Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 19, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Keep your fears to yourself, but
share your courage with others.—lt. L.
MT. UNION is planning a big
welcome home for the town's
Eoldiers, sailors and marines
on the Fourth of July. Mt. Union is
entitled to celebrate. Not only did it
send an exceptionally large number
of men into the service, but those
who remained at home were en
gaged for the most part in turning
out war supplies. The town met its
quota, and more, in every war serv
ice and Liberty Loan drive, and
otherwise conducted itself like the
patriotic American community it is.
There is something more than
usually attractive in the kind of
demonstration the town proposes. It
is to be a real old-fashioned Fourth
of July celebration—the kind that
breeds patriots, the kind that used
to make for the lads of the smaller
towns of the country the "Glorious
Fourth," tfre best holiday of the
whole year. You perhaps recall the
way they used to observe the day
"back, home" —the village cannon
saluting the deep resplendent red
of the rising sun, the fleecy white
clouds and the azure blue of the sky
at daybreak; the hurried breakfast,
the paper torpedoes and the fire
crackers,the flags flying everywhere,
the military company, the band, the
firemen, the veterans, and the school
children in parade, and fiery old one
armed Major So-and-So repeating in
language that searched the diction
ary for superlatives the sentiment of
the day that—"America, the great
est nation under the sun, with one
hand tied behind her back and blind
folded, could lick all creation."
Then back for the big Fourth of
July dinner, with three ot four
helpings of home-made ice cream,
out again for field sports in the
afternoon and then more banging of
"squibs" until it was time for the
fireworks. "Glorious Fourth?" You've
said it, friend.
Well, something like that's the
idea the Mt. Union committee has in
mind. Sometimes we wish we lived
in a town that hadn't forgotten the
homely,* wholesome customs that
marked American life less than a
' generation ago. There was no need
for classes in Americanism in those
Speaking of the Penn-Harris Hotel,
was ever a great community effort so
promptly crowned with success? Not
only the people of Harrisburg, but
thousands of visitors are singing the
praises of the hotel far and wide.
ISN'T it about time our President,
so prone to shed tears over the
iniquities of Central Europe,
turns his attention to Japan and
Korea? Do we, who sent our armies
overseas to throw the Hun out of
Belgium and France, want to be tied
hard fast to a nation that is doing
in Korea what Japan at this time is
reported as doing? A thousand times
no, and the sooner the Japs learn
how we feel about it, the better.
An American missionary has been
sentenced to six months in prison
because he did what any American
of courage would have done under
the circumstances —sheltered fleeing
Koreans from the wrath of armed
Japanese. American travelers write
home that Korean men, women and
children have been put to death and
thousands of others grossly mis
treated by the iron-handed Japs who
rule the country. Japan is doing to
Korea precisely what Germany tried
to do to Belgium, and just about.as
ruthlessly. She wants Korea's wealth.
All her fine claims of giving Korea
good government are disproved by
the facts. The Japs are fast display
ing traits that may soon change their
nickname from "the Yankees of the
East" to "the Germans of the East."
Yet our members of the peace
commission blandly announce that
Japan is to be made a party to the
iLeague of Nations. That being so
Lend Korea rising in revolt, are we
in the United States expected to send
troops to help the Japanese keep
these liberty-loving people under
their thumb? No draft law that
Congress could devise would be
strong enough to create an army In
the United States to send on such
an errand.
Our sympathies lie all In the other
direction. We are too near our own
War of the Revolution and the love
of liberty is too strong in our hearts
for it to be otherwise. On the other
hand, it is difficult to see how we can
long avoid protesting to Japan
against her course in Korea. League
or no league, Americans cannot
stand by and see an inoffensive na
tion badly used without putting in
a word for the under dog. And they
do not much like the idea of being
bound by any agreement to a country
that acts toward another as Japan
is conducting itself toward Korea.
Mayor Keister is taking the proper
course in the matter of a noisy Fourth
of July. There is no occasion to re
sume the pre-war racket and beside
the intolerable noise of explosives,
there is the added menace of fire and
in.iury to countless children. The
Mayor will have the approval of all
good citizens in his decision.
ACCORDING to the Literary Di
gest, the whole country is all
"het up" as to what we shall
substitute for strong drink in case
Congress thoughtlessly ignores Presi
dent Wilson's eloquent plea in be
half of the beneficent saloon. Sug
gestions that range all the way from
Spanish mate—a South American
tea with a "kick"—to ginger pop,
have been offered and every day
brings forth a new "soft drink."
But we have our own Meas on the
subject. You recall sundry and de
lightful early experiences with
home-made lemon or winter-green
beer? Well, that's it. A decade or
two ago the mother of a family
of thirsty boys realized that some
how, somewhere those thirsts were
bound to be quenched, and she had
no notion of surrendering her pets
to the tender mercies of a tavern
keeper who dealt in stock ale, lager
beer and dark brown tastes. No
indeed, she just turned her attention
to lemon beer, and let the whole
family in on the brewing of it.
You remember how you ran away
to the old woman around the cor
ner who "kept yeast" and bought a
penny's worth? A penny made a bet
ter showing those duys than a nickel
does now. And with what enthus
iasm you scrubbed a wash-tub in
which to mix the beer, how ener
getically you scalded bottles and l
how jealously you guarded the con- I
coction as it fermented in the sun.
And by and by there came a day
when it was ready and bottle after
bottle lay cooling in a damp cor
ner of the cellar. Witlj what anti
cipation you jiggled a bottle to gen
erate a "bead," how you swigged
the delectable, foaming contents, or
drank deeply a glass with a big slab
of ginger bread on the side.
Substitute for strong drink? Why
give us lemon beer, the homemade
variety, the kind mother used to
make, and plenty of ginger cake of
the same vintage and origin to keep
it company.
American labor has been dignified
in the attitude of the Federation of
Labor toward the Russian Soviets. No
greater reflection upon the intelligent
workingmen of the United States
could be invited than formal recogni
tion of the so-called Red government
of Russia.
AGAIN, with the coming of the
vacation period, we hear a
great deal of yawping on the
part of obsessed pedagogues on the
folly of closing schools during the
summer, the old argument being
put forth that "the child loses val
uable time," "that the period of
school discipline is interrupted" and
one writer points out that these
"two months of idleness annually
are responsible for an additional
year in school.
It never appears to enter the
minds of these enthusiasts that there
is anything in child life beyond the
public school system. They have
reached a pass where to them the
school room is the center of the
universe and the only factor in
childhood worth considering. But
wiser, if not so highly educated per
sons, know that there is much more
than knowledge of textbooks in the
rearing of a boy or girl, and there
are even some brash enough
to suggest that there can be too
much haste in rushing the little lad
from short frocks to long trousers
For ourselves, we are inclined to
sympathize with the fond parent
who wrote the following:
Don't be in a hurry with little
God knew 'twould take years
for a man to grow,
He knew the job would be very
So don't you be In a hurry with
Perhaps Jim is wasteful, per
haps he is slow.
Perhaps doesn't think that his
elders know,
Well, that's the way God grows a
If it could be done better (you
know God can).
He would have tried some other
Yes. but He didn't; so don't you
Jim stumbles to-day, but he'll
come right yet.
God knew 'twould take years to
glow a man,
He knew the Job would be slow
and long,
To grow a man with a will that
is strong,
A will'that- will break every stone
in his way,
A will that will climb to God's
mountain height.
A will that will bend every
force to the right,
A will-that will bring a new, glor
ious day;
If God can wait for little Jim,
Then don't you be in a hurry
with him.
We violate no confidence (n ex
pressing the opinion that "yoh can
not put old heads on young should
ers," twelve months of BChool or
ten to the year,
By the Kx-Committeeman
It is becoming very apparent that
some of the occurrences of this Leg
islature are going to be used to the
limit as campaign thunder not only
in county and city elections this
fall, but next year as well. In fact
the campaign of 1920 may have
been said to have started this month.
United States Senator Boies Pen
rose has been here from week to
week displaying the greatest inter
est in the reform legislation while
his opponents have been losing no
opportunity to say things about him.
It is more than suspected that the
oratorical fireworks in the House
yesterday was preliminary to the
Philadelphia mayoralty fight and the
second and third class city legisla
tion has been used hard to get things
in shape for this fall.
One of the interesting sights of the
recent days has been the foregath
ering of the old progressive element
with the Vare people and the comb
ining of the Granger group with the
labor forces. It all indicates inter
esting political times to come."
And as though to keep the Demo
cratic party on the map, although
it does not have thirty members in
the whole Legislature, Attorney
General A. Mitchell Palmer, as Dem
ocratic national committeeman from
Pennsylvania, sends words to the
Democrats to vote for woman suf
frage and not let the Republicans
get all the credit.
—The Philadelphia Inquirer in the
course of some discussion of Larry
Eyre's ill-fated bill to restore the
old state conventions says the Ches
ter county Senator: "Admiringly
displayed the result of his handiwork
to his colleagues, but he did not get
very far for the chloroform treat
ment of the big leaders soon gave it
its quietus. Penrose could not see
any popular demand for it. Sproul
did very well in running for Gov
ernor under the uniform primary
and no one closely affiliated with his
administration gave the Eyre propo
sition any encouragement. Penrose
is now running for re-election to the
United States Senate. To be sure, he
has not announced his candidacy, but
the mileage record of his automobile
tires speaks louder than words to
the voters who see his big red tour
in car moving from county to
county day. after day. The United
States Senatorial election takes place
next year, Presidential year, and,
up to date, Penrose is the only one
in the running. The perennial Pin
chot, if not otherwise engaged, may
confer another favor upon the 'Big
Grizzley,' as Penrose is styled, by
running as his competitor for the
Republican nomination."
—The Sproul veto of the second
class city police magistrate bill is
being generally commended editor
ially. The Pittsburgh Gazette-Times
and Dispatch both praise the Gov
ernor and the Scranton Republican,
representing the other second class
city, comes in with an editorial of
like tenor, which says: "Governor
Sproul has acted wisely in vetoing
the bill applying to cities of the sec
ond class, which would have meant
five police magistrates for Scranton
at a considerable increase in the ex
penses of the city, more than it can
afford to assume at a time when
expenditures are high and money
is so badly needed for necessary im
provements. There is a law on the
statute books which empowers
'Rrranton to appoint more police
magistrates should they be needed.
The city is doing very well with a
single magistrate. Mayor Connell
registered a strong protest against
the bill in the interests of the people
of this city."
—Some of the Central Pennsyl
vania Democrats are going to
Scranton next week to attend the
Palmer dinner, but there is a dis
position on the part of Philadelphia
I and Pittsburgh Democrats to hold
back and see who is going and what
turns up.
—Lackawanna county Prohibi
tionists, who always start some
thing, are going to have an open air
rally on Saturday. It would be a
fitting preparation for the Palmer
—John C. Winston, chairman of
the Philadelphia charter committee,
says that it is now up to the people
of Philadelphia to work out their
destiny under the new charter.
—Gilbert F. Myer, the Democratic
end of the Allegheny County Com
missioners, is out as a candidate for
renomination and gets considerable
space in Republican newspapers
about it.
—The city of Wilkes-Barre has
terminated its contract with a New
York civil engineer employed to de
sign a disposal contract on the
ground that it has not enough money
to do all the things required.
—Schuylkill county people are of
the opinion that County Commis
sioner William S. Lcib, acquitted on
the forgery charge in his county,
will be a candidate for election as a
—Without debate or a record
vote, the Senate yesterday passed on
second reading the Phipps resolu
tion to ratify the suffrage amend
ment to the Federal Constitution. It
is understood that enough Senators
friendly to suffrage will remain here
to-morrow to pass the resolution so
it can go over to the House and pos
sibly be read a first time in that
body. If the Senate does not dispose
of the question to-morrow, rapid
work will be necessary in the House
next week,
Clerks, stenographers, bookkeepers
and other office workers have formed
a union organization in Philadelphia
and have affiliated with the Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
The projected electrification of all
the railways in Switzerland will give
work to thousands of munition-work
ers who have been thrown out of
work since the signing of the armis
.Organized painters in Davenport,
lowa, have won their fight against
wage reductions and the contractors
have now signed an agreement meet
ing their demands.
Hamilton (Ont.) bricklayers, who
have been receiving 70 cents an hour,
now demand $1 for all work done
during the coming season.
Sheet iron is rolled so thin at the
Pittsburgh iron mills that 15,000
sheets are required to make a single
Inch in thickness.
Packing-house workers in Toronto,
Canada, have organized a union with
the idea of securing advanced wages.
Owing to the absence of overseas
markets, several Australian mines
have been compelled to shut down,
throwing gevcral thousand workmen
out of employment.
To TA^esiA-fiooDTwi^
£OVS- OF FRdNI UNt> e nt. TAKC.^A j JBT?aceu l
The Industrial Titan of America
A Great Story of Pennsylvania's Wonderful Resources, by John Oliver La Gorce
ltrprinted From National Geographic Magazine With Special I"rrmlion
Cities Which Boast Superlative
Each of the State's lesser centers
of population possesses some indus
try in which its citizens experience
justifiable pride. tlarrisburg, in ad
dition to enjoying the distinction of
being the Commonwealth capital, is
one of the principal railroad centers
of the East, while one of its sub
urbs indicates its name, Steclton,
the nature of its industrial interests.
Johnstown, likewise, is an iron and
steel center.
If quantity and quality of the
manufactured product signify, Al
lentown is the world's cement capi
tal, for two-fifths of America's out
put is produced within a radius of
twenty miles of this beautiful city
of homes, which is also noted for its
Walk from one end of its main
street to the other in the summer
time, and every lamp-post you see
supports a basket of flowers. Think
of a bouquet-studded street several
miles long. In the winter ever
greens take the place of the blos
soms in the baskets. The effect is
charming. But it is characteristic
of Allentown and the spirit of Penn
The importance of Altoona's rail
toad shops is indicated in the fact
that nearly half as many people
found employment in them before
the war as were required to man
the Federal Government machine in
Lancaster's claim to fame is ex
pressed in three superlatives: the
largest linoleum factory, the largest
umbrella factory, and the largest
silk mill in the world. In addition,
its output of books and magazines
devoted to science is extraordinary,
and its stockyards are the most ex
tensive east of Chicago. One of the
finest watch factories in the world
is located here, and, although its
industries give employment to 23,-
000 operatives, the city has never
had a strike.
York prides itself on the diversity
of its industries rather than upon
the magnitude of any one, and in
this particular it takes rank after
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Mc-
Keesport's pride is the largest tin
plate plant in the world is justified,
while Newcastle produces more tin
in sheets and blocks than any other
city; Chester is a veritable Vulcan
shop, with ships sliding* from the
ways, locomotives rumbling from its
shops, and shells coming by the
carload, in war time, from its mu
nitions plants.
And so the story goes, from Penn
sylvania city to Pennsylvania city.
YVhere the ambition of one turns in
I the direction of silk, or tin, or heavy
forgings, another is the center of
a rich agricultural district, or finds
gratification in the fact that it is
distinguished for safeguarding and
[From the New York Times]
"Think nationally," said President
Roosevelt. It was perhaps the
greatest thing ho ever said, address
ed as it was to a nation which still
sang "America" and described St
as a land of "rock-bound hills"—
a good enough description of Massa
chusetts, but not of South Dakota,
as Dr. Crothers, a Yankee himself,
has pointed out.
General Wood has the same idea.
We must, says he, "build 1 up a spirit
of national solidarity." It is not so
pungently put as Roosevelt put it,
but allowing for the temperamental
differences between the two men the
idea is the same. It is time to for
get the rocks and rills and remember
the red mud of the Red River of
the North, the snow-capped peak of
Mount Hood, the sycamores of the
Wabash, and the moss-hung trunks
of those strange gray willows in
New Orleans.
In this great land of all Ameri
cans, th% prairie men of Kansas and
the hard and silent mountaineers of
the Nevada. General Wood can find
no place for the red flag. "It stands
for nothing which our Government
stands for." A moderate statement,
but enough of itself to condemn the
red flag forevermore. It is not pos
sible to "think nationally," either
while men are trying to teach us to
think in terms of New England, the
South, or the West, or while they
are trying to teach us to think in
terms of classes that override na
tional boundaries. It is time to
think in the United States. Let us
I pay some attention to our country
at last, to the whole of It.
inproving its people's health. Take
a map of the State, and every dot
representing a commuity of 10,000
or more inhabitants wouid furnish a
text for an article on civic progress
or industrial enterprise.
Ouhside of Philadelphia, Penn
sylvania is much more populous
than is New York outside of New
Y'ork City. Indeed, Pennsylvania
goes down to Philadelphia with
6,325,000 population, while New
York goes down to the Bronx with
It is the large number of cities of
less than thirty thousand popula
tion that makes Pennsylvania, out
side of its chief city, such a popu
lous State.
A Monument to Religious Freedom
No bit of literature compiled re
garding Pennsylvania could fairly
represent the State without at least a
passing reference to the religious
sects which were transplanted there
in colonial times and which flourish
to this day in nearly their primitive
When William Penn founded his
colony, the central purpose of his
life was to establish an asylum
where the persecuted of all lands
could come and worship God ac
cording to their own consciences and
live according to their own religious
The Quakers came by the thou
sands. Their meetinghouses sprang
up everywhere. Not content to ex
press their religion in their walk
and conduct they gave it expression
in their dress and in their very
words. The broad-brimmed hat am
the Quaker bonnet were seen and
the "thee" and "thou" were heard
everywhere. The lives the Quakers
lived won the admiration of all who
came into contact with them, and
much of the solid development of
the State is due to the high standard
of integrity and fairness established
and maintained by these people of
Quaker faith.
Mennonites from Holland and
Switzerland and the Rhine country,
persecuted by nearly all creeds
alike, came in large numbers and
developed into the successful agri
culturists of the three original
counties. The Dunkers of Switzer
land came as a body, root and
branch. The Schwenkfelders of Si
lesia, distressed by persecutions that
were without pity, braved the per
ils of the raging* seas and untamed
forests in order to And a haven
where they could live in their faith.
The Moravians followed later, to
share with the other sects the bless
ings of tolerance in the land of
Humhle, unsung, content to play
their quiet roles without the ap
plause of men, like the bee that
renders an unconscious service to
the flower, these sects have wrought
richly in the making of the nation.
It seems like going back into an
earlier century to visit the cloisters
Germans Have Not Changed '
[Louis Graves in Atlantic Monthly]
A question that a good many of
us are asking is: How many Ger
mans are there who did not really
think their country was right in the
war, who did not sympathize with its
purposes, but whose voice was neces
sarily stilled while the fight was on?
if the number of these is as large
as some profess to believe, then
there may indeed soon be a liberal
We read of the National Assembly
at Weimar, and of the great voting
strength of so-called liberals and
radicals and republicans. But mean
while, from Berlin and other places
in the Fatherland —even from that
same National Assembly at Weimar
—we hear rumblings that sound very
like echoes of the old German spirit.
And here, in the American zone,
we find Von Ludendorff unpopular
only because he failed, the kaiser
pitied as a martyr, and Von Hinden
burg a popular idol, and are left
with the feeling that all these
parties, the Centrum, the People's
Democratic, the Majority Socialists,
and the rest, are shadowy things,
made up of Just —Germans.
By compulsion they may be kept
from continuing exactly the same
sort of Germans we have known in
the past; they may be patched up
and made over; but we here aie not
expecting to see any genuinely
changed Germans until, possibly, the
children who are now the playfellow?
of our American soldiers have bo
, come men and women.
Ephrata and Nazareth; it appears
passing strange to see the Amish
Mennonite, with his tailless coat and
broad-brimmed hat, on the streets
of progressive Lancaster; it sur
prises the visitor to Allentown to
hear well-dressed, up-to-date peo
ple, from court officer to manufac
turer, talking Pennsylvania Dutch!
Y'et millions of America's best
farmers inherited their command of
the soil from such ancestry; from
such simple folk have sprung scores
of governors of States, many jur
ists, a galaxy of educators, etc. The
Pennsylvania pietist, in his ascetic
way, has done his bit in making his
State what it is—and his part in
shaping the bone and sinew of the
Tlte State's Share in Making and
Preserving the Union
As for its history, whether in the
remoter period of colonial times or
in the. just-passing era of America's
activities in the world war; whether
in the battle for the establishment
of the Union or the struggle for
its maintenance, the Keystone State
has always played a role second to
no other Commonwealth. It was on
Pennsylvania soil that the Declara
tion of Independence was written;
that the disheartened colonists were
reorganized for victory at Valley
Forge, and upon which the Consti
tution of the United States was pro
It was from Pennsylvania that
the men came who shed the first
blood in the Civil War, and at Get
tysburg the tide against disunion
was turned, under the leadership
of a Pennsylvania soldier.
When America threw the weight
of its power into the balance in the
Armageddon of liberty in Europe,
Pennsylvania was in the van of those
ready for action.
No other division in France, out
side of the Regular Army forces,
was earlier in the fray than the
Twenty-Eighth, made up largely of
Kevßtone troops. With casualties
of 14,417 in the 177 days between
arrival at A. E. F. headquarters and
the armistice, the division made a
record not surpassed in the war. For
49 days it was in the very thick of
the hardest fighting of the conflict.
The State gave 298,000 men for
the Army. 29.000 for the Navy, and
3,000 for the Marine Corps—a grand
total of 3 30,000 men. to say nothing
of the hundreds of thousands of
workers in shipyards, munition
plants, etc., who answered their
country's call.
Of course. Pennsylvanians are
proud of their State's role in the
nation's activities. And the coming
of peace will find them at the fore
front of those who shall provide the
world with-the munitions of peace—
engines and cars, coal and steel, a
thousand commodities, in the mak
ing of which Pennsylvania serves
doubly—herself and the whole
[The Bache Review]
That German propaganda is be
ing used in every direction to force
concessions in the Peace Treaty is
shown in one instance in the fact
that Washington is said to be receiv
ing confidential official cables that
the war is not yet over and that a
"secret war" is being supervised by
Berlin, with the object of disinte
grating industry in all the victorious
and neutral countries. This, of
course, is being done with the idea
of getting popular and official senti
ment in line to become restive and
anxious, and to use its influence to
hasten the signing by advocating the
making of concessions to the Ger
mans in order to induce them to
No Occasion For Haste
[From the Kansas City Star]
Article X of the league covenant
puts this country under a moral ob
ligation to defend every boundary
established in Europe and Asia. This
is a tremendous responsibility.
The Senate is perfectly right in in
stating that the country shall not be
rushed off its feet to assume such
an obligation. The proposal ought
to be separated from the peace
treaty and receive the fullest possible
consideration. Many a presidential
campaign has been conducted on a
far less momentous Issue.
JUNE 19, 1919.'
No Wonder Germany Quit
EOPLE have often expressed
r" / their wonder at our success
in getting ships to France
without being torpedoed," said
Major Frank C. Mahin, of the Army
Recruiting Office, 325 Market street,
Harrisburg, "and as an explanation
I always tell my own experience. We
went over on the Leviathan in April,
1918, just at the time the submarine
campaign was at its height. There
were about thirteen thousand people
on board, crew and passengers, so
the Boche would have made some
haul if they had torpedoed us.
What a difference of that great liner
from peace times; instead of being
all lighted up inside and out, the
ship was absolute darkness outside;
and inside were a very, very few
lights painted blue so that they
only made a dull glow. At sunset
everyone was chased inside and sol.
dier sentries were posted on all
doors to prevent anyone going out.
No one was allowed to have either
matches or flashlights in their pos
session, so if you wanted to smoke
you had to hunt around in the dark
to find an electric lighter on the wall.
There were guards everywhere, sol
dier guards inside, and sailor
guards outside. After 10 o'clock no
one except members of the guard
were allowed to move around; no
one cared to for that matter, be
cause every guard had a loaded .45
automatic and their nerves were
decidedly high strung, further, we
were extremely suspicious that we
had spies on board, so if you did try
to 'mosey' around you stood an ex
cellent chance of getting shot. At
sunset every water-tight door was
closed and remained closed until 7
o'clock in the morning. The soldier
guards were picked men and were
permanently on duty and maybe
you think they didn't develop cat's
1 eyes in the dark. Every time a
; member of the guard felt a little
draft of fresh air three or four men
would instantly start out to trace
that draft to its origin. The rea
son was that we feared a spy might
open a porthole and signal a sub
marine, so we were taking absolute
ly no chances. The last night, run
ning into Brest. I was commanding
the guard and it surely was a nerve
racking night. We had a general
on board, commanding the troops,
and about 9 o'clock he decided to
make an inspection of the guard.
He left his stateroom and started up
the stairs. As he reached the top
an arm slipped around his neck, got
a strangle hold, he felt the muzzle
of a pistol against his ribs, and a
low voice growled in his ear 'Who
are you?' He hastily explained,
hands felt all over him and he was
allowed to proceed. He stepped up
to a door leading out on deck and
the same thing happened again. He
I then and there decided to find me
[ and get me to pilot him back to his
j stateroom before he got shot, so he.
| started to go down stairs to the
: guard room, when for a third time
] he was nearly strangled. Finally he
! found me and with tearful accents
| implored me to guide and guard him
I back to his room, as he had seen
more than enough of the efficiency
of the guard."
In Wet Days, Before the Dry
[From the Courier-Journal]
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch tells
of a carpet merchant who bought a
drug store and used the sign by
making it "Rug Store." Recalls the
purchase of a trunk factory by a
saloon man who insisted that the
sign went with the purchase and
made it, by a stroke of the brush,
"Drunk Factory."
—Mayor Babcock hag been called
to New York State by the death of
his father.
—T. W. Cunningham, leader in
the Philadelphia charter matter, has
been clerk of the courts for years.
—Senator P. C. Kncx has been
incited to go to Scranton to spealfc
on the League of Nations.
—Mayor Kennedy, of Carbondale,
rays he is personally going (o deco
rate each soldier as he comes home.
—James E. Doyle. Syracuse news
paperman; well known here, has
been named deputy commissioner
of public works for New York State.
.—Tliat Harrlsburg manufac
tures coal and ice wo&ons;
pretzels and bookbinders? .
—The last time the ferry here was
operated was in 1820. <
I Ifogttmg Otyai !
The Middle Division Veteran*" As—
soclation, which meets in twenty
third annual reunion here to-day,t
was organized in Harrisburg June 2Zu
1897, and during all the twentjr-twol
years since that time has not missed i
a 12-month period without
together to renew old friendships end i
to retell the thrilling stories of the I
epic days when the Pennsy was iizt
its infancy and railroading was ini
the making. Many of the men who<
were present at the or:flanization i
meeting have long since passed tot
their eternal reward and lots of
young fellows then just coming
the heydey of their railroad careerst
are now grayhaired veterans, Bom
of whom have gotten so far as places
of honor on the retired list of meiu
who have been pensioned by the*
company for their good work.
• * *
William B. McCaleb, then super-J
intendent of the Middle Division*
when the headquarters of that divi—
sion of the Pennsylvania railroadj
were in Harrisburg, sent out thai
call for the meeting and presided
over the opening sessions. The vet
erans got together in the rooms oC
the Pennsylvania Railroad T. M.<
C. A., which had been organized!
only a short time before and were,
at the time located on the secondl
floor of a building at the southwest!
Corner of Cumberland and Sixths
street, over a green goods store. (
Among those present were Frank H*
Gregory, the general secretary; Wel
lington G. Jones, who has since beers
made the only honorary member ofl
the association: Brooke Moore, theru
one of the most prominent men onj
the main line between
and Philadelphia; Clader Clemson.,
road foreman, who held the fate oC
the Middle division motive power inj
the hollow of his hand and was a.
power in Tenth ward politics and
city council; James Cullen, of Sprue®
Creek, the oldest man then in the ac
tive service of the road and a gen
eral favorite; George P. Chandler,
who became treasurer of the asso
ciation and acted as such for many*
years; the late W. B. Steinmetz, them
an engineer, afterward assistant road
foreman of engines;; the late David
T. Cramer, of Mifflin, head of the
coal wharves and water station at
that place, and member of the fa
mous Cramer family of seven broth
ers, all holding official positions
with the Pennsylvania railroad from
its very foundation; the late James
Wells, then master mechanic, pop
ularly known as "Jim" Wells, and a
host of others equally well known in
their day. It was a gathering of the
Pennsy clans if there ever was one
and in that circle were men who
had been in the service of the road
since its first track was laid, and
some of them had hecn drivers oai
the old canal even before that time.
Some good stories were told on
that occasion. "I remember," raid
David T. Cramer, "when the first
engine arrived in Altoona. It looked
-more to me like a pile of fence
rails on wheels with a smokestack
up in the front, than it did a mod
ern locomotive. But it could whistle.
My how it could whistle! The na
tives of the town—not a city then,
the place being in its infancy and!
only a sprawling village—discovered!
the noise-making abilities of this,
newly arrived wonder. It held them
fascinated. The engineer, proud as.
a peacock to have so much power
at his command and the center of an
admiring throng, tooted his whistle
until the wheezy old locomotive had
hardly enough steam left to move
her. The excitement ran high and
spread. Next day people came from
miles around to hear the engine
• •
This same Cramer had six brothers
in the service of the road, James,
who held what amounted almost to a
superintendency in Altoona; William,
who had an important official posi
tion at the same place; Wilson, who
was train dispatcher at Mifflin; Dafl
iel, who was stationmaster at the
same place, and George, who was
at one time superintendent of'ti>
old Philadelphia terminal division,
and in his declining years was li
brarian at Broad Street Station. All
of them were well known in the
service and S. Blair Cramer, a son
of Wilson, succeeded his father at
Mifflin. James McCrea Cramer, vet
eran of the Tenth Regiment in the
Philippines, former treasurer of
Westmoreland county, and recently
candidate for State Treasurer on the
Democratic ticket, who is an en
gineer on the Pennsy,- and William
Cramer, in charge of car movement
on the Middle Division, with head
quarters at Dunholm, near Mifflin,
are sons of David Cramer, who in his
time was not only a railroad man of
prominence, but wrote many rail
road stories and anecdotes for mag
azines and was for years a con
tributor to the railroad column of
the Pittsburgh Post.
• • •
Mr. Clemson and Brooke Moore are
living retired. Mr. Moore dividing
hls time largely between his Cumber
land coMnty home and his summer
place at Juniata Bridge. They are
of the old school of railroad men
who remember the times when loco
motives burned wood and when
every engineer bad to be a mechanic
as well as familiar with the driving
machinery of his engine. They tell
some rare old tales of early days
on the Middle Division. Another
well known member of the organiza
tion is Martin G. Stoner, former*
Select /Councilman under the old
system and for years chairman of the
city's sanitary committee, then in
charge of the health bureau of Har
risburg. He is a prominent brother
hood man and in addition to being
a veteran of the rail is also a veteran,
of the Civil War. being one of the
men who stood guard over Jefferson
Davis after the one-time president
of the Confederacy had been cap
tured and locked un in one of the
casement cells of Fortress Monroe
at Old Point Comfort.
• • •
Railroading has changed In the.
twenty years of the Middle Division
Veterans' Association and many of
the Old faces are gone. But the or
ganization carries along the trad
!tions of the road and its motto al
wayp has been "Keep the Pa. the
-tnndard road of America and the
best railroad svstem in the world."
• * •
"There are more bass spawning
this summer than we have known
for a lone, long time and unless T
miss mv guess we are going to have
a fine bass season this year." said
commissioner of Fisheries Nathan
R. Buller.
• • •
Tt's odd how names cling. The
other day some one remarked tipon
the fact that a man of a certain
-erne was engaged in work at a cer
tain p'ace ten years ago. It hap
onned that some one remarked that
Tncoh Smith was connected with the.
Bolton barbershop flftv years ago.
end that there is another Jacoh(
Smith working there now. . >