10 LEGISLATIVE SESSION JUST CLOSED ONE OF THE MOST CONSTRUCTIVE MEETINGS OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW MAKERS EVER HELD Leadership of Governor Sproul Accomplishes Wonders and Leaves Him at End of Session Even More Popular Than When He Was Inaugurated; Workmen's Compensation, Teachers' Salaries, Capitol Extension and Other Big Measures Enacted; Good Work of General Snyder Provides Needed Funds Walter J. Christy, writing in the | Pittsburg Gazette - Times on the work of the Legislature, says: "The 123 d session of the Pennsyl vania General Assembly adjourned at noon yesterday leavir.-g a record of achievement behind it which will mark it as one of the greatest con structive meetings the lawmakers of this Commonwealth have ever held. From the day of its organization until the gavels fell the legislators ' have been under the guiding hand of Governor William C. Sproul. Prac tically their last act was to listen to an address by him, a thing un precedented at least in the modern history of Pennsylvania Legislatures. The Executive was given a reception just as cordial as the one accorded him when he delivered his inaugural address, which all goes to show that • his leadership has been of a char acter to draw men to him. The har monious spirit shown is not usually found in the dying hour of a legisla tive body. "Governor Sproul smashed prece dents when he appeared in the House and addressed the members of the two bodies, sketching briefly some of the big things they had accomplish ed by their work in the last six months. The cordiality of his recep tion could not help but please him. During the months since he became Governor he has put through a won derful program of constructive legis lation, and in doing so it was neces sary at times to tramp on the toes of individuals and interests. It must have been gratifying to him to de duct from the enthusiastic applause which greeted his utterances and the ovation he received when he ap peared before the lawmakers that the legislators are going back home Just 50 June Bride Carving Sets Will Go On Sale This Week I On the Club Plan $1 Down and .....$1 Monthly I This is an extraordinary offer for June brides. Every household should have a good Carving Set I and this is an opportunity W.j 'ajg"to get one at a very low price and for a small amount down. You may buy this Carving Set for „ , . e*. ■ aa nr $1 down and $1 a month Complete Set For $4.95 on the club plan. The set is complete. The handles of the pieces are real mother of pearl and are finished with sterling silver ferrules and are hand carved. The blades are continental steel. This offer is for this week only because the supply is limited and they will sell very quickly Save Money and Ice, Buy a Burns Refrigerator | Family Size Refrigerator, sll ■ This Refrigerator is well built throughout and will hold a gen erous piece of ice. It is metal lined and has wire shelf in the food compartment. The cabinet is well finished. This price is remark ably low and we cannot assure you that we will have many more of this size refrigerator at this price when this stock is disposed of. Large Size Top Refrigerator, sl9 This Refrigerator is white enameled lined and has two wire shelves. The ice chamber will hold eighty pounds of ice. The food compartment is large and shaped to hold a big supply. "Chef" Fireless Cookers Special Sale and Demonstration Next Week Monday, June 30 to Thursday, July 3 Under the Personal Direction of Miss May B. Alrich Club Plan Arrangements For Purchasing A "Chef" Fireless Cooker May Be Arranged Extra Special! Extra Special! Extra Special! Porch Rocker Porch Swing Garden Hose $3.50 $2.95 $2.49" Large, high back, wide Substantially built This offer for this week arm Porch Rocker, nat- ro^t^'^ith" 1 chads'; ° nly - Twent y-five feet of ural finish, slats in the ready to hang, at this at- Rubber Garden Hose, back. Good strong posts. tractive price. complete with nozzle. FRIDAY EVENING, 1 HXMUSBURO d9Bk TELEGR3Cra JUNE 27, 19T9. proud of the fact they followed his lead. Governor Used Persuasion "In his dealings with the Legisla tue, the Governor has not attempted to drive. He used persuasion instead of the whip. He discussed his pro jects with legislators and succeeded iiv having them see them as he did. Standing with him and helping to work out his program was that other leader of men, Senator William E. Crow, of Fayette, chairman of the Republican State committee, and recognized leader of the Genei-al As sembly. The tasks sometimes de volving upon him were difficult, but in his quiet way he successfully worked them out. Another strong ally was W. Harry Baker, secretary of the Senate, the legislative expert of Pennsylvania, and a man whose counsel is always valuable. In the House the men who had a large share in successfully steering the Governor's legislative program wore John W. Vickerman, Allegheny; William T. Ramsey, Delaware, and John M. Flyirn, Elk. While the latter is a Democrat, he cast aside partisan feeling and worked with the Governor for the upbuilding of the State. Especial credit is due Mr. Flynn for his work on the sedition and teachers' salary increase legisla tion. "The appropriation situation was handed by William J. McCaig, of Pittsburgh, chairman- of the House committee. He worked with the Governor, and received the gratify ing compliment of both bodies unanimously accepting the general appropriation bill without sending it to a conference committee. This in dicates that the serpent, which has so often found a resting place in this legislation, was not allowed to enter, at this session. "A statement issued by Chairman McCaig shows the total appropria tions of the Legislature to be $104,- $77,715.18, as against about $86,000,- 000 two years ago. With possible revenues of at least $105,000,000 for the next two years. Mr. McCaig ex pects the bills will be approved about as they were sent to the Gov ernor. The important items which go to make up the total of more than $104,000,000 are: General Appropriation bill, $44,188.- 193.48 ; bills already approved by the Governor. $17,269,801.01 ; State institu tions, $7,364,337.98 ; semi-State insti tutions, $1,703,850 ; hospitals, $6,323,- 800 ; sanatoria, $167,700 ; homes, $1,209,- 085.64 ; higher education. $3,894,713.57 ; teachers salary increases and miscellan eous matters, $21,938,227.50. The gen- 1 eral appropriation bill carries the money to run the various branches of the government and the schools. Snyder"s Good Work The increased revenues are due to the vigorous and scientific manner in which Auditor General Charles A. Sny der has conducted his office. His col lection of taxes has* far exceeded all predecessors. He is figuring on collec tions of more than $47,000,000 this year. Legislation he had had passed is ex pected to greatly increase these figures in the near future. Tcaeliors' Salaries , At an early hour this morning the conference report on the teachers' salary increase bill was put through Iboth branches. There was some disposition by men from small counties to question the legislation, but Mr. Flynn's explanation was convincing and the measure went through. It is a big question and will take time to adjust all of the various angles. In its final I form it is the work of the Governor. Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Representa tives William T. Ramsey, J. I. Woodruff and John M. Flynn, and Senators James B. Weaver, Morris Einstein and C. W. Sones, members of the House and Sen ate Conference committee. \The bill makes available for teachers' salary increases during the next two i years $10,450,000. This is provided by a straight appropriation of $6,000,000 and $4,500,000, or so much as is neces sary, is diverted to the payment of the State's share of the increases-from the regular school appropriation of SIB,OOO - carried in the general appropriation i hill. This diverted sum has been used in the past to pay the Commonwealth's share of minimum salaries. Now, the districts must pay the full minimum salaries and contribute their share to the salary increases. The minimum salaries fixed by the bill are S6O, S7O and SBO a school month, according to the grade of certificate held by the teacher. The present rates are $45, $55 and S6O. Each teacher, principal and other. In structor In the second, third and fourth class districts, holding a certificate other than provisional, and who for the school years of 1918 and 1919 received a salary of less than SIOO a school month, and whose salary is not in i creased by at least 25 per cent, by the new minimum salaries, are to receive an increase of 25 per cent. These re ceiving SIOO and not more than $l5O a school month get a 20 per cent, in crease ; these receiving more than $l5O and not more than S2OO go up 15 per cent, and those receiving more than *2OO are given a 10 per cent., increase. t„i , s< * Pond - t hird and fourth class dis of the State Wi " pay as lts share of the salary increase as follows: Hold ers of provisional certificates employed BC h°°ls, $lO a school month, certm . ° ! e . r holders of provisional cert ficates, $o a month ; holders of pro fessional or State normal school certi era I' 2 ' 60 B m °" th = b °' d ers of state Normal school di plomas, county permanent. State or col l^ e pr ° v isi° n l certificates, S2O a month salaried ™ nin portlon °f such salaries, with percentage of Increase " Provided for shall be paid by the school district." addition to the minimum salary "he State P °th°V eqUil ' ed to be paid by the State, the Commonwealth will pay to each rural school teacher, holding $5 TZT hl *r than p -vlslonaf Is defined """"h- - Th<! term a It * , meanin * any school, not countav nr .° 1 ia 'be open tion Final S "? al1 centers of popula j is "rural" i °" 88 to wbpn a Cent ofPublie V Tns e , rr e Sl """- inten - Tho ß r° , ''?", n,zatlon Measures Providing foe *" re hus passcd Dills PanizaGon in S ,° mC fo, mof rp or- ! an P n in almost everv donm-i practically' 16 State *°vernment. Jr. j Hmi v. w every case the let*-' et™.. - been dictated bv the Gy makingnth be ut,liz ed by ium'in tactile lh o„ d i eP d. rtmen,s racro ef hhn in 2 < J" Iy disappointment for ttaT fnllnrn f legislation was DeDßri!noßf get tho Conservation Department constructed along lines be )n dps ' rcd . b"t as he had so many hings to attend to, it was necessary to abandon this bill. The important the°?oii rUC^° n bills havc ,0 do with w foll< "y in P departments: pnrwotm ° Hi P hwa >'. Education, SW m ~o f State Police and Adjutant * la rshal Departments, i Bankw General. Agriculture, vtatan K V P r ' nt,n P. Document Di- PHntine £ rinti . ng and Legislative n2 n ' Forestry, Grounds and ?nd i n 5 S ' , alth - Insurance. Labor the Commonwealth. Secretarv of In sotf Affairs, Workmen's Compen- Ono r?h U and S,ate Quarantine, o-00l L the "nportant laws which fin!? department reorganiza- I kinds he eS Ki t u at reports of all I otP f published bienniallv in mnn'th? anpually or even weekly or monthly as in some cases. The Gov- ' or * s to determine what is to ho published. This will result in an im mense saving of money and at the same time will expedite the issuing of essential publications. This legis- Uo , n on n?°VP led u Mth the reorganiza alinr h... Printing Department aling business lines will keep thou sands of dollars in' the treasury (The Governor is authorized to c *l>erts to work along cer wiV?hhe?'P e ?' nnd one of 'heir duties! PI o prepare far In advance I of the Legislature for revenue and appropriation legislation. The pres ent methods of handling these sub jects are unsatisfactory and un businesslike. The work can be ex pedited and the uncertainty as to possible revenues to a great extent removed by beginning the session of the Legislature with some fixed idea tures receipts and expendi- In^ the reorganization scheme of the Executive Department, the of "? e ° f Executive Controller has been abolished and practically all of the work performed by has been passed along to the Auditor Gen eral s Department. The Governor Has also had the law repealed which made it necessary for him to pass upon a great mass of vouchers. Welfare Commission A new department is the Public Welfare Commission, a reconstruc tion of the Commission of Public Safety and Defense authorized by the 1917" Legislature to handle war questions. The commission consists of the Governor, Lieutenant Gov ernor, State Treasurer. Auditor Gen eral and Adjutant General. It is [ to be managed by an executive di rector. The commission is charged, when it deems necessary, to pre pare for the defense and security of the Commonwealth, the safety of its people, and the protection and pres ervation of their property. It is au thorized to undertake measures for the Americanization of foreign-born residents and for the interpretation to the American-born of the life and I ideals of the allies of the United I States. j Th commission is authorized to ! investigate, aid and ass'st any ac tivity having for its purpose the bet terment of social, educational, agri cultural or industrial conditions. It may Invite the affiliation with itself of all or any relief associations. It has authority to organize agencies designed to perpetuate the deeds, records and achievements of the sol diers, sailors and marines and of rltizens and organizations of the State active during the war with Germany and Austria nnd to prepare and print a history of these achieve ments. An appropriation of $500.- 000 is made to the commission. In the event of the suspension of the activities of the commission, the Governor may designate the Depart- I ment of Labor and Industry, the Department of Public Instruction, I the Department of Health or any or all of them to carry on such por tions of the work as he may direct. Great Highway Program The accomplishment which seems the largest in the Sproul administra tion is the work being done in the Highway Department. As a Senator, Governor Sproul was the father of the great roads movement in Penn sylvania, and now that it is within his power to work out his plans, ho is bending every effort to the task. It is generally agreed that his ap pointment of Lewis S. Sadler, as Commissioner of Highways, could not have been improved upon. The Legislature has given him all of the necessary legislation for the reor ganization of the department in or der to bring it to the highest stand ard of efficiency. At the same election in which Governor Sproul was chosen, the voters of the State approved the $50,000,000 road bond issue. The Governor saw to it that the first ad ministration legislation provided the necessary laws for the inauguration of the greatest road-building pro gram ever undertaken by any State. Included in this was the bill for the sale of the bonds. This week bids were received on the sale of $12,- 000,000 of this paper, and the high est bidder offered almost 103.53, which brings in a premium of $423,- 5 40. The necessary sinking fund leg islation for the interest and retire ment of the bonds has been pro vided. During the next two years the department will have available for construction and maintenance $61,- 117,000, of which almost $49,000,- 000 will be used in construction. In the two years $30,000,000 of the bond money is to be spent. From the Federal government the State will receive in that period over $lO,- 917,000. The maintenance fund is figuring on receiving $11,000,000 from motor license fees, in the four years the State will have over SIOO,- 000,000 to spend in roads. At the same time at least a score of coun ties will be expending the proceeds of large highway bond issues they are floating. There are now 1,400 miles of im proved roads on Pennsylvania's pri mary highway system. During the next two years Commissioner Sad ler expects to add to this 1,500 miles, making a total of 2,900 miles and during the same period coun ties will be constructing highways which will connect with these main routes of the State. At the end of the Sproul administration the mile age of improved roads in Pennsyl vania will be far in excess of that of any other Commonwealth. Pnblle Schools Following the death of Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, Governor Sproul started the reorganization of the educational department and he ex pects to make it one of the most efficient .in the United States. After a lengthy search for a man to head the department he secured the serv ices of Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, long prominent in the educational work of New York State. n ® alary ot Superintendent of Public Instruction had been $5,000 a year, but in order to secure a man of proper type, the Legislature, at the request of the Governor, in creased the compensation to $12.- 000 a year. In order to put Dr. (t Harrisburg's Dependable Store " >~pHE entire structure of Wm. Strouse & Co's es- :.]| tabJishment is built on one word—Confidence— for unless you feel that what a store represents as true is absolutely correct, you had better not deal And it is this feeling of Confidence, knowing that V' f1 when Wm. Strouse says a garment is of REAL Or 2 4®W/i VALUE it is so, that has made us in truth \ji[ .AilfiW Jf ' ' 'Harrisburg's Dependable Store.'' j| ||||^!; If you havfen't seen the array of 4 'Palm Beaches," , (Kni? "Cool Cloths," Panama Cloths and Silk Suits dis- 7 played here, then you are missing the finest show- iff. If ing of Men's summer suits in the city, j | J\ ml mm!'% .\ 111111 lirf Many handsome models and beautiful fabcies are f\|p in the selection, and it will be to your advantage fffi to see them. If f ™ fg Palm Beaches are $13.50--$15.0,0~516.50-$lB Wm. Strouse Cloth Suits are $25--S3O-$35 Now Is the Time to Prepare For the 4th Our Underwear Department is the | Metric Silk Shirts represent the most complete to be found anywhere— utmost in "shirtdom" for the well- Lewis, Vassar, Rockinchair and Varsity, dressed man. The patterns are most known throughout the nation as four of beautiful and the quality is unsurpassed, the best makes —and Wm. Strouse & Co. If you've never had the pleasure of wear have them all. You'll find every gar- ing one, come to Wm. Strouse & Co. and ment in our stock, and of excellent qual- be better pleased than you ever have ity and comfort. been with silk shirts. Attractive Bathing Suits are to $7.00 310 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. Finegan in complete control of the educational system, another bill which is on the desk of the Gov ernor makes him the chief execu tive officer of the State Board of Education. Heretofore the State Board of Education and the Super intendent of Public Instruction were working along separate lines. An other bill to assist in the reorgan ization of the department provides that one of the deputy superintend ents shall be paid $7,500 and the other deputy $6,000 a year. The Governor has announced that Dr. J. George Becht, Secretary of the State Board of Education, is to be come the first assistant to Dr. Fine gan. In uodition to the usual large ap propriation Pennsylvania makes to her schools, this Legislature has made available $8,400,000 to be spent in the next two years in in creasing the salaries of the teach ers of the public schools. Generally speaking, a sum equal to this will be paid by the school districts for the same purpose. The measure to carry out this plan is the Woodruff bill which is now on the desk of the Governor. It fixes minimum salaries at S6O, S7O and SBO, according to the grade of a certificate held by the teacher. The bill requires school dis tricts to pay the minimum salaries. In first class districts school nurses share in the increase. in order 1o make it possible for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to take care of their share of the salary in crease which is on a straight fifty fifty basis with the State, the tax levy in first class districts was in creased. The bill has been signed A Quick and Harmless Rheumatism Remedy That Has Driven All Agony from Hundreds of Despairing Sufferers. Be fair to yourself, you sufferer from rheumatism, no matter what form. Get from your druggist a pack age of Kheuma, the guaranteed pre scription. Use the entire bottle, and if you don't think it has given you quick and sure relief, say so, and you can have your money back. Isn't that a lair offer? Can you see any deceit about it? What chance do you take? Absolutely none. Then get a bottle of ltheuma today. It's a reputable physician's prescrip tion, altogether different from reme dies usually prescribed free from nar cotics, and perfectly harmless. Rheuma acts on the kidneys and helps to force the uric acid from the swollen joints and other lodging places. It pleases you in a day; it makes you hopeful and happy in a week. It has released from bondage rheumatic sufferers who thought nothing would give relief. It should do as much for you—it seldom fails. Konnedy's drug store will supply you and guarantee money back if not sat isfied. r —-~S COKSb m~M~W W 1 BUNIONS CALLUSES GORGAS DRUG STORES V— ■ by the Governor and fixes a limit in Philadelphia of seven mills for 1920 and eight mills for 1921 and there after. In Pittsburgh because that school board assumed the bonded indebtedness of numerous subdls- This Season's Greatest Foot Value Hundreds of smart new models in every white fabric, and every pair at such substantial savings that you should buy your whole Summer's supply here and now. White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps for women, growing girls, misses and children. .. , ' v 'l Women's White Canvas Oxfords, lace shoes, high or low heel; worth d"| qo ft* |2 $3.00 a pair. Special wI.J/O ft' Women's White Sea Isle Can vas Oxfords, in medium or Q'i*" Louis heels, with tip or plain ' toe. Wonderful value. <£> A /fj "" Special .. ■ $2.50 Growing Girl's White] Women's White Fine Weave Canvas Oxfords, low or djl QB Canvas Pumps, with full covered military heel vr m. Louis heels and hand turned i i i soles. Brand new <fcO QB styles Misses' White Canvas Lace mmmm^ Shoes, English or regular toe. ss.oo Women's White Canvas White enameled soles and heels. Sport Oxfords, with rubber soles Unusual d-l aq an( } heel. tfl gn vadue_ LJ _ : _ LJLJ^_L _ ; _. w X *TZf O 1 .D*7 Misses' and Children's Whitel Infants' Barefoot Sandals, Canvas Mary Jane Pumps. Sizes sizes 1 to 5, Misses' White Canvas Ox- Misses' and Children's Lace fords. Splendid d 1 QC Foot Sandals, in tan lotus calf value * A '*° 98C 10 $1.69 Children's White Canvas But- 1 ton Shoes. Sizes up to 11. Spe- Misses' and Children's Keds eially priced for today and QQ. ankle strap; siees up no Saturday to 2 "OC Boys' Champion Boys' Scout Tennis Shoes and Shoes; tan elk Oxfords in brown, , u P .P er " solid A I, , ... leather oak soles, -<&& black or white. An ng Special, iD6,y5 98c Men's Tan Calf ' : Boys' U. S. Sue- a n q^ tion Sole Tennis „V. „ e hSr $1 Men's Scout trimmed, sizes up shoeß in black or <6l QO soles. Every pair x PIS7O guaranteed to - give the best of Sizes 2 % to 6, service. Special, $2.45 $3.45 FACTORY OUTLET SHOE CO. Seulh™ SHora 16 N. 4th St. trict boards, a limit of seven and one-half mills for 1920 and eight and one-half for 1921 or any year thereafter until such assumed bond [Continued on Page 11.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers