Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 01, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 ; RAILROAD NEWS OF TIMELY JNTEREST DISCIPLINE FOR : P. R.R. EMPLOYES; ! TWO LOSE JOBS I )tfany Suspensions and Repri ' mands For Rule Violtutions I on the Middle Division In Discipline Bulletin No. SGO Jtosted yesterday. 114 punishments ore noted. This bulletin is front •he Office of J. <'■ Johnson, superin tendent of the Middle division and 9s for the week ending June 22. •Only two dismissals are recorded. j\ car cleaner lost his job for con duct unbecoming a Pennsylvania yallrond employe: and a yard brnke jnun was dismissed front service lor deeping on duly. There were 45 reprimands: and GS ■ntspensions. The longest suspen sion was for thirty days. An oiler B-eeetved this punishment for report ing for duty under the intluenee of liquor. There were live suspensions lor ttvo weeks each. < >no yard bruke ynan failed to report off and tailed to Teport it personal injury. A signal maintainer got two weeks for sleep ing while on duty and not being on Stand when wanted. Absence from iuty without permission brought a similar punishment to a machinist, nnd a yard lirakenian for failure to lie on itantl when wanted was given "two weeks; likewise a freight krakemun for reporting for duty un der the influence of liquor. Causes For Punishment The reprimands were for many -violations including Improper regu lation of brakes resulting in rough handling of a passenger train: fail ing to see that olassllleation lights -were burning: making excessive " RESORTS AT ATI.ANTIC CITY, N. .■ " HOTEL ALDER U X, Mt. Vernon Ave. ■Centrally located. American & Kuro pean Plans. Kino ruts. l.xoel. table. & 011 . rates. Bathing o tr y m Uojel. r COUKTKSV, qtIAI.ITY, smtVICK. lIOTKI. KESITIICKY, KENTUCKY AW, NKAIt HI'.ACH. Furo. Flan—Hates, $1 to $::.60 dally. American Flan —55 to $5 daily; 116 to $25 weekly. Kiev.; eiec. lights: tel. every room; water in rooms; private hatha 5105. N. B. KKNNADY. (MiARLES \ II ON THE OCX" AN FHONT \ || rnevert nlortoe of real -U. j-. JLtcomlort witttunettvi- Ul Vvdt 1 1 rortmertt ot distinct ndlig- UJn ! -V ment without extravoqoitce <U-U*KA*H*W SIWAVS OPCN If 1 I LITtH*TW.Tva.niMSMAILrO. J • C<H)ION( nnd MON( \ltrnotlvf l ocation HOTEL ESPLANADE WHOM: BI.OCK. OCEAN FRONT. Directly on the Boardwalk. Boston to Sovereign ave., in exclusive Chelsea section. Capacity, GOO. Fresh and sea water bat lis, private and public and every appointment. Modern hydro therapeutic department. Ore hestra Dancing. Auto bus meets trains. Booklet. Ownership direction W. F. SHAW. SOMERSET HOUSE MISSISSIPPI AVE. *,*•"• 32nd season under same management. (2.50 up dally, Special weekly. MRS. RUTH ST!;KS, Prop HEALY'S Ocean End Kentucky Ave. All conveniences. Elevator to street level. Terms reasonable. Capacity ;:00. Booklet. MOPiTICELLO I MuctisiNCOMroei MRViff AXDtwsihf Kentucky av. & Beach. Heart of At lanUc City. Cap SOU; modern through out. $5 up daily, slf. up weekly; American plan. A C. F.KHOI.M. M'|LLtR^rARVEX 1 * OJSN.CEOfdA AVt ATUCITY 1 Scrupulously clean, electric lighted throughout. White service. Hot and cold water haths. s2.(>o up daily. )12 up weekly, listab. to years. Unierson Crouthan.el. Mgr. THE WILTSHIRE, Virginia ave. and Beach. Ocean view. Capacity 350. Private baths, running water in rooms, elevator, etc. Amer. plan, special vveeklv rates. Booklet. SAMUEL K1.1.15. Elberon A Ktr*i>net Aioih. Tennessee Av nr. Hrsrh. Csp. <XI. Central, open surroundings: opp. embo lic nnd Frotcstsnt Churches. Privat. Bytb*. RUNNING WATfR IN Alt ROOMS Rsccllcnt tnblc: frh ccgrtoulcs. Wmoows •ereer.sd Whitsscrsire Bouttet. N t. It.DY.M (I CHESTER HOUSET" 15 k 17 B. Georgia Ave., nr. Beach. Two sqs. from Heading Sta. $1.50 to 2 dlj : $9 to 10 wky. Mrs. T. Hlckerson AT \M;HM:KSVH.i.i:. pa. Walters Park Inn Wernersville, Pa. ~ The Greatest Place in * A THE BLUE RIDGE A K.Vfry Modern \|p.int nirnl. N\ e'll *end >'" W liomr Itappy ami health*. Special Rate "4th" Week End From Thursday .Inly ;trd in*'l. Nupper To Mondoy July lih ind llrmkiaii Si>Rlr Room for one. fKIMI Oonhlr Koom lor 1 vso. Mil i onvenient Tr-in Service I'leonc MnWe IteKervntiona Famous Throughout the Country Have You Been Here ? AT ASHIRY PARK. V J. THE HOTEL THAT MADE SHORE DINNERS FAMOUS Plaza Hotel and Grill On Ocean Front Asbary Park, New Jersey Headquarters For Auto Tourists European Plan Garage in Connection TUESDAY EVENING, black smoke; failing lo extinguish t] headlight during daylight hours; im- ' properly marking cars; absence from { duty without permission; faulty Iti- i sped ion; faulty workmanship: failing to properly perform duties; | Improper handling of transportation; j reporting on re lef in order to Be- | cure leave of absence; claiming 111- I ness and stopping off enrouto un- ! necessarily; fulling Hi report promptly after being called; causing i draft collisions, and overlooking I work on a locomotive. Local Machinists to Meet Grand Lodge Officer Keystone l.odgo. No. 1070, Inter- i national Association of Machinists; will hold their regular semi-monthly meeting this evening*, Stephen .1 Ma honey, a members of the grand j lodge and vice-president of tho Pennsylvania State" Hodge. Interna-' tional Association of Machinists, who Is doing special work for the grand lodge in Pennsylvania, will be at ibis meeting, lie would tike lo meet the rank and tile of the machinists" or ganisation. All union machinists In this vicinity arc cordially Invited to; attend this meeting and meet Mr. Muhoney. Railroad Notes Prank Abercromhla, retired chief engineer of the Pennsylvania i railroad, yesterday celebrated his seventieth birthday anniversary. Harrisburg Trainmen will go to Hobonon to-mor/ow to attend the i picnic of Ixrdgo No. 4 3 at Rolling Green Park. The new telephone line for the I running of trains on the Hobanon Valley branch of the Reading svs- j tern is nearing completion. I A total of 1.000 excursionists were | handled by Reading on Sunday, from ; Pottsvtllo and Allentown to this city, j The Reading Railway Company j has received another new Mnllett | engine from the Baldwin plant. This j makes a total of 23 hig engines in service on the Reading These en- ! gines haul 70 to SO loaded oars. The next fifth Sunday meeting of ; the Brotherhood of T.ooomotivo Kn gineers will bo held at Olean, K. Y., I in August. The Reading has received equip- i ment necessary for repairs at l.eh- ! inon, covering a period of SO days. New hundredpound mils are to be placed on the T.ebanon Di vision of the Pennsy at 1/ebanon. 1 Tilese rails take the place of tho SO pound rail which was considered ; too ligh? for the heavy engines now being used on this branch. Superintendent ,T. C. Johnson of the Middle Division has Instructed all baggage masters to notify the agent at the next station when there is an extra heavy lot of baggage to be unloaded so that he will have a mfHcient foree on hand when the train arrives to unload It quickly. Kffectlve to-day all enginemen and engine house foremen on the Mid tile Division will be required to till nut a locomotive weigh bill in con nection with the movement of en gines. The forms after being filled nut will he sent to Master Mechanic j I'. O. Kongy. I , durability—qualities of the llardtnnn for 75 vcars— I | arc here m this Harrington. i Same floor space as upright. Without equal at its pnoc. YOHN*BROS. a 13 N. Fourth St. Check in Richardson & Boynton Co. 31 West 3lst Street. New York * _ • • I'■ Name ItCftting lildXl Address Bungalow or apartment houses. churches. schocds and ottice buildings. *K : h "V-€ These rs * Richardson vi ftevntvMC Otc heeOWC svstcM* vW**Aed te M s lVcm , \wur baiMtns s Scat sens K* ecetv kv*t*ow hM eveec sectww At ! H r Rir.sw lite .vuntrv a red we can tell yaw to * cent the cowect |*e|v*lA>at* C Carafi* H*atnv! .-f\st At wcor heating t® the entire .vet At yew NnMdcg " lavJr\ Tk & 05a. 1 VMKkM Mr A Sac* K* >vee It years been s*xeeeA*#e wfcenst the Seatwvt and vXCAkiiyi t Awttva MM aahwfhte Niikhng. Mjkll hwMsat er Seating trade, yen SJWV.M weth T* TO take ad canta.ee at thes rxjennve ■ life <|||||s. Tfeete are wv MMmfcl and MM heatwst MMM wade he I %t<|§Nc Krcha.cKcn .A P.wctKw Oe. as ♦* as eeerc tcy* a* >*AS* tv 3 ■ •—> TV kewwate C-aw iWw m* the fttohaetam *a.\v^ ■ lawir TMMk HlMli wM MMfc, j^H ■ Reading Man Leaves For West to See Big Battle > rHARRNS (SHORTY) NORTH With a seat ticket for which he . , paid $25.00, and a bank roll In his i pocket, r'harles Norte. will leave to- [ night for Toledo, Ohio. He is a Wlllard hacker and his ticket calls j i for a good seat in the arena. ! ! "Shorty" as he is known among the | Heading Knllroad employes is a hox- | ling enthusiast and has been in the | game himself. lie has nicked a i ! number of winners in his time lie I | selects Wlllard because he cannot j see in Pempsey a man strong enough 1 ! to overcome the champion's power | and staying qualities, tic does not ! j believe that Pempsey will have j strength enough to last. This en j thuslast has been ten years with , . the Reading as engine inspector and , I resides at 111 Strawberry street. Committee to Meet Next i Week at Bowers' Cottage The committee in charge of ar- ' ' rungementa for the opening of the i j fall campaign for the friendship land Co-operative Club wilt meet next week at the cottage of William P i Bowers, Bosch's Run. The cnter ! tainmont committee will act with this committee in preparation for a big meeting in September It will j be held in Chestnut Street Halt ami prominent speakers from the Hast , and West will be invited to be pres ent. There will be a number of . special features and probably a Ivvn.l ; concert previous io the meeting. nounv) titns Post ottec hours ami post*) deliv eries on July 4 have been announced as follows: Main post office and Hill station i will he closed from lb a m. to 12 | j p. m. The tisual ntglit cotleetlons will I be made. No city or rural delivery service •on this day, except a delivery vf i perishable panel post matter at $ i ja. m. over the entire city delivery ] • territory. w s J RIRIUKBtmO (MAI TET.FQ RAPHE Standing of the Crews II AHMIMIVMI4 MUM I'hltmlolohln lIIVINIIIH, Tito 134 I'ICW to ft< < llt'Mt ttftof lift OYloi'lti lOT, lOH, II, ma, ma, I so, ISS. 117 noil lIS. Knglnoor* fot lon , I 2 I VllotttOH for 1 o.i, toil, lot, t'Ollttlll'tOfK fot' llllt, tll.'l Klmrmott fot' toni\ iiinltpmcn lot iiti ttia, ton, (i) lot, taa. iai tat. Mnirlno*ri> tii> Aiiiimhum, MmUki Lo fi-vot, HtmitTnl, WltonfT, ItlnUli'V, llrotl hooker, Mi-liWilli*, A K, MifiTt, MMII tlltlK. I'VI, kIIOIII. Klrohtmi no \\ \V, Itlili'f, lilohoVff, My or*, lin lliti.v i'i, Iti'Hlloy, Mill*, t'lmk, \V It, Klitintloli, CtiplilHM' Htit'oliiy, Tlioiti|t*ott, CoitdiiotoO* no Hovlo, \Vl|*oo, I4t'krltt*tt o|i MvltrlVol', t'ltrlttl, Mowofj, fit)**, l„itlv, llll'lltoll, Nil mm, \V, N x'rnxor, I toey, lloitlil, soltunflor, r I. i'to\>>r, \V*ll4trr, l.o*lt or, 110 Koiiiii, llot'oor. Mltlillo ltl\l*lnn, Tito IN , roxx to no nr.i ttftot i.an o'oioou; aaa, aatt, 21!. 221, 227, 21 7, 2,10, 2t. It. lino Ittoor* wontotl for St Mlmttntt w.iotoii for is Hrokotoen woolo,! for IS, Ktiolttoot* 00 Mirk Is*, Wotlllt, Itttolv >v(illor, Alitor, t'ontor Klrottiorx ti|i llelsl, Uitrkor, Wx-oit*. t'otoltuTor ti|t: l.ooittit'it, itrukomoit tto Ktt*tv Artor, Mtirry, i\ V\ Uoor*. t'lotttitt, tlolttotltturr, i Itotirhr, tiro**, A txrxl 44„*tsl. Kliitlltoor* xvottlfxt | for SC, I, l*x\ 220, | Mirotttott for |t\ <St\ I, 4*f\ a. tltx\ I 47x\ 2tit*, 2Sx\ Silt* ' Kitftlttoor* |t; Wall* !l'*lrotttott tt(t: ttuixloy, x'oln, tl K, Sttiiilt, Wltormakor, Itotlir, W|toltr, Urn not. I*. W Smith, Itotloitlutfor, t*ltntl|*, J ot*toi, Itr.xnn, Inxtx rroo*, wttoo. HA44I.A MUM i'i,iiiiotiM* uivi*tt. Tito sat , oroxx* to tto llr*t fltr l.tft o'eloot,. si,x. an. sat, sta, aa*. it, so*, sis, 211. "111, 22, X. 2I. Sat, Sat, Sin. 22* I ixtol 202, Knttlmwr* for S2I. 2,1*. Sia, 2*l, 4IT, Mlrooxott for 21*. 2*4, "4a. 240 ! xVtt.lxtoixxrs for 21, X, 214, 20*, 22*, I 2IS, 2x12. I Klitxrxtxotx for txooo. i llrnkomotx for 241, 24a, 22*. 245, 224 i t'otxxltit tor* tto Sollxr*. Klxtxor, x*ttl I leix. Hrakottxotx O|X xlolt*, Mlllor, Too txixot, Wttxrlisof, M„r5„o, **>* lt*.-ssler, I'roovlottxtx, St*."im', |i*lo\vrr*, INosile MlHt WIIKOO. Mltlxllx> Ulxtslotx Tit* US orrw to : tto llrsl alter I Itx oVlox'k I2tl, 2*2, lit, S.XI. 221, 247, 114, sat, Sl*, 10,1, i KtxiUOoor* for 117, ml, Brakottton for US, lit, t24, A nrxl lltxtxx-fl Komttoof* tto I*""IS, Mttxkle, Koxtffmntx I'M token#or, xlollt, I SllXtoy | Mlrotxtott tt|x: Taylxxr, fn*hitx<xn, Slttto>, llolOo", Wlttlo, Mo. k, V XX W tßixot, S:xtt,l or*. M'lltkrtt, CftMSI Morris, l.ttrltloot, ll*txx'l\ UoMtx'tt, Mot*. l\txt*lito*r* for oit,t 4xxto,l 1,01 t,0r Kimxtetx lot I*4 Ixi2, wtnlMttlSvl ' lx*l|x*r, I'TSSKATIYN XTAOT M t,t,l to *A* * t*t*, Kottttxorr* xto F f Sx'hls'x'k, .* It Bruxnvt, X x' Xllotx A J. W*#4xer, .1, II DIUMft Vx © Ulnok, 14. M tltoottxtior, II .lolxtxsott, ,1, XV tlxtrxt, x" fv Hvxllrtxbnttkl, Ktx*ltxo,r* \x,xtxtx,xl tor sti.x, 41 Mtmxtro or S II Wot,tor*, II I* Thotuns, X' K |!Vxt*t, II XX |o|t,lxot, II r I,ook, A 11. Ilxttxtlt, I , Wl\*x>* I TOYS x\ XV. It. A, Oixtxx. Xl, II llo A !II Wrttllxt. U 4' Molt'.or, xl 14 11xf.., ' 41 Vxxlor. 45 V Aroolxt. H V Wxlxtrxxxi ,lot, Xx l Uxt**x4X* I 4'trxpoxtx xxixtxtoxl for *, *2* l, I*. 41, I •, ,tt,t*l.tx4,,* 4Alxt*4o* \'o*t4toor* tto 14 A. Koooo.lx ,t I\AXI. 44, SiooUfcer, K. XV S4XOXX, M, UIXKXXXX, XV xv ! 44xt, k, V. Q, xlxlxl.otx* K4xttl4xtxx-r* xx ,xtxto,l tor *22, I* **, 12, 04r4xxx>4\ xt|x, ,4 J4. I.otxta, I M14V44X04X XVXX4X4X-,I fxxr M'S*. *22, as, I 22, , \ rKMTAtNB v 8 u Mo., ,7vtly I xAxxttxx-lH ' txx.xtx *ox4 Mrs Hx txtv S, 4(l<*tt444x4 hold a |x|xfx**,xix4 x>olrr4<t44xitxoitt for thx- txtooxlwi • xxf tlxo SOOxIcXX *, Ix.x.xl oI ,x .*bx xxf Mrs 11 i,x*t<x Oxl ,41 Iho 44104 : *4X\ hoixxo. vixxxxixtt Ihxx *xtxx4* XX, XV thfx oxiaritxNl sxtlxllxxr h.xx* ,xt 4ho . Ins* xxhxx sorx-fxl 144 Iho xx.xr, S,xtxxxtx| Kriirxx, xjtho t* Ix.-oxo otx * tAirlxxxsah ,v ns* ox otx * thxwo *4 thx, x4l4\4Xrt I'lxo , 44t04,X4Xx4 40oxxlx lxv 4 * SO4X, ktUrx4 sh tho :x\i.x4totx sorxxoxy Mr 4\xx|ix-\x 1 **xyx xxXOX,' of ht* 44x, j t*riX4tr4x* lixxHtr IsAxxix x'rx|x|x|rx4 StKHt 2AX44 14x14 N\XH |s Vxxtrtx 14wwax .Ixxlv I Mots' xlx.xtt ' JSx'xX I'.ox Iw-ftx rnX*f ,1 4hxts 4"*r AAA 4h* IOxNXI IKXX Sxsxxtl onrX'IVXXlitX X 4 X*„* X4t I 4XxNX44XfSfsI Xfxlfxl.XX Ixx X 'lxo irtxx.XlX ,1 : K ShxNXXs'r, TxXf vNXtxvtvxAXv \\l44 .s'xx U4XHO (Vxr SFN-xMrtSl V4,X\ s Ix'OXF'r, x t'.xs 4XXO4X WIXXSARVR *40454 4h04 Ixo *'VN> ,'XN to >\Ax'h 4IXO 4 txxaxk. Xfth'.LX t* ; x(ir44h4x a srooll frx**'4x\x4x of 22 |s't 1 .'Atx-I A. Three Start in the City Junior League of the Swat urn Team i & •• •vKifc* I IA V 1 K *>''• ; •' * ' ' ' V<* Awk jx, y" *'*■ * JMP'S & L?....ysftt-.r. . •t.KMW" MHTTNIt n * * | ■ <% r ? i t* > --* i \ I I KFTK N'U'K KT : ' -v ' 4'% K:f • ..* ; p/ "HIOK lv SHKVHKK Yh* *St* s*ww i* xlw****, >>* lv* tlnti-lv-i* \v\ \**l*lx4 UtMt* * *I*AH x-*,v *xtltx"- *-,yv ***.*ii**>x*ix It Y'IIAH *l* *N* ,*** xl A-TAT-V L-M Kvx'iw . I'lA* 11*4 *<*' *}H*t**x IM ** .1 U* yl**> v\Kt<y *'l (v> Mw. sv*,*** |X*l\>l*A*\ I*AV M- TH:-- M**Y I vs*H*yS*l*\ |t- v'tUff* -fx'-- \x|x">v"* uy v Hxm **?£** **<*<* I txt** Ax.l tf *1 IV ******* I *Att**x| >1 vvMI HIHII *X<,*v*\ * >i(A I I'MvAv'*' W H'*' ItV-vX n-1 V v w.v I MttVtVvx*' v Hw >'hNIW , M*iHaw**Xl*X yxAvi-tH* IMMW t *t*x ! KV*4 ****! wlxwsxl W H*A vv V-XIA *Y*K, . lt*vtH|c !*** AXA***** lit* *t*\ k, Ax'-lx XV x'UvvV , HSV vx* * rt *xx "i#* 11 wW * jS**tt\w*'.vv |ml \VS*- Kxv !',>. * \• V 1 \svt x***> JNNXHXH **x*r Mxxt f*." V *U!'H4 *H XMfWhM x xf ,x*txl Ivxv : Wx't H*xl AH If *Hf\X" x'ltiyn x> m Vmm x, >■ I I*** ItxxxxxU \,*.v\x r V* xxH*x x'f *x-xx hNX4Wx >s * Vsvv4 Hx''\K'* v AWvl IV *"vx -*** >xV.vx*H4 A.'" J**\ -, X v> ( Km V,'*x| A *.XSVH *\XV „X 1 f>xx fx ') A>>>( ,IV KT(L,"S \ \VVV <VX STJ > IV >VXH< v>s XV w ii\vx M-v xv UK V*i>- I ><><rtHK v AHHUMW XI 1 hiavKX KVH Ayx VWVV>vVHyV,v AI>1 Vvy(Htv-> "NV? Ux \xX,v xvvlN *VA v XX Xioyv v'.o Uvv v Ny VHVsX A <VV> VVVvxKv AyJ,\v tiermans Riga. as the Letts Advance VXxixhvNAVVW .> wlx I \ v> | XX , \VH V Hx H>Kvv vvs K * V AHS* <Y*Vi A>'.H4 <*XX ■ yV|\V v AXVXWXM** *XI * XV vSxiVVvl Kx \ X-< 1 v*l V WXV V IvWH f*S,vH Y INAH viVUVvvH ViVHx<VXVk' >KivXV>XHVyVxV ■AWXH I'XxX VVV* XX vV, V x vx* vxx vxx,>A I V*y>vv xKiWAXa V> \>* xM' y X<v UVH IKHXT >NVYVXVY ,H VYVSXXV* , X, yiwvv Ax*X -xW X(V A VWX VI Hws. i VVVA *H >XAVvt fx> H\y yMVH> V vyvvxxvxxyA*vw >v4 xHv Vvxxvv Kl.' | Wvvvivy At VA xVtHxV*! x v xv M >v <H yy*nVv X-h x <VX * >*A ny> Vvvv >VV AW*I*AXV H KA KAA V V XSXVV IXAXVVIV ,H tIIXA SIAvWHxVHt A* 9VvX *>Ai v!x* V [ y *S*<mv < \vv* A<M vyviHHX >>>> xv Ax'v W y> u XVXAXH aH xt Vx <VI vv ' Hx( VHXV *H XXVSVX •* XTXXXVL ,V,V ( IAXX( VVXVH H.Y V^AXVXVXXMVV ' \\ XVH yx^ yn*** vv, I Ax 1 MV4MSX xxt (k HxVV* X; • W xM-x VvVxHwy x- XAxx>V v-l t vvmvvxXA y* <mhv W yi' i i yy*h> I yuMM v s 4xxvxa a* yy aI. a AT V A>- jA>VAV*V AVIV H*AXA VX. * IVVX.. x ! **VNXX f*>x* A % * * wtvt x iv< atv*H yv SALOONS MAY SI LI. IM IRj |l RUN RISK OK LATER PENALTY hWiiviiinutoii. .in!* i y win 11 int< • I'UlllUI! nil 1111 •It I'll.. I lIIMI II i u 111 lli'x ••'III* I I lII* 111 111 ,1 l*Ml l< IX II 11 111 l 11111 111 II 111 I IN lIMIXIIIM 11l I'IIIIM lull! I llll' I ■null try vv 1111 lil mil II 11 ix mt • I iii hIIIM Hi*' hiilix iii iwii mill ilii'i'ii 11mi111-• •* I'l'i i I'lli in'i'i liii.. i<li* i'ii! Ii limn ill x 1.111 I'm •• ii I, it Hiii icMimil ni nil in i'l iii 11111 ii II 111 lII' LL •' I'LL I I LLLL'L' I , 1*11" LL lII' 111 III" J lII* '*'•' 1111111 V lIM In lIII** llll' I'l' ill lill | lIX,I 11, I (<OU I'l "f Ni A V(I I'll 111 IM ll I nil" 1111 II |II' in I HIM I >III I 111 !>> lIM> W•■ I* I liii I I n'l' I' ll 1111 n 111 lIM I till I 111 lll'll 111 "iilitil x*n nut lull's li<n 1111 i linn I'lulil "ll NMilvlil Hill ** lill" llilv IIII"" 11 ii lit I v ix IN! I'll lIS 111 l'"l i "I IIHI'I"! I* 11-lltlx || l> in' ('"i'ii iII M" limit I tin I "lil Mi' in' • "ll* ll", lllillll'l', fllll ** il I'll IMM WIN Ml* "" Hull v* 111 i">i|iii"l in itltluliv 111111 nil 111 * I'l Htt I'M II" I" ** ll"" llllllVll 111111 M (lll** I I'l llll'l I' *ll'l II" lllllll'l, I'* "I I miis"init*l'lltiii mi"""* **""iii ii" mi I" Willi* 111 II lil I"I lllllii'il I'tTnM til |i|"*"lll III""' It 11l I* 11111 I'l 111 " "lit I Mill" Odest Rfsidrnt of Mifflin County Died at Lewistown ls'*V|s|ll*M, I'll, .llllx I I'll" Iti'V . Mlill"** H|l|lluml", illfl'il I'll llll'", I"' ili'iiil ill It in liniii" li'i". II" WIIM "lie. uf Hi" lIIU'I tvlili'ly hiiiiwi* iii"l I'luli I* ""(""llll'll I *<Mttl*x*lM "f II"' ""111l iv II" 111111 lm" 111 il""H """ W""l> Mi *|iitt*"ltl<* I "ll i ""'I I" "I'l'iul" ii" (I * 111 >llii< I< 11 •< ** I"'" fust I'" * "I" " "I' mi" 111111 Ii" liiiii"! lIIIII'II I'liiN'ii" I" " Ills Will' ilti'il """111 I** i'l * " x•in (i mi" 'I'l""" M"iim "fill ll*" iiii in I"'"M ML"'* I*" , . , i ty t ipy\ tnt *i>S ft M |nU, 10 "si ,| 1111" li' 11 III" Nt'llll \l""l I' ill! Ill" i*"i * mill mmvuli'il ii ""111 IN". *\ III'" ll" 1"I "I'll lint" III" lllillll'l* Itiishi" 'M mi'l slmli'il il"i" "llll" "I I I,"**'!( lIWII ll'll tti'i'il'* lII' '""I" 1 II"' III"! I"""" "I f*|m"inl" A M"IM I"' "**""> l Ix*" •"" f" I "l" ""I" I il'W!" "i**l* .""I ** " Ml""""!'!"! f'""" 1 l!> ** ii" il I'l •H" "II I"' "'l'm "|'l III"' "I III" ll'lllt'll'lM "I "l" I '''l Kill Its' III'""' I" Mmli" '>'". I'" i'ii"*" ni si" * it'"* *v *i y i.'ix" i*• * * x* "" •I'llllisill* ** "I* Ixlli'lttl I*l Mi'linl Ifni lx i'""i"l"ix in i'l. h y\in> iit % i in y • i yx-x -\ "fix lll***'**. I "I* I I'll" "" '" h*in uf Hi" Tin" Hi*" '' ** "iiimi| ll,lull ' I "f *• I '""I's J'llll' vm" 'IIIIII'II, ***' l" il'lfxi l""l"'l "" i'X|i,iu* "it*iii ni Hi" I**""" "i' y' 1 \\ ll","" "I I" I" "l'"'""l x*. n SOI "-'I 'l'*"M|X 1'1'I'XI'I" XV X'x ML It I* >1 Mm I . mi," il Mil" l'i I" 1 M i iml Mm H i Wit*'""", Mi ""l vl ' I'lmiliUrn. Mi ""I M" aii"j*""l. Hm,ilium Mi mill Mi Willlmtt *'iiv"|, Ml lIV I" H"t"lii'"U Mi ! In"!"! !*|XII"MI"I Mi" l' 1 I'""" ' Mm Hull" Ix HIIII.X">**II* H H Win Mm II "IX tliiti-'Hi'lx"! Ml"* H"l I,'|||*lS>| I H MI"" I"" Vt"M"! Hill" Hi-"', Mix I' V lix III"' Mil"'" i Klutiv'oyt"! U**l"'X"' M I'l SI-1 I'll".I I I'M SX," spy it w\ \mi i *M yy< nttiv*. VIMItIIKI Stmil't*. I'*, xl'lll" 'I ,im**i" s'i'vuih mtxi iv*is* yyii in**, yi**yii uf Kx**ym<i m*H**"x iv* \V xI , I",""I'll "I* '"lll'lli** "V'I*I"M ,iim>' || i'* •<*'' ny i R Mw j y***"tti*i, >i *ity *i ii*" y**ii**i yy*'viy* I >!** y'lMttvl* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart 1 Women's and Misses' Sweaters In Summer's Fetching Styles , •gjifiS&fx A< v vvMst'o\ gFJ I ... ( - v i twmu \ m Mimww'- v x va AN OU Ml* v1§Mll jni xvv , > . i> nWAM wwxk VVV MM- V * \\v\ \JHI \ >*■ n#r.*s•, J,j > > ' v*•■>•' \w-\vui v HV'i * iW,m\ JWlxSj m xx.v > <x < xv 1 • A**A V*l \xxiWx ..i v . : W ' '< > <•-* > '■* V I Wvvwk xvMt xWvwIV'VX \VV*h -xavKxi vvvttak WWxk Ixvlk V u\nv XV XV V *■* *vN . 1 i fex'i ixv WxXxO xvV .*\l\X(flv *\v\xtxX HVxwM X \ .vH.I . x|\l. v ,•♦ v W . XVx'H fcv >\- |XW l vk *i I K>u V vvvWx V kxVVVxV MVWv Vxxx x(Xtxxix . V vivvl >AV> ' vv v t* *xf ,V | x|| V* MM Mwtll VxAkW xWvk WWl(lW> %W* v V* Ifc Vx* XX Ah txfcxx) V lllV IkWkvV x *x> I KklW* *IK **XVXH VMxM' V X* X Uxx xkVvt K*xkvNA vx>Xx.xXVxx XXvV>X X X X V X X Xv X XX > x W> M kvx * I I *xV *1 ISkV* YKx*vl **)tx x.xxx XVI >-X.>.xX xxxx X > x X xxx XXX • l* %MvM \'I'MVvVVV X x'xX % .v,.ix ~ vl XVVV XXVvXAkVIX VH \V>><V\ VHXX' .xv* fcxM-l* xxVXVxXk' > xJX, VxxX XX V 4 |XVSV Xxxx v llxM KII V'kXltvtvvM'a MkvMjx "*tvp-vvft" **♦* WkKv*' v*lMx <V*VA *kw * xxxvxxvxvx ~ I kSv**, >\xlvVv\\ x>i, xXVvxyxv t My* v >xxx*xK :| . Inexpensive Summer Frocks of Voile V II For l $r ot Tornu Short and in tlk h Cnintrj t I vjvixO>l> v>ulirvl x>v* *xv : I \ I (Kn xO V!aix(X AHv< vNfvk vvMfM X|VVn*V I d drna Vx^Av vl xt vNxtwMvm ~( > vvuvw li'x'vvov km hw-wh >-v^% YyTj* % AVf U>MHS| V\ sh \\v U\ XxXXWx V UvV xyv fVt'x | * i' * Kv\s\* *v>vuhs'> :j | f $3.75. s6.xio. $0.50 to k UxH (Vl* 'l .VM V' lildfiKxXx XV ,4| VH Iv* vA A r*x WvAxSv \l*,v x. V v<W ' *% 0 J kA V hkxsK 'a, AVtxi A" V V vvvv.vi V M >VV " Wx"*vW\vK kXxNltfc N'-,*XXXV . >x * A *>V.XMI %v : ,l JTTT.Y 1, 1010, I y'uiiHH'Ms I l "li'i's I'm* H"W In"" Hi" Mill" uf IW" 111111 II""" "1111 flits |"i III" lift i in IM '• I XI .I* t lIIIII' ** "11 111 lll'l'lllll till 11 till ft I < 1 iiiuiii III" M|I""I| i■ F Hi" "iiitilN, Iml 1 I ""Ml I lIS till 1111 tt llll" Will llll'll 111 III" fill"! "I Mil Ifllllt I" "lll|||llH" ill" llll'll ll III" I" III" HIII III"" ill** l'i mil ll* win" Hm<* im*" fir iiMcit l|" t'l'l It I 111 I' I" ll", lU'llllltlll "111 llll'l" I" i i uf II" llllUN" lIIIW will "Hi'liil'l |ui*"iiM" fif II SHI"mII)I I I "ii i "ill II 111 IM i "fi" "I'llii'lil "f Wllf lllii" l'i i,Mi"""," I Win" ttiifil H t• • I'II • f Hull Hi" M 'imnit i "III"IIi, in iii i nil""' 11"'i ( T ••' II • 1111 i'ii )•*•• MM I 111 i lis mill "N *Y> ill "M 1" I I'lltlt llt "I l'|"'l 111 llll" llll"" ""I'M of II" Hilllt'liil v "HilllitII!"" """llll'll ""MIS 111 ("111 ll Nllltll'll'll! limit!"" • 'iiitx in mi in Hi" fin"! IN <I|V ft 111 111 I '"'III lllln" "1 II"' lllillll'l II""If III""*"! I'll Mil ll* I" I" ! Hll'lllllfll ill "III" II "111 I lII* I WlMllll "ll'll III" sill" "f 111 l III"" ('••!* 11l IMI lift lllflf" i ••1111 im" 1111 I r uf "ii" i">r I I ill ni"" I lll'l Camp Hill Service Flajiii Demobilised Tomorrow ■■ ■ l'H4lt|l Mill, I'M,, tlllll I Moulin ' lIOHO 111 lilt' llMHf* tlllll I'lllHMln'* of I i'iilll|i Mill Will I'o ilt titiiltllliM il tut V\ 1,1 iiiwiln \ ■ \ <IIIIIM Tim out i t Iho* IV 111 I'o liolil 111 Mil' 1 ,111 ll VI it II I'lllll'l ll | 'lnil Mill I'o*in 'il V 111 Tlio I'l'n ! M I'M 111 IM lIM fllttliVVM! lllVliMHillllli I lliv It, \ Mi'iilll \V Wllllniimi "\inoi ii'ii" i ion iiilniiliM nf mi ni in mill v ulim 1 I iim, lon'lot Mi' 11 "iv 'l ' 11 i oHoral 'loii itiitniiiv ii il,li 'OHM, llulioil |i, i'ii lull io|'"ioo 11 ■ Ml'illoV Kill 101 l 111 lit 11 1 I'M of I'll 111 Hi II III! V Ml lIMIIIM I in loon hooiimilm ill " lout 11*1 Iv ii 1 1* in Mm [ m< ii wini linvo rollout i|i ■ iii ii lit t imi ; linn Of lilt! tol l 100 flllM xl ii I'm flit MttlKti mhn ii iv o i, iinm ii ho m aHo lllivn 111011 l VU'll.V Ml', 111 IV III" I'! I' ; tMiwimt oiiiiiiiiiinilv mi ii it iit u I'oiio J ,lii Hon, Mm iiti it \ KoioiiloiUm mil V 111 lIHM IV M I IHHMI > nrK lliiion, I'n Hilt I lolni I ''won of Viol, mill Ml Mni'iim) K'llnill" of Vitili MIIVOH VVOIO in HI , ili ,1 I'll I'l lvl.it ,Illlto #O, |v llio Hi" , I * till ■' \HHnt ill Voil, Ml"- 11, I," |L> riwon, n NINIOI' nf Mm II 100 in, WM| iii ii ill oi linnoi vvlilli M M llnl tv ,i • ( I Mio in >i mini Th" vvii iiv " Willi Mm nt-ooni't eniini.l lot Mm lOOHOOI II tlll'll* I'llll \ I II I'N M 11,,., Oli'nn, M'l lull I •' from I'oio.n Ivi, nl i tint innn Iniu ll l ot ii it 111 Mil- llv votioi'lnv nil fn| | 1 low* | I it, II I'oi loii Willfel 'Villi Nil* j I MllnIn-III M' Nl'l,l, I'Olli of lt*eii j I'll in, linv M Mm* I 101 l II lO'liiololi'Wr ll I nllil M lOk'lo lluvl l llv In i Mi Mil Mill I I'" tlv'V i'llll lv**lv I | Mwvi- |ioMi f \Vv( Mtiiivlow Mvi'io' It Mont,ln- M,ni'*|v,n noil Milllo Mio iitiin nit i inn, Vi, mil mi iMil imi i ihimmii ii* \\ ,1 X WOImU W, I'll ll|lv I' III I' 1 ' 01, Vonii'ivi'v Miioiiof iii |i111 Ho tn km iv j i vitli, , nun no I to win n xvi " 'lot wmrK *i 11-i "■ i wi* owlv nl*' H"ti • | ' >l u * *", lit" onmn.inv o"( hii ouli'i I loi "i Mil' knit Tim vvvmi' vw > * I I o,i,i' n> no" "ni oiHinv't'H ihr*.*inim vviMll' t'tviiitl' I" * vvook Min (Mary Cordon Alviy Sponiw For " Anlietaia" lliittt Vnk>WH, Mil,, <fti Iv -ITii nntiAfil In* * nioii i< |*,| Mi< tin,fit* Anllo niii" I i* on, ~f Mm n#v *lil|* •olio Moll |, |i,o 'VIIIIOM' dor fin*l I'm inn id mi mi lininit Mtnnlml Mil* I Ol| 111 V fie I" ♦ lllll'lf | ll'lliu I'n llotlllt to Mo I'm,,Mi .It'i'i-ly j niii", H*J "OIHCIO I Mi* i ,MittMllt<f finwl'i* Alvov, ni' ' lo'ni.iNit, i,n n(i"tM *# foe Mie yontml, Minn /Slyv In m n 11' 11 >lii • oi i iieiMiiii'Mt MfteylinO 11 in IM i, *j* if it i eiitnl iln 11/• t, te nf i* Inl' I'Mli ,1 Mill ' It loll,ll'l It, AIW<. oi li'ii n i ilii' it, Mm ni Mm fnenin'Hi lIIHmIm of lII* liti I.MMH II • :\t\i, oamm Mm o 111 I' Inly i 'ltxtV nvt'itltti Mo k'Ni ynvllln >ti imtny Hi lon,l Ininnlii II ImiHlin "'III It'l Illtll'Vf win w linn i'n, Mo toil nl v,|iinott|i ' M till IM It MM Mhiltnl lilviittMnllMil lon lII* iieo Ni'lnolllloil if lino up mi Mio Mo tivl I'd'h (hi HI tilt*, 'l'hn Mlt'll Inl ll' II I I I hilly lln'io ll,oil I oil lII* will IM "I't, In Ittnffnw ivVMilMtv II iiio ni on Riitmni, Mm I'lMtfih nf flohi I* eo|o* oinio| m Mi' Inn mm, BKES-STING3 WimH tilt wft*o'il nvw tm,r*< • wiiiv luniMv wfl i *i in" oi* J4mC 1 vtttni nil wietntii*in'l| j YIVA vurs vxvmutm •YOH oonrio MM • • Co n# Or In tho Water! D Fin© j nliiiw oi ,111(1 h (yiltn 111 fin* I'iiiilJ i lot ilo Kii'iiint'i' Moiitlni, mm | MttMIVI l\v Monthly*, j Ml A, M Iti Ii i', M. Owm /i|\ Ni|'lit l*or Mvn j PKNIMiARiiISTURKISH HATMS KukM IlidlillrtiJ i • i.| i i !"•"•' •>■•*•'o | C%'',l^l,l^^ l>y,k UUJ'v#*:.,, :