Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 19, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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[Continued front First Page]
effect of the changes the bill was laid
The amendment to third-class city
' registration laws which forbids entry
of names after the third registration
day and requires publication of lists
was passed finally in the House.
The antl-vlvlsection bill was defeated
in the House at the close of the morn
ing session after considerable jocularity.
The bill to place third-class city
assessing departments under civil serv
ice was defeated, receiving only 47
votes in the House.
800 mo Bill Blocked
The Ramsey bill, which would per
mit the brewing of beer containing not
more than 8* per cent, alcohol, was
sent back to the Law and Order com
mittee in the Senate to-day by Senator
Eyre, of Chester county, so that it can
be considered at a hearing on Monday
night, when the Snyder prohibition en
"Bayer Tablets o4 Aspirin" to be
genuine mnst be marked with the
safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy
an unbroken Bayer package which
contains proper directions to safely
relieve Headache. Toothache, Ear
ache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
but a few cents at drug stores —
larger packages also. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcylle
End your Y&ijl
foot misery riM
Relief Is Fbsiflvely g |
Instantaneous for JWffW. & I
Burning Puffing v £ILw..?^ r I
Special Plasters In Each Rjckage I
I N the motor tsrb^y
121 S. Third St- Harrisbnrf, Pn. J
yjft\ open for / /Wff
Lexington Motor Company Connersville, Ind., U. S. A.
Mowers, Binders, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Corn
Binders, Tractors, Quality Seeds
Every kind of Modern Farm Machinery and Equipment.
We have furnished entire equipments to those just start
ing farming. We are prepared to furnish you anything
I you want for your farm.
Make Schell's Seed Store your dependable headquarters.
Right prices, quick delivery, pleasing intelligent service,
for square satisfaction in everything, very liberal terms.
If you have a used machine you wish to trade in on a
new one see us about it.
Plows, Disc Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Cultivators,
Grain Drills, Ensilage Cutters and Shredders, Silos,
Wagons, Dairy Equipment, Milking Machines, Separa
tors, etc. - v
Quality Seeds
They Grow Better—They Yield Better
Both Phones
forcement measure is also bring given
a hearing.
The Ramsey bill had reached the
third reading calendar, when the move
to send it back to committee was made.
Senator Snyder has introduced a copy
of the Vickerman House bill in the
Senate, which calls for a prohibition
commissioner and eight deputies to
enforce whatever prohibition regula
tions may be adopted by Congress.
The Woodruff teachers' salary in
crease measure, which was ironed out
yesterday and the terms consider
ably changed was sent back to the edu
cational committee for further amend
ment to-day. hut it is understood that
the amendments are only minor typo
graphical defects The bill was later
re-reported from committee.
The Tompkins bill, which empowers
cities of the second and third class to
appropriate money to maintain play
grounds, public baths, and indoor rec
reation centers which had been recalled
from the Governor was passed finally
in amended form. It permits the Is
suance of bonds and the levying of
taxes for such purposes.
The Alexander bill raising the sal
aries of the judges of the Supreme,
Superior and county courts of the
State was passed finally by a vote of
19 to 6. The btll gives the Dauphin
county judges an increase of SI,OOO a
The Vickerman bill amending the
mothers' pension act by reclassing the
counties and providing means for the
appropriation of the pension funds was
passed finally. The House bill which
gives the Department of Health power
over declaring quarantines for com
municable diseases was sent back to
■ the Public Health and Sanitation com
mittee. The Senate also passed a num-
I ber of appropriation measures and re
j oesscd until 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Prizes Awarded Members
of Currant Avenue School
j The following girls are graduates
I at the Currant avenue sewing school,
| conducted by Miss Santee: The
Misses Lily Zeger, Dora Pokoroi,
! Rosa Grant and Miriam Frank. The
prize winners include Rosa Grant,
Anna Straining, Helen Drew, Ruth
Henry and Bertha Lehman, who re
ceived workbags and dolls as
rewards for the excellent work done
during the past year. Members of
the Board of Deaconess Control
present at the closing exercises
were: Mrs. Clayton A. Smucker,
Mrs. J. W. Ellenberger. Mrs. C. A.
Ewing, Mrs. W. E. Bricker and Mrs.
E. Fred Rowe.
A meeting of the Board will be
held to-morrow afternoon at 2.30
o'clock at the Vine Street Metho
dist Episcopal parsonage, at which
all members are urged to be pres-
I ent.
"William Scarlett, crossing watch
man at Blrdsboro, has been placed
on the pension roll by the Reading
Railway Co. He has reached the age
limit alter a service of 31 years.
[Continued from First Page]
Superintendent of the Middle Di
vision, Who Was Elected President
of Veterans Body at This After
noon's Session
erans. expressed gratification on the
large attendance, and referred to the
number who died during the year.
Increase in Membership
W. Brooke Moore, secretary and
treasurer of the association, showed
a large increase in membership, the
total being near the 2,400 mark.
The Middle Division association is
the largest veteran organization on
the Pennsylvania Railroad system.
Memorial services were held for
forty-five deceased members, includ
ing R. L. Hunter, vice-president, who
died during the year. Short ad
dresses were made by official mem
bers, eulogizing the deceased mem
bers. Appropriate selections were
sung by members of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Glee Club. High
tributes were given by General Su
perintendent Smith and Superintend
ent Johnson.
Banquet This Evening
Following the election of officers
most of whom were re-elected, the
meeting adjourned. The Vets will
meet next year at Altoona. This
evening at 6.30 o'clock the annual
banquet will be held at Chestnut i
street hall. Covers will be placed
for 300.
There will be several short ad- j
dresses by prominent speakers, and
singing by the Pennsylvania Rail
road Glee Club. As a souvenir of the
banquet an attractive menu in sepia
and white will be distributed.
The menu appears on the right on i
the inside of the folder, while at the
left is a half-tone cut of P. R. R. lo
comotive No. 3700, Class HC-1,
which was completed at the Juniata
shops. Altoona, this month, and is
one of the largest turned out here.
On the back of the menu folder are
spaces for autographs.
Many of the Vets came here on
regular trains. A, special brought a
large number, arriving here at noon.
Cars were placed on train No. 600
for the accommodation of the Vets
living betwen Altoona and Harris
burg Following the banquet a spe
cial will leave Pennsylvania Railroad
station for Altoona at 9 o'clock.
Take Hereford'* Arid Phosphate
and relieve the headache due to men
tal strain, worry or over-work.
You Can Have Fresh
Coffee With Dinner
—Or Afterwards
Some folks prefer coffee served with
dinner —others like it later. And so
making and serving coffee becomes a
nuisance—unless, of course, you use
Hires Instant Soluble Coffee.
Hires Instant Soluble Coffee was
originally made for our boys in
France. They had to have good cof
fee —but they had no way to make it.
And so completely did Hires Instant
Soluble Coffee meet this need, that
we were given the government con
tract to supply 66 2-3 per cent, of the
coffee used in the trenches. We
could not supply more because our
facilities would not permit.
Hires Instant Soluble Coffee Is not a
substitute for coffee; it is the dried
juice of the most carefully selected
Java and Mocha coffee beans. In con
verting the coffee into soluble form
all of the original properties of the
juice have been retained. It is much
more convenient —that's all.
All you need do is to add hot water
to a part of a spoonful of Hires In
stant Soluble Coffee. It dissolves in
stantly! Or if you like iced coffee
Hires Instant Soluble Coffee dissolves
instantly in ice water.
Think of the saving in time and ef
fort! Think of the waste eliminated!
You don't throw away two or three
cups of coffee left in the pot.
And because Hires Instant Soluble
Coffee is so easy, so convenient to
make, you car. have a clear, fragrant
cup any hour of the day or night.
! A 30c can of Hires Instant Soluble
Coffee is equivalent to a pound of the
I best Mocha and Java coffee. The low
: price is due to the fact that with our
I exclusive process we extract 100 per
| cent, more juice from the bean than
! you can in making coffee in the old
I way. Get it at all stores.
Chech that cough
or cold quichly
Extreme and rapid changes of temperature
are apt to remit in a sudden cold. Check
it promptly. Prudent people always have
on the family medicine shelf, ready for
any ailments of the respiratory organs.
Soothing, pleasant to take. Take accord
ing to directions that come with the bottle.
Prepared by the Dill Co.,Nonistown, Pa.
Also manufacturers of
Dill's Liver Pills
Dill's Balm of Life
Dill's La Grippe and *
Cold Tablets
Dill's Kidney nils
Ask your druggist or dealer in medicine.
The kind mother afoot kept
Reception Program Ready
For Membership Night
An interesting program is ready
for the reception to new members
at the Railroad T. It will be held
Friday night starting at 8 o'clock.
The reception will be for men and
women. There will be music and
other interesting features. The en
tire building will be thrown open
and a royal welcome awaits those
who come.
The committee in charge of ar
rangements has as its chairman, H.
E. Rupp and this force of work
ers has been busy for sometime. A
welcome will be extended by A. G. J
Murray, president, and Frank H.
Gregory, general secretary. Lieu
tenant Horace Geisel, recently re
turned from overseas, along with
many other soldiers from France,
will be present and help in the en
Big Meeting Next Week
to Have Three Speakers
The meeting of the Friendship
and Co-operative Club on Thursday
night, June 26, promises much that
is of interest to railroad employes.
The committee in charge of ar
rangements has decided on three
speakers. One has already accept
ed. H. H. Russell, superintendent
of the WUliamsport division. Offi
cials from east and west will be pres
ent. Plans will be discussed at this
meeting for a public meeting to be
held in the near future. The ses
sion next week will start at 8.15
sharp. Following the program re
freshments will be served.
Railroad Notes
Among the veterans in attendance
at the big reunion to-day was
George Farmer of Mill Creek, a re
tired track foreman. He was one
of the early arrivals. He was the
guest of P. L. Smith, passenger fire
man on the Middle division and was
shown about the Capitol and other
places of interest.
The monthly meeting of the Re
tired Veterans' Association of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, will be held
to-morrow at Philadelpha. At least
a dozen members will.attend from
Daniel W. Fisher Ims been ap
pointed inspector of police on the
entire Reading system with offices in
Reading. The office of chief of po
lice has been abolished.
Notice was received to-day from
H. H. Russell, superintendent of
the Williamsport division of the
Pennsylvania railroad, that he
would be unable to attend the
Friendship and Co-operative Club
meeting next Thursday, due to an
important business call. The com
mittee in charge of arrangements
will announce another speaker later
in the week.
Ora Blizzard, 426 Reily street, en
gineer on the Middle division, Penn
sylvania railroad, was struck on
the right arm by lightning during a
thunderstorm ten days ago. The in
jury was slight but will keep En
gineer Blizzard from duty for about
ten days.
Orders have been lssned to pas
senger trainmen on the Pittsburgh
division that they must call out
when the train is passing around
Horse Shoe Bend. Passengers have
been disappointed in not being noti
fied when passing this famous point.
Orr the next visit of the pay car
from the Middle division of the
Pennsylvania railroad all employes
will receive their back pay which is
due from January 1. A total of four
and one-half months increased pay
is due the men.
Western Maryland railroad offi
cials announce the operring of Pen
Mar on Sunday. A record season is
looked for.
General Superintendent N. W.
Smith, of the Eastern division: Wil
liam Elmer, superintendent of the
Philadelphia divsion, and other
Pennsy officials, visited Lebanon yes
terday on arr inspection tour. Some
big improvements are to be made
on the Lebanon Valley division in the
near future.
H. J. Babb, special agent for the
Pennsylvania railroad, has return
ed from an inspection- of 75 freight
stations on the Philadelphia divi
sion. He made a physical survey
of each station, along safety first
[Continued from First Page]
any scholars who miss the specials
may readily reach Paxtang on the
regular cars.
Professor E. G. Rose to-day an
nounced that the following songs will
be used in the community singing,
and it behooves the mellow-throated
youngsters to practice upon: "The
Star Spangled Banner," "Keep the
Home Fires Burning." "Long. Long
Trail." "Over There." "The Rose of
No Man's Land," "Ring Out Sweet
Bells of Peace," "Till We Meet
The committee asks that each
pupil wear the school'colors and help
his building win the Telegraph Cup,
which goes to the three-time win
ner. the cup now being in posses sion
of Harris. This school took posses
sion at the last picnic and is going
to make a fierce effort to take it
again. It takes brain and endurance,
as well as muscle to win this fine
trophy, so let each school put forth
Its best efforts to prove that you
have all three.
Regarding the sewing contest for
teachers it is suggested that all en
tering bring their thimbles, for they
are counted on to impress the
scholars -with the demonstration that
school teachers can sew deftly as
well as teach. And, say, if your
folks and grown-up friends cannot
get out to Paxtang Park in the
morning, tell them to jog out In the
afternoon, for hundreds of families
are going to have their supper out
on the greensward of the lovely
spot as the evening shades prevail.
The idea of a picnic for school
children evidently appeals to Thomas
E. Flnegan, the newly-appointed
State Superintendent of Publ'c In
struction. who was asked by Chair
man E. J. Stackpole to address the
merry throng to-morrow. Dr. Fine
gan, who comes to Pennsylvania
from New York, unfortunately has
an engagement in Philadelphia
which requires him to leave at 3 p.
m.. but he will be out at the event
for an 'hour or so. "I would like
to indicate the sympathy of the de
partment in the pleasure which such
events give the children." he writes,
"and to encourage some one In an
other community to do for the chil
dren what you are doing In Harris
bur at" i
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 122
crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 117,
Brakemen wanted for 177, 122.
Engineers up: McDonald. Lefever.
Firemen up: Shank, G. J. Ktmmlch.
Btckel, Webb, Utley, C. W. Fry. My
ers, W. W. Rider, Cushlng, Blum.
Barclay, Brown, Stitsel, Bestllne,
Vogelsong, Abel, Good, Netsley,
Conductors up: Rife.
Brakemen up: E. L. Craver, Alex
ander, Boughter, J. W. Smith. Swartz,
Shuffler, Hughes, Garlin. Lelghtner,
Cook, Beard, Singleton. Mowery, Mur
phy. Cross. Eichelberger.
Middle Division. —The 224 crew to
go first after 1.15 o'clock: "537, 248,
217, 253. 223, 239, 242.
Two crews laid off at Altoona.
Engineers up: Leib, Rathefone,
Ccok, Earley, Moretz. Niekles, Brink,
Buck waiter, O. IV. Snyder. Fisher.
Firemen up: Bickert, Evens,.Camp
bell, Primm, Schmidt.
Conductors up: Bennett, Corl.
Brakemen up: Danner, Dare, C. L.
Leonard. G. W. Johnson, Gross, Clem
met. Clouser, Furlow,, O. B. Beers,
Shelly, Linn, Shade. Lantx, Shearer,
Kraft. Hemminger. Fisher, Baker, L.
D Deckard, Manning, Foltz, Roushe,
Bitner, Page.
Ynrd Board. Engineers wanted
for 23C.
Firemen wanted for SC, 11C, 23C.
Engineers up: Ewing, Tinger, Mor
rison, Beatty.
.Firemen up: Dill, Gormley, Wirt,
Howe. Shoemaker. Rothe, Spahr,
The 66 crew to go first after 1.15
o'clock 53. 53,. 68. 64. 67. 61, 60, 55, 14.
Engineer for none.
Firemen for 14, 55, 57, 64. _
Conductors for none.
Flagmen for none.
Brakemen for 5. 55.
Engineers up: Clouser. Jones. Kett
ner, Sassaman, Morrison, Kauftman,
Bowman, Merkle, Dittow, Wierman.
Firemen up: Mintzer, Kuntz, Sny
der, Shomper. Saul, Taylor, Kirkland.
Conductors up: Meek, Hilton, Esh
leman, Kelfer. Shuft.
Flagmen up: Ualn. Shank. Goche
nour, Edmondson, Swartz, Wampler,
Peters, Spangler.
Brakemen up: Fry.
Philadelphia Division. The 216
crew to go first after 1.15 o'clock:
21. 239. 247, 208, 220. 227, 213, 224, 246.
211. 235, 201, 204, 222.
Engineers for 220.
Firemen for 224.
Flagmen for 213.
Brakemen for 246, 216.
Conductors up: Gemperling.
Brakemen up: Harmon. Shelly.
Geltz, Spense. Garverich. Singer,
Morgan, Rudisill, Smeltzer, Miller,
Middle Division. —The 226 crew to
go first after 1 o'clock: 451,1 231,-233,
252. 232, 227.
Laid off—los, 113.
FYont End—lls.
Engineers for 113.
Conductors for 113.
Yard Crewa—Engineers up: Flick
enger, Shuey, Myers, Geib, Curtis,
Hinkie, Kling.
Firemen up: Wolf, Tetter, Holmes,
MeConnell, Hutchison, Sadler, O. J.
Wagner, Swigart, Taylor, Snyder,
Engineers for extra 102, 2nd 126.
3rd 126, Ist 129.
Firemen for 145, Ist 103, extra 102.
Middle Division.—Engineers up: A.
C. Allen, A. J. Wagner, H. F. GrOn
inger, L. H. Rieedorf. J. H. Ditmer,
S. H. Alexander. W. G. Jamison, W.
C Black. H. Johnson, C. D. Hollen
baugh, W. E. Turbett.
Engineers wanted for 667, 3.
Firemen up: R. E. Look, Herr, S. H.
Wright, G. L. Huggins. J. N. Ramsey,
C. F. Foudt, E. J. Sheelsey, R. A.
Firemen wanted for 25, 5, 31, 13.
Philadelphia Division- Engineer
up: H. W. Gilluras, J. C. Davis. M.
Engineers wanted for 22. 32. 626.
Firemen up: J. S. Frankford. J. M.
Piatt, M. G. Shaffner, F. L. Floyd, J.
M White.
Firemen wanted for 98, 20.
Members of Phoenix Lodge. No.
59, Knights of Pythias, will to-night
honor one of the oldest members in
the State, Isaiah Reese, Sr. An in
teresting program has been arranged
in commemoration of Mr. Reese's
ninetieth birthday anniversary. He
is a charter member of the order in
Harrisburg. The meeting will be
held in White's Hall, Verbeke and
James streets, and an added feature
will be the conferring of the thir
teenth degree to a large class of
candidates. Refreshments will be
We find you can bring out the
beauty of your hair to its vdry best
advantage by washing it with can
throx. It makes a very simple, in
expensive shampoo, which cleanses
the hair and scalp thoroughly of
all the dandruff, dirt and excess oil,
leaving a wonderfully clean, whole
some feeling. After its use you will
find that the hair dries quickly and
evenly, is never streaked 1n appear
ance and is always bright, soft and
fluffy; so fluffy, in fact, that it looks
more abundant *han it is, and so
soft that arranging it becomes a
pleasure. Just use a teaspoonful of
canthrox, which you can get from
any good druggist's, dissolve it in a
cun of hot water: this makes a full
cup of shampoo liquid, enough so
it is easy to apply it to all the hair
instead of just the top of the head.
Pile Sufferers
Don't Wait Another Minnte Before
Srndlsz For n Free Trial of My
New Home Treatment That Any
one Can I'M Without Discomfort
or l.oa* of Time. New and Differ
ent From Anything You Have Ever
Let Mc Prove That It Will Quickly
Rid You of Pile Suffering.
No matter whether your case is of
long standing or frequent development
—whether it is chronic or acute
whether it is occasional or permanent
—you should send for this free trial
No matter where you live —no mat
ter what your age or occupation—if
you are troubled with piles, my treat
ment is Just what you need.
I especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases where all
forms of ointments, salves, and other
local applications have failed.
I want you to realize that my
method of treating piles is the one
safe, best treatment.
This liberal offer of free treatment
is too important for you to neglect
a single day. Write now. Send no
money. Simply send your name and
address to K. R. Page. 965-A, Page
Bldg.. Marshall, Mich.—but do thiM
[Continued from First Pagr]
substantially this Impression is con- ]
firmed by several passengers, but it
Is the opinion of a reliable citizen
who was standing near the street
corner and witnessed the accident
that approximately the speed was
twenty-five miles. The truck was
moved about twenty feet by the im
"In explanation of his action in
attempting to cross in front of the
trolley car, the truck driver has
testified that he approuched the
crossing at a speed of eight miles
an hour and thut whef. he first no
ticed the trolley it was seventy-five
to 100 yards distant. He says he
got a signal from the motorman —
that is. a wave of the hand —which
ho regarded as an indication to go
on. This the motorman denies.
The motorman's contention is
strengthened by the fact that he
did not stop at the corner in ques
tion and, therefore, it is unlikely
that he gave a signal such the
truck driver thought was conveyed.
Physical Conditions
"The physical conditions sur
rounding the crossing do not ob
struct the view of an approaching
northbound car to the extent that
a movement from west to east may
not be safely made, and the ex
tenuating circumstance in this case
the belief of the truck driver that
he was signaled to cross over.
"An ordinance governing traffic
in the city of Harrlsburg provides
that no street car shall be driven
->r operated at a rate of speed ex
ceeding fifteen miles an hour and
a motor vehicle twenty-four miles
an hour. With no reference to this
particular collision, it is a matter of
common observation that these re
strictions are not always complied
'ith and so long as this condition
prevails there is a likelihood of re
sultant accidents.
"Trolley cars arc operated on de
fined lines and, unlike motor ve
hicles. they have no opportunity to
vary their course to prevent colli
sions. Travelers over the crossings
lines and can take the necessary
know of the existence of these
precaution, but frequently the mo-
It forms a glorious chapter in the history of
American womanhood. She has nursed the side
and wounded-she has cared for the widows and
orphans. While working for the Nation her work
for the Home can be Tightened by serving
Shredded Wheat Biscuit a ready-cooked whole
wheat food that combines deliriously and whole
somely with berries or other fruits. A Summer life-saver.
Don't You Hear
New England Calling?/^
es brcak^ngo^t^white beaches;
—joyous shouts of bathers! Don't
.those picturesque, rocky shores call
to you, with all their interesting, colorful
aWT \ life of the seaside in summertime? —Danc-
a ing, tennis and golf—health, sunshine and
sfivwt f youth! Seven hundred miles of ocean shore
V I appeal—Watch Hill, Narragansett Bay, Nan
\ tucket, and Martha's Vineyard, Cape Cod, Mas
sachusetts Bay, Old Orchard, Casco Bay, Mt. Desert!
v OR is it the scenic beauties of great stretches of mountains—
wonderful outlooks —magnificent roads—golf, charming society,
freedom from care? The Highlands of New England, the White and the
Green Mountains, for yours I
fymWf OR the deep woods, hidden lakes and rivers, where game fish rise to the fly
and guides paddle silently over still waters? Get away to the woods of Mainel
Of course, you've got to take a vacationl It remains only for you to decide —where?,
The United States Railroad Administration invites you to travel and offers Summer Rrw-iWlet*
Excursion fares. Ask your local ticket agent to help you plan your trip or apply to DOOaieu
nearest Consolidated Ticket Office, or write the .nearest Travel Bureau, stating New England Shores Sooth I
booklet desired. °* Boston
New England Shores North
New England Lakes sad
Travel Bureau Travel Bureau Travel Bureau
143 Liberty Street 644 Transportation Building 602 Healey Buildinn
New York City . Chicago Atlanta /^jSWn^l^V
JUNE 19, T9T9.
torm&ii lias no timely knowledge of
the npiieurnnce of vehicles from
cross streets. It is this situation
that omnhaslzes the necessity Tor
strict adherence to rules of safety."'
Ottawa, Or.-t.—Official announce
ment haa boon made by Sir Thomas
White that the Dominion govern
ment does not intend to repeal
at present the order prohibiting for
the period of the war and for six
months thereafter betting, pool sell
ing and bookmaking upon race
courses. The government plans bo
fore the next session of Parliament
to Investigate with a view to enact
ing snch legislation as may be deem
ed advisable in view of complaints
which had been made by such com
Fred Westendorf, 2121 North Sec
ond street, a retired business man,
speaking for his wife, says: "She
suffered from nervousness and diz
ziness and all run down. She had
several operations, her head being
cut in three places and was in the
hospital four weeks. She didn't
'seem to gain strength. She heard
about Tanlac and began taking it
She is convinced that Tanlac is a
good tonic. She is now about
v The genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac
is sold here by Kramer's and Steev
er's and other leading druggists.
John It. Dolan haa been appointed''
road foreman of engines on tho
Hazleton and Mahanoy division of
the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
When your nerves are all
on edge and sleep seems
out of the question take—
at bedtime—one or two
Sale of Any Madid*, in tb. World.
Sold ovorywhw*. In borer. )0, 25c.
a® <3fiir<3n©@os
We employ the same ad
vanced methods for exam
ining the eyes and fitting
glasses that are used by
leading specialists in the
profession. By operating
| our factory, we are in posi
tion to giv# you the very
best service at moderate
Eyesight Specialist ,
Over Schleisner's Store. *