Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 01, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 SEIZES WHEAT TO SUPPLY GREECE Canadian Board of Grain Su pervisors to Ship Fifteen Millon Bushels V'j Associated Press. Toronto, July 1. —Wheat In all Canadian elevators has been com mandeered by the Board of Grain Supervisors in order to provide Greece with 15,000,000 bushels with- ] PAXTANG PARK THEATER TOMUHT THE FOUR MUSICAL KILTIES IX A BIG FLASH OF Music, Mirth and Melody AMI 4 OTHFR HIGH-CLASS A YAFDFVILLK ACTS GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY The Niiilit Before the Fourth Thursday Evening, July Third V- / The Picture Every Harrisburger Wants to See It's the story of a young girl who was wronged and wanted to be right. COMMON CLAY The greatest motion picture ever offered a regular admission prices—featuring FANNIE WARD Today and Tomorrow.only at Stanley's VICTORIA ONLY CIRCUS COMING TO HARRISBURG CIRCVS DAY FRIDAY, JCI.Y 4 CIRCI'S DAY km M! Doors Open at 1 ind 7 PM. Performances at 2 and 8 P. M. YJULIM ONE TICKET ADMITS TO AIL RR. O :IVCYGV.:Y:: WtoW frill SI &"• Hfjijfti DOWNTOWN J> VI.E OK ADMISSION TICKfcITS AND IIKsKK KH SKATS CIRC 1S DAY AT BOWMAN'S lIKPT. STORE, MARKET ST. SAME PRICES EXACTLY AS CHARRED AT THE CIRCUS GROUNDS special! A $200,000 Production "THE CHALLENGE OF CHANCE" Starring JESS WILLARD The Heavyweight Champion and ARLINE PRETTY (A Harrisburg Girl) at the REGENT THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEE: Rescue of the bound heroine from a desperate band of kid nappers. Wild ride of cowboys, leading strings of blooded race horses, at full speed down the side of a mountain and across the Rio Grande. Titanic battle of a superman against a band of Mexican thugs the most gripping fight scene ever seen on the screen. Admission 15c and 25c and War Tax r ' ~=^ Spend your July 4th at Beautiful Hershev Park The Ever-Popalar Bathing Resort Concerts by one of the best orchestras. Solos afternoon and evening by Professor Boycr. No dull moments here. Attractions for old and young. DANCING Wonderful Banjo-Saxo Orchestra will play their favorite jazz music. THEATRE The United Southern Stock Co. will offer their funniest of all comedies, "Married Life." BATHING and SHOOT THE CHUTES Everything here oiled for action. Merry-go-round Miniature Railway and all other amusements open and running BASEBALL Hershey vs. Sheridan Come and see the elaborate Japanese Garden display Zoological Gardens are filled xvith wild animals, birds, rep tiles, etc. Always free and entertaining. CHICKEN DINNERS and Luncheon served all day July 4th at Hershey Park , As good as a week's vacation *. TUESDAY EVENING, in the next twelve months, it is an nounced. No shipments can be made at present without permits from the boards. j It was explained this method is 11 to be employed in order that | Greece's supply of wheat may be I furnished as equitably as possible from the different elevators where it is held. The first part of the order, 3,500.000 bushels, must be filled within two months and a large part of this is now at Montreal awaiting shipment July 15. All Canada's wheat is now in the hands of millers i and experts assert there is enough to meet the requirements of Greece i as well as the Dominion until the i new crop arrives. It is expected ! here that the restrictions now in " force will be lifted within a few ' days. ORATORY "Can he talk readily on his feet. I "Maybe, hut 1 saw him andress a hunch 'of deaf and dumb voters and ihe gave them a pood talk on Ins j hands." —Cartoons Magazine. V WHMSWCTtI FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We arc offering versatile BERT LYTELL THE LION'S DEN a master film drama that will i add to his already large clientele i I,cro - _ >——-——r— ■-T PRODS MAN WHO! WROTE EDITORIAL Court Consumes Day in Ex amining Raymond in Ford Case By Associated Press. Mount llemeas, Mich., July I. i Practically all of yesterday's session of Judge Tucker's court was taken up with the examination of Clifford S. Raymond, who wrote the editorial of June 23. 1916, headed "Ford is an Anarchist," on which the Detroit manufacturer based his $1,000,000 ! libel suit against the Chicago Daily Tribune. j The witness said that about 1916. the Tribune finally became convinced i that only armed intervention in Mex -1 ico would bring anarchy to an end t south of the Rio Grande. I "And at about this time the Tri i bune was also arguing that we i should keep out of war with Ger many?'* asked Attorney Alfred j Ducking. | "Yes. that we should keep out of j war with Germany if that were ' possible and consistent with national i interests and honor." Mr. Raymond expressed the opin ion that war with Mexico would not have caused any considerable reduc tion in the war supplies which the j United States was shipping to the Rntente allies and he thought that I the building of an army, even of sufficient size and equipment to re i store order in Mexico might have im | pressed the Germans with an idea I that they would better not wanton ! ly incite us to join the Allies. THEY ALL JOINED IN | The attack had been made with • dash in the woods, and though it was ; not yet dawn, the Yanks were get ! ting their breath in their new posi j tions. From his dugout, which a late la | mented Heinie had burrowed, one of i them spied something which another i and less fortunate member of the j bunch had regarded as so precious I that he had carried it into the at i tack. It was a banjo, made of a cigar box. He crawled forward, got his i hands on the trophy and retreated with it to his shelter. It was batter ed and two of the strings had snap- I ped. but in another moment the j whole nervous, frazzled group was 1 humming as he played: "I wanta go back, I wanta go back I r wanta go back to the farm!" — | .Stars and Stripes. \f \ Summerdale Park Dances THIRS, AND SAT. EVES | Miss Burd's String Orchestra With Soprano Soloist Cnr* Thnr*. Even.. 8.00. 8.30, 0.00 I Snt. Even., S.CHI, 8.15, 8.30. 8.45, O.CHI Idmlislon 40 and go Cts* WIIKS&OTTS ~ Are you fond of clevex sing ing? If not you will be after you liavc heard the 4 HALEY SISTERS harmonize in popular selections. HIS MASTER'S VOICE is also furnishing lots of laughs. V. ■ ./ e a ill 11 ucnmmncijT n LrV^r i - ON I TODAY' Last Showing Here of ALICEJOYCE in her latest production THE SPARK DIVINE It's the picture that drew the I crowds to this theater yesterday. TOMORROW & THURSDAY VIOLA DANA the girl from gay Paree, in a I story overflowing with fun— SOME BRIDE \ / R E G E IN T I THE COOLEST SPOT IX TOWX TODAY LILA LEE "PUPPY" LOVE" ! A drlightfnl romance of nwcet sixteen TOHOIIItOtV ONLY 5 SHIRLEY MASON i "THE RESCUING ANGEL" ! Theme drain with younK woman nhii IN ooiiipellr.l to choose one of two wealthy .suitors in hnra*MiiiK circumstance*. i Have you ever seen a woman i wear $250.0(10 worth of clothes? KITTY GORDON does this In Playthings of Passion THL'RS.—FRI.—SAT. | VICTOR IA DANCING^ WILLA-VILLA Monday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Admission: Ladies, 40c I Tax Paid Gents, 60c J'L: , HXRHJHBUKG TEEEBRIPS Lily Leitzel Coming Here With Combined Circuses Hhhlp' w JH^sssiP^l Few girls have had as remarkable | a life as lAly Eeitzel. The little ; lady's mother, herself a wonderful ■ performer, brought her up in the j hope that she would become the greatest of all aerial gymnasts. Idly inherited her mother's genius and proved an apt pupil. But likewise, from her father, she inherited a great , love for music. And she cultivated ; this talent also. For a time, as Miss Leitzel puts it. "there waged a battle between muscle and music " But music came out vic torious and the girl put aside tar- i latans and spangles and gave her en tire time to the concert platform. For two years she followed her | chosen career with considerable sue- i cess. But she could not forget the I circus. As time went on the "call" I became stronger and stronger and finally she succumbed and came back I JESS WILLARD COMING TO REGENT In "The Challenge of Chance," 1 coming to the Regent for a three day engagement, starting Thursday, Jess Willard plays the part of Joe Bates, a Texas ranch foreman, who meets a pretty girl on a train while on his way to take a better job. He gets off and thrashes a man who is mistreating a horse, later to And that he had whipped the man who is to employ him. His job lost he finds a bigger one in trying to save the dfffo ft Jgflj MAJESTIC High-Class Vaudeville Grew and Rates in a comedy skit entitled "His Master's Voice"; the 1-our Halov Sisters, singing popular songs; June and Irene Melva. xylophonists; Emily Darrell, clever comedienne; the Busch Brothers in a bounding pad novelty. COLONIAL* To-dav last showing of Alice Joyce in "The Spark Divine." To-morrow and Thursday \ iola Dana, the girl from gay Paree, in "Some Bride." _ Friday and Saturday—Bert Lytell in "The Lion's Den." VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow Common Clav. featuring Fannie Ward. Thursdav. Friday and Saturday—Kit ty Gordon in "Playthings of Pas sion." REGENT To-day—Lila Lee in "Puppy Love." To-morrow only—Shirley Mason in "The Rescuing Angel." Thursday. Friday and Saturday—Jess Willard in "Challenge of Chance." Monday and Tuesday—Bryant Wash burn in "Something To Do.' PAXTANG Vaudeville —Two shows every even ing. Excellent singing furnished by the Four Haley Sisters, is one of the big features of the Ma tt the Majestic jestic bill the early half of the week. The girls dress charmingly and know how to sing. A lively number is the skit presented by Grew and Pates entitled "His Master's Voice." The skit is replete with amusing slt -1 uatlons which keeps tne audience in constant laughter. Tne JBuscn Brotn |to it. To-day Miss I.eitzel is consid- j j ered the greatest aerial gymnast that ; ■ has ever thrilled a circus audience. | I This season she is under contract ; with KLngling Brothers and Barnum ; & Bailey shows combined and will i he seen here next Friday. July 4. All ] else comes to a standstill in the mam- , , moth "big top" when she performs. I ; Among other wonderful feats Miss ; Ijeit/.el suspends herself by one hand from the end of a rope and then per- ! forms as many as ninety consecutive | ; "giant swings" without pause. "But I have not forgotten my mu sic," savs she, "1 practice continually, i Some day I shall go back to the j stage all the more fitted for it be- : cause of my greater power of en- | I durance and breath control. Even | ' now 1 can sing cadenzas of any length without even thinking of pausing for I breath." | race horses which belong Jo the girl. Fay Calvert (Arline Pretty), and which are to be stolen from the i Juarez track during an instigated attack of rebels. | Bates saves the horses after a ' chase from the thieving band. Wil | lard and his lists are much in the : pipture. Every time he gets in a I tight place he begins to swing right i j and left, and his assistants, number j inb more than a score in one In | stance, tumble down like ten pins. ers perform some good comedy feats on the bounding pad: Emily barrell is a clever comedienne who hands out a generous supply of clean, whole some comedy, and June and Irene Melva entertain with high class and popular selections on the xylophone. A picture that rings true to human life is now being shown at Stanley's Victoria Theater. "It "Common Clay" is "Common Clay," the HarVard prize play which ran one solid year at the Republic Theater, New S'ork. fea turing the charming dramatic star I-annie Ward. lt is the century old story of a gii Dry Lumber To get the best results for lumber intend ed for interior or exterior use you must have the kind that has been carefully protected. The fact that we keep ours under cover insures our customers all dry lumber. When painting or varnishing nothing equals thoroughly dry lumber for satisfac tory results. UNITED ICE & COAL CO. , Lumber Department Forster & Cowden Sts. I who was wronged—and wanted to be J right. She was raised on a back | [street. Her father didn't work while her mother took in washing. She se- j cured a position as maid in the home I of Hugh Fulterton. Hugh fell in | j love with her and they married. Hut i I the child was wronged. It is a w;on | derful story. This is only a minor | | incident in the play. To learn the : story you must see this wonderful | I picture. j Kitty Gordon, former vaudeville star who played several years ago at the Orpheum Theater. I Kitty Gordon when that house was used for vaudeville, is ' j being presented in her most famous ! production. "Playthings of Passion, !to Harrisburgers, Thursday, l-riday ! and Saturday of this week. Miss 'Gordon wears *250,000 worth of I clothes in this picture, it is the story lof a social butterfly playing in the | realm of love. I Harrisburgers have to-day only to see Alice Joyce, the star of The J.ion and the House. At the t'olonlnl and many other not able productions in her latest photoplay release, "Tlie ! Spark Divine," at the Colonial Tnc | nter. This picture played to la rb < * audiences yesterday and indication ; for to-day are even greater than I yesterday's. . ■ To-morrow and Thursday tola ! Dana, tlie girl from gay Paree. star !of "The Parisian Tigress. will oe shown in her best production, bom. I ltride." This is a picture every man and woman in waiting should sec. it . i the kind they'll like. ~*n Friday and Saturday Bert lAteu j will be shown in "The Lion's Ien. ! Li la Lee appears in "Puppy J jo y.° I to-day at the Regent. It is* said the photoplay is a* l.lla l.ce nt Regent delightjfy j is one of young love in a setting of I the country town variety. It tells 01 I the tragedies of youth and unrcqutt i ed affection. j To-morrow only Shirley Mason as presented in "The Rescuing Angel, i A beautiful young girl marries a mii ; lionalre because her father is in aea i perate financial straits. She is \L ,V. I only in the thought that she has made a noble sacrifice to save her r I Rut after she is settled down in her new homo, a discarded suitor, not ! knowing of the marriage and to pry vent it tells her husband that she ' married him for his money. " h' 3 ro " ' suits in a quarrel and the wire nr i ranges for a divorce, but later real izes that she really loves her hus hand and not his money. Those who saw the show at the I'axtang Park Theater last evening got real value in \en' 1111 l n I'nxtnnß vaudeville f or their money. Ine bill was a hit with the park audi ence from the time the curtain wont up on Nelson's Hats unci Cats until it went down again when Fed pie s Japs finished the last stint in their thrilling aerial act. The feature act on the park hill is The Four Musical Kilties, consisting of the famous Pepper twins and two attractive young Scotch lassies who put over a line of music, mirth and melody that would muke a favorable impression on any kind of an audi ence. Martin and Walters are also very much on the park bill with a bright, snappy kit etitled *'l Can Pave It. while John Healy. the old colored parson, late of Al. G. Field's Min strels. is presenting a strong argu ment against the late Mark Twain s assertion that there were only seven original jokes in the world. John has at least eight new ones anyhow. On Thursday evening there will be a grand tire works display at the I SAVED $lOO & GOT WELL, DECLARED A HAPPYWOMAN Story Interests Everybody In These High Cost of Living Times "This is my third box of Natonex and it has saved me more than one hundred dollars," said Mrs. Anna J. Potelunas of 138 South Main street, Wilkes-Barro. "You see," explained this Wilkes-Barre woman, "I was preparing to take a treatment for which there was a big fee in ad vance and so much a week. But, luckily for me just at that time a friend told me about Natonex and how people are praising it every where. "They surely do not exaggerate what Xatonex is worth. I had been miserable for three months and get ting worse. I was getting weak and did not realize it until one day, while throwing a carpet over a line, I got a severe pain in my breast. "The pain would be first on one side and then on the other. When it was near nty heart it got me very nervous. I lost desire for food and would be kept awake all night by indigestion. I would get dizzy spells and it got so I would faint i when sweeping. "I was awfully worried and won : dercd how I was going to get i through the spring house cleaning. I But thanks to Xatonex, that worry ! is the thing of the past, as well as 1 all my other worries. My appetite I has eome back, my sleep is sound I and so X have gotten my strength back. "Another thing, I found Xatonex splendid as a bowel and liver regu lator. I have a friend who is tak ing the treatment I intended to take and it is not. satisfactory and I am going to advise her to take Xatonex." "In these times of high living costs | every dollar saved counts," said the Xatonex representative." Xatonex can be taken for the trifling cost of ten cents a day." Xatonex is fully explained at the Oorgas drug store, 16 North Third street. It can even be tested free. Xatonex is sold by leading druggists in every town. Demand the genu ine Xatonex and avoid disappoint- JULY 1, park. Manager Davis says when he was a boy they always started cele- ! brating the glorious Fourth the j "night before,and he thinks it a i good idea to revive the custom. So on the evening of July 3 there will j be a real fireworks display at Pax- I tang. K • | ' - so McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad j pps£T|n 0 ADDING AND j f CALCULATING MACHINE^^^^^P^^| E. T. CRITCHFIELI), 400 Ciildcr niilK. f I Harrisburg. Pa. 432 Market Street License No. <;-3r.305 Specials for Wednesday, July 2, 1919 Sirloin, Club, Porterhouse Steaks, lb., 32c Choice Chuck Roast, lb 22c Frankfurters, Smoked or Fresh Sau sage lb 22c Choice Veal Chops, lb 28c | Choice English Corned Beef, lb., 18c I Sliced Liver, 3 lbs., 15c; lb 6c £ an £ orn All For Can Peas Can Tomatoes /j j"^ c I Can Scouring Powder Markets in 65 Cities of 14 States Main Office, Chicago Packing Plant, Peoria, 111. | All Moat Government Inspected. All Goods Purchased Guaranteed I or Money H-funded. ww——t——■win^Tin—lTlH—H—WOTl— ' 1 For Fords | £ Roof 16-Valve Head For Fords Has Arrived > SEE IT | 1 50% More Horsepower | "LET US PROVE IT." j Live Agents Wanted | W. R. Mohney & Son | • With Ford Car. glo N Third g A P Exclusive Rights I Harrisburg, Pa. I For Central and Eastern Pennsylvania^ f __^=== Say KING OSCAR to your dealer and pass him 7c, and then he will give you your money's worth of real smoke comfort. John C. Herman & Co, Harrisburg, Pa. To-day Try One v_ - ===s c HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER PUT IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Hedge Clippers—Grass Shears—Sides and Edge Tools Sharpened All Kinds of Machinery Repaired FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court and Cranberry Streets SAND For contracting pur poses. We will de liver good River Sand to any point in Har risburg and suburbs. Builders' requirements j promptly supplied. ! Phone our main office. United Ice & Coal Co. l-'orster & Cowtlen Sts.