Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 21, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Founded 1831
! Published evenings except Sunday by
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' Grow old along with me.
The best is yet to be.
The last of life for which the first
teas made ;
Our times are In his hand
Who saith, "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God;
see, all, nor be afraid.''
—Robert Browning. |
THE automobile touring season
finds Pennsylvania's main high
ways in better condition than
ever, except where detours are nec
essary for the great road building
program upon which the State has
engaged. More people are seeing
Pennsylvania this year from auto
mobile seats than ever before. Even
so, the beauties of the State are
known to only a comparative few.
We have as beautiful scenery as
New York or New England and a
greater variety. But we have failed
to advertise the fact. Other States
have spent thousands of dollars ex
ploiting their landscape attractions.
Aside from the efforts of the south
ern tours promoters and Manager
Wiggins, of the Penn-Harris Hotel,
little has been done locally in this
Would it not be well for the
Chambers of Commerce of large
Pennsylvania cities to Join in a fund
for the advertising in other States
of Pennsylvania's automobile tours?
The results would certainly be profit
able and the expense would not fall
heavily upon any one. The experi
ment is worth a trial.
To the noisy Hun it is "Yes" or
"No." Time for further palaver has
EFFORTS of the City Planning
Commission to set aright the
blunders of those who laid out
the extreme northern section of Jhe
city are responsible for the opinion
expressed in Council that the Com
mission should have been created a
half century ago. That is true
enough, for what the Commission
is at present doing may not be ap
parent for forty or fifty yeurs to
Sometimes the Commission runs
into a private interest that the pos
sessor regards as sacred, or at least
so productive of immediate personal
profits that he fails to see the bene
fits of a release of his own plans, or
their modification for the benefit of
a future generation. A study of the
city map would soon convince the
most short-sighted of the error of
laying out streets on lots for the
profit of the present owner and at
the expense of the convenience of
thousands of men and women who
•will use them in the years to come.
The interests of the city as a whole
should come always before those
of the individual, and to the credit
of the property owners of Harris
burg it may be said that with few
exceptions they view the work of
the Planning Commission in that
What the Commission does now
shows only on paper. The work is
largely thankless, for its fruitage
cannot possibly come until the pres
ent commissioners have long since
gone to their reward. But Harrisburg
people of the coming century will
rise lfP to call them blessed.
GOOD is bound to result from
the sort of conferences which
are now being held in this city
with a view to improving the hous
ing conditions. When the real es
tate interests combine with the
building operators, as was done in
an important dinner conference at
the Penn-Harris Hotel Thursday
evening, something worth while is
bound ttr- happen. In addition to
the benefits of co-operation on pro
k viding homes for the people, the get
ting together of those upon whom
' the burden chiefly rests is certain to
bring about a better feeling and en
hance the community spirit so nec
essary to any progressive city.
The housing bureau of the Cham
ber of Commerce, which was estab
lished recently, has developed
through direct touch with those in
need of homes the great importance
and necessity of such a campaign as
is being developed by the banking,
building and real estate interests of
Harrisburg. So serious is the short
age that it was reported, among other
items, at the real estate dinner at
the Penn-Harris that a young cou
ple could not be married until they
found a home. The principal speak
er also stated that in his large ex
perience as a builder of homes in
an Ohio city, the prosperity and
growth of any town or city depend
ed almost entirely upon the home
conditions and that unless houses
are provided for the great multitude
of workers all interests would be
affected adversely and the develop
ment of the community would be re
tarded, if net entirely checked.
Inasmuch as the building costs
are not likely to change materially
for a considerable period of years,
there would seem to be no Justifi
cation for postponing building en
terprises. As a matter of fact,
building prices are more or less
stabilized at the present time and
there are some encouraging factors
in the situation which indicate a
more active and extensive building
movement here.
| The building, selling and financing
of homes has become the leading
i problem of Harrisburg and it is a
good thing for the city that so many
of our public-spirited people are
manifesting an interest in a solution
that will be at once constructive and
THOUSANDS of the school Chil
dren of Harrisburg had a hap
py day at Paxtang Park yes
terday as the guests of the Tele
graph and the occasion was one of
unusual interest for the hundreds
of adults who shared in the festivi
ties. The rivalries in the athletic
and other events spurred the con
testants to their best efforts and
the winners were acclaimed by
those who were participating with
them in an interesting program. A
fine spirit was shown throughout the
day and the picnic proved a de
lightful terminal point for the
school year. Teachers and parents
compared notes of the educational
progress in the city and in this way
a better understanding of what is
being done in the Harrisburg
schools resulted.
This big picnic has become a red
letter event in the school activities,
and the Telegraph is glad to have
been in some measure responsible
for providing the thousands of girls
and boys with an enjoyable day.
WE NO longer define success in
terms of dollars accumu
lated, but dollars accumu
lated honestly are a mark of suc
cess. That is one reason —and the
main reason —why so many men
continue to pile up money beyond
their needs. They like to succeed,
and in most cases success brings
money along with it as a badge
of accomplishment. Would you suc
ceed? Would you acquire money?
Well, here is a San Diego man's re
The father of Success is Work.
The mother of Success is Ambi
The oldest son is Common
Some of the other boys are Per
severance. Honesty, Thorough
ness, Foresight. Enthusiasm and
The oldest daughter is Char
Some of her sisters are Cheer
fulness, Loyalty. Courtesy, Care,
Economy, Sincerity and Har
Tie Baby is Opportunity.
Get acquainted with the "old
man" and you will be able to get
along pretty well with all the rest
of the family.
And there are many of us who
wonder why we don't get along who
can't claim even distant relationship
with any member of this distin
guished family and have scarcely a
speaking acquaintanceship with the
"old man." Put them all on your
calling list if you want to get along
well and prosper.
The Legislature having practically
cleared the decks for final adjourn
ment, the lawmakers will say farewell
next Thursday. They have had a
more or less strenuous session grow
ing out of the usual Philadelphia
wrangle, but in the analysis of work
accomplished there will be some im
portant legislation. Governor Sproul
ji\as been able to guide the course of
legislation in some directions that
were helpful and the Legislature re
posed in him unusual confidence
throughout the session.
WE are beginning to see this
fool Bolshevism idea in its
true light, so far as America
is concerned. We have come to the
place where some of our newspa
pers and labor publications can joke
about it, which indicates that we
are no longer hysterical and can
appraise the thing at its true value.
When we can laugh at a bugaboo
the bugaboo loses its frightfulness.
Says one editor:
"We know Bolshevism cannot
perpetrate itself, for who ever heard
of a female Bolshevist?
And a labor journal contributor
sends in thte:
A Bolshevist by the Volga's brim,
A simple Bolshevist was to him,
and nothing more;
But when he sailed across the
Coming to live near him and me.
And came around our wives to
We made him spell It BAWLshe
And beat him sore.
Make fun of American Bolshe
vism. Laugh it out of school. But
if you meet a Bolshevik do as our
labor Journal friends did and the
Russian terror will depart hastily
whence It came.
T>otfKc eU
T > uto4|6raitca
By the Kx-Committeeman
The Pennsylvania Legislature,
which will enter its final week on
Monday with the business of the
session in better shape than known
in years according to officials here,
will have some ltvety times in either
house at the beginning of the week.
Half a dozen bitls which have oc
cupied considerable attention the
lost week or ten days, will be taken
up in various ways.
The greatest interest is being
taken in the administration effort
to have the anti-sedition bill defeat
reconsidered and if this is done it
is the plan to pass the bill Monday
night and have the Senate dispose
of it by Wednesday night. The
Conservation Department bill is tied
up in a House committee and an
attempt may be made to get it out,
while plans are being made to se
cure reconsideration of the defeat of
the telephone merger bill.
The compensation amendment bill
is to be laid before the House Mon
day when labor leaders hope to re
store the section making a new basis
of computation which was cut out
of the bill in a House committee.
Senate committees have the bill
establishing beverages containing
two and three-fourth per cent of
alcohol as intoxicating and the fish
ermen's license measure. A hear
ing will be held on the former.
The general appropriation bill will
probably go to a conference com
mittee and be passed the last night
of the session.
—Records of the legislature
show that 108 bills have been re
called from the Governor for
amendment or to avoid veto, estab
lishing a record for any Legislature.
Over thirty were recalled this week.
—Governor Sproul has signed 246
general acts and 39 appropriation
bills. His vetoes number ?6.
—Secretary of Agriculture Fred
Rasmussen has appointed W. A. Mc-
Cubbin, a graduate of Harvard and
lately director of plant pathology
of the province of Ontario, to be
assistant director of the bureau of
plant industry under the Jones act
reorganizing the State Department
of Agriculture. Prof. J. G. Sanders,
zoologist for the last two years, will
be director of the bureau at a salary
of $5,000. The assistant will re
ceive a salary of $3,000. P. T.
Barnes, of the bureau, will likely
become chief clerk.
Under the plans made Mr. Mc-
Cubbin will have charge of plant
disease research and control, one of
the Ventures being a movement for
weed elimination in which the new
assistant specialized. Many acres of
valuable farm land in Pennsylvania
have been almost ruined by uncon
trolled weeds which have spread
with rapidity the last few years.
He will also direct the campaign
against orchard, wheat, potato,
white pine, corn and other pests
which have been giving trouble. In
this connection there will be util
ized the collection of all plants and
weeds indigenous to Pennsylvania
which has been made by Prof. E.
M. Gross, of the University of Pitts
burgh. This collection, which al
ready numbers over 2,000 speci
mens, will be used for identification
and for collation of data for preser
vation and destruction, as the case
may require.
—The precedent established in
the bill creating an additional ,ludge
for Lehigh county has been follow
ed in amendments to the Washing
ton county orphans' court judge
measure, presented by Senator Jo
seph A. Herron. Under the changes
there is to be no appointment, but
the voters will choose the new judge
in November. The Governor will
thus be saved from necessity of
having to make a selection. A num
ber of mon have been mentioned for
the place when created. The Cam
bria county orphan's court bill re
quired the Governor to appoint.
—The amended Public Welfare
Commission bill shows that in event
that it is desirable in opinion of
the Governor to discontinue the
commission he may do so and as
sign what funds remain in hand for
an- designated activity of the De
partment of Public Instruction,
Health or Labor and Industry,
which have been co-operating with
the commission since it replaced the
State Council of National Defence
as thp official body for Pennsylvania
last winter. The bill came from the
appropriations committee, which
amended it as desired bv the Gover
nor. The appropriation Is made half
a million dollars and the provisions
for a "Governor's Council," to be
composed of such citizens as the
Governor might name has been cut
out. the plan having been aban
—The final amendments have been
made to the Bureau of Markets bill
and link up the Bureau of Stand
ards which will designate the stand
ard weight and measures. The two
bureaus will make joint rules which
will have the force of laws.
Dragon's Eye Shook Earth
[From the Buffalo News]
The imperial dragon has vanished
from the Chinese flag, but China's
favorite monster continues to adorn
her temples, homes and fabrics. The
dragon is essentially a Chinese
creation—a fascinating, mythologic
al being, without which no Chinese
fairy tale or legend is complete.
One o-f the mightiest of the
Chinese dragons lives, according to
tradition, in a georgeous palace with
in the sea. From this stronghold he
rules the water and favors the earth
with rain or decrees a drought, ac
cording to his whim. Another drag
on, apparently less powerful, lives in
the ground beneath Tungchow. This
dragon at one time troubled the
people greatly by winking his eye
and thus causing earthquakes. But
the dragon experts of Tungchow lo
cated the dragon's eye, and ordered
a pagoda built directly over it. That
put a stop at once to the winking.
Another monster causes whirlwinds.
He is less easily tamed, and must
I often be petitioned to keep him
from losing his temper and tearing
up a few cities.
In the days of the empire the
dragon was a symbol to be handled
and spoken of with care. The em
peror's private dragon, for instance,
boasted five claws, whereas the less
distinguished members of the dragon
family could show but four. For an
ordinary citizens to wear a robe em
broidered with a five-clawed dragon,
or to possess a vase or other piece
of property bearing the royal in
signia. was lese majesty, and the of
fender would pay a heavy penalty.
The emperor regarded himself as a
dragon, and spoke of himself ac
cordingly in proclamations and
China still displays her favorite
design, but the dragon itself is al
most as much out of power as the
emperor. Dragons do not seem to
fit into the scheme of a republic—
even a high strung Oriental republic
with its faith in spirits, good and
•vil, unabated.
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Books and Magazines
"All the Brothers Were Valiant,"'
by Ben Ames Williams; a story of
the sea, suggestive in its strength
and ruggedness of some of the work
of Jack .London—this is what Mr.
Williams has given us in this book.
A voyage is made in search of a
brother who is thought to have been
shipwrecked on his last trip. The
scene shifts to a mid-sea island,
where the brother, pagan, pirate,
pearl hunter, is found. Here there
is high adventure in an unusual set
ting; hidden treasure, mutinies,
tropic love, all these are present.
The story thrills with its incident
and arouses admiration for its splen
did character portrayal. (The Mac-
Millan Company, publishers.)
The Houghton Mifflin Company
have Just issued ($1.50), lan Hay's
latest book "The Last Million; How
They Invaded France and Eng
land." It's a tine companion vol
ume of "The First Hundred Thous
and," and tells graphically the story
of America's entrance and partici
pation in the war. Major Beith
dedicates this book "to that born
lighter and modern crusader, the
American doughboy."
"The Last Million" begins with
the crossing of the Atlantic, and
ends with the signing of the arm
istice, following American lighters
all the way. Major Beith, be it re
marked, spent some months with
our troops, and was with them dur
ing several offensives; and he suc
ceeds "remarkably in showing up
some of the doughboys' experiences
through the doughboys' own eyes.
Here is what a reviewer says of
the book in part: "Major Beith
has cast his book in readable form,
partly narrativa, wherein three
American doughboys wander about
London and have their first taste
of the trenches and the front line,
and a group of officers experience
something of England as well as
something of war. He has even in
troduced a charming American nurse
—two, in fact—and a bit of a love
story. But all this is to make
simpler and more pleasant the pre
sentation of facts, impressions, pic
tures. For the most part the book
is bright, breezy, humorous. Ma
jor Beith makes use of a good deal
of American slang, and uses it bet
ter than many a writer we know!
His tale of three doughboys and
the Scotchman in London is delight
ful, as is the young officers' meeting
with Lady Wyvern-Grypbon, whom
thev have dubbed, in private, Lady
Whisky-Syphon. There are several
gay little anecdotes, too.
Yet there is drama in this book
of "The Last Million." There is
pain and sacrifice, *oo. And at the
end there is a stirring picture of
that "day of glory" in Paris, when
the armistice was signed. "The war
is won,' 'was the triumphant word of
that triumphant day. Now that the
war is won, "The Last Million is
a good book for us to read.
An American Question
[Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.]
Chairman Will H. Hays of the Re
publican national committee has the
1 faculty of saying something when he
talks.' He has the gift of straight
forward speech and there is never
any doubt of his meaning. His clear
cut definition of the attitude of the
Republican party toward the treaty
of peace with Germany is typical. He
declares it is in no sense a partisan
question. "It is an American ques
tion." Democratic attempts to make
it appear that the issue is one of
partisan politics are repelled by Mr.
Hays, who pledges the Republican
party to the same spirit of patriotism
which it displayed during the great
war and without which that war
could not have been won.
As the discussion of the peace
treaty in the Senate takes definite
form the patriotic purpose of those
members, whether Republican or
Democratic, who insist on the closest
scrutiny and correction of doubtful
or dangerous provisions, will become
increasingly clear to the country. Al
ready there are signs that the people
are beginning to think for them
selves and to ask questions concern
ing this or that section of the treaty.
The campaign of education is bear
ing fruit. No more than the Senate
will the country stand for having the
treaty, with its League of Nations
supplement, rushed through at the
crack of the whip. It is indeed "an
American question," in the righteous
determination of which Republicans
will play their customary patriotic
City's Progressi
Praised by Penrose
United States Senator Boies Pen
rose, who has known Harrisburg
for a generation, voiced his admira
tion for its spirit of civic pride while
in this city during the week after
his tour of Central Pennsylvania
counties. The Senator referred to
the enterpriee which gave the city
its new hotel, and, looking from the
windows of his suite in the Penn-
Harris, spoke about the progress
which had been made here since he
first came to the city.
The Senator spoke some time ago
before the Rotary Club about the
comparison between the Harrisburg
of his younger days as a legislator
and the capital city of to-day, and
this week sounded a note of re
newed praise for its municipal
"The large and increasing area
of improved streets is greatly to the
credit of your people," he said. "I
understand there are now about
eighty miles of asphalt highways
and the impression made upon the
visitor is distinctly favorable.
"Well-paved streets, like good
roads," continued the Senator,
"are the outstanding illustrations of
a community's enterprise and indi
cate the public spirit of the people.
Harrisburg has admirably met pub
lic expectations in this regard.
"As I recall the earlier years and
the lack of many things which be
long to a modern city and realize
how splendidly Harrisburg has
overcome old conditions I feel that
the people here merit the most sin
cere commendation. They have
measured up in every way to the re
sponsibility of the municipality with
respect to co-operation with the
Commonwealth in providing a prop
er setting for the Capitol.
"It has been a real satisfaction to
me to watch the big improvement
[Philadelphia Press.)
Governor Coolidge, of Massachu
setts, has given to the Legislature
of this State, and to its citizens as
well, some real thoughts over which
to ponder on the question of the sal
aries of public officials. The Legisla
ture passed a bill which Increased
the salaries of its members from one
thousand dollars a year to fifteen
hundred dollars, and bringing the
present Legislature under the provi
sions of the measure. It passed by
an overwhelming vote. And it has
just met with as overwhelming a
veto at the hands 0 f the Governor.
The position which he take:} on the
question is very interesting, for it
is a question that is by no means
local and that is constantly coming
to the front in divers ways and
The Massachusetts Governor re
minds the Legislature that service in
that body is not obligatory, but op
tional; that it is not to be under
taken as a profession or a means of
livelihood; that it is a voluntary
public service. He says in his veto
message that if value for services
were the criterion for payment, there
would be as many different salaries
as there arc members of the Legis
lature. He declares that when mem
bership in the law-making body of
the State Is sought as a means of
livelihood legislation will pass from
a public function to a private en
terprise, that men do not serve in a
Legislature for pay, but seek work
and places of responsibility, and
find in that seeking, not in their
pay, their honor.
He points out that it is of infinite
importance to demonstrate that leg
islation is used not for the benefit of
the legislator, but ot the public. He
decries the idea that legislative seat
and a job are in the same category
and that each must be reckoned In
dollars and cents. It is very straight
forward speaking, especially on the
part of a Governor who comes up
for re-election this fall, and who
rebukes a body of men who are of
political power in their different
communities. It is a courageous
veto and raises a very important
question in regard to the pay of
public officials that applies eoually
i to all States.
undertakings from time to time and
observe the intelligent way in which
the city has gone ahead with its
inevitable development. Nothing
could be more attractive than the
remarkable treatment of your River
Front and the line park system
which has been established here is
far ahead of most cities the size of
Harrisburg. The future is full of
promise and it is not difficult to
visualize the spanning of the river
with more ornate bridges, the ex
pansion of your residential districts
and the erection of many tine pub
lic buildings. The fact that the
city and county are about to pro
vide a modern combination build
ing for the uses of the city and
county is a further indication of the
wide-awake character of your pub
lic officials. Such a building will
stand us a monument to the enter
prise of the community and ought
to be designed in harmony with the
other public structures in the sume
"Of course, the State is going
ahead with the comprehensive de
velopment of the Capitol Park and
the city, as I am informed, is doing
its full share in this important pub
lic undertaking. Nothing could be
finer than the proposed memorial
viaduct linking the eastern section j
of the city with the Capitol grounds
and providing a dignified approach
from the main highway to the east.
Governor Sproul and his associates
on the Board of Public Grounds
and Buildings are demonstrating i
proper leadership in the compre
hensive plans for the permanent
treatment of the Capitol buildings
and grounds. State and city work
ing together In the future as in the
past will provide the environment
for the Capitol that will comport
with the dignity and importance of
the Commonwealth."
The Knox Resolution
[From the Pittsburgh Dispatch]
Senator Knox explains that all
that is intended by his resolution
introduced in the Senate yesterday
can be attained by the incorporation
at Paris of a three line addition to
the treaty peace reserving to any
nation signing the instrument the
right to further separate and full
consideration of the question of a
League of Nations.
This was his position last Decem
ber, but it has been greatly strength
ened since by the secrecy and mys
tery attending the Paris conference,
as well as by the revelations of the
old diplomacy at work under the
cover of the League of Nations.
There has been a growing feeling
among Americans that the differ
ence between the League of Nations
they were promised or expected and
what they are now being offered
have so complicated the situation
that with the conflicting and cen
sored news from Paris, it is becom
ing almost impossible to form a
judgment. The result has been a
disposition to demand further en
lightenment. to have more clearly
stated just what we are being com
mitted to, what the probable and
possible obligations of our partici
pation in such a league framed un
der such conditions will be. The
easy faith with which we hoped for
the best is being supplanted by a
fear, perhaps as unreasonable, for
the worst. But either way we want
to know more about the engage
ment into which we are to enter
and the Knox resolution will afford
the time necessary for that popular
discussion and consideration.
Air Pilots in Eye Drill
[Chicago Tribune.]
The royal air force of England has
instituted an eye drill that has made
many splendid pilots out of men who
otherwise would have been useless.
It was discovered that a large per
centage of men only use one eye at a
time, and in the early days pilots
were not tested for eye balance.
Many men were then passed into the
air service who could never land cor
rectly. When these deficiencies were
discovered a school was formed and
under an eye specialist twice a day
airmen undergoing the cure were pa
raded for eye drill and taught how to
use both their eyes at the same time.
The result was that 96 per cent,
of the men who would have been bad
pilots became good ones In a little
JUNE 21, 1919.
No Wonder Germany Quit
"Yes! Incredible as it may seem
the Boche did occasionally capture
some Americans," said Major Frank
C. Mahin. of the Army Recruiting
station, 325 Market street, Harris
burg. "From June 2, when we went
up front, until November 11, my
division lost ninety men captured
and took about twenty-seven hun
dred Boche. Somewhat out of pro
portion you will say, but remember
our boys were harder to catch and
when you had cornered them they
very frequently died fighting. And
even after you had captured them
alive it was some job to hold them,
as our "cultured friends(?)' the
Boche discovered. I shall never for
get how disgraced the division felt
when the Boche caught their first
prisoners from us. An officer and
five men were ambushed, the officer
was severely wounded and captured,
three of the men were killed, and
the other two slightly wounded and
captured. If we had known where
they were 1 think the whole division
would have gone straight 'over the
top" after them, but perhaps for
tunately, we didn't know anything
about it until too late, so had to
grin and bear it. For days it was
the sole topic of conversation, and
everyone that went on patrol did his
level best to get back at the Boche.
About live days after they were
captured who should show up one
dark night but the two men who
had been captured. They each had
a Boche rifle, bayonet, and belt of
ammunition, the identification tag of
a German soldier and a few other
souvenirs in the form of Boche
grenades, pistols, etc.
"It seems that when they were
captured the officer was sent to a
hospital and the two men sent to a
prison camp only about twenty
miles away. As soon as they ar
rived at the camp they found that
the Boche regulations were that at
work, there should be a sentry for
every American prisoner, one for
every five English, one for every
twelve Frenchmen, one for every
twenty Italians, and an overseer for
every couple hundred Russians.
Those figures were afterward veri
fied and found correct. The first day
our two boys worked on a road and
made no trouble, the second day
with their picks and shovels they
killed their two sentries, took their
arms and escaped. It took them two
days to cover the twenty intervening
miles and they shot up several more
Boche on the way. but eventually
they got back into our lines after
being prisoners for just five days."
"Put Down Red Flag!"
"There is room 4n this country for
but one flag," he said, "and that is
the American flag. Put down the
red flag. The red flag is the enemy
of everything we have striven to
build up during our national life.
Kill it whenever you see it. It
stands for nothing which our Gov
ernment stands for. It is against
everything we have struggled for.
It is against the integrity of the
family, the State and the Nation.
It only floats whdre cowards are
in power and where democracy has
been replaced by mob rule. It rep
resents everything we want to nvotd.
These are times of dangerous world
psychology. The barriers between
ordered Government and chaos are
downed in some nations and trem
bling in others. Avoid the danger
i ous doctrines of the hour that are
t masquerading under the banner of
j "Liberal Ideas and Progress." It is
i no time now for unthinking action,
i The world must once more get on
! an even keel and settle down after
! the upheavals of the great war.
j It is time now to keep our feet on
! the ground, our ideals and purposes
| high, our eyes on God." Major
I General Leonard Wood.
Time to Build a Home
[K"rom Rocky Mountain News]
Four years ago a farmer sold 150
I hogs to build a home costing $2,900.
| Recently a neighbor sold the same
| number of hogs, built a replica of
I the house and put $5,388 in the
: bank. This probably is one of the
! most forcible Illustrations of the
| fact that building materials have ad-
I vanced less than any other commo
! dities on the American market. Re
i cent figures of the United States
' bureau of labor statistics ahow an
advance of 57 per cent, in building
material, whereas food, clothing,
house furnishings, etc., have scored
far greater advances. It Is time now
to build the home. Delay will mean
only a higher coat.
lEbttumj (Elfat
Tuesday, July J, the bass and Sua
quehanna salmon Ashing season
opens in Pennsylvania and thou
sands of fishermen have been plan
ning for weeks to be on the streams
at sun-up for a renewal of their
favorite sport. The bass fisherman
is just as keen and ardent a sports
man as he who wades the icy spring
water streams in early spring in
search of the gamey trout. Indeed
the twain are often one, for the
fishermun is like the gunner, he has
his favorite lines of sport, but a day
afield whether it be for one kind of
game or another is a day afield —or
astream and not to be missed. And
indeed the black bass—big mouth
or small mouth—not to mention the
greedy little rock bass and crappie
—can match the gamiest trout and
give him odds. There is nothing
more interesting than an argument
between a bass fisherman and a dry
fly enthusiast who sees no virtue
in fishing outside the quest for
trout with a four ounce rod and
tackle to match.
• • •
Most of the early fishing will be
done with live bait—the festive
shiner, the long-lived "stone-roller**
catfish and the ugly little helgrimtte
being the favorites hereabouts, with
night crawlers and even the humble
red worm coming into their own
upon occasion. It used to be thought
quite the proper thing to sit all day
in a boat above a riffle in mid-river
taking such fish as designed to come
along and take the bait so tempt
ingly offered, and there are occa
sions when that is still the way to
land a big string. But your real
sportsman no longer waits for the
bass to come to him, but he goes
after the bass—tracks 'em right into
their lairs, as it were—and he pays
small attention to the rivers. The
creeks are his happy hunting
grounds and he scorns live bait.
Armed with casting rod and smooth
running reel he slips a half-dozen
various colored "plugs" into his
pocket along with a sandwich or two
and he is off for a half day 'ln
the creeks. Yes, in the creeks, for
the caster is also a wader. His
"plugs" are the hideous looking
wooden bait of wood and metal with
hooks attached you see in the win
dows of snorting goods stores and
when he drops one of them over the
home of a big black bass, Mr. bass
just naturally gets frightfully hun
gry or awfully hungry, nobody has
ever been able to decide which, and
"he rushes out, grabs the bait and
finds himself in the midst of a fight
for life with a determined angler at
the other end of the line. Those who
fish with "plugs" say there is no
other sport to equal it unless it be
fly casting for bass which is also
practiced extensively hereabouts,
the outfit differing little from that
of the trout fishermen except that
the flies are heavier and of different
type and the "spinner" is often used.
Certain it is that the "plug" and the
"fly" for those who know how to
use them yield bigger strings than
fall to the lot of the live bait fisher
• • •
Then there is also the trouble to
get live bait and the difficulty of
keeping it alive. Even the hardy
"stone roller" catfish some times
succumbs to heat and long Journeys
and they are high in price and hard
to get. The "plug" and "fly** en
thusiasts buy once or twice during
a season and their troubles In that
direction are over. However much
they run to other baits the average
fishermun likes to have & few red
worms along, and these too, are
hard to get in mid-summer. Some
downtown sporting goods dealer
could make a hit with his patrons
and money for himself by keeping
a supply of worms on hand for
anglers suddenly seized with the
fever or who have no time to dig
bait. This is a hint that some en
terprising boy might capitalize.
And where do the bass fisher
men go? Oh, each one has his fa
vorite spots. Most all the creeks
hereabouts are fished and there are
some who venture as far away as
Pine Creek, away up in Tioga comi
ty, above Jersey Shore, which is one
of the finest bass streams In the
country and where fly and "plug"
fishing is very good. Among those
who fish this stream is Harry Thair
who has a cottage along the moun
tain. There are many other fishing
lodges there, too.
• • •
New York is having trouble pre
serving its old Fort Washington
from falling into the hands of real
estate dealers who would use it for
building purposes. The people of
the metropolis have nothing on Har
rtsburg. Governor Pennypacker
tried to save our own Fort Wash
ington from the invasion of the real
estate developer and as a historic
memorial park, but the Legislature
failed to see it his way and to-day
our old Fort Washington is likely
to disappear as has many another
historic shrine.
• • •
Sunday parties on the river are
commencing to come into their own.
The steamers that tow the sand
barges and act as tenders to the
dredges have been busy the last few
Sundays taking parties to islands
and yesterday morning there were
half a dozen boats plying the waters
of the river and taking Sunday bath
ers and picnic parties to islands. It
was pretty warm for trips on the
river, but a couple of Sunday swims
appeared to overcome any feelings
on that score.
• • •
One of the prize stories about
trout prosecutions to reach this city
is of the fining of an up-State man
over S3OO. He had gone fishing
and had thirty trout which/ did not
meet the State law. He became
"sassy" about it and the authorities
insisted on the maximum fine.
—Col. Daniel Wentz, who had
charge of fuel for the American
Army in France, is a prominent
Philadelphia and one of the best
posted men in the State on coal
—E. J. Cattell, the Philadelphia
city statistician, says he has been
making a speech a day so far this
spring and summer and varying It
by two and three a day.
—Judge J. McF. Carpenter, of
Pittsburgh, who refused to charter
a national antitobacco corporation,
is one of the oldest members of the
Allegheny bench.
—Secretary of Agriculture Raa
mussen has been attending the spe
cial exercises at State College.
That Harris burg's river
front treatment has attracted
attention of New England
—Zion Church has been located
at its present place since the War
Of 1811.