Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 21, 1919, Automobile Section, Page 10, Image 10

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Was Former Harrisburger; ;Is
Well Known
C. E. Dennis, the new Lexington
Minuteman Six distributor, is very
much on the job these days. He
just recently established the Lexing
ton agency in Harrisburg and is
working hard to place subdcalers
and agencies in Dauphin and Cum
berland counties. He has received
several shipments of cars to date
and has placed several of them.
The salesrooms and service station
are located at 121 South Third
| To the Motoring Public |
] Quite often you find it almost impossible to find a vul
o canizing establishment where you can secure expert and j
B efficient repair work. Most vulcanizing work is done j
0 □
We wish to announce to you that W. R. Bradshay, for j
the past sixteen years employed as a factory expert by
3 the largest tire factories in the west, is in charge of our
vulcanizing and tube repairing station at 131 South Third
| street.
0 n
This one fact assures you that your work will be done I
J 100 per cent, perfect, and that it must be entirely satis
factory before it leaves here. We do work no other way. j|
1 Harrisburg Auto and Tire Repair Co. jj
131 S. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. □
Bl== jai^^D[^="3l==iaE^=lß^^=lol^=lß^^3Ell^=ißt== T l
2£e jf 7Ke
V s *" mS? wf "*V
\? e (jgr
—on the contrary, Right makes Might
ESiaa^,r° Ved the tbe6ry Peerless Two-Power-Range Eight continuously
The opposite to trul-has will M ° f PUb " C d<smand it 3
be—right makes might. . . . , „
p„ rc 'o:.r"p';. r s-rv.r , ' ot make * wr ™" .^rA^n'cJnrJr.sssr*
And public consciousness of right will search stantiaf'p" riess resources'^nd'^aclfitnT'are^e
°be hidden " thou S h its "S&t sponding—will continue to respond to the might
Fr„rn r Lrinnit s „ ..v of publl ° demand for right motor car perform-
From the beginning and throughout the ance
h,ft C V" 8S ; Eio ' ht . rlß £ tne<a increasing public consciousness of the dis-
Rrit .1 . i ° , war_truck pro " tlnctive virtues of the Two-Power Ranger—those
J!.^rfi^ a n U i . American. delightful contrasts in performance—with econo-
But, virtually alone in conspicuously dis- my—is demonstrating in our expanding produc
tlnctive performance among motor cars, —the tion schedules, the might of right.
Keystone Motor Car Co.
C. H. Barner, Mgr. 57 S. Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa. Both Phones
g" ■" ■
Col. Vincent Says This Means
of Transportation Is Better
Than Old Methods
| First flights are being made these
I days at the new Packard aviation
field, located between Detroit and
Mt. Clemens. Lieutenant Colonel J.
G. Vincent, vice-president of Packard
engineering, who became during his
army service an expert pilot, is
most of the flying.
A part of the field already Is in
condition for use. On the remainder
of it a wheat crop is growing, and
it will not be disturbed till harvest.
The company's experimental planes
are being removed from Morrow field
in Northwest Detroit, to the new
grounds. Before long maps and
charts for the guidance of aviators
in making the field will be issued.
••It seems as if every flight I have
made recently confirms my enthu
siasm for aviation," said Col. Vin
cent, alighting from one of his rides
in the sky. "I was never so much
struck with the desirability of air
travel as in going to and from
Indianapolis at the time of .the recent
Liberty sweepstakes on the speed
way there.
"The return trip was an especial
advance over the forms of transpor
tation to which we are most accus
tomed. I flew from Indianapolic to
Detroit via Dayton, a full 300 miles,
in two hours and twenty minutes.
Most of the time I was riding at
an altitude of 10,000 feet, cool and
comfortable in an aviator's suit,
while down below me the hundred
thousand folk who saw the race were
making their way homeward, slowly,
tediously, in swiftly railroad cars
that took 12 hours for the same dis
tance and incidentally took most of
the pleasure out of their excursion."
George B. Zeck, local Buick dis
tributor, expects to move into his
new salesrooms and service station
about July 1. The new location is
the Shaffer Garage, at 58-68 South
South Cameron street, now occupied
by the Miller Auto Company.
Temporary Salesrooms of the Fishman Motors Company, Local Paige
Distributors, 110 S. Fourth Street, and Manager Edward Fishman
' ■ , : ■ - —■ ———
u-onrtw™-?'n e H 1 i lUB Ar at . !on the temporary salesroom of the Fishman Motor Company at 110 South
ra , S£S\E£ i f ? el% Bn^ a ?'i he St nager - Thls room ,s beinK llsed while the main part
Si,, V remodeled and finished. When this work is completed, the Paige will be
ninnf °ri ft."Jf"!?..- and 7* 08t be , autiful salesrooms In Central Pennsylvania for according to the
f h ' ifreet wlo f h .i, 1 Mulberl 7 street bridge. The windows will be considerably above
•he eeeeH fle • I? K ° e cars very nicelv - Tbe service station for Paige cars s now located on
man hv n!e VTO ? Karaße and 18 in charge or an experienced and well known local automobile
L name of W. L Bomgardner. A complete line of Paige parts is carried in stock at all times,
nictiire ,n picture above is one that had stopped in front of the salesrooms the day the
A -W, was taken. It was on its way from the factory to its new home in Lansdown Pa. It was being
a riven Dy its owner.
Motor Club's Picnic to
Be Held Monday P. M. Sure
Monday is the big day of the Har
risburg Motor Club, and the big
time is to be at Boiling Springs
Park. Everything has been ar
ranged to make this a real red let
ter day for every member of the
Motor Club. There are going to
be big doings every minute of the
time and every amusement in the
park has been chartered for the
use of the club. Dancing, boating,
swimming, baseball and everything
will be the order of the day and
prizes will be awarded to successful
participants in every event.
One of the features of the picnic
will be a secret time run between
Harrisburg and the park. Cars
must check in at Second and State
streets between 12 and 2 o'clock.
The cars will be checked out at the
park and a record made of the
time. The lucky fellow who comes
nearest to the time will receive a
dandy prize.
The Harrisburg Auto and Tire Re
pair Company announces that it has
secured the services of W. R. Brad
shaw, of Chicago, a former factory
expert in vulcanizing tires, to take
charge of its tire repair station. Mr.
Bradshaw has been connected with
this kind of work for more than six
teen years.
Lower Cost of Motor Transportation Means Lower Cost of
Living, Says Motor Truck Manufacturer
"Along with the great national
movement for better highways,
comes the question of weight of
loads, speed and many other fac
tors," says R. E. Fulton, vice
president of the International Mo
tor Company.
"In the solution of the matter,
plain, ordinary commonsenee
should prevail. Unimproved roads,
in good weather, when they are dry
and sound, can stand a great deal
of traffic with little or no damage.
They can even bear tremendous
loads if the width of the tire is
sufficient. When these roads are
solid, big steam traction engines,
with threshing machines or corn
shelters, run over them with no
damage; in fact, with befieflt, as
they act like rollers.
"Moderately improved roads, like
wise. can stand much traffic in good
weather. The big trouble with these
roa<s is that they are not what can
be balled all-year-around roads.
They should be improved to meet
the normal requirements of traffic,
so that full benefit may be derived
from them at all times.
I-argo Loads Lower Prices
"The weight of the load should
be determined on the basis of width
of tires. Routes between large cities
I or important commercial and indus
trial centers serve an enormous ton
nage, and the larger the units in
which this tonnage is hauled the
greater the economy of hauling.
These routes are main arteries of
traffic, and anything which in
creases the cost of transportation on
them is paid for by all the people,
regardless of how far they may be
I from these main arteries. When it
is taken into consideration that a
fifty per cent, increase in the size of
the unit hauled makes a fifteen per
cent, decrease in the cost of trans
portation, the matter becomes one
of great economic importance with
tonnage running up into the mil
Likens Roads to Railroads
"On these roads the weight is
fully taken care of by the 800-
pound limit per Inch width of tire.
For every 800 pounds an inch is
added to the bearing surface of the
tires. With the addition of a trail
er the weight of the load can be dou
bled without doubling the strain on
the road. You simply add to the
wheel base. The load, while great
er, is distributed over more wheels
of proportionate tire width. A
striking illustration of this is given
by our roads . While heavy rolling
stock, such as the big compound en
gines which are now used on our
M. L. Cole's Church Place Ga
rage, at the corner of Cameron and
Walnut streets, announces that it
has established an automobile driv
ing school, where it will teach driv
ing automobiles in all Its phases.
This will not include a mechanical
In addition to teaching driving,
this garage deals in used cars and
parts, buying and selling any kind
of cars or parts. It does a general
repair business and in a short time
will be fully equipped to do all
kinds of welding.
0.0 Harrisburg - n s
6.4 Fort Hunter ..47.0
8.3 Dauphin 45.1
14.4 Clark's Ferry 39.0
29.3. Liverpool 24.1
37.4 McKee's Half Fa 115...16.1
39.1- Independence 14.4
39.5 Chapman 14.0
41.4 Port Trevorton 12.1
48.2 Selinsgrove 5.3
52. Shamokln Dam 1.2
53.5 Sunbury 0.0
lailroads, are very much heavier
than the rolling stock of years ago,
the weight per inch of bearing sur
face has not been greatly increased.
This has been met by putting extra
bearing surface under the weight.
For instance, the big engines now
have sixteen driving wheels, where
as the early engines had only four.
"It would have been as sensible
fifty years ago to have prohibited
the use of locomotives larger than
the little four-wheeled drivers, as it
would be to-day to limit the weight
of the motor truck on any other
basis than tire width, and the num
ber of wheels under the weight,
which in the case of our large loco
motives gives several hundred per
cent, greater hauling capacity with
probably only 100 per cent, greater
weight of rail.
r fip Rubber
I ur • Process
Gillette Tires Now
Fabric 6,000 miles.
Cord 8,000 miles.
Solid 10,000 miles.
YOU'VE probably often thought
A that somebody some time would
produce Tires and Tubes that
would leave no complaint as to costs.
You were right. That time has arrived.
The discovery of how to produce greater
Tire and Tube resistance and strength
has been made. It is the Gillette Chilled
Rubber Process—the perfected method.
Toughens rubber as iron is toughened by
changing to steel building up endur
ance and bringing down costs to the
lowest figures of economy.
Absolutely the biggest worth—in service
—in mileage—ever offered Tire and
Tube Gillette is
' Wr
Docs Work Which Formerly
Required 36 Horses
or Mules
Missouri isn't the only place where
they have to be shown.
Out in the northwest when the big
operators decide to buy a truck they
make their decision on what a truck
can actually do.
Henry Achelphol, of Eureka, Wash.,
is proud now of the performance of \
his Duplex 4-Wheel Drive and is will-j
ing to brag about it to anyone.
Before he placed his name on the
dotted line he had to have a real
Mr. Achelphol operates at 1,100-acre
wheat farm and is three miles and
a half from a warehouse.
Various truck salesmen had tried
to interest Mr. Achelphol in a truck
but he laways had one simple request,
to make—the truck should be able
to go into th,e field and take the
sacks direct from where they were
piled to the warehouse.
It was the field work that put the
ordinary truck out of the running.
Not one made good until Lee
.Toynes, the Duplex dealer in Walla
Walla, came along.
The Duplex wandered right out
into the field, loaded up with sixty
sacks of wheat, made its way to the
road and carried Its load to the
It does work that would require
36 horses or mules, according to Mr.
After considerable delay, Andrew
Redmond has finally moved into his
new salesroom and offices at the
corner of Third and Hamilton
streets. The room has been remod
eled and repainted and presents a
very pretty appearance. It will be
the new home of Chandler touring
cars and Vim-trucks.
■■ *-- J
N§§fly v
The New Ton WORM Drive
Meets the Hauling Needs of To-day
To meet the present-day need for a moder- an extent that we can sell the SELDEN
ate-priced 1 */£ ton truck of the same rugged SPECIAL at a price far below its value*
construction, the same great powers of en
durance, of the same design and built on the Wherever there exists a need for haulage of
sarpe sound engineering principles as the tons capacity, the SELDEN SPECIAL
other models in the Line of SELDEN will render highly efficient and profitable
TRUCKS, we offiy the SELDEN SPECIAL service.
Model at $2185. The specifications of this remarkable achieve-
Manufacturing facilities, greatly enlarged ment in motor truck manufacture are proof
during the war to meet the demands of the that only the highest quality units obtain-
United States and allied governments for able enter into its construction—which is
Selden Trucks, enable our factory to stan- your assurance of long, uninterrupted sea>
dardize production of this model to such vice at low operating cost*
Ask us for complete specifications of the Selden SpedaL
1017-25 Market St. Harrisburg.
Wc Have a Fully Equipped Machine Shop and Can Give Von Immediate Service on All Repair Work.
C[aUL%M Motor
JUNE 21, 1919.
Local Firestone Dealer.
The value of flaps is not always to
be gauged in dollars and cents. As
a usual thing, they are worth more
than their initial cost.
Flaps were formerly fastened dif
ferently from what is the case now.
Tire manufacturers used to cement
them to one side of the case. This
practice turned out poorly, since the
heat generated in carcass and casing
allows the flap to become loose. Now,
when a man finds anything loose
around an automobile, he may expect
to find trouble. That proves to be
the cusc here, for the flap, having
once pried itself away from its an
chorage, proceeded to slip out Of
position altogether, little by little to
creep under the beads, and in the end
to wrinkle the tube and seriously
chafe it.
As a consequence, the flap in its
present form—the "floating flap" we
might term it, for lack of a better
name—came into existence and then
into vogue. The floating flap has
proved much more satisfactoi-y be
cause, when it is used, the tiro may
be applied much more rapidly to the
rim and the flap itself generally
"stays put," if it gets half a chance.
And yet the slight mobility of the
flap enables it within limits to ad
just itself to rapidly changing condi
tions. Improvements and refinements
upon the floating flap were made in
the course of time; for example, it
was split, and the ends notched in
such a manner as to make the flap
adjust itself- in circumference to ac
commodate variation in the tire.
A few years ago it was common
to employ the rim strap, which was
a strip of fabric tightly stretched on
the rim. By this method the beads
were compelled to fit very snugly to
the rim clinched, at the same time
protecting the tube from rust and
other detriment. As a whole, how
ever, the scheme was given up. While
It is not necessary to use tlaps with
clincher tires of small size. It la
really the proper thing to do with
this four Inches, unless cuips or
spreaders are used to hold the beads
tightly in the clinches of the rim so
that inner tubes will not be pinched
or damaged. The beads of quick de
tachable clincher cases and cables of
stright side cases are non-stretch
able, and are, therefore, made to suit
the approximate diameter of the rim.
Falps should bo used in all sizes of
quick detachable clincher and straight
side cases, or much difficulty will bo
experienced with the inner tubes.
What I have heen saying pertains,
it may be. rather to the historic side
of the much neglected flap. In this
case, however, as many others some
acquaintance with the evolution of
the thing teaches us better how to
handle it.
One point should be emphasized:
flaps are not used enough. They soon
pay for themselves. If they become
wet or wrinkled or otherwise dam
aged, get new ones; for the expense
is but nominal and surer protection
afforded to both inner tube and outer
casing is well worth considering;
Don't neglect to use flaps.
(To be Continued Next Saturday.)
"Bill's" Garage
1801 Susquehanna St.
Ford Car Repairing a