Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 28, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
STATE IS OILING MANY HIGHWAYS Enormous Quantities Being Used on Main Traveled Now ' t0 ' n " " ' gallons. About one third of this Immense quantity has already been spread and the rest is being shipped to localities to be improved. The Department is using thirty trucks to distribute the mixture. Officials of the Department de- AT LAST! Finds Cure for Rheumatism After Suffering Fifty Years! HOW IT HAPPENED "I am eighty-three years old and I doctored for rheumatism ever since 1 came out of the army over fifty years ago. Like many others, I spent money freely for so-called 'cures,' and I have read about 'Uric Acid', until 1 could almost taste it., I could not sleep nights or walk without pain; my hands were so sore and stiff I could not hold a pen. But now I am again in active business and can walk with ease or write all day with comfort. Friends are surprised at the change." HOW OTHERS MAY BENEFIT These statements may . eem strange to some folks, because nearly all sut ferers ha all along been led .o be lieve in the old "Uric Acid" humbug. It took Mi. Ashelman fifty years to find out this truth. He learned how to get rid of the true cause of his rheumatism, other disorders and re cover his strength from "The inner Mysteries," a remarkable book that is now being distributed free by an au thority who devoted over twenty years to the scientific study of this trouble. If any reader of the Har risburg Telegraph wishes a copy of this book that reveals startling facts overlooked by doctors and scientists for centuries past, simply send a post card or letter to H. P. Clearwater, 127 E Street. Hallowell, Maine, and it Will be sent by return mail without sny charge whatever. Cut out this notice lest you forget! If not a suffer er yourself, hand this good news to so—* afflicted friend. A plate without n root vrbleh does not Interfere with taste or speech. $5 Platea' Repaired While You Wall MAFIC'? DENTAL mnvii c OFFICES For Fords Roof 16-Valve Head For Fords Has Arrived SEE IT 50% More Horsepower "LET US PROVE IT." Live Agents Wanted 1 W.R.Mohney&Son With Ford Car. oin m tl:- j q* i Exclusive Rights 810 N ' Th,rd St ' ' Harrisburg, Pa. Distributors For Central and Eastern Pennsylvania 1 This is the Time To Buy "Good Clothes" at very Low Prices—That is at DOUTRICHS. They have reduced every suit in their entire stock. SATURDAY EVENING, Clare that the oiling of roads is far ahead of any previous years and that by the middle of July the | whole operation will have been com pleted. The Lincoln and William Penn highways and others much travel ed have been treated in advance of the big auto season. Retirement Grows —State School Retirement Board officials to-day an nounced that the time for filing ap plications for membership in the State retirement system will expire on July 1, and Dr. H. H. Baish, the secretary says that from present In dications very few school employes will fail to enroll. The membership already exceeded 35,000, and Dr. Baish "looks for 40,000 by the end of the period. The system becomes effective on July 1. Tha first annual report is now being made by dis trict secretaries and about half of the 2,600 districts have filed their statements. Governor Away—Governor Sproul has gone to Chester for the weekend and will accompany Mrs. Sproul to White Sulphur Springs, where he will remain for several days, return ing here late in the week. I>r. Beolit Speaker—Dr. J. George Becht. secretary of the State Board of ducation, was the speaker at the Temple University commencement lat the Academy of Music in Phila delphia to-day. It was one of the largest ever held. Perry County Case—The Newport | and Sherman's Valley railroad rate | case is scheduled to be heard by the | Public Service Commission on Wed | nesday. The Mt Holly Electric Co. icasc comes up Monday for argument. Capitol to Close —The Capitol de ] partments will be closed Monday I afternoon during the Stewart statute ceremonies. ! Chinese Delegates Will Not Sign Treaty With Germans Paris, June 28. The Chinese delegation announced last night that China would not sign the (peace | treaty with Germany because China would not be allowed to make reser vations concerning the province of Shantung and had been refused the privilege of making a declaration at the time of the signing of the treaty. Ukrainians Occupy Odessa and Kherson By Associated Press. I Paris, June 28. The Ukrainian I forces have reoccupied Odessa and | Kherson, according to an official dts | patch from Berlin. ! ORDERED TO STAY AWAY FROM GAMES I The four men who were arrested on a charge of rowdyism at the ; West End ball grounds on Thurs i day evening were discharged after ] a severe reprimand yesterday. Harry Blowcha, alleged to have been one lof the principals, was ordered to I stay away from the grounds. JOSEPH GOLDSMITH HONORED In accordance with instructions I from Cincinnati, a local advisory | board will be organized here to take up work in connection with the union of American Hebrew Congregations. •Joseph Goldsmith is the representa tive here and is active in completing ilhe local board. He was local chair- Jman in the union's recent campaign for funds. Mild UiocolaleJlav6rl 1 1 HOME WEDDING AT MARYSVULE Secretary of Perry County Sabbath School Bride of George W. Hain ,p| MRS. GEORGE W. HAIN Marysvillo, Pa., June 28. Miss Emma Elizabeth Roberts and George W. Hain were married on Thursday evening in a pretty home wedding I at the home of the bride's parents, j Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roberts, in Dah- I lian street, by her pastor, the Rev. i Raph E. Hartjnan, of Trinity Re formed Church. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a white Georgette gown and tulle veil, ar ranged with white sweetpeas and liberty flowers. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. A. B. Donahue, and her niece. Miss Shirley Louise Roberts, was flower girl. Charles Dasher, of Harrisburg, was best man. The wedding march from "Lohengrin" was played by Miss Ha zel Hain, a sister of the bridegroom and Edgar Roberts, brother of the bride, sang "O Promise Me." The bride is a graduate of the Marysville High school, class of 1907, and is corresponding secretary of the Perry County Sabbath School Association. Mr. Hain, a graduate of Harrisburg Central High, is a rail way mail clerk. After a wedding luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Hain left for Niagara Falls and various cities in Canada. Chamber of Commerce to Pass Railroad Problems With Referendum Vote Ten proposals for remedial rail road legislation which have been sent to more than 1,100 commercial and trade organizations throughout the United States, will be voted on by a referendum committee of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, just named. Included on the com mittee are: D. E. Tracy, chairman: J. William Bowman, C. H. Hunter, Paul John ston, J. C. Rilling, William Jennings, E. J. Stackpole, W. J. Rose, H. D. Delmotte, Robert H. Irons, J. E. B. Cunningham, Henry B. McCormick, Frank B. Musser, Spencer C. Gilbert, R. H. Lyon, George W. Reily and William H. Hoerner. The proposals to be voted on are: Corporate ownership and opera tion with comprehensive regulation. Return of the railYoads to corpo rate operation as soon as remedial legislation can be enacted. Adherence to the period of Federal control as now fixed unless and un til impossiblity of remedial legis lation in this period closely appears. Permission for consolidation in the public interest, with prior approval by government authority, in a lim ited number of strong competing systems. Requirement that railroad com panies engaged in interstate com merce become Federal corporations with rights of taxation and police regulations reserved for the State. Federal regulation of capital ex penditures and security issues of railroads engaged in interstate com merce, with provision for notice and hearing for State authorities. , Federal regulation of interstate rates affecting interstate commerce. A statutory rule providing that rates in each traffic section shall yield an adequate return on a fair value of the property as determined by public authority. Payment into a fund of a share of the excess earned by any railroad system under application of the sta tutory rule over an equitable mini mum return upon fair value of the property, this fund to be used as Congress directs for strengthening general railroad credit and increas ing general railroad efficiency. A Federal Transportation Board to promote development of a na tional system of rail, water and high way transportation and articulation of all transportation facilities. TO GIVE PROGRAM An interesting woman's day pro gram has been prepared for presen tation at St. Paul's Baptist Church to-morrow. Mrs. Sara Payne is chairman of the committee in charge. Shoes For 98c a Pair Men's. Women's and Children's Shoes we will sell for 98c a pair to | get you acquainted with the location of our New Store, 1208 N. Third St. HAINES. The Shoe Wizard.—Advt. RARRISBtrRG.COHS£ TELEGRAPH TRACTION MEN CLOSE SESSION All Officers Re-elected; High er Transportation Costs Discussed "We are not a court of Justice, but a commission to take up with you such problems as may come up from time to time and to help you work them out to the best Interest of the people and to yourselves. We want to do the best for all parties con cerned." These were the words apoken by William D. Ainey, chair man of the Public Service Commis sion. He was one of the speakers this morning at the final session of the Pennsylvania Street Railway As sociation. His subject was, "Street Railway Problems." After referring to some of the prob lems that come up from time to time and to the interesting paper on pas senger traffic read at the opening of the morning session, Hr. Ainey took up the transportation problem. He commended the plans suggested for betterment of traffic, and to the methods of ascertaining how best the people may be served, and said in part: "You should go after the people who do not ride and plan inducement to get them to ride. Measure the distance they walk and educate them to the belief that riding is more prof itable." The speaker also called at tention to the complaints that come in by telephone, and how often they are irritating. He reminded the del egates that they, too, become irrita ble at times, when they fail to get a response to a telephone call, and if they could see how busy the girls in the telephone exchanges were in try ihg to give the service they would not feel so irritable. Talk over the com plaints with the complainants," said Mr. Ainey. Referring to rate increase Public Service Commissioner Ainey said there were no objections to an in crease when it is shown that the in crease was absolutely necessary and beneficial to the people and to the stockholders as well. Those who op erate railway lines are entitled to a return for their investment. There should be no discrimination. Differ ences in fares where it does not in jure any locality are satisfactory. Efficiency in operation was also urged. The question of a meeting place for next year was referred to the Execu tive Committee. These officers were re-elected: President, Gordon Campbell, York Railways Company; vice-president, T. B. Donnelly, West Penn Traction Company; secretary and treasurer, Henry M. Stine, Harrisburg. Executive Committee. Gordon Campbell, T. B. Donnelly, C. • L. S. Tingley, American Railways Com pany; C. B. Fairchild, Jr., Philadel phia Rapid Transit Company; Thomas A. Wright, Wilkes-Barre Railways, Company; Thomas Cooper, Westing house Electric and Manufacturing Company. At the banquet last night Captain Harry M. Stine was toastmaster. The speakers were Lieutenant Edward E. Beidelman, Assemblyman James Walker arid Hugh Dawson; William D. B. Ainey, chairman af the Fublic Service Commission and Sergeant Philip Meredith, who recently return ed from overseas. Lieutenant Governor Beidelman said he favored an increase in rates when it was necessary to keep the company out of the hands of the re ceiver. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, June 28. —Hogs—Receipts, 5,000; mostly 15 to 25c higher. Bulk, 20.75%21.50;; heavy weight, 521.00® 21.50; medium weight, 820.65@21.55; light weight, 820.75@21.55; heavy packing sows, smooth, 520.25@20.80; packing sows, rough, 519.25@20.15; pigs, 517.25@18.00. Cattle— Receipts, 1,000; compared with a week ago, good and choice weighty stters, 25 to 50c lower; year lings and medium grades, light weights, 25 to 40c higher; good and choice heifers strong to 25c higher; other she stock mostly 25 to 50c lower; bulls 51 lower; stocks and feeders steady to strong. Sheep—Receipts, 7,000; all direct to packers; compared with a week ago, iambs generally steady; wethers and yearlings mostly 25c lower; ewes generally steady. NEW YORK CURB STOCKS Following prices supplied by How ard A. Riley and Co., Stock Brokers, 212 North Third street, Harrisburg; Land Title Building, Phila., Pa.; 20 Broad street New York; INDUSTRIALS Last Sale Aetna 9% Hupp Mo li 14 United Profit 2% Am. Marconi 4% Gen'l Asphalt 73 % Inter Con. Rub 25% No. Am. Pulp 5% Submarine 16 % U. S. Ship 3 INDEPENDENT OILS Last Sale Barnett % • Cosden 11% Federal 3% Inter Pet 30% Met. Pet 3% Sinclair G 68 Sequoyah 9-16 Boston and Wyo 67 Glenrock ~|. 6% Island •• g Merritt ...... 28 Omar 56 Sapulpa 8% MINING Last Sale Big Ledge 9-I6 Cresson ...... 4 % Kerr Lake 5 % Mother Lode 43 Nipisslng 11% Rescue 20 Tonopah Min 3% Tonopah Ex 2 11-16 White Caps 19 Boston and Montana 87 Caledonia 40 Con. Arizona 1 3-16 Hecla 5% Magma 37 Ray Hercules 2% Tonopah Bel 3% West End 1 11-16 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, June 28.—Closing; Corn. Sept., 175%; Dec., 163%. Oats, Sept, 69%; Dec., 69%. Pork, July 61.60; Sept., 49.60. Lard, July, 34.07; Sep., 34.07. Ribs, July, 27.80; Sept., 28.00. DEPOSITORS GET MONEY M. H. Getty, receiver for the Park Bank of Pittsburgh, yesterday peti tioned the Dauphin county court for permission to distribute to depositors a 33 1-3 per cent, distribution. The court signed the order for distribution of the money. "rt ~A Thnoo I . 4- w *y* to hat'r LIVE REALTY NEWS Recent Transfers of Real Estate in City Among recent transfers of real estate in the city are the following: Henry A. Bear to Harry T. Boyle, two three-story brick dwellings, 2116 and 2118 Penn street Consideration shown by revenue stamps to hdve been approximately $6,000. D. C. Hal<leman Est. to Mary E. Rol lison, three-story brick dwelling, 12 Argyle street. Consideration $2,600. J. H. Tripner to John G. Bodge, two story brick dwelling, 2146 Penn street. Consideration shown by revenue stamps | to have been approximately $3,000. J Christian Gohl to R. G. Humphreys,: three-story frame. 1500 Regina street-, Consideration $3,900. Anast Belehas to Grant A. Marts, brick dwelling, 2245 North Fourth street. Consideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $4,500. Benjamin Newstat to Esther Cohen, three-story brick dwelling, 261 Cumber land street. Consideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approxi mately $4,000. A. E. Workman to Robert S. Meek, two and one-half-story brick dwelling 907 North Sixteenth street. Considera tion shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $5,500. Wm. Jennings to H. G. Pedlow, three story dwelling, 14 and 16 Argyle street. Consideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $5,000. D. C. Haldeman Est. to R. G. Nickel, three-story brick, 10 Argyle street. Con sideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $2,500. D. C. Haldeman Est. to C. M. South ard, three-story brick dwelling, 4 Argyle street. Consideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $2,500. John G. Haas to Earl D. Krow, two story brick dwelling, 2116 Susquehanna street. Consideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $3,- 500. P. H. Caplan to E. M. Hershey, three story brick dwelling, 25 South Third street. Consideration nominal. John H. Wolf to A. G. Hoover, three story frame, 114 North Eighteenth steet. Consideration $2,800. Chas. Barnhart to Chas. E. Bates, two and one-half-story brick dwelling, 813 North Eighteenth street. Considera tion shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $5,500. St. John's Reformed Church to Mame Powers, two two and one-l.aif-story frame dwellings, 330 and 332 Maclay street. Consideration $5,700. B. K. Huntzinger to H. A. Ritchie, three-story brick, 259 North street. Con sideration $8,500. Lewis Silbert to E. B. Harris, 1518 North Sixth street, three-story brick. Consideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $3,500. Chas. D. Yingst to H. A. Plank, three story brick, 1846 Chestnut street. Con sideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $4,000. J. F. Heisley to R. E. L. Strickler, three-story brick, 270 North street. Con sideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately SB,OOO. Pearl Miller to M. D. Comp, three story brick dwelling. 1321 Berryhiil street. Consideration shown by revenue stamps to have been approximately $3,- 500. SALOONS ToICEEP BEER ON DRAUGHT (Continued From First Page) after July 1. The same announce ment was mude by local represen tatives of the internal revenue de partment who said that they had received no special instructions. In the absence of an enforcement law defining what is an intoxicating drink, police officials are inclined to let the matter rest until the Su preme Court has ruled on the near beer. Unless President Wilson in tervenes from Taris the sale of liq uors, wines and heavy ales will be stopped at midnight Monday. Wholesale liquor dealers and sa loons began advertising their whis k>s for sale to-day. Prices varied, as usual, with much bonded stuff selling around 2.50 a quart, but buy ers and sellers alike appeared to be holding off until Monday for fur ther developments. Raspberries Are High; Eggs Go Up to 50 Cents Raspberries were plentiful in market to-dav and the supply would have been much larger but rain yes terday prevented picking them in quantities. Many dealers, however, had quite a few crates at the stands. The prices were about the same as Inst yenr, the berries sell ing from 20 to 25 cents a box; with red ones up to 28 cents. Blackberries were on sale at a few places, and sour cherries were bringing fairly high prices, the fruit growers telling their customers that the cherries were scarce this year. Proces follow: Asparagus. 10al5c; beans, green, 15c 1-4 peck; bananas j 30a35e; beets, 8nl0c; butter, coun ! try, 56ca60c; cabbage, salsc; can- \ tnlounes, 13a20c; currants, 18a20c, I cherries, sour, box, 15a25c; cucum bers, 4aßc: eggs, 4 sasoc; lemons, dozen, 30a40o; lettuce, sc: oranges, 40a60c; peaches, box, 15a20c; apri-i cots, box, 10al5c; sugar peas, 15c box; peppers. 3asc; pineapples. 20a 30c: plums, 15c; new potatoes. 1-4] eck, 12a20c: tomatoes, box, 20a25r: ] bacon, pound. 45a55e: ham, pound, 45a60c; lard, pound. 35c. HEM) FOR FORGERY Charged with forging the endorse ment on p check made payable to B. F. Davis, internal revenue collec tor. and with atfemnting to cash it. Ispdore Horn, of Atlantic Ci'v. was held to-dav by United States Commis sioner John A. F. Hall under SI,OOO ball for his npneamnce at the session ] |of United States District Court in' Scranton, commencing on October 15. Horn was arrested several davs ago ] when he appeared at the Hnrrlbsurg ' National Bank and attempted to have i eashed the check which had been ] drawn by H. M. Homer, proprietor of I Summerdale and Wlnterdale dance ! halls, in payment of war tax. MRS. AMANDA XVALKEY The funeral of Mrs. Amanda Wal key, aged 67, who died Thursday aft ernoon, will be held Monday after noon at 2 o'clock with services at i the chapel of Messiah Home. 1176 | Bailey street, the Rev. Henry TCreid- j ler and the Rev. Dr. Detweiler of ficiating. The body mav he viewed Sunday evening from 5 to 7.30 at | Fackjer's funeral chapel, 1314 Derry I street. Burial will he made at Pax tang. TO HOI.n REHEARSAL The chorus for the Jubilee sing to he held Tuesday evening in Island Park will hold a special rehearsal on Monday night at Wesley A. M. E. Church at 8.30. WALLACE HOME SOLD New Blonmfleld, Pa., June 28. Mrs. Mary Wallace sold her residence in West McClure street to Mrs. Annie Wallace, of ColleffevlUe. Harrisburg Men Attend Real Estate Convention One of the big questions up for dis cussion before the Real Estate Conven tion at Atlantic City this week is the encouragement of home building and home owning through Government aid in the way of a system of loans for this purpose. The convention has been made very interesting to those in attendance, and In addition to the meetings of the delegates, many entertainment features have been introduced. The general spirit of the whole con vention has been such that an enlarged vision of the real estate business as a whole has been caught by all who have been present at the meetings. Harrisburg men who have attended I the convention are; Edward Moeslein i of 600 Boas street, A. C. Young of 3.1 North Second street, Charles Adler ofj 1002 North Third street, Albert P. Dor-1 anz of 1225 North Sixth street, Wm. j Bothwell of 2109 Green street, M. C. Taylor, J. E. Glpple of 1251 Market street, and Mrs. J. E. Gipple. Suburban Homes Nearing Completion The six two-story brick-veneered homes being built on Twenty-seventh street, between Woodlawn and Derry streets, by H. A. Hippie, are rapidly nearing completion and will be ready for sale and occupancy in about one month. These typical suburban homes have six rooms and bath, and are built with a twelve foot air space between pairs. They will have hardwood floors, steam heat, electricity and gas, front and rear porches. FORTY BUILDING PERMITS THIS WEEK [Continued from First Page.] Woodbine streets, ten at Derry and Twenty-fifth, and 12 at Rolleston and Sycamore, to cost $128,600. At the site of the Miffltt house, 1706 North Front street, another big project is to be completed, permits having been issued to remodel that dwelling, converting it into apart j ments, and to build a stone house j facing North Front street and three | brick dwellings facing North Sec- I ond street, at a total cost of $55,000. Other building started during the j month an dtho estimated cost of the ! work follows: Two two-story brick houses, Melrose near Greenwood, $6,500; warehouse, Tenth and Mul berry, $8,000; two two and one-half story bricks, Eighteenth and York, $8,000; remodeling hotel, Second and Washington, $5,000; remodel ing at Cameron and Berryhiil, SB,- 000; remodeling 310 Chestnut, $5,- 000; two-story brick house. Seven teenth and Derry, $6,500; seven two story bricks, Cumberland and Mon roe, $16,000; brick house, 1944 Chest nut. Permits issued to-day follow: Peter Paptisti, H. G. Hippie, con tractor, one-story brick garage, rear 100 South Thirteenth, $700; Samuel lasvy, Levin Building Company, contractor, one-story brick garage, rear 320 Emerald, SSOO. MISS CLARA MeINTIRE DIES New Bloomlicld, Pa., June 27. Miss Clara V. Mclntire died Thurs day evening at the home of her niece and nephew, Mrs. H. E. Sheri bley and W. B. Peale, in her 77th >ear. Miss Mclntire has been in ill health for several years having ago while visiting friends in the West] hud her hip broken about five years and has made her home the last three years with her niece and nephew. She was a daughter of the late Ben-1 Jamin Mclntire and his wife Ann Thompson, of Baltimore. She was a member of the Presbyterian church here for over sixty years and a teacher in the Sunday school. TO HOLD RETREAT The annual retreats of the Cath olic clergy of the diocese of Harris burg will be held at Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Md., on Monday, June 23, and Monday, June 30. The Rev. Thomas J. Gas sdn, is retreat master. LOAN BROKERS MEET The Pennsylvania Industrial Li censed Lenders' Association held its first meeting of the summer in Phila delphia yesterday and was well at tended by members from Pittsburgh Harrisburg, Y'ork, Reading Erie Chester, Scranton, Norristown, Lan „and other towns throughout the State. AN IN VIGOR ATOR Horsford'H Arid Phosphate Relieves languor, brain fag and nerve exhaustion. A fine tonic. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. For Sale Large Business Property Including Dwelling house, 3 storv brick; Moving Picture Theater; Tailor Shop; Gents' Furnishing Store; Seven Apartments over I stores. Price $20,000. Half Cash Necessary Durand & Ferber Real Estate Boostera 107 CHESTNUT .STREET Harrisburg's Real Estate Bureau Backenstoss Realty Co. 331 Market Street JUNE 28, 1919. MRS. ELBEN ROIJAXD DIES I Mount Wolf, Pa., June 28.— Mrs. Mount Wolf, died, on Thursday at Ellen Roland, a life-long resident of the home of her son, William Ro-1 land, at Emigsville, following a seven weeks' illness. She was 87 years if! A REAL ESTATE INSURANCE V| MORTGAGE LOaNS RENTS COLLECTED Bergner Building | Bell 439 Dial 4673 Own Your Own Home Houses or Ground (Anywhere) ' ; • - < At Prices and Terms to Suit. Your Interest To See Me C. Vernon Rette w 1911 Derry Street ' | BOTH PHONES. .'7 j When You Own The Lot I j Owning a Home Is Easy ' i Now is the time to buy the lot for the house which you want, to build. v j Prices Will Never Be Lower We have lots of all sizes and prices, both city and suburban, splendidly located, which will make ideal home sites Let us tell you about them. Miller Brothers & Co. Locust and Court Streets mi *Vb—PI FOR SALE f f Homes, Lots and Fire Insurance of ? [the Better Class J. E. GIPPLE | BELL PHONE 1251 MARKET STREET;'' Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board : iftyy— Tjv —Tfi— -y— -y-" WATCH FOR THE / OPENING OF ' NEW CLOVERLY' f Our New Sub-Division / Wm. J. SOHLAND "THE LOT MAN" 36 No. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. BELLEVUE PARK Is Harrisburg's model residence section and is annually increasing in attractive ness and value. The present prices are most reasonable and all persons having in contemplation the owning of a home should make an early visit to the park. Ijet us call and tell you of Its excep tional advantage. It will pay you and may lead to your owning a home. To go to Bolk-- :zr,.:r; MILLER BROS. & CO. car to Twenty- ixxmst and Court Sts. first and Mar ket Streets. < ■■ " • r/j 7 :. old. She was a member of th United Brethren church and has IMI survivors. Besides seven children* all residents of this section <#f tha county, she leaves 53 grandchildren* and 4 3 great grandchildren. .Thai funeral was held to-day.