluded. "I've an idea he was telling her that when she upset the canoe. He was worried i about almost drowning her and ! you should have seen his relief | ! when I said he'd nothing to worry ; | about because he'd been a hero j 1 and saved her. I remember how i ! excitedly, how pleadinglv he asked | ; me if I thought that made up for everything " I | For a moment there was silence ! , Then Phoebe pushed me awav and I sat up stiffly. "Why do you tell me this. Anne?" I | she asked. "Tour brother is en- i : gaged to Evelyn Mason. As they j i were both once friends of mine ' : I can only wish they'll be happy." ; "Phoebe, dear." I insisted, lean- | ; ing forward to take her hands in j mine in spite of every rebuff. "He I i isn't happy. He couldn't be with 1 her. And I love Neal so much this [ almost kills me. Evvy's heaps too ! olr. for him—and she couldn't be t a sweet, unselfish wife. She's too j j cold and purry and calculating, j . . And Neal cares for you. I j , know he does. You should have i | seen him when I told him that ' i I'd lunched with you," I finished , lamely. For as I swept along on the tide of my eagerness T remembered that j the eager Neal who had pushed me j out of his room and had packed i to go back to Phoebe had been | evoked by my telling him Phoebe j still loved him. I could hardly tell Phoebe that. ; Her pride couldn't he expected to ; endure the thought that Neal knew she still cared. Yet it was just that which made my case complete, i Then Phoebe did a brave, sweet j thing which made me love her more \ than ever. "Oh, Anne," she cried sadly. "I j hope he doesn't still care for me. j Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918.. International News Service *- # * - - By McManus ' If THAT INVENTED Jll WHAT'S 1 I' WHT- FACTORY | I WgLL-fllll THANK ~| ' TAp^RArIT)— /9 s r °LLIN PINIS MOt)T Have Mlfrijir J\ h*V feuT IT-: I • s- I K BEEN A (BACHELOR (X HUNDRED THOUSAND 1 g)glK)? C® o THAT'S DONE! [ fI^UFACTU^ — Because he's engaged to her. And if she fought so hard to get him she must love him. So now he must do what's right and marry Evvy. I want him to do what is right and to be happy, too. It doesn't matter . about me. I can get over being | hurt some day. But he couldn't | get over it if he did what wasn't j honorable." Whereupon Phoebe fcrgot her ' pride and her fine speeches and be- j gan to cry sadly like any other little girl whose heart is broken. And perhaps I cried with her. I ; think I'd be ashamed if I hadn't. The sound of the door-bell sent j us scurrying pell-mell into my bed- ! room to wash our eyes and powder j our noses and to try to recapture i some of the dignity and make-be- j lieve we needed to see the situation t through. "Mr. and Mrs. Cosby," announced | Bertha a moment later. "I said ; I'd see if you were still in but that j Miss Phoebe Harrison had been to \ dinner and I didn't know but what . you'd gone out." "Oh, Anne! That dreadful Bertha! ' Now I'll have to see them, too." , cried Phoebe after I had sent the maid to say I'll be out in a moment. "That won't be bad, dear," I said cheerfully. "Put on your hat and we'll call a taxi and as soon as it's announced you can run away." j "Pine!" agreed Phoebe, and then J she shook her head sadly. "No [ Anne, I can't go. I'll have to wait and see Jim. I've got to learn to • face people some time. And to- j night I must at least know that Jim has done about Dick West. I'll come in as soon as 1 can, Anne. I I'd like—l'd like to be alone a min- j ute, dear." Her voice had an excited, fever- i ish note. So, closing the door, I went out and left Phoebe—alone. To Be Continued. DISHED "What has become of Senator Flubdub? He used to be a small po tato." "He's where a small potato be longs." "Eh?" "In the soup."—Louisville Cour ier-Journal. HABMBBURG Z&Sfc&g. TELEGRSPS THE LOVE GAMBLER By Virginia Terhune Van de Water CHAPTER XXIV. Desiree was non-plussed. Her , maid's claims seemed fair enough, i The mistress had at the moment no ur<;i,r;ient with which to refute no "Naturally, Norah," she began, j Mr. and I know that Smith is honest and a good driver. | But as to his behavior in other re | spccts, we know little." "There's nothing to fear from j him, ma'am," the girl affirmed ' quickly. "I've seen a good many j men, and I know what they're like, j And the minute I first seen Smith, | I sized him up." "Ah did you?" was the dry ; rejoinder. j "Yes, ma'am." Norah detected :no sarcasm in the question. "My mother always told me there was > certain things no girl should let a man do —and that nice men aren't going to attempt them until they know a girl well—things like ary ing to put their arms around her— and free actions like that." I Desiree gasped. "Norah!" she ex- I claimed. "Yes. ma'am." the girl admitted, • "it is dreadful, isn't it? But there I is fellows as will do the likes of that when they first meet a girl— , and don't mean no real harm in it | neither. Now Smith, why, he's nev j er so much as" The sound of the doorbell reached | her ears, and she stopped abruptly. "Oh, there's the bell! I guess Annie's in the kitchen. I'll just run down." "It's probably Smith with the car" —Desiree began. But the girl was already out of hearing, speeding on her way downstairs. She also suspected that it was Smith with the car. Which Desiree reflected frowningly, would account for her haste. She was baffled. She could say no more on this subject unless she forbado Norah to speak to Smith, and she had no grounds for such a sweeping interdiction. Norah was a decent girl, Smith was a decent man. Why should they not be on friendiy terms? Slio Hates tlic Thought Moreover, and the thought made Desiree feel slightly frightened at j herself, Samuel Leighton could not j possiblly understand his daughter's | viewpoint were she to express dis | approval of any friendship between I chauffeur and maid. So long asa neither neglected any | duties whose business was it how (good friends they were? That j would be her father's argument. | And Desiree knew that he would be I right. ! Yet she hated the thought of j Smith's chatting familiarity with | her maid. Surely this was unrea ! sonable. She must overcome the ! ridiculous prejudice. Downstairs, Norah was exchang | ing a few hasty words with David. ; He had spoken a bripf good morning ' and announced that the car was ! awaiting its mistress. Then Norah | had laid her hand impulsively on : his arm. "Smith," she giggled. "Listen, i Miss Leighton says you can come I to call on me." l'ovid startled so violently as to • dislodge the hand resting on his i arm. "What!" he ejaculated. "What do j you mean?" Daily Dot Puzzle 5 • • A 7 4 * TV —i /V 3 8 * 1 ' r- s.v 2i *io '3 • v • • / : is \ 18 V* ', 4 \ • 7 23. * • lb* 24 5°V2 • 5 „ 58* 25 .** j* 57 * \ 45 . • . * \\ 27 26 \ V N 23'5° J i , • • =—- ) ; S2.S 2 J | 3 - i. 44 . _ 38 43 • A-, 37 • • • ~ 4l 58- ' Draw from one to two and so on to tbe end. | "Well, you needn't look so as tonished," Norah said, bridling. "I'm onlly telling you you can come to see me any time you like—any evening, I mean. I don't often usk young men to come here. It's not generally allowed. But with you it's different. I ran some risk standing outside with you last night—and she didn't like it. But when I explained to her that you and me was friends, she looked at it different. "So if you don't coine to see me once in a bit, it's your own fault. You ought to like me," with another giggle, "after the scrape I most got into last night all on account of you. I had to make her think you had something special that you wanted to speak to me about, and that you'd asked me to come out side for a few minutes. If she knew 1 went out of my own self-—well, she'd be that mad! She's awful par ticular. Sh—h! Here she comes now!" Everything Goes Wrong Then, to make matters worse the girl lurned hastily away and hur ried intj the diningroom. But quickly as she had gone. De siree caught a glimpse of her in her flight and called her back. "Norah! Where are you going?" "Oh—l—l was just going down to i the kitchen," Norah said, reappear ing. "You seemed in a hurry," was Desiree's grave comment. "Here, put this fur around me. David stood, hat in hand, by the DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS XjM jL GIRL'S DRESS AND SUN BONNET 2860 —Here is a comfortable "warm weather outfit" which will please any little girl who likes to play or work out in the sunshine. Gingham, percale, seersucker, linen, drill, pique or poplin could be used for both the bonnet and dress. With bloomers under this drata, petti coats may be dispensed with. The pattern is cut in 5 sizes: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Size 4 requires 2M yards of 36 ir.-ch material for the dress and % yard for the bonnet. A pattern of this illustration mail ed to any address on receipt of 10 cer/ts in silver or stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department For tho 10 cents inclosed please send pattern to the following address: Size Pattern No Name Address City and State Lemon Juice For Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for a few cents. Try Itl Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and com plexion beautlfler, at very, very small cost. Your grocer haa the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face. neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blem ishes disappear and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. Yes) It la harmless and never Irri tates. front door, too much dazed to know | just what to say. Desiree looked at him severely. I "Smith," she remarked, "it is not necessary for you to stand in here j ! waiting for me. Go out to your car. j ! I will come when I am ready." : As the chauffeur obeyed she spoke ] j once more to Norah. "I wish, Norah, that you would j not detain Smith talking to him I \ when he comes to the door to an- i Inounce that the car is ready for I me. It is not his place to come in. i j Ho should simply deliver the mcs- | sage to the maid who opens the \ door, then go out again." "Very well, ma'am, 1 will tell j him," the girl said meekly. "You will do nothing of the kind!" Desiree retorted. "I will ' give him orders of that kind my self." After which she went from the j house, without so much as a back- ' ward glance. Norah stood still for a full minute | after the door had closed upon her ; | young mistress. Then she drew a long breath. "Whew!" she whistled softly to herself. "Whatever ails her? She certainly is in a bad temper to-day, all right!" STATE TO KEEP CHECK OX SLEEPING SICKNESS Sncrnmento.— The State Board of ; Health has added "Lethargic Enceph- I nlitis" (sleeping sickness) to the list: of reportable maladies in California, j Data obtained will be used for fur ther study of the new disease. The first cases appeared In California shortly after March 21, and ten were reported In April, according to sta tistics collected by the board. They were widely scattered. H -order your case of y*. gloverdalA I GINGER ALE | | NOW— to have it home if | over the "Fourth" i H sane drink first on the Fourth and every other Rjl Hlkj day of the year. Phone >your grocer, druggist or Vw g. J K a " y ea ' cr se " s quality "drinks" and have 63 ■1 l| 111 |l||j him send a case of 24 bottles to your home. ROT Bfl Iff 'll i There is no "age limit" when it comes to enjoying MaS Jll I |l|fil CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE young or old, "ItDoesn't Bite" | Sparkling and bubbling with goodness, CLOVER e'I'InS! DALE GINGER ALE is the ideal home beverage— Of ft tj i Ijgfl jalways a welcomed refreshment because it is de- ■/////■lf iPjffiHßlimlHH'W lightfully cooling, a thirst-quencher without an La I illiff I IfS^HlllimlltOlil e q ua L and a drink that's good for you. HI CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE has a distinc- Bw! • ocucous. HCAtTHFUI iivfw.i tive. "different" flavor—neither too sweet nor too Ej m J •> tart —the result of adding real Jamaica Ginger, Hraj fvlOVClrQe) 1 A Limes, Lemons, Sugar, etc. to the truly healthful mineral water that trickles pure and clear from the famous Cloverdale Springs at Newville, Pa. Mmt ~ mYMftil co-i'J BLg jtuiuko "yjiwfvy " fl M ■■ L Drink a Bottle of Cloverdale Every Day\ U 3nTw-J•iTl£ !\ YOU'LL FEEL BETTER FOR IT fcjj contains . It's appetising.with your meals and will materially aid Ml highly carbonated digestion. Just before retiring, i ti a soothing and agree- IHV able, and the Cloverdale Mineral Water in this superior SS2S*LTs "m'wmSSfSSS TriA Ginger Ale will keep you free from constipation. MM | 2 Full-Sized Glasses to a Bottle J I Wholesale Distributors For Harrlsburg) HI U.S.A' Kvans-Hurtnett Co. Distrlbntor For Carlisle! HI |g H Copyrighted 1010, by Cloverdale Spring Co. _MH JULY'I, 1919. Ex-Ballot Dancer Entertaining Soldiers j lirMaus, July I.—How Fred Bo- j ! manoff, former instructor in the Im- ! I pcrial Russian Ballot at Pctrograd | and later with the Metropolitan | Opera Company, "put one over" at i | a soldier entertainment in the war I ' zone recently, is told by J. W. Nash, | j of San Francisco, a Y. M. C. A. sec- j 1 retary. | Nash was putting on a soldier I j show at Souilly, when an insigntti | cant little soldier, who had been i watching rehearsals asked if ho I might put on a "stunt." "If you can get by with it, yes," replied Nash, rather curtly. I A few nights later, Romanoff, j whose riftht name is Charles M. | Snyder, born in Hacine, Wisconsin, I put on a dance that took the house jby storm. So much did Nash think ; of the dance and the dancer that he | obtained permission for the soldier ito take up Y. M. C. A. work. Ro i manoff has since handled the big I water carnival at Cannos. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE! Fully Accredited Troup Building 15 S. Market Square Bell 485 Dial 4393 (Clip tlil* rind Rfnil It nt once for full Informntlon) I Gentlemencnd me complete information üboot khe n subject* I linve checked. Typewriting .... Shorthnnd .... Stenotypy .... I Hook keeping .... Secretarial .... Civil Service... • Name Addreaa ••••... jTo Reduce Your Weigh Quickly and Easily j If you are too fat. or if your figure I has become tlabby and you are carry j ins around a burden of annoying un ! healthy llesh, the cause is, ten I chances to one, lack of oxygen carry ing power of the blood and faulty as similation of the food. Too little of I the food is being made into good | hard tissue and muscle and too much I into little globules of fut. 1 Every man and woman reader of j this paper who is too fat, whose flesh j is soft and flabby should try the new preparation, Phynola, a simple, but remarkably efficient formula put up for convenient home use. Go to Gorgas, the druggist, stores. 16 N. Third St., Third and Walnut S.ts. and Penna. It. R. Station to-day and get a box of these wonderful Phynola tablets; take one after each meal and one at bed time. They are pleasant to take, entirely safe and give splendid results quickly and easily. No dieting, strenuous exercising, drastic mas saging or appliances. Just a simple Phynola tablet four times a day and in a short time your weight is reduc ed on all parts of the body to what it should be. 5