MOTOR CLUB IS READY TO ASSIST (Continued From First Page) of the Rotary Club, "rtiis letter Is as follows: "It is with a great deal of satisfaction that we note the ac tion taken by the Rotary Club in reference to the noise nuis ance In this city. Business places in the central part of the city are compelled to keep windows clcsed during midday to be able to converse on the telephone, and all because automobiles and motorcycles are allowed to use their cutouts, and worse than all combined is the large army truck which goes through our streets with a roar that makes the buildings tremble. This is all unnecessary and out of place in a c.ty the size of ours, besides being against the automobile law approved July 7, 1913, which reads: 'The unnecessary sound ing of bells, horns or other sig- I Now for the Biggest Saturday of the Month. Store Open Until 9 P. M. § =======:===::=====:::==== bp >757 BL vVH r======= : = : == : ============^^ j Big Sale Of Women's Hosiery ML Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits 1) Women's Fibre Silk Hose at 98c SPECIAL SATURDAY nr fS \j Women's Fibre Silk Hose, double sole and high spliced heel, lisle garter H |M ■ | JgWHTM L J 1.1 One ' W ° P' eCe |j tops mock seam in white, black, grey, champagne and cordovan. Bl| fc |lj B B B|l fc ,n P ' ain and Trimmed Styles, in all sizes. Now is the 'AgSBj(,\ 8 w °r" ss,LKHosE -si.4B w r, M u EprasiLKHosE : sl.9s Sn „, i a SrHfS Children's Dresses At Attractive Prices SWipS y in Black, Cordovan and Navy. with black embroidery and black with GIRLS' DRESSES AT $2.45 GIRLS' DRESSES AT *2.05 °" e 80 tWO 0f QS 8 t^f °* 0Y? QQ )\ f white embroidery. Girls' fine gingham dresses, beautiful plaids Girls' and Children's White Voile and Or- piece ||>i ,i/0 piece lilblil/O /J® A.] —— and plain colors In a wonderful assortment of gandy Dresseß; embroidery, lace and ribbon / A ~T/,IFMTTO C, I TOT O styles and patterns, trimmed and tailored mo- trimmed: made In a number of pretty models; • W/„_I T> AT-* , , , R> .T- • T- /f \ T .] WOMENS SILK LISLE. CQ/ WOMEN'S FINE LISLE or dels, in sizes ti to 14 years. I nicely finished; full sizes, 2to 14 years, a ' I Mens All-WOOI Bathing I Men's Wool Bathing SllitS, /• /V I M Pair tji/C ita™ Pair LidC GIRLS' DRESSES AT *i.i GIRLS' DRESSES AT *3.5 " Suits, all colors and stripes, one and two-piece, all col- va.iv Si - . „,,, TII nuari. ruu. ....... ™ . Girls' and children's Gingham Dresses. Pretty Girls' and Children's pretty colored Voile one and twn /ft H Ar\ nrc strinec and /fl M A n 1\ Women s Fine Silk Lisle Hose, double Women's Fins Lisle Hose, double sole styles in trimmed and tailored models; made of Dreßses, smocked and ribbon trimmed; some anu TWO B* rQO OTS, Stripes anu B*A QO L-S sole and heel, garter tops, mock seam, in and heel, gaiter tops, in white and fine quality gingham in plaids, stripes and have sashes A wonderful assortment of colors piece, all sizes, ij) %J *7O plain, all sizes, U/TT */(j Si . „ ' . . - , hiaok 25c Dalr. checks and plain shades. Sizes 2to 12 years. and styles, beautifully finished; full sizes. r < -v p > ' Tjl Black, Grey, Navy and Cordovan. Diacx. jot W KArFMAN'S First Second KAI FMAN'S—First Floor g = l ===:==== ==r == - =================== 1 911 Pairs Summer Footwear Hundreds of Wash Skirts At Special Prices Men's Palm Beach Suits V] ~ ~~ I A very extensive showing of the best styles of the season in well tailored Wash Skirts—six big groups of vital inter- Oj. J ff% In A Great Saturday Sale , to Saturday $n 511 si ; ; Wash Skirts £0 Wash Skirts Vgji Wash Skirts C na ' n i' M. s For Women, Misses and Children /l E\| Extra size white u I White Gabardine l\ White Gabardine jPvCldl . Ll \Ji Gabardine Dress Uj '/FH Drew Skirts, sizes If] H Dress Skirts; sizes ft IN I JWf/ t\ Various lots which we are going to & rl I/ M ** nd - Bpecilll at H band. to s P eciaiTt iBt V Li*# M sell on Saturday at record low prices C 7 OC ill 00 OC Wml ll Palm Beach Suits. Every R suit cold water JSj II if* 1 /I // I 101 t(7t/ I J Sl/ I shrunk and will hold its shape. Every new w J V-f J/j / I f 1 Jg 0 * 16 ' and new shades - Special Saturday, | 307 Pairs-of Women S Footwear Jj Wash Skirts \/ / Wash Skirts I/I Wash Skirts if [J Men's Summer 0i jjrWM | |J llj iiy 11 suits at b- $21.50 pgffl. jj 48 Pair White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords, 09>|C band ' Special at band ' Special at band Special at I\\ v IS Mb. Ws . -7 /J/fccfl? *rIR apecial at UIV J Lot of 7 5 Men's and Young Men's Newest Ifl Mxk *! 2/i to 7 1J \ fk C \) rflQ if* tj, \ C* A i\f rZ. ' \ Suits in the new form fitting, waist line, and , K ]J 38 Pairs White Canvas 9-inch Lace Boots Cuban £ | QC W.TO U<>£ SCAO la *4.95 M V - IJISVM heel, 2'/2 to 8 V* • l/t ' m IS V day. $16.50. JtPt 36 Pairs White Canvas B'/ 2 -inch Lace Boots, cv- tf | Qt ->-u • j C O rv p 7 i H | 4, 'pfsjS Oxfords, * covered Louis gig Four Big Lots of Dresses for Saturday Summer $16.50 #MI S 78 Pairs Beaver Brown Kid Oxfords, Cuban and 00 QC T 1 T rzf 9 T 9 T a a Suits at JraSMßfffil Louis heel 2Yi to 8 *J)*J LUI X JuUl U -LiOl O IjOI 4 ,x>t of 95 Men 's and Young Men's Splen- \Je~' I 28 Pairs Cab Kid One-Strap House Slippers, fl AC t',V.o'. U iT || 3 to 8 iPi •IV ■■ m m/m L 1 vmj mm ■ ■ are silk lined, others mohair lined. Every^^^ l^^^ i (to flu \ f Kk r ship, assortments, colors and oatterns want m*d f won- waist In worsteds, In sizes 32 to 50, in spring heel. 4to 8... QI.UO figures, and there are plain White P ' ' patterns £!5 k, ch "• ir, d 42 Pairs Chllds' Patent Leather, ankle Strap, Of T „ • r .-j..- iiic.j.t-j Al"Vr, fhU IoL spel stringly made, a "d cassimeres. Spe tvl spring heel, 4to 8 sLft*o Dresses —There are all sizes for women j nsmS> ana you win nna tnese tne most attractive ciai Saturday *1.95. ciai Saturday *2.95. ciai Saturday *3.95. 6 or/ !ir tn ( fl lilds White Canvas Butto "'. low . heel : $1.45 and misses - " <4njL values in the whole cit v. F,,.,^ 1 38 Pairs Misses' White Canvas Lace, low heel, (I*l QC ___ jw 9 \\T I* C! *4k C! * 1 109 Parrs Infants' Mahogany Play Oxfords, 89c Summer Capes At Tempting Prices For Saturday ys U lll " 8 ia M 11 S I 0'"'!' 5 . Mah ° gany . P ' Uy .°''." > . rdS : 89C CAPES of men's wtar CAPES of men's wear CAPES of reversible CAPES'ff'ten's wear tit Sl90 ;J 48 Pairs Child's Tan Blucher Scuffers. d*O *}£ serge in navy only; values serge in „avy only; values " s , W t 8 |' f" ser 8 e ' val 6to 8 tyuioibO to $lO. Extra special, to $12.50. ' xtra special, tn tn t: ' ined ' values to ues to $15.00. Extra spe- Boys . WaS h Suits in sizes 2Hto 8 years dm A | 56 Pairs Childs' Black and T.n Lace Scuffers, .-.„ \Texf/xIL Q, 'l„ OH fIC [lll mM&SfI 7 \y L sleeveless and V-neck. Can't slip strap. Sizes 36- neck and camisole top. in white and flesh, slight flllVK f\OrTOIK ftlllT.S JtT 2nll Hil M - ¥r , 1 *• 9 iw ji' C< *J. J WJ 38-40. Imperfections. Regular and extra sizes. ""J 0 UUIID tpvlat/tr i'rl Women S nnd JVIISSeS OHtninff ollltS