Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 20, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Lieut. A. W. Lick Starts Move
ment to Organize War Vet
erans in Perry County
Marysville, Pa., June 20.—Plans
for the formation of a branch of
the American Legion at Marysville
•re being made, according to an
nouncements by A. W. Lick, former
ly a lieutenant in the Thirty-flrst
Field Artillery.
Mr. Lick has been appointed to
take charge of the organization of
branches of the organization
throughout Perry county and ex
pects soon to have organization
work in full swing. In Marysville,
more than 100 persons are eligible
for membership, while Newport and
Duncannon have equal numbers.
New Bloomfleld. Liverpool and some
of the other boroughs have only
Bllghtly less.
MarysvUle, Pa., June 20.—Ser
geant Earl H. Bare and Corporal
Walter Beers, who served overseas
for eighteen monts with Company
D. Twenty-first Engineers, have re
turned to their homes here, having
been discharged from the service at
Camp Dix. N. J . The men were sta
tioned for a time at Camp Devens,
Mass.. where they were sent after
their landing at Boston on the
transport. President Grant.
New Cumberland, Pa., June 20.
The Boys' Brigade will go to Royal
ton on Saturday to play a game
with a team.
With False Teeth?
I Dr. Wernet's
i Ktepa them firm. Prevents sore (rams.
White. Flavored. Antiseptic.
If your dental plate is loose and
drops, get instant relief, use Dr.
Wernet's Powder for false teeth.
You can eat, laugh, talk with ease.
Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co.,
116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, & $l.OO.
At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse
all others. This is the original powder.
If Yonr Nenes Are Shaky Because of
Over-Indulgcnoe in Tobacco or
Alcohol or by Excess of Any Kind,
Bio-Feren is What lon Need
Right Away.
Don't grow old before your
time, don't let nervousness wreck
your happiness or chances in life.
The man with strong, steady
nerves is full of vigor, energy,
ambition and confidence.
You can have nerves of steel,
firm step, new courage and keen
mind by putting your blood and
nerves in first-class shape with
imighty Bio-Feren, a new discov
ery, inexpensive and efficient.
Men and women who get up so
tired in the morning that they
have to drag themselves to their
daily labor will in just a few days
arise with clear mind, definite
purpose and loads .of ambition.
All you have to do is to take
two Bio-Feren tablets after each
meal and one at bedtime—7 a day
for 7 days—then reduce to one
after each meal until all are gone.
Then if your energy and endur
ance haven't doubled, if your
mind isn't keener and eyes
brighter, if you don't feel twice
as ambitious as before, any drug
gist anywhere will return the
purchase price—gladly and freely.
Bio-Feren is without doubt the
grandest remedy for nervous, run
down, weak, anaemic men and
women ever offered and is not
at all expensive. All druggists
in this city and vicinity have a
supply on hand—sell many pack
How Every Woman Can Quick
ly Charm Her Friends With
Lovely Teeth,
Clean, White and Brilliant-
If you want the cleanest of
white teeth and healthy gums
free from disease, an easy and
quick way to get both is to use
a tooth paste so effective and per
fect that astonishing results usu
ally come in a week's time.
And the cost is so little. Just
go to any drug or department
li store, and get a large tube of
35 cents.
Not only will it make your
teeth clean and white, but it will
at once remove any filmy coating,
help to check tne ravages of
Pyorrhea and banish acidity in
the mouth.
It is used by thousands of
dentists and its sale has been re
markable. When you visit your
i dentist, which you should do at
least twice a year, ask him about
SENRECO. It's a most delightful
and refreshing tooth paste.
/ 7 ' . •• * . - ~' • • ' f I
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Faust, son,
Cyril, and daughter, Louise, of Rail
road street, are home from Green
castle, where they visited the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Mrs. William E. Howy and Mrs.
Paul Howy, of Shiremanstown, were
Harrlsburg visitors on Wednesday.
Mrs. Charles Ebert and son, James,
of Mechanicsburg, spent Thursday
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Brinton, and her sister,
Mrs. Ralph Smyser, at Shiremans
town, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Feister and
son; Arthur, of Lemoyne, motored'
to Shiremanstown, on Tuesday where
they visited the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce F. Feister and
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Beil, Jr., of
Shiremanstown, are home from a
visit with friends in Harrisburg.
Mrs. George V. Coble and daugh
ter, Hulda Flora Coble, 286 Market
street, Lemoyne, spent Wednesday!
with Mrs. Coble's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Pierce F. Feister and family,
at Shiremanstown.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Lenhart, of
New Cumberland, attended the com
mencement exercises at Lebanon
Valley College, on Wednesday, their
daughter. Miss Miriam Lenhart, be
ing one of the graduates.
Mrs. Kate Hoover, of Lisburn, is
visiting relatives at New Cumber
Mrs. J. W. Wright, of New Cum
berland, was at York on Tuesday.
John Oren, of New Cumberland,
spent several days with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Oren, at Elver
Mrs. Emma Coakeley and daugh
ter, Mrs. Annie Wrightstone of New
Cumberland, are visiting friends at
Miss Gertrude Ritter, of Pottsvillo,
was the guest of Jessie Oren and
family at New Cumberland, this
week. \
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Byrem, of
Washington Heights, entertained at
dinner on Sunday, the guests being
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brinkley and
family, of Lemoyne, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Moose, of York Springs; Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Brinkley and family, of Wash
ington Heights.
Mrs. J. H. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. S.
C. Bowers and son Harry, of Harris
burg, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bow
ers, Jr., at Washington Heights, on
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Eshleman, of
Washington Heights, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bishop, of
Moore's Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Tritt. and fam
ily, of Longsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. Al- |
bert Tritt. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Long, j
were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Tritt. at Washington Heights. I
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peffer and Miss
Hilda Famous, of Wormleysburg, mo
tored to Greason, where they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Martin.
Mrs. John M. Donovan and daught
er, Loretta, of Bethlehem, spent sev
eral days with Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Rishel and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peffer
at Washington Heights.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heffleflnger, of
Mechanicsburg. spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. James Jacobs, at Wash
ington Heights.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Eshleman, of
Washington Heights, have returned
from a visit with their son at Pitts
The Rev. and Mrs. P. R. Koontz, of
Washington Heights, spent the week
end with their parents at York.
Mrs. Alfred Shade and daughter
Eva and son of Washington Heights,
are spending two weeks with friends
in the country.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peffer, Mr. and
Mrs. I. W. Rishel, of Washington
Heights, motored to Philadelphia,
where they visited Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Young.
Mrs. Mervin Otto, of Washington
Heights, spent several days with
friends at Carlisle.
Miss Rhoda Beamer, of Shiremans
town. was the guest of Miss Myrtle
Rupp, at Washington Heights.
Mrs. P. S. Eshleman, of Washing
ton Heights, spent Tuesday with Mrs.
H G. Peters, of Moore street, Har
Mervin Eshleman, of Lemoyne vis
ited his father, P. S. Eshieman of
Washington Heights, on Monday.
Miss Florence Byrum. Miss Mary
Rishel, George Fuller and Ernest
Fair, of Washington Heights, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jacobs, at Camp
Hill on Sunday.
Red and Blue Teams Hold
Social at Baughman Church
Now Cumberland, June 20.—Last
evening a pleasant event took place
in the social rooms of Baughman
Memorial Methodist Church, where
a social was held b? the Red and
Blue teams of the Monroe Bible
class, which has had a contest for
membership for several months. The
wives and sweethearts were present
on this occasion. The Rev. Harry
N. Bassler, of Harrisburg, made an
address and music was furnished by
the Sunday school orchestra. Re
freshments were served. One hun
dred and fifty members are enrolled.
W nnlilngton llefghtx, Pa., June 20.
—Children's Day service of Calvary
United Brethren Bunday School, a
very interesting program was ren
dered, followed by an address by the
Conference Superintendent, the Rev.
A B. Statton, of Hagerstown. The
collection in rash and pledges
amounted to $1,002.03, which will go
toward the liquidation of the church
Shiremanstown, June 20.—A meet
ing of the Woman's Missionary So
ciety of St.. John's Lutheran Church
was held Thursday afternoon at the
country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry B. Weber, at Cedar Run. The
women were conveyed to the Weber
home by automobiles.
Marysville. Pa., June 20.—Funeral
services were held this afternoon for
Mrs A. J. Ellenberger at her home
in Maple avenue, where she died on
Monday. The Rev. J. F. Glass, pas
ior of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, officiated at the services
and burial was made in the Chest
nut Grove Cemetery.
New Cumberland. Pa., June 20. —
It has been decided by committees
of the Sunday schools that a union
picnic will be held at Williams'
Grove July 31.
Washington Heights. Pa., June 20.
—Misses Myrtle and Irene Rupp en
tertnlned at dinner on Sunday in
honor of Miller Coover, of Mechanics
burg. lately returned from France,
and Lawrence Miller, of Shlremans
! town.
Cumberland Valley News
Grand Officers and Friends
Are Guests of St. Paul Com
mandery, Mechanicsburg
Mechanicsburg, Pa., June 20.
About one hundred and twenty-five
members, grand officers, wives and
friends, attended the annual booster
banquet of the St. Paul Commandery,
No. 158, Ancient and Illustrious
Knights of Malta, last evening. Past
Grand Commander H. M. Askins, of
Carlisle, was present and talked on
the "Malta Home and Hospital."
Other speakers were: Grand Com
mander Raymond S. Snyder, of
Chambersburg; grand sentinel, Guy
H. Lucas, of Mechanicsburg; the
Rev. J. Charles Gardner, of Rohrers
ville, Md., whose subject was, "Our
Order." Words of- welcome were
given by T. J. Webb, who was mas
ter of ceremonies, and the Rev. J.
Russell Bucher, responded. Other
numbers on the program were
Scripture reading, by the prelate,
Dr. J. A. Kilmore; piano duet, Mrs.
M. B. Ihach and daughter, Isabel;
vocal solo, W. H. Sigler; songs, by
the Malta male chorus, composed of
Dr. J." A. Kilmore, M. B. Ibach,
Guy H. Lucas, M. E. Anderson,
Frank Hollinger, Rahter Myers, W.
H. Sigler, Lloyd Ulrtch and George
Eshclman, and a piano- duet by Mrs.
Rhoda Beamer and Mrs. Stanley
Bates, of Shiremanstown. An ex
cellent banquet followed the pro
Three Former Members to
Return to Dickinson Faculty
Carlisle. Pa., June 20.—Coincident
with the beginning of the 136 th an
nual commencement exercises, an
nouncement of the return of three
former faculty members to Dickin
son College, was made. Many guests
reached the town to-day for the
commencement exercises, which are
in full swing and will conclude on
Monday noon. Fraternity events will
feature ths evenng.
Among the former instructors who
will return are Prfif. Forrest E.
Craver formerly in charge of athle
tics, who has recently been at Tome
Institute. He will supervise the phys
ical culture and athletic activities.
Porf. W. W. Landis, head of the de
partment of mathematics, who was
a Y. M. C. A. worker in Italy on
leave of absence from the college,
will return in September. He was
commissioned a captain in the Ital
ian army and received the Italian
War Cross for distinguished serv
Prof. W. H. Norcross, who before
he entered the military service was
in charge of the department of edu
cation and physchology, will return
in the fall. He has been a lieutenant
in the Chemical Warfare Service.
No other changes are expected.
Waynesboro, pa., June 21.—Harry
W. Gordon, of the United States
heavy artillery, with a brilliar/t rec
ord of service in France, has arrived
home. He was among the first to
go overseas and took part In some of
the hardest battles.
Hundreds of Visitors at
Lebanon Valley Graduation
Annvllle, Pa., June 20.'— Among
the visitors here this week, most of
whom attended the Lebanon Valley
College commencement exercises,
were the Rev. Lester B. Zug, Cham
bersburg; Ray P. Campbell, Harold
Wine, Miles Morrison. Frank Mor
rison, Reuben Williams, Robert
Hartz, John Berger and Frank At
tinger. recently returned from
France; Prof. Frank M. Van Schaak,
of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Boaz
G. Light, Avon; the Rev. Mark H.
Wert, Highspire; Miss Nellie Selt
zer; Myerstown; the Rev. Ira D.
Lowery, Halifax; Mrs. A. T. Tilford,
Harrisburg; the Rev. and Mrs. Paul
Kuntz, Lemoyne; the Rev. Samuel
G. Zeigler, Hagerstown. Md.; Dr. F. i
A. Rutherford, Lebanon; the Rev. i
Fillmore P. Kohler, West Fairview;
the Rev. M. S. Fleming, Red Lion;
the Rev. and Mrs. George M. Rtch
ter, Schuylkill Haven; Prof. Howard
E. Enders and Miss Katherine End
ers, Perdue University, Lafayette,
Indiana; Prof. George N. Hoffer,
Perdue University; Prof. Frank
Hardman, Reading; the Rev. F.
Berry Plummer, Carlisle; Mrs. Ara
H. Guinivan, Mechanicsburg; the
Rev. H. F. Rhoad, Harrisburg; the
Rev. Dr. Edward S. Rupp, Harris
burg; the Rev. Dr. R. E. Kleffman,
Baltimore; the Rev. Dr. R. R. But
terwick, Hershey; Prof. H. H.
Baish, Harrisburg; Mrs. Edna
Groff Diehl, Paxtang; Ralph D.
Reider and daughters, Middletown;
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Inaboden, New
York city; Prof. Urbtn H. Hershey,
York; the Rev. N. F. Linebaugh,
Philadelphia; the Revi Dr. E. O.
Burtner, Palmyra; the Rev. Joseph
Daugherty, Steelton; Miss Ruth
Bender, Dillsburg; Miss Mary Berg
doll, York; Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
Evans and daughter Evelyn, Ly
kens; Miss Esta Warheim, Balti
more; Miss Mildred Dunkle. Dun
cannon; Miss Pauline Clark, Her
shey: Miss Viola Gruber, Campbell
town; Miss Violet Wolfe, Parkes
burg; Miss Louisa Williams, Down
ingtown; Miss Edgtl Gemmil, York;
Miss Helen Hoover. Gasaway, W.
Va.; Miss Dorothy Lorenz, Patton;
the Rev. Dr. S. C. Enck, Philadel
I.ykrnn, Pa., June 20. —Knights of
Pythias Lodge will have memorial
services in the United Brethren
Church on Sunday morning and. will
unveil a marble tablet in honor of
Roy C. Wise, killed In France, at the
K. of P. hall.
Grape Nuts
food builds and
maintains health
Made of
Wheat.and Barley
High Winds Blow Building to
Pieces and Horse Injured
When Structure Falls
Grecncastlo, Pa., June 20. A
storm very much- like a cyclone
visited Montgomery township on
Wednesday afternoon. Residents of
the Welsh Run community, six
miles West of Greencastle, say they
never witnessed such a severe wind
storm. While the lightning and
thunder that accompanied it was
unusually heavy, the principal dam
age was done by the wind, which
seemed to spend its fury on the
° r Mowen, tenanted by
Ed Henneberger. Mr. Mowen's barn
was blown down and one of the
horses that had been left in the
oarr* was badly injured. Fortunate
ly, the other stock was In the field.
A shed on the Mowen farm was also
unroofed, and the roof blown down
along the creek, quite a distance
away. The crops in the vicinity of
the storm did not seem to suffer as
much as the buildings.
Hagerstown, Md., June 20.—Mar
riage licenses were issued here to
couples from Pennsylvania as fol
Preston Paul Fuget. Harrisburg,
ami Elizabeth Irene Holmes, Bress
Harry McKinley Corsultz and
Erma Louise Enders, Halifax.
Merle Franklin Strike and Mary
Ruth Hill. Edenville.
James T. Wagaman, Waynesboro,
and Beulah Bowman, Shady Grove.
Harry Filmore Bailey and Alice
Catherine McGowan, Edenville.
Elmer Ellsworth Teahl and Mar
tha Lan-tz, Palmyra.
Hagerstown, Md.. June 20. —Mrs.
Ida Meeks Constable, daughter of
Mrs. Julia Ross, of Hagerstown, was
drowned while bathing with a party
of friends in the Potomac river at
Cumberland on Tuesday and her
body was not recovered until some
time after. Mrs. Constable was
caught in the current of the stream,
which is swollen, and carried be
yond the asssitance of her friends.
She was 2 5 years old. Her body
was sent here for burial.
Chambersburg, Pa., June 20.
After a long illness, Mrs. John K.
Gordon, wife of Dr. John K. Gor
don, a practicing physician here ajrd
chief of staff of the Chambersburg
Hospital, died at her home in North
Main street. Besides her husband,
two small sons, John K. Gordon,
Jr., and Louis C., and one sister, Mrs.
John B. Wright, of London, England,
Chambersburg, Pa., June 20.
Encountering a storm which was ac
companied by darkness so intense as
to make automobile driving danger
ous, Miss Gertrude Sipes, of Cham
bersburg, while taking an automo
bile party to Carlisle, stopped under
a large tree along the road for shel
ter. The tree did not provide suffi
cient shelter and the party moved
on. Later on returning from Car
lisle the party discovered that the
very tree under which they had stop
ped had been struck by lighning
and completely shattered.
8 i
Store Closes Saturdays at 6 P. M.
I Men I
j SchleisnerSummer |
II Suits 1
I $l5 to $35 I
Exclusive, Fashionable, Smart
Garbardinc suits —single breasted with
patch pockets and waistline models for
young men, plain models for stout men.
Some are silk trimmed.
Materials are * 'Aerpore" cloth, Priestly
cravanetted and Eureka cloth, Kool Kloth,
I • and Palm Beach cloth, in light and dark
patterns. Plain and novelty models. Also
white linen suits.
| 28-30-32 N. Third Street
Running Pistol Fight With
Police Ends in Surrender
of Four Young Thieves
Lewistown, Pa., June 20. Four
men wanted for stealing cured
meats in big quantities in this and
surrounding counties, traveling in
an automobile, were arrested near
Bannerville yesterday, after giving
Mifflin county officers a thrilling
chase. The men gave their names
as follows; Banks, Harry and
Isaac Seifred. of McAlisterville, and
Reed Rhoad3, of near Reedsville.
Rhoads is only 18 years old. All
the men are under 35. They were
captured after a pitched revolver
battle, in which at least 20 shots
were exchanged.
Those who took the men prison
ers were Chief of Police Yehman,
Walter Fosnot and Meredith Myers,
of Lewistown; Captain F. G. Hin
kle, of the Standard Steel Works
police; Guard Bowers and Fred
Graham, of the Standard.
At 10.30 yesterday morning word
was received here that the ham
thieves had left Burnham in their
stolen auto, after having eluded
Chief of Police McKinley, of Burn
Sheriff Davis received the word
and he left for Snyder county in pur
suit of the thieves. The Lewistown
Sentinel car left for Burnham with
Fosnot and Myers, and they picked
up Chief Yeaman along the way.
At Burnham they were joined by
Captain Hinkle and the other Stand
ard Steel Works men.
It was learned at Burnham that
the thieves had been loitering in
the vicinity of the National Bank
at that place and when told by Mc-
Kinley that they were under arrest
they drew a gun on the officer,
backed their car and got away.
Sheriff Davis having taken the
Lilleyville road, the Sentinel (car
went over the Vira road. Near
Bannerville. Ifleaman, Hinkle and
their men saw four men approach
ing them, and when they got close
the officers recognized the four
men as the thieves.
Two of the men ran into a wheat
field, while the other two drew re
volvers and went into a cornfield.
Myers and Hinkle had a lively gun
battle with the two men in the
wheat field, who threw up their
hands and surrenderd. Yeaman and
Bowers giving chase to the other
two men had a lively pistol duel.
One bullet of the thieves passed
close to Chief Yeaman's head. One
of these men was captured and the
other got away for a time, but was
finally caught hidden under a hog
pen. The stolen machine was aban
doned by the men, the tires were
cut into ribbons, the wind shield
broken, lamps and every part they
could damage was broken. The
car was stolen in Juniata county
and the license tag was 227403
when stolen, but when found the
number was 27403.
The men are in jail here. The car
was found on a back road, where
the thieves left It
0a Sure Relief
Store Closes Saturdays At 6 P. M.
28-30-32 North Third Street
Extra Specials Saturday
Summer Merchandise Attractively Priced
| i The Newest Summer Frocks g |
I For Women and Misses ||| fjj
j Sjfi-oo sjg.7s $22' 50 1 1
i | Figured voiles, ginghams, white voiles, linons, organdies, | jjj
I French voiles, —neat, plain, simple and dainty lace trimmed. |||
j§ | Sizes for Misses 14 to 20—for Women 36 to 46. x jjj
j | Trimmed Millinery Reduced | |
These hats represent our choicest models including French
[III pattern hats and other nobby models suitable for summer 111
wear. The range of colors including black are all the desir
-1 able fashionable shades. In order to make selection easier 111
Mij we have grouped these hats into three sections, as follows: [jji j
HATS formerly HATS formerly HATS formerly
I priced $6 to $lO. priced $8 to $l2. priced $l2 to $2O. |||
Your choice on Your choice on Your choice on x
I Saturday, Saturday, Saturday,
|_ | $3.50 $4.75 $7.50 g |
Silk* Jersey Silk |j
Camisoles Petticoats Hosiery
Special $2 -5° Special SpecM g
This group of petti- Pnir
An excellent assort- coats of fine quality IrU.ll
ment of crepe de chine silk Jersey is repre- Very excellent qual
and satin camisoles, sented in all the leading ity silk fiber hose in
some are lace trimmed colors and is specially black and white with
while others are plain priced for Saturday, silk lisle garter top and
tailored. $4.95. firmly woven silk fiber.
I jj $32.50 and $39.50 Taffeta | I
I | Coats $15.90 i 1
X This group of taffeta coats, about 15 altogether, half lined, in navy Ijji
HI and black. Formerly sold up to $45 will be disposed of on Satur- '."J
,J! day at the extraordinarily low price of $15.90. jjj
| | ss.soand $5.95 i f
| | White Washable Skirts $4.95 jj 1
|| A splendid assortment of white washable gabardine skirts that jjlj
... formerly sold at $5.50 and $5-95 will be disposed of on Saturday at one |['J
jjjj price. Special $4.95.
| | Golf lex and Tyrol Wool Suits jj 1
I 1 s $35 and $39.75 ■ 1
I These Golflex and Tyrol Wool Suits are suitable for general wear. Pj
I'l'.j They are practical business suits a 4 morning suits and are specially .]
11l adapted to driving and motoring and are excellent traveling suits. 11l
X Specially Priced $35 and $39.75. X p
$45 & $47. 50 Georgette Polo Coats
rt 7 Special
CAPES Blouses $47.50
I These Polo Coats are
stK fmr $4.95 3c $5.95 the ideal coat for
Si -J \ motoring, sports wear
fjjy These smart geor- an d cool evenings.
rr gette blouses are shown They are developed in fj|
These stunning sum- in flesh, white, sunset, excellent quality Polo
mer capes are made in and tea rose. They are cloth in tans and grays,
the much desired serge, new models featuring Their smart appear
tricotine, tricolette, the novel collars and ance makes them par-
Paulette in the leading cuffs and are variously ticularly desirable for
shades and formerly designed. Specially women and misses,
sold at $45 and $47.50. priced $4.95 and $555. Specially priced $47.50.