Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 28, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
I Additional Classified Ada | on Opposite Page | 1 BUSINESS PERSONAM I RURAL SERVICE CO., ■ NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. Iw'ater Electric Light and Heating I laiita for farms and rural buildings. I kilos erected, stave, tile or concrete, muck and stumps removed, sub-soil fc, ditching and tree-planting, with Iprompt and careful attention. I J. C. BOYD, Engineer, 1005 Bridge Street Bell Phone 3440 J. A. LANE . _ iNew and second-hand furniture lught and sold. Highest prices paid. 122 Market street. Bell 4730-J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping IA. Bishop. 1726 lxgan street. Ql ININE —Look out for that grippe elintr likely to catch you this long? able weather. OUR LAXATIVE lIOSPHO-QUININE will stave it on | taken in time. Gross Drug Store, !> Market street. AZOU BLADES SHARPENED fngle edge, 25c doz., double edge. 35c U. razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED—To purchase a live jsiness, manufacturing preferred, ivc lull details llrst letter. Address 8750. MONET TO I/O AN WE LEND MONEY in compliance ith Act of June 4, 1919. to individu a ir. uetu Oi iea(l> cuoii, biuaa louud specialty, business confidential, pay- . ents to suit borrowers convenience. jsitUely lowest rates in city. l-NNSY LV AN 1A INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut StreeL MONEY FOR NECESSITIES ir employed and housekeeping, our gal rate money service on loans otn sls to S3OO. payable in weekly r monthly installments is worth in nstigating, if you are in need of tnds and without hank credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN" AND INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut St. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut SC. Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 518 J. IUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. OF CHESTER CO. R YEARS OLD and never asked for n extra premium. ASSETS— $444,337.44. WILL SAVE OU 20 PER CENT. OF YOUR REMIUM. IvOLUH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED 57,000.00 on second tortgage SIB,OOO farm at $0,07 4 in eresttlor 4U years; can furnish best . eferences; must act quickly. ,Ad ress Box C 4988. care Telegraph. MAULING AND MOVING HAULING —Local or long distance, llanos and safes a specialty. Beck sros.. successors to O. H. Beck. Call it 1419 Vernon streeL Bell 2SII-J., or )ber's Delivery. HICKS Local and long-distance tauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both ihoncs LOCAL, AND • LONG-DISTANCE IAULING Furniture moving, 'rompt service. Ernest Corbin, 658 _ 'alder street. Both phones. Bell 1036-J. Dial 3688. ■ 1 FOR HIRE —Two ton auto truca. Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Ben phone 2455 R. AUTO HAULING Local and long ; distance. Furniture moving a spe- j cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Cull Bell 623-J. AUTO HAULING—LocaI and long distance tive-ton truck. Sunshine Gar age, South Eleventh street. Bell phone 1 .10. Dial 3060. WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial <990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a ! specialty General hauling. 1501 j North Fifth Street. Dial 4166. Bell 1 1114 V/ ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS, 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov irg. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. L. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R6. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE 15 South Market Square. THIS WEEK j SICI Kimberly Phonograph. ! Cabinet size, mahogany, plays I' ail records. Price, SBO. sllO Cheney Phonograph. Cabinet size, fumed oak, very Utile used. Price, SBO. $135 Empire phonograph, oak case. used four months. Price, SBS. 3400 Haines Bros. Piano, ebony case, splendid tone. ( Price $155. $350 Bachman Piano, mahog- , any case; excellent tone. 1 Price $l7O. Winters Piano. mahogany, good as new in tone and ttnish. Trice $240. ( Several good BS-note Players ' at $365, $425 and $485. Any of the above Instruments are ready for delivery. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building, 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth streeL TALKING MACHINES promptly and . carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street YOU have made tne visit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found It We have It fcpangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street PIANOS SACRIFICED Closing hotel bus'ness July will dell cheap, Heppe piayer piano and Wurlltzer electric piano. Lfcrry Church Hotel. , Hershey, Pa. SATURDAY EVENING, ft DDK ALL STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD. Highspire, Pa. Phones Bell: Steelton 169Y Dial: Steelton 9439 STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reascnable rates. P. G Diener, 408 Market streeL WUFJIE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and 'Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 V LOTS FHK SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street oast of Twenty-sixth. • and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents CLEANERS AN D DYERS We clean old clothes, make them new. All kind of repairing guaran teed. Goodman's. 1306 % North Sixth. Both phones; call and delivered. REMOVAL NOTICE MAX SMELTZ * Removal from 1016 Market to 1020 MarkeL We have special removal prices. AUTOMOBILE* NATIONAL 1917 in splendid con dition; a big bargain; cord tires all around ~, HUP, 1915 —In splendid condition, must bo sold quickly. VEL.IK, 1917 —carrying a new car guarantee; tires in splendid condition. VELIE —2-ton truck; extra long wheel base; Continental motor; a bar- CROW EIJCHART; 4-passenger roadster; good paint and tires, and in condition. REX GARAGE AND SUP I L\ CO., 1917 North Third. WAN'J'ED Any model or make Auto Tiro Vulcanizing Molds. complete Plants or Parts, for cash. Give de scription! Queen City Vul. Co.. Cin cinnati. Ohio. REBUILT FORDS TOURINGS ROADSTERS TON TRUCKS' Convenient Terms SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., 117-121 South Third St. REPAIRING AUTOMOBILE TAINTING SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., 117-121 South Third St. ' OY ERLAND USED TRUCK DEPARTMENT Thoroughly overhauled used trucks ranging from one to six tons They are offered at prices representing a big saving over new car prices. 1-ton Republic—echassis only. 154-ton Koehler—chassis only. 154-2-ton Day Elder, worm drive —chassis only. ! 2-ton Garford with cab. With or without hand dump body. Time Payments THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. Both Phones. 212-214 N. Second SL CHEVROLET Touring, 1918; dem, rims; speedometer; dash light; O. K.; $590; Would take good 17 Ford touring as part pay metiL FOR SALE Two -AJax diamond tread tires, guaranteed 5,000 miles, •fize 37x4 45. A big bargain for some liiody. Call first floor, 1632 North Sixth j E'ireeL WM. PENN GARAGE ■•24-6 Mueneh street Limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell ■1564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron streeL AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quired by specialist. Also fenders, lamps, ets. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 300 North Third street. CADILLAC. 1912 FOR SALE—Good condition Price reasonable. Sibla's Garage, 301 Cumberland. FOR SALE 1918 Dodge Sedan, first-class mechanical condition; nowly painted; wire wheels; all good tires, one extra, at a bargain. See MR. CHURCH CADILLAC-HINTON CO- Sll South Cameron Street COME to Federick's Garage and grab a real bargain 154 tons Garford truck. Must be sold. 1807 North Seventh. <Continued In Next Column) v / AUTOMOBILES SAXON SlX—Good aa new. Price reasonable. American Auto Co., rear Front and Forster streets. BARGAINS —International one-ton truck, used ten months, cheap; In ternational two-ton truck, used nine months, cheap; Ford delivery, panel body, in fine condition. Ford 1-ton uniL brand new. Cadillac delivery, closed body. Denby 2 55-l°m Power dump body, in fine condition; Denby 255-ton, with stake body, like new; Acme 355-ton, with Woods steel dump body, used six months; Denby 3-ton, with Woods steel dump booy. Denbv Sales Corporation, 1205 Capital streeL MAXWELL model B. A.; 5-passenger touring, good running condition; Just the thing for speedster or truck; but body, upholstering and top in fine shape; bargain at S2OO. Inquire at 1828 l'ark street. FOR SALE—New 3 55-ton Republic truck, never used. Present price, $3,700, sell at $2,975. Ulster Lumber Company, Livingston Manor, N. 1. FOIL SALH —Overland 75-B, good condition; run 5,000 miles; cheap to quick buyer; call after 5 o'clock at 43 N. Fourteenth street, city. CHEVROLET Sedan. 1918, in good mechanical condition; new tires. Bi ble's garage. 301 Cumberland street. FOR SALE Ford roadster for sale cheap; in good condition. Price $290. Inquire 52(' Race streeL FOR SALE—Five-passenger Chev olet, cheap; in goou condition. In quire 802 Molin street, Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE' HUPMOBILE, 1916 model, newly painted, new top, good tires, guaranteed to be in A 1 condi tion. Federick's Garage, 1807-09 Forth Seventh street. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE hire. Public Liability, Then and Collision. Phone and representative win call, en as. auier, le2 Nona Third SL 1916 Ford touring car in excellent shape. 117 Ford touring, good tires. Ov eriand Coupe, aiouei i 9, nne run* ning car, electrically equipped, A La. gain. nuicK Six touring, new tires, power ful car. At a bargain price. .914 Stutz loausior, electric lights, very powunUi uuu speeuy. A goou bargain. 191# Reo touring, fine running mo tor, very good buy. Buick 1-ton truck. A 1 shape, quiet motor, electric lighted, will ue soiu at a low figure. 1917 xmi delivery, good tires, very rcfeaojiabie. CHELOBA AUTO WRECKING CO., A. Schittiuan Manager, 22-24-26 North Cameron &L FOR SALE —Ford touring car, in excellent condition; terms cash. In quire at 1217 North Second street after 5 p. nv. FOR SALE 1914 Buick touring car; A-i condition, cheap. Inquire 117 Royal Terrace. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918, O. K„ $520; overland louring, 1916, o. iv., ooou; two i9io rtaney motorcycles Willi sidecars, cheap, square deal. HOKcsT Dial 36-C. Liuglestown, Pa. FOR SALE—Six cylinder Paige; linwood model; must be sold at once. Big bargain. Call John H. Gates Coal Co.. loth SL below MarkeL Bell phone 1704. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, \vrecued or oldtimers. In any condition. See me before sac rificing elswhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffman, 22, 24. 26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. CHEVROLET, 1917; model 490 road ster. in very good condition. Price, Inquire a- M. Firestone, 1131 iiulberry St. Bull 1396; Dial 6061. FOR SALE l9lB Fold roadster; goou condition. Apply at City Uar "gu, lio-116 oirawuoiiy. corner River all c..et FOR SALE Seven-passenger l'uckard Twin "Six " 191 i .Model lioou as new. Xra\ eleu only 0.000 nines. Address E, 7002, Care of Telegraph FOR SALE Sluuebaker Touring; 191S eight-cylinder Oiusniooile Tour ing Reo Touring car; overland Coun vy'ciub; Jettenes 'Touring car An drew Redmond, Tfiird and Reiliy streets. WANTED All kinus or used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H- Esterbrook, 912 North Third street Dial 4990 1917 FORD ROADSTER, 1916 Ford Touring. 1916 Oldsmobile, 6-cyllnder; Chalmers. 5-passenger. Bargain. East End Garage, in Rear of Thirteenth and Walnut. Inquire Hummer. JEFFERY, 1916, 4 eyl. 7-pass„ new ly painted, mechanically perfect; deal with owner, leaving city. Phone 488-J. C. B. Behney, 809 North Second streeL AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAG'E 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL, 2360. DIAL 4914 MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Elsman. Dixie, Splltdorl", Mea. Remy and different makes of coils carburetors, etc. A SchifTman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. TRUCK FOR SALE Large sized- 5-ton truck, with Dump body for sale. Big Bargain to quick buyer. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. INSURANCE It isn't a nice thing to say. But it is a fact that SIOO will buy you more care and attention when you are laid up than 100 friends will give you. The time to insure against sickness or accident, is^^no^ 21 Spooner Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. PAINTi N G JOSEPH A. GILL, 1913 Rhoads ave nue, Practical Painter. Estimates cheerfully given. Bell phone 386. ' MOTORCYCLES AND IMCYCLKe* BICYCLES bought for cash; good rebuilt bikes cheap. Dial phone 6754. FOR SALE Three speed Harley- Davldson, with side ear; practically new tires; $265. Inquire 203 Nectarine street. _____ BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST Indian Motorcycle, 1917 Model. 7- ht.rsepower with eldecar, first class condition. Call Bell Phone 4517 after 6 p. m. AUTO WANTED WANTED—To buy. u Ford roadster; must be in good condition. Address Box L-6758 care Telegraph. —~ HARRD3BURO QMMtTELEOR3UPH ACCESSORIES AND KKPaihb > DREADNAUQHT 6,000-MILE TIKES Ribbed Tread $13.88 oOXu V 4 •• 17 in 32x3 - •• SJ-JS 31x4 |f 28 32x4 •• - lis; ' S!ii : : • I j??iw .. J 28.43 3.1X4 % •• gg v> 34x4 % " - 4o!38 30x3 Vacuum Tread 15 63 i " " 18.68 crii* - 2;i - 43 31x4 23.31 £2X4 - - 2314 1251 : : SM ai - 88 35x4 % •' 42.45 " 36x4 % " - 4 4 ;JJ t DAYTON CYCLE CO.. t 913 N. Third bt. Dial 4990. t - SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re e pairing by an expert. Road jobs a , specialty. Charges reasonable. Both r Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Comcron street 1 j IF THE MOTOR COUGHS j or hesitates, if It does not pick up the instant you step on the accelerator, it yuu have to shilt to low to make ordinary hills 1 your car needs a Kuyueid Car buretor. Agency FEDEKICK'S GARAGE, IsOJ-oa N. Sevetitn street. CHAS. S* JOHNSON, 19 Jonestown - Road, with B. C. Murray Auto Spring • Welding a specially annd general auto repairing. Dial 3304, n.ght phone ■ Bell 1060-J. V 1 AUTO tire vulcanizing sectional and • retread molds, boiler, air compressors, I buffers, motors, tools any make or model. We save you 20 to 50 per cent. ■ Catalog free. If you want to buy, sell or exchange write the Equipment Co., | 454, Bth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ' I Harley Davidson, electric and I side car $250 , Indian, 1916, 3 speed 185 , Indian, 2 speed electric 125 ' Harley Davidson, one speed ... 75 Thor, one speed 65 Big bargains to quick buyers. DAI'TON CYCLE CO., Dial 4990 912 N. Third St. AUTOS FOB HIKE AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE WOt 1 take you to any part of city or nearby country. Call at 1837 Spedfer street. or Dial 6937. LEUAI. NOTICES TO BONDHOLDERS OF PENNSYLVA NIA MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY We hereby notify holders of bonds Koe. 5. 103. 44, 178, 228, 270, 279 *O2 321, 351. 377, 387, 398 and 410 to pre • tent them to the Union Tiust Coin ■ pany of Pennsylvania for payment ou , or before July 1, 1919, as interest will . cease on that dattx (Signed) PENNA. MILK PRODUCTS CO. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals are invited for the ! following, first general contracting for the erection of public school building, second contracts for heat ing same, third contracts for plumbing same, fourth contracts for wiring same; plans and specifications for said work may be seen at the of fice of the Secretary of the School Board, West Fairvlew, Pa., or Charles Howard Lloyd, architect. Telegraph ■ Building, Federal Square, Harrisburg Pa. All bids must be in the hands of , the Secretary of School Board on or ! before 8 P. M., July 7, 1919. (Signed) FRED O. SEIBEL, . Secretary. NOTICE Letters of Adminlstra , tion on the Estate of William Nune makcr, late of Steelton, Dauphin > County, Pa., having been granted to ; the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to ni9ke . immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them for set tlement, to - STEELTON TRUST COMPANY, Administrator, Or to Steelton. Pa. H. L. DRESS, Atty., Steelton Trust Co. Bldg., Steelton, Pa. My wife, Esther S Collins, having ■ left my bed and board without just cause, I hereby notify all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my account, as I will not pay any debts contracted by her. Signed. Parker S. Collins. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS NOTICE la hereby given to the holders of the following Improvement Bonds, issued by the City of Harrisburg, Pa., that the same will be redeemed at the office of the City Treasurer, on July 1, 1919, at which time interest on all said bonds will cease: No. Amount Street Cllsl 100 Boas Street. C 343 (100 Front Street. C 1152 100 Boas Street. C 344 100 Front Street. C 1153 100 Boas Street. C 345 100 Front Street. C 1154 100 Boas Street. C 424 100 Harris Street. C 1156 100 Park Street. C 434 100 Front Street. C 1157 100 Park Street. C 435 100 Front Street. C 1159 100 Fifteenth Street. C 436 100 Front Street. 'CIIBO 100 Klla Alley. •C 468 100 Hamilton Street. 01183 100 Forster Street •C 459 100 Hamilton Street C 1195 100 Thirteenth Street •C 460 100 Hamilton Street C 1196 100 Thirteenth Street C 461 100 Hamilton Street CI2OO 100 Howard Street. C 462 100 Hamilton Street Cl3Ol 100 Howard Street C5lO 100 Clinton Street C 1202 100 Howard Street Csll 100 Clinton Street. Cl2lO 100 Atlas Alley. C 512 100 Clinton Street Cl2ll 100 Atlas Alley. C 547 100 Chestnut Street. C 1212 100 Holly Street C 548 100 Chestnut Street. C 1213 100 Holly Street. C 549 100 Chestnut Street. C 1223 100 Catherine Street C 603 100 Fifteenth Street C 1253 100 Logan Street. C6U4 100 Fifteenth Street C 1261 100 Mulberry Street C 616 100 Forrest Street. C 1262 100 Mulberry Street C 617 100 Forrest Street. C 1264 100 Fourth Street C 662 100 Walnut Street C 1265 100 Fourth Street C 663 100 Walnut Street. C 1266 100 F'ourth Street C 668 100 Calder Street. C 1371 100 Maclay Street. Cfls7 100 Heservoir Street. UIZ72 100 Maclay Street C 707 100 Heir Street C 1284 IVO Helen Street C7OB 100 Herr Street. C 1285 100 Helen Street C 709 100 Herr Street. C 1286 100 Helen Street. C7lO 100 Herr Street. C 1297 100 Primrose Street C7ll 100 Herr Street. C 1298 100 Primrose Street C 744 100 Kelker Street. C 1302 100 Wengert Alley. • C 745 100 Kelker Street. C 1303 100 Wengert Alley. 0750 100 Logan Street. *C1304 100 Emerald Street ; C 778 100 Moore Street. C 1305 100 Emerald Street C7S4 100 Harris Street. c'l3ll 100 Market Street C 785 100 Harris Street C 1314 100 Ethel Street 1 C7BB 100 Harris Street C 1316 100 Nineteenth Street CBl4 100 Verbeke Street C 1317 100 Nineteenth Street CB3O 100 Fourteenth Street Cl3lß 100 Nineteenth Street CB3l 100 Fourteenth Street C 1320 100 Nineteenth Street > C 836 100 Granite Street. C 1321 100 Nineteenth Street : C 837 100 Granite Street C 1322 100 Nineteenth Street CS3B 100 Granite Street. C 1323 100 Howard Alley. C 843 100 Delaware Street. C 1324 100 Howard Alley. C 844 100 Delaware Street C 1360 100 Earker Street C 846 100 Curtin Street. C 1361 100 Zarker Street C 847 100 Curtin Street CI3SS 100 Hillside itoad. CB4B 100 Curtin Street C 1389 100 Hillside Hoad. . CBB4 100 Cowden Street C 1370 100 Hillside itoad. C 866 100 Cowden Street C 1371 100 Hillside Koad. CBSO 100 Belter Street. C 1372 100 Hillside Itoad. i CBBI 100 Puller Street. C 1373 100 Holly Street. C 904 100 Drummond Street C 1374 100 Holly Street. i C 905 100 Drummond Street C 1375 100 Holly Street C9OB 100 Drummond Street C 1376 100 Holly Street C 933 100 Forrest Street C 942 100 Wallace Street. CCS2O 200 Fulton Street C 943 100 Wallace Street CCS3O 200 Calder Street C 944 100 Wallace Street. CC625 200 Verbeke Street C 971 100 Park Street CC7I9 200 Woodbine Street C 972 100 Park Street UC72O 200 Woodbine Street C 976 100 Woodbine Street CC793 200 Prune Street 5 C9BB 100 Christian Street CC799 200 Shrub Street C 987 100 Christian Street CCBI3 200 Fifteenth Street ClOlO 100 Twelfth Itreet CCB2I 200 Linden Street ClOll 100 Twelfth Street CCB3O 200 Greeu Street. C 1029 100 Daisy Street. CCBIO 200 Penn Street. 1 CIU3O 100 Daisy Street. ClO3l 100 Daisy street 200 Penn Street ClO4l 100 Juniper street e-CB9U 200 Market Street C 1042 100 Juniper Street. <t,CSOI 200 Market Street. C 1062 100 Whitehall Street. CCB9S 200 Dcrry Street. I Cloi>3 100 Whitehall Street. CCB9B 200 Deny street CIOO4 100 Whitehall Street CC9O3 200 Xweuty-Flret Street CIO7B 100 Seneca Street. CC9I6 200 Cumberland Street C 1079 100 Seneca Street CIOSO 100 Seneca Street D 670 600 Balm Street CllOl 100 kront Street. tD766 600 Maclay Street CllO2 100 b rent Street D 7 73 600 Market Street CllO3 100 kront Street. 120 Prune Street. STREET GRADING BONDS C 1129 100 Prune Street. {IOB 100 Emerald Street CI 130 100 Prune Street. 163 100 Twenty - Seventh , Cll3l 100 Prune Street. Street P CI 112 100- Summit Street 170 100 Summit Street C 1143 100 Summit Street 171 100 Summit Street •Called January 1, 1919, at which time Interest ceased. fCalled January 1, 1918, at which time interest ceased. {Called January 1. 1916, at which time interest ceased. J . C. E. WEBER, Harrisburg, Pa.. June 20, 1919. City Treasurer. j ( MARKETS 1 NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, 34 Pine street. New York —i furnish the following quotations: Open Close Allis Chalmers 44 44% Amer. Beet Sugar 86 86% American Can 6714 57 % Am. Car and Fndry C0...11l 11014 Amer. Loco 8614 86 14 Amer. Smelting 84% 8414 LEGAL NOTICES PENNSYLVANIA STATE HIGH WAY DEPARTMTNT, Harrisburg. Fa. Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the State Capitol jnlll 10 A. M., July 8, 1919, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contract u warded as soon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction of the following pavements;—4susl lln eur feet of either Bituminous Surface , Course and Hillside Vitrified Brick on a Concrete Foundation or Reinforced Concrete in Bradford County; 14883 linear l'eet of either Bituminous Sur face Course on a Concrete Founds-1 tion or Reinforced Concrete in Bucks Ccunty; 41673 linear feet of Reinforced ( Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick I in Butler County; 12355 linear feet oft either Bituminous Surface Course on a Concrete Foundation or Reinforced, Concrete in Center County: 3U995 lin ear feet of Reinforced Concrete and , Hillside Vitrified Brick In Clearfield County; 2903 linear feet of eltner 1 Bituminous Surface Course on a Con ' Crete Foundation or Reinforted Con -1 crete in Clinton County; 24900 linear ' feet of either Bituminous Surface Course on a Concrete Foundation ano ' Hillside Vitrified Brick or Reinforced [ Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick! in Delaware County; 30197 linear feet • of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vitrified Brick In Fayette County; i 46297 linear feet of Reinforced Con crete and Hillside Vitrified Brick In ' Lehigh County; 22705 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Vit " rifled Brick In Luzerne County; 80363 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete and 1 Hillside Vitrified Brick In Somerset ' County; 30335 linear feet of Rein forced Concrete tn Susquehanna Coun -1 ty; 17412 liear feet of either Bitum -1 inous Surface Course and Hillside Vit rified Brick or Reinforced Coneiete in Sullivan County; 28831 linear feet of either Bituminous Surface Course • on a Concrete Foundation and Hill side Vitrified Brick or Reinforced . Concrete in Tioga County; 32047 linear I feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hlll - side Vitrified Brick in Westmoreland , County; 71063 linear feet of either Bituminous Surface Course on a Concrete Foundation or Reinforced Concrete in Lackawanna and Wyoming . Counties, and 32744 linear feet of Re inforced Concrete and Hillside Vitri fied Brick In York County. Bidding , blanks and specifications may be ob tained free and plans upon payment of ! $2.50 per set, upon application to , State Highway Department, Harris burg. No refund for plans returned. They can also be se.en at office of State Highway Department. Harris burg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia. and 904 Hartje Building, Pitts burgh, Pa. S. Sadler. State Highway Commissioner. NOTICE to property owners along the lines of Ethel street from Nine teenth street to Prospect street, Ordi naee No. 97. file of City Council, ses sion of 1918-1919; Cameron street from Merr street to Calder street; or dinance No. 88, file of City Council, session of 1918-1919; Chestnut street from Ninetenth street to Twentieth street; ordinance No. 105. file of City Council, session of 1918-1919; York street from Seventeenth street to Fighteenth street; ordinance No. 9614. file of City Council, session of 1918- 1919, Walnut street from Cameron - street to Paxton Creek; ordinance No. • 58. file of Citv Council, session of 1918- ■ 1919, ten (10) feet alley from Nine -1 tconth street to Twentieth street; or • dinance No. 96. file of City Council, ' session of 1918-1919. ! In accordance with the terms of or dinance No. 883, file of Common Coun cil. you arc hereby notified to make all the necessary house connections con templated by you 'with the main sew er, gas pipes, steam heating pipes, water pipes or other mains." within sixty days from the date of this no tice, and conduct the said service pipes or sewers from the mains in the ; street to within the curb lines of said t street. \ M. B. COWDEN, City Engineer. I June 28. 1919. American Sugar i,133 133 Anaconda 74 <4 74 | Atchison 100% 101 Baldwin Locomotive ....104% 10414 Baltimore and Ohio .... 43% 43% Bethlehem Steel, B 88% 88 Butte Copper 28% 28% California Petroleum ... 34% 3514 Canadian Pacific 160% 160 Central Leather 106% 106% Chesapeake and Ohio ... 65% 64% Chi., Mil and St. Paul ... 42 . 42% Chi., R. X. and Pacific... 28 27% Chino Con. Copper 46% 47 Col. Fuel and Iron 49 49% Corn Products 78% 8114 Crucible Steel 95% 95% General Motors 23814 236 Goodrich, B. F. 79% 80% Great North. Pfd 9614 96% j| Great North. Ore. subs.. 45% 46% Inspiration Copper 63% 64% Interboro-Met 7% 7% International Nickel ... 33% 32% I IT 1 ' Pa P er 58% 62% Kennecott 41 41 | Kansas City Southern ....22% 22% | Lackawanna Steel 84% 84%! Maxwell Motors 49 t 48% j Merc. War Ctfs 53 52%! Merc. Mar Ctfs. pfd 117 116%' Mex. Petroleum 186% 184%! Miami Copper 28% 28 I I Midvale Steel 51% 51?! j Missouri Pacific 49 48% I N. Y. Central 80 79% ! 2*- Y^ N * H * and H 31 ** 31 * Nevada Copper I Norfolk and Western ...107 107 Pittsburgh Coal 63 65% Penna, R. R 457/ i 46 " Railway Steel Spg 91% 91% | Hay Con. Copper 24 V 6 °5% p ' ad ing 87 88% Republic Iron and Steel. 93% 93% I Southern Pacific 106 14 106% I Southern Ry. 29 ,/ 2 9% l Sinclair Oil and R 62 ~ 61% Studebaker 10 6 % 105% Union Pacific v..,133% 133%' U. b. I. Alcohol 152 150% U R q U . bb , er 132 ' 4 135 % U. S. Steel 108% 108% H'. t' ~ ' Pfd 115 V9 116 Utah Copper 89% 89 Vir.-Caro. Chem 83 82 Westinghouse Mfg. 577 57% Willys-Overland 35% 35% PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, June 28. Stocks closed strong. Baldwin 104% General Asphalt 73% Lake Superior *. 19a/ Lehigh Navigation ' 68 * Valley 53^ 1 ■ R. 4g Phila. Electric vsaa Phila. Company 39 do. pfd 30 Phila. Rapid Transit - >BU Reading g-if Storage Battery ' ggu Union Traction " ■><>* United Gas B 9'/ u.s. steel !!!!!!! 108 4 York Railways 9 do. pfd .!!!".!!!" 31 ii n H I ,, |' A J! E, '!' HIA PRODUCE Philadelphia. June 28. —Butter low er. western creamery extra, 52; near by prints, fancy, 600162 c. Potatoes—Easier; North and South Carolina No. 1, $30)4.25; No. 2. $1.75 @2.25; Eastern Shore. No. 1, "s4@s; No. -, $2,250)2.50; Norfolk No. 1. SO. |50>54.25; NO. 2, $1,500)2. Oats—Steady; No. 2 white, 80%® 81c: No. 3. white, 79@79%c. Rutter Lower; western creamery, LEGAL NOTICES SEALED BIDS will be received by the Borough of Mechahicsburg, Pa up until Tuesday, July 1, 1919, a t 8 o'clock P. M., for the furnishing of a Combination Motor Driven Service Truck and necessary equipment Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Specifications may be had on application to Samuel E. Basehore. Secretary, Mechanicsburg" Pa. MEN—Age 17 to 55. Experience un necessary. Travel; make secret in vestigations: reports. Salaries, expen ses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 429, St. Louis. AGENTS YOUR ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY $8 to sls a day sure profit for the next 30 days taking orders for Com plete and. Final History of World War; contains full Peace Terms and League of Nations Covenant; 800 pages with over 200 magnificent illus trations, including official photo graphs furnished by American. Can adian, British, French and Italian Governments; written by Francis A. March, with introduction by General Peyton C. March, highest officer in United States Army; commended oy Secretary of War Baker; contains General Pershing's own story of our soldiers; everyone wants Complete History with full Peace Terms; we give you 1 book Free with each 10 books you order; 20 days' credit; big gest commission and prompt ship ments; complete books now teady; send us your orders or write at once for Free Sample outfit. Address MANUFACTURERS ADVERTISING Co., 62 North Washington St., Boston, Mass. Do You Know That you can buy Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes at Reduced prices— DOUTRICHS have Big Reductions \ on them. | You need no experience in this line. It's our K business to see that you understand every ||| transaction that you make here, and we are j X j|| i particularly careful about our new accounts. ||| [III | B^s| j y° u have never carried a bank account we ,|j injiiiiiiiiiiifti j' ijjj Hwn>iPßW.igww mnSt | 1832-1919 | x==x=xsx esx hex wmxmKXMßGmxx xss x=x mxs xss xsx sx a x=:•£ 1 JUNE 28, 1919. COLUMBIA BRIDGE BURNED IN 1863 j Fifty-Sixth Anniversary of Its Destruction to Prevent \ Confedcdatc Advance Columbia, Pa., June 28.—T0-day i Saturday, June 28, in the fifty-sixth ' anniversary of the burning of the j Columbia bridge. The bridge was burned at the time of the Confeder ate invasion of Pennsylvania and was destroyed by fire *o prevent the Conferderate troops from crossing the Susquehanna river into Lancas ter county. General John B. Gor don's brigade of General Jubal A. Early's division of Confederate I troops occupied Wrightsville, June I 28, 1863, and threatened Columbia. I Colonel Jacob G. Krick, command- ' i ing the Federal emergency trbops j on the Columbia side, and with four | companies, o,ne colored, had crossed to Wrightsville and fortified the I heights a half-mile beyond the town. I He had no artillery, and upon the advance of Gordon's troops, the Union, forces retreated across the river and then burned the bridge. General Gordon and his bridge lof Georgia troops remained in Wrightsville, and, it is said, helped I to extinguish the flames of the burn j ing bridge, which had spread to the | town and threatened some of the houses and burned a few buildings along the river front. The next morning the Confeder ates returned to York, which city General Early had captured, and, two days later the same six regi ments of Georgia soldiers were driv ing the Union forces through the streets of Gettysburg, having joined General Hay s Louisiana forces in the first day's fight. & X 63c 63^C ' nearb y prims, fancy, 61 Cheese Higher; New York and Wisconsin full milk, 31@31%c. Eggs - Steady; nearby firsts per case sl6; current receipts. $14.40: I - 8 ,l er ??„ ra , firsts. $ 15; western ' "•IS, KO * l4 - 40 i fancy selected packed, 7 fa o9c per dozen. Pressed Poultry Lower; fowls fresh killed, choice to fancy, 35@36c: smal. size, 30@34c; rooßters, 22c; spring ducks. Long Island. 36c; broil ers. nearby, 52@5#c; western choice 48® 52c. Flour Dull and weak; winter straight western, 811.25@i11.40; do nearby, 810.78@)11.25; Kansas straight *11.50144) 12.25; do. short patent, 812.00 ©12.50; spring short patent, 812.00© 12.50; spring patent, 8U.50©12.25- spring first clear, B.V5@ 10.25. ' Tallow —Firm; prime city loose, 13>4c; do. special loose, 14c; prime country. 1214 c; edible in tierces. 23 ©24 c. Hay—Lower; timothy No. 1, 840.00® 11.00; No. i, 828.00©39.00; No. 3 835 00 ©36.00. Clover mixed light, 838.00®39.00; No. 1. do., 825.50@36; No. 2, 833.00® 34.00. Bran —Steady; soft winter spot, 813 ©44 per ion, spring bran 842©43. Plan Revolution in Italy For Next Month By Associated Press. Copenhagen, June 28. ltalian, German and Austrian Communists held a conference in Southern Tyrol a few days ago, for the pupose of preparing for a revolution in Italy, says a dispatch from Vienna. The revolution was fixed for the middle 1 of July. To Holders of Austrian Notes Maturing January 1, 1915 The Alien Property Custodian an nounces that, having received the as sent of the Austrian Government to the application of certain funds in his hands to the redemption of 4% per cent. Austrian Government Treas j ury Notes which matured on January 1, 1915, notice of their claims should be presented to the Alien Property Custodian by the holders of such notes on or before July 31, 1919. Forms for presenting such notice of claim may be obtained from the Bu reau of Law, Alien Property Custod ian. Sixteenth and P Streets, Wash ington. No payment on account of such notes will be made until August 1, 1919. STRIKERS (ORDERED BACK By Associated Press. Berlin, June *2B.— All striking rail way employes were to-day ordered to resume work not later than Saturday by Gustav Noske, minister of de fense. Twenty thousand railroad shop and yard workers are striking on the suburban and belt lines and traffic is virtually at a standstill. Long , Be . rvlCo t0 the ea t and northeast is intermittent. It is feared the strike Is already beyond control of the authorities as a re suit of Communistic activities. Bu din; 1 . U IeSJ" &BTENCHLB P0 HARRIBBB BTENGIL WORKB?|| 130 LOCUST ST. HARRIS ti.PAJU r => Auditing ■eelal Investigations Accounting Systems Installed H. E. SCHRIVER Public Accountant & Auditor' M-44 Union Trust Co- Bide- 1 Bell Phoaa 1411 Harris burg. Pa. V * Oil Resume Gives latest information regard ing the OIL LEASING BILL now before Congress, together with an up-to-date map of the Wyoming oil districts. I Land Title Bldg., Phila. I Direct Private Wires Connecting | New York Hnrrlsbarg I SIO.OO FOR A TEXAS OIL FORTUNE Try and Equal This Offer *IO.OO BUYS YOU TO SHARES ANIJ UHSKHVEs YOU 40 SHARKS FOR 15 HAYS IN THE BURKBURNETT Jit. Oil, COM PANY, *35,000 ENTIRE CAPI TALIZATION, PAR VALUE *t. *IO.OO BUYS YOU A 1-3500 TH interest in this Company's 20 acre Sure Shot" proved lease— surrounded by production— two guaranteed wells, all present assets and any that maytbe add ed later. You should necelve your first dividend check with in sixty days, as a contract has been signed with the driUer for the two wells and well No. 1 will be spudded in" immedi ately. THE TWO LARGEST' WELI.S — estimated at 200 to 500 bar rels in this district have just been brought in on the Fergu son barm less than 2.500 fee T from our lease and this in creases the value of our hold ings 200 per cent, to 400 per cent. This further proves our assertion that it is almost im possible for us to miss the. Oil. YOU CANT LOSE U® Al 'J' M .°>'KY RECEIVED is PfIMPiKT T ? XA S TRUST COMPANY and placed in a de velopment fund by them. Mail your check to the TEXAS TRUST COMPANY. Fifth and Calhoun Streets, Fort Worth Texas, and they will mail stock to you immediately. THE TEXAS TRUST COM PANY is your security of a SQUARE DEAL, QUICK AC- • TION, AND ABSOLUTE SAFE!. ACT NOW! DONT DELAY* PRICE MAY ADVANCE IN LESS THAN ONE WEEK. REFERENCE) Any Bnnk In Fort Worth, Texan BURKBURNETT JR. OIL COMPANY Oil Operators Hnllding FORT WORTH, TEXAS 15