Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 30, 1919, Image 1
,j,4' ."'J-. . ''A I*'' J American Flier Folk to Dealt Over Montabauer as He Drops Treaty News in German Te LXXXVIII- NO. 151 14 PAGEs IKSit HARRISBURG. PA. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 30, 1919. tt'SSZESSiS?" > s£Z& c &3Sm HOME EDITION KING OF DOPE PEDDLERS IS HELD UNDER SI,OOO BAIL "Sunny White" Said to Have Played a Double Game DROVE OUT COMPETITORS Charged With Sale of Small Phials For Seven Dollars Harold Rarnett, alias "Sunny "White," was held under 1,000 ball to-day for his appearance before the October session of Federal court fol lowing a hearing before U. S. Com missioner J. A. K. Hall. Rarnett Is charged with peddling narcotics. With Harnett's arrest police offi cials believe they have captured one of the leaders of the underworld trading. He has been under close watch for months and is said to hnve disposed of thousands of dollars worth of drugs. Wanted Field Alone "Sunny White," as he was known In the underworld, has a reputation of hounding out of the city all who sought to compete with hint. Ac cording to the stories filtering through the maze of lies and mis information generally surrounding dope peddlers and the victims it is said that Rarnett saw that the police learned every time any one else at tempted to sell drugs. Without ap pearing himself the police thus were able to arrest several men whom Barnett feared would strike up a keen competition with him. It was this train that finally led to his down fall as someone else informed on him to U. S. Marshal Harvey Smith. "Sunny White" is said to have built up a big trade following this method of exterminating competitors. The police say he sold a small one-dose capsule of morphine for sl. For the more affluent of his customers he provided a tiny phial for $7 con taining eight or nine doses if spar ingly used. Three witnesses appeared against Barnett. Robert Chenoweth. some time kind of the narcotic peddlers r.f the city, testified that he bought $1 capsules from "Sunny" for "5 cents and retailed them to the down and-outs of his former trade. Abbie Smith and May Owens also appeared in the commissioner's court. Girls Invited to Join in Community Club's Hike The first of a series of hikes for girls will be held Saturday. These weekly events will be under the di rection of the Harrisburg War Camp Community Service. The starting time is 2.30 and place of meeting. Sixth and Maclay streets. The guide will be Prof. J. J. Brehm, principal Camp Curtin Junior High school. He is a member of the Natural History Society of Harris burg. The objective point is Wild wood Park. However this question is left with the guide. Any and every girl or woman who wants to be counted in this hike is invited to go along. Girls from the local industries are also cordia'ly in vited to join in the outing. Those who intend going should send word to the office at 307 Market street, not later than Friday evening. Ribbon Bars For Men Who Served in War Recognitmn for men who served as officers and men of the Pennsyl vania Reserve Militia during the war with Germany is to be provided in the shape of a ribbon bar. ac cording to orders issued by Adju tant General Frank D. Reary. The bars w'U be issued to all connected with the militia from its organi zation to the signing of the Peace Treatv. Tn case of men who have died the bars will be issued to their families. Major John Coolbaugh has been named as commander of the ad vance detail for the encampment of the Reserve Militia at Mount Gretna which will begin July 12 and run until the 19th. General Reary has announced that the new United States rides will be Issued to the Militia at the camp, replacing the old Remingtons, which are to be turned in. Rickard Wants French Fighter to Meet Dempsey Paris, June 30.—Georges Carpen tier has received by cable from Tex Rickard, the boxing promoter, an offer of $45,000 for a match with Jack Dempsey in the United States in January next. Manager De schamps, for Oarpentier, has in quired of Rickard regarding the con ditions and the number of rounds in the proposed match before replying definitely to the offer. French Premier Will Address Deputies Today Paris, June 30.—Premier Clemen ceau will present the Peace Treaty to the Chamber of Deputies this afternoon, the Figaro says. The French leader will take the oppor tunity, the paper adds, to make a brief but very important statement concerning home and foreign poli cies. THE WEATHER Hnrrlnbarg and Vicinity I Fnlr nnd slight l>- vrnratrr to-night with lowest temperature uhout tlO degree*. Tuesday and Wed nesday, fnlr and wnrnier. Eastern Pennsylvania i loir to night, sllgCttly wanner In north nnd west portions. Tues day and Wednesday, fnlr, wnrmer. Gentle east nnd nouthenat winds. HARRISBURG Wmmm TELEGRAPH ®IK £tar~3nbcpen&fnl. No European Trip Is Quite Complete 'Till You've Been Through the Ordeal at the Custom House SEMAPHORES FOR TRAFFIC WORK IN HANDS OF POLICE Long-Dclaved Standards Ar rive After a Year; to Be Placed Soon After having been ordered more than a year, six traffic semaphores were received to-day by the Harris burg police department. They will be placed in operation within a short time. The semaphores were ordered last July, following the endorsement of the use of semaphores by various lo cal clubs, including the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs. The order was placed witli J. X. Farley, 175 Greenpoint ave nue, Brooklyn, but the delivery was delayed because of war conditions. The intersections at which traffic officers are now placed and where the semaphores will be operated by them are Second and Walnut, Third and Walnut, Second and Market, Third and Market, Fourth and Market and Fourth and Chestnut. Major R. L. Perkins Is Discharged From Army Major R. L. Perkins, 2001 North Second street, has received his dis charge from the Medical Corps, U. S. Army, and will resume the prac tice of medicine in this city. Major Perkins entered the service in June, 1917, as first lieutenant, and was assigned to the Fifty-first Infantry in July, serving as surgeon of that regiment during training in Chlcka mauga Park, and service in France. The Fifty-first was in the Sixth di vision regulars, which held a sector in the Vosges afterward took part in the Argonne-Meuse offen sive. THREE-CENT STAMPS WILL GO TOMORROW George Washington Red-Tone Likeness to Reappear on First Glass Letter Postage . I George Washington's rerl-hued [ likeness on the almost forgotten two-cent stamp will displace the I three-cent stamp to-morrow when the war tax on postal rates will be i lifted. With the three-cent postage I on first class letter mail will go the two-cent postal card, this rate going I back to one cent as of old. Arrangements have been made by Postmaster Prank Sites for the rcdempt'on of three-cent stamped ! envelopes and two-cent postal cards. | The redemption will be made In stamps and not In cash. Stress is 1 laid upon the non-cash feature of Who Said English? The thirst of July seems to have hit Ernest Romano, 319 Cherry street, in advance. He's after the "wild, wild women." Ernest wrote the following let tor to the "director" of the Scran ton Republican this week, it reaching said "director" on Fri day night: "Dear Sir—Please, an honest man, to pray you publish your journal following article: Hon est man, 36 year old, deprived acquaintance desire to marry lady of whatever age provided have money for help to agrandise on business. So write Ernest Ro mano, 319 Cherry street, Harris burg, Pa. Do anticipate thanks very truly, Ernest Romano." DANCING AND I GIRLS CAUSED YOUTH TO STEAL ; Judge Kunkcl Paroles Boy Who Took Aulo to Make a Showing "Dances and girls are the answer jin this case. That is the secret of | the trouble," President Judge George j Kunkel declared in Courtroom No. 1 | when George A. Shultz, aged 19, j charged with the larceny of an auto i mobile owned by John C. Benfer, ' pleaded guilty and was called for sentence. George L. Reed, counsel for the j youth, was making a plea for leni | ency because it was Shultz's first I offense and because of his previous good conduct. Assistant District At [Continued on Page 6.] the redemption by post office offi cials, and there will be no redemp tion of stamps. A majority of the businessmen held back their monthly statements from the mail to-day. Ordinarily the post office carries a big load on the lust day of the month, but because of the big savings to business insti tutions bills and statements were held until to-morrow when the postage will he cheaper. Receipts at the local post office are expected to fall off many hun dreds of dollars a day with the re turn of the old rate. COURT TO PICK GUARDIAN FOR LARGE ESTATE i Youth Changes Mind Where Annual Income of .%">,500 Is Involved Whether Clarence H. Boone, a first | cousin of the late Charles K. Han j shaw, formerly a city coal dealer, or ; the Central Trust Company, should be guardian of Daniel M. Hanshaw, a | minor son and the only direct heir, is ! 'he question which Judge S. J. M. j McCarrell is to decide. | John K. Geycr, as counsel for ; Boone and the youth, presented a j petition 10 the court for the appolnt j ment of a guardian, and when the | boy was asked to make a choice, as | he is more than 14 years of age, and j may make a selection, according to j law, .Mr. Boone was named.. Paul A. Kunkel, representing a half-sister | and a half-uncle of the boy, then pre j sented another petition in which the ! boy had Joined and selected the Cen i tral Trust Company. Hearing of evi j dence in the case began before noon 1 adjournment and was continued in to the afternoon session. It was an ticipated that the decision would be reserved. The income from the Hanshaw es tate will amount to about *£,500 an nually, it was stated in the petition for the appointment of a guardian. First Arrests Under Anti-Sedition Law By Associated Press. ! Scrauton, Pa., June 30.—The first I arrests under the Pennsylvania anti sedition law signed by Governor William C. Sproul, were made here last night by city police and State troopers assisted by agents of the Department of Justice. Joseph Jukel is, 4 2 years old, a pianomaker of New York City, a member of the executive committee of the Lithuan ian Socialist Federation, the principal speaker at a Bolsheviki meeting was arrested by Superintendent of Police Lona B. Day, for making alleged se ditious remarks. Others arrested at the meeting were distributing literature which the police declared was of a seditious character. The Socialist Federation to which Jukelis claimed member ship, was recently expelled from the American Socialist party for its Bolsheviki tendencies. TWO KILLED IX RIOTS Brest, June 30.—Two French civilians were killed and five Amer ican soldiers and sailors were In jured severely and more than 100 wounded in riots here last night. Two of the American soldiers are expected to die. The trouble began, according to available 'accounts, when an American naval officer, who •s sa'd to have been drinking heav ily, tore down a French flag and tramped on It. MIDNIGHT WILL FIND ALL BARS TIGHTLY CLOSED Hotel Men Pin Faith 011 Early Opening by Presiden tial Decree PLANS DANCING CABARET Hotel Columbus to Install Soda Fountain and Close Bar The war-time prohibition law will be strictly observed in this city, liquor dealers of the city announced to-day. and the booze trade in the city will come to an end for the present at least, at midnight, it was said. Every bar in the city will close to-night sharply at the stroke of 12. Decision to close the saloons at this time was reached last evening the Harrisburg Retail Liquor Deal ers' met. The bars will be closed tight. Not even soft drinks, beer containing less than 2% per cent, alcohol, cigars and other articles usually sold in a barroom, will be on sale, the dealers have decided. 'ixmk to Wilson The decision to close is entirely different from what had been gen erally expected throughout the city. It was understood by many that a number of the saloons would at least stay open to see soft drinks, while it was also thought that some would test the law by offering 2 % per cent, beer. The possibility of an early open ing of the saloons, following the de mobilization of the Army, aroused by President Wilson's cablegram of Saturday night, is believed to have had much to do with the decision to obey the law to its letter at this time. Many of the dealers have strong hopes that they will be able to re open their bars for the sale of soft drinks, at least, by August 1. Others, however, have made plans for altera tions and do not plan to reopen no matter what happens. Wholesale liquor dealers report a big rush for bottled foods. At one store on Verbeke street this morn ing a colored man purchased 200 quarts. When asked what he in tended doing with it, he replied that he was buying for friends, and later showed a long list of names. Maurice E. Russ proprietor of Hotel Columbus said he would close up at midnight and in all probability would not sel lanything over the bar even if a further extension of time was granted later. Russ will open a cafeterie and has contracted for a large soda fountain. He will also introduce musical feat ures and will have dancing run on a. scale similar to western hotels, j Dancing will start at 2.30 P. M. and run to 5.00 P. M., and front 8.30 P. M. to 11.30 P. M. Now York, June 30. —Six thou sand saloon keepers, members of the United Liquor Dealers' Asso ciation, will meet here this after noon to determine their final course in meeting war time prohibition. Meanwhile they plan to "take a chance," and keep open after mid night to-night for the sale of all kinds of drinks, including whisky, but many of them will limit their sales to beer and light wines after •12 o'clock. WANTS ROTARY CLUB TO SOLVE AUTO TROUBLES George G. McFarland Asks Organization to Take Up Parking and Traffic George G. McFarland, compliment ing the Rotary Club at the weekly luncheon of the organization in the ■ Penn-Harris to-day, on the success of its anti-noise campaign, suggested that the club consider the parking and traffic facilities in the heart of the city. "Yesterday I saw 45 motorcycles pass down a single street on their way to bring soldiers from the Car lisle Hospital." and not one of them made any objectionable noise, "he said. "1 attribute this to the public education the Rotarians have under taken and to the strong stand of Mayor Keister in response to their, appeal. That thing would not have have happened a few weeks ago." Mr. McFarland suggested that the club take up the matter of parking and re-routing of vehicular traffic. G. M. Steinmetz, president of the club, asked Mr. McFarland to put his suggestions into writing and refer them to the committee on public af fairs for consideration. The remaind er of the meeting was taken up with reports of the Salt Lake convention, the delegates being Howard C. Fry, district governor; Dr. C. E. L. Keene, and the president. Dan Cupid Had His Busiest Month of Life Dan Cupid worked overtime this month and established a new mar riage license record in Dauphin icounty. Since June 1 clerks at the office of County Recorder James E. Lentz issued 301 licenses. This is the first time in months that a total of 200 or more applied for licenses. Luring June, 1918, there we're 154 licensee issued. PEACE WITH SMALL ENEMIES HALTS AS LEADERS GO AWAY Lansing and Bliss Only Yankees at Paris Table; Hollweg Desires to Be Tried For Starting Strife DISORDERS IN GERMANY ARE NOT DEEMED TO BE SERIOUS By Associated Press. | With the Treaty of Peace | with Germany signed, there has I come a virtual halt in the ac tivities of the Peace Conference. Treaties with German-Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria are still to he I completed, and an adjustment of j the future status of Turkey must be j made, but for some days, it is ex- j pected, the peace making machinery will be operating only through com- j missions which are studying differ- ! ent phases of the problems before the Allies and preparing reports upon which the conference will act. Lansing and Bliss Remain President Wilson is on his way to America. Premier Lloyd George is in England and many of the other leading figures of the Peace Con ference have left Paris temporarily. Of the American delegation, only Secretary of State Robert nnd General Tasker H. Bliss are at the French capital. The principal German delegates will leave Ver- I saillos for Germany to-day. Hollweg Takes Blame Within the next thirty days the Allies will submit to the German government a list of persons who are charged with responsibility for causing the war, or who are alleged to have violated the rules of civil ized warfare. In this connection. Dr. Theobald Von Bethmann-Holl weg. who held the office of Imperial German chancellor in 1914, when the war broke out, has formally asked the Allies to place him on trial in stead of former Emperor William. The former chancellor assumes full and complete responsibility for the acts of Germany during his incum bency, even bearing the blame for the political acts of the former em peror. Disorders Not Serious Since the signing of the Treaty, little has come out of Germany to I indicate the frame of mind of the German people generally, nor have the disorders which seemed very serious during the past three weeks assumed a more threatening aspect. The railroad strike which last week virtually paralyzed traffic in Berlin and seemed about to spread through out the country has been settled, it is announced. Government troops sent to restore order in Hamburg, where there were serious riots dur ing the past fortnight, have with drawn from that city and left it in the hands of the provisional govern ment that was established by the radicals. This retirement however, may be only temporarily. Serious at Breslati In Breslau, however, there is a situation that seems to be serious, for the moment, at least. Martial law has been proclaimed there fol lowing the entry of government troops who have taken over control of the railway station from the strikers. QUAKE KILLS 120 IN VICCHIO, LAID WASTE BY SHOCK Number of Villages in Italy Destroyed When Earth Rocks on Sunday By Associated Press. Rome, June 30.—One hundred and twenty persons are estimated to have been killed in and near Vicchlo, the center of the earth movement, Sun day in the Florence district, accord ing to the Tempo. The town of Vicchio was reduced to a heap of ruins and a number of villages were destroyed. The shock which was mainly felt in the region of Florence was per ceptible as far away as Venice. It is reported that there were some victims at Borgo San Lorenzo, fifteen miles northeast of Florence and at Doclmono, near the latter town. The region of Regello (20 miles southeast of Florence) has been isolated. A number of houses in va-rious places are reported de stroyed. Council of Four Tells Turk Envoys to Go Home By Associated Press. Paris, June 30.—The Turkish delegation which now is in Paris has been sent by the Council of Four a note advising it that nothing would be gained by its longer stay in Paris at the present time, as the questions which the Turks have raised touch international questions which cannot be decided upon speedily. The council's note advises the Turkish representatives that the Ottoman government will be in formed in due course when the time has arrived for an exchange of ideas i which will be likely to prove profit able. ' REDS HURRY OUT OF PETROGRAD AS LEADERS ADVISE By Associated Tress• Hclsingfors, June 30. The evacuation of Petrotfrad by the Bolsheyiki is protfre*ing hastily, according to recent decrees of the Bolshevik government received here. *V\ar Minister Trotzky has or dered that the fortress of Kron stadt be blown up before it sur render and that the bridges and railway stations in Petrograd be destroyed before the last troops withdraw. Colored Jubilee Sing to Be Held Tomorrow With favorable weather to-morrow a record crowd is expected at Island Park. The occasion will be the big jubilee sing by the colored folks of this city and vicinity. The Harrisburg War Camp Community Service is hack of this concert and an interest ing program is promised. Singing will start at 7.45 p. ni, Harrisburg is all stirred up over this event which was scheduled to take place last Tuesday night, but rain prevented. Announcement was made ; yesterday in all churches and refer jence made to the elaborate program prepared. There will be over 1,000 voices. ? i i $ jr ♦ ' " r, ' ut nmn€n X 4 4 14 4 4 4 4 4 ± . - -• v S 4 £ X 4 I riSSSTi" ' | I t ? II 4 i *3* i* 4 i* 4 1 3 4 4* f 4 i 4 4 4 t 4 X * ® 4 4 4 4 > 4 4 vy ■ 4 | :: 4 * 5 4 *' 4 ■ 4 • 4 * * 4 * 4 ' 4 *• 4 *' 4 * B 4 4 s 4 4 4 4* 4 4 4 ,4* 4 4 4 4 4 4 e • ? N V, -nevk. on June 25. * 4 . ."T.'.'S A' D IT AT TA V ' :: j| $ Paris—Serbian and Italian troops have c] 1 * 4 4 4 > J day. | MARRIAGE LICENSES ;• cjb Frnnk Kotnp, Steelton. nnd Matilda Honlch, Oberllit) Cbarlca j] M. Pollock und Narnh A. Fauncc, Harrlaburff. * * nji ,|j^^^^ 'frifrifnlmy. y,*' PALMER DECIDES TO KEEP LID ON TIGHT IN N ATION Threatened Open Violation of Law in Big Cities to Be Met Promptly BREWERS GET WARNING Department Decides 2-} i Per Cent. Drink Is In toxicating Washington, June 30.—War time prohibition, effective at midnight will be strictly enforced by the Depart ment of Justice, insofar as existing machinery can function to that end. It was said at the department to day that open violation of the law, threatened in New York and other cities, would be promptly dealt with by Federal agents. Whether the de partment's present force will be able to break up secret traffic remains to he seen, but in this connection offi cials pointed out that increased ap propriation asked for Congress for general law enforcement would per mit of a considerable enlargement of the department's force. Beer containing 2% per cent, of alcohol is regarded by Department of Justice officials as intoxicating and persons who undertake its sale will be arrested, it was said. Suit brought in Baltimore to have the courts determine whether usch beer is intoxicating within the meaning of the law is to come to trial to morrow but it is said that before linal judgment is entered Congress will have specifically fixed in the en forcement law the amount of al cohol which beverages may contain. To Knforcc Rood Amendment in the opinion of Department ot Justice officials and many members of Congress, war time prohibition will have no effect on the Deed amendment prohibiting the trans portation of intoxicants into terri tory where its manufacture and sale is forbidden by local law. Informa tion has reached the department that many persons living in "dry" territory have stored quantities of liquors in "wet" cities with a view to transporting it after to-day, but enforcement of the Reed amendment will not be relaxed.