Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 27, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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• '
Philadelphia Division Super
intendent Gets Ideas How
to Prevent Detentions
■ I
How best to keep passenger trains
on time, was the one topic that re
ceived attention last night at the
meeting of the Friendship and Co
operative Club. The attendance was
not large but the discussions were in
teresting and timely.
The subject was introduced by Wil
liam Elmer, superintendent of the
Philadelphia division, Pennsylvania
railroad. He has been quite promi
nent in working out this problem.
Detention of trains due to rack of
serviceable motive power has been a
source of annoyance to officials on
the main line of the Pennsy. Su
perintendent Elmer has been work
ing out a remedy and is not onl>
doing good work on his division, hut
his ideas are being worked out suc
tendent Elmer said insrdlutaolouo
cessfully on other branches. Super
intendent Elmer, said in part:
•'We are doing our very best to
serve the public satisfactorily, and
ihere has been some improvement,
but there is still hard work ahead.
We must have co-operation and in
creased efficiency. I will welcome
any suggestions the men may offer.
Railroads Handicapped
"The railroads have been handi
capped because of engine short
age Just now there are many extra
trains and this eats up the motive
power. There may be some relief
when the soldier trains decrease. At
times we nre obliged to use freight
engines on some trains. However,
what we need now is engines that
will keep in service and I would like
to know the best way to get them.
Numerous suggestions were offer
ed Ruperintender.-t Elmer by Charles
J McCombs, engine dispatcher; A.
W. McClellan. assistant superinten
dent of the Philadelphia division:
Graffus Drake, William Drake, Wil
liam McClintock. passenger engi
neers- P. 1.. Smith, passenger fire
man: L. C. Clemsor.% retired road
foreman of engines: A. L. Redmond,
engineer at Enola.
Change Meeting Nights
One suggestion offered was to have
officials connected with the various
departments ride the engines and
keep a record of results. Another
was to have pink slips filled out by
engineers, giving his own version
of the. mishaps and delays. Super
intendent Elmer made note of the
suggestions and will work them out.
It was decided at last n-ight's meet
ing to meet on the last Thursday
of each month, and to cut out the
July and August meetings. A
committee was named to prepare for
a big opening in September. It is
proposed to secure prominent speak
ers and to have a public meeting to
which employes of all branches will
be invited. This committee in
P. L. Smith, chairman; Charles
McCombs, William R. Denehey, Wil
liam McClintock, and Wellington G.
Jones. This committee will act
jointly with the committee on en
tertainment in providing an attrac
tive program.
Soldiers Return to Job as
Middle Division Firemen
B. F. Gur.-derman, who recently
returned from overseas where he
served in the 79th division, has been
given his old position back on the
Middle division. He is a fireman
and was assigned to the crew with
Joseph Hunter as engineer. Fire
man Gun-derman is one of the most
popular young employes of the Mid
dle division and will resume his du
ties on Monday.
Another Good Record Made
in Coal Conservation Plan
Inspectors along the Middle divi
sion yesterday watching the big en
gine. No. 3,565, haul train No. 30
east, reported a notable absence
of smoke. One inspector put it,
"she looked like an electric engine."
There was a reason. The coal sav
ing record breakers were at work, A.
K. Brenncman, engineman and P. L.
Smith, fireman. Traveling the 132
miles with 11 steel cars this train
came to Harrisburg or, time on 165
shovels of coal, a total of 2,808
Fblks who
like stood
eats, like
f d3cMy>
Harrisburg Will Send Big
Delegation to Altoona
Harrisburg will send a large dele
gation to Altoona to-morrow. The
fifth Sunday meeting of the Brother
| hood of Locomotive Engineers will
be held there Sunday. A big pic
nic will be held to-morrow at Lake
mont Park, and many of the engi
neers will be accompanied by their
The picnic program will include
sports, band concert and dancing
In (he evening there will be band
concerts in the city and special en
tertainment for the women. Secret
meetings of the brotherhood will be
held in the P. O. S. of A. hall at 9.30
on Sunday morning and at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon. In the afternoon
there will also be a meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary, G. I. A., to be held
at 2 o'clock. A public meeting will
be held on Sun-day evening at 7.30
o'clock. On Sunday a dinner will be
served at the hall from noon until
2 S o'clock, and supper from 5 o'clock
until 7.
Among the distinguished members
who will attend the sessions will be
Second Grand Ghicf F. C. Durgess of
Washin-gton: J. H Kruse, general or
ganizer, of Cleveland, and William
Park, of Sunbury, general chairman
for Pennsylvania.
Standing of the Crews
Phllmlclpliin Division. The 114
crew to go after 1.15 o'clock: 119,
101. 127, 104, 121, 115, 109.
Conductors for 121.
Flagmen for 121.
Brakemen for (2) 104, 109, (2) 114,
119, (2) 121.
Engineers up: Ruke, Ream, Shait
ley. Gable, Howard, Brown, Wiker,
Firemen up: A. Rider, Bic-kel, TTtley,
Kirchoff, Vogelsong, Brown, Leach,
Clark, Stetzel, Blum, Fenstermacher,
G. J. Kimmieh, Kintz, C. W. Fry, Var
ner, Ramsey, S. Fry, Good.
Conductors up: Stark, Reed Rife.
Brakemen up: Neidinger, Home,
Boughter, Anderson, Rudy, Lutz,
Schreffler, Zimmerman, Belford,
Funk, Beard, Poff, Swartz, Leightner,
Wendt, Etzwiler, Harmon, Dare,
Kassemer, Funston.
Middle Division. —The 250 crew to
go first after 2.15 o'clock:
Engineers up: Hawk, Leib, Nlckles,
Rowe, Kline, Fisher, Moretz, Fitler,
Brakemen up: Roushe, Bell, Baker,
Fenical, Zimmerman.
Vnrd Hoard. —Engineers wanted for
1, 15C.
Firemen wanted for IC, 17C, 23C,
28C, 35.
Engineers up: Wise, Watts, Clel
Firemen up: Otstot, Bryan. Paul,
Stine, Diehl, Ross, W. C. Kruger,
Philadelphia Division. The 212
crew to go first after 1.45 o'clock:
245, 208, 239, 227, 221, 247, 220, 224,
201, 246.
Engineers for 220, 247.
Firemen for 247, 212, 213, 227, 233.
Conductors for none.
Flagmen for none.
Brakemen for 212, 245, 221, 247,
201, 246.
Conductors up: Gemperling.
Brakemen up: Shank, Trostle, Vo
gelsong, Eshleman, Garverich, Ma
bius, Harmon, Haines, Reisinger,
Middle Division. —The 107 crew to
go first after 2.30 o'clock: 106, 110,
111, 252. 221, 247, 214.
Engineers for 107.
Firemen for 106.
Conductors for 106.
Flagmen for none.
Brakemen for 107, 107.
Ynrd Crews. —Engineers up: Bretz,
Flickenger, Shuey, Myers, Geib, Cur
tis. Hinkle.
Firemen up: Albright, Coldren, Tet
ter, Haubaker, McConnell, Hutchi
son, Sadler, O. J. Wagner, Swigart,
Engineers for 2nd 129, eastbound
Firemen for Ist 102, Ist 129, 3rd
129, eastbound helper.
Middle Division. — Engineer up: C.
D. Hollenbaugh, W. E. Turbott. S. H.
Alexander, J. Crimmel, F. F. Schreck,
W. J. Jamison, J. R. Brinser, A. C.
Allen, A. J. Wagner, H. F. Groninger,
J. H. Ditmar, W. C. Black, J. W. Smith
and H. Johnson.
Engineers wanted for 665, 49.
Firemen up: J. W. Beacham, R. F.
Mohler, E. M. Cramer, J. N. Ramsey,
C. F. Foust, H. Naylor, J. R. Weibly,
R. A. Arnold, D. F. Hudson, H. A.
Schrauder, G. L. Huggins, S. H. Zeid
ers, H. B. Thomas, H. W. Fletcher,
Roy Herr, P. E. Gross, R. E., Look,
S. H. Wright.
Firemen wanted for 25, 5, 31, 13.
Philadelphia Division —Engineers
up: E. C. Snow, V. C. Gibbons, M.
Engineers wanted for 622, 32.
Firemen up: M. G. Shaffner, J. M.
White, J. N. Shindler, F. L. Floyd, S.
Y. Earhart.
Firemen wanted for 622, 98, 32, 20,
and 34.
The 69 crew to f!a first after 2.45
o'clock: 62, 64, 68, 61, 5, 14, 3, 55. t
Engineers for none.
Firemen for none.
Conductors for none.
Flagmen for 14, 62.
Brakemen for 62.
Engineers up: Ditlow, Wyre, Dou
ple, Jones, Walton, Hoffman, Merkle,
Monroe, Bow-man, Wood, Schubauer.
Firemen up: None.
Conductors up: None.
Flagmen up: Wiley, Shank.
Brakemen up: None.
Hershey House to Close
Monday After Many Years
of Service in the City
With the dosing of the Hershey
House next Monday night, one of
the oldest hotels in the city will dis
continue business. To-day the fur
nishings in thirteen rooms in an ad
joining building, which had been
rented for hotel purposes, were dis
posed of at public sale by D. U. Her
shey, the present proprietor.
Last night the diningroom closed,
and next Monday night the bar and
the hotel will close. The property'
has been purchased by S. A. Greene,
and it is understood that Philadel
phia businessmen are bidding for
the location for a store.
The Hershey House was started
many years ago and hi April, 1881,
Harry E. Hershey, father of D. U.
Hershey, first began to conduct the
hotel. In 1900 his son took over the
management and has been ln charge
ever since.
Many other hotel proprietors ln
the city und vicinity are renewing
their liquor licenses for the month
of July, about, eighty having paid
the monthly license fee to County
Treasurer Mark Mumma. Early in
the year five others paid fees for
the entire license year,
It is understood that the hotelmeu
are hoping for action rescinding the
war-time prohibition, at least In
part, and want to be prepared to
start selling intoxicants again as
soon as the ban would be lifted.
For that reason, it is said, the
licenses are being paid.
W. F. Sekol, mining engineer, con
1 Extraordinary Saturday Specials in Things Needed for the 4th i
| Saturday Evening Saturday Evening I
I l== —=—=——— i = i 1
1 Corset Sale Nearly 800 Summer Dresses at Special Prices Hosiery I
jf 3 Lots Saturday, Altogether the choicest collection of pretty dresses at lowest women's Thread Silk Host 1]
1 Warner's Rust Proof Cor- P'tcCS We have sllOWll this year. "* 11 A 2 1
1 FWce $1.50 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 £
Q ' Almost 500 Pairs in All (JU
S3 C a° r "nn S e fr <J A (\ E fan ACT CPAAC SLWV rfj Women's Thread Sl.k Hose, |l
quality in a model for the slender "Ni 'X-w -Xv /B N>- t) *s4 NytC Y\l \* / double sole and heel; silk lisle DJ
U low CfwelfbonedTneaT e"m d *J 9 /%J lj) J •/J 7 / J garter tops; mock seam in black. S
broidery trimming and fitted Aer nI cordovan and navy. I||il
Tj size's i9 U toTo° d h ° 3e supporters; There are four lots of Dresses from which to choose at these attractive prices. You may go p*lpnl \ Sj
C through each lot carefully and you will find that every dress is a remarkable value. If you were f hit \ Women's Fiber Silk /*fl OJ
1 ™. compare the price of materials and add to that the making of these dresses you would find that you (MMli i lUEf \ \ uilC Kil
U Khse ( "rst'us o nfk could not begin to cover the cost we are offering these dresses for. Therefore, it is advantageous \ \ Hosiery, pair. ral
Special at ... •\J\r for you to buy three or four of these little inexpensive dresses so that you will be supplied for the I uJt Women's Fiber silk Seamless s*
IH Corsets of character, made of Summer Season. M ' WTO-) Hose, double sole and heel; gar- jlj
V finest quality coutil and brocades ter top in white, black, cham- |jg!
U i n ge m^nd IS fu f irfigu e re Bl tn d ro r w-. aV mJ- There is a big broad selection for you in Ginghams and Printed Voile Dresses. There paene ' Erey and taupe '
S dium and high bust models.'wen are many plain colors and many in smart stripes and figures. There are also plain White Ms
ijl| or "satin f mTed with Dresses in the collection. There are all sizes for women and misses. TsOKpCirJ , T . u . if|
l?S J v ®3 o hose supporters; sizes 19 Women S Lisle Hosi- LM
1 °°" $4 00 Summer Skirts at Special Prices Saturday raj 1
| Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts MB |
JJ stout and full figures; made of
Si fHmmed° U w\th' P 'i * 1 White Gabardine Dress Extra size White Rep White Gabardine Dress White Washable Satin V Children's Black Rib-Or' !$£
"!i| Gc inserts over Thigh and back- Skirts, sizes 24 to 30 Dress Skirts, sizes 31 to Skirts; sizes 24 to 30 Dress Skirts, sizes 24 to W- ■ 7Sf |fl
lU reinforced abdomfnal parts; waist band. Special at. 40 waist band. Special at waist band. Special at 30 waist band. Special at Wtmmmj 00 bed Stockings
S* shown in several models; all' . >VA \\ Si
nil heavily boned with guaranteed (p P (PQ f\P &*1 P d* J fh P V) Children's black fine ribbed r|]|
non-rustable boning; sizes 21 to tb 1 •I/O <3ij J seamless cotton Hose, double |ij
2j| !
P .==KAI'KMAW'S First Floo r= J I 1! KAUFMAN'S First Floor [H
1 4th Of July Specials That Sale of Waists Men's Palm Beach Suits I
| 111 Summer Footweur Continues on Saturday—Same Prices 50 i
k Now is the time to prepare for the 4th 0&. iSDCCIHI
U A Sale on Saturday for Infants, Children, with new Summer waists. At these s P e- P '\ 111
| Misses and Little Boys cial P nces y° u can well afTord to lay in aJf Ge^uin e O Pa^ en ßeach n sutL ou tSm
o n 's supply- There are to
1 ) NEW SILK WAISTS ... ]tA qc Suits at - = ®JV? |
VI II //IS I Crepe de Chine and Georgine Waists: Tjot of Men's and Young Men's Newest ft Yt 1
-—-jZ, WsT/ Av IW ... - . ~ .. , , I ■ of Suits in the.new form fitting, waist line, and \ft V\ S FN
111 /A/ ///\\ I white, flesh and all the new shades, in >- W the new three-button conservative models W lWt 'I S}|
fy/f // U®' pretty embroidered or plain tailored models day" gVe -i ripPS and checks - Special Satur- VI F 1
1 NEW SILK WAISTS... 1m Q r Men's Summer $9150 \|| 1
/A tlCy yA Gorgette and Crepe de Chine Waists, in W W_ mj CzzWo n 4 Aj 1 ilMjllH LM
|jj | * \3t ■ evety wanted shade, including white and ( OUllo dl .. . . mm ||]||A®|l Sj
|| with round square of V necks; embroidered, Lot of Men's and Young Men's Splendid llfflnil !S
beaded and plain tailored styles; in regular Suits comprisins; blue serges, fancy worsteds, Sti^lwlnt\i
§1 ...... _ _ . . _ .. _ . _ A . sizes 36 to 46. J blue and brown flannels. Many are silk 2PBQK
Sj White Top Patent L#eather But-I Patent I>eather "Baby Dolls," - r lined, others mohair lined. Kvery size, in- JtjTjn vu*"
9 Sn.TSV.-J'.o C / 7C'C/rt. nti co NEW SILK WAISTS ... 1C & QC sasr"-"
S i. Saturday V 1 • ' Saturday V 1 ,C,t/ Beautiful Georgette and Crepe de Chine V /ffl ■W W 14 yfl" _ 9 , C 3 ~ n *
IIJ White Canvas "Ankle Strap." no White Canvas (ft f Waists; trimmed with embroidery, beads L /■ ly|on §1 HlltS 03.tlirU3.V 1 TICGS hi
3 heel, turned (t% -f r) /■* Button Boots low Hk 1 Q and laces; also plain tailored; round, square [ ° A W k/UlWl UUJ A 1 |JJ
y Size 2to 5 Hi 7 heel Sizes 8 *to 11 V* ■* %J or V "? ck models; shown in white, flesh, r* , AITkX i. H , jO|
111 Saturday .. Vl 0 O f' ® to 11 navy, black and all the new high shades; PanfC PaFllS i\l Pailt<s flt hi
White Canvas rf% r) D regular and extra sizes, 36 to 54. cllllO " - A <AIH,O ul A u.119 dl MJ
Patent leather "Ankle Strap" Lave Boots, low X S S M , fir Ar d0 f\r 4^
|{] no heel, turned, 0 fry mf heel, sizes 11H to 2V New Silk Waists CO/lc: Voile and Organdie d? 1 QC Jpi.JD Ps.i7e) lf|
So' 7 ; eS i tQ 5 *b 1•/ Mahogany Calf dl Q A/- at ©A.IO Waists at 3>1.0 Lot of Men's Pants Lot of Men's Pants , , IM
31 Saturday "Scuffer" lace 4 // Mow guv w.t.,. , - Pretty Voile and Organdie in sizes 32 to 42 in sizes 32 to 42 Lot of Men's Pants
White Canvas "Ankle Strap" Sizes 814 to 11 .. V• ■* y '*• aists, mafle or Waists in white and colors waist, made of wors- waist in worsteds. in sizes 32 to 42 nil
S nv hppi tiirnorl A T TV,. - 2 ne . Jap. Silk in white, black. in plain and novelty patterns; teds. khaki cloth, cheviots, and cassi- I U
% ,P; . c U* 1 /? P* Tan, Blu- jfi QF* flesh and maize, plain tailored plain tailored and trimmed crash and cheviot. meres. All very * ! Ssfc
111 4ize 4to 8 M rj nher, button "Scuf- Jwk S S an, J trimmed styles with lace styles, in a wonderful variety All in this lot. special strongly made. Spe- cassimeres. Spe- Jyi
H Saturday 9 fers," sizes 6to 8, ™ and embroidery; all full cut of attractive models; sizes I Saturday, 91.05. cial Saturday, *2.or. . cial Saturday, 93.95, l.|J
S Pitent Trqfhrr ... .. . . _ _ , and perfectly finished; sizes 36 .16 to 54: resrulnr and extra KAUFMAN'S Kir*# Floor I^s
ilo, r:™* , nk i? Strap Black and Tan and But- to 46. sizes; exceptional values. $1.95 iC*
y spring heel, turned /f* r* ton "Scuffere." AP* v__ s J =r n!|
| s " rtVy °' ' "....$2.45 |— — - Boys' Wash Suits Special n]
| Women's & Growing Girls' Outing Footwear WOlll6ll S
fj White Canvas and +m r ft White Ostend and to oc BTld SIIOGS . • L
I Nubuck Oxfords *q= Eve Cloth Oxfords V~ Ito 8 years in Norfolk models. A pair of panta. long and short '
y and Pumps, Pair and Pumps, Pair U " athlns Caps ' 19c r ,nR Cflp9, 4sc 1
y special a 1 spccnai
ij White Canvas and Nubuck Ox- White Ostend and Eve Cloth Rubber Bathing Caps in Red, trimmed 1 " assorted stvfes and T 77. , „ . 7T ~ , v . r „ tyl
1 r™""- • —• -——• "r.' r, r".' . oc ...#-95 i
0 pxprp* y."nTiStrte Bathing Shoes 39c, 48c, 75c & 98c pr. ,rS VS ,. N ;r. k
Si m' vl'mp 'mo.lH 1 S'''w.d Ui' X*,o . -V""",'' B " lh "K ln n ,!' lrK " r "5 ' "'•* ln '™ "'l "" a " ty """ """ y T,"', TaV'^r,", r" ®
|]| Sizes 24 to 8. Width B. C. D. D. hlfrh lace top8 ' ln Black > Navy, Green, Red. White. wear well and wash well. A fun and | ined sp CO ial Satur
y . limited quantity. day. fA.nr,.
jjj KAIFMAN'S First Floor === I KAUFMAN'S—First Floor ' KAI'FMAN'S First Floor
i l l X-Scores of Big Specials in Kaufman's Bargain Basement Saturday 1 , Men's Shirts 1
1 Alaska Ice MIRRO BRA ND rtfh, PORCH ! At RB9 I
Cream Freezers =>| , ALUMINUM WARE km SWINGS •
I I i-Qt "SS" A Complete Assortment Now In *" B ,0 " co "* : C 1" 1
II | - d>o or- MUItKUMN r . i. . „ I 58
' I 54.48 to $3.48 Rance Well made, fumed oak finish, each, ( Men's and Boys'
y I HMnfin 6 i Q i 5f2- /¥- -41? H I 1 h H *o A a QC to 0C qc f Summer Underwear
I' ** *< $1.75 to $2.69 I ILJ —I J/ V-Mto $3.48, $3.95 $6.95 |
| 57.50 C\ , , NEW '! "SSJ" 1
Hi Preserving W CWontai Tea IM W Pf fjt OT TA AX /f r*T HATT DP I Union Suits %J> 1•I Jf Ujl
U Emerson Phonograph Records. All Kettlea, Kettles, V 9 IM 111 SUMMER VOILES I Men's B. V. D. #-/1 ||j
|| and °° n \T' s L9sto I V $4.50 and VILLF $1.98 to V HI In dark shades, beautlfu. pat- I , Union Suits 31 .SUM
I, I for, ch , obc $3.25 V $4.98 $3.39 terns. 48c to g 9c ( Union
ferred with the County Commission
ers to-day about the assessments of
the coal lands owned by the Phila
delphia and Reading Coal and Iron
Company. These are located ln Rush,
East Hanover and Middle Paxton
townships. The County Commission
ers as a board of revision have taken
no definite action yet on the assess
ments. It is understood an effort will
be made to have the coal company
co-operate with the county in determ
ining the actual value of the lands
and also whether there is any coal
there which can be mined and sold.
Miss Faye I. Haverstick, 162 North
Fifteenth street, has been appointed
by J. K. Staples, playground super
visor, to have charge of the summer
camp at McCormick's island, which
will open next Thursday. Miss Hav
erstick will be in charge while the
girls are at camp during the first few
weeks. She is a graduate of the Cen
tral High School and a student at
the Sergent School.
rt 1 Kf
ham i? iffy vs ifta,. \ Dtnts Drrtcnon WHY ROT RETAINYOU* youmrut m
4 F' W!CJ& VSF