Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 28, 1919, Image 12
FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES OF ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN DEDICATION TOMORROW WILL OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Special Services to Mark St. Matthew's Lutheran Fifth Dedication Anniversary Sunday. June 29, will be the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the dedica tion of St. Matthew s I.utheran Church, and It will be observed throughout the day. The speaker for the morning services will be the Rtv. H. H. Weber. 15. 15.. of York. Dr. Weber is secretary of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of the United Lutheran Church of America and has been pres ent at each of the anniversary occa sions of the dedication. The evening services will be me morial. In connection with these serv ices two bronze memorial tablets will be unveiled, and other memorials to be put in place later will be announced. The program for the day follows: 9.45 a. m., Sunday school; demobili sation of Service Flag; solo, "A Song of Liberty." Miss Esther Stenn. II a. m., anniversary services; an them. "Sing Unto the Lord;" morning service; anniversary sermon, the Rev. H. H. Weber. D. D.; anthem, "The Lord Is My Strengthannouncements; of fering ; hymn; benediction. 7.30 p. m., evening service ; hymn ; J evening service; Shepherd Psalm; un-j veiling of Zion memorial tablet; ad- j dress, Dr. Croll Keller, of Zion Luth eran Church; unveiling of memorial j tablet; address, the Rev. H. C. Hollo-1 way, D. D.; anthem, "No Shadows Yonder;" memorial tributes, the Rev. | E. E. Snyder, pastor ; hymn ; announce- i merits ; offering ; doxology ; benediction, i DEACON FOR 32 J YEARS RETIRES M. S. Shotwell Had Been Mar- j ket Square Presbyterian Deacon Since 1887 The deacons of Market Square Pres byterian Church met and reorganized on Monday evening. John I?. Patrick was made president and John R. Henry, secretary-treasurer. The former presi dent. M. S. Shotwell, has been a mem ber of the board since its creation in 1S87; and has been the presiding offi cer for a great many of these 32 years. Last. Sabbath night a large congre gation of people gathered "on the bank of the river" to enjoy the opennir wor ship. Weather permitting, a similar service will be held to-morrow evening. Chairs arc provided for several hun dred people. Benches are available. Then there is always "standing room" out of doors. On the Fourth of July at 7 o'clock; a union prayer service will be held in I Market Square Church. This custom I runs back through many years. Nine ] of the downtown churches will parti-! cipate, and all of the remaining Pres-! byterian congregations will send their contingents. The gummeir communion will be held j July 6. Services will be held Wednes day and Friday evenings in preparation.' New members will be received at the ] time of the communion. I Dauphin Odd Fellows to Hear Anniversary Sermon The Odd Fellows Lodge of Dau- ' phin in celebration of the one hun- I dredth anniversary of the organiza- J tion will meet Sunday evening and ' attend religious service in a body i in the Methodist Episcopal Church when the sermon will be preached by the pastor, the Rev. George L. Schaffer. Special music will be rendered by the choir. CHURCH AT JUDGMENT That the church is being treed at the judgment-seat of her own conscience and that of the world many of her enemies and friends freely concede. In connection with this on Sunday at 10.45 a. m. in Park Street United Evangelical j Church the pastor will preach on the old text, "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God." At 7.30 another timely topic will be treated, "Becomingly Celebrat ing a Two-Fold Deliverance." The Holy Communion Will Be Celebrated Tomorrow AT Bethlehem Lutheran Church Green and Cumberland Streets Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., Pastor The Hours of Service are: 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. After the morning service the Sacrament of Baptism will be administered to Children. ————"The Church With The Chimes" ~ The Lord's Supper HOLY COMMUNION will be cele brated at 10.45 tomorroAV morning. Baptism of infants at 11.00 A. M. Arrangements have been made to enter tain the small children Avhile the parents observe the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Sunday School at 9.45 A. M. Dr. Herman is preaching a series of sermons each Sunday evening at 7.30 '. M., touching the spiritual and moral "'fare of humanity. Zion Lutheran Church Sooth Fourth St., Near Mnrkct S. W. Herman, D. D., Pastor. SATURDAY EVENING, CHIJRCH DIRECTORY PRESBYTERIAN Market Square—The Rev. George Edward Hawes, D. D.; the Rev. Howard Rodgers, assistant. 11, "The Life Which Meets the Best Expec tations." Evening service in River Park, weather permitting, "An Evening With Jesus." Covenant The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor, will preach at 11, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, ! and at 7.30, "Playing With Fire"; j Sunday school at 9.45. } Bethany—The Rev. John Martin ! Warden, pastor, will preach at 7.30, I "The Crown of Life"; Sunday school ! at 9; C. E. at 6.30. | Westminster The Rev. Henry W. Miller, pastor, will preach at 11, "Conscience, a True and False Guide." and at 7.30, "An Empty Reign"; Sunday school at 9.45; C. E. at 6.30. Calvary—The Rev. J. H. Gcli man, pastor, will preach at 10.15, "Lot's Wife," and at 7.30, "In the Garden"; Sunday school at 9; C. E. at 6.45. Capital Street—The Rev. E. M. Ward, D. D., pastor, will preach at 10.45, "A Name and Its Signifi cance"; and at 8, "The Sources of Power Discovered"; Sunday school at 12.15; C. E. at 7.15. Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett Morning, 10; Sabbath school, 11.15; C. E., 6.30; evening, 7.30. LUTHERAN Redeemer —The Rev. M. E. Shaf e<r, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Severest Demands of Jesus." and at 8, "The Story of tho Stars and Stripes," illustrated. Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. E. D. Weigle, pastor, will preach at 10,30, "The Gospel a Banquet," and, at 7.30, "An Era of Child Welfare"; j Sunday school at 9.30; Luther League at 6.30. Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, D. D., pastor, will preach at 11, "America's Greater Need," ' and at 7.30, "The Hand That Was | Ineffective Because the Heart AVas Wrong"; Sunday school at 10. i Shiloh, Riverside—The Rev. E. | E. Snyder, pastor, will preach at 3; Sunday school at 2. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Musen helder, pastor, will preach at 11.15, "Grieving the Holy Spirit," and at 7.30, Children's Day exercises; Sun day school at 10. Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stn mets, pastor, will preach at 10.45, j "When Baptism Was Instituted," \ and at 7.30, "Righteousness Exal- j teth"; Sunday school at 9.45; Inter- | mediate and Senior C. E. at 6.30. St. Paul's—The Rev. William Moses, i Preaching at 10.30 and 7.30; 9.45, Sun day school. CHURCH OF GOD Progress—The Rev. J. M. Wag- j goner, pastor, will preach at 7.30; | Sunday school at 9.30; Jr. C. E. at 6; Sr. C. E. at 6.30. Linglestown—The Rev. J. M. Waggoner, pastor, will preach *at 10.30, "Our Returned Soldier Boys"; Sunday school at 9.30. Penbrook—The Rev. S. W. Good, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Walk- j ing in Christ," and at. 7.30, "The • Sacrifice of the Will"; Sunday school j at 9.30; C. E. at 6.40. Fourth Street —The Rev. William ! N". Yates, pastor, will preach at 11, I "The Real Issue," and at 7.30, "The Sins of the Saints"; Sunday school at 10; C. E. at 6.30. Maclay Street—The Rev. Dr. Wm. S'. Houck, pastor, will preach at 11, "A New Creature," and at 8, "The Cost of a Lie"; Sunday school at 9.4 5; Jr. C. E. at 6; Sr. C. E. at 7. Nagle Street —The Rev. Elmer E. I Kauffman, pastor, will preach at j 11, subject, "The Importance of i Child Conversion," and Sunday School at 10; Junior C. E. at 6; Senior C. E. at. 6.45; 7.30, Children's College Day services. Green Street —The Rev. H. S. Hershey. 10.45, "Loyalty"; 7.30, "Demobilization of t.he Service Flag." Mrs. Ley will conduct a pa triotic service. 9.45, Sunday school. A. M. E. Harris—The Rev. R. L. Briscoe, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Re ligion," and at 7.30, "AVorship"'; Sunday school at 1.30. At 3 the Rev. AA r . A. Flamer, of Middlctown, will preach. Bethel—The Rev. C. C. Dunlap, of West Chester, will preach at 10.45 and 7.45. Dr. B. AV. Arnett, pastor. LUTHERAN i Zion—The Rev. S. Winfleld Her man. 10.45, reception of members i and Holy Communion; 7.30, "A Safe Guide in Perilous Times"; 9.45, Sunday School. Christ—The Rev. Dr. Thomas Reisch. Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; services, 6.30, 11, and 7.30. Saint Michael's—The Rev. Rein hold Schmidt. Preaching, 10.00, j 7.30; 11.15, Sunday School, j St. Mark's, Mechanicsburg The Rev. H. N. Fegley, D. D. 9, Bible ; School; 10.30, "The Nature of The I Two Opposite States of Men"; 6.45, ' L. league; 7.30, Vespers. | St. Peter's, Highspire—The Rev. [Ernest L. Pee. 10.45, "The Great : Supper"; 7.30, "The Call of Mat ithew"; 9.30, Sunday School, j Memorial—Rev 1.. C. Manges. Com j munion ; 10, Sunday school; 9.15, men's ;11, Holy Communion; 7.45, Holy Cora j pdayer meeting; 5.45, Luther League. 1 Holy Communion—The Rev. John j Henry Miller, 10.45, "Men for the Min ; istry," by Dr. Bouslin ; 7.30, "Excess ;" I 9.30, Sunday school. Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar. 11, "Come, for All Things Are Now Ready;" 7.30, "The Believer's Blessed ness; 10, Sunday school. METHODIST Epworth—The Rev. Homer Knox, pastor, will preach at 11, "Prayer Unites Human Energy and Divine Potency," and at 7.30, Memorial and . Patriotic service; Sunday school at 10. Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.50, "Hidden Springs"; | 7.30, "Demobilization of the Service ! Flag"; Sunday school at 10. ; Riverside—The Rev. George Mur l ray Klenfor, pastor, will preach a*. 111, "The New Vision for the New I Day," and at 8, "The Young Man's I Patriotism," one of the series of j Sunday night talks to young men; ! Sunday school at 10; Epworth Lea ! gue at 7.' ! Dauphin—The Rev. Geo. L. Sehaf i fer, pastor. Sunday school at 2; j | sermon to the Odd Fellows at 7.30. !At Heckton, Sunday school at 2, preaching at 10.30. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Street—The Rev. A. G. Flexer. 9.30, Sunday School; 10.30, | "The Christian Way of Settling Diffi culties"; 6.40, C. E.; 7.30, "The Ac complishment of Christianity. Penbrook —The Rev. W. E. Pot ; tieger, assistant, the Rev. W. S. Har- I ris. 10.30, celebration of the Lord's Supper; 9.30, Sunday School; 7.30, I "The Great Mystery of Godliness"; 6.45, Keystone League. Sixth Street—The Rev. W. E. Pot- I tieger. 11, sermon and celebration of the Lord's Supper by Presiding | Elder, the Rev. J. Willis Hoover; 10, j Sunday School. Park Street —The Rev. A .E. Han ! gen. 9.30, Sunday School; 10.45, "Judgment Beginning at the House of God": 7.30, "Celebrating a Two- Fold Deliverance." BAPTIST First—The Rev. William J. Lock ! hart. 10.30, 4th in series on "Expo ! sition of Epistle of Jame's"; 7.30, j "Impossible With Men, Possible With God"—illustration number; 1.1.45, Bible School. Market Street—The Rev. W. S. ] IDunlop. 10.30, , "The Growing' ! Church; 7.30, "The Message of the | Bible"; 11.30, Sunday School. Second —The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene. 10.30, "The Christ of His tory"; 7.30, "The Unconscious Loss"; 12. Sunday School; 6.30, B. Y. P. U. j Tabernacle The Rev. Garvin. 9.45, Sunday School; 11 and 7.30, i preaching; 6.45, Young Peoples] I Meeting. Mt. Olive—The Rev. ,T. H. Garner. | J0.30, preaching; ,2, Baptism; 8 j Lord's Supper. UNITED nRETHRF.N Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. 11, "Our Divine Citizenship;* 7.30, "Contentment;" 9.45, Sunday school. First—The Rev. W. E. Daugherty. 11, "The Beautiful Deed;" 7.30, "Meet ing Emergencies;" 10, Sunday school; 6.45, Christian Endeavor. Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Lyter. I 11, preaching; 7.30, preaching; 9.50, Sunday school. Sixth Street —The Rev. J. Owen Jones. 10.30, "As Also I have Con quered;" 7.30 cantanta, entitled "Heirs of Libertyl.4s, Sunday school; 6.20, Christian Endeavor. State Street—The Rev. H. F. Rhoad. 10.45, "My Father's Business;" 7,30, ,"The Backslider;" 9.30, Sunday school; 6.30, Y. P. S. C. E. EPISCOPAL St. Paul's Communion Service; Thanksgiving for Peace; 9.45, Sun day School; 10.30, Children's Litany; 11, Pesu Service and Parish Rally, choir and orchestra, subject. "Cour age;" 8, Popular musical service. The Church of the Holy Cross— The Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment. Meeting at 10.30; Holy Communion at 11; Sunday School after service Evening Song at 8. St. Andrew's—The Rev. Henry A. Post. 8, Holy Communion; 9.45, church school; 11, morning prayer, "Remembering Heroes;" 7.30, evening prayer, "St. Peter." REFORMED Second—The Rev. Alfred Nevin Sayres. 11, "The Greater Independ ence"; 7.30, "Reverence"; 9.45, Sunday School; 1.30, C. E. St. John's—The Rev. Clayton H. Ranck. 11, quoted nature sermon, "The Hills"; 7.30, "Lord Out of Evil"; 9.45, Sunday School. Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles May. 10.45, "The Church at Work and God in Her Midst;" 7.30, "Our Fellow ship;" 9.30, Sunday school; 6.30, Young People's Service. CHURCH OF CHRIST Lemoyne—The Rev. Ira P. Har baugh. 9.30, Bible School; 10.30, the Rev. C. W. Clark, engaged In war Y. M. C. A. work In Harrlsburg, I will preach; 7.45, "Ruing a Bad Bargain." First—The Rev. Ira Boyd Wenger. 11, "Meeting God Face to Face": 7.45, "No Other Gospel"; 10, Sunday School. MISCELLANEOUS Gospel Ha 11—9.30, Sunday School; 10.30, "Breaking "of Bread:" 7.30, Gospel preaching. Christian and Missionary Alliance— The Rev. W. H. Worrall. 9.30, Sunday school; 10.30 and 7.45, evangelistic service. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN The Rev. Wm. K. Conner. 10, Children's Day services, address by L. Elmer Lease, of York; C. W. M. at 6.45; preaching at 7.30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ. Scientist— "Christian Science," morning at 11 and evening at 7.30; Sunday.School, 11. * BJLRRBSBtTRG TELEGRXPH "DER TAG" TOPIC AT GRACE M.E. Many From Church Plan to Attend Eaglesmcre Epworth League Conference Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, will preach on "Der Tag," a Fourth of July sermon, at 10.30 o'clock Sunday morn ing, and in the evening at 7.30 o'clock on "The Lure of the Unknown." The Grace Church chorus choir, under the leadership of Prof. John W. Phillips, will repeat some anthems by request. The various departments of the graded Sunday school will meet at 12.10 and the Review Lesson will be taught by specially selected persons in each department. The Epworth League held its last service last Sunday evening before closing for the summer months. It will start again on the second Sunday of September. The Epworth League this year will send at least fourteen delegates to the Epworth League Insti tute of the Central Pennsylvania Con ference, which will be held at Eagles Mere., Pa., July 7, with headquarters at the Forest Inn. Last year only two delegates were sent Through the strenuous efforts of Charles W. 8011, president of the Harrisburg District Epworth League, and Miss Miriam Brown, president of the Harrisburg Eagles Mere Booster Club, the Harrisburg district this year will send between sixty and sev enty delegates, and Harrisburg city will send more delegates this year than the entire district sent last year. The Fourteen Grace Church Epworth ians who have registered to attend the confero#ie this year are: Charles W. 8011, William Ray Chapman, Carl B. Staner. Robert AV. Crist. Francis Paul, Miss Martha A. Lawton, Mrs. Elmer E. Lawton, Miss Adeline S. Paul, Miss Marian H. Towsen, Miss Hazlebell Brown, Miss Harriett Stoner, Miss Emily Sites, Miss Dorothy A. Heck man and Miss Elizabeth Heckman. Others are expected to go as well. WILL RECEIVE NEW MEMBERS Many Persons to Join Stevens Memorial M. E. Church; to Hold Reception A large class of new members will be received to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock, in .Stevens Memorial Metho dist Episcopal Church. Following the reception for new members, the Holy Communion service will be conducted by Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker. In the evening at 6.30 o'clock the young people of the church and congregation will hold a special meeting in the auditorium. This gathering is to be fol lowed by the closing service of the day with the minister in charge. During the month of July the Rev. Dr. George Edward Reed and Prof. John W. Phillips will conduct the Sunday morning and evening meetings. Next AVednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock Dr. Smucker will meet the offi cial board in special meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Smucker and daughter, Lucille, will leave Thursday morning for Ohio and other points. During the month of July they will travel by auto mobile through northern New York and the New England states. Beginning with the first Sunday eve ning in August and continuing through out the month Dr. Smucker will con duct openair meetings on the Allison Hill Baseball League grounds, Chest nut and Seventeenth streets. A choral service under the direction of Prof John AV. Phillips and the Stevens Me morial Sunday school orchestra will be held every Sunday night in connection with the openair gathering. Early in the month "baseball night" is sced uled, when Dr. Smucker will address the boys. The young people of the church will nold an interesting service to-morrow evening at 6.30 o'clock in the church auditorium. At this time Sergeant Robert Storey, one of the service men of the church, will be in charge. Ser geant Storey took part in the engage ments at Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and the Argonne Forest. He came out of the big conflict with two wound stripes. Captain H. M. Stine is to ad dress the gathering. Baptism of Children in Zion Lutheran The church service will begin prompt ly at 10.45 in Zion Lutheran Church to-morrow morning, with the baptism of children at 11 o'clock, to be fol lowed by the reception of the largest group of new members ever received at the midsummer communion. The celebration of the Holy Communion will follow. Parents can leave their chil dren In the lower church in charge of the newly installed church and Sunday school visitor, Mrs. S. Matilda AVheeler For the benefit of those who cannot be present at the morning hour, the communion will be administered in the lower church at 7.15 p. m. At the eve ning church service Dr. Herman will preach upon the theme. "A Safe Guide in Perilous Times." The Sunday school has almost completed u special offering for Tabitha Home for Aged and Or phans. Zion will be the host of the guests in this home for more than a week. All departments of the school will meet at 9.45. Hereafter the Young People's Mis sionary Society. Mrs. John K. Wheeler president, will be named the lCugler Women's Missionary Society in honor of Dr. Kugler, one of the greatest mis sonary doctors in the Lutheran mis sionary history. The society will en tertain Dr. Kugler in the early fall, before she returns to her labors In the hospital in Guntur, India, the best equipped and most successful hospital in the missionary field in India. On the morning of July 4, Zlon will Join In the patriotic service to be held by the central churches in Market Square church. 20-Minute Sermons in Messiah Lutheran During the summer Sunday evenings In Messiah Lutheran Church, the pas tor, the Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, is preaching a series of twenty-minute sermons. At 11 a. m. he will review some of great movements at work in our national life and will define "Amer ica's Greatest Need." At the evening Bervlce the sermon Will treat of life lessons to be learned from one of least known Bible characters under the title. "The Hand That Was Rendered Ineffective Because the Heart Was Wrong " THE MOUNTAIN; TOPIC AT OLIVET Committee Does Not Favor Hershey For Annual Sun day School Picnic At Olivet Presbyterian Church, to-morrow morning, at 11 o'clock, the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Samuel A. Bower will use at his subject "America's Day of Triumph" and in the evening, at 7:30 o'clock, Doc tor Bower will continue his series of sermons on Nature, using "The Mountain" as a subject. The closing meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society will be held on Sunday eve ning at 6:30 o'clock. On Sunday, after the usual open ing exercises and period of business in the school, all classes studying the International Series of lessons, will be assembled in the Senior De partment rooms, where a half hour's review of the lessons of the past quarter will be conducted by the pastor. Because of the impossibility of making satisfactory arrangements for transportation to and from Her shey Park, tho committee in charge will recommend, at a special meet ing of the Sabbath School Associa tion to be held immediately after the church services to-morrow, that the Sunday School's summer picnic be held at Paxtang or Reservoir Parte, on July 11th. Last evening in the social rooms of the church, with the assistance of Executive Afirgin, a reorganiza tion of By Scout Troop No. 6 was effected, and plans were made to have the Troop attend tho Scout Summer Camp at Mt. Holly Springs. The committee in charge of the Scout movement in the church is composed of Elder J. P>. McDonald, Harry G. Kendall, teacher of a large class of boys In the school and G. L. Cullmerry, superintendent of the school. . _, , The Olivet (Daisy) Troop of Girl Scouts, under the leadership of Miss Florence Hill, has completed ar rangements for a cottage summer camp at Wildcat. along the southern Susquehanna. PATRIOTIC TALK AT PINE STREET Dr. L. S. Mudgc Will Speak on "The Issue of the Hour" At the Pine Street Presbyterian Church on Sundny the pastor, the Jlov. L. S. Mudge, D. D., will preach morn ing and evening. In view of the near approach of Independence Pay, the sermons and services will be distinctly patriotic. At the morning service the | subject of the sermon will be "Liberty | Bivine." The purpose of this sermon will be to emphasize the fundamental principle that liberty is God's gift and must be used for God's glory. At the evening service the sermon subject will be "The Issue of the Hour." This sermon will Ask the question whether we, as Americans, are to be loyal to our spiritual heritage, or whether we are to be subservient to the wiles and whims of partisan politics. The regular Sunday evening preaching services at Bethany Chapel and Division Street Chapel will be held as usual. The three Sunday schools of the parish will hold their sessions as follows: Bethany Chapel, 9 a. m. ; Division Street Chapel, 10.30 a. m., and the Church school at 1.40 p. m., as usual. The three Senior Christian Endeavor Societies will have their Sunday evening meetings at the usual times and places. On Wednesday evening a congrega tional meeting will be held in the lec ture room at 7.45 p. m. for the pur pose of considering certain recommenda tions concerning church improvements to be submitted to the meeting by the session and trustees. On Friday morn ing, July 4, the Pine Street congrega tion will unite with other congrega tions in an Independence Day service in the Markot Square Presbyterian Church at the invitation of its pastor ! and session. The knitting department ■ of the Bed Cross Auxiliary will omit its meeting this week, and will hold | the final meeting of the season on | Friday, July 11, when representatives of . the knitting department will be at the | Women and Girls' Building from 11 a. |m. to 12.30 p. m. to receive finished ! work, and to furnish yarn for future work during the summer to any who may desire it. The meetings of this department are discontinued for the summer only because the quota as signed the auxiliary has now been more I than met. The first of three camps for the boys of the parish. is now being conducted most successfully at Camp Boyd near Losh's Kuns, and will be brought to a happy conclusion on July 3. Until July 16 the camp is available for mem bers of the church and chapels who may desire outings, and doubtless the time will be well used. The older girls and women will enjoy the camp from July 18 to August 1; the younger girls from August 2 to August 13. The second camp for boys between the ages of ten and twelve years will ex tend from August 14 to August 26 ; and the camp for boys over fourteen years of age from August 26 to September 1. It is a great pleasure to note a grow ing and most healthy interest in these helpful outings. j The fourth annual Summer Bible School, conducted at the church for the benefit of all the children of the parish between the ages of six and fif teen years inclusive, will begin its ses sions on Monday morning, July 7, at 9 a. m., and will continue for four weeks. Already the enrollment exceeds that of last year by at least twenty five, showing the great esteem in which this school is held by the members of the congregation. Special Subject For Mrs. Boyd's Bible Class "What the Bible Teaches Us About the Devil," is the special subject for the lesson study ut the meeting of the Mrs. John Y. Boyd Men's Bible Class of Pine Street Presbyterian Church, to morrow afternoon. The class meets in the gymnasium room in the Boyd building in South street. Invitations to each member and each visitor of the class have been sent by the officers and a large attendance is expected. Says Most Soldiers Have Jobs Open For Them New York, June 28.—Seventy per cent of the soldiers discharged since the armistice have positions awaiting them, Colonel Arthur Woods, assistant to the Secretary of War. who is In charge of obtaining employment for discharged men, announced. August 29 Selected as Date for Christian Endeavor Picnic Extensive Arrangements Are Now Under Way For Event Which Will Be Held at Hershey Park President Frank S. Montgomery Names Committee Definite decision to hold the big Christian Endeavor picnic at Her shey Park on Friday, August 29, has finally been made. Several dates have been under consideration for some time, but the final selection has just been made. Preliminary arrangements are now being made. The following committees have been appointed by the president of the Harrisburg C. E. Union, Frank S. Montgomery and a number of additions will be made later: Com mittee on entertaining soldiers, park and baskets, AV. H. Hubley, Car lisle. C. S. Urich, city; flying squad ron and boosters, H. E. Eckert and Elmer S. Schilling; entertainment and games, N. B. Cassei, Penbrook, E. L. Stiles, West Fairview; music and program, J. Frank Palmer and B. H. Saltzer; publicity, Elmer S. Schilling and Paul A. Striekler; transportation, W. S. Cass, city. Thousands of Endeavorers belong ing to the Mennonite, Moravian and River Brethren denominations have a large part in the work of the Christian Endeavor society in Penn sylvania. The Rev. N. B. Grybb, of Phila delphia. is one of the denomination al trustees of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, representing the Mennonite denomination. The Rev. A. D. Thaeler, of Bethlehem, is a trustee of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, from the Moravian denomination. Menno Simons, founder of the Mennonite church, was born in Holland in 1 492. He became a Catholic priest, but was led by a case of persecution to think for himself, and renounced Catholicism in 1536. He spent the rest of his life traveling through northern Ger many preaching and establishing churches. There are sixteen Men nonite denominations, containing altogether 80,000 members in 838 churches. Of these 35,000 are members of the parent body. The general conference of Mennonites has 15,400 members. The Moravian church is an out growth of the national church of Bohemia founded by Huss. The correct name of the church is Uni tas Kratrum (Unity of Brethren). The Brethren were persecuted in Bohemia and Moravia, where they established their churches as pro test against the state church, and fled to the estate of Count Zinzcr dorf in Saxony. From Germany the Brethren came to Georgia In 1735, and five yofirs later removed lo Pennsylvania, where they found ed Bethlehem, which is still the center of the northern province of the Moravians. The River Brethren are close to the Mennonites in belief and prac tice. They camp to Pennsylvania from Switzerland in 1750, and now number (in three divisions) 112 churchefe and 5,389 members. Their name has reference to the Susque hanna river, near which they set tled. Tho Plymouth Brethren are so called because many of them gathered in Plymouth, England, in the first half of the last century. Their real name is Brethren. C. E. Notes Hotel Lennox, headquarters of the United Society of Christian En deavor during the International Christian Endeavor Conference, Buffalo, N. Y., is booked up to lis capacity. Park Street United Evangelical Keystone League recently elected the following officers for the en suing term: President, Mrs. Ohas. K. Curtis; first vice president, Ray mond E. Wagner; second vice pres ident. William C. Gramm; recording secretary, Miss Epinia Ferree; cor responding secretary, Miss Grace McKelvey; treasurer, Paul Won ders; pianist, Ressler Schultz; as sistant pianist, Miss Miriam St. Clair; chorister, Charles K. Curtis; assistant chorister, Miss Leah Han gen; chief usher, Luke Weirick; as sistant usher, Edward Sunday; jun ior superintendent, Mrs. W. E. Rickert; assistant superintendent, Mrs. J. H. Smith. The service on Sunday evening will bo in charge of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. A'ogel. Things to sec in Buffalo are the Albright Art Gallery, Historic Build ing, McKlnley Monument, Fort Porter, Larkin soap factories, Lack awanna Steel Company, Tierce au tomobile works, beautiful Lake Road, beautiful River Road, Hum bolt Park, Botanical Gardens, Park Zoo, Stockyards and Delaware Park. Thousands of Endeavorers will meet there in August. "What Does Loyalty to Our Church and Country Call For?" This will be the topic for study in the Endeavor meetings on Sunday evening. Joseph Frantz will conduct the Endeavor service at the AVestmin ster Presbyterian C. E. Society to morrow evening. At the St. John's Lutheran En deavor Society, Stcelton, Charles Brunhouse, a prominent member of the prayer meeting committee, will have charge of the program. Christ Lutheran Endeavorers will hold a meeting on Sunday evening *,t the interest of loyalty to the church and country. Miss Getha Crist, an active member of the AA'elcome committee, will be the leader and speaker during the ser vice. Bruce U. Wiley, president of the Harris Street Keystone League of Christian Endeavor, United Evan gelical Church, corner Harris and Susquehanna streets, will conduct the meeting tomorrow evening at 6.40 o'clock. At the Immanuel Presbyterian Church a popular Endeavor meet ing will be held on Sunday evening. Dixon Speakman, a prominent mem ber of the prayer meeting commit tee, will have charge of the program. George Marks, a live wire worker on the social committee, will make the program interesting at the En deavor service to be held in the Centenary United Brethren Church, Steelton, to-morrow evening. First Church of God Endeavorers, TRUSTEES EVERYBODY WELCOME | DEACONS: H. H. vn,i„„ B THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH K. C. C. Hogontogler OF THE HOLY COMMUNION J. A. Hamilton Samuel Hoffman Incorporated Genera, Council W. M. Bailey THE REV. JOHN HENRY MILLER, PASTOR A Minister with a MESSAGE for nil MANKIND. Services: 10.-15 A. M., I 17.80 P. M., "Excuses" "Men for the Ministry" Sunday School, 9:30 —Herbert May, Supt.| _ , By Dr. C. Bausliii. \ J r I Pastor will preach. L. . -^3..±Jksii''r %.■ e.-A' . t .id.u''K... ...3- MISBiSSM JUNE 28, 19T9. at New Cumberland, are holding Interesting meetings on Sunday evening. Tho service to-morrow will be in charge of George Hamil ton. Attractive Endeavor services will be held at the State Street United Brethren Church on Sunday even ing. The Rev. M. F. Rhoad, pastor, has been appointed by the commit tee on program, to speak and head the meeting. A "Loyalty Service" will be held at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, to-morrow evening when every member is urged to attend and till tho front seats. Mrs. H. Smiley, a member of the prayer meeting committee, will be the speaker and leader of the meeting. Three prominent Endeavorers, Miss Miriam Schaner, Ralph Bair and Miss Afiolet Enders, will have a program arranged for the big Fn deavor service at the Fourth Street Church of God Society that will at tract many Endeavor workers. Sun day evening is always a good time to see many Endeavorers gather at the Senior and Intermediate meet ings. •St. Matthew's Lutheran Endeavor workers will have a "Loyalty Ser vice" that will be worth while to attend to-morrow evening. Harold Martz, will be the leader during the evening. Mrs. Snydam, president of the society, will conduct the last ser vice for the month of .June at the Market Street Baptist Society on Sunday evening. Much interest is manifested by the many workers of the society in the work of the next six months' term. Cradle Roll Services in Augsburg Lutheran The annual cradle roll service will be held to-morrow morning in the Augs burg Lutheran Church. The following program will be rendered: chorus, "Little Children, Come to Jesus ;" reci tation, Alice Rau; duet, Alice Einzig and Katheryn Griffith ; prayer, the gen eral superintendent, C. C. Groff; hymn ; sacrament of infant baptism ; duet, Evelyn Bennett and Miidren Shue; of fering; solo, Julian Manning; sermon, "When Baptism Was Instituted; hymn; benediction. At the evening service tho choir will sing special patriotic music and the pastor will preach on "Righteousness Exaltcth." (Cliiircli Musk- on Page 5.) 'mW/ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \&vi v W Third and Pine Streets |: |p Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor § |if "Liberty—Divine" j| i;; I An Independence Day Sermon || 7.30 P.M. fi§ "The Issue of The Hour" 't i A Plea For Christian Patriotism 3 ||| TWO Patriotic Sermons £:% 51 | Planned To Stir You to Thought ] | 11 Also To Spur You To Action '■[■Hd COME AND HEAR THEM "What the Bible Teaches Us About the Devil" The Mrs. John Y. Boyd Men's Bible Class Sunday, June 29th, 1.30 O'clock Pine Street Presbyterian Sunday School BOYD MEMORIAL BLDG. South, near Third Street A cordial invitation is extended to all men and friends of the class to be with us. A subject of interest by a live speaker. EPWORTHM.E. MEMORIAL MEEI To Honor Memory of Georg< Long; Veterans of Civil War to Have Part Combined memorial and patriotii service at Epworth Methodist Episco pal Church will draw the attention o the East End on Sunday night. An interesting program has been pre pared, and the veterans of the Civl War as well as the boys of the churcl who have returned home during th< past few months will be signally hon ored. The Civil War veterans of courat will be given special places of honoi on the platform. The memorial serv ice is held in memory of George Lo-< who gave his life in his countr.,**. service. Community singing will be led by the chorister and the choir has beer augmented for this occasion. Only well known Civil War and present war songs have been used. The address of the evening will be made by the Rev. Homer Knox on "Above the Nations Is Humanity." The program follows: Music, or chestra; Centenary hymn, "Read On, O King. Eternal," congregation; read ing, "Declaration of Independence," John Wilver, U. S. Army; Introduction of war veterans, the Rev. Homer Knox; music, "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Roys Are Marching," congregation ; reading of the honor roll, Mrs. H. P. Motter; song, "Keep the Home Fires Burning," congregation; prayer, Henry Statnm, U. S. Army; music, "Till We Meet Again," choir; Scriptural reading, 26th Psalm ; announcements; ofteratory, orchestra; hymn, "Battle Hymn of the Republic," congregation; address, "Above the Nations Is Humanity," the Rev. Homer Knox; hymn, "Red, White and Blue," congregation. Plan Sunday School Session in Morning Beginning with July 6 and continuing until the lirst Sunday in September, the Sunday school of the Sixth Street United Brethren Church will be held in the morning. The schedule for services during the summer will be as follows: Praise service, 9 a. m. ; Sun day school, 9.45 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. The evening services will not be subject to change. In answer to the many requests, the Sunday school will repeat the Children's Day cantata. "Heirs of Liberty," on Sunday evening at 7.45 p. m. There will be special features including dem onstrations by the Boy Scouts of Troop 15. The annual picnic of the Sunday school will be held at Paxtang Park on Thursday, July 10. Special cars will be provided. They will leave at 9 a. m. from Sixth and Seneca streets