Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 19, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS PUPILS PICNIC AT STOVERDALE Mrs. Edwin J. Knisely Enter tains Children From Hum melstown Parish House Stovendale, Pa., June 19.—Mrs. Edwin J. Kntsely gave a picnic to the pupils of the fourth and fifth grades of the Parish House School of Hummeletown, Picnic games of all sorts were indulged In, A large table was carried into the woods, around which sixty-eight persons sat. Those who enjoyed the outing were! Edith Bell, Lillian Bolton, Hilda Baker, Aim era Ettcr, Esther Eshenour, Irimi Hale, Thelma For ney, Florence Freese, Violet Gilbert, Anna Herehey, Mary Miller, Mary Patrick, Mary Sethert, Martha Elisa beth Strickler, Catherine Baker, Mil dred Behney, Helen Burgner, Ruth Bush, Janet Bush, Ruth Casselj Zelma Caasel, Catherine Crelghton, Sara Epler, Catherine Gilbert, Eliz abeth Hanshaw, Jane Kautz, Minnie Page, Beatrice Page, Helen Moyer, Edna Gingerich, Lydia Rhoads, Bertha Rhoads, Kathrwn Reldel, Irene Walters, Margaret Relnhart, Florence Ruff, Blanche Wise, Verna Walters, Miriam Muth, Helen Jane Muth, Elva Yingst, Virginia Ging rich, Dorothy Reinhart, Myrtle Reln hart, Lizzie Luekenbill, Susan Luck enbiil, Evelyn Chubb, Alia Ruth, Edgar Etter, George Etter, Howard Keefer, Elwood George Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Sweigart, Mrs. Harry Yet ter, Mrs. William Relnhart, Mrs. Irwin Ruff, Mrs. Harry Luekenbill, Mrs. William Luekenbill, Mrs. J, L. Cole, Mrs. Ella Jones, Miss Nina Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Knisely. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cleekner, of Camp Hill, and Mrs, Mary Knisely and son, Frank, of 231 Pine street, Harrisburg, are occupying the Idyl wyld fdr the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cole, of Hum melstown, have opened their cottage. The Georgonian and will remain during the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Sweigert, of Llngles town, are occupying their cottage, Bonnie Brier, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Johnson, of 2032 Green street, Harrisburg, have Opened their cottage, The Seldom Inn. Mr. Baer and sister, of Hummels town, are oceupying'The Edgewood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Borwn, of Harrisburg, are summering at their cottage, Three Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman chaperon ed a party of young people from Harrisburg at the Oleander over the weekend. Misses Zoe Fertenbaugh and Sara Gaverich, of Harrisburg, are spend ing some time at the Cozy Nook. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. King, of Hummelstown, have opened their cottage. The Ivy, for the summer. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTI' Mount Wolf, Pa., June 19. A birthday surprise party was tendered Preston Prowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Prowell, on Monday night, who celebrated his seventeenth birthday. Those, present were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Prowell, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holler, Byard Kunkel, George Ebaugh, Stewart Kann, Ruth Prowell, Charles Prowell, Mary. Xeita, Annie and Ethel Arnold, Mary Augenfiaugh,- Stella Gross, Miriam Bailey." Royj Earl and Harry Hoff man, Henry Diehl, Chester Ebaugh, Robert Holler, Ada Sipe, Lottie Shearer, Harry Shearer, John Fitz kee, Samuel Baney, Anna Klnports, Guy Albaugh, William Duering. James Hoover, Joseph Lehman, Wal lace Kunkel, Ruth Knudsen and Ce cil Beshore. DEBRIS STILL BCRNIXG Emigsburg, Pa., June 19.—Flames yesterdajr continued to burst forth from the debris of the Brillinger and Swartz store and warehouse, a three-story brick structure, which was "gutted by fire last Friday morning, entailing a loss estimated at $70,000. Only the walls of the structure remain standing. The post office, which occupied a portion of the store property, has been re moved to the home of Postmaster Robert Swartz. Get your K™i Mother to (f <?/ make these from AS] POST WTOASTIES Lace Cookies . j 2 Eggs, well beaten I irPmPM IK cups White Sugar iv - u V 7 W 5 tablespoonfuls Meked Butter N g u 314 cups Post Toasties v/ IVI vT y 2 cup Cocoanut r/\<M 1 teas poo nful Vanilla " V C 1 4 tablespoonfuls Flour ~m 2 teas poo nfuls Baking Powder made Cream the butter and sugar, and add S% Post Toasties, rolled fine. Add j/ M vanilla, cocoanut, flour and baking \°v I| jl/I powder. Place small spoonfuls of yjl dough, far apart, on baking tin, bake ff/ v in quick oven. When slightly oooled, remove from tin with cake-turlier. - ..-j. i ■ . THURSDAY EVENING, DONEGAL CHURCH ANNUAL REUNION Tablet to Members Who Died in World War Unveiled at Session of Association Lancaster, Pa., June 19. —At old Donegal Church, in northern Lan caster county, to-day is being held the annual reunion of the sons and daughters of the famous Donegal Valley and their descendants as well. The pilgrimage to this shrine of Presbyterianism, made historic through its two centuries of achieve ment and dissemination of culture locally, as well as through the dis tinguished persons directly connect ed therewith during the past two centuries, is made each returning season by probably larger and larger numbers of people. To this mecca come the pilgrims from all parts of Lancaster county, from beyond the Mason and Dixon line, from the Mid dle Atlantic seaboard and New Eng land. Annually, for the past decade, programs of historical and high ly inspiring character have been rendered at Donegal. Sessons of the Colonial Dames and the Daughters of the American have been held there. The ancestors of President William McKinley are buried in the picturesque "God's acre" adjoining, which also boasts possessing the ashes of Revolution ary and Civil War patriots. The fame of the wonderful Donegal Springs, on tho opposite side of the ancient stone church, has spread nation-wide, and touching its very grounds are the lawn and country mansion house of the late Secretary of War Simon Cameron and United States Senator Don Cameron. Don egal Presbyterian congregation was founded prior to 1721. the records show, and the present church edi fice was builded in the years between 1740 and 1760. The historical session took place this morning, beginning at 11 o'clock. John N Hetrick, of Lan caster, delivered the address of wel come. An address. "The Test of Pedigree," was delivered by the Rev. George A. Leukel, of the Little Brit ain Presbyterian Church, and an other. "The Sign of a New Age," by the Rev. Dr. George W. Rich ards. of the Reformed Theological Seminary at Lancaster. The most historically important occurrence of the day was the un veiling of a tablet of bronze placed on the "Witness Tree"—the great, spreading oak near the entrance to the church. The presentation of the tablet was made by the Rev. George Israel Browne, of Lancaster, who is a lineal descendant of General Israel Putnam, of Revolutionary fame. The acceptance was made through Samuel C. Slaymaker. of Lancaster. The presiding officer of the 3 o'clock patriotic session, the re turned One Hundred and Eleventh United States Infantry commander in the World War, Colonel E. C. Shannon, of Columbia, delivered an address. Trees were planted to the memory of Daniel S. Keller. Alex ander Rodgers and Henry S. Heis tand. three youthful members of the Donegal Society, who made the-su preme sacrifice in the World War. The Society's national service flag contains fourteen stars. • The Donegal- Society td-day has upwards of 300 members. Its pres ident, who was also one of the or ganizers and has always been, dur ing the seven years of its existence, a leading spirit, is Miss Martha Bladen Clark. a local historian. The object of this organization is to perpetuate the memory of Don egal Church, to collect relics and an tiquities belonging to the church, to preserve and beautify the graveyard and to conduct an annual reunion. Surrounded by the fine old white oaks of the churchyard, veritable monarchs. with their enormous boles and huge, spreading branches, stands the marble 6haft erected by the Witness Tree Chapter of the D. A. R.. in memory of the heroes from the Donegal Valley who fought in the Revolution as well as in earlier Indian wars. Names of en signs, lieutenants and a half-dozen captains appear on the roster. Gang 6f Robbers Steals Meat in Mifflin County Lewtiloim, Pa.. June 19. Police authorities here are seeking lour men who they think are carrying out a series of robberies. Juniata, Sny der, Perry and Mifflin counties hare •been losing heavy in cured meats, which seems to be the main artlclf sought I>y the robbers. The gang stole an automobile either in Juniata or Perry county on Saturday, June 7, with Pennsylvania license tag No. 227403. On June 11 a smokehouse at the home of C. D. Sheaffer, near Mid dleburg, was robbed of eight hams and some other articles, Abram Spickler. a farmer residing near Belleville, Mifflin county. lost 668 pounds of cured meat from his smokehouse and some people passing along the State road shortly before daybreak that morning, say they saw an auto standing at the gate. Fou r men in an automobile disposed of more than 10000 pounds of meat in this section this week at from 35 to 28 cents a pound. One of the men is dressed in a soldier's uniform, has freckled face and red hair. Another of the party wears a soldiers cam paign hat, another of the party, kr.tfwn as the boss, is tall and slen der and wears a blue suit and has several prominent gold teeth. REUNION AND DINNER Mount Wolf, Pa., June 19. A weddirrg dinner was served on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gross, in honor of the recent marriage of their son, W. C. Gross and Mrs. Gross, of Greensboro, N. C. The function also served the purpose of a reunion of the Gross family, as all the children and 15 grandchil dren were irr attendance. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kohr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Gross, of Mount Wolf: Mr. and Mrs. John A. Knaub and family, of York: Mrs. John Robinson and daughter, Mirr nie, Harrisburg: Aaron Gross, of Newark, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gross, of GrecnsboFp, N. C. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT WcUsville. Pa.. June 19. An nouncement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cassell. Washing ton township, of the marriage at Reading, on June 14, of their daugh ter, Miss Jeanette Elizabeth Cassell, to George Schrocder Weaver, of Merhantcsburg. The bride is a grad uate of the Millersburg State Normal school and has been teaching in the township schools for several years. Mr. Weaver has been a clerk at the American House Hotel at Mechanicsburg. They will live at 533 West Market street, York. FOREMAN GOES TO EASTON I<> wish) wn, Pa., June 19.—Alex. KuTlns, foreman of the No. 2 steel foundry at the Standard steel works plant at Burnham, has resigned the position that he hits held for a num ber of years and left for Easton, where he will take charge as super intendent of the steel foundries of the Kuebler Steel Company, in which he |s financially interested. Mr. Kuhns has been an employe of the big steel plant near here for about twenty years. The employes present ed him with & fine Masonic ring, the presentation speech being made by A. Roush, chief clerk of the foundry. PARTY AT 810 SPRING Blain, Pa., June 19.—A party of Blain young people was held last evening at the Big Spring, ten miles west /of Plain. Ice *eam was made at the picnic grounds and other re freshments served to Miss Madaline Martin, Mies Carolyn Averill, Eliza beth Hall, Miss Evelyn Wentz, Miss Romaine Kessler, Miss Mary Henry, Miss Mabel Anderson, Miss Jane An derson. Jacob Wentz. Robert Loy, Ben B. Bower, Ralph Wilt. Roy Johnson, James Shumaker, Frank Shumaker, James Neidigh and Jesse Snyder. GUILT) MEMBERS ENTERTAINED York Haven, Pa., June 19.—Mem bers of the Otterbein Guild of the United Brethren congregation were entertained on Tuesday evening, at the H. E. Jennings home. Refresh ments were served to: Ruth Eber sole, Mary Jennings, Ella Freeman, Evelyn* Walrath, Marguerite Snel baker, Henrietta Freeman, Mrs. J. B. Jennings, Laura Jennings and Florence Jennings. ftftISBPORO TPTEC BURGESS COOK CHARGES LAXITY Duncannon Councilmen Are Called "Useless Ornaments" For Neglect of Duties Duncannon, Pa., June 19.—Cer tain members of Duncannon borough council are scored by Burgess Franklin E. Cook, for their laxity in attending sessions of Council. In a statement issued by the chief exe cutive they are termed "useless ornaments" and the chief of the Are department warned that if he ever gets word that all of the council men plan to bo present at the same time, that "it might be a good thing to have the hose and plugs in readi ness in case of fire in the town hall." The remainder of his statement says in part: "Should I purchase a piairo to set in niy parlor and never have the same played, I would consider it an ornament or an expensive weight to assist in holding the house in ease of a storm. A pretty dish is much in the same class. "If I as chief burgess did not use my efforts to benefit the people of the borough, I certainty would class myself as a useless ornament. Sure ly, I have a right to say that the taxpayers of the borough can pride themselves on having a few orna ments in the form of councilmen, who are very seldom present at a regular meeting and rarely ever at a special meeting." SPECIAL PATRIOTIC SERVICE Marietta, Pa., June 19. —Special patriotic welcome home memorial service being arranged for next Sun day evening in St. John's Episcopal church, by the choir, promises to be a success. The churches which have services at 7.30 o'clock, have an nounced service for 7, so that their members can be given an opportu nity to attend. Invitations have been handed to the numerous returned soldiers and sailors, and if any one has been missed, they are invited just the same. The veterans of the Civil War, Spanish-American War, Red Cross and Boy Scouts, have been invited to attend, and the Lib erty band will be present. The Rev. Herbert B. Pulsifer will preach the sermon. .TOTTV B. WISLER DIES Columbia, Pa., June 19.—John B. Wisler. one of the oldest citizens of Columbia, and well known in insur ance circles, secretary-treasurer of the Old Public Ground Company, and for many years secretary of the Fairvlew Milling Company, died at his home, in his 77th year. Suburban Notes LIVERPOOL Mrs. Harvey Miller is visiting rela tives at Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lutz, of Harris burg were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lutz. Mra Lou A. Stailey visited relatives j at Harrisburg this week. ! Frank P. Potter and J. Warren Stailey left yesterday for Philadel phia. Mrs. John H. Barnes spent Wed nesday with her brother, John Derr, Millersburg. Charles I. Barner, who is employed at Philadelphia, visited here this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Barner. H. A. S. Shuler and two daughters. Mary Elizabeth and Gertrude visited at Millersburg. Mrs. Jacob Gist is visiting relatives at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sellers, Mrs. Randolph Nauss, Mrs. J. P. Shelley and Mrs. Thresa Nauss, of Steelton, were recent visitors here with Mrs. Annie Beigh. MERCERSBURG College entrance examinations are being conducted at the Mercersburg Academy by Dr. James Grey Rose, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. David F. Grove, rural delivery car rier from the Mercersburg post ofTice is spending vacation on his farm in the Blue Spring district. Richard B. Ritchey, Jr.. who has been attending the Mercersburg Academy for a number of years, has accepted a position with W. D. Byron and Sons here. Edward B. Myers of West Park. Ohio, is visttlng his mother, Mrs. An drew A. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Grove announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary E.. to Linn B. Met calfe. Mrs. Samuel Knox Boyd of State College.-is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry F. Irvine. HALIFAX The carnival advertised to be held here July Fourth for the purpose of raising funds for the old home cele bration has been called off and the money will be raised by popular sub scription instead. Harry Hamilton, of New York City, is visiting the Misses Jane and Belle Hamilton. John Beitzel, of Carlisle, is visiting his parents. Prof, and Mrs. S. .C. Beit zel. Reed F. Landis for a number of years assistant cashier of the Hali fax National Bank, has been elected cashier to succeed Percival S. Hill, who leaves July Ist to become vice president and cashier of the Nutley Trust Company. Nutley, N. J. George Shumaker and brother have purchased from W. C. Heisler the town's leading grocery store and will continue business at the old 1 stand. Mrs. S. C. Beitzel is paying a visit to her son. Frank Beitzel, at West Collingswood, N. J. The Rev. J. George Smith, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church,, is spending his vacation at his old town's leading grocery store, and home in Nesquehonlng. S. B. • Potteiger is critically ill at his home in Armstrong street. Miss Mayme Millard has returned home from a visit to relatives in New Jersey. LIVERPOOL Mrs. Charles Snyder and daugh ter, of M-arysville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Derr. Joseph and Miss Clara William son spent several days at Danville. Mrs. H. B. Ritter and children are visiting relatives in Virginia. Mr?. Arthur Schnee and daughter, of Akron, Ohio, are visitors at Mrs. Sarah Rowe's. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Reickenbaugh and daughter. Gladys, were guests of H. M. Freed and family. Lou Ritter, of Harrisburg, was a recent visitor here with his mother, Mrs. Sara Ritter. Charles H. Snyder and George Snyder, of Philadelphia, visited the former's home here this week. Miss Alice Wert is visiting rela tives In Philadelphia. Mrs. Roy Tharp, of Philadelphia, is spending several weeks with Post master and Mrs. George J. Tharp. Fifty-Third Commencement at Lebanon Valley College AnnviUe, Pa?, June 19. —Yesterday morning the fifty-third annual com mencement exercises of Lebanon Valley College were held in the United Brethren Church here. The address to the graduates was deliv ered by Byron W. King, Ph. D„ of King's School of Oratory, Pitts burgh. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred upon forty-three young men and women. The honor ary degree of Doctor of Lawe was conferred upon A. S. Kretder, Con gressman from this district, and the degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon Professor J. Balmer Showers, of Bonebrake Theological Seminary, and Professor Alvin E. Shroyer for ten years professor of Greek and Bible at Lebanon Valley College. Tuesday evening the alumni held its annual open meeting and ban quet. At the open meeting the Rev. Dr. S. E. Rupp, of Harrisburg, spoke on the "Spirit of 1918." At the alumni banquet. Fred W. Light, of the class of 1900, acted as toastmas ter. Among those responding to toasts were: Mrs. Ora Harnish Guinivan, of Harrisburg: Dr. Harry Imboden, of New York City: Pro fessor H. E. Enders, of Purdue University: Professor Ralph Appen zellar, principal of the Lebanon High school: Samuel Dundore, of the class of 1919, and President G. D. Gossard. A clever class day program was rendered before a large audience in the Engle Conservatory of Music here yesterday afternoon by the members of the graduating class of Lebanon Valley College. One of the features was a sketch, entitled "Nineteen Nineteen's Bride," by Miss Lottie Batdorf. of Lebanon, with music by Miss Emma Whitmeyer, of Annville. Letters Given to Winners at Mt Union High School Mount Union, Pa.. June 19. —At the final meeting of the High School Association the "M. U." was granted the letter men of the school. The following were successful: Boys' Basketball —B. Rosenberg, (captain) F. Bennett, Charles Su tlers, Raymond Briggs, R. Peters, J. Miller, C. Pcduzzi. Girls' Basketball —Elsie Wagner (captain) E. Rosenberg, Mabel Smith. Margaret Vaughn, Dorothy Markey. Editor of M Unite—Floyd Rinker. Baseball—Charles Suders, (cap tain) M. Fetterolf, R. Peters, Fred Rosensteel, B. Rosenberg. Clay Mc- Elhone, C. Wiley, Frank Thompson, Frank Bennett and Richard Long acre. COLLIDE ON BALL FIELD Marietta, Pa., June 19.—Two players were hurt on the baseball field f the Dery silk mill company, when Charles M. Kraus, a clerk In the Marietta post office, and Percy L. Frey, sou. of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Frey, ran together while chasing a long fly. The Impact was so great that Kraus' upper lip was cut, which required several stitches to close, and Frey's head had to be treated likewise. They were taken to the office of Dr. E. Y. Rich in an automo bile, where their Injuries were dress ed. Kraus will be unable to work for several days as his face Is badly swollen and he can neither eat pr speak. ENTERTAINED AT DINNER Dauphin, Pa., June 19.—Mrs. Charles Gailor entertained on Wed nesday at a delightful dinner at her home at Green Hill. The guests in cluded Mrs, Miles C. Hummer, of Paxtang; Mrs. Charles Hoover, of Rockville; Mrs. Walter Speece. of Speeceville; Mrs. Charles Brickr, Mrs.' Charles Welker, Mrs. Geo.ge Shoop, Mrs. George Taylor and Miss Cora Cofrode, all of Dauphin. \ SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Blain. Pa., June 19.—A Sunday school convention, consisting of the Sunday schools in District No. 8, will be held in the Center Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon and evening. The Rev. E. V. Strasbaugh, Reformed minister of Blain, and the Rev. L. D. Wlble, Methodist min ister of Blain, beside other speakers, will discuss subjects of Importance in Sundarschool work. MAJOR MAY HOME Mount Wolf, Pa., June 19. —Major Charles H. May. who had been over seas with the American Expedition ary Forces, has been discharged from the Army, and is now visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. May. Major May will resume his practice as a physician. r WILDROOT* will improve hair or we pay you Wildroot is s guaranteed preparation which goes right at the hidden cause of coming baldness—the scaly, itchy crust of dandruff. Wildroot removes this crust allows nature to produce the thick lust rous hair normal to any healthy scalp. WILPBOOT THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For sal* her under a money-back guarantee H. C. KENNEDY Wildroot Shampoo Soap, nmd in connection with wildroot, will hasten the treatment. Reduce These Dangerous Swollen Veins Physicians are prescribing and hos pitals are using a new and harmless, yet very powerful germicide that not only causes enlarged or varicose veins and bunches to become normal, but also reducss goiter, enlarged glands and wens. Ask any first class druggist for an original two-ounce bottle of Moone's Emerald ©il (full strength) and re i fuse to accept anything In its place. It ! is such a highly concentrated prep aration that two ounces lasts a long I time and furthermore If this wonder ful discovery does not produce the re sults anticipated, you can have the price refunded. It Is not wise for anyone to allow swollen veins to keep on enlarging. Often they burst and cause weeks of pain, suffering and loss of employ ment. Start the Emerald Oil treat ment as directions advise and im provement will begin at. once. Your druggist can supply you- KURTZ MEMORIAL PLAYFMJD OPENS People of Gettysburg Make Merry With Ball Games and Picnic Parties Gettysburg, Pa., June 19.—Formal opening of the Kurtz Memorial play ground occurred yesterday and the event took on a regular community picinic aspect. The townspeople turned out in force and the play ground was a merry place from morning until darkness put a stop to the festivities. Races, baseball games and games for younger chil dren consumed the time and the thing was so planned that there was not an idle moment during the day. Many persons took their lunch along and spent the day on the grounds. Mrs. Helfrtch, of Baltimore, has been secured to direct the play of the boys and girls during the sum mer. FESTIVAL AT DAUPHIN Dauphin, Pa., June 19.—T0 raise money for further improvements at the local Methodist Episcopal par sonage, the Ladies' Aid Society will hold a festival and bake on the town square on Saturday evening. If raining the festival will be held in the I. O. O. F. hall. HECK TON SERVICES POSTPONED Dauphin, Pa., June 19.—0n ac count of the heavy rain Sunday evening, the Children's Day services at the Heckton Methodist Episcopal church, have been postponed to next Sunday morning at 10.30. The Chil dren's Day exercises at Dauphin will be held in the evening at 7.30. 1 ''lii;::! 1 : 11 !•> i-= ■ ■: ii":^:si.t-': r sfe: ~:-.-.j ■ ' H jj 28-30-32 North Third Street s | #OO New Summer Frocks 1 Fen/ Special Friday and Saturday ijg ||j Oitr most comprehensive lines of pocks for women, misses and stout women, portraying the season's exclusive and charming jjj models in the most desirable materials and colors. A perusal of these items will give you some idea of the wide scope from which you may select your summer frocks. I fl H • _ US Misses' Summer Frocks Sizes 14 to 20 §§§§ lep =--= SB Figured voiles in various designs, ginghams in a splendid assortment of colors. Smart models. Also white linon in aviation models. H 81 Women's and Misses' Frocks Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 46 White voile frocks, lace trimmed, hem- stitched and tucked models, some with net in- *P I I J'Ov sert. A very wide assortment at this price. Women's and Misses' Frocks Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 42 Organdies, ginghams, voiles, plain colors and <% /-w-v figures in the daintiest effects, new collar and $1 iY cuff effects. B S | Women's and Misses' Frocks I Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 44 Also Stout Sizes Ssg= Anderson's ginghams, dark fipred voiles, jjji Q. 75 organdies, dark and light materials, very ef- JL i 7 fective collars, belts, cuffs a#d pockets. B 1 Women's and Misses' Frocks I Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 44 Anderson ginghams with dainty organdie j vests, French voiles in pastel shades, smart or gjp , gandies All in the choicest colors and pat- UALU terns. J Women's and Misses' Dresses I ■ Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 44 Very fine georgette Dresses, white, flesh, henna, navy, tan, Saxon blue, beaded models $ and plain. Some tucked. Exclusive models tJtJ and exceptionally low priced. JUNE 19, 1919. "Aunt Sallie" Holman's Eighty-Seventh Birthday Liverpool, Pa., June 19.—Mtb. Sal lie Holman, familiarly known as "Aunt Sallie," recently celebrated her eighty-seventh birthday by re ceiving a post card shower, flowers and greetings from het- large circle of friends. "Aunt Sallie" is much Improved in health and has quite a reputation as a knitter for Uncle Sam's boys. Socks, wristlets and other knitted articles by the scores were made by Aunt Sallle's nimble and skilful finders. COMPENSATION FOR DEATH Lewlntown, Pa., June 19. Mrs. George Miller has been awarded com pensation for the death of her hus band last October. Mr. Miller, an em ploye of the Standard Steel Works, was struck back of the head by a large iron hook at the plant in Oc tober, and about a week afterward LetCuticuraße Yonr Beauty Doctor DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Open All Year. Enter Any Time. Individual Promotion. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 MARKET ST. i Bell 12ft (Opp. Senate) Dial 4014 ho died from the effects of the in jury. Now hia wife has been award ed sll for herself and $6 for three children of tender years, this amount to be paid to her for 300 weeka. Blood-Iron Phosphate Makes Thin Folks Fat If you are weak, thin and emaciat ed and can't put on flesh or get strong, no matter how much you eat, go to Geo. A. Gorgas and get enough Blood-Iron Phosphate for a three weeks' treatment—it costs only 50 cents a week —and take as directed. If at the end of three weeks you don't feel stronger and better than you have for months; if your eyea aren't brighter and your nerves steadier: if you don't sleep better, and your vim. vigor and vitality aren't more than doubled, or If you haven't put on several pounds of good stay-there flesh, you can have you money back for the asking and Blood-Iron Phosphate will cost you nothing.