Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 26, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Garverich's Three-Bagger Cleans
the Bases For Motive Power—Win
Team W. L. Pet
West End 9 6 ,6l>o
Motive Power 8 8 .500
Commonwealth 8 8 .500
Engineers and Firemen.. 6 9 .400
Nearly a thousand people of va
ried temperaments and callings saw
the Motive Power ball team take the
old game away from the Common
wealth Travelers on the^West End
grounds isst evening. The score was
8 to 4 at the end of seven innings.
The contest had its exciting aspect?;
likewise its tense moments. There
were three twirlars on the mound.
Dewey Eisenberger pitched the en
tire game for the losing club. Hart,
a Carlisle moundsman, and Bamford,
the tall, thin South Harrisburg slam
er. were in the box for the Motive
Power. Hart blew up in the fourth
inning and gave way to Bamford.
The Carlisle man could not get
down to earth after Johnny Smith
had sent a stinging base hit out of
the diamond and Jerry Klugh, the
lithe first sacker of the Common
wealth, had mauled a fast one for a
home run, sending Smith across the
rubber ahead of him. Walter Smith,
next up, banged out a two-bagger,
whereupon. Mr. Hart lost his grip
for the remainder of the session. He
struck out Fields, then passed Kohl
man and Eisenberger after which
Howe, the stout backstop, whispered
a few words to the wobbly Mr. Hart
and he gave way to Bamford, who
stopped the Travelers.
One run was scored off Bamford's
delivery before the close of the bat
tle, Eisenberger hitting for four
bases in the sixth after Fields and
Kohlman had struck out, making the
total tally for the vanquished four.
George Handshaw, gang leader and
rooter for the winning Motive Pow
er, bit himself to see if he was awake
and joined the procession of joyful
rail men who made their way home
through the fading light that fol
lowed in tlie wake of a successful
hour and forty minutes of play.
The Motive Power players began
scoring in the first inning. Hocker,
who led off, hit a grounder to Eisen
berger, who threw him out at first.
Stewart bingled over third. Garve
rich drew a pass, but went out at
second when Wertz tried to advance
him on a hot one to short. Howe,
who has sent the chills up and down
the back of more than one pitcher,
got his eye on a swift one and sent
it into right garden for three bases,
scoring Stewart and Wertz. Weaver
went to first on four bad ones, and
stole second. Then along comes Eb
erly and raps out a single, scoring
Howe and Weaver, but himself going
out at second. With three men on
bases in the sixth Garverich rapped
out a fast-going three bagger, scor
ing Bamford, C. McCurdy and Stew
art. Howe scored the eighth run in
the seventh. After he had made a
hit and stole second Weaver hit a
long fly to W. Smith, who stepped
over the embankment in center field
and captured the ball. He scored on
the throw in.
It plainly was demonstrated that j
no one loves sn umpire. Martin, who |
worked with Cook, aroused the anger j
of the fans by his rulings on balls j
and strikes, Eisenberger suffering '
most. No matter how sweet the |
home life of the man who undertakes i
to umpire may be. all the joy he ever
knew leaves him when he writhes
UiorolaJe TTavtfA H
f V
to your dealer and pass him 7c,
and then he will give you your
money's worth of real smoke
John C. Herman & Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
To-day Try One
- ■ _
Hedge Clippers—Grass Shears—Sides and Edge Tools
All Kinds of Machinery Repaired
Court and Cranberry Streets
under the shafts of satire and low
muttered invective of the fellows on
the bleachers. "What kind o' em
pirin' d'ye call that, you poor flsh,"
yelled a lusty-lunged rooter. "Git
your glasses straight, you boob,"
"Back to the lunch counter" and kin
dred sentences were hurled at the
well-meaning arbiter, who plainly
felt the enmity of the crowd and
transgressed the more under the fir
ing of his critics. Several times it
seemed as though Cook would be
obliged to retire to the first aid tent.
At least three foul tips struck his
mask so hard as to stun him. but he
came up smiling after the shock had
died away and officiated in good
Hart, who had little preliminary
t practice, blew up sadly. He could
not reduce the speed at which he was
1 going in spite of the cautioning of
Howe, who saw him working beyond
his strength, and admonished him t<j
slow down. The score:
AB. R. H. O. A. E. |
Gerdes. 3b 3 1 0 2 1 0;
Hinkle, s.s. .3 0 0 0 2 1
J. Lightner, c-f 1 0 0 1 0 0
J. Smith, r.f 4 0 2 0 0 0
Klugh, lb 4 1 1 5 1 0
W. Smith, l.f. 3 0 1 2 0 0
Fields, c. 3 0 0 7 1 2 1
Kohlman, 2b 2 0 0 3 0 0
Eisenberger, p 2 1 1 1 S 0
Totals 25 4 5 21 8 3
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
C. C. McCurdy, l.f. . 0 1 0 0 0 0
Hocker,, If 2 0 0 0 0 0
Garverich. r.f 3 0 1 2 0 0 1
Wertz, c.f 4 1 0 1 0 oj
Howe, c. 3 2 2 7 2 0'
Weaver, 3b 3 1 0 0 2 01
Eberley, 2b 3 0 1 3 1 0 '
McCurdy, lb 4 0 0 7 0 0 !
Hart, p 2 0 1 0 1 1 j
Bamford, p 2 1 0 0 0 0
Totals 29 8 7 21 8 1
Motive Power 4 0 0 0 0 3 I—B
Commonwealth .... 1 0 0 2 0 1 o — 4
Two-base hit, W. Smith; 3-base hits
Howe, Garvprich; home runs, Klugh,
Eisenberger, sacrifice hits, Hinkle;
struck out, Eisenberger, 6; Hart, 4;
Bamford, 4; base on balls, Eisenberg
er, 6; Hart, 5; Bamford, 1; left on
base, Commonwealth, 6; Motive Pow
er, 6; stolen bases. Weaver, J. Light
ner, Howe, E. McCurdy, J. Smith;
passed balls, Howe; wild pitch. Eis
enberger; Innings pitched by Hart,
3 1-3; runs, 3; hits. 3; Bamford. 3 2-3;
runs, 1; hits, 2. Time 1.40. Umpires,
Cook and Martin. Scorer, McCahan.
Naudain Manager Hands
Swatara Awful Roast;
Tells Why Team Quit
_To the Sporting Editor Telegraph:
On Saturday, June 21st, Naudain
played the Swatara ball team two
games. Swatara winning the first.
4-3. The captain of Swatara said
Sherer would have to pitch for
them or there would be no two
I said, why he joined us a week
ago. He left the Swatara and told
the captain he had left because they
were always wrangling. However,
we played the second game.
Sherer pitched for Naudain. In
the fourth inning with the game 10-
2 in Naudain's favor, Swatara put in
outside boys from the Allison Hill
League. In the ninth inning, a Swa
tara man being called out on second
by the impire immediately started
a fight, using profane language.
Women and young girls who had
gone to see the game were highly
indignant. The captain: himself told
me he had 28 men to select from.
Eight of# the Swatara team were |
waiting to join the Naudains soon
as we were organized; they were all
disgusted at the team having dif
ferent players in every game.
We went into the league with good |
intentions. A few cool heads were
all that prevented a free-for-all fight
on Saturday. That's why Naudain
left the league.
I feel perfectly justified in send
ing this article In defense of the
Naudain A. C.
(Signed) FRANK J. STILE.
The first game, 4-3, favor Swatara.
Second game, 16-10, favor Naudain.
1 I "y WOW! I \ I
_£=? /IF I COULD ONLY /*<juess \ ./>* X / IM' . \
. I FULL THAT CORN ( I'll "TRY ~V-\ J-. / COIN* ' A
V° N t* Y ~® x 9l V -rue / —f\ /XLi. ( M w x>cc-f* )
Only Two Teams of Last Year
Stuck to Guns; Swatara
Has New Lineup
Standing of Clubs
W. L. Pet.
East End 16 8 .666
Swatara 13 8 .613
Liberty a 10 .307
St. Mary's 4 11 .266
Last evening's City Junior League
contest between St. Mary's and East
End was postponed on account of
rain and will be played off later in
the season.
This evening St. Mary's Juniors
of Stcelton will take part in their
first game with Swatara. Some fast
work is expected from these ooys
and Swatara will have to play hard
to show these boys up.
The City Junior League has had
a rather tempestuous career this
season. Five clubs have been tried
so far to fill the vacancy left by the
dropping out of other teams. Leaves,
West End Jrs., Algonquins, Nau
dains and Peerless nines have all
been in the circuit and quit on ac
count of unsatisfactory reasons. All
of these teams failed to make good
and the only two teams which were
with the organization last year, then
called the Allison Hill Junior League
and still with the league this year,
are Swatara and East End. Swatara
team was on the verge of breaking
up within the last few weeks when
eight players resigned and went
with Naudain. but new players were
signed up and now Swatara has one
of the fastest teams in the city.
The City Junior League lost Peer
less Monday evening when they
were defeated by the East End nine
and gave no reasons for quitting.
The Peerless boys were putting up a
hard flight and gained third po
sition during the time they were in
the league and would have probably
done better.
The Liberty A. C„ which had
been going the season at a good clip,
will probably enter the league In the
place of Peerless unless other ar
rangements are made and will prob
ably appear in their first game to
morrow against East End.
Swatara now has one of the fast
est teams in the city since the new
lineup has been made. Young, whom
Swatara has signed up as a back
stop, made his Initial appearance
evening with three singles
out of five times up.
Nickey, who is holding down left
field, has also made four safeties out
of ten times up and has not had an
error with six putouts.
Kline twirled his first game for
Swatara Monday evening against
East End, only four hits being
made off his delivery, but costly er
rors by his teammates helped great
ly for East End to pile up nine
Motter and Sharon are both put
ting up a good game in center field
for Swatara and are making timely
Matter, the star inflelder of Swa
tara, is certainly doing his share in
the stick work line. Matter is
among the first ten leading bats
men of the league.
Hildebrand, of Steelton, has sign
ed to twirl for Swatara the re
mainder of the season.
Swatara is after some fast teams
for out-of-town games. Many Sat
urday dates are open. All com
munications should be addressed to
Manager Mitchett, 154 3 Swatara
street. Bell phone 4645-R; or to
Captain Shearer, 615 South Front
street. Bell phone 4457-R.
Yesterday's Results
Boston, 6; Philadelphia, 4, (first
Philadelphia, 5; Boston, 3 (second
Chicago, 3; Cincinnati, 1.
Brooklyn, 9; New York, 4.
St. Louis, 3; Pittsburgh, 1.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
New York 34 18 .652
Cincinnati . 32 21 .603
Pittsburgh 30 24 .555
Chicago 29 25 .537
Brooklyn 26 29 .472
St. Louis 24 29 .452
Philadelphia 18 32 .360
Boston 18 34 .346
Schedule For To-day
Boston at Philadelphia.
New York at Brooklyn.
St. Louis at Chicago.
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati.
Yesterday's Results
New York, 4; Philadelphia, 3.
"Washington. 8: Boston, 0 (first
Boston, 1: Washington, 0 (second
Detroit at St. Louis, (rain).
Chicago, 7; Cleveland, 1.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L. Pet.
New York 32 16 .666
Chicago 34 20 ' .629
Cleveland 32 20 .615
Detroit ...1 25 26 .490
Bt. Louis 24 26 .480
Boston 22 27 .448
Washington 20 32 .385
Philadelphia 13 36 .265
Schedule For To-day
Chicago at St. Louis.
Cleveland at Detroit.
Philadelphia at New York.
Washington at Boston.
First Dauphin-Perry Records Show
Mattis Leading and Many Hittihv .300
The first official batting averages 1
of the Dauphin-Perry Baseball
League, compiled by the President E.
E. Knauss, show that 20 of the 55
players of the circuit, are batting at
.300 or better. The averages include
all games played and including June
Matti, the Millersburg short stop,
j is the real leader of the league with
an average of .500. He played in
all of the six games for the Millers
burg aggregation, and in 16 trips to
the plate, made a hit every other
time. Joe Lightner, the State Col
lege lad who plays for Marysville,
has an average of .583 for three
contests. He will be played regular
ly now that college has closed for
the summer. "Bob" Bowman is an
other heavy clouter in the league.
In four contests he has driven out
9 hits out of 14 chances with the
Hunter, of Duncannon, and Peter
man of Newport, are away up with
toppy averages, but they have par
ticipated in but one game apiece.
Millersburg has the aver
age of .308 as a team. In several of
their games they have driven the
leather to all corners of the lot.
Ford and Garverick of Duncannon,
have played in six games for that
nine, and lead that team.
Of the heavy artillery, Marysville
has 6; Newport, 6, Duncannon, 4;
and Millersburg, 4; of the select list
of 20 clubbers. In team batting Mil
lersburg, Marysville. Newport and
Duncannon follow in order. Ford
of Duncannon has made 11 hits and
tops the league, although Duncan
non and Millersburg have played one
game more than the other two ag
gregations. Beaver of Millersburg
is the leading run getter, with 7
in six games.
"Fat" Wagner of Newport, the
home run clouter, has the remark
able record of having scored a run,
and having driven out at least one
ov.' ' n his Ave contests.
Shreffler of the same team has also
hit in every contest.
the Marysville team, Killinger
has hit safely in each of his five
games, so has Third Baseman Rutter.
Joe Lightner has connected safely
in his three games. "Bob" Bow
man has played four games for
Manager "Bud" Fry at Millersburg
and on each occasion has hit them
where "nobody ain't"
Chances are that when records are
again compiled, and the pitchers
Pecord Probably RerefeeWithj
Two Judges; Plenty of
Coin on Dempsey
Toledo dispatches to-day assured
that there will be three officials in
the ring at the Dempsey-Willard
fight and that their names will be
announced to-morrow by the Box
ing Control Board. Rumor to-day
has it that the selections will be
Jack Welsh, veteran referee, of San
Francisco; Bill Brown, of New
York, and Ollie Pecord, official ref
eree of the Toledo Boxing Com
mission, under whose license the
Willard-Dempsey match will be
staged. Pecord is being considered
in the capacity of referee, it was
said, while Brown and Welsh are
expected to be chosen the judges.
"The referee question has been
definitely decided," Rickard said. "I
can state there will be two judges
and a referee. Botlr men have
agreed to this. I will make formal
announcement of the appointment
as soon as I have been notified by
the Boxing Control Board."
Dempsey money is flooding the
fight city and as predicted in this
1 paper yesterday Dempsey is likely
to be favorite. Among the arrivals
at Toledo was D. G. Christie, of Chi
cago, who has SIOO,OOO which he
proposes to wager in the following
way: SSOO to SSOO that Dempsey
wins; SIOO to SSOO Willard doesn't
last six rounds; SIOO to SSOO Demp
sey wins with a K. O.; SIOO to $2,-
000 Dempsey wins in one round;
SIOO to SI,OOO Dempsey wins in two
rounds; even money Dempsey wins.
Dempsey. who knocked out Ser
geant Bill Tate, his giant negro
sparring partner, Sunday, all but
knocked him out again yesterday.
Tate boxed the first of six rounds
that the challenger stepped in rota
tion with the Jamaica Kid, Jock
Malone and himself.
He escaped damage in the first
round, but when it came his turn to
face Dempsey in the third, the chal
lenger stepped Into a clinch and
snapped over a left' hook to the
chin that dropped Tate to the can
~vas. Trainer De Forest picked him
up but promptly called time when
Dempsey started to put him down
for the second time.
Wilard boxed eight rounds with
his four sparring partners, but did
not extend himself except In the two
sessions with Walter Monohan, who
was severely shaken up with right
and left handers to the chin. The
champion said he was entirely satis
fied with his condition and that he
did not care to unnecessarily punish
hts sparring partners.
| have had a chance to get the kinks
I out of their arms, the list of .300
hitters will have taken a decided
slump. The complete record fol
Name A.B. Hits Pet.
I Peterman, N 1 1 1.000
I Hunter, D 3 2 .667
H. Bowman Mi 14 9 .643
J. Lightner, Ma ... 12 7 .583
Mattis. Ml 16 8 .500
S. Stees, Ma 2 1 .500
Ford, D 24 11 .458
E. Waltz, D 11 5 .455
H. Wagner, N 20 9 .450
Butter, Ma 16 7 .438
Salada, Mi 14 6 .429
Eisenberger, Ma ... 5 2 .400
Garverick, D 24 9 .375
R. Wagner, N 8 3 .375
Shreffler, N 20 7 .350
Rush, N 20 7 .350
Bicver Ma * 12 4 .333
Fry, Ml 19 6 .316
Gutshall, N >l9 6 .316
Killinger, Ma 20 6 .300
E. Stees, Ma 17 5 .294
F. Lightner', Ma .... 15 4 .267
Kerr, Mi 19 5 .263
M. Bowman, Mi .... 19 5 .265
Gerdes, Ma 19 6 .263
Kline, Mi 24 6 .250
Seal, Mi 4 1 .250
Wertz, N 8 2 .250
Brandt, N 4 1 .250
K. Kepner, N 17 4 .235
R. Kepner, Mi 17 4 .235
Hoffman, Mi 18 4 .222
Sanderson, D 14 3 .214
Ramsey, D 10 2 .200
Beaver, Mi 20 4 .200
De Haven, D 16 3 .188
Mutzy, D 16 3 .188
Orris, D 23 4 .>174
Dearolf, D 6 1 .167
Herman, Ma ...... 19 3 .158
O. Waltz, D 21 3 .143
Harp, D 7 1 .143
Heckendorn, D .... 7 1 .143
N. Wagner, N 15 2 .133
Oren, N 9 1 ,m
Barton, D 13 >1 .077
Kerns, N 17 1 .059
Moore, Ma 18 1 .056
Sanders, Ma 2 0 .000
Anspach, Ma 1 1 .000
Gilday, N 3 0 .000
Rowe. N 1 0 .000
F. Manning N 3 0 .000
Hoy, Mi 3 0 .000
Frelick Mi 0 0 .000
Team Batting
AB R. H. Pet.
Millersburg, ... 188 36 58 .308
Marysville, .... 158 26 46 .291
Newport 165 27 44 .267
Duncannon .... 195 32 49 .251
In conjunction with the "Stunt
Day" exercises to be held this
afternoori on the Island under
the auspices of the Dolphin Club,
there will be a ball game between
the Keystone Giants and the Ted
dy Bears of Washington, D. C.
The game will begin at 3.30 P. M.
The team from Washington is on
its way West where it expects to
conquer Rube Foster's American
Giants, of Chicago.
Princeton Golfers Win
Intercollegiate Title
Princeton won the team cham
pionship of the intercollegiate golf
association yesterday by the com
fortable margin of thirty-one strokes.
The Tiger quartet had a team total
of 1255 strokes for their four rounds
of the Merion Cricket Club's famous
East course.
The Orange and Black linksmen
were so far in the lead at the end of
the third round that it was obvious
they could not be headed barring aj
complete collapse by the entire j
[ team. So interest shifted to the
keen battle for second place between
Yale and Harvard. And this turned
out to be a bitter struggle, the Crim
son combination landing the runner
up position by a single stroke. Sid
ney Scott, Jhe youthful Eli, who
made such a fine showing at the
Wilmington tournament last week,
chucked the Blue's chance for vic
tory away on the sixteenth hole. A
live, the usual figure for the six
teenth, would have given second
place to the New Haven aggregation
by one stroke.
Harvard had a total of 1386 while
Yale's was >1387. Penn was fourth
with 1410, Columbia was fifth with
1489 while Williams was a bad sixth
with 1513.
Individual honors went to A. L.
Walker, Jr., the Columbia captain
who averaged eighty for a grand
total of 320 for his four rounds. T.
B. Davis, the Yale skipper, was a
close second with 323 for his sev
enty-two hole grind. R. Vf. Wool
worth, of Princeton, was third with
a total of 328. None of the others
broke 330. J. S. Dean, the Princeton
captain, who won the qualifying
round medals at the recent Lynne
wood Hall and Wilmington links'
jocusts, fell by the wayside and took
337, being beaten by five strokes by
Sidney Scott, who had a card of 332.
Scranton, Pa., June 26.—Charac
teristic of the most thrilling hold up
scenes in a motion picture, four
young men early this morning hired
a tuxicab owned by the Scranton
Taxicab Company and, after riding
to lower Duryea, placed guns in the
,face of George F. Rosar, the driver,
and robbed him of more than SSO,
his receipts for the night.
Allison Hill All-Stars
Play Klein Team Tonight
A spectacular ball game will take
place at the Allison Hill field. Sev
enteenth and Chestnut streets, begin
ning at 6.30 this evening, if weather
is favoraole, between an all-star
bunch of Hill players and the big
league veterans who compose Man
ager Breckenridge's famous Klein
Chocolate Company's champions, who
have conquered most everything in
Pennsylvania and a few other states.
Mayor Keister, who rarely misses
an evening's sport at the Hill is ex
pected to officially turn on the power
by chucking out the pill and all sub
stantial residents of that renowned
section, known as the Hill, will
have choice seats to witness an un
common battle.
Manager Charles Pressler said to
day that the home field would be
defended by the following heroes:
Zerance, Hummel and Shaeffer from
St. Mary's; Hoerner and Bender, from
Rosewood; Fetrow, Klerner and Co
baugh from the Galahads, and C.
Swartz, G. Swartz, Connor, Ellen
berger and Mellinger from Reading.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
A Man's Problem in Summer
Is to Keep Up His Appearance
And Keep Down His Temperature
It's all in knowing what to wear and where to get it. Cool
clothing naturally turns one's thoughts to Palm Beach Suits.
But there are different kinds of Pahn Beach Suits. The Palm
Beach Suits assembled here have been tailored as well as it is
possible to have them the cut and designing is up to the
standard defined by good style the tailoring is of the same
high order that characterizes the other Dives, Pomeroy &
Stewart clothes these are the suits that will keep up a man's
appearance and his temperature down.
Palm Beach Suits —$11.50 to $18.50
Mohair Suits—slß.so to $22.50
Two and three-button models in conservative and waist
line effects in light and dark tans, light and dark greys,
browns and cream. j %'**•.:•••••• -
1 ■—— >
Continuation of the Clearance of Men's Fancy Suits at
$15.00, $18.75 and $20.00 (Formerly $25.00 to $40.00)
V. : . *
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear.
JUNE 26, 1919.
Mellinger will be the mound selec
There is an inside reason for stag
ing this show, namely that Jack
Breckenridge, a native son of Allison
Hill and well known in baseball cir
cuits for many a year, wants to help
the league. His contribution via the
Chocolate Company, will consist in
putting on a noted line of ball play
ers and also in furnishing a ton or
so of delicious chocolate bars which
is to be retailed all over the plan
tation. The receipts are to be used
in building more stands, for it is un
derstood that this field will eventu
ally be leased permanently to the
Hill League.
Breckenridge did not give out his
battle array, but Don Werts is ex
pected to do the flinging.
In order to accommodate the ex
pected large crowd the league has
obtained permission from the City to
rope off Seventeenth street and stop
traffic between Mulberry and Chest
nut streets from the hours of 6.15 to
8.30 o'clock. The Park Commission
will put the diamond in good con
dition to-day and everything will be
in tip-top shape for the fracas to
The game between St Mary's and
the Galahads which was called oft
tonight will be played as a post
poned game on July 18. To-morrow
evening, St. Mary's and Reading will
play oft the tie game of June 2.
There was no game last evening be
cause of the rain.
Klein Company's team stages a
battle nearly every day. To-morrow
they appear at the home ground,
Elizabethtown; Saturday they are at
Williamaport, Sunday at Wilkes-
Atlantic City, June 26.—John W.
Best, a Philadelphia lawyer, con
victed several weeks ago of assault
ing his wife with intent to kill,
was sentenced yesterday to pay a
fine of SI,OOO by Judge Robert H.
Ingersoll in criminal court at Mays
To know Jess Willard's con
dition you must read his "Own
Story," written by himself ex
clusively for "The Philadelphia