Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 01, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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    Additional Classified Ads
on Opposite Paft
117-121 South Third St.
ThnmuKlily overhauled used
tons' 4 " The" 8 adt prices
representßig •* ov " r
new car prices.
1-ton Republic-chassis only. .
1%-ton Koehler—chassis only.
1%-2-ton Day Elder, worm drive
—chassis only.
2-ton Garford with cab. With or
without band dump body.
Time Payments
Both Phones. 812-216 N. Second SL
Touring. 1918; dem. rims;
speodomoter; dash light; O-
K.; $690; Would tu.ee good W
Ford touring as part puy-
Linglcslown, Pa.
Uial Phone.
■">4-0 Muench street Limousines for
•uneraJ parties and balls; curefu
driveis; open day and night. 801 l
All sorts of auto tops and cushion
work done by experts; "( so
work. Reasonable rales. 7-i8 South
Ctuu*ron at route
AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds* 10
quired by specialist. Also fenders,
lamps, els. Best service in town, llur
risburg Auto Radiator Works. 30a
North Third street.
condition Price reasonable. Siblo's
Garage, 301 Cumberland.
COME to Federlek's Garage
and grab a real bargain
1% tons Garford truck. Most
be sold. 1807 North Seventh.
1916 Ford touring ear In excellent
1917 Ford touring, good tires.
Overland Coupe, Model 79. tine run
ning car, electrically equipped. A
HulcU Six touring, new tires, power
ful ear. At a bargain price.
x 914 Stuiz roadster, electric lights,
very powerful and speedy. A good
1914 Reo touring, lino running mo
tor. very good buy.
Bute.k 1-ton truck. A 1 shape, quiet
motor, electric lighted, will be sold at
a low ligure.
1917 Vim delivery, good tires, very
A. Schiltmuii Manager,
22-24-26 North Cameron St.
CHEVROLET Sedan. 1918. in good
mechanical condition, new tires. Si
loes garage, 301 Cumberland street.
BARGAINS —International one-ton
truck, used ten months, cheap, In
ternational two-ton truck, used nine
months, cheup; Ford delivery, pane!
body, in lino condition. Ford l-lon
unit, brand new. Cadillac delivery,
closed body. Denby 2%-ton. Power
uutnp body, in line condition; Denby
2%-ton. with stake body, like new;
Acme 3%-ton, with Woods steel dump
body, Used six months; Denby 3-ton,
with Woods steel dump body. Denby
Sales Corporation, 12U5 Capital street.
FUR SADE—Willys-Knight 7-puss
enger touring eur. 1917 model 88-4;
six tires, three new and two U. S.
Cord. Cull Sleultuu 182-J.
model, newly puinlcd. new lop, good
tires, guaranteed to be in A 1 eo idi
tion. Federlek's Guragu, 18U7-UU
North Seventh street.
Fire, Public Llulnlily, 'l'hult and
Collision. Phone and representative
will call. cnus. Adler, IUU2 North
'lhlrd bu
FOR SALE —Six cyliudcr I'alge;
linwood model; must be sold at once.
Big bargain. Call John 11. Gales Coal
Co., lutli St. below Market. Bell phonu
CHEVROLET roudster, 1918, O. K.,
$525; overland touring, 1916, u. K.,
ss3u; two 1915 Hurley motorcycles
Willi sidecars, cheup. Square deal,
Dial 36-C. Liuglcstown, l'u.
Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtiiners,
111 any condition. Sue me before suc
rttieing elswhere. Chelsea Auto
Wrecking. A. Schiffnian, 22, 24. 26
North Cameron street. Bell 3633.
FOR SADE 1918 Ford roudster;
good condition. Apply at City G<.r
ugo, 116-118 Strawberry, corner River
r treat-
FOR SALE Slufetiuker Touring;
1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmobtle Tour
ing; lteo Touring ear; Overland Coun
try Club; Jefferies Touring eur An
drew Redmond. Third und iteilly
WANTED All Itinera or used auto
tires. We pay highest cash prices.
No Junk. 11. Esterlirook, 912 North
Third street Dial 4990
1917 FORD ROADSTER, 1916 Ford
Touring, 1916 Oldsmoblle, 6-oyllndur;
Chalmers. 5-pussenger. Bargain. East
End Garage, in Rear of Thirteenth
and Walnut. Inquire Hummer.
Now live and seven-pussenger
cars for business or pleasure
at all hours.
BELL, 2360. DIAL 4914
MAGNETOS All t.vpes; 4 and 6
Tiosch high tension, Elsman, Dixie,
Splitdorf, Men, Romy and different
makes of colls carburetors, etc. A
FchllTman, 22-24-26 North Cameron
street. Bell 3633.
Large sized- 5-ton truck, with Dump
body for sale. Big Bargain to qupk
buyer. For particulars cull at the
Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron
vtrcet. -
*• ' ,t. 1 - < -
It Isn't a nice thing tossay. But It
is a fact that $lOO will buy you more
care and attention when you are laid
up than IUO friends will give you.
The time to Insure against sickness
or accident, is right now.
21 Spooner Bldg., Hurrlsburg, Pa.
JOSEPH A. GILL, 1913 Rhoads ave
nue, Practical Pulnter. Estimates
cheerfully given. Bell phonu 386.
ONE 1917 Harley Davidson with
sidecar for sale. Cull Bell 484-W.,
between 12 and 6 P. M.
Indian Motorcycle, 1917 Model, 7-
horsepower with sldecur. first class
condition. Call Bell Phono 481/ after
6 P. M.
WANTED —To hire live-ton dump
trucks lor contract work; must be tu
good condition. Write Box 11, Mt.
Gretna, Pa.
take you to any part of city or nearby
country. Call ui 1837 Spencer street,
or Dial 6937.
pairing by ull expert. RoaU Jobs a
specially. Charges reasonable. Both
Phones. Sunshine Garuge, 2/ Norm
Cameron street
CHAS. S. JOHNSON, 19 Jonestown
KouU, with B. U. Murray Auto Spring
Welding a specially una general auto
repairing. Diul 8301, night phonu
B"il 105U-J.
or hesitates, If il does nut pick
up the instant >ou step on the
accelerator, if you huve tu shift
to low tu muku ordinary lulls,
your ear needs a ltuyhcid Car
buretor. Agency
1801 -ou N. Seventh Street.
Harley Davidson, electric and
side car $250
Indian, 1916, 3 speed 184
Indian, 2 speed electric 125
Hurley Davidson, uuu speed ... 75
Thor, one speed 65
Big' bargains to quick buyers.
Diul 4990 912 N. Third SL
Wo hereby notify Polders ul bunds
Nos. 5. 103, 44, 178, 228, 270. 279. 802,
821, 351, 3/7, 387, 398 nnd 410 iu pi
ceiit litem to the Union Tiusi Com
pany of Feiiusyivania for payuieui uu
or before July 1. 1919, us Interest win
cease on that data.
Sealed proposals are Invited for the
following, lust general contracting
for tho erection of public school
building, second contracts tor heat
ing sume, third contracts for
plumbing same, fuurtli cuntrucls for
wiring same; plans und specifications
for said work.may be .seen at tho ol
ttco of the Secretary of the School
Bourd, West Fairvlew, l a., or Charles
Howard Lloyd, architect, Telegraph
Building, Federal Square, Hurrisbuig,
l'u. All bids must be In Ihe hands 01
the Secretary of School Board uii or
before 8 P. M., July 7, 1919.
(Signed! FRED o. SEIBEL,
Sealed proposals will bo received for
printing, printing and binding the an
nual reports, blank books, lighting
the city offices and lire eiiginchouses
with gas, and advertising.
In compliance with the provisions or
tho Act of Assembly for the incorpo
ration and government of cities of the
third class approved the 27th day of
June, 1913, Article 4, Section 5. the
undi rslgncd hereby Invites sealed pro
posals to furnish all tho printing,
printing und binding of the annual re
ports unci blank books for the use of
the departments of the City of llar
lisburg, as per schedule. Copies of the
schedule can be obtained at tho office
of tho City Clerk.
Bids will ho received fnr lighting
tho city offices and the lire engine
houses with gas.
Also bids will bo received for the
offielal advertising of the City of
Hun isburg. Persona bidding on the
advertising will bo required r> bid so
much of/ the maximum price, which Is
fixed at 12c per line for the Ilrst in
sertion and 10c per lino for every ad
ditional insertion thereafter.
All of the above bids will he for tho
year lrom the Ilrst Monday of July,
1919, to the Ilrst Monday of July, 1920.
All persons bidding on tho above are
required to securely envelope, seal and
address In the left hand corner of the
envelope "Proposals for lighting, etc."
or whatever they may lie bidding for,
an;' address to the undersigned Presi
dent of the City Council and delivered
to the City Clerk on or before 12
o'eloek noon Monday, July 7th, 1919,
The said bids to be opened tiy the City
Cornell at Its meeting held Tuesday
morning, July Bth, 1919.
Each bid to be accompanied by a
bond "8 collided check in Ihe sum of
two hundred dollars for the faithful
performance of the contract If award
ed, to bo approved by the Pity Solicit
or. Council reserves tho right to reject
any or ull bids.
No bid will be received or consid
ered by the City Council that huve not
been filed with the city clerk on qr
before 12 o'clock noon, Monday. Julv
7 ih, m.
President of City Council
Office of the City Clerk,
June 27th. 1919.
Notleo Is hereby given that an an
plication will bo mudo to thu Governor
of Pennsylvania. July 2d. 1919, under
the Act of Assembly untitled. "An Act
to provide for the Incorporation and
regulation of certain corporations •
approved April 39th, 1874, and
the supplements thereto, f or
charter of an Intended corpo
ration to be culled thu Beth-Allen
Baking Company, the character U nd
object of which Is thu ''lanufactui o
of bread, rolls, cakes, pies „, ul '
other baked products, and f ol .
purposes to have, possess and enlov
all the rights, benefits and privileges
of said Act of Assembly and the suo
plements thereto.
Hurrlsburg, Pa. July 1, 1919
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stockholders ot
tho Harrlshurg Traetlon Company, Tor
tho election of directors, and the
transaction df such other business us
may pr< perly euinc before the moot
ing, will be held Tuesday, the 16th
day of July, 1919, at the office of the
company, In the City of Harrlshurg, at
111 o'clock a. m.
By order hoard of directors.
J. O'I'ONNELL, Secretary.
Notleo Is hereby given that on the
16(h day of June, 1919, Standard Rak
ing Company presented In the Cuurt
ot Common l'leas for Dauphin county
It petition praying for u decree of
dissolution and that the hearing upon
said application for dissolution has
been fixed by said court for the -up
day of July. 1919, at 1(1 o'clock A. M„
at the Courthouse, when and where
all parties Interested may attend und
show cause against the granting of
the prayer of said petitioner, if they
so desire
b'ullcltor for petitioner.
Chandler Brothers und Company,
members of New York and Philadel
phia Stock Exchangee—J North Mar
ket Square, Hurrlabuig; 336 Cheatnut
atroet, Philadelphia, 34 Pine atreot.
New York furnish tho following
quotations: Open Close
Allla Chalmers 44% 44 %
Amtr, Beet Sugar 87 89
American Can 60'/, 61%
Am. Car and Fndry Co. ..Ito% 111%
Amer. Loco 89'/, 91%
Amer. Smelting 82% 84
American Sugar 134 137 %
Anaconda 73% 73%
Atchison 100% 100%
Baldwin Locomotive ....107 108%
Baltimore and Ohio .... 43% 43%
Bethlehem Steel, B 87% 88%
Butte Copper 29% 30%
California Petroleum ... 34% 35
Canadlun Pacific 158% 156%
Central Leather 106% 107%
Chesapeake and Ohio ... 62% 63%
Chi., Mil. and St. Paul... 42% 42%
Chi., It. I. and faelfic. .. 27% 27%
Chlno Con. Copper 46% 47%
Col. Fuel and Iron ...... 48% 49%
Corn Products 84% 86%
Cruclblo Steel 94% 97%
Brie 17% 17%
General Electric Co. ...165% 165%
tleneral Motors 233 235%
Goodrich, B. F 81 81%
Great North. Pfd 95 95
Great North. Ore, subs.. 46 46%
Inspiration Copper 64% 65%
Interboro-Met 7% 7%
Int. Nickel 32% 32%
Int. Paper 63% 64%
Kennecott 40 40%
Istcknwunna Steel 84% 85%
Lehigh Valley 52% 52%
Merc. Mar Clfs 52% 53%
Merc. Mar Ctfs, Pfd. ...117% 117%
Mex, Petroleum 184'% 184%
Miami Copper 27% 28
Midvale Steel 51% 52%
Missouri Pacific 33'% 33
N. V. Central 79% 79%
N. Y.. N. H. and H 31 31%
Nevada Copper 19% 19%
Northern Pacific 97 9674
Pittsburgh Coal . 68 67 74
Pcnna. it. R 45% 45%
Railway Steel Spg 93 93
Ray Con. Copper 24% 24%
Reading 87% 86%
Republic Iron and 5tee1..92% 94
Southern Pacific 106% 106
Southern Ity 29% 29
Sinclair OH and R 61% 63
Sttldebaker 103 105
Union Pacific 132% 134 74
C. S. I. Alcohol 145% 143%
U. S. Rubber 136 134%
U. S. Steel 107'% 109%
IT. S. Steel, Pfd 116% 116
Utah Copper 88% 90
Vlr.-Caro. Chem 82% 83
Westtnghouse Mfg 56% 56%
Willys-Overland 35 • 35%
Following quotations furnished by
Howard A. Riley and Company, 212
North Third street, Hurrlsburg, Pa.;
Land Title Rulldlng, Phlla., Pa.; 20
Broad street, New York City:
Last Sale
Aetna 11%
Am. Writing Paper 12
Heyden Chem 7
Hupp Motor 11%
United Profits 2%
Am. Marconi ............ 5
General Asphalt 73%
Inter Cont'l R 24%
North Am. P 5%
U. S. Ship 3
Last Sale
Barnett %
Cosden 11%
Federal 3%
Inter. Pet 30%
Omar 58
Met. Pet 3
Okmulgee 2%
Sequoyah 9-J 6
Boston and Wyo 68
Glenrock 6%
Island 7%
Merrltt ' 27%
Sinclair G 59
Sttpulpu 7 74
Last Sale
Big Ledge 9-16
Treason 4
Canada 1%
Howe 4
Mother Lode 43
Niplsslng 11 %
Rescue 18
Tonopah Mill 3%
Tonopah Ex 2 13-16
Roston and Montana .... 86
Cash Roy 9
Con. Arizona I' 4
Hecla 5%
Jumbo Ex. 11
Ray Hercules 2%
Tonopah Bel 3%
West End 1 15-16
Philadelphia, July 1. Stocks
closed strung
Baldwin 109
General Asphalt 73
do. pfd 109
Lake Superior 19%
Lehigh Valley 51%
Lehigh Navigation 68%
I'. It. It 45%
Phlla. Electric 25%
Phlla. Co., ex dlv 4a%
do. pfd 3(1
Phlla. Rapid Transit 28%
Reading 87%
Storage Battery 91%
Union Traction 28%
United Gas 68%
U. S. Steel 109%
York Railways 9
do. pfd 31
Philadelphia, July I.—Corn higher;
yellow as to grade and locationn,
sl.S94i 1.92.
Butter--Lower; western creamery,
extra, 51% c; nenrby prints, fancy,
: 9 'a t.ic
Live Poultry—Dull; fowls easier,
36 fq 37e.
Dressed Poultry—Ducks, lower, 350.
t'ats —Lower; No. 1 white, 79% ft)
80c; No. 2 white, 79®79%c; No. 3.
white, 784t 78%e.
Eggs—Firm; nearby llrsts, 815.00
per case; do. current receipts, $14.40;
western extra llrsts, $15.00; western
tltsls. $11.10; fancy selected packed,
57 6'59c per dozen.
Cheese—Steady; New York and W'ts
conutn full milk, 31%®32%c.
Chicago. July I.—Hogs—Receipts,
33,009; active. 30 to 40 cents higher
than yesterday's general trade; top,
$.'1.75, a new record; bulk, $214821.65;
heavv weight. $21.154821.00; medium
weight, $2l 4821.65; light weight. $2148
21.75; light lights, $19.2 548 21.4"; heavy
packing sows, smooth, $3040®21;
packing sows, rough, $19.254820.25;
pigs, $184119.25
('at tie—Receipts. 14,000; unsettled.
Reef steers, medium and heavy weight
cholee and prime, $14.50#' 16.80; 1110-
dlunt and good, $12.3 548 1 4.00; common,
$1 148 1 240; light weight, good and
choice $1 li.lio#815; common and me
dium, 114113.50; butcher cattle, heif
ers. 17.75itFi3.b0; cows. $7.4048 12. $5;
dinners and cutters, $648740; veal
calves 'lght and handy weight, $17.25
18.25; feeder steers, $9.254813.75;
stackers steers, sB® I 2
Sheep—Receipts, 14,000; firm. Isimhs
top, $17.25; culls nnd common, $8,504$
14,50; yearling wethers, $10,2548 14;
My wltr. Esther S Collins, having
hfl my bed and hoard without Itist
catiic, I hereby notify all persons not
to harbor nor trust her on my account,
an I will not pay any debts contracted
l,y her. Signed, Parker S. Collins,
I '
ewcz, medium, good and choice, $(.60
08.76; culls and common. $2.60#6.
CHICAGO nOAIII) of thadk
Oilman, July I.—Bonrd of Trade
Corn—Hepl. 178'A — Dec. 16' %
Oats—Sept. 69%; Dec. 76%.
I'ork—July 61.76; Sept. 46.90.
Lard—July 31.50; Sept. 34.50.
Bibs—July 28.22; Sept. 28.35.
[Continued From First Page]
to tho Brooks Memorial Hospital.
Many more passengers were treated
by local und out-of-town doctors
brought hero on relief trains.
List or Douil
The dead are:
F. L. CLIFFORD, engineer of tho
Westerner, of Ruffulo.
man, Lackawanna.
30 years old, Toronto, Ont.
Niagara Fulls und her two daugh
ters, 10 and 3 years old.
years old, woro soldier's uniform,
thought to bo Charles Schiller.
years old.
JOHN ANNJB, of Toronto, will
probably die. Tho other Injured,
while seriously hurt, ure expected
to recover.
victim, dl d In tho hospital this
Tho authorities believe tho dead
man dressed in the soldier's uni
Cards bearing this namo were found
in his clothing.
Overlieatixl Journal Delays
Train No. 41 left Buffalo at 12:01
o'clock. Tho Westerner loft a short
time Inter. Railroad otnctuls say
thut No. 41 developed on overheated
Journal and was delayed here. A
flagman wus sent buck to protect
tho rcr of No. 41, It is said, but the
Westerner, approaching at a speed
of 45 to 60 miles an hour, did not
cheek Its speed perceptibly us It
rushed Into tho Dunkirk yards, eye
witnesses Hay.
Tho coaches of No. 41 were all of
steel. The rear of the last coach
was badly buttered as No. 7's engine
plowed into It, but tho body re
mained Intact a though It was over
turned and twisted at right angles
with the rails on one side of tho
road. Three other couches of No.
41 were also battered and pushed
off tho rails but remained upright.
Fnglno Boiler Explodes
Tho tender of tho engine of the
Westerner buckled back through a
wooden express car. Lifted slight
ly by the wreckage of thlH ear, the
engine and lender then crashed down
Into a steel day coach, Iho lirst pus
sengcr ear of tho train. It was
here that all the fatnlltles occurred.
The holler of tho Westerner's engine
exploded, fatally scalding Engineer
Clifford and Fireman Stotz. Both
died soon after they were extricated
from the wreckngo.
The steel day coach of the West
erner was reduced to wreckage by the
douhle force of tho explosion and
the Impact of the collision. The
front end of the ear wus pushed to
one sldo und the pressuro of wreck
age was then directed against one
side, crushing the sides together for
almost the entire length of the car.
Mnny Hurt lit Sleeper
The next car on the Westerner was
a sleeper. It too was partly wrecked
and turned over. Many of the in
jured were tuken from this cur.
Calls were sent to Buffalo, Erie,
Ashtabula aud other places for sur
geons and nurses. Special trains
were made up at Buffalo and Erie
and hurried to tho wreck. In the
meantime Dunkirk physicians and
surgeons wcro giving first aid to the
Score in Ono Hospital
Twenty persons wore removed to
the Brooks Memorial Hospital Sev
eral are said to 1.0 fatally Injured.
Trntfir west of Buffalo on the New
York Central lines Is completely tied
up. Trulns west lire being operated
over the Nickel plate railroad.
Railroad otllclals are unable to ac
count for Kngineer Clifford'* failure
to observe tho flagman's signal.
Architect Sketches Plans
For Turning Old School
Into Office Building
Cltv Councllmen. police department
officials and City Kleotrlclan Clark
h. Diehl, inspected the JFager build
ing In Walnut street, this morning
with C. Howard Lloyd, architect, who
sketched tentative plans for remod
eling the rooms so that they can be
used for police headquarters.
It was proposed that a one-story
brick building should bo built at the
rear of tho present structure, to bo
used for a garugo for the patrol, mo
torcycles and one or two other city
cars, with a small part of the new
structure to be used for cells in which
disorderly prisoners aro kept until
they are given a hearing.
noma of tho members of Council
also favor the plan to move the of
tlccs of the City Health Bureau to
one of second floor rooms of the
Definite locations of somo of the
Offices have been decided and as soon
as possible the remodeling work will
be started. It Is believed that It will
be completed within six weeks, but
much of the furniture and equipment
from tho present offices could be re
moved before that time. Council at
Its business meeting directed plans
to be made for the removal of the
police and Are alarm telegraph sys
tems to the new location. This will
require at least six weeks' work, Mr.
l)lehl said.
Court Reserves Decision
on Habeas Corpus Plea
Made by Child-Wife
Decision of the habeas corpus action
to secure the release of Mrs. Kathleen
Stewart, the 17-year-old mother held
In Jail on a charge of killing her 20-
day-old baby with carbolic acid, was
reserved by the court this morning,
after hearing evidence In th case.
Counsel for lite girl argued that
there was not sufficient evidence to
show Hint a first-degree murder had
been committed anil much time was
taken to argue the criminal law on
this point. The girl's mother. Mrs.
Bessie Helnbach, and Dr. C. U. Phil
lips were the principal witnesses
By Aaaoclatrd Press.
Washington. July I.—A cotton
crop about 1,000,000 bales smaller
than last your was forecast for this
year by the Department of Agricul
ture to-day In estimating prospective
production at 10.980,000 bales. Acre
age this year shows a decrease of
8.7 per cent, from last year, the de
crease being 3,247,000 acres. •> i
Harry C. Henderson, 804 South
Seventeenth street, Is richer
rather thnn poorer as the result
of a visit of a bold thief last eve
ning. Ills house was entered und
ransacked, hut Henderson lost
no property thut he has been able
I to discover and Is richer by one
| stepladdcr.
I The stopludder wus used by the
Intruder to reach tho windows,
| which were pushed open. Druw
| era wore runsuckcd but nothing
I taken. In his hustc to leuve the
| Henderson resldcnf-e, believed to
,j have been caused liy passersby,
| the stepladder wuh left behind.
[Continned From First Page]
present litigation to determine
whether a brew containing 2% per
cent, of alcohol Is Intoxicating, no
action would be taken toward stop
ping the sulc of beer containing no
more than that amount of alcohol.
Thus pending court UoclslonH or
nctlon by Congress defining Intoxi
cating beverages, sale of the lighter
drinks In states In which there arc
no regulatory laws will he permitted
until Jnnuury 16, when constitutional
prohibition becomes effective. Other
than this, the only ray of comfort
left the untiprohlhltionints Is tho
coming of the time when President
Wilson will declare demobilization of
the Army complete, which auto
matically would suspend operation
of the war-tlmo act until January
Test Cases to Be Brought
Test cases on the sale of bever
ages containing more thnn ono-hnlf
of one percent, of ulcohol will bo
brought immediately by the Depart
mcnt of Justice In nil Jurisdictions
whore sucli cases are not now pend
The House judiciary committee
probably will meet next Monduy to
report out a straight hill for en
forcement of war-time prohibition
so as to stop the sulo of two und
tliroe-quurtors per cent. beer.
Tho plan virtually was agreed
upon to-day ufler lenders hud de
cided to defer consideration of all
prohibition legislation until next
House lenders said that If tho hill
were reported by tho committee
Monday or Tuesday It would bo
passed without extended debate and
sent to tho Senate. At best, they
said, two nnd three-fourth per cent,
beer would he on tho market less
than two weeks.
Baltimore, July 1. —Judge John C.
Rose, In the United States District
Court hero to-duy, sustained the de
murrer to the indictment against
the Standard Brewery, Incorporat
ed, of Baltimore, which charged the
concern with manufacturing a
"cereal beverage" containing ut
least one-half of one per cent of
The court ruled that the manu
facture of beer having an ulcohollc
content of two nnd three-fourth
per cent, could be done only at tho
risk of the brewer ponding tlnul de
cision by tho higher courts.
Council May Hold a
Special Meeting to Pass
on New Ash Equipment
A special meeting of City Council may
he held later In the week to consider
a report from I'ommissloner S. F.
Hassler, giving the coat of eipdpment
for municipal ash collections. At the
regular meeting to-day. Dr. Mossier
toid the other councllmen tho prices
he had received for furnishing new
wagons and other equipment nnd said
he may lie nhle to locate some good sec.
ond-hnnd teams for reasonable prices.
A contract was approved to-day for
constructing a sewer in I'cnn street,
from Edward to Catherine streets, with
William Opperman as contractor. The
cost will he $Bll7.
Ordinances were Introduced authoriz
ing the purchase of on autotruck for
the highway department at a cost of
$2,750, and directing Iho placing of a
light at Nineteenth and ltudy streets.
Ordinances which were passed finally
provided for constructing a sewer in
I'enn street, front Seneca to Schuylkill;
appropriating $5OO for hand concerts;
closing Sayford street from Cameron
to l'nxton creek; anil appropriating
$5,000 for final payment for sewer sys
tem in Fourteenth ward, purchased
from Suburban Drainage Company.
Contracts were awarded also for fur
nishing tire hydrants, cast Iron pipe,
valves nnd other supplies for the water
Crown Prince Hasn't
Left Holland Refuge
Hsi Associated /'ress.
Ismrinn. July I.—The former Ger
man crown prince, according to a
wireless press dispatch from Am
stordam, has renewed his louse on
the parsonage of Wlerengen for an
other three months. Pence confer
ence circles toatiay had received no
conttrmatlon of tho reported escape
of the former crown prince on Sun
Alleged Silk Thief
on Way to Altoona
Joseph Basuf, charged with the lar
ceny of two suitcases of silks, valued
at between $4OO and $5OO, was taken
to Altoona to-day by authorities of
that city, after having been arrested
hero yesterday afternoon by Detective
Carson. Notice of the theft was re
ceived here, hut a friend informed
Carson of It nnd furnished a descrip
tion of Basuf, with the result that his
arrest followed yesterday.
Mount Clemens, Mich., July 1.
Oapt. Joseph Medtll Patterson, one of
the defendants In Henry Ford's $l,-
000,000 libel suit against the Chi
cago Dally Tribune, was a witness
in the case to-day. Preliminary
questions by Attorney Wetmouth
Klrkland adduced that the witness
wus 40 years of age, that he was
graduated from Yale, spent a sea
son In Coahiitla, Mexico, "lenrntng
to he a cowboy," became a member
of the Illinois Assembly and later
was commissioner of public works
of Chicago under Mayor Dunne.
Stores which are accustomed
to observe Thursday half-holiday
during the summer months will
remain open all day Thursday of
thia week, and he cloaed all day
Friday, July 4.
Dr. Downos Regrets Buildings
Were Not Designated
"New High School construction,
opening of a new open-air school,
t professional Improvement of teach
ers, Increused salaries, Improved su
pervision and greater business effici
ency are surely evidences of a grati
fying forward movement," Dr. V. K.
Downes, city school superintendent
said In concluding part of his an
nual report submitted to the city
School Board to-day.
The report Is devoted to a review
of the year's work In the city dis
trict and summarizes completely the
new activities, changes In adminis
trative methods and plans for the
reorganization work which Is being
arranged for now and will be car
ried out In September when the
schools reopen.
Speaking of the construction of
the two new schools—the Camp Cur
tln and Edison buildings—Dr. Downes
expresses regret that they are not
given the same name, either "Junior
high school" or "Intermediate school."
The Kdlson building Is given the lat
ter name and the Camp Curtln th
Teachers Are Busy
That the past school year was an
unusually trying one for the teach
ers is another assertion made by the
Superintendent. He pointed to the
necessity for Intensified work after
the influenza epidemic was over, and
to the continued irregular attendance
after the schools reopened, and dur
ing the spring when a measles epi
demic kept more than a thousand
children out of school at various
About 170 teachers took the winter
course of instruction under the direc
tion of Professor John 1* Stewart, of
Lehigh University, and 60 took the
final examinations and will receive,
credits for their work.
When the Woodruff salary bill Is
upprpved further revision of the rules
of the Board will he necessury to
meet the salary Increases for teach
ers, Dr. Downes stating that this will
affect largely the city district mini
mum salaries, because they are ex
ceptionally low.
Under the reorganization plans a
supervisor of munual training, su
pervisor of special activities, super
visor of advanced grades, supervisor
of primary grades and ten elementary
supervisory principals were appoint
ed. The duties of the supervisors
of music and drawing ulso were
changed somewhat. The only other
appointment to be mude to carry out
this program Is thut of a supervisor
of physical education.
Continuing his review Dr. Downes
New Business Methods
"Much time during the year has
been devoted to preparations for
opening the new Intermediate schools
In the fall. The principals on March
lirst were relieved of all other duties
in order to devote their full time to
aiding in the work. The preparation
of announcements, classification of
pupils, appointment of teachers, se
lection of textbooks, equipment and
supplies, attention to programs and
courses cf study, to say nothing of
the working out of the budget for
those schools have demanded the
most careful consideration. The con
templated opening of two schools
at one time has. of course, increased
the complexity of the general prob
"A review of the year would not
be complete without special refer
ence to the Inauguration of new and
Improved methods of conducting the
i business affairs of the district. Tho
differentiation of duties, the fixing
of responsibility, the Improvement of
business forms and the Itemlxatlon of
budget, are particularly worthy of
mention. The determination of the
Board to conduct business strictly on
the budget basis will, without doubt,
meet with general public approval.
Continual Inn School
"Since Its organization, our con
tinuation school, for lack of accom
modations elsewhere, has been con
ducted at 124 Forster street. In an
old dwellinghouse remodeled for
school purposes. This arrangement
has never been satisfactory In any
respect. The school has been cramp
ed. unsanitary, and without adequate
facilities for the purposes Intended.
The work of the year has been all
that could be expected under the cir
cumstances. but we shall never bo
able to make much progress In the
school until conditions are greatly
"In u report during the year I
called attention to the gradual re
duction In enrollment In the Teach
ers' Training School and recommend
ed the abandonment of tho school.
Tho limited number of applications
for admission to the new class in
September has only served to streng
then my conviction that this course
Is the only logical course to pursue.
Should tho demand for local teacher
training In the futuro Justify the
maintenance of such a school, It
could be reorganized as formerly. At
present there certainly Is no warrant
ed demand for Its continuance under
former conditions."
Fixes Prescription
Limit at One Quart
Washington, July I,—The Inter
nal Revenue Bureau will co-operate
generally wth tho Department of
Justice In the detection and prose
cution of nleged violations under the
war-time prohibition legislation and
also will take every precaution to
see that whero alcoholic liquors uro
dispensed for medicinal or sacra
mental purposes the letter of tho
law Is observed.
A quart at a time Is the maxi
mum which may be dispensed by
menus of n prescription, and Mr.
ltoper asks his agents to watch
carefully and luke steps for the
prosecution 'of tho physician, phar
macist or patient who in any way
endeavors to evade the letter of the
law or abuse the special privilege
which Is granted for extreme eases.
Mrs. l.ydia Stoner, aged 74 years,
died to-day at the home of u daugh
ter, 910 Clayton avenue. York. Tho
funeral will be held Thursday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will he
made In Pleasant drove Cemetery.
The survivors ure the following sons
and daughters: Artlee Stoner. York;
Jacob Stoner. Koyalton; Millie Sel
fert, York; Clara Rhodes, Mount
Wolfe, and Mary Mathiaa, Susan
Young and Catherine Kohler, Har
Brussels, July 1. King Albert
left Brussels yesterday for Chamo
nlx In the Alps, where he intends to
remuln for several days. The king
will Indulge in his favorite sport of
mountain climbing.
JULY 1, 1919.
By Anociated Prttu
East Fortune, Scotland, July .
I.—Tho British dirigible, U-34, It
Is expected, will start on Its at- J
tempt to fly across the Atlantic i
at 2 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing. Weather conditions here to
day were favorable for the begin
ning of the flight.
Commander Hc.ott, of the R
-34, who was rather pessimistic
yesterday concerning weather
conditions, was elated to-day
over tho prospect of starting the
flight soon. The work of install
ing I he new motor and overhaul
ing tho craft generally was com
pleted lute lust night. Tho gaso
llno tunkH were being tilled to
day and food for tho crew was
taken aboard.
Chief Wclzcl Suys Sellers of
Explosives Will Be
With Independence Day only several
days off, Chief of Police Wetzel to-day
Issued a Until warning' that tho sale and
discharge of firework* of any kind
will not he permitted In tho city till*
year. The ordinance forbidding their
Hale and u*e will be Htrlctly enforced
by the local police department tho
Chief *ay*, anil Harrlsburg wilt have
a "*nfo und sane" Fourth.
While there have been a few Iso
lated cases where the fireworks have
been discharged .according to some
city resident*, no complaint* have been
received at police headquarters. The
police department will proceed at onco
to break up tho nulsanco wherever re
ported, he says.
A fine of not leus than $25 is pro
vided for tho sale of the ttreworka In
the city with u tine of $5 for the Bet
ting of them off. Chief Wetzel say*.
Tho ordinance providing these lines,
Is extensive In lIH scope and Include*
llrework* of all kind*.
Fiume Question Again
Is Acute at Peace Board
Purls, July I.— Foreign Minister
Tlttonl, of Italy, made It clear at a
meeting today that Italy desires that
all territory taken from Austria be
definitely disposed of in the Aus
trian treaty.
This Immediately projects Into the
foreground the Fiume question
which It hud been hoped could be
Premier Olemenccati, Secretary
I.ansing, Foreign Minister Balfour,
Foreign Minister Plehon, Baron
Muktno and Viscount Chimin, of Ja
pan tind Foreign Minister Tttttno
decided this afternoon to constitute
a new Council of Five. This coun
cil of live will have as its members
Secretary Pausing, M. Plehon, For
eign Minister Balfour, Foreign Mln
istor Tlttonl and Baron Muklno,
head of the Japanese delegation.
Thy council will temporarily as
sume direction of peace conference
affairs. A council of ton will not he
constituted at present.
Philadelphia, July 1. A hand
ful of saloons are open to-day dis
pensing 2 l per cent, beer, but no
"hard stuff." According to Nell
Benncr, president of the ltctail
Ptquor Dealers' Association, the
pluccs remaining open uro not mem
bers of his organisation. At a re
cent meeting tho association voted
to obey the law and remain closed
while war-time prohibition Is In
Washington, July I,—Debate on
the Dengue of Nations was resumed
to-day in the Senate with Senator
Hitchcock, Nebraska, ranking Dem
ocrat of the foreign relations com
mittee. reading several editorials
from the Stars and Stripes, the ofil
clal newspaper of the American Ex
peditionary Forces, In support of his
argument that popular sentiment fa
vored the league. Ho snld ho be
lieved the editorials reflected the
sentiment of American soldiers
New York, July I.—United States
Steel's brisk rise to its best quota
tion In several weeks was tbo out
standing feature of the active final
hour, other leaders increasing their
gains. The closing was strong. Spe
cialties advanced 2 to 8 points in
to-day's stock market, regardless of
the reactionary trend of rails und
continued high generally rates. Sales
approximated 1,100,000 shares.
New York, July I.—Final prices
on Plberty Bonds to-day were:
3 1 -2s, 99.34; Ist 4s. 94.90; 2d 4s,
93.88 tst 4 1-4*. 95.14; 2d 4 1-4s,
94.10; 3d 4 1 -4s. 95.08; 4th 4 1-4s,
94.04 ; Victory, 3 3-4s, 100.14; Vic
tory 4 3-4s. 99.9 G.
M'PROYKS lilt- Hi ntJKT
M nnhlnaton, July I.—After pro
tracted discussion, the House to-day
adopted tho conference report of the
$804,000,000 Sundry Civil Appropria
tion hill without opposition. The re
port Is yet to be approved by the
Pittsburgh Tin Plate and Steel Corporation
P*"? J m w /O bonus SO per cent. I
lf # Common Stock ■
}msl3|^K*?*wOffer amount at ■
J pnr 110.00 per share. ■
m W l-.sttmated earnings over ■
AT■ ■ 60 per cent Tin plate ■
AJU nd Sheet steel demand ■
LriS39Mh2!S9MBHKBBKi-JHH , enormous. Kvory com- ■
pnny made fortune. Similar steel company organised by same In- I
terests earned 7" per cent, last year. Common Stock sold 400 per ■
cent, premium.
Kxamined. approved and licensed fcv the blue sky laws of Ohio and ■
Penna. Order today. Write, telegraph or phone t>
Pittsburgh Tin Plate and Steel Corporation
554 l nlnn Areade, Pittsburgh! New Vork Office.. IT* Broadway. ■
Time, Square Offlee. 1405 Time. Building
llnrlcm Offlee, 217 Went 125 th St.
Newark Offlee. tlrannd Finer. I'ntnn Building
Cut out, sign snd mail thla today, Pittsburgh Tin Plata & Steel Corp. ■
To nearest office.
Reserve for me Shares of your Preferred Stock with ■
bonus SO per cent. Common Stock. Send description of tin plate ■
and steel mill with full particulars. ■■
Automobile Code Mans Much
to Protect Drivers
of , ;,j
Approval of the two automobile
regulation lIIIIH was announced from
the Governor's office to-day. One
Is a code governlhg the licensing
and operation of all motor vehicle*
and the other regulate* the *ale and
transfer of *ccond hand cars. Both
measure* were much discussed, fre
quently amended and chunged In
their passage through the two
house*, while both were recalled
from the Governor for amendment.
Both are effective at once. The
Htate Highway Department, which
charged with varlou* duties In con
nection with (hem, I* preparing to
enforce the provision*. The new
resistration fees, however, are ef
fective January 1. Tho system of
control of second hard ear* begin*
to operate at onco .lt d It I* believed
will afford a check upon stolen car*.
Tho code allow* a speed of thirty
mtlc* an hour on open rood*, but
leaves locul uutliorli'ec, in hu'lt up
communities, limit speed to fifteen
miles. l'*e of sutoutj is forbidden.
The registration fee* are to be 40
cent* per homo power with a min
imum of fill for automobiles, motor
truck* being licensed by Hanson ac
cording to weight from 120 to $l5O,
the latter being for 10,000 pound
Truck length* are limited to 28
feet, width to 90 Inche* und weight
to 28,000 pound*. Truck* are also
limited to Kpood by cluhho*. ranging
from 10 mile* per hour for heavy
to 20 for the lighter grade*.
Sworn statement* that applicant*
for llcon*lng are phy*lclally able to
opcrato cars are required when ap
plications arc made for license, cer
tain qualification* a* to vision, hear
ing and u*o of handH being neces
sary. Authority to {uive special ex
uminutlonn In given.
The code contains penalties for
destruction of Identifying mark*
and requires record* to bo kept by
garage keepers of cars left for stor
age or repair, while provisions urn
made for use of lights and that
trucks with licenses of other states
may run In this State once a week.
The "second hand ear" hill re
quires complete description with
hills of *nlc, statement* as to own
ership and changes made In tho
ear, all to lie sworn, one copy to
ho tiled with the State Highway
Commissioner and one with tho
chief of police clerk of quarter ses
sions court, operation is forbidden
until such statement, is tiled when
a ear Is sold.
Another new feature 1s that, all
dealers In used ears must take out
a State license at an annual fee of
$lOO and ho vouched for by two
persons. \ acinus other provisions
for tracing cars nro njade, while
every garage keeper must keep re
cords, or all ears left with them.
No one may have a our from which
the Identifying mark has been re
moved. Notices of discovery of
tnmporing w lth such marks are re
The penalties range ft ant $lOO to
Highway Commissioner Sadler
today gave notice that commencing
today the State would require ob
servance of the act requiring lights
on /ill moving vehicles at night, In
cluding farm wagons, hut not agri
cultural machinery, hay wagons or
wheelbarrows. "This act Is to pro
tect users of roads. Travel has In
creased so rapidly that all users of
tho highways own It to themselves
to display lights. I would suggest
that all police authorities see to tt
that the provisions of this act. which
Is effective today, are observed,"
said tho Commissioner.
The Commissioner said that the
net would harm no one, but that It
might be necessary to call It to at
tention of persons because some
drivers of horses have not been dis
playing tights.
Tho Highway Commissioner also
called attention today to the opera
tion of the law forbidding operation
of tructlon or portable engines
within 300 feet of a. building unless
equipped with spark arresters.
There are tines of from $5O to $lOO
for violations.
f >
Special lavratlgatlaaa
Aecanatlap Systems Installs*
Public Accountant & Auditor
U-M Unlsi Trust Ca„
Bell Vfcons 10IS
llarrlsburg. Pa.
V ■ ■■ m
fflk Bell 439
IaHU Dial' 4673
Bergner Building
For Sale
Vacant 3-story brick I
dwelling house—3 rooms,
bath, hot and cold water. |
furnace, beat; nil bedrooms !
ore private; good construc
tion; location central; 20!)
Odder St.
M. A. Fought
272 North St.