Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 19, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Neckwear -l 482 Pairs Silk Gloves
A cleanup of Neckwear left from the Anniver- 2. I H
sary Sale. Collar sets and vestees, all clean, de- lUIIUUVIHV 7 ' mostl y black ' double finger tips, 2-clasp, Pans
sirable goods to be sold on Friday at these prices. 1Y * 7 P ° int ba ° k ' * n6z y Bargain '
TrZZ^ g^k mpt de ch{nt 2iA Coats and Wraps Tk 2 P airs,4sc
7 |V VI I jy J BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
10c, 17c and 35c ' / > / T 4. /C \
\ I 0 10 \ Cnnrl wpJo-Vit PV r P I Men's full-size white!
Huck Towels Madras U M cn &*+ mm EfA d /M \ len7q°ualitv e,g sizes find ba ndkerchiefs, 1
—r , v "T — , s
Union linen huck Brown and green Sun- 1 ■ M i* 0 0 ) . Friday Bargain,
Towels, subject to slight fast Madras, neat fig- I JI f \ P W* I M IZIII \ jl fa c / 3 pairs, 49c A eot
imperfections. Friday ures, 36 inches wide, for ygß \ JL m \\ / \° 0 [ *Of ZDC
Bargain, each, the archways; it is very 7[\ W// \° V bo^mams-Mam Floor. Men's 20-inch Hand-'
OQ-. useful. Friday Baigain, \ II , , X \ u n kerchiefs, in white;!
ZSJC vd., \ IN In this limited collettion are handsome mod- \ / J Buttons eood. soft material.
BOWMAN-S— second Floor 49c b g e^S * rom wb i cb to choose. A splendid oppor- V / I ready to use, x /\-inch
Aa I tunity to obtain one of these smart garments so \ / / Assorted styles and hem. briday Bargain,
O ICi 1 • - BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor \ Ui . . \ / / Sizes 111 gIaSS, jet aild _ -
Boys stockings jffl very fashionable at the present time at a re- U / }vory . j ust what you 3 for 50c
, ~ . , . jr U markable saving. All must be cleared out at 1 II need for your sewing at -
ribbed°cotton Stockings Girls Smocks \ once to make room for the daily shipments of l i b ' S l! me ye , ar ' 1 "" **
ribbed cotton s c g, fiji n 4 ... day Bargain, dozen, BOWMAN-S— Main fio©?;
reinforced toe and heel, Girls' plain white and W midsummer merchandise.
sizes 6to 8/2. brida\ co lored voile Smocks, ST 16c Scrim
& hand embroidered and BOWMAN'S —Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
35c or 3 prs. SI.OO stls H T~ Fancy Scrim in whit,
bowman's- Mat, floor. yea rs. Friday Bargain, ——— Slip-on Veil. borders'" Friday^Bar
— 5195 Broom* Wah Boiler Garbage Can Vium* Best ye 11 e slip-on gain, yd.,
Fiber Silk Hose, nr „ rmr . r[ .„ ll , ncrl All pure corn broom, Made of tin, medium Small size, galvanized. Fancy Glass Vase, 8 }. e .'! s * l '' C 0 HS ' v 15c
,, , four sewed. Friday Bar- size with wood handles. Friday Bargain, inches high. briday Fridav Bargain,
For women, black in * Friday Bargain, 7C Bargain, 3 for 49c
fiber silk Stockings, lus- JA 75c
trous as silk, made Gingham Dresses 49c - $1.25 BOWMAN's —Basement 25c BOWMAN-S Main Floor. Marquisette
strong, black only, but BOWMAN"S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Basement ~~ U r, ~
all sizes. Friday Bar- Girl.' gingham Lemon Squeezer _. ~ Middies wi^nL
gain, Dresses, large and small Window Screens Suitcase Dinner Set , , , ngures ana
a,- plaid gingham, with : Porce 1a i n Lemon . About three dozen borders, beautiful
45c white and plain colored Adjustable, 24x33; Spanish leather ,24 Squeezer with cup, blue 100 pieces, porcelain Middies in white with briday Bar
bowman's—Main Floor. cuffs and collars; high substantially made. Fn- inchts long . Friday decoration. Friday Bar- set of conventional de- co „ tr kst ing colored galn ' yd ''
waist with belt, 6to 14 day Bargain, Bargain, ' gain, sn ' Friday Bargain, trimmings; broken sizes. 3Q C
years. Friday Bargain, go 5.05 15c CIQ CO Friday Bargain,
Man's IJninn Suits
" Ip " 0 W1 "" BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Basement 98c
A special lot of men's BOWMAN'S—Second Floor • 1 O 1 C Ol • BOWMAN'S Third Floor. &P
ecru and white mesh Q I I IT f Good Soa P for hard
Union Suits; these are L-/ Uv Ul&1 V_>/ L L-/lSk.Xx LCS at f , \ Blouses water; Peroxide, Oat
seconds; made quarter- Dress Goods A 7 1 Tnl\ \ meal a " d Hard Water;
sleeve and ankle length; . . . ' New, fresh lot of good-sized cake. Friday
an exceptionai value. 36-inch Mohair with A x. (P/1 C|| / Georgette Blouses, in Bargain, cake,
briday Bargain, shadow stripe, navy and L vj) I.JU MHi. plain colors and print a j
QQ r gray only; fine for bath- \; designs; square and WOTWCOOL
ing suits. Friday Bar- round neck" the cool, BOWMAN-S-M>, b fw
BOWMAN'S— Mam Floor. gain, yd., . . . , j collarless kind; all the
These are all wool men s wear serge skirts in navy and black, tailored with / j smar t style effects Fri Silks
Percale. . "ovelty pockete and belts. oHI i dSy Bargain ' _ of high
-42-inch black and \ . $5.00 grade Silks in an endless
Dark Percales in blue white shepherd checks, These skirts will be sold at reductions so much below their regular price \ j assortment of the most
and grav, in useful in two sizes. Friday . ... . . . . . \ VflHr / Snowy white voile desirable weaves and
lengths; good patterns. Bargained., that any woman or miss will welcome the opportunity of securing such values \ j
and batiste Blouses to colorings, plain and
Friday Bargain, yd., when she sees the regular price tickets on the garment. Extra special, $4.50. \ \\ / sell at fancy; useful lengths
$1.1(1 \ M CI dQ for waist, skirt or dress;
"(lC BOWMAN's —Third Floor. $1,451 all from our regular
36-inch Palm Beach , —— stock Fridav Barp-ain
BOWMAN'S second Floor Suiting. Friday Bar- - . . Cluster of tucks, lace ; d ' a 7 Bargain,
gain, yd., Jardiniere White Lawn Sheets and Sheeting Fine Voile a nd embroidery trim- - $1 45
Bleached Muslin 79r and Sll 10 Large-size Jardiniere, Assorted grades, all Bleached Sheeting, 81 44-inch fine Voile for kJs^nd 1 cuff Friday j• u r
made of pottery. Friday good quality. Friday inches wide, cut from curtains, in white only. Bargain, and 36-mch fancy
Bleached Muslin and BOWMAN-S— Main Floor. Bargain, Bargain, the piece- standard Friday Bargain, yd., sport Silks, white
Cambric, 36 inches wide, 75 It- make . Friday Bargain, 29c $1.49 grounds with stripes
usetul length, good qual- bowman .owmavm..... f,o OT yd., ' f,o„ _ .. , _ f n , d fi g ures '
lty. Friday Bargain, yd., Wash LiOOds nt rn . Georgette and Crepe ful color combinations;
oil Diaper Cloth Gingham de Chine Blouses in tai- also plain shades to com
18c 36-inch Wash Suit- Pedspreaas Ahsorhent Dianer Bleached Sheets, 81x Aoron Gingham cut lored and dressy styles, bine with same for mak-
BOWMAN'S —Second Floor
ings, such as gabardine, j Hemmed crochet Bed- I Qoth inches wi^e 90; no dressing; extra fron ; the pieC e in'blue with embroidered tucks ing of handsome sport
sftskriia euts. *■ a. ' SKST*- r "^-
Stttlt!!. S'4l—f.' .ft''.51.69 il.& ' 51.89 ' 15c 2 ' 89 51.29
r, a r / - BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor I BOWMAN' S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S —Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Remnants of Georg- jq
versary' Sale? in'lengths High And LOW White ShoCS
of l /i yard to 2 yards. 30-inch Batiste, tint- ,—T/Y rrif t . i* T T • ~/ r ~P^\
Friday Bargain, yd., Thre6 Lots OI HoSIGTV For Women And Children
SI.OO !ly suited for children's j I A\ I Vy-jf A\ \ ! : l
cool Summer dresses. Nt 1 //vJlv \ W -f rr\ Mf ) " White Footwear! What neater in sum-
BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. Friday Bargain, yd., IWI \CXVVAI A J ■ I mertime? To get away from the usual more f
\ Vyll V 1(1 1 y X iJllxL/X X iw/W CX L i somber colors when the season permits,
Corsets 29c A VIH I gives that touch of difference which every
W \ / • r+k I good dresser desires. We have a splendid Vj
Fine ninlitv batkte Remnants of Wash JfT si~l 1 Q Qt QR assortment of the most dependable makes jl [H*
medium bust Goods, hundreds of use- \ o%J\*% J)l.IO dl ILL jm L in white shoes for women and children. M
free bin- cool coTset for ful lengths for all P ur ' InfantS ' whUe buckski " pUmpS ' \tW
Summer' wear Fridav poses; voiles, organdies, . Infants white buckskin button shoes.
p ( ' y ginghams, Summer opportune time to buy vacation hosiery at prices that represent unusual savings on mer- Infants'white canvas button shoes. Jwr/
bargain, suitings, etc., at special- chandise of this quality. Infants' white buckskin lace shoes.
<t 14C ly interesting prices. O ne 14-inch boot silk stocking (selected seconds). They have a flexible lisle top and lisle foot Children's, misses' and growing girls' Jjmk
BowMAN s—Main Floor. with reinforced toe and heel. Full fashioned, made from pure thread silk. Included in this sale are pumps, oxfords and shoes in white canvas
bowman's s.cond n, some whites in firsts, also 14-inch boot silk, 85c. $3 oo'and 25 U : Pn,: accordmg to s '"'
Hat. Curtain Remnant. One lot of white and black silk stockings with lisle top and foot, full-fashioned with reinforced Women's white canvas oxfords, $6.50. If® V^~*
toe and heel in black and white. Good seconds very special at sl.lß. Women's white nnbuck oxtords, $7.00. W V -
75 Hats of assorted Curtain Material, all Another lot of silk stockings in black and white, medium in weight; al?o excellent seconds in White canvas lace shoes, $7.00. MV
shapes and colors. Fri- usefuMengths. Friday . u " as^° e ma^ e t ry ond S they "re'on silk hosiery these are indeed values that will command low tels' sß " s ' ll
day Bargain e _ instant response from women who seek and know special values. On sale Friday and Saturday. white ki S dskin lace sho „, hand turned 7JV
SI.UO One-Half Price BOWMAN'S—Miin Floor. soles and Louis XV heels, $12.00.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor ' ' ' —— i BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. ' (
* , i
JUNE 19, 1919.