um MVI IJ^PI ruffi W A Jjl I - gpr ■ II v W'( 1| " When a Girl " By ASK LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife "Oh. Jim!" I cried, shrinking back unhappily from the mounting fury I could see on his face. "It's because I knew what it meant that I hated so to show you the check." "No wonder," stormed Jim. "By Jove! you must have given Phoebe nearly all you had —and West takes it from the kid. That's my partner! You didn't like him from the jump. Now he's lived up to your expecta tions." It was Jim who was living up to my expectations. . . I knew that love and happiness couldn't last and I had dreaded Jim's flying into a rage when I opened my case against his partner. Still I had to do it there wasn't any choice. With my heart in my throat I found stumbling words: "No, I never trusted Dick West. But I didn't bring you this proof against him because I wanted to say 'I told you so.' Oh, Jim. I don t want to nag—or crow over—over anyone. But I want you to save Phoebe. Now that you've seen the clicck, no matter how you feel about ine, I know you'll take care of her." The line between Jim's brows deepened and his words came tumb ling over each other: "You know darn well I'll take care of har. And of him—now that you've shown me what he is," Jim stared at me strangely and, crossing to my side laid his hands heavily on my shoul ders. His tone changed until he was almost mumbling, "Only I couldn't see it until you showed me the proof. I couldn't take your word. Maybe you won't be able to forget that in a hurry. . . ." I thought I could detect his. old impatience of me in his shaking voice, and I cowered away. His stiff fingers dropped from my shoul ders and Jim sank down in a chair and stared into space as he went on furiously: "The dirty scoundrel! He let my little sister in for some shady deals. And sold her out. The way he would have sold Terry out if you hadn't been on to him from the first. Poor little Phoebe—head over heels in debt to West and scared to death. Blackmail—that's what it is, the yellow cur! I was a fool Anne. But you—-you little brick—you saw!" Then I saw. 1 dropped on my knees at Jim's side and cried. "You aren't angry at me, Jim. I liavn't driven you away from me again? It's West " Jim looked dow nat me in amaze ment. Then he laid his arm around my shoulders and drew me close so my head nestled against him. The color came back to his face and his eyes lost their remote look. The corners of his mouth actually twitch ed. "You blessed baby!" he said. "Afraid I'd hate you for getting the goods on me. Didn't you think I'd be decent enough to own myself wrong?" There was a hint of reproach in his voice. I nestled closer and lifted my hand to lay it against his cheek. "Oh, Jimmy-boy, I'm sorry," I murmured. "But I was so happy UlllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllin Bottled under sanitary condi- Clift tions with filtered and steril ized water —Whistle is a liquid sugar drink for adult and child, for sick and well, for rich and poor because every bottle adds sugar energy to the body at once. —just whistle For Sale Everywhere WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. 1901-3 North Sixth Street HARRISBURG, l'A. Hell Phone Dial 2237 l!llllilllllilHI!lllll!!lllllllllli!l!ll!!H!!!iiill!l!!!illll!il!llllll!ilil!lillllllllHili!ll!illj DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Fully Accredited Troup Building 15 S. Market Square Bell 485 Dial 4393 you. That he has asked you to meet ; him outside at night shows that ho : is not as careful about you as he ' should be. If he respected you, he would ask you to allow him to come to see you in the house where the ! other maids could share the visit j with you." j The girl looked up eagerly, all I traces of vexation disappearing. "Then Miss Lcighton, you are will j ing I should let young men come I here to call on me?" she questioned, i "I often have my girl friends come | here to see me, we all sit together, I the other maids and me, in our sit j ting-room down in the basement. But I I thought you didn't allow young men I company to call on your maids. And Iwhen ladies don't allow it, their maids must see their gentlemen friends other places." ■ The logic of this was so clear that I it made Desiree ponder. "I had not thought of that." she admitted. "I see your point. Of I course, you have your evenings out. | You can go to your own home and see callers there." "Yes maam. But it isn't always convenient. And there's lots of oth er evening's when a girl might have company." "So there are. Well, you girls may have men callers here occasionally —that is, when you are sure you know all about the men or when I j do." Norah smiled. "Then, ma'am, I can | ask Smith to call on me, can't I?" It was Desiree's turn to flush. "But," she objected, "you do not know Smith at all well, Norah." "No, ma'am— not yet ,1 don't But I if he brought you and Mr. Leighton good references, he must be all right, if not, it stands to reason he wouldn't ; be in your service." (To Be Continued.) I. DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS i A SIMPLE, EASILY DEVELOPED DRESS 2847—Just the prettiest and most comfortable dress for a romping little girl. Nice for lawn or ba tiste, voile, nainsook, swiss and dim ity. Pretty for silk or cloth. This makes a one-piece garment with body and sleeve in one. A pretty sash or ribborr girdle in a bright color, is enough for trimming. The pattern is cut in 4 sizes: 2, 3, I 4 and 5 years. Size 4 requires 2 % yards of 2 7 inch material. A pattern of this illustration mail- ' ed to any address on receipt of 10 cer/ts in silver or stamps. Tclrgrapli Pattern Department For the 10 cents inclosed please send pattern to the following address: Size Pattern No Name Address City and State AhJuJkJ l Cleanse thoroughly— JB (educe inflammation fie*] by cold wet compree- jjimL ts —apply lightly, without VICK'S VATORUiIf •YOUR BODYGUARD"-30f,OOMtiS} I Music in the Churches lIKHRY STREET j Morning—Prelude. "Cantilene," Sa lome ; anthem. "Peace I Leave With Thee," J. Varley Roberts (incidental solo, Xlrs. Howard E. Oensler) : offer tory, "Lento Sostenuto," Chopin; post lude, "Finale in F," Capocci. Evening—Prelude. "Benediction Nup tiale," Saine-Saens; anthem, "I Will j Arise and Go to My Father," F. Flax j ington Barker; offertory, "The Calm |of Night," Boex; anthem, "God. That | Made Earth and Heaven," W. W. Gil j Christ; postlude, "Postludc," Hyatt. THE y.lOXi LUTHERAN I Morning—Prelude. "Communion in | G major,' Batiste; postlude, "Xlarch in I B flat.t' Fouikes. j Evening—Prelude, "Communion in E j minor," Batiste; quartet, selected, Xlrs. | Decevee, Miss Bennett, Mr. Shaw. Xlr. I Smith; oflferatory, "Evening Song." Schumann ; baritone solo, "Crossing the Bar" (Mr. Robert Smith), Cowles; ! postlude, "Con Mote Moderator," | Smart. Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee, chor | ister; XVilliam E. Bretz, organist. E. A. i Kepner, chimes. SECOND REFORMED Xlorning—Prelude, "Cadinette Shep . herd Song." Jores; anthem, "O Praise j the Lord," Bannby; anthem, "Gloria | From the 12th Xlass," Xlozart; post t lude, "Festal Xlarch," Kroeger. | Evening Prelude, "Evensong," I Johnson; anthem. "Be Thou Exalted I God," Edwards; baritone solo, "Now J the Day is Ended," Bartlett, (Mr. I Wm. Underwood); anthem. "Around | the Throne of God." Brown; postlude, "Marche de fete," Barrell. AUGSBURG LUTHERAN Morning—Prelude, "Andante in C," Silas; anthem, "Our Land O Lord With Songs of Praise," Schnecker; offertory, "Spring Song." Jores; tenor solo, "My Own United States" (Mr. Hoover), Edwards; postllude, "Liberty j Xlarch," Frysinger. , Evening Prelude, "In Summer," Stebbins; anthem, "To Thee, O Coun try," Eichberg; offertory, "Meditation," Frysinger ; male chorus, selected ; post lude, "Allegro," Roeder. SALEM REFORMED Morning—"Festival, Prelude and Fugue," Clarence Eddy; Gloria Patri; anthem, "Go Not Far From Xte, O God," from "Christus Xtiserve," by ! Zingarelli; variations IV-V on "A I National Hymn," Attrup. Evening—A "Elegy," Xfassenet; B "Prelude in C Minor," Chopin; Gloria Patri; anthem, "Softly Now the Light of Day," Schilling, with soprano and bass solo. BALGHMAN M. E. The Xlen's ChoVus from Baughman ! Xlemorial XI. E. Church, will sing I at the evening service at Grace XI. ] E. Church on Sunday evening. This | well known organization is under the I leadership of Harry W. Buttorft. The chorus choir, under the direction of John W. Phillips, will also sing by special request, "The Twilight Falls" by Emerson. MARKET SQUARE PRESBYTERIAN Xtorning—Prelude, Xtorse, Andante, Dussek; the anthem, "Father of Mercies," West; the offertory, "Can tilena," Stebbins; the postlude, Grand Chorus in D Xlajor, Guilmant. ST. MATTHEWS LUTHERAN Morning "The Lord Is Xly Strength," Rogers; "Sing Unto the Lord." Huhn. Evening—"No Shadows Yonder," Gaul's "Holy City." Daily Dot Puzzle • . *ls '4 !3 17 16 • 19 i 6. • 12. 2 2| *° " * • ' *22 V- I .i° 8 .7 • i 5 ; ® •> '• 2A I 9 * ,?° 6 f • 29 27* 25 •60 3,/ • ? .5s ? .„•* ; . • -at A .. 1 | 42 4 ?So V • i' 39 ,\ 45. •51 • * 45 . / 4* 4® Draw from one to two and so on I to the end. Middldown Church of God to Give Flag Day Program The Church of God Sunday school will hold its twelfth annual flag day exercises in the church Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and will he a combined service of the Sunday school and the church service. Invi tations have been sent out to all pa triotic orders and all returned sol diers. The program will consist of flag drills, patriotic songs and recita tions. The speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. Charles Sayers, of Martinsburg, W. Va., a former overseas secretary with the Amer ican Expeditionary Forces in France. Miss Edna Kurtz, aged 27 years, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles Bubb, Royalton, from a complication of diseases. She. is survived by her mother, one broth er, Charles Bubb; Elsie Bubb, of Royalton, and Mrs. Emma Johns, of Harrisburg. The funeral will be held from the home of her mother in Royalton on Monday afternoon. Burial will be made in the Middle town Cemetery. T. C. Smith, of Ann street, has purchased the double frame house in Ann street, owned by Mrs. Rob ert Mitchell, of Lorain, Ohio, and William Embick, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Isaac Singer and daughter, Gertrude, are spending sometime at Buffalo, N. Y., with relatives. Amos Huntzberger, of State street, has purchased the ferryboat outfit from Charles Myers, who recently started to run over the Susquehanna river. He will still continue to run across the river and also take parties on moonlight excursions. A public meeting of the commit tee on the welcome home celebra tion has been called for next Mon day evening in the council cham ber. I A special meeting of the Middle | town Civic committee, was held in ! the council chamber last evening. Colonel Ellsworth Camp, No. 87, Sons of Veterans, will celebrate its twenty-ninth anniversarv in their lodgeroom in the G. A. It. Hall, Emaus street, on Tuesday evening, i July I, by holding a reception for jthe members who have been in the I war. Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Hippie, of Pike RESORTS FRAXKI.IN COUNTY, PA. I A strictly modern hotel with excellent | table nd service. Altitude 2000 feet. Splennid roads; golf, tennis, etc. Open June 20th to October Ist Address until June 10th, •John J. Gibbons. Manager Hotel Rennert. Hwltimo'-e, Md WIIjDWOOD, X. J. [WjUMOODg ™ L WJLDWOOD CREST Always cool and —sri delightful. Fresh. invigorating salt sea breezes. Its famous five-mile bathing beach ofTers the best and I safest surf bathing on the coast- Splendid boardwalk lined with j high-grade amusements, theaters, piers and novelty shops. Walter Pfeiffer's Orchestra gives daily concerts. Excellent hotels at moderate rates. Fine motor | roads. Good garage accommoda tions. For illustrated folder and further information, write today to W. Con rt rig tat Smith Board of Trade ( 7^^^' Secretary -• jBTII Wildwood, N. J Wildwood Manor £f o p clc 4 . 00; ™ h e°an front; fresh and salt water In baths; run. water; hot and cold, in bedrooms, elec. elev.; tennis courts, etc. Opens . une 27. Mrs. Wm. R. Lester, Mgr. Hotel Sheldon. Amr. plan. Dally ratea Rooms, with run. water, $3 to $3.50. Pvt. baths. $4 to $6. Elev. Booklet. D. J. WOODS, Ownership-tlnnngom'l. AT WERNERSVII,I.E. PA. Walters Park Inn Wernersville, Pa. The Greatest Place in THE BLUE RIDGE Every -Modern Appointment We'll Send Yon Home Happy and Hcultby Special Rate "4th" Week End From Thurailny .Inly 3rd Incl. Supper To Monday luly Jilt Incl. Urriik>'nst Single Room for one, 913.00 Double Room for two, 930 Convenient Trnln Srrvlvv Plense Make Uraervntlo-ia Famous Throughout the Country Have You Been Here ? JUNE 28, 1919. street, received a letter from their son, Paul Hippie, who was a mem ber of a hospital train overseas, that he had arrived at Camp Mills, New York, and expects to be mustered out in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. Segel, who spent sometime in town as the quests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Isaac Singer, returned to their home at Buffalo, N. Y. Koreans in Siberia Plan Demonstration Against Japs, Is Report Tokio. .Tune 28.—A Vladivostok dispatch received in Tokio says the Koreans there and in other districts of Siberia are secretly planing fur ther demonstrations against Japan. The anti-Japanese Koreans are en couraged by the fact that among ; various sections of the Japanese, in i eluding some newspapers, an ad i verse criticism is directed against | Japan's administration. The Kor eans, says the dispatch, are under the impression that even if they fail to convert Korea into an inde pendent state, they will ultimately be successful in causing Japan to I alter her military administration so | as to increase the happiness of the | Koreans. RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. | NOXCD rOR IT'3 TA.BUC MILLER ANNEX I "o^SN.GtORGIAAVE.ATI_CITY.N.j7*M Scrupulously clean, electric lighted throughout. White service. Hot and cold water baths. $2.00 up dally. sl2 up weekly. Estab. 40 years. Emerson Croutha'i.el, Mgr. HOTEL ALDER 0 S. M. Vernon Ave. Centralfy located. American & Euro pean Plans. Fine rms. Excel, table. Mud. rates. Bathing from hotel O. 11. ALDER AMERICAN PLAN (with meals) $3.00 up Daily, $15.00 up Weekly Bent Located Popular Price Hotel NETHERLANDS New York Ave. 50 Yds, from B'dwalk Overlooking lawn and ocean. Cap. 400 Elevator; private baths; hot and cold running water in rooms; table and service a feature SPECIAL Fit EE FEATURES BATHING PRIVILEGE FROM HOTEL LAWN TENNIS COURT, DANCE Fl.'R Booklet with Points of Interest mailed AUGUST RUHWADKL, Proprietor THE WILTSHIRE, Virginia ave. and Beach. Ocean view. Capacity 350. Private baths, running water in rooms, elevator, etc. Amur, plan, special weekly rates. Booklet. .SAMUEL ELLIS. HE AL Y'S~ Ocean End Kentucky Ave. All conveniences.'Klevator to street level. Terms reasonable. Capacity 300. Booklet. " SOMERSET HOUSE MISSISSIPPI AVE. * th house from beach 32nd season under same management. 12.50 up dally. Special weekly. MRS. RUTH STEES. Prop. HOTEL ESPLANADE Coolest and Most Attractive Location WHOLE BLOCK. OCEAN FRONT. Directly on the Boardwalk. Boston to Sovereign ave., in exclusive Chelsea section. Capacity, 500. Fresh and sea water baths, private and public and every appointment. Modern hydro therapeutic department. Orchestra Dancing. Auto bus meets trains. Booklet. Ownership direction. VV. F. SHAW. jyiorNficELLo I Mucels IN COMfort.servicc and cuisine Kentucky av. & Beach. Heart of At lantic City. Cap. 500; modern through out. $3 up dally; JIB up weekly; American plan. A. C. EKHOLM. AT ATLANTIC CITY, IS". J. AT ATLANTIC CITY, X, J. |fr ATLANTIC CITY I / I New Jersey I ( COME AND ENJOY THE OCEAN \ V on t ' le Ba f ea L sunniest, broadest beaches that ever made \ Y loß\\ BUrF 'b a thing popular. Linger on the delightful sands V h\ Yiv \ \ gradually sloping into the warm Atlantic surf, y where an army of bathers can frolic without touching elbows. Then for diversion, yon ran take a rolling-chair ride en the feecifeating Boardwalk, wend your way to the Golf Link*, or join a jolly fiihing party. Atlantic City'a aim it to entertain her visitor*, and thi* the doe* right royally— Pier*, Theatre*. Vaudeville, Concert*. Dancing. Sailing, Aviation, Horseback riding. Swimming Pool*— there'* Recreation and Amusement everywhere. Kj) The Landing Houses Are Always Open and will gladly (urniah full Information, rates, te., upon J! *A request (Hotela are all American Plan, unlcaa otherwiae asrlksrcsfh -llanMe Hotel Dennis Motel St. Chela* T" ! ,r h : "-A.L~eh.Msr. S joaiahWhiteASon*Co. Hotel Strand '■ f. b. Off and The Shelburne (.4 Hotel Chelsea H.C.Edward. European PUn J- B. Thompson A Ce. Seaside House J. Weikal, Mgr. 9b Salon Hill F. P. Cook . Son. nwi As.D.ioriow The Holmhr*t Th " W