Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 27, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Confessed Assailant Is Then
Burned Before Orderly
By Associated Press.
Ellisville, Miss., June 27.—Trailed
for ten days through Southern Mis
sissippi by posses which included
several hundred members of his own
race, John Hartfleld, negro, confessed
assailant of an Kllisville young wo
man, was captured desperately
wounded in a brake yesterday j
morning, rushed by an automobile to j
. the scene of his crime, hanged to a |
gum tree and burned to ashes. Ills j
victim identified him and witnessed '
his execution.
Governor Bilbo, petitioned during
the day to intervene, in a statement !
issued at Jackson shortly before the
lynching declared himself "utterly '
powerless' and said that interference [
would only lead to the deaths of hun- |
dreds of persons and that "nobody
, can keep the inevitable from hap- !
Lynching "Orderly"-
The lynching was conducted in a I
i manner which the authorities char- j
acterized as "orderly." Guarded by j
' Now Is the Time to Got Rid of These
Ugly Spots.
There's no longer the sligliest I
need of feeling ashamed of your!
} freckles, as Othine —double strength j
■ —is guaranteed to remove these j
■ homely spots.
> Simply get an ounce of Othine—j
; double strength—from any druggist|
and apply a little of it night and :
morning and you should soon see j
' that even the worst freckles have j
begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely It is I
seldom that more than an ounce is!
needed to completely clear the skin
and gain a beautiful, clear coni-|
Be sure to ask for the double j
strength Othine as this is sold under'
guarantee of money back if it fails ,
to remove freckles.
7 and 9S. T IyiVjPCTAIIpC 7 and 9S.
Market Sq. LI V IPIu3I UIM 3 Market %
I I •
$6.50 Dresses, Friday $10.50 Dresses, Friday SIB.OO Dresses, Friday $35.00 Dresses, Friday
.."jay"',s3.9B °,';;i,y'":.s6-98 as :;;^sl7>
$7.50 Dresses, 1-riday $12.50 Dresses, Friday $20.00 Dresses, Fridav $30.00 Dresses, Friday
?mlav'":.s4.9B 'i"ly a '.".57.98 -t^;sl4. 9S °;^slß. 9S
$8.85 Dresses, Friday $15.00 Dresses, Friday $22.50 Dresses, Friday $35.00 Dresses, Friday
$5.98 $8.98 $ 15. 98 $23. 98
1,000 Waists to go at $1.50 Waists, 98c Entire stock of Skirts $1.50 Skirts, 98c
sharp reductions—Geor- $2.25 Waists, $1.49 at greatly reduced $2.00 Skirts, $1.49
? ettcs, Crepe de Chines, $3.35 Waists, $1.98 P rices ' Materials are Skirts,
Tub Silks, Voiles, $4.35 Waists, $2.49 Serge ' Po P lm ' 1 afteta , $5.00 Skirts', s2^9B
T , , ~T . Georgette, Satin, Gabar- $6 00 Skirts S34Q
Lawns, etc. Brand new $a.35 Waists, $2.98 ~ , , . • , i-'en ci •
v ' v dine and wash materials. $7.50 Skirts, $4.49
styles; newest shades; $6.50 Waists, $3.49 AH sizes and shades, SB.OO Skirts, $4.98
sizes up to 50. $7.50 Waists, $3.98 sizes to 40 waist. $10.50 Skirts, $6.98
500 children's white Q Boys' Suits In Every Material
Dresses in plain and em
%A \X wonderful selec- _ .
broidery trimmings; sizes t ion j n s j zes U p to Suits reduced for
6 to 14; values $1.50 to 18 years. Special quick .clearance
<| AX AX for Friday and
$3.50. Friday and Satur- 1 Saturday.
day ti $5.00 Boys' Suits,
Men's Palm Beach and $7.00 Suits,
Kool Cloth Suits, in dark SB.OO Boysj Suits,
and light patterns; all NkU UK $8.50 Boys' Suits,
$Mco and r- Resular ,sias ° |9' Su " s Jpllpyp
Men's Work and p a B „
Dress Pants Hf kH fj (V W
for Friday and Saturday White Hn° IjISBS
$3.00 Pants ... .$1.98 $6.00 Pants ... .$3.49 Sizes, 6to
$4.00 Pants ....$2.49 $7.50 Pants ... .$4.49 {J p^ ar s 2
I $5.00 Pants ....$2.98 SB.OO Pants ..•,$4.98 values . . SOF
/ - * - - < - • ' rv* ■ '• v? ■ - • ♦ • >■ • -■ - < • •. •-. •--
J ;
a committee of citizens of Ellisville.
Hartfleld was taken first to the of
fice of Dr. A. J. Carter, who after ex
aminations of gunshot wounds re
ceived when the fugitive made his
fight against capture, declared the
negro could not live longer than 24
hours. In the meantime a group of
silent men were piling cross tics and
] brush in a depression in the ground
near the railroad trestle. There was
no shouting. Arrangements appar
ently had been made days ago.
After Hartfleld had been identified
on being brought here, there were
quiet conferences. Members of the
committee circulated in the crowd.
Reports that there-would be a "burn
ing" at 5 o'clock gave way to. state
ment that there would be it "hang
ii? at the big gum tree." Hartfleld
was told what the crowd intended
! doing with him, but only repeated,
"You have the right man."
Confesses Act
From the doctor's office, Hartfleld
was taken to the street and faced the
crowd. "You have the right man,"
he reiterated. Then a noose found
I its way around his neck and the trip
j to the big gum tree was started, the
I crowd all silent.
Under this big gum tree Hartfleld
J forcibly detained his victim all of the
night of Sunday, June 15. It was
j under a limb of that same gum tree
I that he was hanged as soon as the
| rope could be pulled up by hundreds
I of hands.
I Then occurred the first demonstra
i tion. While the body was in its
death struggles, pistols were pro
! duced by men in the crowd and fired
| point blank at the swinging form. Be
fore the rope had been cut by bullets,
| burning faggots were thrown under
I the body and an hour later there was
! only a pile of ashes.
No arrests were made after lynch
'■ ing and to-day the little town is
I quiet.
Use Gas in Robbing
York County Hen Roosts
Mount Wolf, Pa., June 27.—The
j application of the science of war
! time, the gas attack, to such a
- peaceful pursuit as the robbing of
I hen roosts, is the new "stunt" intro
! duced by the "knights of the night."
| This latest method of securing an
! other man's hens without any
' noise, was introduced in the
| Druck Valley, near here, several
nights ago, when a raid was made
j on the hen house owned by William
j Fisher. The raid resulted in a net
| gain of probably upwards of 100
I choice hens for the thief. Observa-
I tion of the actions of the few hens
| left behind by the thief, gave rise to
i the theory that an anesthetic had
j been used to "quiet" the chickens
| and to render their removal übso-
I lutely noiseless.
Sags Visit to Europe Has Allowed Him to See the Damage
Wrought by War; Defends Slow Policy of Allies in
Arriving at Terms of Peace With Central Powers
' By Associated Press.
Paris, June 27. President Poin
care last night gave a dinner to
President Wilson- and all the dele
gates to the Peace Conference. Mrs.
Wilson accompanied the President.
Responding to an address made by
M. Poincare, President Wilson said:
"I thank you most sincerely for
the words that you have uttered. I
cannot preterxl, sir, that the pros
pect of going home is not very de
lightful to me, but 1 can say with
the greatest sincerity that the pros
pect of leaving France is very pain
ful to me.
"I have received a peculiarly g.en
erous welcome here, and it has been
pleasing for me to feel that the wel
come was intended nut so much for
myself as for the people whom I rep
resented. And the people of France
know how to give a welcome that
makls a man's heart glad. They
have a spontaneity about them, a
simplicity of friendship, which is al
together delightful.
Trip to France a T/osson
"I feel that my stay here, sir, has
enlightened both my heart and ray
mind. It has enabled me personally
to see the evidence of the suffering
and the sacrifices of France. It has
enabled me to come into personal
touch with the leaders of the French
people, and through the medium of
intercourse with them to understand
better, I hope, than I understood be
fore the motives, the ambitions and
the principles which actuate this
great nation. It has, therefore, been
to me a lesson in the roots of friend
ship in those things which make the
intercourse of nations profitable and
serviceable for all the rest of man
"Sometimes the work of the con
ference has seemed to go very slow
ly indeed. Sometimes it has seemed
as if there were unnecessary ob
stacles to agrreemer.-t; hut as the
weeks have lengthened I have seem
ed to see the profit that came out of
that. Quick conclusicfis would not
have produced that intimate knowl
edge of each other's mind which I
think has come out of these daily
"We have been constantly in the
presence of each other's minds and
motives and characters, and the
comradcsships which are based upon
that sort of knowledge are sure to
be very much more intelligent not
only, but to breed a much more inti
mate sympathy and comprehension
than could otherwise be created.
"These six months have been six
morvths which have woven new
fibers of connection between the
parts of our people. And something
more than friendship and intimate
sympathy has come out of this inter
Says Plan Will Broaden
"Friendship is a very good thing.
Intimacy is a very en-lightening thing.
But friendship may end with senti
ment. A new thing that has hap
pened is that we have translated our
common principles and our common
purposes into a common plan. When
we part, f.'e are not going to part
with a finished work, but with a
work one portion- of which is finished
and the other portion of which is
only begun.
"We have finished the formation
of the peace, but we have begun a
plan for co-operation which I be
lieve will broaden and strengthen as |
the years go by so that this grip of i
the hand that we have taken now
will need to be relaxed. We have
been and shall continue to be com
rades. We shall continue to be co
workers in tasks which, because they
are common, will weave out of our
sentiments a common conception of i
duty and a common conception of
the rights of men of every race and
of every clime. If it b|- true that
that has been accomplished, it is a
very great thing.
"As I go away from these soenes,
I think I shall realize that T have
been present at one of the most vital
things that has happened in the his
tory of the nations. Nations have
formed contracts with each other
before, but they never have formed
partnerships. They have associated
1 themselves temporarily, but they
[ have never before associated them
selves permanently.
"The wrong that was done in the
waging of this war was a great
wrong, but it wakened the world to a
great moral necessity of seeing that
it was necessary that men should
band themselves together in order
that such a wrong should never be
perpetrated again.
"Merely to beat a nation that was
wrong once is not enough. There
must follow the warning to all other
nations tjiat would do like thin-gs
that they in turn will be vanquished
and shamed if they attempt a dis
honorable purpose.
"You can see. therefore, sir, with
what deep feelings fhotje of us who
must now for a little while turn
away from France, shall leave your
shores; and though the ocean is
broad it will seem very narrow in
tho future. It will be easier to un
derstand each other than it ever
was before, and with the confident
intercourse of co-operation, the un
derstanding wilt be strengthened into
action, and action will itself educate
alike our purpose ant our thought.
"So, sir, in saying good-by to
France I'm only saying a sort of
physical good-by; not a spiritual
good-by. I shall retain in my heart
always the warm feelings which the
generous treatment of this great peo
ple has generated in my heart. And
I wish in my turn, sir, to propose,
as you have proposed, the continued
and increasing friendship of the two
nations, the safety and prosperity of
France, the closer and closer com
munion of free peoples, and the
strengthening of every influence
which instructs the mind and the
purpose of humanity.''
German Ministers
to Sign the Treaty
Off For Versailles
By Associated. Press.
Paris, June 27. Dr. Herman
Mueller, the German foreign min
ister, and Dr. Bell, minister of col
onies, who have been selected to
sign the peace treaty, will arrive at
Versailles Saturday morning, the
Havas Agency learns.
Dr. Mueller and Dr. Bell are leav
ing Berlin by the ordinary train.
Lancaster Businessmen
Ban Booze at Their Club
Dancaxter, Pa., June 27. The
Hamilton Club, a social organization
of this city, will be bone dry from
the first of July. The directors at a
meeting this week decided that they
| would comply fully with the'pro
vision of the war-time prohibtion
I act a r.-d will not allow evasions of
! the law by the locker system or any
i other plan.
Uiquor is to be banished from the
club and whether its sale is restored
or not the club will remain strictly
j dry.
Gilbert Succeeds Finegan
in New York School Post
Albany, N. Y„ June 27.—Frank D.
Gilbert, of Albany, chief of the law
I division of the state department of
1 education-, has been elected unani
mously as deputy state commissioner
of education by the board of regents.
He succeeds Thomas E. Finegan,
who resigned to become state super
intendent of education of Pennsylvo
j nia.
Allentown Baby Drowns
in a Bucket of Water
Allentown. Pa„ June 2 7.—Falling
out of bed into a bucket of water
yesterday, IS-month-old Robert Rati,
son of-Linn- Rau, of South Allentown,
was drowned.
New York, June 27.—An increase in
the Government's guaranteed price of
wh.eat from $2.28 to $2.30 a bushel at
I the terminal markets of Galveeton
and New Orleans, effective July 1.
I was annonuced last night by Julius
I Barnes. United 1 States Wheat Direct
or, under authority granted him in
I an executive order Issued yesterday
j by President Wilson.
By Associated Press.
New York, June 27. Howard
j France, charged with having es
i caped from the State prison at
| Trenton, N. J.. where he was serv
ing a term of from ten to twenty
years after being convicted of 29
burglaries at Atlantic City, was ar
rested here last night.
Peace Dclegatps at Paris Be
frain From Official
By Associated Press.
Paris, June 27.—The Peace Con
ference has not yet been officially
advised of the escape of the Crown
Prince from Holland, the news hav
ing come through British sources.
Pending details official discussion
of the event and its bearing in Ger
man affairs and the question wheth
er it involves violation of neutrality
by Hollond is withheld.
Recent Berlin despatches printed
in the Paris newspapers are recalled,
in which unnamed but alleged well
placed persons commented on the
sinking of the German fleet in Scapa
Flow and the burning of French
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battle flags said they were not nii. j
prised and declared that other equal
ly startling events might be antici
Since the Scapa Flow incident the ;
Paris press has insisitently alluded
to the possibility of the former Gcr- j
man' Emperor's escape from Holland,:
coupled with the indirect question j
as to what measures had been taken ]
to prevent such a movement In I
military quarters the belief was ex- |
pressed to-day that the Crown Prince !
and Prince Max of Baden are on !
their way to East Prussia where the
military r-eacjtionary element is
strong The opinion' is that there I
may be among the old junker officer
class those who, whatever opinion'
is held against the former Crown;
Prince personally, might try to use
him as "the man on horseback" i
The presence in Germany at this|
moment of Frederick William, when
the fate of the Peace Treaty still |
hangs in the balance, has caused i
disquietude in Paris and there is j
considerab I speculation regarding
the next development in the situa-!
Newark, N. J., June 27.—James:
R. Nugent announced'at a confer-!
ence of Democratic leaders from all
parts of Northern New Jersey here i
that he would seek at the primaries •
the party nomination for governor 1
of New Jersey.
JHfe Absolutely No Pain\S
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Wmm Ir.rd air nppuratua. nikta vV *
DM cxtrnctlnp nnd nil dental^
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Full act of
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It didn't hurt n bit