STORE CLOSES jj. ■ ■ ■ <rw - m f STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX nEI.I. 1001—23 M UNITED " " —— HARRIBHURG, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1010. FOUNDED 1871 Special Sale Of | 7 7 *"§ Curtains And Draperies Women S Oxfords $6.*45 & C . /"X /X \jT -i" Ix ✓X'*"* •%/% /a ll White and ecru madras with neat and elab- fH I,J X 3 iV. IT" J| Xj al I | P ffl orate designs. That soft clingy drapery so rich 7S- . At the regular R X VAAV/ 11 V | in appearance; 36 to 46 inches wide; 49c to 69c I price these models II ya^. d ' . ( \ I were exceptional m 7~\ M • rjl / T T . H ' T, ummer Y ashable Portieres in ecru ground fa,° e d pHce ue o s f-I During 1 he Hot Summer Days Save 1 rose ' . cross , stripes: *"° "V- should attract every fig fH Marquisette and voile in plain, figured and woman who wants m *7 [7 7X /T 1 - /°v "X 7" -a —\ j 16 ™ uec *Jl ew r ' cb designs; 36 to 50 inches wide; the best in styles and qualitv and who will wel- ffi /O l PUT \)tl Y f\l / V H 11P / m 29c to 95c yard. come an opportunity to get the newest and most fe \SII/ ± \JU>I L U>Vl/ STOP WINDING BOBBINS: ASK TO attractive models at a decided reduction. m SEE OUR TWO SPOOL SEWING MA- The sale includes several models of tan calf- til , , oH CHINE. skin oxfords, light welt soles and leather mili- ffi ® soles aS ta lU\ir k {^,"xVWU , : $6?45. WClted '§ lt3mi Yes ' bU ' d ° not COUfUSe WUh * he ° rdinary firelcss C °° ker | BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. C f~| 'k** re tains food at a certain temperature for so many |j| SuggCStiotlS hours. This Fireless Cookstove Bakes, Roasts and Browns as m QTSCtS And PTdSSICrCS sj| $ n ° Other "'Cooker' can. Meats of all kinds, fowl and wild I In Art Embroideries Specially Priced L game, cereals and garden produce, pastry and pudding of every || m . ~. . . L. / kind and it is possible to can fruit and vegetables in this Fireless ffi what vmm^var 1 -? s \\ hite and tlesh coutil and batiste corsets, medium 11 / m what to do on youi vaca- rp\ ' bust and elastic top; excellent value: $1 25 -q-F Cookstove. It will interest you to see the m tion or what might make J J \ MB Flesh colored fine quality brocade corsets, elastic ® ( V** J , g an appropriate gift that is 7 sTV & Tj top; good value; $2.00. m ffj serviceable, unusual and ;/ \ V( > jff/h^\ Elastic top corsets made of beautiful novelty ! W moderate in cost, and yet y broche in flesh. The kind vou cannot get anywhere j?4 1\ _ . . " 4 11 '"PI • TT 7 1 K a nee " kUk v^s ' t rt C'l A///llffi else for this very low price; $2.50. g I) P fT| OnSfrJlflOn All I W PPk £ De Pfy tm fnt and you will \ m/' \ Bandeau brassieres, front and back closing in pop- jS U-l V_7 IloLl CX LI V/ 11 l\ 11 Xlllo ? > C-C fx. fp quickly decide. We have \\i-y J ( lin, cotton brocade, novelty cloth, washable satin 8 ffi U larffC variety of novel " X.-W1 jersey, ribbon and lace combinations; 50c to $2.50. ' SB 8 ties, attractive, ornament- Bandeau brassieres made specially for the stout 11 JL/OITICSLIC oCICfICC F ITCICSS CjOOKStOVC m SS aS useful; em " figures,phoned at waist line to take care of the abdo- I M M broidery work in many different materials, and dt- LwMAx s-second Floor. S Miss B. Alrich will demonstrate the When food has been prepared and placed in l| nfedles, Balsam pinow^deHg^ PrettV Dressinp- s7rn.l ma " y adVan,agM ° f the D ° mestic Science Fire " toth™e„on k S \TcalortnlTer- e cook, I a ' ticl " such ' as one r Ihink OdCLjUcS less Cook stove all this week in the Furniture dry out, shrink or evaporate. Thus saves you IB ' unt tliey see them. OQ m Department. Its superior roasting and baking 90 per cent, work and about 25 per cent, in food, 16 Linen colored scarfs, 18x54, daisy designs; 75c. PLo7 1(J *PO.yO fm ~ . ... , as a five-pound piece of meat may lose as much 18-inch center of linen- ?5c — qualities will be clearly shown. V aluable lessons as two pounds by evaporation when cooked over j|? A showing of what's new in dressing sacques. A M in coo king and new recipes may be had from a " open fire This Fireless Cook stove cooks the |H fine assortment; all sizes. Lawn of different pat- flavor into the food, and not out of it. m O J l r sii *i terns in and lavender with dnt ? white g day to day as the demonstration continues. And j Built of the best materials in the largest fire- B Stamped FrOCkS JOT Children ° U h u/ "fh 1S nior ? con^ orta t>\ e anfl - the economy in fuel, the saving of time and the . less cooker factory in the world and the most &j ~~ sacque" $1 39 and Sl'.'SO. ' ,a " " WalSt ° r 22 additional comfort of a cool home on a hot day ! hands ? me J" appearance you will be interested ffl Something new in charming little stamped frocks A pretty dotted Swiss sacque of different styles, will be clearly shown. ' ! FiS'tookstovr 5 ' ° " I for ch.ldren 2to 12 years in poplin and chambray; ribbon trimmed; $1.39 to $3.98. ffi Ql yellow and pink. Just a few spare moments Percale sacques in light and dark; high and low Ifj BOWMAN-S— Fifth Floor. jjf| are required to complete these dainty frocks; $1.69 neck, long and short sleeves; all sizes; 75c to $1.39. :r :T ::r n, iFiFrl :i it ,4 q- :;r fc fc £ttfc ft t it jq: r x: t0 2 ' 9B ' Men's Bathing Suits Women's Union Suits $1 Women's Stockings, 39c Children's Bathing Suits Men's wool bathing suits, one piece; black and Women's hot weather underwear—a fine lot Showing today a women's light weight black A special lot of boys' wool and cotton mixed blue trimmed; button over shoulders -an attmr- °* women's lisle union suits, bodice tops, tape cotton stocking. These stockings are seamless , lt . , , . . , live suit at $4.50. strap, tight knee; ideal garment for the hot days; with well fitting top and reinforced heel and toe. batd,lni? smt5 ' white trimmed; sizes 24 §1 oo An unusual stocking at 39c pair. to 30; $1.29. BQ WMAN"S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN S-Main Floor. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. S-r, -j A Demonstration ofjhe ßring Your Motor Car Here ummertime F DOCKS Dutch Kitchenet Be Fitted With Washable Cushion Slips ( f 1 /"> Selected Oak Exte- The Better you know the aggra- I I_L Li • I / i a nor ' Satin Golden Oak' u1 . t A i- i i VJ I ■ V nrfntl Color, White Maple In- X X vabon of Cushion smudged Voile, $10.50. $27.50 JF® "aSm Just received £yR£Fi i IBIIHIIIW 'dst^Tyou^ioth. Bpoes a shipment of BL Y d t w h hen T handsome new M) WBIBSHji figured COttOn One Dollar delivers one to your home. p^ t right in the wash tub. Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. BMil IMBif They're made for just such service— Voilp p 7 \ IT* co..T_i... TH.,o=Nco. patentAppu.dFor . made of handsome, durable tub These come j n ®J§ Cretonnes And Linenes materials, all the latest and MI For Slip Covers Any On, c.n Put Th, m o„ J I \ Let us demonstrate to you how practical this New | u H n^iK^lnfW|jwr beautiful blend- V 59c To $1.89 Yard £ v^utT^\t\tra e rl w,tK any " ed shades and liJJ 1 satisfyyou ' ■ Their,tyli " happear ' !|SB| designs* SO j OUr bonie l°°Ccozy and cool W ith cretonne We have them in attractive variety of materials for both uvoigno, jMi draperies and slip covers. Very good assort- open and enclosed cars. . (to 7 Cfl J ment of P atterns Lom 59c to $1.89 yard. "in th* Tab—On th, Lim* to .Jrl linene couch covers; full size; $1.45, Prices, $2.50 to $5.00 Per Seat BOWMAN'S—Third Floor $2.00 and $2.25. > BOWMAN S— Fourth Floor. Sold Exclusively at Bowman's / Crapory Dept—Fourth Floor. MONDAY EVENING. BARR2SBURG TEUEGRAPH JUNE 23, 19T9. 3
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