Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 26, 1919, Page 18, Image 18
18 ROME WAITERS REFUSE ALL TIPS Add 20 Per Cent., However, to the Total of the Bill For Service Rome, June 26..—Rome waiters refuse to accept tips from patrons. Tips are rigorously suppressed and nothing ean Induce the waiters to violate the practice, Their Insist ence on keeping to the regulations, , however, is not motivated by any altruistic tendencies, for one of the ! Rome waiters' "fourteen points" is that twenty per cent, must be add ! Ed to the total of the bill for aery ice. An American, one of tbe latest ar rivals in Rome, who is attached to the American embassy here, was paying his bill recently when, on leaving a tip of thirty cents for the waiter, he was astonished to find the waiter handing the money back to him. The American immediately concluded that the tip was not con sidered sufficient and that It was therefore scorned. He was reaching into his pocket to reinforce his graulty when some one speaking English told him of the Rome rule. Therewith he pocketed the tip and walked out. Large posters have been placed in the restaurants and tea rooms here announcing the action of the wait ers. On the whole, the practice seems to have satisfied the patrons who feel that they have, at last, been spared the annoyance of the Inevitably disgruntled waiter. To arouse a sluggish liver, to relieve a distressed stomach, to fortify your- LtffMt Sale ef Any Medicine In the World. Sold everywhere. In Boia, 100.. 25c. POSLAM WANTS TO HELP YOUR BROKEN-OUT SKIN When any itching skin disease af fects or when any slight eruptional spot begins to itch and burn, apply Foslam. You may be confident that the trouble is having the right treat ment. for you have called to your aid a healing power highly concen trated. active and persistent. Itching stops and tile skin feels immeasure ably grateful. In the treatment of virulent eczema, acne, pimples and all surface affections, Poslani's re sults are quickly felt and seen. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St., New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Pos rtm should be used if skin is tender and sensitive. Try Krumbles— Your Money Back If Not Pleased Here is the way to test a most de licious cereal food at our risk. Buy a 15-cent package of Krumbles from your grocer this week. Try them— Use the whole package If you wish. If you do not think that Krumbles are everything we claim them to be —If you are not thoroughly pleased and satisfied witli their flavor and with their healthful qualities, your grocer will refund your money without ques tion and we will reimburse him. The war taught us how to make Krumbles a hundred per cent, better than ever before, by creating a most appetizing blend of choice cereals. Remember, that Krumlilra are made in the same big kitchens that pro duce Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. Get. your trial package today at our risk, Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co., Battle Creek, Mich, WL iH vHH "Old Soldier" writes: "I would like to know what to do for rheumatism, .as I am so crippled that I cannot walk. Please answer at once." Answer; Mere Is the best remedy for rheumatism that is known, , and if taken according to directions you will soon be out agnln and be strong and well, Get 2 drams of iodide of potassium; 4 drams sodium salicylate; Vt oz. wine of colehteum; 1 oz. romp, essence cardiolj 1 oz. comp. fluid balmwort and 5 o*s, of syrup sarsa pparilla comp. Mix and take a tea parilla comp. Mix and take a tea fore going to bed, • • • "Poorly" writes: "Being past middle age snd observing that my nervous system is in bad shape, I write for a prescription, 1 do not gain strength from my food, am weak, listless, for getful, sleepless at times, tired, and unable to act that part of a strong man of health, such as I was at one time." Answer: Get from a well-stocked pharmacy a sealed tube of three-grain Cadomene Tablets, which are espe cially made for those needing a strong, harmless, rejuvenating tonic. Astonishing and pleasing results follow and life and hope are renewed. • • • Miss Beatrice asks: "Will you please prescribe for one who is too fleshy so that about 30 pounds can be taken off?" Answer: Obtain of any well stocked druggist a tube of 5-grain Arbolone Tablets and take regularly as per directions accompanying same. Many of my patients have reduced at the rate of a pound a day without any 111 results. as* "Unhappy May" writes: "I suffer constantly with constipation, head . aches. Indigestion and kidney trouble. (J4y skin is pimply and oily." THURSDAY EVENING, SECOND BRAVEST MAN OF THE WAR ,! American Doughboy Gets a Medal For Bagging 80 Germans I By Associated Press. Camp Ulz, N. J., June 26.—Another 1 humble American doughboy toi.k his > place in the hall of fame yesterday in the person of Prlvute Frank C-aff '■ I ney. Company G, One Hundred Eighth ! Infantry, the Twenty-seventh Divls -1 ion (New York National Guard.) Sergeant Alvin York, of Pall Mall, Tenn., Is the only man In the Ameri can Army credited with a larger bag | of prisoners than Gaffney. The lanky i Tennessean brought in 132 Germans. ' but he had a few men to help him ! round them up, while the New York er, oil ale no and suffering from a wound which cost him one of din , arms, piloted 80 Into the American ■ lines. j "You're the second bravest inan • the war produce 1." declared Major ' General McHale when he plnne 1 the i Congressional Medal of Honor on the breast of the blusing Gaffney. Here, is the official citation which ! won the highest military honor the nation can bestow: i J "on September 29 at Ransart, when his lieutenant and sergeant had been | killed. Private Gaffney assumed I command of the platoon and coutinj | ed on the objective, a German tna -1 chine gun nest. OafTney was the onlv man to reacn the objective. Bravely and skillfully handling a niatli'.ne gun and hand grenades lie 1;! lied several of the enemy and b- night back SO of them to the A-ner | lean lines." | Says Rent Profiteer Will Go Down When Home Demand Is Met Atlantic City, N. J., June 26. Thomas Sliallcross, Jr., of Philadel phia, reporting for the committee on national legislation at the opening I session of the National Real Estate .' Boards here yesterday, said rent profiteering would never be sup pressed through legislation. "The remedy as we see it, is to make the supply of houses meet the demand," he declared. "When that occurs the rent profiteer landlord i will get what is coming to him. He | will be shunned as an enemy of the [people. This committee believes that the government should advance money to responsible parties for the building of houses just as it makes loans to the farmers for the promo | tion of agriculture. People must | have homes- I Wiinam M. Garland, of Eos Ange jles. the president, in his annual ad j dress, advanced a Federal depart ment of real estate. I HELEN BOYLE, OUT, WANTS TO FORGET | Pittsburgh. June 26.—Trim as a ' racing yacht, her slight figured at j tired in a natty blue traveling suit, i wearing a chic little blue hat to j match, Helen Mc.Dermott Boyle, fa : mous kidnaper of Willie Whitla, son i of Attorney Whitla, of Mercer, ten j years ago, yesterday was released I from the Western Penitentiary on | parole. She was accompanied by [ an attorney and her brother, William j McDermott, of Chicago. They were ' taken to the Baltimore & Ohio Rail ' road station and took a train for j Akron, Ohio, where they will spend a few days, and then go on to her J home In Chicago, where her mother | an-xlously awaits her. Her father ; died while she was serY'lng her sen j tence. One Treatment with Cuticura Clears Dandruff ATI rirnroUti • Soan 25. Ointment 25 A BV Stirhle fro* of Dpt *, Ronton." The questions answered below are general in character; the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers should apply to any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, Ool [ lege Building, College-Ell wood streets, Dayton, 0., enclosing self i addressed stamped envelope for ! reply., Full name and address must be given, but only initials or fictitious j name will be used in any answers. . The remedies can be obtained at any well-storked drug store. Any drug- I gist can order of wholesaler. Answer: Three grain Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur tablets) is the best known remedy for the -blood. They are made from sulphur, cream of tartar and herb medicines which act directly on the blood purifying it, thus causing the pimples to dis appear and the skin to become fresh , and healthy looking. • • "Essex" writes: "What should I do to relieve a severe case of kidnev and ■ bladder disease? Urine is dark! foul 1 of odor, and passage is Irregular, 1 painful, etc. Have depression, fever, : chills, pains like rheumatism, and soreness in region of bladder." Answer: For such symptoms as I you describe, I prescribe my favorite formula under the name of Balmwort Tablets. This is a splendid eltlcacious remedy for such abnormal conditions. Begin their use as per directions on each sealed tube. • • • i "Sorrowful" says: "My scalp Is . covered with dandruff, my hair is oily i and straggling. Please help me so that 1 may look like other girls." | Answer: You can very easily "look like other girls" if you will get at the drug store a 4 oz. jar of plain yellow Minyol and use it regularly I according to the directions given. It i will stop your dandruff and make your hair soft and fluffy and make . it grow. This treatment differs from all others and I have actually seen i the most wonderful transformations when people have used this only two or three times. • • • , "Ann" writes: "Could you prescribe something to increase my weight? I am tall and thin to such an em barrassing degree that I am fre quently subjected to alighting re marks." Answer: Hypo-Nuclane Tablets have been prescribed with great suc cess as indicated by gratifying letters from hundreds of girls who suffer as you do. These tablets can be purchased in sealed packages from ' any well-stocked drug store and full ■ directions are given Inside. These . should. be taken regularly for about two months. NO VOLUNTEERS TO GO OVERSEA War Department Will With draw Its Offer of Service By Associated Press. Washington, June 26.—Offer of service In Kurope to recruits ob tained under volunteer enlistment will be withdrawn under orders pro- I pared by the War Department. The ! policy of sending regular officers | overseas to relieve those in the 1 American Expeditionary Forces also ! will be abandoned. This action was said to have re j suited from the improved situation I in Kurope growing out of the iin- I minenl signing of the Peace Treaty. 1 In the orders officers here foresaw ; an early return of all troops now ; abroad excepting the comparative | ly small American contribution to 1 the army of occupation. Council May Move More Offices to Fager üßilding If Quarters Are Found City commissioners may call a special meeting to consider plana for remodeling the Fager building, which the school board decided yes terday to lease to the city for po lice headquarters. While nothing definite has been decided it is under stood the councilmen will inspect the building and determine upon Mayor Keister's suggestion whether all of it will he needed for the police department. In case sufficient room is avail able it may be decided to move the city health bureau, or some other city department to the building and save additional rent, commissioners said at the meeting of council on Tuesdgy. Mayor Keister said he will begin at once to complete arrangements for moving the department's furni ture and other equipment including the police records and flies. An architect may be secured to draw plans for the alterations which will be necessary to tbe school building, and Oitv Electrician ("lark E. Diehl said he will lose no time in arrang ing for the removal of the police and fire alarm systems to the new loca tion. This will require at least six weeks to do he said. The school board yesterday agreed to rent the bpilding to the city for a five-year term, at $2,500 a year, the lease to be terminated upon six months notice: tbe city to furnish its | light and heat, exonerate the prop erty from city tax. pay for any al terations to the school building, and not be required to remodel the prop erties at Fifth nni? M'nlvut streets, to be used for a continuation scnool. The board had planned to have the citv pay this expense also, but after a conference with council decided not to require the city to paw for the alterations. Only five directors were present at the session yesterday. They were A. Carson Stamm, Oeorge W. Reilv, W. Frank Witman, TTarry A. Boyer and President Robert A. Enders. The members also decided not to take definite action aborrdining the teach ers' training school but passed a resolution that no new pupils are to be admitted to It this fall. Plans For Labor Party to Be Considered Later Plans for a T-iabor party ticket in Pennsylvania will be considered def initely at a meeting to be held In Harrisburg in the near future. This meeting will be under the jurisdic tion of the State Federation of La bor and will be a state-wide gather ing. In the meantime an auxiliary com mittee to be named by James Maurer president of the State Federatidn will take up plans with the State Exec utive Committee. These plans will be presented to the convention for approval. It is probable that the big meeting will be held here during July or August. The proposed new political party was outlined at the meeting yester day of the Executive Committe of the State Federation of Labor. There were a number of speakers at the afternoon meeting, Including Miss Margaret Bonfield, National Repre sentative of the British Trades Union. She came here from Atlantic City, where Miss Bonfield was a del egate to the Trades Union conven tion representing England. Another speaker was T. N. Daley, of New York, president of the eMtal Work ers Union. There were,43 representatives pres ent yesterday covering many branches of labor in Pennsylvania. Following the discussions, President Maurer was authorized to appoint an auxiliary committee to act in con- Junction with the Executive Com mittee in formulating plans. As soon as the plans are ready President Maurer will call the State meeting. Germany Is Facing Nation-Wide R.R. Strike Berlin, June 26. —Germany is faced with a nation-wide railroad strike for higher wages. At the Gorlitz station. Berlin, service has been stopped in both directions. The Breslau service has been badly in terrupted. The government is negotiating In an endeavor to halt the strikes which are largely the outcome of communistic propaganda. BROADWAY OEM RAID FAILS . New York, June 26.—While hun dreds of persons were passing, three unidentified bandits made a bold at temp to rob the jewelry store of Cas perfeld and Cleveland, at Broadway and Thirty-ninth street, by smash ing the plate-glass window contain ing jewels said to be worth $200,000, The robbers were foiled by the fact that the hole in the window was be yond their reach. REFUSES TO CHARM SNAKES Cincinnati, June 26.—When Clara Q. Agnes, 24. wife of Thomas C. Ag nes, aged 34, refused to become a snake charmer at her husband's bid ding so that he could utilize her for sideshow purposes, Agnes brought suit for divorce, but Mrs. Agnes cross-petitioned and was granted the divorce yesterday by Judge C. W. Hoffman. In the Domestic Relations Court she testified that her husband said he was going to shave their young son's head when he was old enough and by placing a wig on him utilize the child as a wild man. USES DOPE TO STEAL CHICKENS York, Pa., June 26.—When a thief entered the henhouse owned by Wil liam Fisher, of Halam, last night, he 'used an anesthetic to quiet the fowls, while he stole 18 choice ones. The remaining chickens staggered about the hennery in a state of semicoma. . BJUEUUSBTTRG iTLbORAPH PROHIBITION BILL TO BE OUT TODAY Said to Be the Most Drastic Liquor Measure Ever Presented Washington, June 26.—A straight, I clear cut bill for enforcement of ) war-time prohibition was to be re ported out to-duy by the House Ju diciary committee. Decision to separate the war-time from the constitutional prohibition enforcement measure —said to be the most drastic liquor bill ever presented to Congress—was reached after an all-day session, which was much like marching ftp the hill and then down again. A proposal that two distinct bills be drafted was rejected yesterday, but it was brought up aguin yesterday by Rep resentative Walsh. Republican, of Massachusetts, and was pending when a motion to adjourn abruptly : ended the discussion. There was no indication as to how the committee would have voted, but several of the leading j prohibition members agreed last night that in view of the manifest I differences between the two issues and the possibility that the sale of beer and light wines might be per mitted until January by Presidential proclamation, the wisest thing to do was to report out the war-time bill the first thing to-day, and the con stitutional bill later In the day. In this way there is every assurance, they said, that the war-time bill would he passed probably by both houses before the end of the month, at which time the "dry" act becomes effective. German Monument's Destruction Demanded Paris, June 26.—Deputy Peyroux, of the federated republican groups in the Chamber of Deputies, and several of his colleagues Introduced a resolution In the Chamber yester day calling for the destruction of the German national monument on the Niederwald so as to punish Ger man pride and to answer the de struction of the fleet at Scapa Flow and the burning of the French bat tleflags of 1870. The Deputy re quested an immediate discussion. The German national monument on the Niederwald is opposite Bing en-on-the-Rhine, in the French area of occupation. It was erected to commemorate the founding of the German empire in 1870-71. KILLED WALKING INTO COACHES Townndn, Pa., June 26.—Miss Mar garite Cotter, 70, was Instantly killed when she was hit by express train No. 19, westbound, at the Madill crossing She was deaf and did not hear the train approaching. The engine missed her. but she was so scared that she ran directly in to the coaches. WILLIAM SPORT PASTOR QUITS Williamsport. Pa., June 2 6. —The Rev. James Robinson Baker, for nearly twenty-three years pastor of the Lycoming Presbyterian Church, has tendered his resignation, effec tive July 1. He is in poor health and will retire from the active work of the minristry. During his twenty nine years of service he has served only two churches. RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HEALY'S Ocean End Kentucky Ave. All conveniences. Elevator to street level. Terms reasonable. Capacity 300. Booklet. " SOMERSET HOUSE MISSISSIPPI AVE. 32nd season under same management. $2.50 up daily. Special weekly. MRS. RUTH STEES, Prop. HOTEL ESPLANADE CvoleNt and Moat Attractive Locution WHOLE BLOCK. OCEAN FRONT. Directly on the Boardwalk. Boston to Sovereign ave., in exclusive Chelsea section. Capacity, 500. Fresh and sea water baths, private and public and every appointment. Modern hydro therapeutic department. Orchestra Dancing. Auto bus meets trains. Booklet. Ownership direction. W. F. SHAW. JVfONTICELLO 1 M EXCELS IN GOMfORI,SERVICE AND CUISINE Kentucky av, A Beach. Heart of At lantic City. Cap. 500; modern through out. $3 up daily; sl6 up weekly; American plan. A. C. KKHOLM. HOTEL ALDER 0 S. Mt. Vernon Ave. Centrally located. American & Euro pean Plans. Fine rms. Excel, table. Mod. rates. Bathing from hotel. O. JI. ALDER GwQHARLES \ If ON THE OCEAN FRONT \ If pleven dories of real (o\"7Vi~) A-Jcomfortwithanaiwi ronmont of distinct rrfljve tUOLppy mentwitfout extruvaoaive. AHBMOOTSUUL AIWAVSOSCN 1 I I 1 UTEfiATUCI waTERES MAIL IN V /• \ J Wm.A.L-rrh AJy/-. AMERICAN PLAN (with meals) $3.00 up Daily, $15.00 up Weekly Best Located Popular Price Hotel NETHERLANDS New York Ave. 50 Yds, from B'dwalk Overlooking lawn and ocean. Cap. too Elevator; private baths; hot and cold running water In rooms; table and service a feature SPECIAL FREE FEATURES BATHING PRIVILEGE FROM HOTEL LAWN TENNIS COURT, DANCE PL'R Booklet with Points of Interest mailed AUGUST RUHWADEL, Proprietor CHESTER HOUSE, 15 & 17 S. Georgia Ave., nr. Beach. Two sqs. from Reading Sta. $1.60 to 2 dly; $9 to 10 wky. Mrs. T. Dlckerson M|LLER^*"°AHNEX | "LJS N.GEORGIA AyE.ATI_CfTY. * Scrupulously clean, electric lighted throughout. While service. Hot and cold water baths. $2.00 up daily. sl2 up weekly. Estab. to years. Emerson Crouthamel, Mgr. .BO np Pally. H4.QO op Wkly. Am. Plan ELBERON £ Fireproof A uuex. Tennessee Av. nr. tjeffh. Csp. too. Central;open mirroundinßs: opp. Catho lic and Protertant Churches. Private Baths. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS THE WILTSHIRE, Virginia ave. and Beach. Ocean view. Capacity 350. Private baths, running water in rooms, elevator, etc. Amer. plan, special weekly rates. Booklet* SAMUEL FT J <IS. ATTORNEY URGES DEFENSE ACTION Racial Enmity and Hatred * Have Not Been Eli mi natcd, He Says By Associated, Press. IPliilmleJphia, June 26. —Brigadier (f ' =* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Many Needed Summer Things Specially Priced for Friday f \ r ——— \ No Friday Specials Sent c. o. D., or Basement Specials for Friday Mail Or Phone Orders Filled Fiber sweeping brooms. Regularly 98c, Special Friday V ; J only 6l)< Folding ironing boards. Regular $2.25. Special Friday ( \ only $1.98 Hosiery and Underwear Specials 69c irWescent glass ,ruit bow,s ' Spec,al Fri,lay $3.50 Wallace adjustable desk or reading lamps. Spe- Men's 18c black cotton half hose, seamless. Special rn- c j a l Friday only $2.98 day only ........ i........... 12iyif 90c "Hy-Lo" Mazda Lamp's.'' Special Friday only, 59£ , Women s 75c silk boot hose, lisle tops, fashioned feet, $1.50 folding wash bench, capacity two tubs. Soecial white and black. Special Friday only 50£ Friday only . $1 19 Boys' 59c white nainsook athletic union suits; sleeveless, $2.00 aluminum double boiler, 2-quart"size. Special Fri knee length. Special Friday only 39£ day only $1.49 Women's 50c cotton ribbed vests, sleeveless. Special Friday only 39£ Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Basement. Men's $2.00 white, cotton ribbed union suits, knee length v J and ankle length; sizes 34 and 36. Special Friday only, $1.25 / n Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. TTT t-im /-><• n r>i f __ j Women s Fibre Silk Sweaters . ' $6.95 to $7.50 fibre silk coat sweaters, belt and sash f "t T t r\ p n ity models with shawl and sailor collars. Special Friday only, Women s Oxfords and Pumps Dl „„ Sl _ *3.85 Oxfords in dark brown kidskin and patent leather with a- y chic French heels. Special Friday only $5.95 White linen oxfords with Louis covered wooden heels r and turn soles and military or Cuban leather heels with * 1 J T) a 1 • Cl'atyt -I welt soles. Special Friday only $3.75 (jrllVlS ijUtJling OUILS Xv6CIUC6CI Pumps in field mouse kidskin.and brown suede with long vamps and Louis heels. Special Friday only $7.45 $1.65 one-piece bathing suits, fancy trimmed, belted styles. Special Friday only 95£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street ' v J Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Men's Store. —.—————■^_ m A Grocery Specials for Friday ' f Boys" Overalls Special for Friday' LEVE uOED, St CEKCS ••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••• lly Lux soap flakes, package 10y>ip 75c dark pin stripe overalls, sizes 3 to 6. Special Fri- Kneipp's malt coffee, lb 23 C day only 48£ Tetley's India and Ceylon mixed tea, can 19£ Dlvea Pomeroy & Btewart Men . g stora Red kidney beans, can lOf? Lebanon bologna, y 2 lb., machine sliced 19p ' Cheese tidbits, lb 35£ Rose's imported lime juice, 50c bottles 45£ /■ -\ Pompeian salad dressing, bottle n 19 n ri *ll T") * 3 lluylers drinking and cooking chocolate, cake .... 18< UOII UcipS OpeClUlly irnCeQ Sweet and sour pickles, jar ,, , , , , ~ _ ~_ . , Men s and boys 50c to 75c golf caps. Special Friday only, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement ' 31^ y y Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. V N Friday Offerings in Children's ~ r .,, . , s g^ oes Friday Offering of Wash Ties , , , , 18c tubular reversible four-in-hand tub ties. Special Boys sl.2a brown army duck shoes with rubber soles Friday onlv 2 for 25^ and spring heels, sizes 11 to 6. Special Friday only .. 90£ Children's $1.25 white canvas shoes and pumps, all more Dives. Pomeroy a Stewart, Men's store, or less counter soiled; sizes 5 and 7. Special Friday only, v J 75> Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor, Rear. . Toilet Goods Economies for Friday ( tn*i T-i , , 10c toilet soap. Special Friday only 3£ Friday Economies in Misses and 75c rubber gloves, Special Friday only .. 25J u . 15c talcum powder. Special Friday only (jXf OrdS $1.25 white ivory manicure sets. Special Friday only, 59^ $2.00 patent leather oxfords and pumps, made on broad 50c Palm Olive Shampoo. Special Friday only 39^ and narrow toe lasts with stitched soles and low heels; 50c Miro Dena face powder. Special Friday only, 39^ sizes \V/ 2 to 13. Special Friday only $1.20 Diveg Pomeroy & stewart> street Floor . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor, Rear. y _J V - > N r > Colored Dress Goods for Friday Women's Boudoir Slippers— s4.so plaid skirting; 48 inches wide, ten styles. Special Friday only, yard s*-.9a $1.50 cretonne boudoir slippers with silk pompom; no $3.00 army cloth. S6 inches wide. Special Fndav only, hfiels s • j Frjday on , y ™ yard $1.25 navy mohair, 42 inches wide, for bathing suits. Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor, Rear, Special Friday only, yard \ $3.50 men's serge; 54 inches wide, best blue. Special Fri day only, yard $2.95 . \ $6.00 men's serge; 58 inches wide, dark navy. Special ttTi i ty_ • l Friday only, yard .. ... $4.50 Women s White Pumps—Fnday $4.50 Queen Anne satin, 42 inches wide. Special Fndav _ only, yard $1.95 Special Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor. , . " .... , , , , $2.00 white canvas pumps with white rubber soles and v spring heels. Special Friday only $1.40 . * \ Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart Street Floor. Rear. Black Dress Goods and Linings ' SI.OO black mohair for bathing suits. Special Friday f A on i a wack riik popii'n; *' special Fri Friday Special in Boys' Tennis only, yard $1.95 Ovfoi*^ 69c black satine; 36 inches wide. Special Friday only, vAiuiuo i "i V 'i Vu V Vu- T7 $2.00 white canvas tennis oxfords with heavy white rub sl.2s black surf cloth, for bathing suits. Special Friday be rcemented soles; sizes 2j4 to 6. Special Friday only, only, yard 95< $1.35 . Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart Street Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart Street Floor, Rear. V s v i i =sy General W, W. Atterbury, vice-p reel-! dent of the Pennsylvania railroad, who recently returned from France, In an address before the Union league here last night, urged the businessmen of the country to de vote some of their energy nnd genius of organization toward "the develop ment of an efficient method of na tional defense." National prepared ness, he said, necessitated the co ordination of army, navy and Indus try, and to bring this about he sug gested the organization of a national defense board and a complete na tional policy which would permit I each to proceed along its own lines. W . . - i - "V JUNK 26, \9\& | "The situation of the world to- I day," declared General Atterbury, j "is so Involved that only a real opti ' mist sees anything but turmoil .for ; many years to come. Of all the great nations, only America has come through financially, economically and otherwise unimpaired, and to Ameri ca the world looks for rulvation, "Whether we have a league of Nations or not; whether we agree : with England to safeguard Fiance I against Germany or continue our traditional policy In relation to in ternational affairs, the Fame situa j tion confronts us. Nor will tnterna i tional recognition of tlie Monroe doc trine relieve ub of our sacred dot to Its defense to the limit of oar is and strength. "Continental, national and xmcli emnity and hatred have noi be* eliminated. On the contrary. th< have been intensified and we, wt prior to the war at peace with tl world, are now drawn Into the mae strom of world politics. It is a pos tlon thut has been forced upon ua "The world's conflagration is it the moment under control, but ur derneath are still the same seethtn I masses of fire liable to break tnt I llame at any moment."